Proceedings of the International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC 2021)

162 authors
Priyatni, Endah Tri
WISE (Wondering-Investigating-Synthesizing-Expressing)
Purwasito, Andrik
Local Online Media Framing Concerning Prospective Candidates of Regional Election in Pacitan 2020
Pusposari, Dewi
The Representation of Symbolic Violence Endured by the Female Characters in Korean Drama Strong Woman Do Bong
Putra, W.T.G.
“Sungkeman” During a Pandemic, What Do We Miss? An Autoethnography
Quinn, George
Digital Technology and the Resurrection of Modern Literature in Javanese: Redefining Indonesia’s Mono-Lingual Literary Nationalism?
R.A., Nuruddin Aniq Z.
Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
Rahayuningtyas, Wida
Application of Activity Oriented Design (AOD) in the Development of E-Learning Tari Daerah Malang
Rahmanto, M.I.
“Sungkeman” During a Pandemic, What Do We Miss? An Autoethnography
Rais, Wakit Abdullah
Local Online Media Framing Concerning Prospective Candidates of Regional Election in Pacitan 2020
Rini, Denik Ristya
Virtual Zoo: Learning Media Based on Augmented Reality for Early Childhood
Rochmah, Luthfi Maulida
The Pocket Dictionary of Arabic Function Words: Design and Development
Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective
Learners’ German Speaking Difficulties: A Case Study in Indonesia
Rosidah, Ilmiyatur
Reconstructing the Icon of Kota Santri Through Language Used in Public Places: A Linguistic Landscape in Pasuruan City
Sayono, Joko
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Schön, Sandra
Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
Sharif, Tengku Intan Suzila Tengku
The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students
Slamet, Joko
Lecturers’ Perspectives Through E-learning by Using Moodle for Post-Graduate Students at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo
Sobara, Iwa
Experienced Emotions of Indonesian Students During the PASCH-Jugendkurs
Subandiyah, Heny
Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
WISE (Wondering-Investigating-Synthesizing-Expressing)
Sulaeman, Erwin
Delphi: Exploring Online Teaching Key Essential Skills for 21st Century Teachers
Sulistyorini, Dwi
Power Hegemony in Pasarean Mount Kawi over Ngalab Berkah Myth
Sultoni, Achmad
The Implementation of Project Based Learning Paper in the Course of Islam Religious Education Learning to Increase 21st Century Skills of University Students
Sultoni, Achmad
Women Right and Gender Equality in Islam: A Survey of Students Perception on Feministic Discourse
Independent Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality to Improve Foreign Language Skills
An Experimental Approach in Implementation of Virtual Reality for Improving Psychomotor Skill in Listening Course
Suryati, Nunung
Students’ Perception on the Utilization of for Self-Study Materials
Susanti, Elly Rosalina
Students’ Perception on the Utilization of for Self-Study Materials
Suseno, Muchlas
Delphi: Exploring Online Teaching Key Essential Skills for 21st Century Teachers
Susilowati, Novi Eka
Learning Materials of Indonesian for Foreign Speakers for Academic Purposes: What Do Students Need?
Susilowati, Novi Eka
Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
Sutarno, Sutarno
Segata Buhaga Sasimbatan: An Oral Poetry of Lampungnese Youth in Tanjungan Village Tanggamus Regency
Suwignyo, Heri
Theoretical Reconstruction for Students’ Critical Writing Competences Based on Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s (KHD) Among System
Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Syahbana, Joesron Ali
Merti Kali: River Conservation Based on Local Wisdom
Syahputri, Desy Ratna
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Thoriquttyas, Titis
Women Right and Gender Equality in Islam: A Survey of Students Perception on Feministic Discourse
Ul, Lukluk
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for 10th-Grade Topic Self-Introduction Based on Flipbook
Usman, Rizman
The Effectiveness of Advance Organizer Learning Approach in Teaching Reading Narrative Text for First Year High School Students
Ventivani, Aiga
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for 10th-Grade Topic Self-Introduction Based on Flipbook
Ventivani, Aiga
Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
Ventivani, Aiga
Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
W., Agnisa Maulani
Virtual Zoo: Learning Media Based on Augmented Reality for Early Childhood
W., Retno Tri
Virtual Zoo: Learning Media Based on Augmented Reality for Early Childhood
Wahyuningtyas, Tri
Application of Activity Oriented Design (AOD) in the Development of E-Learning Tari Daerah Malang
Wardhana, Mitra Istiar
Design Elements on Wedding Planner Platforms as the Fundamental of User Interface Design
Widiati, Utami
The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students
Widiati, Utami
Perceptions of EFL Teachers, EFL Students, and Parents About Extensive Listening Materials for Online Learning
Widodo, J. Priyanto
Lecturers’ Perspectives Through E-learning by Using Moodle for Post-Graduate Students at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo
Widyatmoko, Tiksno
Independent Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality to Improve Foreign Language Skills
Widyatmoko, Tiksno
An Experimental Approach in Implementation of Virtual Reality for Improving Psychomotor Skill in Listening Course
Wiranda, Nuruddin
The Development of E-Poetry as Indonesian Poetry Paraphrasing Media
Wisesa, Agnisa Maulani
Self-Conducted Learning Experience for Homecoming Animation Students During Pandemic
Wulandari, Badriyah
Reconstructing the Icon of Kota Santri Through Language Used in Public Places: A Linguistic Landscape in Pasuruan City
Wulaningratri, Gabrielle Princessa
Design Elements on Wedding Planner Platforms as the Fundamental of User Interface Design
Wulyani, Anik Nunuk
Perceptions of EFL Teachers, EFL Students, and Parents About Extensive Listening Materials for Online Learning
Yanhua, Zhao
Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
Yutima, Ellydza
Delphi: Exploring Online Teaching Key Essential Skills for 21st Century Teachers