Proceedings of the International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Technology (ICTLT 2023)
122 authors
- Sutinah, Cucun
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sutinah, Cucun
- Climate Change: STEM Project and Systems Thinking for Holistic Solutions
- Sutinah, Cucun
- ChatGPT and Education: A Scopus Bibliometric Analysis
- Suwarma, Irma Rahma
- STEM Learning: How Can Environmental Issues Stimulate Elementary School Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities?
- Syaodih, Ernawulan
- Climate Change: STEM Project and Systems Thinking for Holistic Solutions
- Syaodih, Ernawulan
- Elementary School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in A Virtual Laboratory Activity
- Syaripudin, Tatang
- ChatGPT and Education: A Scopus Bibliometric Analysis
- Trisniarti, Susanti
- Saguru Application Development (Teacher Administration System) Based On An Independent Curriculum To Increase The Teachers Pedagogical Competence Of Early Childhood Education
- Vigiana, Rayan
- Ecological Intelligence: Analysis of Elementary School Teacher Education Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Ecoliteracy in Social Studies Learning
- Wahyuningsih, Yona
- How is the Development of Peaceable School Program in Primary School’ Conflict Resolution? Analysis of Bibliometric using Vosviewer
- Wardani, Duhita Savira
- Peer-Review Statements
- Westhisi, Sharina Munggaraning
- Edutainment Storytelling Method: Can the Folding Puppet Stage Improve Children’s Social Emotional Development?
- Widodo, Ari
- Climate Change: STEM Project and Systems Thinking for Holistic Solutions
- Widodo, Ari
- STEM Learning: How Can Environmental Issues Stimulate Elementary School Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities?
- Widodo, Ari
- Elementary School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in A Virtual Laboratory Activity
- Widodo, Ari
- Investigating Indonesian Students’ Meta-Affective of Positive and Negative Affect in Science Learning
- Wikanengsih
- Development of Teaching Materials for Writing Description Text Using A Contextual Approach to Improve Writing Ability in Junior High School Students: Photography as A Media
- Wulandari, Medita Ayu
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wulandari, Medita Ayu
- Conceptual Knowledge of Civic Education: In-depth Interviews at Primary School
- Wulandari, Medita Ayu
- Critical Thinking Skill: Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge and Its Learning Strategy
- Wulandari, Medita Ayu
- Validation of Learning Resources for Teacher in Implementing “Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila” (P5) in Elementary School
- Wulansuci, Ghina
- Saguru Application Development (Teacher Administration System) Based On An Independent Curriculum To Increase The Teachers Pedagogical Competence Of Early Childhood Education