Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020)

344 authors
Hidayat, Nadiya Nurhamidah
The Development of Comics as a Media to Improve Japanese Writing Skill
Idris, Nuny Sulistyani
Profile of Self-Assessment Use in Learning Indonesian Language at the Senior High School
Ihsan, Muhammad Gani Qodratul
Attitudes Towards Indonesian Varieties by Jakarta Indonesian-Speaking Adolescents in Depok City
Imperiani, Ernie D. A.
Investigating Language Shift Among Minangnese Second Generations in North Bandung
Irsyady, Kamran Asat
Religion, Education, and Pluralism
Isnendes, Chye Retty
Mamaos Art at Sanggar Sekar Panghegar in Cianjur City
Isnendes, Retty
The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari
Iswara, Agus Ari
The Form and Use of Dysphemism in Hoax
Jacobs, Azalia Ambia
Prostitution and the Sugar Baby Phenomenon in France
Ja’far, Handoko
Construction and Implication of New Covid-19 Pandemic Words
Juanda, Mochammad Rizki
A Comparison of Rhetorical Moves in Students’ Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts
Juangsih, Juju
Phonological Process Analysis of Shukuyakukei (Contracted Form) in Gintama Hōsōkyoku
Judiasri, Melia Dewi
Designing Daily Life Manner in Japan as an Effort to Understand the Japanese Culture
Juwita, Mariza
Effectiveness and Teachers’ Confidence in E-Learning Usage in Teaching and Learning English during Covid 19 Pandemic at a University
Juwita, Mariza
Enhancing EFL Students’ Soft and Hard Skills through Blended Learning Activities
Kaluge, Teresa Angelina
The University Student Voices on Online Language Classes during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Kania, Kiki
Code-Switching and Code-Mixing by Japanese Language Learners in Cultural Exchange Activity
Kardiansyah, M. Yuseano
The Translator’s Strategy as a Cultural Mediator in Translating Indonesian Novel into English
Karimah, Iim Siti
Think, Talk, Write Strategy in French Writing Skill Learning
Khairani, Anisya Firdha
Google Translate in Perceptions of German Language Students
Kholifah, Asrofin Nur
Multilingualism Through Linguistic Landscapes in Baturraden Tourism Resorts
Koswara, Dedi
The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari
Kurnia, Dian Sudaryuni
Character Traits Oriented Learning Material Model as a Strategy to Strengthen the Character for Early Childhood
Kurnia, Lilawati
Transcultural Perspective on German Colonialism in Ferdinand May’s Sturm über Südwest-Afrika
Kurniasari, Yohana Rina
Socratic Seminar Method to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Indonesian Language Learning
Kurniasih, Puri
A New Horizon of Hyperreality
Kurniawan, Dedy
Effectiveness and Teachers’ Confidence in E-Learning Usage in Teaching and Learning English during Covid 19 Pandemic at a University
Kurniawan, Eri
Move Analysis of English Language Teaching Research Article Abstracts in National Journal
Kurniawan, Eri
The Usage of Prefixes {me(N)-} and {nge-} in 4 Year- Old Children
Kurniawan, Eri
Analysis of Thematic Roles in Acquisition of Active and Passive Sentence on Four-Year-Old Children
Kurniawan, Eri
A Comparison of Rhetorical Moves in Students’ Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts
Kurniawan, Eri
The Phenomenon of Absurdity in Comics
Kurniawan, Eri
Move Analysis of Tourism Research Article Abstracts in National and International Journal Articles
Kurniawan, Eri
Analysis of Move and Linguistic Features in Indonesian and English Humanities Dissertation Abstracts
Kurniawan, Khaerudin
The Effect of Implementing Listening Teams Strategy on Students’ Critical Listening Ability
Kushartanti, Bernadette
Patterns and Functions of the Word Terus in Four-to-Five-Year-Old Children’s Speech
Kushartanti, Bernadette
Attitudes Towards Indonesian Varieties by Jakarta Indonesian-Speaking Adolescents in Depok City
Kusrini, Dewi
Factors Influencing the Successful Implementation of Prospective Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou Careworkers’ Training
Kusrini, Dewi
Meaning and Usage Analysis of Japanese Onomatopoeia in Japanese Light Novel
Kusrini, Dewi
Emotional Onomatopoeia in Japanese Animation Series
Kusrini, Dewi
The Development of Comics as a Media to Improve Japanese Writing Skill
Kusrini, Dewi
Phonological Process Analysis of Shukuyakukei (Contracted Form) in Gintama Hōsōkyoku
Kustini, Siti
Moving towards 21st Century English Language Teaching
Kuswarini, Prasuri
Orientalization of Nature in The German Translation of Mochtar Lubis’s Harimau-Harimau
Kuswendi, Uus
Internalizing Environmental Literacy of Elementary Students During Covid-19 Pandemic
Laksman-Huntley, Myrna
Javanese Personal Pronoun Sira’s Dynamic Change in 10th – 16th Century
Laksman-Huntley, Myrna
Strategies of Translating French Pronominal Verbs in Tintin Into Indonesian
Larasati, Angelina Arini
Relationship Between English Language Attitude and Proficiency
Latianingsih, Nining
Time Management and Learning Strategy in Polytechnic in The Digital Transformation Era
Lawet, Pilipus Wai
Editorial Argument Typification of Bisnis Indonesia
Leiliyanti, Eva
Regulatory Discourse on Woman’s Body
Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri
Accelerating Preservice Teachers’ Learning in Teaching Practicum through Instructional Coaching
Lianna, Luke
Contrastive Analysis of Japanese and Indonesian Inversion Sentences
Linawati, Lucia Ika
The Usage of Prefixes {me(N)-} and {nge-} in 4 Year- Old Children
Lusianov, Jesica Dwi
Post-Method Era and Glocalization in Language Teaching and Learning
Maghfira, Tasya Isarina
Nini Randa’s Subjectivity in “Tango & Sadimin” Novel by Ramayda Akmal
Internal Innovations of Gane Language in South Halmahera, North Maluku
Mantasiah, R
A Preliminary Study in Developing a Contrastive and Error Analyses-based German Grammar Textbook
Mardhatillah, Masyithah
Construction and Implication of New Covid-19 Pandemic Words
Mardiah, Radiatan
EFL Students Online Learning Experience During Pandemic
Mariam, Iis
Time Management and Learning Strategy in Polytechnic in The Digital Transformation Era
Marjonet, Juairiah
Speaking Skills
Marsyelina, Dheny
Development of French Learning Module for Visually Impaired Learners
Orientalization of Nature in The German Translation of Mochtar Lubis’s Harimau-Harimau
Mauludini, Yalma Rifqiya
Analysis of Move and Linguistic Features in Indonesian and English Humanities Dissertation Abstracts
Miranda, Airin
Prostitution and the Sugar Baby Phenomenon in France
Miranda, Airin
The Impact of Brexit on France’s Stance in European Union
Muhaji, Uun
English Education Program Evaluation
Mujiningsih, Erlis Nur
Literary Adaptation of the Poem Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono as an Alternative to Bring the Work Closer to the People
Code-Mixing in Japanese Language Beginner Level Classroom
Muliawanti, Lintang
Early Childhood Literacy Experiences at Home in Relation to Family Socio-Economic Status (SES)
Mulya, Yasmine Athirah
The Impact of Brexit on France’s Stance in European Union
Mulyadi, Yadi
A Study of Design and Development of French Training Module for Tour Guide
Mulyati, Yeti
Educational Value in the Amat Rhang Manyang Legend as Literacy Material for Elementary School
Mulyati, Yeti
Character Traits Oriented Learning Material Model as a Strategy to Strengthen the Character for Early Childhood
Mulyati, Yeti
Development of Interactive-Multimedia-Assisted Social Cognitive Model for Early Reading Learning
Development of Interactive-Multimedia-Assisted Social Cognitive Model for Early Reading Learning
Musthafa, Bachrudin
Moving towards 21st Century English Language Teaching
Musthafa, Bachrudin
Investigating Distinctive Problems Observed in Post-editing of Machine Translation Output Made by Indonesian Undergraduate Students
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Think, Talk, Write Strategy in French Writing Skill Learning
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Development of French Learning Module for Visually Impaired Learners
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in The Film “Tokyo Fiancée” by Stefan Liberski
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
The Acquisition of French Morphosyntax and Structures by Indonesian Students Learning French
Muzammil, Lasim
English Education Program Evaluation
Nasrudin, Norfadhilah
Speaking Skills
Attitudes Towards Indonesian Varieties by Jakarta Indonesian-Speaking Adolescents in Depok City
Numertayasa, I Wayan
The Effect of Literacy Pattern and Mother Tongue on the Language Learning Ability during Learning from Home
Nurbaiti, Ami
The Use of Edubox as a Medium in Reading Comprehension Assessment
Nurbayan, Yayan
Investigating the Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Academic Papers
Nurjanah, Nunuy
Mamaos Art at Sanggar Sekar Panghegar in Cianjur City
Nurjanah, Nunuy
Comparative Types of Figurative Language in Aam Amalia’s Jangji Asih
Nurjanah, Santi
Kapamalian in Cikondang Traditional House Lamajang Village Sub-District of Pangalengan Bandung Regency
Nurlaelawati, Iyen
Accelerating Preservice Teachers’ Learning in Teaching Practicum through Instructional Coaching
Nurmahanani, Indah
Development of Interactive-Multimedia-Assisted Social Cognitive Model for Early Reading Learning
Nurviyani, Ria
EFL Students’ Response on the Impact of Online Peer Feedback on Their Writing Performance
Nur’graha, Dhea Zakia Millah
What Do the Pictures Say in a Science Textbook?
Oktarina, Diana Rizki
Analysis of Multilingual Community Conversations on Online Media
Osman, Nor Asilah
Speaking Skills
Permana, Pepen
Google Translate in Perceptions of German Language Students
Permana, Pepen
The Development of LMS-Moodle based Virtual Classroom for Hör-Sehverstehen Learning