Proceedings of the 2015 3rd International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Information Technology Applications
1058 authors
- Wang, Yunlong
- Primary characterization of micro holes on super alloy by percussion of millisecond pulse laser
- Wang, Zhaoyu
- The influence of fan system and air conditioner on indoor particles in university dormitories
- Wang, Zheng
- A Short Term Load Forecasting Algorithm Based on Gray Elman Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
- Wang, Zheng
- Parallel MapReduce for Clustering of Residential Customers Energy Behavior
- Wang, Zhongmin
- Effect of Al on the cycling behavior of the AB5-type La-Ni-Co-Mn alloy electrodes
- Wang, Ziou
- Conductive Path Formation by Aggregated Oxygen Ions in Titanium Dioxide: First-Principles Analyses
- Wei, Fudong
- Operation and Maintenance of Diversified Electricity Production Mobile Terminal Technology
- Wei, Jiafeng
- A Method of Encrypting and Querying String Data for Database
- Wei, Lei
- Improving the LEACH Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
- Wei, Lei
- A Secure Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Grids and Symmetric Polynomials
- Wei, Li
- Application of laser image technology for deformation monitor of building
- Wei, Li
- Study of Deflection Measurement For Bridge Using Laser Image Technology
- Wei, Min
- A Design and Implementation for Heart Sound Detection Instrument based on FPGA
- Wei, Pengcheng
- The Research of RFID Anti-Collision Algorithm Based on the Frame Slots of Multi-branched Tree
- Wei, Shouqiv
- Design of a High Voltage Power Supply for Electrocurtain
- Wei, Wei
- Determination of Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg in Coal Gangue and Fly Ash Product with Microwave Digestion and Atom Absorption Spectrometry
- Wei, Ya-dong
- A Novel Coplanar Waveguide Fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna With Dual Band-notched Characteristics
- Wen, Huai
- The Research of RFID Anti-Collision Algorithm Based on the Frame Slots of Multi-branched Tree
- Wen, Xiankui
- State Distinction Based Identification Method for a Thermal Process
- Wen, Zhigang
- Parking Spaces Detection Based on Fingerprint Algorithm
- Wen, Zhigang
- Design and Implementation of Parking Sensing System Based on ZigBee
- Wen, Zhigang
- Design and Simulation of Indoor Position System Based on PDR and Least Square RSSI Estimation
- Wen, Zhiping
- Research on Self-biased PLL Technique for High Speed SERDES Chips
- Wu, Guangbin
- Research on fixed attack angle attack angle and height flying of hypersonic aircraft
- Wu, Guangbin
- Research on the fixed elasticity flying of high speed aircraft
- Wu, Guoqiang
- Design and Implementation of Financial Warning System based on Large Data
- Wu, Huali
- Research on the fixed elasticity flying of high speed aircraft
- Wu, Jian
- Improved DV-HOP localization algorithm in the park location
- Wu, Kai
- Numerical investigation into the influence of mould shape on the pulverulention of pellet
- Wu, Le
- Study of Power Plant Main Steam Temperature System Based on Smith-LADRC Controller
- Wu, Lihua
- Research on the Impedance Control of Human-robot Cooperative Manipulator Based on Human-friendly Technology
- Wu, Lingling
- Research and Design of a Knowledge Base Application System for K12 Educational Resource Library
- Wu, Meiping
- Effects of Non-orthogonal Scheme on Error Modulation of Single-axis Rotating Strapdown INS
- Wu, Meiping
- Design and Dynamic Characteristics Study on structure of MIMU Damping System
- Wu, Shoujun
- Simulation Analysis of Influence of Vibration Impact on Optics Imaging System
- Wu, Shuangli
- Design of a Heterogeneous QR code for Internet of Things Based on Digital Watermarking Techniques
- Wu, Wanqing
- Study on the liquid water sloshing in two- and three-dimensional models
- Wu, Weihong
- The Research of RFID Anti-Collision Algorithm Based on the Frame Slots of Multi-branched Tree
- Wu, Weihong
- A new predictor-corrector method for the numerical solution of fractional differential equations
- Wu, You
- Estimation System of Exterior Ballistic Measuring Data from Space Tracking Ships
- Wu, Yuexin
- Improvements and Implementation of Hierarchical Clustering based on Hadoop
- Wu, Yun
- Intelligent Logistics Distribution System Design under the Environment of Internet of Things
- Wu, Zuliang
- Research on Mechanism of Detecting Communication Network of Power Remote Automatic Meter Reading
- Xia, Chunrui
- Mobile Robot Path Planning based on Probabilistic Model Checking under Uncertainties
- Xia, Junfang
- Design and Implementation of the Operation Skill Training System for Elevator
- Xia, Junfang
- The Design and Development of Virtual Elevator Assistant Training System
- Xia, Rui-hua
- A New Power System Phase Identification Method based on Difference Value
- Xia, Shiming
- Satellite Cloud Image Retrieval With Grid Based Inscribed Circle Method
- Xia, Yuncai
- Special aluminum piston deburring machine tool structure optimization design
- Xiao, Ao
- Improvements and Implementation of Hierarchical Clustering based on Hadoop
- Xiao, Haihua
- Simulation Research on Dynamic Matrix Control of Middle Speed Mill
- Xiao, Qijun
- The Grating Data Collection System Based on Dynamic Link Library and Its Application in Engineering Control
- Xiao, Shubin
- Simulation Research on Dynamic Matrix Control of Middle Speed Mill
- Xie, Changsheng
- A Novel Web Service Recommendation Approach based on Credible User Comment
- Xie, Jun
- Application of Correlation Analysis in Concrete Infrared Thermography Detection
- Xie, Liyang
- Reliability Assessment of a Hexagon Socket Head Bolt Based on Moment Method
- Xie, Liyang
- Structural Simulation Analysis and Safety Prediction of Bolt Joint
- Xie, Wei
- Complete sets of mobile operation software for in-field calibration of electric energy meter
- Xin, Yonglei
- The Deactivation Mechanism of RuO2-IrO2-SnO2/Ti Anodes Under Alternative Current Electrolysis Condition
- Xing, Hongliang
- Exploration and Prospect of 3D Virtual Fitting Technology
- Xing, Kunshan
- Parking Spaces Detection Based on Fingerprint Algorithm
- Xu, Bao-guo
- Water Quality Monitoring Network Localization Method Based on RSSI Ranging
- Xu, Changfu
- A New Method for Intelligent Check of Transformation Equipment Condition Monitoring Device
- Xu, Changfu
- Development of Vehicle-borne Substation State Intelligent Calibration System
- Xu, Changfu
- Research and Development of Calibration Device on SF_6 Gas Density Monitoring Equipment
- Xu, Guannan
- Research on some research about move relative positioning techniques and method
- Xu, Haimei
- Modeling and Simulation of the Silicon Micro-machined Gyroscope Mode-Coupling System
- Xu, Haiyan
- Research on Mechanism of Detecting Communication Network of Power Remote Automatic Meter Reading
- Xu, Jianguo
- Operation and Maintenance of Diversified Electricity Production Mobile Terminal Technology
- Xu, Jiele
- The Research of Tank Bottom Structure Failure Based On Numerical Simulation
- Xu, Likun
- Self-healing performance of water triggered smart coating characterized by local electrochemical techniques
- Xu, Likun
- The Deactivation Mechanism of RuO2-IrO2-SnO2/Ti Anodes Under Alternative Current Electrolysis Condition
- Xu, Ling
- Determination of Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg in Coal Gangue and Fly Ash Product with Microwave Digestion and Atom Absorption Spectrometry
- Xu, Lingyu
- The Design of Software Work flow Architecture Based on Cloud Environment
- Xu, Liyang
- An Analysis of Die Swell with Rolie-Poly Model
- Xu, Meihua
- Design and Implementation of Extracting Haar-like Feature IP in the Image of Front-vehicle
- Xu, Peng
- Numerical Simulation of Waveform Adjustment in high G Accelerometer Calibration System Using Hopkinson Bar
- Xu, Xinhai
- An Analysis of Die Swell with Rolie-Poly Model
- Xu, Yan
- Research and Application on Tangka Image Segmentation Algorithm
- Xu, Yan
- Signal hunting algorithm with low energy consumption based on packet difference mechanism in sensor network
- Xu, Yang
- Design and Research of Thermal Transfer Label Printer Testing System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology
- Xu, Yang
- The GPS/INS Integrated Navigation Module Research and Design Based on the STM32
- Xu, Yanting
- The Research of Tank Bottom Structure Failure Based On Numerical Simulation
- Xu, Yanwei
- The New Exploring for the Key Technology of Distributed Network Security System Design
- Xu, Yanwei
- The Skill Research of Interactive Web Site Based on.NET: The Design and Development
- Xu, Yin
- Precision Peg-in-Hole Assembly Strategy Using Force-Guided Robot
- Xu, Yong
- Preparation and Characterization of ZnSe Film Synthesized by Chemical Co-reduction
- Xu, Yong
- Study on Energy Band-gap Calculation of CuGaS2
- Xu, Yong
- Effects of Reaction Temperatures and Time on Preparation of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films
- Xu, Yuhui
- Internet Big Data Information Analysis and Power Intelligent Automation Risk Prediction Based on Case Based Reasoning
- Xue, Bin
- Research on New Models of Network Travel
- Xue, Meiou
- Experimental Study on the Strength of Concrete Drainage Regeneration
- Xue, Shengke
- Research on Mechanism of Detecting Communication Network of Power Remote Automatic Meter Reading
- Yan, Jingguo
- An IoT and Mobile Cloud based Architecture for Smart Planting
- Yan, Min
- Analysis of the Effect of GEO Satellite Motion on Signal Performance in TWSTFT
- Yan, Qifei
- A Group Decision Matrix Construction Method Based On OWA Operator
- Yan, Shu
- A Research Based on The Mode Mobile Terminals’ of Digital Library Application
- Yan, Shuchang
- Economic and environmental optimal operation of isolated multi-element complementary microgrid based on PSO with adaptive mutation
- Yan, Shumin
- Analysis of Electricity Stealing and Research of Anti-stealing Measures
- Yan, Yonggui
- The structure and electrochemical properties of BDD deposited on the Ti-substrate with Ta buffer layer