Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Innovation (ICELBI 2022)
268 authors
- Juita, Verni
- Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, and Financial Well-being of Women’s in Indonesia
- Juita, Verni
- The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
- Kartika, Rayna
- Service Quality Breakdowns in Indonesia’s Telecom Industry: Insights from Customer Reviews
- Kartika, Rayna
- The Entrepreneurs’ Insights and Fears Towards Sharia Fintech Lending (Study of SMEs in West Sumatra)
- Khairiyah, Nurul
- Fear of Failure in Incubated Start-Up: A Qualitative Approach Study
- Kunawangsih, Tri
- Financial Technology and Economic Growth
- Kurniawan, Rahmat
- Tax Apparatus Negotiation Behavior in Resolving Tax Disputes: An Experimental Examination
- Kurniawati
- The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
- Kurniawati, Kurniawati
- The Effect of Green Marketing, Sustainable Advertising, Eco Packaging/Labeling Towards Green Purchasing Behavior (Study on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia)
- Kurniawati, Kurniawati
- Perceived Personalization and Brand Relationship Models in Social Commerce
- Kurniawati, Kurniawati
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Buying Prepaid Cell Phone Cards During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Lanasier, Evi V.
- The Role of Source Congruence in Effective Marketing Communications
- Le, Viet
- What Makes a Coffee Shop Interesting? Demystifying Critical Factors that Attract and Retain Coffee Shop Customers in Indonesia
- Lenggogeni, Sari
- The Effect of Work Experience and Job Satisfaction on The Work Productivity of Civil Servants (PNS) At The Trade Office of Padang City
- Leon, Farah Margaretha
- Determinant Factors for M-Banking Use in Generation Z
- Leon, Farah Margaretha
- The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions
- Leon, Farah Margaretha
- Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
- Leon, Farah Margaretha
- The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
- Lestari, Ayu
- The Effect of Auditor Switching, Audit Report Lag, and Financial Distress on Financial Statement Fraud
- Lestari, Henny Setyo
- The Effect of Bank-Specific Factors on Profitability of Commercial Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Lestari, Henny Setyo
- Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Consumer Goods Industry Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Lina, Eka Chandra
- E-Commerce Analysis in Product Purchasing Decisions at Bacarito Coffee in Padang City
- Lubis, Djuara P.
- Digital Communication and Its Relationship to SME Empowerment and Performance
- Lukito, Nico
- Antecedents of Organizational Commitment of Construction and Building Employees in Jakarta
- Lukito, Nico
- The Effect of Green Marketing, Sustainable Advertising, Eco Packaging/Labeling Towards Green Purchasing Behavior (Study on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia)
- Lukito, Nico
- Perceived Personalization and Brand Relationship Models in Social Commerce
- Lukito, Nico
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Buying Prepaid Cell Phone Cards During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Lupiyoadi, Rambat
- Fear of Failure, Financial Performance, and Entrepreneurial Well-being: Some Insights from Start-ups in an Emerging Market Economy
- Lutfi, M. Yudhi
- Determinants of Affective Commitment in Improving Employee Performance
- Madarisa, Fuad
- Profit Sharing Partnership in Beef Cattle Fattening Business (Case Study at Nusa Fauna Company)
- Mailana, Radika
- The Measurement of Cultural Values on Social Entrepreneurship Intention in Agriculture Students using PLS-SEM
- Margaretha, Farah
- The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Consumer Goods Industry Companies
- Marpensa, Aldo
- Profit Sharing Partnership in Beef Cattle Fattening Business (Case Study at Nusa Fauna Company)
- Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
- The Effect of Debt Financing on Firm Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
- The Influence of Internet Banking and Bank Risk on the Performance of Banking Companies in Indonesia
- Maruf
- Peer-Review Statements
- Masli, Eryadi
- What Makes a Coffee Shop Interesting? Demystifying Critical Factors that Attract and Retain Coffee Shop Customers in Indonesia
- Masli, Eryadi K.
- University Spin-off: A Review
- Masnita, Yolanda
- Increase Brand Awareness and Brand Image Using Social Media Marketing Elements
- Masruri, Masruri
- Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Seed System Development supports The Development of Seed Social Entrepreneurship
- Matusin, Anita Roosmalina
- The Effect of Debt Financing on Firm Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Matusin, Anita Roosmalina
- The Influence of Internet Banking and Bank Risk on the Performance of Banking Companies in Indonesia
- Matusin, Ina Oktaviana
- The Effect of Debt Financing on Firm Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Mayasari, Hesti
- Analysis of Consumer Loyalty to Creative Economic Products in Padang City
- Menza, Fathurrahman Ananda
- Development of Seternak, Marketplace Application for Production Facilities and Livestock Products
- Mirici, Ismail Hakki
- Determinants of Affective Commitment in Improving Employee Performance
- Mirici, Ismail Hakki
- Online Learning and Student Achievement in Sensitivity Analysis Perspective
- Misra, Fauzan
- Tax Apparatus Negotiation Behavior in Resolving Tax Disputes: An Experimental Examination
- Muchtar, Susy
- The Influence of Internet Banking and Bank Risk on the Performance of Banking Companies in Indonesia
- Muljono, Pudji
- Digital Communication and Its Relationship to SME Empowerment and Performance
- Mulyani, Susi Dwi
- The Influence of Financial and Non-Financial Factors on Firm Value with Tax Aggressiveness as a Moderating Variable
- Murwonugroho, Wegig
- How Can Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottle Packaging Contribute to Sociopreneurship?
- Mutyara, Mutyara
- The Validation of Social Provision Scale and Its Effect on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Using PLS-SEM
- Nainggolan, Juara Sintong
- The Role of Information Asymmetry in Moderating Corporate Governance Practice and Dividend Policy on Income Smoothing Practices
- Nalurita, Febria
- Determinant Factors for M-Banking Use in Generation Z
- Nalurita, Febria
- The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions
- Nalurita, Febria
- The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Consumer Goods Industry Companies
- Narulita, Febria
- The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
- Nilasari, B. Medina
- Antecedents of Organizational Commitment of Construction and Building Employees in Jakarta
- Nilasari, B. Medina
- The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
- Noer, Melinda
- Analysis of Research Methodology on Institutional-Based Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities
- Nofialdi, Nofialdi
- Analysis of Research Methodology on Institutional-Based Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities
- Nolasary, Mega Putri
- Ornamental Plant Entrepreneurship During the Covid -19 Pandemic in Koto Tangah District, Padang City
- Nurhayati, Nurhayati
- The Influence of MSME Performance and Inclusive Finance on Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
- Nurhikma, Nurhikma
- How Can Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottle Packaging Contribute to Sociopreneurship?
- Prastia, Adji
- Factors that Influence Entrepreneurial Intention: Evidence from Undergraduate Students in South Jakarta
- Pratama, Putra
- Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
- Pratomo, Luki Adiati
- The Role of Source Congruence in Effective Marketing Communications
- Pujani, Vera
- The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
- Purba, Yosephina Endang
- Determinant Factors for M-Banking Use in Generation Z
- Purba, Yosephina Endang
- The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions
- Purba, Yosephina Endang
- The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Consumer Goods Industry Companies
- Purba, Yosephine Endang
- The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
- Purwonugroho, Wegig
- The Marketing Innovation of Melinjo-Based Food Product Through Sociopreneurs Approach
- Putra, Hafrizal Okta ade
- Analysis of Consumer Loyalty to Creative Economic Products in Padang City
- Putra, RAndika
- Development of Constructivist-Based Mathematics Learning Media on Geometry Materials
- Putri, Sheren Maharani
- The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
- Putri, Yuliarni
- The Influence of Store Layout and Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Decisions on Rili Swalayan, Padang
- Raharjo, Tyas Pambudi
- The Effect of Auditor Switching, Audit Report Lag, and Financial Distress on Financial Statement Fraud
- Rahayu, Fatik
- The Role of Source Congruence in Effective Marketing Communications
- Rahayu, Rita
- Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, and Financial Well-being of Women’s in Indonesia
- Rahayu, Rita
- The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
- Rahayuningsih, Tri
- A Pilot Study: The Role of Family Social Support in Entrepreneurial Resilience
- Rahayuningsih, Tri
- The Measurement of Cultural Values on Social Entrepreneurship Intention in Agriculture Students using PLS-SEM
- Rahayuningsih, Tri
- The Validation of Social Provision Scale and Its Effect on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Using PLS-SEM
- Rahim, Rida
- The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
- Rahmadoni, Jefril
- Empowerment of Inter-Student Achievements as a Form of Manifestation “Mapres Copy Mapres” Sustainable
- Rahman, Annisa
- Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, and Financial Well-being of Women’s in Indonesia
- Rahman, Annisaa
- The Entrepreneurs’ Insights and Fears Towards Sharia Fintech Lending (Study of SMEs in West Sumatra)
- Rahmattulaila, Saskia
- A Pilot Study: The Role of Family Social Support in Entrepreneurial Resilience
- Rahmawati, Widya
- The Influence of Store Layout and Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Decisions on Rili Swalayan, Padang
- Ramadhania, Ramadhania
- Analysis of the Effect of Promotion and Product Innovation on Consumer Purchase Decisions in Digital Technology-Based Micro and Small Enterprises in Padang City
- Rina, Caecilia
- The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
- Rinanti, Astri
- How Can Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottle Packaging Contribute to Sociopreneurship?
- Risqiani, Renny
- Antecedents of Organizational Commitment of Construction and Building Employees in Jakarta
- Risqiani, Renny
- The Effect of Green Marketing, Sustainable Advertising, Eco Packaging/Labeling Towards Green Purchasing Behavior (Study on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia)
- Risqiani, Renny
- Perceived Personalization and Brand Relationship Models in Social Commerce
- Risqiani, Renny
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Buying Prepaid Cell Phone Cards During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Risqiani, Renny
- The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
- Sadono, Dwi
- Digital Communication and Its Relationship to SME Empowerment and Performance