Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022)

655 authors
Muchlish, Munawar
The Role of Management Control System in Non-Financial Performance
Mudawaroch, Roisu Eny
Formalin and Borax Content of Chicken Sempol Marketed in Purworejo Regency, Indonesia
Mudra, I Wayan
Visual Communication Elements and Meaning of Hatten Wines Bali Label
Mudra, I Wayan
Evaluation of UI/UX Usability in Augmented Reality Application of Balinese Shadow Puppet Panca Pandawa
Mudra, I Wayan
Visual Structure of the Digital Comic Banggaber with the Theme of Parents and Children
Mudra, I Wayan
Sangku as Indonesian Cultural Property
Mudra, I Wayan
Creation Process and Visual Aesthetics at Jesus and Mary Images in Balinese Wayang Characters
Muhammad Nasir, S.
The Learning Paradigm of Democracy-Based Islamic Education in Fostering Students’ Tolerance
The Influence of Servant Leadership and Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables (Empirical Study on Rural Banks in the Magelang Region)
A Combination Supplement of Bitter Melon Extract (momordica charantia l.) with Snakehead Fish (channa striata) Powder has no Effect as an Anti-glycation Agent in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Mujiyono, Agus
The Effect of the Sharia Credit Payment System on Increasing Income (Study Gold Store “Mas-Masan”)
Muka, I Ketut
Implication of Technology in Traditional Sculpture Production in Batubulan Village Sukawati Bali
Teachers’ Preparations in Teaching English through Online Learning
Muliawanti, Lintang
Peer-Review Statements
Muliawanti, Lintang
Post-Covid-19 Tourism Recovery and Innovation Methods: Practical Evidence from Indonesia
Mulyanti, Riya
Linguistics Factors as Speaking Obstacle of the EFL Students in Classroom
Mulyanti, Sri
The Effectiveness of Dasa Wisma Empowerment on Stunting Prevention Behavior with The Approach of Inter Professional Collaboration in Puskesmas Karanganom Klaten
Muna, Siti Umamah Naili
Correction to: The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Muna, Siti Umamah Naili
The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Murniningsih, Rochiyati
Investigation of the Role of Entrepreneurship Characteristics in Moderating Creativity and the Business Environment towards Business Sustainability
Nafi’ah, Ulfah
Post Covid-19 Student’s Burnout Level in Boarding School’s Non-Academic Programs
Nafi’ah, Ulfah
Walasuji’s Transformation Opportunity in Today’s Life
Narulita, Eldiana Tri
The Culture of Packaging Traditional Balinese Snacks with Banana Leaves
Nasrudin, Endin
Development of Educational Quality Management Model Based on Industrial Technology 4.0 at Vocational High School
Nawawi, Achmad
Teacher Ability in Designing Entrepreneurship-Based Mathematics Learning
Nawawi, Ahmad
Innovation in Learning Financial Literacy Through the Development of Animation Film for Elementary School Students
Nawawi, Muhammad
The Influence of Product Packaging/Packaging Design, Health Consciousness and Advertising on Purchase Decision Through Attitude and Intention on You C-1000 Consumers in Samarinda City
Ngestiningrum, Ayesha Hendriana
Health and Halal of Sea Products: Legal Perspective Halal Product Assurance
Nggolaon, Desriani
Linguistics Factors as Speaking Obstacle of the EFL Students in Classroom
Nikmah, Filda Khoirun
Improving Youth Moral Knowledge Through Classical Guidance: Empirical Study
Nindiyanti, Ari Murti
Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta
Ningrum, Esti
Problematics of Intolerance Conflict Between Religious People in Islamic Law Politics in the Digitalization Era
Nirmala, Ine
The Effectiveness of Rope Ladder Physical Activity Media on Physical Motor Activity in Early Childhood
Nisa, Amalia Siti Choerun
Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
Nisa, Amalia Siti Choerun
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Noer, Hamid Busthami
Heritage Tourism Branding Strategy (Comparative Study of Heritage Tourism Branding Strategies in Madura, Indonesia and Malaysia)
Noer, Khaerul Umam
Strengthening the Role of Communities in the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges
Noviasari, Dili Trisna
Utilization of Prime-Legal Drafting (Prime-LD) Application in The Preparation of Legislation for The Government in Indonesia
Nugraha, Andre Eksaputra
Analysis of Fulfillment of the Rights of Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools (Case Study of SD Lauzardi Kamila Global Islamic School)
Nugroho, Fajar Agung
Using Video Physical Assessment to Enhance Nursing Student’s Skills
Nur, Ardiansyah
Relationship of Arm Muscle Strength and Hand-Eye Coordination with Pointing Throwing Ability in Petanque Game of Banggai Regency Athletes
Nur, Muhammad
Countering Transnational Shadow Economy Crime: Mutual Legal Assistance Mechanism
Nur Zakiyah, R.
STEM-Based Biology Instruction Using an Inquiry-Based Learning Approach to Foster Students’ Creative Thinking
Nurcahyanto, Guntur
Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
Nurdin, Maryam
Policy Adjustment Towards Green Economy in Customary Territory after the Expansion of Papua Province
Nurhidayat, Saiful
The Correlation between Random Glucose Levels and Stroke Severity Using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients at RSUD Dr. Harjono S Ponorogo
Nurlaela, Emi
Health Assessment of Women in Reproductive Age as Expectant Mothers Through Body Mass Index Examination
Nurlailasari, Ella
Community-Based Education Quality Management Model
Nurlailasari, Ella
Development of Educational Quality Management Model Based on Industrial Technology 4.0 at Vocational High School
The Effectiveness of Using Cup Board Hoop Media on Children’s Self-Confidence
Nursin, Erwin
The Influence of the Coordination Pattern of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) with the Luwuk District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) on the Implementation of Elections in Banggai District in 2020
The Effectiveness of Rope Ladder Physical Activity Media on Physical Motor Activity in Early Childhood
Nurtjahyo, Lidwina Inge
Strengthening the Role of Communities in the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges
The Effectiveness of Kinds of Rubber Rope Games Media to Improve Fine Motor Skills for Early Childhood
Nusantara, Redi
Improving Marketing Performance in Construction Companies as a Significant Impact from Value Co-Creation and Business Process Agility
Octaviani, Dian
The Influence of The Human Development Index and Unemployment on Poverty: Zakat as Moderation
Oktradiksa, Ahwy
Evaluation of Thematic Learning Curriculum 2013 in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Oktradiksa, Ahwy
Parenting Style on Learning Motivation in Thematic Learning
Pahmi, Muhamad Ali
Changes in Priority Scale Between Needs vs Wants in Customer Perspective During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Fuzzy AHP
Pambuko, Zulfikar Bagus
Peer-Review Statements
Paramartha, Wayan
Creating Harmony and Love of the Country in Elementary School Students Through the Art of Med-medan Tradition
Parwati, Ni Made Suwitri
Correction to: The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Parwati, Ni Made Suwitri
The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Permana, Hinggil
Community-Based Education Quality Management Model
Permana, Hinggil
Development of Educational Quality Management Model Based on Industrial Technology 4.0 at Vocational High School
Permana, Hinggil
Community-Based Education Financing Management in Karawang
Poernamasari, Nadya
Branding of Islamic Boarding Schools as New Edutourism in Madura
Prabawa, Andi Haris
The Values of the Lebaran Tradition in Surakarta: An Ethnographic Study
Pradana, Agrissto Bintang Aji
How is HOTS Applied in Elementary Schools? A Review
Pradana, Gede Yoga Kharisma
The Cultural Meaning of Para-Para for the Dondai Villager, Papua
Pradnyanita, A. A. Sagung Intan
Visual Communication Elements and Meaning of Hatten Wines Bali Label
Pradnyawan, Sofyan Wimbo Agung
Health and Halal of Sea Products: Legal Perspective Halal Product Assurance
Praja, Chrisna Bagus Edhita
Peer-Review Statements
Prasetya, Wahyu Anggit
Determinants of Whistleblowing Intentions in Regional Organization
Prasetyaningrum, Juliani
Is Social Support a Mediator in the Relationship between Gratitude and Resilience of Covid-19 Survivors?
Prasetyo, Andjar
Community Empowerment in Magelang City through the Interaction of Innovation
Prasetyo, Andjar
Clustering Patterns of Food Crops to Increase Community Income in Papua Province
Prasetyo, Andjar
Policy Adjustment Towards Green Economy in Customary Territory after the Expansion of Papua Province
Prasetyo, Andjar
Analysis of Three Levels of Product Potential of Rural Tourism Areas as A Buffer for the Borobudur National Strategic Area
Prasetyo, Andjar
Database Management Infrastructure, Human Resources, Financing, and Equipment in The Sustainable Management of The Covid-19 Pandemic
Prasetyo, Andjar
Comparative and Collaborative Data Management as a Driver for Regional Competitiveness Efficiency in the Economic Development Region
Prasetyo, Andjar
Consistency of Blitar City Policy towards the Area of ​​Acceleration of Economic Development in the Perspective of Regional Competitive
Prasetyo, Andjar
Independent Village Agrotourism Based on Regional Innovation System Governance in Jayapura Regency, Papua Province
Prasetyo, Satria Iman
Gender-Based Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study of Strengthening Women’s Capacity in Pacitan District
Prasetyo, Satria Iman
Collaborative Governance in Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourist Destinations: A Case Study of Gunung Kidul Region
Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
Prastiwi, Dara Febrian Chita
The Reasons Behind the Forms of Cyberbullying Teenagers Choose of Senior High School in Surakarta
Pratika, Tika
Digital Financial Transformation in The Financial Inclusion Program and Its Impact on Income Inequality: The Case of Middle-Income Countries
Pratiwi, Eko Kurniasih
A Model of Harmony Village in Magelang District: The Perspective of Cross-Religious Leaders
Pratomo, Harris Gadih
The Effect of Gender and High School Origin towards English Grammar Mastery
Pribadi, Prasojo
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Technology Information in Antimicrobial Stewardship using Scopus Database
Pribadi, Prasojo
Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
Prilosadoso, Basnendar Herry
Model of Tourism Village Development in Karangasem Village, Bulu District, Sukoharjo Regency as Family Tourist Destinations Based on Local Wisdom
Purbangkara, Tedi
Analysis of Needs for Fitness Activity Tools in Physical Education Learning in Schools
Purbangkara, Tedi
Cultural Values in the Toponymy of Medalsari Village and a Conservation Model to Support Tourism Based on Local Wisdom in Karawang District
Purwandari, Suci
Model of Tourism Village Development in Karangasem Village, Bulu District, Sukoharjo Regency as Family Tourist Destinations Based on Local Wisdom
Purwaningroom, Dian Laila
The Correlation between Random Glucose Levels and Stroke Severity Using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients at RSUD Dr. Harjono S Ponorogo
Purwati, Purwati
Improving Youth Moral Knowledge Through Classical Guidance: Empirical Study