Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022)

655 authors
Husna, Aftina Nurul
The Effect of Peer Conformity on Intention to Buy In-Game Virtual Goods in Adolescent Free Fire Online Game Players
Huzain, Habib Abdul Kholid
Waqf Core Principles Implementation at Muhammadiyah Nazhir Waqf: An Analytic Network Process Approach
I Wayan Rai, S.
The Cultural Meaning of Para-Para for the Dondai Villager, Papua
Ibrahim, Muhamad Wahid
Determinants of Profit Efficiency among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia
STEM-Based Biology Instruction Using an Inquiry-Based Learning Approach to Foster Students’ Creative Thinking
Ikawati, Zullies
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Technology Information in Antimicrobial Stewardship using Scopus Database
Imadanty, Aqilah Larasati
Is Social Support a Mediator in the Relationship between Gratitude and Resilience of Covid-19 Survivors?
Imami, Adi Ihsan
Mobile Learning to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills
Indahyanti, Rizka
An Investigation of Students’ Barriers, Hopes, and Short-Term Plan toward Their Speaking Skill Improvements
Effect of Mahabbah Package to Increase Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers after The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Indriastuti, Herning
Investigation of the Role of Entrepreneurship Characteristics in Moderating Creativity and the Business Environment towards Business Sustainability
Iriani, Dewi
Problematics of Intolerance Conflict Between Religious People in Islamic Law Politics in the Digitalization Era
Iriani, Dewi
Health and Halal of Sea Products: Legal Perspective Halal Product Assurance
Iriani, Ni Wayan
Creating Harmony and Love of the Country in Elementary School Students Through the Art of Med-medan Tradition
Ismail, Tubagus
The Role of Management Control System in Non-Financial Performance
Ismaya, Bambang
Implementation of Education Quality Assurance Management in the Process Blended Learning
Istanti, Ervina
The Effectiveness of Rope Ladder Physical Activity Media on Physical Motor Activity in Early Childhood
Izzaturrahmah, Nur
Gender-Based Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study of Strengthening Women’s Capacity in Pacitan District
Izziyana, dan Wafda Vivid
Utilization of Prime-Legal Drafting (Prime-LD) Application in The Preparation of Legislation for The Government in Indonesia
Janah, Nasitotul
A Model of Harmony Village in Magelang District: The Perspective of Cross-Religious Leaders
Jannah, Anindyati Fatikhul
Prevalence Analysis of Intestinal Worm Infection in Pregnant Women
Japar, Muhammad
Improving Youth Moral Knowledge Through Classical Guidance: Empirical Study
Julianto, I Nyoman Larry
The Implementation of Mural Thematic and Individual Whitespace as an Interaction Concept of Innovative Learning Space for Elementary School Students in Bali
Julianto, I Nyoman Larry
Sangku as Indonesian Cultural Property
Julijanti, Dinara Maya
Feasibility Study of Salt Tourism as Role Model and Branding of Madura Halal Destination
Jurana, N. S.
Correction to: The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Jurana, N. S.
The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Kadir, Syahrudin
Independent Village Agrotourism Based on Regional Innovation System Governance in Jayapura Regency, Papua Province
Kaltsum, Honest Ummi
Implementation of Inclusive Education at Elementary School Level in Surakarta
Kamarudin, Khairul Hisyam
Soft Innovation Strategy of Batik MSMEs in Indonesia
Kariasa, I Nyoman
Gong Kebyar Goes Worldwide Guarding Balinese Culture
Karlina, Reny Novia
Health Seeking Behavior for the Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Disorder
Karmini, Ni Wayan
The Peteng Bulan Dance Choreography Values
Karnay, Sudirman
Precision Journalism: Digitalization and Research Approaches in Journalism Practices in Indonesian Online Media
Karo, Afrianus
Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta
Kartikasari, Dian
Health Assessment of Women in Reproductive Age as Expectant Mothers Through Body Mass Index Examination
Correction to: The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Kastanya, Hana Salsabila
Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategy and Government Policy to Improve MSMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kenda, Ndoheba
Comparative and Collaborative Data Management as a Driver for Regional Competitiveness Efficiency in the Economic Development Region
Ketut Muka, I P.
Sangku as Indonesian Cultural Property
Khakim, Mufti
Countering Transnational Shadow Economy Crime: Mutual Legal Assistance Mechanism
Khanifah, Milatun
Husband and Family Support for Breastfeeding Mothers with COVID-19: The Mother’s Perspective
Khikmah, Siti Noor
Investigation of the Role of Entrepreneurship Characteristics in Moderating Creativity and the Business Environment towards Business Sustainability
Khoirunisa, Miladia Ismi
Determinants of Whistleblowing Intentions in Regional Organization
Khusna, Dian Nazikha
Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta
Kilmanun, Juliana Carolina
Community Empowerment in Magelang City through the Interaction of Innovation
Kilmanun, Juliana Carolina
Comparative and Collaborative Data Management as a Driver for Regional Competitiveness Efficiency in the Economic Development Region
Koesoemadinata, Mohammad Isa Pramana
TikTok as a Promotional Media for Post COVID-19 Art Exhibitions
Koesoemadinata, Mohammad Isa Pramana
Social Values Reflecting Character Education in the Process of Making the Walasuji Miniature Gate
Improving SMEs Performance through Omni-channel Strategy
Community Based Tourism on Natural Tourism Destination
Kristiyanti, Rini
Husband and Family Support for Breastfeeding Mothers with COVID-19: The Mother’s Perspective
Kurnia, Marlina
Millennial Investor Analysis of Cryptocurrency Investments
Kurniasari, Artika
Parenting Style on Learning Motivation in Thematic Learning
Kurniasari, Netty Dyah
Motives, Messages, and Media in the Process of Child Marriage in Madura
Kurniati, Astiwi
Effectiveness of Group Counseling with Digital Mind Mapping (DMM) Techniques to Improve Self-Regulation
Kurniawan, Febi
Development of Participatory-Reflective Instrument in the Evaluation of Physical Education Learning: Utilizing the Educational Tricider Platform
Kurniawan, Putu Agus Wawan
Creating Harmony and Love of the Country in Elementary School Students Through the Art of Med-medan Tradition
Kusnanto, Danang
Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategy and Government Policy to Improve MSMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kusno, Hendra Sanjaya
Systematic Literature Review of Satisfaction Model and Interest In Adoption of E-Government Services
Kusufi, Muhammad Syam
Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
Kusuma, Nur Intan
Husband and Family Support for Breastfeeding Mothers with COVID-19: The Mother’s Perspective
Kusumasari, Findi Citra
An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
Laksana, Sigit Dwi
The Effect of the Sharia Credit Payment System on Increasing Income (Study Gold Store “Mas-Masan”)
Lakuana, Nurhaida
Teachers’ Preparations in Teaching English through Online Learning
Lamadang, Karmila P.
Actualization of Social Values in The Implementation of The Mombowa Tumpe Ceremony in The Batui Indigenous Communities, Banggai District
Larasati, Catur Dewi
Investigation of Firm Value in Transportation Sector: The Impact of Covid 19 in Indonesia
Latifah, Elmiawati
Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
Layuk, Payung
Policy Adjustment Towards Green Economy in Customary Territory after the Expansion of Papua Province
Lestari, Ni Putu Emilika Budi
Visual Communication Elements and Meaning of Hatten Wines Bali Label
Lestari, Rini
Is Social Support a Mediator in the Relationship between Gratitude and Resilience of Covid-19 Survivors?
Lewaherilla, Niki Elistus
Policy Adjustment Towards Green Economy in Customary Territory after the Expansion of Papua Province
Lianasari, Dewi
Improving Youth Moral Knowledge Through Classical Guidance: Empirical Study
Liswahyuningsih, Ni Luh Gede
Semiotics Perspective on Representation of Patriarchal Culture in Films
Lutfiyati, Heni
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Technology Information in Antimicrobial Stewardship using Scopus Database
Machfiroh, Runik
Post Covid-19 Student’s Burnout Level in Boarding School’s Non-Academic Programs
Maharani, Widya
The Effect of Learning Independence on Students’ Self-Adjustment after the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMPN 1 Secang
Mahardhani, Ardhana Januar
Disaster Management and Citizens Value as the Basic Policy
Mahfiana, Layyin
Problematics of Intolerance Conflict Between Religious People in Islamic Law Politics in the Digitalization Era
Mamun, Abdullah
Health and Halal of Sea Products: Legal Perspective Halal Product Assurance
Mardiana, Tria
A Systematic Literature Review on Video Media: Application to Mathematics Learning
Cianjur Earthquake Disaster Emergency Management: Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center Sitrep Study
Marlina, Rina
Mathematical Understanding: Learning Number Operation Using Media in The Context of Futsal
Maryanti, Dwi
Stigma Analysis of HIV/AIDS at SMK Negeri 1 Cilacap
Maryati, Mimin
Mathematical Learning Media in Set Material with The Futsal Context
Effect of Mahabbah Package to Increase Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers after The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Mashudi, Sugeng
Trends in Mental Health Research during Covid-19
Masykuroh, Ely
Problematics of Intolerance Conflict Between Religious People in Islamic Law Politics in the Digitalization Era
Digitalization of Madura Tourism Branding in the New Normal
Mawaddath, Iswath
Teachers’ Preparations in Teaching English through Online Learning
Medias, Fahmi
Waqf Core Principles Implementation at Muhammadiyah Nazhir Waqf: An Analytic Network Process Approach
Megawati, Liya
Perceptions of Karang Taruna Management in Karawang Regency on Mastery of English Skills in the Globalization Era
Mina, Risno
The Influence of the Coordination Pattern of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) with the Luwuk District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) on the Implementation of Elections in Banggai District in 2020
Teachers Public Speaking Ability in Teaching English at Islamic Boarding School in Karawang Regency
Moertijoso, R. Bambang
Mapping About Bonding Relations in the Communication Network of Madura Salt Production Workers
Mongguwi, Frischa Priscillia
Relationship of Arm Muscle Strength and Hand-Eye Coordination with Pointing Throwing Ability in Petanque Game of Banggai Regency Athletes
Mora, Linda
Phenomenological Study on Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace in the Karawang Region
Mranani, Muji
Islamic Corporate Governance and Sharia Compliance on Financial Performance
Engineering for Making Commercial Compost Fertilizer of Oyster Mushroom Waste Baglog Using Molasses Activator in Efforts to Implement Green Economy