Proceedings of 1st Annual International Conference: A transformative Education: Foundation & Innovation in Guidance and Counseling (AICGC 2022)

55 authors
Ahdar, Ahdar
Moodle: A Research and Development of E-Learning Media During Pandemic Covid 19
Andini, Ade Yullya
Academic Procrastination of Students in Online Learning
Ariantini, Nisa
Student’s Social Identity the Tidung Tribe’s Philosophy of Life
Arsyad, Muhammad
Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin
Aryani, Eka
Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
Aryani, Eka
Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
Aryani, Eka
Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media
Astuti, Budi
Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
Azhar, Muhammad
Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process
Azizah, Nur
Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process
Bahtiar, Ahmad Zuhudy
Moodle: A Research and Development of E-Learning Media During Pandemic Covid 19
Cahyono, Tri
Student’s Social Identity the Tidung Tribe’s Philosophy of Life
Fajria, Aulia Rachma
Development of Reality Therapy E-Module to Improve Understanding of Reality Therapy for Guidance and Counseling Teachers
Farozin, Muhammad
Electronic Book About Information of Higher Education for Career Guidance Services in Senior High School: Is It Practically?
Hadi, Abdul
Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
Izzaty, Rita Eka
Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media
Karina, F. S. Beby
Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
Khilmiyah, Akif
Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process
Kuncoro, M. Wahyu
Peer-Review Statements
Kurniawan, Luky
Peer-Review Statements
Kurniawan, Luky
Academic Procrastination of Students in Online Learning
Kurniawan, Luky
Student Perceived Teaching Style Analysis
Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan
Laras, Palasara Brahmani
Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
Lubis, Arlina Nurbaity
Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
Muliati Abdullah, Sri
Peer-Review Statements
Mu’alima, Kunti
Student Perceived Teaching Style Analysis
Ningsih, Ruly
Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
Ningsih, Ruly
Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)
Noor Edwina DS., Triana
Peer-Review Statements
Nurbaiti, Anifa Tuzzuhroh
Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
Nurbaiti, Anifa Tuzzuhroh
Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
Puryanti, Lina Dwi
Electronic Book About Information of Higher Education for Career Guidance Services in Senior High School: Is It Practically?
Putri, Rahmatika Nur Aisyah Windra
The Importance of Shaping to Student Regulation Learning
Rahmadani, Cut Munika Bastia
The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
Rahmi, Siti
Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan
Rini, Endang Sulistya
Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
Sanyata, Sigit
Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)
Sanyata, Sigit
The Importance of Shaping to Student Regulation Learning
Saputri, Nur Sholehah Dian
Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
Saputri, Nur Sholehah Dian
Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media
Sari, Nina Permata
Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin
Savitri, Adienia Ayu
Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin
Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
Paper the Development of the Short Film “Gerak Bersama” for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in High School Students
Sitepu, Rakesh
Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
Sovayunanto, Riski
Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan
Sutanti, Natri
The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
Paper the Development of the Short Film “Gerak Bersama” for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in High School Students
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Development of Academic Procrastination Scale for Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Development of Reality Therapy E-Module to Improve Understanding of Reality Therapy for Guidance and Counseling Teachers
Wardah, Rahmah
Development of Academic Procrastination Scale for Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta
Widyana, Rahma
The Correlation Between Stress and Emotional Eating Tendency in Final Students University During Thesis Writing
Wulandari, Cahyanie
The Correlation Between Stress and Emotional Eating Tendency in Final Students University During Thesis Writing