Proceedings of 1st Annual International Conference: A transformative Education: Foundation & Innovation in Guidance and Counseling (AICGC 2022)

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20 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Luky Kurniawan, M. Wahyu Kuncoro, Sri Muliati Abdullah, Triana Noor Edwina DS.
Proceedings Article

Academic Procrastination of Students in Online Learning

Ade Yullya Andini, Luky Kurniawan
Academic procrastination is one of the behaviors or forms of procrastination that is often experienced by every student in doing something that affects the learning outcomes obtained. This study tries to find out how academic procrastination is in students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,...
Proceedings Article

Student Perceived Teaching Style Analysis

Kunti Mu’alima, Luky Kurniawan
This research is entitled Analysis of Student Perceived Teaching Style at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Yogyakarta. The formulation of the problem in this research is how students perceive the teaching style of educators at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Yogyakarta. The method used is descriptive quantitative....
Proceedings Article

Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin

Adienia Ayu Savitri, Nina Permata Sari, Muhammad Arsyad
The career decision-making process for students requires the maturity of good self-understanding as a teenager, one of the efforts to improve self-understanding is self-verification. Self-verification in career decision-making means that students want subjective accuracy and consistency in their views...
Proceedings Article

Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management

Anifa Tuzzuhroh Nurbaiti, Budi Astuti, Eka Aryani
This study aims to: 1) create angry meter digital comics as a group guidance medium to improve students’ anger management, 2) find out the feasibility of angry meter digital comics as group guidance media to improve students’ anger management, and 3) find out the effectiveness of angry digital comics...
Proceedings Article

Paper the Development of the Short Film “Gerak Bersama” for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in High School Students

Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan, Suwarjo
Sexual harassment is one of the three major sins in the world of education. Based on data from the Sistem Informasi Gender & Anak in Yogyakarta in 2020, there were 221 people aged 18–21 years were victims of sexual harassment. The phenomenon of sexual harassment is like an iceberg phenomenon, many...
Proceedings Article

Development of Academic Procrastination Scale for Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta

Rahmah Wardah, Suwarjo Suwarjo
Academic procrastination is a tendency to procrastinate behavior by students to avoid unpleasant conditions. To be able to help students who do academic procrastination, initial data is needed regarding the description of students’ academic procrastination, so a measuring instrument is needed to measure...
Proceedings Article

Electronic Book About Information of Higher Education for Career Guidance Services in Senior High School: Is It Practically?

Lina Dwi Puryanti, Muhammad Farozin
High Scool graduates are prepared to continue their studies to higher education. Before high school students choose to continue in higher education, ideally they need to understand information about higher education. Awareness of information about higher education becomes an important aspect for students...
Proceedings Article

Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families

Eka Aryani, Abdul Hadi, Ruly Ningsih, Nur Sholehah Dian Saputri, Palasara Brahmani Laras, Anifa Tuzzuhroh Nurbaiti
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between resilience and self-regulation in teenage members of split families. The proposed hypothesis is that self-regulation and resilience have a beneficial relationship. Fifty teenagers with divorced parents served as the study's participants....
Proceedings Article

Moodle: A Research and Development of E-Learning Media During Pandemic Covid 19

Ahmad Zuhudy Bahtiar, Ahdar Ahdar
The purpose of developing Moodle-based E-learning to assist teachers in teaching biology material with online learning. The current condition is that the teacher's skills in developing genetic material biology teaching materials are still lacking. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is...
Proceedings Article

Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)

Ruly Ningsih, Sigit Sanyata, Suwarjo Suwarjo
An assessment in identity development focused on friendship process was developed that used to assess deeper of interpersonal identity process. This study aimed to developing and validating identity of friendship questionnaire. Participants of the study were late adolescence age 17 until 21 years (N_350)...
Proceedings Article

The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study

Cut Munika Bastia Rahmadani, Suwarjo Suwarjo, Natri Sutanti
The study aims to describe the profile of the founders of online-based mental health care communities in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were determined using a purposive sampling technique and there were four subjects,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Reality Therapy E-Module to Improve Understanding of Reality Therapy for Guidance and Counseling Teachers

Aulia Rachma Fajria, Suwarjo Suwarjo
This study aimed to produce a reality therapy e-module and test the effectiveness of the e-module to improve the understanding of reality therapy for guidance and counseling teachers. This research is development research concerning the ADDIE model which includes the analysis, design, development, implementation,...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Social Identity the Tidung Tribe’s Philosophy of Life

Nisa Ariantini, Tri Cahyono
The Tidung tribe is an indigenous tribe of Kalimantan that is Muslim, or part of the Dayak, especially the Murut Dayak in Tarakan, North Kalimantan. Each tribe has several philosophies of life as a handle for running life. This study aims to examine the social identity of Tidung Tribe students. This...
Proceedings Article

Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media

Nur Sholehah Dian Saputri, Rita Eka Izzaty, Eka Aryani
Users of social media experience both positive and negative effects. Social anxiety is one of the unfavorable outcomes. Social anxiety among social users manifests as feelings of shame and withdrawal as a result of social engagement processes. In order to assist guidance and counseling teachers in overcoming...
Proceedings Article

Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan

Siti Rahmi, Riski Sovayunanto, Kusumawati
Accidentally, the Learning From Home regulation was implemented. Nevertheless, it is prudent to continue learning activities during the spread of Covid-19. The study revealed that students had diverse learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The average score derived from the analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Stress and Emotional Eating Tendency in Final Students University During Thesis Writing

Cahyanie Wulandari, Rahma Widyana
In the thesis process, many students are likely to experience stress or feel pressured and burned out. Such stress affects an individual’s psychological state, prompting an emotional eating tendency. This study is aimed at identifying the relationship between stress and the tendency of emotional eating...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector

Rakesh Sitepu, F. S. Beby Karina, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Endang Sulistya Rini
Insurance is different from other service-based business models because it takes on risks from third parties. If insurance companies aren’t run well, they can become very risky. It was also shown that insurance is built on the trust of the public. The job of the insurance company is to collect money...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Shaping to Student Regulation Learning

Rahmatika Nur Aisyah Windra Putri, Sigit Sanyata
Students’ abilities are arranged by metacognitive aspects, which include prior knowledge, learning styles, strategies in learning (cognitive, motivational, and environmental) reflected by self-regulated learning consisting of plans, observations, and evaluations. It can be said that self-regulated learning...
Proceedings Article

Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process

Nur Azizah, Muhammad Azhar, Akif Khilmiyah
Drug abuse has evolved into a social issue that necessity requires all parties’ involvement its spread. The drug rehabilitation facility is one of the institutions used to provide social rehabilitation for drug addicts, and its execution requires a spiritual approach. This research aims to determine...