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193425 articles

User Experience in Government Web Resources as an Imaging Tool

Anastasia Kislitsina, Aleksandra Beloborodova
The article is devoted to the consideration of the digital technologies role as a governmental image-forming instrument. Today a lot of modern states is facing the strategic task to implant in the minds of all citizens an image of an open political leader, party, executive authority, concerned about...

Analysis of Effect of Service Quality, Physical Environment And Customer Experience To Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction of Visitor Starbucks Coffee In Samarinda

Besse Asniwaty, Muhta Sehe, Bobby Siswanto, Satryawati
This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, physical environment and customer experience to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction on Starbucks coffee visitors in Samarinda ,. The research data obtained were then analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis tool...

Reality Group Counseling to Reduce Disturbing Behavior for Youth Problem with Destructive Behavior Classroom

Noor Latifah Andina
Participants in this case were IPS 11 grade high school students totaling 4 people with a range of 17-18 years old, with Destructive Behavior classroom. The assessment method used was interviews, observation and CFIT tests. From the results of assessments that have been carried out with the results of...

Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization

Muhardi Muhardi, Nurdin Nurdin, Aminuddin Irfani
This research aims to discover the efforts made by pesantren (Islamic boarding school) to be a sustainable learning organization that continuously adapts and innovates in an ever-changing environment. This research took two pesantrens in Sukabumi and Garut, Indonesia, as sample units. The research data...

Design of Internet Integrated Students Worksheet for Developing the Ability of Mathematical Reasoning

Selvi Riwayati, Yuriska Destania
The learning process is the availability of adequate learning resources to support student learning activities. Learning resources that are often used in lecture activities so far are textbooks of publishers that were also used in the course of Introduction to Probability. However, the use of the book...

Research on the Teaching Reform of Bridge Engineering based on the Training of Engineering Application

Zhaolan Wei, Jian Wang, Siyin Wu
Guided by engineering application, according to the teaching status of the Bridge Engineering course in our university, the teaching reform was carried out under the consideration of syllabus, teaching methods, practice teaching, curriculum design, map reading ability enhancement, introduction of bridge...

Study on Gender Differences of Migrant Workers' Wages in the Background of Sustainable Development

Muwen Wang
In the background of sustainable development, the distribution of wages should follow the principle of distribution according to work, but the current gender difference in wages has become one of the factors hindering the further fair development of the economy and society. As the migrant workers, the...

Evaluating Collaboration Ability of R&D Team Members: A Multi-Granular Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Approach

Zhen Zhang, Junliang Gao, Wenyu Yu
Evaluating each member's collaboration ability in an R\&D team is of vital importance for senior managers to improve the team performance for R&D activities. Due to the difference in knowledge and education background, each team member usually tends to use multi-granular hesitant fuzzy linguistic term...

The Textual Study on the Historical Correlation Between the Forty Scenes of the Old Summer Palace and the Perspective Landscape Paintings in Qing Dynasty

Yiting Wang
By selecting the colored silk scroll The Forty Landscape Poems of the Old Summer Palace completed in the 9th year of the Qianlong period (A.D.1744) as the research target, this paper examines the related painters’ working environment, analyzes the master-apprentice relationship among these painters and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Reliability of Information Services as Part of Management Systems of Complex Technical Objects

Vladimir Gvozdev, Liliya Chernyahovskaya, Rima Nasyrova
To achieve the objectives of Industry 4.0 doctrine, it is necessary to create “smart factoring”. Building information service profiles plays a supporting role in making decisions on priority areas for the development of information systems as part of “smart factoring”. This article analyzes the current...
Proceedings Article

A new method for human ear recognition using Haar wavelet decomposition and LDA/GSVD

Hailong Zhao
In the case of high dimension and small sample, the feature extraction method using Fisher linear discriminant analysis has a problem of pathological singularity. There are many solutions to this problem, in which LDA/GSVD algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of the existing methods, has a good recognition...
Proceedings Article

Effect of GHR variation on mandibular height

Arief Johanes Halim, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Growth hormone (GH) is a hormone produced by the acidophil of the anterior pi-tuitary gland that affects the growth and development of craniofacial structures. GH must bind to the growth hormone receptor (GHR) to stimulate the target site. As GH is the primary regulator of bone growth, the GHR plays...

Study on Approaches to Improve the Ability to Innovate of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges in Scientific Research Practice

Jing Lv
. it had become an important objective of higher vocational education to cultivate high-skilled and innovative talents and improve the ability to innovate of students in higher vocational colleges. Engaging students in higher vocational colleges in scientific research practice activities was an important...
Proceedings Article

Research on Modeling of Bionic Porous Scaffold for Bone Defect Repair Based on Bone Mineral Density Distribution

Xueling Bai, Peng Ding, Peng Zhang, Zhidong Yao
Porous scaffold is an effective bone substiutes for bone defect repair. The research developed a new method of modeling of bionic porous scaffold for bone defect repair based on bone mineral density distribution through topological analysis and mathematical modeling of porous scaffold, and, taking femur...
Proceedings Article

Design of Document Management System Based on SD Card

Biqing Li, Suping Jiang, Wenya Lai, Yangming Chen, Liuren Wei, Huanhua Huang, Huiliang Huang, Shaohong Huang, Yankui Zhao
As a kind of storage equipment, SD card is used most widely in recent years, used in most portable devices, and the efficient file system also brought a lot of convenience for our work. Document management system based on SD card designed in this paper is to use the STC12C5A60S2 chip as the control core,...

A Study on Conversion of Parts of Speech in English-Chinese Translation

Zhengxi Liu, Ru Yuan
English is distinct from Chinese in terms of means of expression, sentence structure, grammar and culture. The text analyses the common skill from the aspect of necessity of conversion and the application of conversion in E-C translation. At first, it gives a brief introduction to the definition of conversion...
Proceedings Article

The Development of E-government under the Influence of Big Data

Wei Hong, Yilan Zhang, Yiqing Lu
Countries around the world have introduced various new policies to adapt to the development of big data. The Chinese government also attaches great importance to the big data industry. The main purpose of this paper is to explore specific methods and suggestions to improve the management mode of the...

Analysis of the Construction of Online Open Courses under the Background of Internet +——Take Henan Province as an example

Bo Zeng, Shanshan Li, Zhixue Zhang
As the main means of realization of "Internet + Education", the online open course has fully utilized the open and sharing characteristics of the Internet, established a new educational concept, reformed the educational model, and brought a new industry form for education. The paper analyzes in detail...

Development of regional price levels in the Czech Republic

Petr Musil, Jana Kramulová
Regional price levels attract attention of researchers as well as of general public due to the fact that regional price differences influence the interpretation of regional indicators. The current international approach reflects just price differences among countries, and regional disparities are excluded...

A Case Study on Influential Factors of Group Activities in Middle School English Classes

Yafei Wang, Zhuyu Yuchi
Group activities could create a good language learning environment, while how the teachers design and practice them influences the results directly. This study is a case study to test whether the target high-school English teachers have been conducting effective classroom group activities. During the...

The Model of Business Activities Legal Responsibility in Anticipation of Environmental Pollution Impact on Sea Fish as a Food Raw Material by Small and Medium Enterprises

S. Malikhatun Badriyah, Amiek Soemarmi, Siti Mahmudah
Indonesia, as one of the largest fish-producing countries in the world, has great potential to improve the fishing industry, one of which is food processing made from sea fish. On the other hand there are legal issues that often occur related to processed foods as the use of raw materials that increase...

Leveraging universally desirable and undesirable leadership styles

Zeynegul Samaibekova, Ainura Kocherbaeva
This paper focuses on cross-cultural management and leadership. In particular, it aims at universal leadership studies and attributes. By using a comprehensive literature review and some relevant examples from various sources it shows that the amount of leadership as well as leadership styles might significantly...

The Role of Woman's Personal Branding in Increasing The Activity of Fishery in Batu Island

Nurbani Padang, Arlina, Abdi Sitepu
This research was conducted to find out the personal branding model in improving the existence of women in the processing of fishery activity, in Batu Island, South Nias Regency. The existence of women in f this study is to identify and map the potential and competence of marine women to be developed,...
Proceedings Article

Trends of Development in the Use of Modified Oil Fractions in Aviation

Oleg Doshlov, Ivan Doshlov, Igor Bobarika, Mikhail Kovalev
The paper is devoted to review of existing aviation fluids, analysing their weaknesses and technology trends create aviation fluids, kerosene, lighter-oiling materials on the basis of modification of petroleum products.
Research Article

Foreign Direct Investment and Export Competitiveness in Africa: Investigating the Channels

Gladys Gamariel, Seedwell Hove
Pages: 30 - 46
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Africa has surged in recent years. At the same time, international trade has increased, exposing African countries to international competition. This raises the question of whether FDI plays a role in enhancing export competitiveness. This study investigates the impact...

Chick’s Resilience from Broken Home in Mitch Albom’s for One More Day

Nindy Yulita, Rahmi Munfangati
The objective of the research is to describe the resilience process of Chick Benneto as a broken home child in the novel. The subject of this research is the novel For One More Day by Mitch Albom and the object is Chick’s resilience from broken home. This research is grouped into library research and...

An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Affecting Real Estate Price under the Background of Loose Monetary Policy: Based on the Statistics of Chengdu in the past 15 Years

Boya Zhang
Chengdu, one of the fastest growing cities in China and the world, has seen a steady rise in housing prices, but in the past year it has seen explosive growth, with prices in the main urban areas almost doubling from the end of 2016 to the end of 2018. As a new first-tier city, the fluctuation of housing...
Research Article

Shock index for outcome and risk stratification in acute pulmonary embolism✩

Karsten Keller, Meike Coldewey, Martin Geyer, Johannes Beule, Jörn Oliver Balzer, Wolfgang Dippold
Pages: 30 - 35
Introduction: Risk stratification of patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is crucial in deciding appropriate therapy management. Shock index (SI) is rapidly available and a reliable parameter. We aimed to investigate SI for short term outcome in acute PE. Materials and methods: Data of 182 patients...

Implementation of Local Cultural Values in the Habituation Process of Character Education in the School of the Semarang City

Margi Wahono, Puji Lestari, Andi Suhardiyanto, Novia Wahyu Wardhani
This study aims to explore, review and obtain descriptive description of the process of transformation of local cultural values as an effort to habituate character education or habituation for Junior High School student in Semarang. The approach of this research is qualitative with analytic descriptive...

Communication Behavior of “Statue and Painting” Artists

Sangra Juliano Prakasa, Novita Fitriana
This study aims to describe "Communication Behavior of An artist in making state and painting" which includes verbal and non-verbal communication and used descriptive qualitative method with interviews, observation and documentation as data collection techniques. The results of the study showed that...
Proceedings Article

Development of Cassava Farming in Calcareous Land in Gunungkidul Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta

Eni Istiyanti, Nellysa Ayu V.C, Lestari Rahayu
The calcareous land is one of the alternative lands which are still underutilized in Gunungkidul Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study aims to know and analyze the cost, income, profit, feasibility of the cassava farming, and the constraints towards developing cassava farming. The basic method...

Research on Career Identity and Career Development of College PE Teachers

Jian Wang
This paper discusses the basis of the research on the career identity of college PE teachers from the perspective of education, analyzes the source of career identity of college PE teachers, and finally come to the conclusion that the personal characteristics of teachers are the decisive factors affecting...

Research on the manufacturing process oriented customer satisfaction evaluation

Qing Liu, Gang Huang, Shanshan Yu
This paper presents a method to measure the manufacturing process oriented customer satisfaction. The method combines AHP and fuzzy neutral network, firstly, the paper defines the concept of Complete Manufacturing Process as foundation of the method, and constructs customer satisfaction indicator system,...

Representation of Islamic Values in Film Duka Sedalam Cinta

Hasnil Aflah, Rahmanita Ginting
Film is one of mass media, as well as radio, television, and newspapers, have moral responsibility to provide educational value, goodness value as well as religious values. This purpose of this study is to analyze representation of Islamic values in Film Duka Sedalam Cinta. This research used a descriptive...

A Review of Localization Reform of China's State-owned Enterprises

Yang Zhenyu
The reform of State-owned Enterprises(SOEs) is important not only for China's process towards marketization, but also for its long term growth and competition worldwide. This paper provides a systematic review of the reform, which has been made in the past three decades. Then, it focuses on the localization...

Age and Sexuality Online: Trends, Risks and Perspectives

Vladimir Kozlovskiy, Liliia Pankratova
In this paper, we describe main trends in socio-cultural practices, presentations, discussions and formation of sexualities by different age groups in cyberspace in modern information societies. The article examines performativity and embodiment of sexuality in online social spaces based on the results...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of erosion susceptibility for tungsten electrodes in submerged arc welding

Natala Astafeva, Anatoliy Astafev
The article presents the results of studies on the influence of additives increasing stabilizing properties of the arc in the chemistry of tungsten electrodes on the erosion of their tips under SAW. Erosion and crown formation cause weld defects. Severe welding conditions are due to high temperatures...
Proceedings Article

Mapping Processor of Resource Description Framework Based On RML

Dufang Fan, Xiushan Zhang, Jian Huang
With the development of computer and communication technology, the Internet of things (IoT) is developing vigorously among people to realize interconnection, to link objects or people with any other objects. This paper is based on the related research results of a series of concepts such as the semantic...
Proceedings Article

Decision Making Of Banana Varieties Based On Land in Samarinda Using Electre Method

Heliza Rahmania Hatta, Ramaulvi Muhammad Akhyar, Dyna Marisa Khairina, Septya Maharani, Haviluddin Haviluddin, Purnawansyah Purnawansyah
Indonesia is an agrarian country, a country with fertile soil and rich in nutrients so that a lot of land that can be used as agricultural land for a variety of plants one of which is a banana plant. Banana is a plant that has a good adaptability to the condition of water shortage, so that many planted...

Family Environment Support in Early Intervention of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Sinta Yuni Susilawati, Rizqi Fajar Pradipta
The aim of this study was to describe family environment support and formulate early family-based intervention program by describing the acceptance, belief, understanding, planning, and intervention of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). The study used a qualitative descriptive method and involved a family...

7. Social Media as the Virtual Public Sphere Ahead of the 2019 General Election in Indonesia

Muhammad Edy Susilo, Prof. Pawito
Social media is one of many online platforms on the internet. This research chose Facebook among existing social media sites to analyze its context as a virtual public sphere ahead of the 2019 Indonesian General Election. Democracy requires freedom of expressions from every party. Social media is one...
Proceedings Article

Study of Packaging Variations on the Quality of Instant Tomato Powder Drinks

Faidliyah Nilna Minah, Siswi Astuti
Instant drinks are already a major requirement to fulfill human consumption in the era of globalization. According to the national health department, more than 5% of Indonesians consume instant drinks from various types. This figure is an opportunity for us to conduct research that produces quality drinks...

Research on the Quality Assurance System of Financial and Economic University Graduate Students under the Background of Big Data

Rong Yu, Lei Huang
Big data has become an important field for international competition and national development, and urgent demand about big data has been created. This paper discuss the gap between current situation of graduate student education and the demand under big data. Dissipative structure theory is used to analyze...
Proceedings Article

GIS Application for Health Database System

Pranichayudha Rohsulina, MS. Khabibur Rahman, Eko Kuswanto
The aims of this study to make the health database system use the GIS application by combining spatial data with object attributes related to the distribution of health facilities supporting BPJS Health services in Sukoharjo District. This study uses qualitative descriptive, which explains or describes...
Proceedings Article

A Bi-functional Polymer with Electro-chromic and Self-healing Performance

Rongzong Zheng, Yaru Fan, Yi Wang, Chunyang Jia, Jianliang Xie
The cracking of electrochromic materials due to aging or reiterative bending is a major problem, which noticeably degrades the performance of electrochromic devices. In this paper, a new polymer DFTPA-MA, which integrate the triphyelamine (TPA) and self-healing group, is reported in this paper. The colour...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis and Performance of A Novel Penetration Enhancer

Qin WU, Lei TANG, Haimin SHEN, Hongxin SHI
Preparation and percutaneous absorption of 2-methyl-2-perfluoro-2'-methyl-3'-oxoca- proyloxyl ethoxycarbonyl ethylmethyldipolyethoxylsilicane (V) were investigated. V was synthesized from 2-perfluoro-2'-methyl-3'-oxocaproyloxylethyl methacrylate and methyldichlorosilicane by hydrosilication, then by...
Proceedings Article

A Cross-Layer Routing Protocol Based on Location Information for Multi-hop Wireless Ad hoc Networks with Directional Antenna

Tai-bin HUANG, Lei LEI
In multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks, communications with directional antennas can effectively improve the transmission range of the node. Most of existing directional routing protocols adopt the four-way handshaking mechanism which transmits and receives with directional and omnidirectional antennas...
Proceedings Article

The Simulation of Fluid Dynamics inside the Continuous Wave Mud Pulser Generator with Four-hole Rotary Valve

Qin-Feng Di, He Zhang, Ze-Zhong Jin, Feng Chen, Wen-Chang Wang, Hai-Tao Song
The continuous wave pulse generator with rotary valve is an advanced and key equipment in high-rate measurement while drilling (MWD) and logging while drilling (LWD) telemetry systems. It generates an encoded mud pressure wave signal to transmit real-time information from down-hole to surface. For the...

Tourism Stocks in Times of Crises: An Econometric Investigation of Non-macro Factors

Anastasios Zopiatis, Christos Savva, Neophytos Lambertides, Michael McAleer
Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the European media emphatically pronounced that billions of euros were wiped from tourism related stocks. This comes at a troublesome time for the tourism industry, in the midst of a global financial crisis, and the unpredictable rise of radical Islamic...

A Development Area of surplus reserve production ratio influence factors

Yakun Liu
The remaining oil reserve production ratio of A Development Area is low,there is a serious contradiction between the remaining recoverable reserves and stable production.Aiming at the analysis of the low remaining oil reserve production ratio of the A Development Area,quantifying parts of the influence...