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Proceedings Article

Study of the Paleozoic Base of the Terek-Caspian Trough Based on the Complex of Geological and Geophysical Data

M. Ya. Gaysumov, S.V. Badaev, R.S. Akhmatkhanov, O.M. Gaysumov, A.A. Doduev
The article presents the primary results of paleotectonic studies that were conducted in order to study the deep structure of the Paleozoic basement, to reveal the patterns of development of the faulty-block tectonics of the Terek-Caspian trough, kinematic features of tectonic movements, and their contribution...

Training Model On Human Resources Capacity

Jajat S Ardiwinata, Ade Romi Rosmia
This study examines the management of training in improving the performance of Human Resources at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), Respondents in this study were training participants and training managers, the method used is a Mix Method using qualitative and quantitative data. Results 1) Training Management...

Opportunities and Countermeasures of Higher Vocational Ideological and Political Education in the Era of WeChat

Nuofeng Li
With the gradual development of the related work of the new curriculum reform in China, parents of students pay more and more attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality. To a certain extent, this also improves the requirements of Higher Vocational Education in China. Ideological...

Philosophical Methodology of Research of the Network Paradigm of Education Management

G.V. Morgunov, N.S. Proner
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the philosophical methodology of network paradigm research of education management. In the process of research, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to adapt existing methodologies, such as synergistic, system analysis, activity...

Oil Well Stimulation at Oil Fields of Groznensky Oil-Bearing District

A.Sh. Khaladov, N.D. Bulchaev, M.M. Bakraev, A.A. Umaev, I.I. Aliev, Z.Kh. Gazabieva
Among the objectives of the oil industry of the Chechen Republic is stable covering of requirements of the republic for hydrocarbons; attaining this objective significantly depends on acceleration of scientific and technical progress within the industry. It assumes increase in oil and associated gas...

Improving Employees' Commitments by Giving Incentives

Work commitment is the calling of the soul that someone has for active involvement both physically and psychologically in carrying out the work that is his responsibility in the organization. People who have work commitments will always strive to carry out tasks that are their responsibility well in...

Study on the Construction of Student Team-Type Associations under the College System in Universities

Hairui Sui, Fanglin Xie
More and more universities begin to explore the new mode of students' education and training through the establishment of residential college system. The student association is an important part of the construction of college system in universities. It is not a simple transition from a school or department...

Introverted and Extroverted Students' Learning Attitude in Chinese Speaking Class

Dian Prasetyo Adi
In communicating, personality is divided into two major types: introvert and extrovert. Each type of personality has its own learning attitude. Speaking class requires each student to participate actively in class activities so that each student dares to speak. However, because the learners' personality...

Drama of Social Media Political Actors in Democracy Facebook Public Space and Democratic Practices in the 2019 Presidential Debate in Indonesia

Dwinarko Dwinarko
This study uses qualitative methods, paradigms of critical and postmodern approaches. The purpose of this research was to dismantle the text interpersonal on Facebook in the April 17, 2019. The text is a public space in the footsteps of creative in innovative as a form campaign the political actors in...

Policy Scenario for Acceleration of Village Performance System

Ike Wanusmawatie, Bambang Supriyono, Luqman Hakim, M. R. Khairul Muluk, Rendra Eko Wismanu
The objective of study was to create policy scenarios to acceleration the village performance based on systems dynamic. This action is important to do, especially in the digital era. The information system should be back up by accurate data. This can be done through research based on systems thinking...

Comparison of Mental Health Education Between Chinese and American Universities A Field Study Based on 6 Universities

Guang Shao, Dongyu Liu
This paper compares the mental health education between Chinese and American universities based on field visits to 6 universities. As shown in the investigations, the differences lie in 4 aspects. Firstly, the working mechanism of mental health education is horizontal in America but three-dimensional...
Proceedings Article

The Cloud Management System of Campus Umbrella

Weihua He, Xinyue Wang, Bingrui Yang, Chai Song
With the arrival of the sharing economy, the shared device appears rapid development.At present,sharing umbrella equipment lacks credit management mechanism (database), client-side, etc. The integrity of system structure is poor, the user experience is not good. RFID circuit design is simple, card reader...
Proceedings Article

Application of Informative Teaching Method in the Practical Training of Tooth Carving

Na Li
The design features of tooth carving lessons emphasize the combination of theory and practice. The aim of the teaching such lessons is to promote student’s professional and technical ability and ensure the comprehensive development of students on a professional foundation. However, with the deepening...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Approach to Power Distribution Loss Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm

Chen Li, Yunsi Huang, Anjia Mao, Yu Zhang, Peng Wu
Profit space of power grid enterprises is being compressed under the background of continuous improvement of power system reform in China. At the same time, due to environmental and climate issues, the state strongly advocates energy conservation and emission reduction, all of which makes the grid enterprises...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Intercropping with Post-Grafting Generation of Galinsoga parviflora on Photosynthesis of Lettuce under Cadmium Stress

Kewen Huang, Lijin Lin, Ming’an Liao
The pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of intercropping with positive and negative grafting generations of two ecotypes (farmland and mining) of cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator plants Galinsoga parviflora on photosynthesis of lettuce. The positive grafting: the rootstock was mining ecotype...

Research on the Innovation Mechanism and Development Path of Students' Work Based on Big Data

Kai-Yuan LIU, Yu-Bo WANG
Big data has penetrated into all fields of society and massive data covers a lot of valuable information, so the work of college students will be greatly affected by the impact of big data. The influence of big data on the structure of students work is the high rate of information dissemination and the...

Cooperation in Science and Education as an Instrument for Strengthening Relations between China and Australia

Tatiana Ponka, Evgeniya Katkova
With the growth of global problems, scientific cooperation is becoming increasingly important for all nations. It can help countries to solve their problems and to strengthen national spheres of science and technology. In this context, the scientific communities of Australia and China are mutually complementary....
Proceedings Article

Design of seamless flanging machine for boiling water pot

Jiali Kong, Guiwei Wang
With the improvement of people's living standards, aesthetic values and values, more and more style boiled water pots emerge as the times require. One of the most critical processes is the flattening of the flanges in the pot, which restricted the quality and production of this kind of boiling water...
Proceedings Article

Directional Modulation Aided Secure Spatial Modulation

Qian Cheng, Jiang Zhu, Junshan Luo, Zuohong Xu, Li Zhu
A directional modulation (DM) aided secure spatial modulation (SM) scheme is proposed, which amalgamates the security of DM and high efficiency of SM, capable of achieving physical layer security (PLS) communications for SM. The principle of the proposed DM aided secure SM scheme is analyzed. Besides,...

Research on the Profit Model of Multi-Energy Interconnected Operation under New Power System Reform

Ming Zeng, Yiqun Liu, Jiawen Ye, Ting Pan, Xianxu Huo, Baoguo Zhao
With the large-scale development and utilization of clean energy, the advancement of new electric power system reform and the improvement of the energy marketization, multi-energy interconnected operation has become the main direction of energy development in the future, with the features that clean...

Pitch Movement of Javanese Language Use: Lesson Learned from People Acrross-Generations in Yogyakarta Municipality

Henry Yustanto, Chattri Sigit Widyastuti
Intonation, the accurate high-low tonal speech of presentation, serves a very fundamental role in a language speech community. This intonation shows pitch movement as well as intonation contour of a speech. Speech intonation within a language society is varied from one generation to the next. Such differences...

Labour motivation of financial inspectors of agricultural enterprises

Iryna Perevozova, Oleh Dzoba, Zoriana Krykhovetska, Nadiia Daliak
Development of the socially oriented market economy of Ukraine, effective realization of reforms in this area and improvement of people’s living standards are not possible without forming a high level of labour motivation of financial inspectors, particularly of agricultural enterprises. However, the...

Study on the Cultivation Model of Foreign Language Talents in Colleges and Universities of China Based on Multiple Innovative Abilities

Qian-qian LEI, Hai-yang LIU
The development of innovative ability is the requirement of cultivating talents in the current pluralistic era. This paper reviews the development of foreign language talents cultivation mode and defines the concept of innovative ability of multiple foreign languages. On this basis, a “four-in-one” innovative...

Comparative Study of Indonesian Language Skill Between PGSD and PJKR Students at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung

Asyraf Suryadin, Sasih Karnita Arafatun
The purpose of this research is to describe the Indonesian language skill at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung students. In particular, the purpose of this research to compare Indonesian language skills between PGSD and PJKR students at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung based on the results of the...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Efficiency of Diagnosis and Complex Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases by Assessing the Immune Status

T.B. Kasohov, A.I. Mazur, A.O. Gatsalova, A.I. Galabueva, Z.Z. Morgoeva, A.V. Eldzharov, D.Z. Kabaloeva
One of the leading places in dental practice is occupied by inflammatory periodontal disease. The causes of this pathology are very diverse. The leading link in the pathogenesis is microbial contamination. In the pathogenesis of the severity of the inflammatory process is largely associated with disorders...

Education Cloud CA System

Wenshan Yang, Wuzheng Tan
This paper proposed vision and thought about Education Cloud CA System[1] [2], The cloud computing platform at the ministerial level deploys the cloud certificate certification system of the ministry of education, Certificate integrated management system, Cipher server, VPN And so on, CDS, supported...

Content Potential of Genre Decisions in the Diptych-symphony by Oleg Meremkulov as the Key to Performance Interpretation

Natalia Naiko
In the article, the work of the great Krasnoyarsk composer is considered from the point of view of the interaction of genre features of an instrumental concerto and a symphony, a concerto and a prelude. Along with the vivid manifestation of the concerto principle, which determined the significance of...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Antibiotic Producing Bacteria from the Human Beard

Nurfazira, Israwati Harahap, Elsie
This study aims to explore antibiotic producing bacteria from beards, test antibacterial activity on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and characterize antibiotic producing bacteria from beards. Bacteria were isolated using the pour plate method, and then tested for antibacterial activity on...
Short Communication

“Trifurcation” of femoral artery

Theodore Troupis, Adamantios Michalinos, Lambros Markos, Alexandros Samolis, George Tsakotos, Dimitrios Dimitroulis, Dionysios Venieratos, Panayiotis Skandalakis
Pages: 106 - 108
The present study describes analytically a rare case in which a trifurcation of Femoral Artery in Superficial Femoral Artery, Deep Femoral Artery and Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery was found during dissection of a cadaver. This variation can be considered as a subdivision of Lateral Circumflex Femoral...
Proceedings Article

Barcode Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine

Clarin Mulyaningtyas, Elly Matul Imah
Barcode is visual code to identify the symbols of the data in the form of one or two-dimension image contains lines and spaces based on detecting the edges. The use of barcode has significantly contributed for warehouses and retail product. Nowadays, the research about barcode is still an interesting...

Research and Practice on the School-Government-Enterprise Cooperative Education Mode of “Trinity, Quartet Linkage” —Taking Mechanical Engineering College of Beihua University as the Example

Zhanguo Zhang, Lixia Sun, Jinghua Li
Under new economy background, local universities need to carry out open-door education to build the new education ecology with open and harmonization. With the principle of “resource sharing, complementary advantages, mutual benefit, common development”, Mechanical Engineering College of Beihua University...

Strengthening the Construction of Undergraduates' Scientific Research Morality in Practice Teaching

Jun Bin Wang, Hai Feng Wang, Jian Ren, Ying Chao Wang, Fang Di Cong
In recent years, academic moral anomie situation appeared frequently in the undergraduates' research training program. This reminds us that moral education of scientific research should be advanced to the undergraduate stage. In this paper, the current situation of undergraduate research of moral anomie...
Proceedings Article

Path Planning for Multiple AGV Systems Using Genetic Algorithm in Warehouse

Chao Li, Chuqing Cao, Yunfeng Gao
Path planning problem in multiple automated guided vehicle (AGV) system has been proven to be NP-Hard problem by many researchers. This complex task is being done using various mathematical techniques traditionally. This paper proposes an optimal path planning method for the multiple AGV system based...

Development of Writing Learning Model Using Process Approach In Class III Elementary School

Mursal Mursal, Syahrul Ramadhan
This research is caused by the low ability of students in writing. Students' writing is difficult to read. Writing the alphabet and numbers seems still not good and neat, this will hurt the students themselves.When examining the results of the exercise, the teacher has difficulty reading the writing...

Specific Diversity of School Stochastic Problems

Andrey Aksenov, Vladimir Selutin
In the modern theory and methodology of teaching mathematics, the theoretical basis for the application of problems in the learning process is developing. In particular, the traditional view on the species composition of tasks is also changing. Their new species are proposed. A few years ago, elements...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Enzyme Preparations with Endo-Xylanase and Exo-Peptidase Activities on the Bread Quality, Dough Properties and Fractional Composition of Wheat Gluten Proteins

A.A. Nevsky, N.V. Tsurikova, G.F. Dremucheva, M.V. Nosova, I.A. Velikoretskaya, D.M. Borodulin
Enzymes (EN) are widely used in many countries with purpose to adjust the quality of flour in baking and milling industries. It is known that the combined application of EN with endo-xylanase and exo-peptidase activities provides a higher positive effect in the bread quality compared to the use of EN...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Management in Republic of Crimea Represented by Modeling Use of Big-Diameter Pipelines in Various Operation Modes

M.A. Bandurin, A.A. Mykhailin, V.V. Nefedov
The paper features results of modeling of operating conditions of big-diameter pipelines used for water supply of Crimea. The Russian Federation is a constant member of the group of states having a large share in water resources. 10-15% of total water resources are distributed through the most developed...

The Impact of Cross-border Migrant Employment on Workers' Income in Border Areas An Empirical Study Based on the Micro Data of Yunnan Border Areas

Yang Jie, Luo Renjuan
Based on household survey data of the national social science fund research group in Yunnan border area, this paper examines the marginal effects of cross-border mobile employment on the wage level of workers. We use the census register's household register and whether there is someone going abroad for...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Countermeasures of the Gravity Model of Wuhan City Circle

Yi Gu, Pian Guo
This article from the industrial structure, technological innovation ability, the development of financial markets, the problems existing in the current human resource allocation policy, further expounds the bottleneck for the further development of Wuhan in the city circle, and by introducing the gravity...

The Enlightenment of Academy Education to Modern Education against the Background of Emerging Engineering Education

Shuying Chen, Lei Chen
With the increasing demand for high-quality educational resources, the quality of education has been paid more and more attention. Based on the study of academy education, which is popular for thousands of years, this paper analyzes the educational concept of academy education, especially the characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Technology of Intelligent Service for Energy Technology Forecasting

Alex Kopaygorodsky
This article reports the approach and software tools for decision-making support in forecasting the energy infrastructure development. The author considers the problem of searching for information from various open sources, technology of information searching, knowledge detection and classification....

Utilization of Information Processing Theory to Identify Students’ Thinking Interference of Global Type in Solving Permutation Problems

Sukoriyanto Sukoriyanto
This study aims to describe the students' thinking interference of global type in solving permutation problem based on information processing theory. The subjects were 16 students of the Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang. The results showed that 50% of student’s experience global interference...

Expressive Speech Acts of Women’s Communication on Facebook

Rosita Ambarwati, Joko Nurkamto, Riyadi Santosa
Women communication is always interesting to discuss. Facebook as a media of communication is the most famous sosial media used by the women. In early 2012 the user of facebook in Indonesia is 40.6 % women. It can be imagined that women communication on facebook has complexity. This study covers expresive...

Movie Reception Against Alzheimer's Analysis on The Campaign Movie, Gendhuk

Farizal Famuji
Dementia is the most severe cognitive impairment because it can interfere with social, economic and psychological functions. By 2050 there will be an estimated 64.6 million people with dementia. Gendhuk movie is a film that tells the story of a child living with grandmother with symptoms of dimension...

An Empirical Analysis of RMB Exchange Rate Pass-Through Effect in Yunnan Province

Yili Hu, Haoran Wu
In microeconomics, the exchange rate pass-through effect does not only affect the pricing of products and production adjustment of the enterprises involved in international trade, but also has significant implications for the decision-making of consumers. This paper analyses the mechanism of exchange...

Integrating The Thematic Instruction for The First Grade of Elementary Students by Using "The Mouse Deer and Snail" Big Book Literate Story

Ratna Trieka Agustina, Harti Kartini
Based on the Indonesian elementary school curriculum 2013, the focus of the instructional is based on thematic which should integrate many subjects. The aim of the research is to create the fable literature story big book. The title is “Mouse Deer and Snail". This book is created and developed based...

Construction and Practice of Training Project to Enhance the Animation Professional Comprehensive Ability Based on OBE-oriented +3-Center-Change-Creative

Ran Zhao, Xuesong Li
The CDIO engineering education reform is a great revival of China's higher engineering education. With it as the guiding principle, the TOPCARES-CDIO teaching reform is conceived, designed, implemented and operated. Combined with the OBE result orientation, TOPCARES-CDIO inspects the teaching effects...

The Impact of RMB Exchange Rate Fluctuation on the Export of China’s Mechanical and Electrical Industry

Li Wu
Exchange rate fluctuation has an important impact on import and export trade. It can affect the total volume of trade by affecting the price of trade commodity, and also affect the total volume of trade by affecting the change of national income. Electromechanical products are one of the key export commodities...

Considerations Regarding the Combat of Illegal Criminal Punishment of “Disagreeable” Magistrates by using an Instigator Agent

Bogdan David
The present study is proposing to draw the attention of the international public to the methods and customs used by Romanian criminal prosecution institutions against some Romanian magistrates that either refused to collaborate with secret services or did not answer to political commands and, as a result,...

The Significance and Manifestations of Youth Value Orientations in the Structure of Social Competence

Merdeeva Tatiana, Bazhenova Natalia
To study the significance and manifestations of youth value orientations in the structure of social competence and determine their influence on behavior in a situation of social threat or danger, a diagnosis of value orientations of youth (students of Birobidzhan Medical College, Birobidzhan College...