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189328 articles

The Evaluation of Children’s Walking to and from School Safety: A Case Study in Wuhan

Jie Shen, Shanlai Zou, Chen Liang
In recent years, the number of motor vehicles and the total mileage of roads have been increasing, which leads to traffic accidents occur frequently. Children are the most vulnerable group, so improving the safety of walking to and from school has become very urgent in urban development. Based on the...

The Utilization of AFAS on Indonesia's Retail Service Expansion to ASEAN Markets

Arie Mardiansyah, Kerub Henpra Gokniel, Jane Marisi Rapmeriah
The utilization of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) negotiations by Indonesia’s retail industry is still considered low. Retail business expansion to regional market is really expected to increase Indonesia’s trade performance and to maximize ASEAN market potential as its economic growth...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Image Recognition Technology

Xingang Wang
With the development of the research of artificial intelligence, image recognition technology has become one of the hot research topics in the modern society, the research results have been widely applied to many fields, which has brought remarkable economic benefits and social benefits. This paper briefly...
Proceedings Article

Application of SQLite Database in Dispatch and Substation Integrated System

Haoqiu Shi, Xuechun Ji, Hao Li
Substation monitoring and control system generally consists of several unsupervised PC units. Such configuration is not suitable for running large commercial database, so the integration of dispatching system and transformer substation requires a lightweight relational database, and has a strict need...
Proceedings Article

Research on Comprehensive Training Platform for Software Engineering Based on Android

Pan Chunhua, Sun Yan, Zan Fengbiao
With respect to the training program of software engineering specialty, this paper puts forward the comprehensive training platform of Chinese character dictation competition based on Android, and clarifies the purpose and main contents of the comprehensive training platform. Based on the hardware and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Operating Mechanism of Ocean Energy Industrial Technology Innovation System

Yingying Ding
The ocean energy industry, as one of China's emerging industries, is the key development goal proposed in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan. Compared with foreign ocean technology, there is still a lot of space for development of China’s ocean energy industry. Taking the ocean energy industrial technology...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Low Pressure Hypoxia on Oxidation- Antioxidant System of Player

Xin Tan
Purpose: To study the effect of hypobaric hypoxia on the oxidative-antioxidant system of volleyball players, and to provide a safe and reliable clinical treatment for cardiovascular disease. Method: Eight volleyball athletes trained on low altitude and low oxygen in a plateau on May 12, 2017 were listed...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Data Exchanges between Building Information Model and Fire Dynamics Simulator

This paper studies the methods of the application of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the fire data simulation. Through the analysis of the input data files of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard of BIM and the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) model, it was found that both of them used...

Research on the Collaborative Education Mode of Ideological and Political Education and Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities

Xuezhang Bu
In order to strengthen the research on the mode of Ideological and political education and innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students, the article first teased and grasped the relevant concepts, and tried to define the meaning of the cooperative education of Ideological and political...

Development of an Indonesian Figural-Inductive Reasoning Test for High School Students Based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory

Anita Dwinata Lubis, Dewi Maulina
The changing of Indonesia’s school curriculum in 2013 brought new regulations to divide students into specializations once they reach tenth grade. This study was conducted to develop a new test called Figural-Inductive Reasoning Test (FIR test) as a subtest of the new intelligence battery test, Tes Inteligensi...

Transfer Pricing Analysis on Intra-Group Services and the Related Transfer Pricing Disputes from Indonesian Tax Perspectives

Beatrice Eka Putri P. Simamora, Ancella Anitawati Hermawan
After analyzing transfer pricing cases on intra-group services transactions in Indonesia which have been settled in the Indonesian Tax Court and/or Supreme Court within the year 2013 to the present day, the result shows that the corrections made by the Directorate General of Tax (“DGT”) on intra-group...

On the Online Courses Construction in Police Institutes-Based on an Empirical Study of Jiangxi Police Institute

Xinqi Xie, Huijuan Xue
This article takes Jiangxi Police Institute as an example to analyze the background and problems of the construction of online courses and explores the ways to promote its construction. It advocates that police institutes should take various measures to promote the construction of such courses actively,...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Attribute of Health Services for Primary Health Centre According to the Farmer in Simpang Empat District, Karo Regency

Destanul Aulia, Sri Fajar Ayu, Eddy Syahrial
The basic objective of restructuring Primary Health Service such as Puskesmas is to strengthen the function of public health efforts and individual health efforts, so that the community as the user of Puskesmas health services can make the Puskesmas as a place for health, not just facilities for the...

A review of the motivations of corporate strategic change - based on the perspective of senior management

Xiaoxiao Kong, Lei Zhu
Based on senior management perspectives, this article reviews the representative literature on the causes of corporate strategic change from the perspectives of senior management traits, CEO changes, and entrepreneur cognition and psychological capital, and finally the paper draws the conclusion, points...

Research on Safety Education in Colleges from the Perspective of "Safe Campus"

Meijiao Ji
Firstly, the safety education of colleges and universities is expounded from the perspective of "Safe Campus", and the relationship between the construction of safe campus and the safety education of colleges and universities is clarified. Secondly, the specific security problems of the school are analyzed...

Conservation and Development Balance of the Palm Oil Industry Through Sustainability Regulation

Rio Christiawan
ISPO Certificate as provided under the Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 19/Permentan/OT.140/3/2011 it impose that not later than 2014 all ventures which had obtained Plantation Business Permit (IUP) shall obtained ISPO Certificate, the result is that at the end of 2014 there was only 5% (five...
Proceedings Article

Somatic Health and Physical Fitness of 18-20 Year-Old Female Students from Different Fitness Groups

S.N Blinkov, S.V. Syreskina, S.P. Levushkin, V.P. Kosikhin, А.F. Bashmak
This article provides a methodology for examination and assessment of physical health and physical fitness of 18-20 year-old female stu-dents of Samara state agrarian university from different fitness groups. Female students included to the specialized medical group due to the health reasons showed higher...

Research on Engineering Enlightenment Education in Cultivating Engineering Concept for Freshmen in College

Mingqi Wang, Liangcai Zeng, Guozhang Jiang, Xingdong Wang
Engineering enlightenment education bears a dual task of guiding engineering freshmen in college. One is from science education to engineering education and the other is from the exam-oriented education to autonomous learning. Based on the dissipative structure theory and focused on students' learning...
Journal: eFood
Review Article

Advances in the Propolis Chemical Composition between 2013 and 2018: A Review

Luka Šturm, Nataša Poklar Ulrih
Pages: 24 - 37
Propolis is a lipophilic sticky substance collected by bees that has been used by humans for centuries. Owing to its healing, antioxidant, and other medicinal properties, its chemical composition has been widely studied. Most pharmacological properties of propolis have been attributed to its phenols...

ASEAN Economic Community and The Challenges for Pro Poor Sustainable Development Program

Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh, Sri Hastjarjo
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) gives opportunity and challenge all at once. Production resource mobility will increase access to labor absorption and income, if there is competitiveness. Otherwise, it will exacerbate poverty. It was published that 90% of poor people in ASEAN states live in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Opportunities for Using of Eleutherococcuses Fruits as a New Food Raw Material

Ekaterina Solomonova, Nikolay Trusov, Tatiana Nozdrina
The purpose of study is to identify possibilities of using fruits of eleutherococcuses Eleutherococcus senticosus Rupr. & Maxim. аnd Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus Rupr. & Maxim., which are undergoing introduction tests in arboretum of N.V. Tsytsin Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Science,...

The Curriculum Reform of Situational Teaching Method Based on Traffic Data Exploration and Practice-- Taking the use of mobile software You Dao Dictionary in private vocational colleges as an example

Rongjian Zeng
The situational teaching method in the private college English teaching has been commonly used effective means of teaching in the past, English teachers have obvious teaching effect and experience summary. In 2019, contemporary have such a hot topic: the layman said TMALL, Jing Dong, big data, e-commerce...
Research Article

Numerical modeling of a prototype cardiac assist device by implementing fluid-structure interaction

Shahrokh Rahmani, Mehrnaz Oveysi, Alireza Heidari, Mahdi Navidbakhsh, Mansour Alizadeh
Pages: 24 - 35
The purpose of this study is to simulate the blood flow in a 2D axisymmetric model for the aorta assisted with a type of cardiac assist device in which the balloon part is surrounding the ascending aorta and can pump the blood flow by its inflation/deflation. The blood flow and von Mises stress in the...
Short Communication

The acute effect of maximal aerobic and isometric exercise on arterial stiffness parameters in boys and men

Elizabeth C. Schroeder, Sushant M. Ranadive, Kevin S. Heffernan, Sae Young Jae, Bo Fernhall
Pages: 24 - 28
Purpose: To evaluate whether the acute effects of aerobic or isometric exercise on arterial stiffness parameters differ between boys and men. Methods: Fourteen boys (10 ± 2 years, BMI 17.8 ± 1.9 kg/m2) and nine men (26 ± 3 years, BMI 24.4 ± 3.3 kg/m2) completed maximal aerobic and isometric exercise...
Proceedings Article

Design of E-Learning Structure Model based on Artificial Intelligence for Constructivism Learning Theory

Rahmad Al Rian, Kasman Rukun, Refdinal, Melly Novalia, Vitriani, Pratama Benny Herlandy
The constructivism learning model can be used to form students' critical thinking skills through knowledge formation with the guidance of a mentor. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 presents challenges to constructivism learning models to be able to apply e-learning. The e-learning process through information...
Research Article

Evaluation of losmapimod in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with systemic inflammation stratified using fibrinogen (‘EVOLUTION’): Rationale and protocol

M. Fisk, D. Mohan, J. Cheriyan, L. Yang, J. Fuld, C.M. McEniery, R. Tal-Singer, M.I. Polkey, I.B. Wilkinson
Pages: 24 - 34
Introduction: p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) are key signalling molecules in cellular responses to external stresses, regulate pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and are implicated in the inflammatory pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and atherosclerosis. The...

The Influence of Business Strategy Through the Management Accounting Information System to the Quality of Management Accounting Information - Evidence in Indonesia.

Lilis Puspitawati, Azhar Susanto
Managers as stakeholders use accounting for strategic management in implementing their business strategy in achieving competitive advantage. Currently, the implementation of strategic management accounting has used information technology known as management accounting information systems. This study...

Research on the Relationship Between Industrial Cluster and Technological Innovation Diffusion—An Empirical Research of Chinese Construction Industry

Xiaochen Chen
This paper uses Granger causality test to analyze the relationship between the degree of agglomeration of Chinese construction industry and the diffusion of technological innovation. Research shows that in Beijing, Anhui and Jiangxi, the construction industry clusters can obviously promote the technological...

The Construction of a New College English M-Learning Environment

Songbin Bao, Wenting Xu, Fanqi Meng
College English is a very important course in many universities in China. In order to further improve the teaching effect of College English, a new M-learning environment which is based on multiple Apps has been constructed. This article firstly analyzes the necessity of constructing a new M-learning...
Proceedings Article

Productivity of Young Aberdeen Angus and Hereford Breeds

Svetlana Sukhanova, Elena Alekseeva, Nikolay Lushnikov, Oksana Nazarchenko
The article presents an analysis of the development of beef cattle industry in the Kurgan Region, as well as the research results of the productivity of beef cattle. The studies were carried out in the Kurgan Region farms in 2013-2014. During the research the young stock of the Aberdeen Angus and Hereford...

Sources of Child Abuse in Indonesian Educational Ideologies

Indra Wardhana
Schooling, followed by its modernized acclaim in educational standard is distorted with the ideal concept of education. Educational model and custom is kept in form of violence for the sake of achieving so-called disciplined product. It is not only physical but also includes non-physical forces as emotional...

Ethos Academic Scientific Community in Conditions of Openness

Savvina Olga, Mukhametzhanova Vinera
The article deals with the moral norms of a modern academic scientist. In the first half of the 20th century, R. Merton brought forth the moral imperatives of a scientist in the field of Universalism, Communism, Disinterestedness, Organized scepticism, which, in spite of criticism, were practically the...

Abscisic Acid Affects Strawberry Fruit Quality

Fan Mo, Cong Ge, Yanling Li, Hao-Ru Tang, Qing Chen, Bo Sun, Yong Zhang, Ya Luo
Strawberry is a popular fruit with high visual appeal and a desirable taste[1].that is also rich in vitamins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and polyphenolics [2,3]. In China, the strawberry harvest season ranges from October to May. Normally, a cultivar that produced fruit before the Spring Festival is called...
Proceedings Article

IoT-based Intelligent Fishcarelab System (IFS) for Koi Fish Monitoring System

Minto Waluyo, Basuki Rahmat, Tuhu Agung Rachmanto, Mohamad Irwan Afandi, Helmy Widyantara, Harianto Harianto
Internet of Things (IoT) allows connections between devices using an internet connection with the ability to collect and exchange data. This research utilizes the IoT network to monitor the growth of koi fish in the pond. By utilizing the NodeMCU microcontroller, temperature and pH sensors, the sensor...

Commodification of Labor and the Morphogenesis of Exploitative Structures in Television Program Production

Cosmas Gatot Haryono
When industrialization penetrated television media, the logic of capitalism (suppressing spending to achieve the greatest possible profit) becomes the basic idea of television management. Than rating and share become the central of television management and determined whether a broadcast program feasible....

Research on the Legal Countermeasures of the College Students' Mass Incidents

Guidong Zeng
The tendency of the growth of the college students' mass incidents reveals that the current countermeasures of the college students' mass incidents are lack of Effectiveness. The effective prevention and resolution of the college students' mass Incidents will impact on the stability and harmony of colleges...
Proceedings Article

The Mathematical Modeling and Proof of the Goldbach Conjecture

Yu Wang
The Goldbach conjecture declares that any even number 2m=2n+2>4 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. The mathematical modeling of the conjecture is: any even number 2m=2n+2 greater than 4 can be expressed as 2n+2=a+b, 2≤a≤n+1, n+1≤b≤2n. With the modeling, let c be a composite number in 2~2n,...

Nuptial Agreement in Indonesia: A New Change in Indonesian Marriage Law

Agus Hernoko, Erni Agustin, Faizal Kurniawan, Mahendri Putri
Recently, there has been a new change in the Indonesian marriage law. The change is especially about the provision on prenuptial agreements in the Article 29 of the Act Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage, resulting from the decision of Indonesian Constitutional Court’s Decision Number 69/PUU-XIII/2015. Before...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)

Titik Taufikurohmah, Siti Tjahjani, I Gusti Made Sanjaya, Andika Pramudya Wardana, Hans Lumintang, Tjandrakira Tjandrakira, Afaf Baktir, Achmad Syahrani, Adi Soeprijanto
Dangerous substances in cosmetics have been widely known especially mercury face whitening. Socialization of the impact has also been made by NA-DFC (The National Agency of Drug and Food Control. However, the circulation of cosmetics contain contains mercury still exist on the community society. It needs...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Internet of Things in the University Library

Wei Nie
The rapid development of computer technology, communication technology, sensing technology and other new technologies, Internet of Things (The Internet of things) is becoming a reality. Radio frequency identification technology (Radio, Frequency Identification RFID) as a key technology to build the "Internet...

The GJR-GARCH and EGARCH option pricing models which incorporate the Piterbarg methodology

Coenraad C.A. Labuschagne, Sven T. von Boetticher
Knowledge of the risk-neutral distribution of the cumulative return with respect to the model used, is needed in European option pricing. Duan, Gauthier, Simonato and Sasseville (DGSS) provided an analytic approximation model for the case where an EGARCH or a GJR-GARCH specification is used to describe...
Proceedings Article

On Component-Based Industrialization Construction Costs Valuation

Ling Fu, Jun Yong, Xiaojuan Wang
Focus on the problems of a higher industrialization construction cost that hinders its promotion, this paper set industrialization construction installation cost as the object, firstly, it studied the composition of industrialization construction cost from the perspective of theory, then it combined...

"Internet plus" era of audit risk and prevention strategy

Qing Fang, Cong Li
In the context of the Internet era, network technology has been widely used in many fields of society, and the audit work is also affected by the Internet era. Compared with before, the object of audit work and the environment have undergone significant changes, the enterprise audit work is moving in...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Typical Hydro Governor Models for the Study of Power System Frequency Characteristics

Ya-Wei Du, Qing Wang, Chang-Ming Jiang, Ya-Zhou Luo, Yue-Qiao Li, Peng Zi, Yun-Ting Song
In this paper, the model of hydro governor used in power system stability calculation is analyzed. According to the traditional model and the characteristics of the dead zone of the modern digital electro - hydraulic model, the effect of the dead zone on the frequency modulation effect is studied. The...

Landsat 7 Imagery Interpretation for Mapping Potential Hazard of Landslide in Batu City Area of East Java Province, Indonesia

Rudi Hartono
Avalanche is a mass movement of soil or rock down a slope under the influence of gravity (Zhou et al. 2015). The topography of Batu City has a character that can trigger landslides. Landslide disaster that occurred in the region always cause material losses and casualties. This research aims to create...

Research on Challenges Faced with College English Teachers and Promotion Paths under the Background of Belt and Road

Rong Du
The professional development of college English teachers is closely related to the teaching level and the quality of education. Since the implementation of the strategy of Belt and Road in China, the opening-up degree has been improved a lot. College English teachers are faced with the challenges of...
Proceedings Article

Research Advances of AP2/ERF Transcription Factors

Lei Wang, Yao Sun, Yao Li
The AP2/ERF transcription factor family is one of the largest transcription factor groups in plants and it plays very important roles in growth, development, biotic and abiotic stress response. In this study, we summarized the research advances on AP2/ERF transcription factor involved in plant growth,...

The Existence of Batik Esuk-Sore Pekalongan Style

Muhammad Arif Jati Purnomo
The purpose of this research is to examine the existence of Esuk-Sore batik style in Pekalongan. This research uses qualitative research methodology, with descriptive research form, supported by phenomenology theory of hermeneutics, sociology, and aesthetics. Research location covers Pekalongan City,...
Proceedings Article

Perforation mode of Second-class- Reservoir series adhesive layer

GuiXia Yang
Completion of polymer flooding wells in Second-Class-Reservoir, 46 wells ( 11.1 % ) with interval less than 1m or partial small layers are fully bonded according to logging curves. in principle, some or all of these layers shall be deducted as interval layers before perforation to ensure the development...

UWB, miniaturized and directive metamaterial loaded antenna for satellite applications

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De
Pages: 24 - 34
Antenna parameter optimization using S-shaped metamaterial embedded in antenna substrate at high frequency (THz) is elucidated in this paper. Upon incorporation of proposed metamaterials’ array inside the antenna substrate, bandwidth of antenna increases by 770 GHz and directivity by about 11%. Results...