Proceedings of the 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & the 9th ICOELT 2021 (TEFLIN ICOELT 2021)
144 authors
- Rochmawati, Desi
- Enhancing English Speaking Skill by Using AFORN, an M-Learning Medium for Nursing Students
- Rozimela, Yenni
- The Perception of Students in Using ICT in ESP Course at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science of Universitas Negeri Padang
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Skill
- Rozimela, Yenni
- The Level of Students’ Anxiety in Speech at Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al- Washliyah Medan
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Students’ Public Speaking Assessment for Persuasive Speech
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Reading-Based Writing: A Model to Foster EFL Learners’ Academic Writing Skill
- Rukmini, Dwi
- Developing and Validating the Metacognitive Awareness Speaking Questionnaire
- Santihastuti, Asih
- Exploring English Vocational High School Teachers’ Critical Incidents: A Case Study
- Santosa, Made Hery
- Virtual Café: Equitizing Online Learning within Active and Meaningful Community of Learning in the EFL Content Subjects
- Sari, Dian Yurnita
- The Implementation of Online Teaching during Pandemic and Its Problems in EFL Classrooms
- Sinar, Tengku Silvana
- Intrinsic Analysis and Types of Question Understanding in Solving Reading Comprehension Question
- Sintya, Yeli Eka
- Undergraduate Students’ Ability in Constructing Cohesion in the Background of the Problem of Thesis
- Soraya, Andi Inayah
- Syntatic Accuracy: EFL Learners in using Modals and Modality in Sikola Virtual Learning
- Sukyadi, Didi
- Students’ Perceptions of the Use of AI in a Writing Class
- Sulistyowati, Titis
- Developing and Validating the Metacognitive Awareness Speaking Questionnaire
- Sumakul, Dian Toar Y. G.
- Students’ Perceptions of the Use of AI in a Writing Class
- Surya, Satyawati
- Think Aloud for Teaching Extensive Reading
- Suryati, Nunung
- EFL Students’ Writing Anxiety in Online Learning Environment during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Suyadi
- Reading Difficulties in Narrative Text through “Edmodo” at Vocational High School
- Syahputra, Fikry Prastya
- Intrinsic Analysis and Types of Question Understanding in Solving Reading Comprehension Question
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Students’ Anxiety in Writing Introduction of Thesis Proposal at Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan
- Syarif, Hermawati
- The Level of Students’ Ability in Translating Report Text from Indonesian into English at Universitas Negeri Padang
- Takhfif, Ahmad
- EFL Students’ Remote Learning Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak
- Tanjung, Nikmah Hayati
- Undergraduate Students’ Ability in Writing Argumentative Essay at Universitas Negeri Padang
- Trisno, Edi
- Evaluation of Formative Assessment in the Textbook for Senior High School Grade XI
- Trisno, Edi
- Evaluation of Learning Material in the Textbook for Senior High School Grade XI
- Ulfa, Zahrina
- Evaluation of Learning Material in the Textbook for Senior High School Grade XI
- Utami, I.G.A. Lokita Purnamika
- Inquiring English Teachers with Non-English Educational Backgrounds in Bali: Do They Know How to Teach English?
- Vebriyanti, Evi A.
- Teacher’s Self-Efficacy on Designing Digital Material in E-Learning: A Case Study in a Vocational School
- Warman, Liya Astarilla Dede
- Students’ Perception of the Use of Google Classroom in Flipped English Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Waskita, Dana
- Teacher’s Self-Efficacy on Designing Digital Material in E-Learning: A Case Study in a Vocational School
- Widiati, Utami
- Exploring English Vocational High School Teachers’ Critical Incidents: A Case Study
- Widiati, Utami
- A Closer Look at Collaborative Lesson Planning: Shaping Pre-Service Teachers Professional Identity in the Teaching Practice Program
- Winanda, Ghina Zikra
- Analysis of the Implementation Higher Order Thinking Skills in Tasks and Test of English Subject at SMK Negeri 2 Padang
- Wulandari, Desy Desmita
- Flipped Classroom Model to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension
- Yufrizal, Hery
- Flipped Classroom Model to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension
- Yuliani, Sri
- Webtoon Short Story in English Online Class: Students’ Perception
- Yulmiati, Yulmiati
- Considering Student’s Reading Interest in Developing Blended Reading Assessment in Higher Education
- Zaim, M.
- The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Assessing Students’ Reading Skills at Senior High School
- Zaim, M.
- Teachers’ and Students’ Needs for Authentic Assessment for Speaking Skills in Online Learning
- Zaim, Muhammad
- Considering Student’s Reading Interest in Developing Blended Reading Assessment in Higher Education
- Zainil, Yetti
- The Implementation of Online Teaching during Pandemic and Its Problems in EFL Classrooms
- Zainil, Yetti
- Students’ Speaking Activity on Zoom Application: A Need Analysis
- Zainil, Yetty
- The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Assessing Students’ Reading Skills at Senior High School