Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Design of Kid Toy Packaging: A Questionnaire Study

Shijian Cang, Pingping Li, Hanqing Ren, Guifang Jin
For the kid toys, the purchasers and the users are different persons; the purchasers are often the parents and the users are the children. To get an optimal kid toy package, it is necessary to analyze the correlation between the kid toy packaging and purchasing behavior. The questionnaires are used to...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of Social Economic Local and Migrant Fisherman in Arafura Beach-Merauke, Papua

Maria Maghdalena Diana Widiastuti, Ms Sunarni
The purpose of this study was to analyze comparison of socio-economic conditions of local and /migrant fishermen on the Arafura coast. The research result could be a reference knowledge and give the proper approach in empowering and managing coastal communities. The research method used descriptive statistical...
Proceedings Article

Fear of COVID-19 and adolescents’ mobile phone addiction: The experiential avoidance model

Yang Wang
Based on the experiential avoidance (EA) model, we explored the impact of fear of COVID-19 (FOC) on adolescents’ mobile phone addiction (MPA) as well as the sequential mediating effect of depression and EA. We recruited a sample of 1,132 middle school students; they filled out the Fear of COVID-19 Scale,...
Proceedings Article

Transcendence, Hybrid and Exploration: an Analysis of the Film the Scent of Green Papaya

Xinhong Liu
This paper analyzes Anh Hung Tran’s film, The Scent of Green Papaya. The film is characterized by its “Oriental” setting. However, this paper aims to challenge this idea by adopting a transcultural perspective. It looks deep into the lens languages and cultural identity, mainly focusing on two aspects...
Proceedings Article

China’s automobile Import and Export Trade Status Analysis Based On The Product Life Cycle Theory

Yongjun Hu
China's automobile import and export trade was a deficit in the state, especially the automobile trade deficit is more prominent. This paper studies the status and development trend of China's auto export trade, and to explore the opportunities and challenges that China's auto exports face after the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship Between Animals and Human Under the Pandemic

Xinyi Ge
The coronavirus broke out in 2019 and is prevalent in the world because it is highly contagious. The virus dramatically impacted the world no matter in economics or medicine. People still have to wear masks to prevent the spread of the disease. The essay investigates mainly the relationship between animals...
Proceedings Article

Love is Patient, love is Hope - Appreciation

Yanxia Kong
"Les Choristes" is a French campus theme of the movie, the story of a career, but not into the heart of the story is good teacher and a group of "cattle" between children. The whole movie look down, except for that clean, pure singing, but also make people feel the French unique, delicate feelings, this...
Proceedings Article

"Ideal University" in Future in the Context of a Modern Education. Look From Epoch of "The Stone Internet"

Andrey Orekhov, Fakhraddin Akhmedov
This article considers the project of an "ideal university» through a prism of the authors' concept of four historical epochs: "The Stone Internet" (a modern epoch), "The Copper Internet", "The Silver Internet" and "the Gold Internet". Authors believe that the society will gradually evolve from "The...
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Planning of " Electronic Control Technology of Machine Tool " based on the Training Mode of Learning Ability

Xianying Zheng
The higher vocational education in our country has gradually shifted from the mere consideration of the employment rate of graduates to the employment quality and the future development of the vocational education. The ability to learn has become a bottleneck of the development of Higher Vocational students'...
Proceedings Article

Status Quo Analysis and Countermeasure Research on the Civil Servants'Job Burnout in Hebei Province

Congman Wang, Nannan Shan
Nowadays, the social competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer, the competition pressures and working pressures of the working group obviously increased. With the increase of pressure in the working group, the occupational groups in all walks have different levels of job burnout,not excepting the civil...
Proceedings Article

The Reform and Innovation of the Applied Talent Cultivation Mode in Software Engineering

Junshan Li, Jianjun Li
The paper is based on the theoretical research and practical experience of the reform and innovation of the applied talents training model of the software engineering major in college. First, we introduced our college’s understanding of the knowledge and capability framework of applied talents in software...
Proceedings Article

Study on Criminal Response Dilemma of China's Environmental Pollution Crime in the Context of Risk Society

Demin Yang
Under the background of risk society, environmental pollution crimes show a normal development trend. In recent years, the criminal law theorists and judicial practitioners in other countries in the world and in China have adopted the strict criminal law sanctions to gradually pay attention to the governance...
Proceedings Article

Immigration Policy in the Modern World: Problems and Prospects

Tatyana Suzdaleva, Konstantin Fedorov
The article comprehensively examines the causes of the immigration crisis facing modern Europe and the exit path. The authors have done scientific analysis of the term "multiculturalism" and its various interpretations. Particular attention has been paid to the problem of adaptation of Islamic minorities...
Proceedings Article

Application and Research of Folk Art Elements in Flash Animation ---- Taking Minnan Folk Art as an Example

Zhen Weng
Shadow play is one of the characteristics of Chinese Minnan art. It is also one of the earliest operas in China and the earliest shadow art behind the scenes. As a traditional folk art form, in the faster and better development process of shadow play, the cultural and artistic elements contained in shadow...
Proceedings Article

Development of Video Tutorials on Making Paper-Based Literature Review to Improve Student Literacy Ability in the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Warju, Nadi Suprapto, Neni Mariana, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Mochammad Arif Al Ardha, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread in various countries. Especially in the education sector, COVID-19 has an impact on the implementation of learning that has changed from face-to-face to online. Besides, due to conditions that do not allow data collection in the field/laboratory, currently, many supervisors...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Higher Education in Improving Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises’ Performance; A Case Study: Untar untuk UMKM

Agustinus Purna Irawan, Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari, Paula Tjatoerwidya Anggarina, Nicholas Rijako
MSMEs (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah, or UMKM) are one of the important economic drivers in Indonesia. MSMEs can survive an economic crisis and can still run businesses with small capital. However, it takes effort to continue to develop the capacity of MSMEs in carrying out their business, so that they...
Proceedings Article

Research on Behavior Changes of Chinese College Students on Weibo in the Context of COVID-19

Mingyan Ma, Mengwei Xie, Enxuan Yang
During the epidemic, people spent more hours using social media due to home quarantine and government-related epidemic prevention measures, so people’s various behaviors on Internet platforms changed dramatically. The authors used a questionnaire method to study the behavioural changes, usage motivations...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Essential Look Method in the Fashion Design Development Process to Produce Creative Fashion Designs

Deny Arifiana, Inty Nahari, Mein Kharnolis
Fashion design development is an important stage in making fashion designs, which is one of the problems for students, especially for those who have limited knowledge and fashion design skills. This study aims to describe the process and results of fashion design development using the essential look...
Proceedings Article

Emotional Description of Adolescent Korean Drama Fans

Silvia Resti Ayu Lestari, Debora Bassaria
Korean popular culture is currently spreading in Indonesia, one example being Korean drama films. The purpose of this study was to describe the emotions of adolescents who watch Korean drama films. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Data collection in this study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Is Genome Instability a Significant Cause of Aging? A Review

Yunxie Xing
What is the main cause of aging has been discussed over last decades. Accumulating evidences has indicated that genome instability including mitochondrial DNA in somatic cell played an important role in human aging process. Various sources of damage such as reactive oxygen species and UV radiation can...
Proceedings Article

Research on Industrial Design Industrialization Based on Guangxi Northern Gulf Economic Zone

Yuxin Wang, Zongye Lu
Northern Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi, in recent years the rapid development of a coastal economic zone, is the only coastal areas in western China. The implementation of the western development strategy, the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation, China-ASEAN cooperation and the formation of the...
Proceedings Article

The Advantages and Effects of Non-governmental Organizations in Emergency Management of Major Emergencies in China

Xingchen Xian
This paper briefly introduces the connotation of China's non-governmental organization and major emergency, and explains the realistic background and significance of non-governmental organizations participating in major emergencies. Next, taking Wenchuan earthquake as a case, this paper analyzes the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Issues Related to Controlling Medical Expenses

Yuguang Zhao
In recent years, China’s medical costs have continued to increase, with heavy personal and national burdens. The characteristics of medical services have led to an inherent trend in both price and quantity growth. To control the unreasonable increase in medical expenses, it is required to control prices,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Land Registration Arrangements as an Effort for Legal Certainty on the Utilization of Underground

Dita Perwitasari, Tamsil, S.Indri Fogar, Mahendra Wardhana
The use and utilization of underground space have become a necessity, especially in the field of property development, such as malls, apartments, hotels, and shopping centers, as well as in infrastructure, especially transportation. There are various problems related to the use and utilization of the...
Proceedings Article

An effective way to improve the ideological and political ability of young teachers in Higher Education Institutions

Yongmei Zhu, Ge Gao, Wei Zhong
Ideology and politics is a kind of curriculum view, which is to integrate ideological and political education into every link of curriculum teaching in order to enhance moral cultivation. It is the times demand to play the role of young teachers in curriculum ideological and political construction, and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Gender and High School Origin towards English Grammar Mastery

Johan Arief Budiman, Harris Gadih Pratomo
It is never easy to learn a second language. It is even more difficult to learn English as a second language. Grammar explanation may be more effective for adolescents and older learners who are more academically and cognitively mature than for younger children who have not yet developed analytic skills,...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Medical Education Models in the Post-epidemic Era

Yong Zhi, Shanshan Xie
The new coronary pneumonia has brought a tremendous impact to various fields of society, accelerating the change and innovation of the concept, form, content and talent training methods of education and teaching in colleges and universities. Medical education has the characteristics of multidisciplinary...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on Rational Return of English Fever and Teaching Reform of Higher Vocational Flight Attendant English

Changjun Yang
The discussion of course design reform, teaching material system reconstruction, diversified education implementation, and multiple evaluations is no longer the new topic of teaching reform of higher vocational flight attendant English. However, it is rather necessary to reconsider the reform of above...
Proceedings Article

On Rural Small Project Financing Design from the Management Perspective --Also on Rural Small Project Economy Financing in Developed Rural Areas

Zesen Xiong
In the process of the transformation of the farm product operation mode of rural economy in developed areas into the rural small business economy operation mode, many rural small business projects lack of instructions in financing design, so even a very good product has been aborted because it cannot...
Proceedings Article

An analysis of English network teaching mode in Higher Vocational Colleges in the Internet Era

Liyan Zhu
the network brings about great changes and challenges to the classroom teaching, it enriches the teaching resources, creating English language environment. The form of the novel and lively multimedia teaching can stimulate students' learning interest and enthusiasm, to make up for the defects of the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Improvement of Graduates’ Information Literacy of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Under the Era of “Internet plus SmartShe” Taking the Poor Female College Students of Hunan Judicial Police Vocational College as an Example

Hui Tang
Under the concept of “targeted measures in poverty alleviation”, this paper focuses on poor female students in Hunan Judicial Police Vocational College (hereinafter referred to as poor female students). They are special vulnerable groups in employment among graduates. Long-term poverty makes their information...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Smartphone Addiction Towards Emotional Quotient of Jurisprudence Students 2016 in Musamus Merauke University

Chyntia Novita Kalalo, Julianto Jover Jotam Kalalo, Funisia Lamalewa, Elisabeth Lia Riani Kore
In recent days, having communication tool (handphone) is a must for the young generation especially college students. Unconsciously, the excessive use of communication tools has an impact on us. This research aims to analyze the influence of smartphone addiction on the emotional quotient of jurisprudence...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Organizational Culture in Improving Employees Performance in Education and Culture Office Banyuasin District

Agus Suherwan, Happy Fitria, Alfroki Martha
The aim of this research is to define the type and implementation of organizational culture in the Education and Culture Office of Banyuasin Regency in order to improve employee efficiency. The qualitative analysis techniques were used in this report. Data was obtained directly through participant observation,...
Proceedings Article

The Legal Status of Information Technology Application Based Transport in Indonesia: Legal or Not?

Siti Nurbaiti
The existence of public transportation using digital information applications causing beneficial for users of transportation services and is important to facilitate the mobility of passengers or goods, but still raises problems regarding the legal status of its existence, whether it is legally valid...
Proceedings Article

Wireless Sensor Network in Environment Monitoring

Tianyu Kang
With the advantages of low cost and low power consumption, wireless sensor network has attracted lots of interests and showed a great research and practical value in recent years. The applications of wireless sensor networks are concluded and reviewed systematically. And then problems in existing wireless...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on Informatization Mode of Teaching Skill Training in Normal Universities Based on Information Technology

Hongyun Chen, Junling Huang, Yuping Yang, Feng Zhao
As pre service teachers, the improvement of normal students’ information-based teaching ability and the extension of practical application ability play a strong role in promoting the construction of educational informatization in China. Therefore, normal universities need to integrate information technology...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Teaching Content System of Clothing Design and Engineering in Practice

Juan Li
Practice teaching has an important role in higher education clothing. Based on the current situation of professional practice and teaching oriented education culture assays clothing design and engineering, from the aspects such as clothing design and engineering disciplines characteristics and teaching...
Proceedings Article

Innovation and practice of teaching methods based on the new curriculum standard

Tieli Cheng
The new curriculum standard is new no matter from the target requirements or the structural system, it contains the concept of quality education and makes the sports teaching to get a significant innovation and breakthroughs. In this paper, we discussed in depth about the role transformation of the physical...
Proceedings Article

Research On The Problems Of The Application Of Xbrl Financial Statement In Small And Medium Sized Enterprises

Liucheng Zhang
This XBRL has been vigorously promoted at the present stage, but the research on XBRL is mostly focused on the technical level. In this paper, conduct an in-depth study of the existing problems about the application of the XBRL in small and medium enterprises.And do the basic work of promoting the application...
Proceedings Article

Research on System Dynamics Model of Urban Environment Livability Evaluation

Hongxue Xu, Mingtong Xu
Focus on the livability evaluation problem of urban environment, based on the system dynamics theory and the system analysis method, through research and analysis on the evaluation index system quantitative relation of urban livable environment, build an urban environment livability evaluation system...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Consciousness and Self-identity in the Context of the Ideas of Synergetics

Irina Motorina, Anna Popova
In this article we reviewed the problem of the formation of ecological culture and the relation between environmental and moral values. We showed mechanisms for the formation of a constructive ecological position of society in view of the greening and humanization of modern society. The concept of environmental...
Proceedings Article

The comprehensive service system of cross-border e-commerce logistics enterprises and empirical study

Qiang Ding
It is an important strategy of China in transformation and upgrading of foreign trade to push development of cross-border e-commerce whose major support is logistics service. The paper discussed the multi-level demands of cross-border e-commerce and the current situation that our country could not adapt...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Influence of Dual Innovation on Enterprise Innovation Performance Under the Ecosystem of Enterprise Innovation

Yan Zhao
Dual innovation and innovation performance have always been the subject of much concern in the academic community, and there is still much controversy about whether dual innovation improves innovation performance. This paper constructs a conceptual model of enterprise innovation ecosystem, dual innovation...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting the Improvement of Human Resource Competence in Adapting and Facilitating Learning Changes in Higher Education

Agustinus Purna Irawan, Rezi Erdiansyah, Paula T. Anggarina, K. Patrick
Currently the Ministry of Education and Culture has launched various programs to improve the quality of learning in higher education. One of the programs that are being intensely implemented is Merdeka Belajar dan Merdeka Campus (MBKM). Higher education institutions must adapt and immediately implement...
Proceedings Article

The Presentation of Modernity by Trains in Twentieth-Century American Literature

Yiyao Sun
The train, a new mechanized means of mobility in the 19th century, contributed greatly to the development of modernity. In addition, train imagery permeates American literature from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. They show a range of features of modernization in the physical sense,...
Proceedings Article

Research on U.S Economic Growth and Transformation in recent century: from the perspective of Collaborative Theory

Jianhua Liu, Zhaohua Jiang, Shuang Liu
This paper briefly reviews the researches on U.S. economic growth, and from the perspective of Collaborative Theory, it establishes a growth model for American economy in recent 100 years from 1900 to 2008, and then it calculates the contribution rate of science and technology, human capital, fixed capital...
Proceedings Article

On the Habitus of the Court Interpreter

Yan Cao
Interpretation occurs in society, and therefore theories of sociology may offer us new insights into the role of the court interpreter. By drawing on the theory of practice by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, this study sets out to explore the habitus of the court interpreter. It is found that...
Proceedings Article

Russian Newspapers on the Events of October 3-4, 1993

Olga Otrokova, Olga Shcherbakova
The subject of the study is the problem of the role of the central periodical press in the events of October 3-4, 1993. This paper reviews the problems of forming a new statehood of Russia, the study of the reaction of public and the journalistic community to the events of the "small civil war", a constitutional...
Proceedings Article

Employee Archives Management in the Process of Archive Return to Support the Promotion Process

Titin Sumarti
This study aims to determine the management of staffing archives in the archive retrieval process at the Sub-Division of Staffing FMIPA Unesa. Through this study, it is hoped that it can provide new information regarding archive management in the archive retrieval process at the Sub-Division of Staffing...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Response to the Use of a Flipped Learning Model (FLM) in Abstract Algebra Course

Hendra Syarifuddin, Yusmet Riza, Yulyanti Harisman, Rafki Nasuha Ismail
This article describes how students respond to Abstract Algebra Course using FLM. The data in this study are part of research data applying FLM accompanied by teaching materials developed using the 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The data source was students of the Mathematics Education...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Micro-media to Adult English Education

Xiaolin Cai
The emergence of micro media has brought great changes to people's way of life and new opportunities to the development of adult English education. In particular as micro-blog, WeChat, micro class, Moocc appear, which has gradually changed the teaching mode of adult English education. Because of the...
Proceedings Article

Use "Trinity" to Promote the Teaching Reform of Mechanical Design Course

Yuqing Pan, Zongye Lu
The mechanical design course is an essential part of mechanical design teaching. To improve the teaching quality plays a very important role in cultivating students' ability to analyze and solve engineering problems. Based on the author's learning and coaching experience, this paper analyzes current...
Proceedings Article

Cognition and Thoughts on the Construction and Management of College Students' Dormitory Culture

Chunfang Li
College dormitory is an important place for college students to rest, entertain, communicate and study. Therefore, strengthening the construction and management of dormitory culture of college students is an urgent need to train high-quality talents. At present, colleges and universities should continue...
Proceedings Article

Judicial Review of The Implementation of Corporate Social Rensposibility PT. CG Agriculture Development In Merauke Regency

Yuldiana Zesa Azis, Erni Dwita Silambi, Marlyn Jane Alputila
Merauke Regency is one of the 29 districts in Papua Province which has the widest area of 44,071km2. But each region has a different pattern of economic growth from other regions. Each of these economic development efforts has the main objective to increase the number and type of employment opportunities...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Educational Inequality in China Caused by Social Reproduction

Wenqing Guo
The issue of equity in education has been a hot topic for the community in recent years. Schooling has always been seen as a catalyst for social mobility, but now it has become a tool for solidifying and reproducing class differences. This article uses social reproduction theory to explore the phenomenon...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Grit and Academic Performance in High School Students in Tangerang during Distance Learning

Lana Donita, Raja Oloan Tumanggor S, Willy Tasdin
This research was conducted to know and test the relationship between grit and academic performance. Grit is the perseverance in maintaining a goal that is full of challenges and interests to achieve a long-term goal. Grit has two dimensions, consistency of interest and perseverance of effort. Meanwhile,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on English Learning Motivation Decline of Non-English College Students of Colleges and Universities in Minority Regions-Taking Xichang College as an Example

Shanglian Yao
“Motivation decline and motivation loss” is a fairly obvious phenomenon and a comparatively new problem in research field of second language acquisition and foreign language learning. This paper on the basis of Dornyei’s demotivation theory takes research results at home and abroad as references, discusses...
Proceedings Article

i-Class: A knowledge sharing peer-education platform

Liqi Zhao, Xuan Li, XiaoYu Hu, Yile Liu, JingHui Xu, Chen Wang, Hao Xu
The traditional education lacks of individual education such as one's entrance exam for the postgraduate school, work interviews and practical aspects of entrepreneurship. Currently many popular internet education platforms whose connection is from person to the course use B2C operating mode, in which...
Proceedings Article

Transformation and Integrating of a University Course into a MOOC: An Example in English Teaching

Chunmei Yu
The development of MOOCs provides a broader space for online courses. Students learn the curriculum in the form of MOOC mainly reflected in course descriptions, course delivery, text messages, picture messages, audio-visual information, job correcting, Q & A forums and other aspects. This paper presents...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Cultivation of Critical Thinking of Foreign Language Majors from the Perspective of Teaching Practice

Naqin Ma
The lack of critical thinking of the students majoring in foreign languages results in their backward of academic performance. University education can foster the students’ critical thinking through the reform of test, the reform of teaching and critical thinking awareness of teachers. But the more direct...
Proceedings Article

Study of Seger Family Strategy in Covid-19 Prevention Measures in Achieving Health Indicator Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals

Wijono, Abdul Hafidz, Mochamad Purnomo, Dony Ardy Kusuma, Dian Ayu Larasati
Starting from the city of Wuhan in China, the new type of corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) has spread to various countries in the world and has caused the outbreak of COVID-19 everywhere. On March 11, 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. There are 12,438 positive cases of the Corona virus (COVID-19) in 34...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Teacher Work Motivation on Islamic Junior High School 2 Oku Timur

Aida Fitri, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The work motivation of the teachers at Islamic Junior High School 2 OKU Timur is still lacking, this can be seen from the level of work results that are still late or experience errors. There is an influence between job satisfaction on the work motivation of teachers at Islamic Junior High School 2 OKU...
Proceedings Article

Retrospective Evaluation of an EFL Coursebook for Users at Independent Colleges

Huiping Liu
CoursebookS have always been one of the basis and content-providers in teaching. Advanced English (hereinafter AE) teaching stands a significant stage in that it guides students from the focus on language forms to the deepening of subject matters in language learning, thus the evaluation of the coursebook...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Reform and Development Path of College Physical Education from the Perspective of Informatization

Li Jiang
Education informatization is the basic way to realize the modernization of education, and physical education informatization is the most difficult of the school education informatization. How to realize the practical rather than theoretical physical education informatization education is a big problem...
Proceedings Article

Support of Computer Laboratory Facilities and Infrastructure in Achieving Drawing Competence in DPIB Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan

Eko Nugroho Julianto, Retno Mayasari, Listiyono Budi, Nurul Yuhanafia, Fakhri Fauzi Suwandi
Facilities and infrastructure are supporting facilities that can support the process of activities to achieve the goals of learning. In the instrumental input factor, the facilities and facilities are divided into 2, namely internal and external. Internal means facilities and facilities that are inside...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Sleep Duration on Short-term Memory

Rui Xu, Yang Yi, Xinlan Zhang
Sleeping time is usually associated with short-term memory, while the mechanisms under this relationship are less understood. This study examined the role of sleeping time in this relationship with cross-sectional data. 24 Chinese between 18 and 30 years old were recruited. Their sleeping time was recorded,...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Interesting Graphic Elements in the Poster Design.

Ling Li
With the development of society, more and more abundant forms of products, from the original demand of the market converted into oversupply, the choice of a variety of ways, require manufacturers to advertise in order to attract buyers. Poster design occupies an important position in the ad. Into the...
Proceedings Article

Application-oriented Institutes Innovation Thinking and Practice of Talent Training Mode

Liucheng Zhang
Colleges and universities , an important part of the national innovation system, implement innovation and entrepreneurship education in order to provide effective personnel and intellectual support ,and the strategy that is "improve the capability of independent innovation, build an innovation oriented...
Proceedings Article

Tax Preference, Capital Investment and the Performance of Cultural and Creative Listed Companies—A Mediating Effect Model and Its Implications

Dan Han, Yan Qu
Based on the panel data of 137 A-share listed cultural creative companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen during 2012-2015,the author uses the mediation effect-analysis methods empirically studies the relationship between tax preference, capital investment(including R&D investment, human capital) and the performance...
Proceedings Article

On the Optimization Strategy of College English Informatization Teaching in Military Academies

He Gui, Hui Wen
The development of science and technology in the era of the internet has brought profound changes to education. Traditional college English teaching models are facing unprecedented challenges, and the reform of talent cultivation models, classroom teaching models, and educational teaching methods is...
Proceedings Article

Investigative Audit and Forensic Accounting from the Perspective of Criminal Procedural Law

Ramadhana Anindyajati Bachry, Andika Surya, Noviard Rizky
Formulation of the problem in this study is what is the difference between Investigative Audit and Forensic Accounting? And what is the position of Investigative Audit in criminal procedural law? And what is the position of Forensic Accounting in Criminal Procedure Law? While the purpose of the research...
Proceedings Article

Research on value reconstruction and innovation of non-heritage creative products in Zhuhai Creative Market from the perspective of aesthetic education

Lu Wang
This paper discusses the compound value of the creative products under the perspective of aesthetic education. Through literature sorting and field investigation, the paper analyzes the expression form and cultural implication of non-heritage creative products in the creative city. The research results...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Chinese Social Media “Xiaohongshu” on Appearance Anxiety Among University Students in Shanghai

Yunzhi Xu, Yuqi Wang
“Appearance anxiety” has become a social phenomenon, and many studies have shown that the use of social media like Facebook, makes people more likely to feel anxious about appearance. At the same time, in today’s society, social media is not only a platform for people to share and communicate with each...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Causes and Impacts of Emotional Pressure Among Teenagers

Che Jiayao
This study assessed how teenagers reach a point of emotional stress which eventually results in anxiety and depression among the young generation within the society. Particularly, the general theme of this study is built upon the notion that emotions have been shown to impose substantial negative impact...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Quantum Reading Method with Storybird Media to Strengthen the Reading Skill

Muhammad Ghusni Fatah, Fitri Puji Rahmawati
Background: This study aimed to described the learning using the Quantum Reading method with storybird media to strengthen the reading skill of elementary school students at 23 Semanggi Muhammadiyah Elementary School (23SMES). Method: The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Explore the Problems of Flipped Classroom of College English in Higher Vocational Colleges

Yafang Liu
flipped classroom refers to that the teachers create their own teaching video according to the content of the classes in advance. Students watch the video to get the explained knowledge at home or outside the classroom, to learn new knowledge according to the content of the video. While watching the...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Research on the Construction of Education Quality Assurance System of the Open Universities

Yan. Zhang, Miing Li, Qian Shan
The open universities are new things in the process of China’s higher education development. Its development depends on the quality. The construction of education quality assurance system is both the bottleneck of modern distance education development and the challenge facing the development of the open...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Development of China’s Internet Finance

Qiang Yu
Since 2013, the Internet finance has become a hot financial topic in China. Internet finance has brought the huge impact and challenge to the traditional financial relying on the technological superiority of the platform and innovative products. Some people say that the Internet finance is “subversive”,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Service Quality Management Evaluation Taking a Restaurant as an Example

Lili Xu, Kexin Xu, Jin Li
Under the modern and fierce competition system, there are many restaurants in the streets and alleys. In order to improve their competitiveness, restaurants should not only consider the price, but also improve their service quality. The paper starts with Six Sigma, a quality management method, and analyzes...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Civilization Concept and Independent Practical Leaning Thought

Hao Tang
The Meiji period was an important period of Japanese society transformation. It was an important historical turning point for Japan. Fukuzawa Yukichi was one of the indelible traces of this period. As a witness, he witnessed the country step by step process toward the modernization after the incident...
Proceedings Article

Hotspot Analysis of Big Data Research on China’s Library and Information

Guanchun Xu, Wenjun Cai
The rapid development of computer and information technology has accelerated the progress of China's modernization construction; new concept, new theory, new technique, such as, big data, etc., have emerged as the times required, and injected a steady stream of development vitality into all fields and...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Strategic Management Concepts in Developing the International Reputation of Higher Education

Agustinus Purna Irawan, Sarwo E. Handoyo, Paula Tjatoerwidya Anggarina, Albertus R. Danendra
The reputation of higher education at the international level is one of the work programs of various universities in Indonesia to achieve. Various problems can arise when building this reputation, such as problems with human resources, research and publication skills, students’ ability to interact with...
Proceedings Article

Thoughts on Government Purchase Preschool Education Services in China

Shanan Wang
The transformation of government functions, demand contradiction of preschool education and the development of relevant preschool education institutions and educational intermediary organizations make the government purchase preschool education services become possible. Public school private, purchase...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Edmodo in Blended Learning

Evy Nurvitasari, Riyawan Susanto, Khumaeroh Dwi Nur'aini, Etriana Meirista
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) develops rapidly in all fields in our lives, including education. The development of ICT will have an effect on the learning process which was initially face-to-face conducted conventionally to be more open by using ICT. Blended learning is a combination...
Proceedings Article

The Study on Influence Period of the Green Credit Policy Based on CGE Model

Zhi Yun Wang, Xiong Zhong
To develop green credit is an indispensable important economic means for China to insist in the resource-saving and environmentally friendly green development road. The green credit policy affects the entire economic system, which can't be neglected, thus it is necessary to be concerned by all circles....
Proceedings Article

Thinking on Political Education of College Students under the Age of Big Data

Yun Shi
Big Data era, the ideological and political education has new features, such as: the main ideological and political education, the object is more comprehensive; the content of ideological and political education is not accurate, but mixed and has correlation. These features make the ideological and political...
Proceedings Article

Research on the problems of the development of cross-border E-business under the new situation

Fang Zhu, Huajie Mu
With the deep development of globalization of trade and the detailed implementation of the strategic policy of “One Belt and One Road ” in China, the status of cross-border E-business in China's foreign trade is increasingly prominent. As the breakthrough point of the current situation of China's cross-border...
Proceedings Article

School Leadership and Teacher Professionalism in Character Learning

Muhammad Alex, Nur Ahyani, Dessy Wardiah
The leadership of the Principal and Teacher Professionals plays an important role in character learning in schools. This research was conducted with the aim of describing the roles of school principals and teachers in managing character learning at SD Negeri Tanjung Mas. Qualitative descriptive is the...
Proceedings Article

Problem of Regulations of Restorative Justice by Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia

S. H. M. H. Gelar Ali Ahmad, S. H. M. H. Pudji Astuti, S. H. M. H. Vita Mahardhika
Restorative justice in criminal law is known in Indonesia in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System as diversion. As for adult criminals, it has just been enforced these days. Instead of going to court or engaging in litigation, restorative justice is used to settle criminal matters. The state remains...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Musical Preferences and Emotional Regulation in Emerging Adulthood in Jakarta

Yocephyne Agatha Proto Setjiawan, Monty P. Satiadarma, Untung Subroto
Music can express, induce, change, strengthen, or mitigate emotions in an individual. However, several genres of music around the world are being utilized as psychotherapeutic devices with various resulting impact depending on the music preferences. A number of studies have shown that many people often...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Open Mode of Barrier Free Packaging Design

Lin Liu
In this paper, the control of the current package designed to open the way missing by studying various groups proposed humane accessibility packaging open the way new ideas. Based on the proposed final views on the future development trend of barrier-free packaging design also made prospects.
Proceedings Article

A Probe into Wetland Ecotourism

Yinghua Luo
Wetland has very high tourism value with biodiversity and cultural diversity and a function of environmental education. Wetland ecotourism is embodiment of tourism economy and the realization of wetland protection and sustainable development and it has raised common concern now. This paper mainly explained...
Proceedings Article

Family Liabilities and Residents' Subjective Well-being An Analysis Based on Microcosmic Data of Chinese Family Tracking Survey

Shan Wang, Jihua Dong, Xue Guo
Family liabilities can smooth income, promote consumption and improve residents' subjective well-being, but it may also bring corresponding economic pressure to reduce the level of welfare. Based on the tracking survey data of Peking University from 2010 to 2016, this paper uses Ordered Logistic model...
Proceedings Article

A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility Arrangements in Indonesia and South Korea

Sri Bakti Yunari, Listyowati Sumanto, Setyaningsih Setyaningsih
This study compares and contrasts the corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies of South Korea with the corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) policies of Indonesia. Examining how the South Korean voluntary CSR concept relates to the Code of Business Ethics is very interesting....
Proceedings Article

Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers

Zarwan, Sefri Hardiansyah, Fella Maiftri, Ade Zalindro, Rudi Zarki
The issue in this study is the inadequate physical fitness of students at Univeritas Negeri Padang’s Faculty of Sports Science, which is likely due to a large number of active and passive smokers among the students. The goal of this study was to see if there was a difference in physical fitness between...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Flipped Classroom in English Grammar Teaching in Second High School

Xueyun Zang
The Flipped Classroom is derived from Forest park high school. Its origin idea is to put the video, which is made by teaching timely and performing by PPT, on the Internet to help the students who need to make for the missed class. After that, more and more people pay attention to it. Flipped Classroom...
Proceedings Article

The Collaborative Training Mechanism of Senior Talent Comprehensive Practice Teaching System of Administration of Innovation and Practice

Liucheng Zhang
This pape successfully constructed based on the cooperative mechanism of senior talent comprehensive practice teaching system of administration. System design adhere to the education philosophy—— "personnel training to meet the need of society, promote the comprehensive development of students". And...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Art Education and the Innovation of Talent Cultivation Mode under the Background of Big Data

Lan Tian
The big data not only provides a wealth of information resources for education and learning, but also brings many challenges to the education model and personnel training. Big data has brought the university art education into a new perspective and circumstance. Based on the author's work experience,...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on University’s Literature Resources Construction Based on the Key Subjects

Maoli Xu
University's literature resources construction based on the key subjects is an important part of the construction of the key subjects. Based on expounding the relationship between the development of university library and the construction of the key subjects, this paper puts forward some important measures...
Proceedings Article

Brave Eves: an Evaluation of American Women’s Marital Life in the Colonial Period

Wen Pan
This paper argues against a popular opinion that American women in the colonial period enjoyed a wonderful marital life by revealing the reason behind it--the scarcity of women in the new continent at that time. Then this paper proceeds to explain three main types of hardships and difficulties for the...