Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Research of English Teachers' Teaching Motivation in Independent College

Xiujuan Li, Yu Mei, Xiangjun Xu, Zhongmin Liu
The empirical study surveys the teaching motivation of 90 college English teachers from 3 different independent colleges. The results show that the Independent College English teachers' internal teaching motivation is stronger than external teaching motivation and the two have a significant difference....
Proceedings Article

Research on the application of experimental management based on Android mobile phone platform

Chunxi Zhao
This paper carries out the research on the experiment management applications which are based on the Android mobile phone platform. First of all, in this paper, the composition of experiment management system based on the Android mobile phone platform has been analyzed, and then the system function has...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Tourism Toilet Layout for Sichuan Mountain Resort based on Graph Theory

Qiaoyi Li
With rapid development of the mathematical modelling applications, the combination with other scenarios has been the trend. In the paper, we conduct research on the tourism toilet layout for Sichuan mountain resort based on graph theory. The toilet is necessary in the people life as it is to measure...
Proceedings Article

The Future Reform and Optimization of Insider Trading Law in China

Jie Xie
The purpose of this article is to analyze the legal theory and complex practical issues related to the anti-insider trading legal framework. Comparative methodology is utilized to explore reasonable routes to optimize the Chinese insider trading law through integrating some developed rules established...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Consumption Space Production of Community-type Scenic Areas Based on the Observation of Hong Village in Anhui Province

Yuting Cheng
Under the background of building new socialist countryside, the heritage-type scenic areas near the metropolis make the industry represented by community-based scenic areas in rural areas come into the public view thanks to their convenient location and deep historical and cultural background. Based...
Proceedings Article

Traditional versus Modern Procedures of Village Head Election in Indonesia

Andi Alimuddin, Andi Gau Kadir, Rahmatia Yunus, Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, Ms Seniwati
This research focuses on the traditional versus modern methods in conducting the election of the head of a village in Indonesia. A village head has a major role in organizing and managing community interests. In participating in the election of the village head, a village head must deliver his the programs....
Proceedings Article

Innovation of Engineering Professional Talent Cultivation Mode on School-Enterprise Cooperation Based on Modern Urban Agriculture

Yu Shi, Liyun Bian, Chuanlin Li, Hua Liu
The talent cultivation of school enterprise cooperation is an effective way to cultivate high quality and high skilled talents. It is also an important carrier of the cooperative education of industry university research, and is the important content of improving the level of talent training work. Further...
Proceedings Article

Pragmatic Level Of Language Personality In Social Networks

O. Akay, A. Kalashnikova, I. Kalashnikov, A. Golubeva
The article is devoted to the communicative behavior of the language personality in social networks. The authors consider mechanisms by means of which the pragmatic level of the communicant's personality is realized. In the discourse of social networks, the basic element of the language pragmatism is...
Proceedings Article

Higher School Problems in Russia and Abroad: Philosophical Approach

Vladimir Belov, Julia Karagod
The article gives a brief overview of the main problems facing the higher school in Russia and abroad and suggests a philosophical approach to possible solutions to these problems. It is connected, above all, with the assertion of the need to strengthen the role of humanitarian disciplines and with a...
Proceedings Article

The Multidimensional Education Quality Evaluation System for the Master of Engineering

Kaikun Dong, Dianhui Chu, Li Guo, Kuanquan Wang
Quality is the lifeline of the education of Master of Engineering. In this paper, the quality problems in the education of Master of Engineering in China are introduced and discussed briefly. Then the Engineering Education Accreditation and its education quality evaluation methods are introduced, and...
Proceedings Article

Teaching research of Immersion Computational Thinking in C++ Instruction

Zhao Ni
Computational thinking is a kind of universal thinking method. Design of C++ Programs is an important subject of basic computer teaching for engineering specialty of higher education institutions. Aiming at the requirement that high education institutions shall cultivate high quality innovative talents,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Establishment of Competency Model of Teachers in Universities

Fang Wang
The theory and research results related to competency model are becoming more and more important in the field of human resource management of teachers in universities. This paper combs the significance, principles and methods of the construction of competency model of university teachers. At the same...
Proceedings Article

Management of the Processes of Massification of Higher Education in the Context of Globalization

Natalia Sakharchuk
The paper examines the main characteristics and driving forces of the global process of massification of higher education in the following countries, for example, Great Britain, Sweden and Russia. The reasons for the differences in the development and results of this process in these countries are analyzed....
Proceedings Article

Performative Understanding of Architecture

Marat Nevlyutov
Traditional notions of architecture as something coherent specific and complete collapse. Theory of architecture shifts its focus from an object to an action, from a text to a performance. A performative understanding of architecture allows us to describe the building or environment as a movement, a...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Analysis on the Tourism Industry Development and Tobacco Sales, Taking Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefectures as an Example

Dong-hui Luo, Hua Guo
In this paper, we use the method of questionnaire survey and correlation analysis to study the relationship between Tourism Industry development and tobacco sales in Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefectures. The impact of Tourism Industry development to tobacco sales is divided into direct effect and indirect...
Proceedings Article

Education Mode Research on Full-time Master of International Business-Based on the case of International Business School, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Xing Yao, Yumei Jiang
This paper does this research from the six perspectives: educational objectives, enrollment and educational system, curriculum and teaching system, faculty building and development, professional practice and educational quality evaluation, combined with the domestic and foreign practices of international...
Proceedings Article

Specifics of Institutional Competitivenes Formation in the Conditions of Innovation Development

Elena Blagireva
Competitive advantages of the national economy may strengthen its position and promote innovational development, institutional limitations, and negative factors effecting its future development. The negative factors should be eliminated or weakened. At the same time any negative factors and limitations...
Proceedings Article

Market Analysis about Successful Animation Characters and The Important Elements Point of Create Animated Characters

Changrong Peng
In the era of creative background, the consciousness of all countries in the world behind the animation industry contains a huge economic benefits, anime game market competition is fierce. Animation is a visual strong cultural industry as a whole, animation image is its soul. A successful animated characters,...
Proceedings Article

Research of directional project teaching in Higher Vocational Education

Guanghui Wei
This paper discusses the type of project oriented teaching method to solve the many problems arising from the traditional project-based teaching, the teaching process will be set to the development needs of enterprises and industries oriented to enterprise project for teaching material, through the "...
Proceedings Article

The component of traditional Hakka residential architecture decoration and its cultural spirit

Liwu Zeng
At the landscape painting time of guiding students to appreciate the beauty of Hakka traditional architectural decorative, through recording and discovering decorative creation art from dwelling ancestors, mining the spirit of traditional culture and education function which contains ,we will extract...
Proceedings Article

Fostering Students and Graduate Candidate Level of 21st Century Skills (A survey study conducted at a University)

Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Muhaimin Muhaimin, Noferdiman Noferdiman, Syamsurizal Syamsurizal, Yuliusman Yuliusman, Nazurti Nazurti, Syaiful Syaiful
This study is aimed to examine skills of 21st century students including three main skills; soft skill, hard skill and competitiveness. Soft skill was classified into six sub-skills; communication, IT, numeracy, learning how to learn, problem solving, and teamwork. Ten indicators indicated hard skills,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Character Education towards Acceptance of The Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School

Roykhan Mubarak, Ibnu Syamsi
Currently, children with special need can follow the normal age at inclusive school, without differentiated from each other.The number of inclusive school are available in some areas resulting in a child is easy to select the desired school and can accommodate the children with special need. Each inclusive...
Proceedings Article

A Shared Future of Mankind: a New Concept and its Paramount Pedagogical Importance

Fabio Marcelli
The recent Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, held in Beijing, marked a very important evolution in the political international thinking, enucleating the concept of the “shared future of mankind”. This concept presents a series of very important implications concerning various issues and themes...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Empirical Analysis of Regional Science and Technology Innovation Performance Evaluation Index System

Luo Wen, Dai Zilong, Fang Xi, Wang Guangjie
Comprehensive and accurate evaluation of regional science and technology innovation performance is the basis for building a new area of technological innovation. In this paper, using principal component analysis method, aiming at the scientific and technological innovation performance data of Jiangsu...
Proceedings Article

The Methodological Quality assessment of Current Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Clinical Trials

Zhi Cui, Zhiting Liu, Xinzhao Cai, Ying Bian
Objective: To figure out the current development of the TCM clinical trials in 2016 and to analyze the main problems of the TCM clinical trials. Method: The keywords traditional Chinese medicine, TCM, clinical trials and clinical study were used in CNKI and PubMed to search the clinical trials on TCM,...
Proceedings Article

Service Failure and Recovery at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung: An Evidence from Management Perspective

P. Pamela, P Pamela, A.H. Galih Kusumah, Sri Marhanah
This study aims to analize service failure and recovery in hotel industry. A qualitative research method is used, and the techniques to collect data are interview to seven respondents and secondary analysis data. This study found that there are 25 types of service failure, which were divided into eight...
Proceedings Article

Inventing "Modern Architecture": Government and Social Order in the USSR in 1930s

Alexandra Selivanova
This paper describes the use of architecture as an instrument of propaganda and symbolic representation of the government doctrines, which achieved a particular acuteness during the interwar period in the USSR. The system of governing the art world by the state created in those years retained its influence...
Proceedings Article

The Practice of Experiential Teaching in the Course of Ideological and Political Theory

Qinying Yuan
Experiential teaching method has advantaged that traditional teaching methods do not have. It can use various forms to inspire students to think independently, and plays an irreplaceable role in the initiative and autonomy of participating in teaching. At the same time, it can fully improve student’s...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Puppetry Stage Educational Playing Tool as The Medium for Tooth Brushing Life Skills for Preschoolers

Malpaleni Satriana, Wiwik Haryani, Farny Sutriany Jafar, Masnurrima Heriansyah
This research was a research and development to produce a product and test its effectiveness as one of the tool used for researches in education (educational research). To identify the story-telling activity using the puppetry stage as the medium of tooth-brushing life skill for preschoolers done by...
Proceedings Article

Gandrung Dance as Cultural Identity in Image Construction of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java

Agus Setyawan, Nanik Prihatin, Sri W., Didit Soewardikoen
Nowadays many regions are faced with competition to attract tourists, in-vestments, and residents as well as many other purposes that could drive the development of the region. It is considered important for a region to have identity as differentiatior from other regions that could become the direction...
Proceedings Article

On the Reform and Innovation of Curriculum System and Teaching Content for the Cultivation of Marin Medicine Talents

Youle Qu
The reform and innovation of curriculum system and teaching content in institutions of high learning is the key and difficult point of teaching reform, and also the foothold of the reform on talent training mode. It should adapt to the current trend of social science and technology, economy and social...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration of Research and Practice on Blended Learning Mode Based on “Internet +”

Chunshan Yang, Xiaofeng Li
In the era of rapid development of information technology, the progress of internet technology changes with each new day, undergraduate teaching should keep pace with the times. This paper is concerned with the exploration of undergraduate teaching of computer network in the era of “Internet +”. The...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment In Consumer Law Protection

Abdul Rahmat, Yuhelson, Ramlani Lina Sinaulan
The research approach used is the normative juridical approach that is research that emphasizes on secondary data, covering the whole legislation concerning Consumer Protection which will be discussed in this research. The results showed the Consumer Protection Agency for Self-Reliance is a registered...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Demotivators in English Learning of Chinese non-English Majors

Jingjing Zeng, Wei Zhang, Wenxia Sun
Demotivation means that the learners, once motivated to learn, lose interest and energy in English learning so that learning English would become a suffering and time-consuming task. The present study has developed a five-Likert scale demotivation questionnaire. 193 sophomores were taken as the subjects....
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Design and Meaning on Jaranan Turonggo Yakso Art and Its Relevance toward Character Education

Afif Widyanto, Edi Kurniadi, Adam Wahida
Jaranan Turonggo Yakso is one of arts originally from Trenggalek. The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo Yakso with using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling technique employed snowball sampling. Data were obtained from key informants....
Proceedings Article

West Sumatera’s Contemporary Painting in Sociology Studies

Nora Susanti, Budiwirman Budiwirman
West Sumatra is one of the regions that contribute many artists to the field of arts. One of the field of arts that gains so much attention is contemporary art. It is an art that is no longer bound to the rules of past works. Contemporary art has gained such a rapid growth that it intrigues many researchers...
Proceedings Article

Valuation model using a mixed real options method: a review on Singapore and Indonesia digital startups

Deny Rahardjo, Mr. Sugiarto
Startup is drawing a lot of attention given the growth potential for both entrepreneurs and investors. One of the important aspects of this venture is a fair valuation for both parties. Traditional valuation model such as Berkus comparison methods, risk factor summation, and even the usual Discounted...
Proceedings Article

Constructing the Test for Describing the Students’ Problem Solving Skill to Mitigate the Earthquake Disaster

Henny Johan, Eko Swistoro, Syaiful Rohman, Deni Parlindungan, Sipriyadi Sipriyadi
A set of problem solving test had been constructed to describe the problem solving skill to mitigate the earthquake disaster emergency conditions of the junior high school in the coastal area of the city of Bengkulu. The method which is utilized in this study is R and D, quasi experimental was conducted...
Proceedings Article

The Salvation of Pessimistic Soul: The ideology of the Poetry by Ji Xian During His Living in Mainland China

Wei Zhang
During his living in mainland China, Ji Xuan underwent a period of “loss in construction”. His nine anthologies were the every embodiment of his ideology during this period: radical personality and gloomy living condition infused his mind with a strong touch of sentimentality; and his tenacity and special...
Proceedings Article

Internationalization of Batik In The Creative Industry of Harajutik

Rosida Tiurma Manurung, Achmad Zulfikar, Ifit Novita Sari, Nuning Kurniasih, Kundharu Saddhono, Yuliyanto Budi Setiawan, Murjainah, Parwito
Indonesia has a variety of traditional textile, namely Batik, Tenun, Songket, Gringsing, and others variety. Indonesian Traditional Textiles have their characteristics, fineness, and uniqueness. Batik as a cultural wealth of Indonesia potentially become a favorite fashion for youth. If Batik managed...
Proceedings Article

English Teaching Strategies Based on the Combination of Schema Theory and Context Theory

Yan Liu
Schema theory considers reading is an interactive process, it emphasizes the importance of the reader's background knowledge in understanding the text. As the background knowledge is essential for the relevant schema that the reader to understand the text, context theory should be focused on the high-level...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Folk Arts and Crafts in Contemporary Interior Design

Houping Deng, Wen Chen
Folk arts and crafts are playing an active role in today's interior design. This paper discusses from the angle that folk arts and crafts are beneficial to the formation of good indoor environment, enriching interior design skills and promoting the development of culture. Then we explore the concrete...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Reform of Practical Teaching and Talent Training Mode in Local Colleges and Universities

Renbao Liu
This paper focuses on how local colleges and universities can cultivate applied and composite talents with innovative spirit and innovation ability to meet the needs of social and economic development. The methods and ways include strengthening the practical teaching links and increasing the management...
Proceedings Article

Bhartrhari's Perspectivism as a Philosophical Strategy: Its Origins and Possible Interpretations

Evgeniya Desnitskaya
The 'Vakyapadiya' of Bhartṛhari, the famous Indian linguistic philosopher (5th CE), presents many different, often mutually exclusive, views on language and its relationship with cognitive processes and extra-linguistic relation. Modern scholars designate this methodological approach as perspectivism....
Proceedings Article

The Terms of Wedding Tradition in Minangkabau Isolect in Nagari Pariangan and Its Development

Nadra Nadra
This study aims to describe the terms of wedding tradition used in Minangkabau isolect in Nagari Pariangan. Nagari Pariangan is located in Pariangan sub-district, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia. There are series of events in the wedding tradition. Each of these events is different...
Proceedings Article

The Comparative History and Development of E-commerce in China and the United States

Ruofan Shen
This research aims to investigate the differences between e-commerce in two countries, the origins of those differences, and what they can say about the future of E-commerce. While China is among the developing countries in Asia, the US has the greatest power to affect global market. By analyzing previous...
Proceedings Article

Research on Speech Feature Extraction System in Oral English

Jinhuan Wang, Yan Li, Zehui Xue, Chunxiang Li
This paper analyzes and studies the problems existing in oral practice, proposes a study of speech feature extraction system in oral practice, and uses MALTAB to analyze cepstrum on the extraction of speech signal, to mainly research the same type of feature parameters for reference speech and follow-up...
Proceedings Article

Bank Participation in Managing Environmental Recovery Guarantee Funds in Order to Realize the Sustainable Development Goals

Tri Handayani, Abubakar, Lastuti
This article examines the SDGs agenda, that is Indonesia committed to harmonize all aspects of doing business with the SDGs purposes. Bank as one of the funding sources for large companies, had an impact from this agenda into a loan mechanism. The SDGs agenda also brought the changes in a several banking...
Proceedings Article

Key aspects of technological leadership within the context of fourth industrial revolution

Victoria Akberdina, Luidmila Pushkareva
This paper focuses on the key aspects of the technological leadership within the context of the fourth industrial revolution (also known as technology 4.0). Technology (or also “Industry”) 4.0 is viewed as having a significant impact on today’s world economic and social progress. The fourth industrial...
Proceedings Article

Globalisation of the Healthcare Services Sector: Employing Foreign Physicians in National Strategic Special Zones in Japan

Yumi Hinohara
With the continuing increase in the ageing rate of the population, Japan must establish a system for the quan-titative expansion of healthcare services and the improvement of the efficiency of service provision in order to respond to the increasing demand for the provision of healthcare services. In...
Proceedings Article

Effect of TRX Suspension Training on Dorsal Muscle Strength and Isometric Muscle Endurance of Police College Students

Fan Zhang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12-week TRX suspension training and instrument resistance training on dorsal muscle strength and isometric muscle endurance of police college students. Thirty male students from Nanjing Forest Police College were randomly divided into TRX suspension...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation Of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Improving Social Skill And Cognitive Development Of Kindergarten Children Group B

Muznah Muznah, Siti Masitoh, Rachma Hasibuan
The large number of learning applications focused on transferring knowledge, repetition, and non-contextual teaching in pre-school becomes the background of the study. The objectives of the research are 1) to know the influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in improving cognitive development...
Proceedings Article

Love, Faith, Religion and Colonialization: Cultural Insight in Soul of Archipelago Literature

Hadijah Bte Rahmat
This paper discusses the role of literature in the development of culture, country, world and humanity of the people. The great literary work is not only beautiful artfully in terms of language and its shape, it can even give insights into thinking, science, values and soul, which can instill and develop...
Proceedings Article

The Issues and Reform Suggestions of the Current Military College Physical Education Contents System Setting

Yan Chen
With the transformation of the training target of military colleges and universities, the reform of the sports curriculum content system of military colleges and universities has made some progress, but there are still some problems. These problems are mainly manifested in: monotonous content setting,...
Proceedings Article

The Problem of the Origin and Development of Spiritual Verse as a Genre

Aleksandr Trofimov, Andrei Sapsuyev, Svetlana Voitkevich
The article gives consideration to different aspects of the origin and development of spiritual verse genre as one of the earliest samples of traditional song culture. It also depicts such phenomenon as kaliki perekhozhie (travelling singers) in its development and the notion’s evolution. The article...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Examination System of Medical Non-Degree Courses in Provincial Universities

Jiangang Wang, Lengxin Duan, Ling Liu, Ruifang Li
The improvement of the non-degree curriculum assessment system is conducive to the standardization of the teaching behavior of the teachers, which is beneficial to the cultivation of the postgraduate students' creative ability, and which is beneficial to the correct evaluation of the postgraduate students'...
Proceedings Article

Hidden Curriculum and its Relationship with the Student Character Building

Imam Gunawan, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Teguh Triwiyanto, Wildan Zulkarnain, Ahmad Nurabadi
The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the hidden curriculum on the student character building. This study uses a quantitative approach. The instrument used to measure the indicator of research variables is a rating scale questionnaire. Sampling technique using quota random sampling. The...
Proceedings Article

The Experience and Enlightenment of the Integration of Rural Industries from France and Japan

Jie Zhu, Nan Lin
French rural tourism and Japanese “sixth industrialization” have positive effects in industrial chain extending, farmers’ income increasing, and agricultural economic developing. The integration of industries in rural China has not been going well. Therefore, the summary of the background, characteristics,...
Proceedings Article

The Desa Wisata Terpadu as a vector of sustainable development in Bali?

Sylvine Pickel-Chevalier
The international diffusion of sustainable tourism requires the invention of syncretic models adapted to the sociocultural characteristics of local societies. That is the challenge of the touristic integrated village policy created in 1992 by the Indonesian government. This model promotes the establishment...
Proceedings Article

Gender leadership as a social phenomenon: the experience of a narrative essay

Natalia Korostyleva, Ludmila Kovaleva
Gender leadership is a complex and multifactorial process, inscribed into social norms and attitudes of the society. It is viewed as a social phenomenon based on an analysis of a narrative essay. It is a creative work, the distinguishing feature of which is the description of the author's personal attitude...
Proceedings Article

New Trend of International Trade Friction and the Countermeasures - A Case Study of Sino-US Trade Friction

Lu Wan, Yizhong Fu
The world had seen a good trend of goods and service trade in recent years. However, trade frictions came up frequently, and especially occurred between some giant economies. This brought up uncertainty to relationship of nations and would hinder the global trade and productions. In this paper, we first...
Proceedings Article

Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation

Hanny Hafiar, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha, Yanti Setianti, Trie Damayanti
The majority of Indonesian society still considers sex education is taboo, so the discussion about this being a rare topic discussed in the family. This can lead to a lack of understanding of the concept of sexuality in the minds of children, especially adolescents with mentally disabled who began to...
Proceedings Article

An Evaluation System for Enterprise Culture Management Based on Entropy and Fuzzy Evaluation Method

Jiafu Su, Hui Huang
In order to resolve the problem that the evaluation of enterprise culture management was hard to be accurately evaluated, an evaluation system and approach for enterprise culture management was proposed. Firstly, in view of whole life cycle of enterprise culture development, the basic process of the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Multimedia Teaching Model Based on Campus Network

Xueyan Chen, Chunli Mei
As the core equipment for a university, campus network plays an important role in various aspects of the university. The multimedia network technology based on it has greatly changed the traditional way of education. The introduction of advanced technology has significantly improved teaching efficiency,...
Proceedings Article

Muslim-Christian Relationships in Indonesian Reform Era Within The Framework of Democracy: Case Study of Bandung, Bekasi and Bogor (1998-2015)

Angel Damayanti
A relatively peaceful and harmonious relationship between Muslims and Christians in Indonesia has been dotted by religious intolerance and worship restrictions in the form of churches destruction, banned and closed. The majority of restrictions happened in West Java Province, mostly in Bandung, Bekasi...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability

Ahmad Fauzan, Edwin Musdi, Riri Yani
In this research, the researchers compared mathematical repre-sentation ability between the students who were taught using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and those who were taught using conventional approach, according to their gender and learning styles. This quasi experimental research was carried...
Proceedings Article

Mentoring in Development of the Regional Education System

Julia Gnezdovа, Ibragim Idilov
The paper analyzes the approaches to the organization of mentoring in works of foreign as well as domestic authors on experience of the regional educational institution, shows the mentoring role in the development of personnel structure. Methodical approaches, recommendations on the introduction of mentoring...
Proceedings Article

An In-depth Analysis of the Essence of Income

Haoran Wen
This paper considers recognize the contracts and use five steps to recognize revenue, the international financial framework standard 15 gives a clearly definition towards revenue. In this process, there will exist some transactions which their substance of account is different from the legal form, the...
Proceedings Article

Improving Teachers’ Classroom Action Research Proposal Preparation through Academic Supervision FGD Technique

Budi Syawal Bancin, Darwin, Sahat Siagian
This research is focused on the teachers’ ability in doing classroom action research because it would be affected the students achievement during teaching learning process. Thus, this research is aimed to find out the teachers ability in arranging classroom action research proposal through focus group...
Proceedings Article

Computer Basic Teaching Reform in Applied Undergraduate Colleges Based on “MOOC”

Xudong Zhang
With the development of the Internet, the rapid popularization of MOOC, a new thing, has brought new challenges to the computer basic teaching in applied undergraduate colleges. It is a new research topic for teachers to cope with the impact of “MOOC” on classroom teaching, take part in the teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Practice of Community Consultations on Development Planning (Musrenbang) Bandung in Terms of the Communication Policy Process

Tatik Rohmawati
The aim of this research is to know the process of the communication policy on the practice of Musrenbang Bandung. Data collection in this research was using literary studies and field-studies. Then, it will be analysed by descriptive qualitative analysis. The results show that there are three factors,...
Proceedings Article

Regional Model for Early Intervention Service in the Chuvash Republic

Svetlana Velieva, Igor Kozhanov, Artem Veliev, Anna Pavlova
The creation of the Early Intervention Service as a structural unit of educational, medical or social welfare institutions in the Chuvash republic territory is especially in demand due to the preservation of the number of children with disabilities. The article discusses a model for constructing an early...
Proceedings Article

Resources for the Formation of Educational Independence of Future Teachers: Activity Games

L Nikitina, K Lebedeva, O Rybina
Educational independence is an action that allows a future teacher to discover and subsequently appropriate the meaning and content of professional activities. The modern practice of training at the university often implements reproductive methods of teaching, according to which a future teacher learns...
Proceedings Article

Substantiated Screening of Functional Ingredients for Extended Shelf Life of Fermented Milk Products

Natalya Gavrilova, Natalya Chernopolskaya, Sergey Konovalov
The objective is to conduct a substantiated screening of functional ingredients: probiotic cultures, biopolymers and dietary fibers immobilized in gel for fermented specialized milk products. Based on the studies, it was found that the addition of Citri-Fi fiber to a fermented product in a dosage of...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Faced Tradition in Historical Learning to Plant Religious Values in Students

Uzratul Laela, Sudrajat
This study aims to explain the background of the Ngejot Tradition itself. To find out the values contained in the Ngejot Tradition and the use of the Ngejot Tradition in historical learning to instill religious value in students. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Dissonance Distributions Between Timbres of Different Instruments

Jiaqi Yuan
The definition of consonance is the level of pleasant and stable people feel when two tones played simultaneously. For example, octave pitches are considered as consonant and adjacent pitches are considered as dissonant. The prevalent theory to explain this phenomenon is Pythagoras’s theory that the...
Proceedings Article

Application of CBL Combined with PBL Model in Oncology Teaching in Colleges and Universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine*

Jinghui Wang, Wenyu Wu, Zhu Yang, Dongxin Tang
Because of the lack of knowledge structure and basic knowledge of oncology, the students of universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine have difficulties in understanding the course content, and universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine need to further strengthen training students’ clinical thinking...
Proceedings Article

Development of Service-Learning Integrated in Civics Education for a Better Earth—A Contribution of Social Study

Juliana Tirza
The educational society for a long time has been trapped in the stigma that environmental problems are the responsibility of natural science. Using qualitative data, I found that service-learning integrated to social studies especially civics education was able to contribute to the improvement of our...
Proceedings Article

Non Formal Education Educators and Education Staffs Competence in Indigenous Law Community in West Sumatra (Human Rights Review)

Akmal, Jamaris, Henni Muchtar, Zaky Farid Luthfi
The study aims to determine the conditions of education competency and Non Formal Education personnel Lawang Indigenous law community Agam district and Koto Berapak South Coastal District. The research method uses a qualitative approach with evaluative studies. The population and sample in this study...
Proceedings Article

Sensory Evaluation Formula Hair Tonic Extracts Pandanus Amaryllifolius and Seaweed

Biyan Yesi Wilujeng, KP Octaverina, Mutiah, Dewi Lutfiati
This research was conducted to determine the panelists’ acceptance of 3 pandanus amaryllifolius extracts and eucheuma spinossum. Formula hair tonic extracts pandanus amaryllifolius and eucheuma spinossum consist of PG helm, Aquades, Alcohol 96%, methyl paraben, menthol, D-Phantenol, armotan, pandanus...
Proceedings Article

Website Quality 4.0 on Admission of New Students (PMB) at Higher Education

Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi, Eka Tresna Gumelar, Lufthia Sevriana
This study aims to measure the quality of higher education websites in Bandung using the Webqual 4.0 method based on user ratings of actual perceived quality of expected quality so as to make it easier for prospective students to obtain the information needed and make it a one stop information. The research...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Walkability Evaluation of Historical Urban Area: Taking Changting, Fujian as an Example

Minzhi Chen, Ying Zheng
The measure of walking environment is an important indicator to measure humanized city and social ecology, at present, the evaluation of road walkability is still dominated by various strongly subjective built environment indicators, and there is still no quantitative and standardized measure research...
Proceedings Article

Interpreting The Age of Innocence: Unmasking Its Deception and Hypocrisy Through Zizek’s Psychological Criticism

Dingying Wang
Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence displays vividly the social landscape of the upper class in Old New York and thus she is listed as a realistic writer. However, sensitive readers could recognize the characters’ artificial innocence and exquisite pretense behind the realistic depiction. This paper...
Proceedings Article

On the Translation of the Image in the Classical Chinese Poetry Based on the Reception Theory

Sai Ma
This article tries to discuss the translation methods of the imagery in the Classical Chinese Poetry based on the Reception Theory, including three parts, the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. Based on the theory, the meaning of a translated text must be concretized in the process of the...
Proceedings Article

Role of Social Media Influencers in Tourism Destination Image: How Does Digital Marketing Affect Purchase Intention?

I Putu Gede Iwan Trisna Jaya, Ida Bagus Teddy Prianthara
This study aimed to measure the influence of social media influencers, destination image, and brand image on the purchase intention of tourists who visited the Bratan Lake, Bedugul, a major tourist attraction. The study population comprised foreign tourists; the sample size was 179. Respondents were...
Proceedings Article

The Text Analysis of Poesponegoro Manuscript

Asep Abbas Abdullah, Alda Dea Delfina
The goals of education is not only to create smart and multitalented generations. Other goals that education must achieve is creating generations who can behave properly everywhere. There are many ways to build good characters on students. One of the way is by knowing and learning about the values of...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Gambir Station by Wheelchair

William, Supriyatna Marizar, Fermanto Lianto
Everyone should enjoy the need for a trip. Nevertheless, wheelchairs user cannot feel the same. Often their trips are hampered because the facilities provided are not friendly to wheelchair users, one of which is the railway station. Gambir Station as one of the largest stations in Jakarta should be...
Proceedings Article

Developing a Learning Monitoring System Dashboard for Augmented Reality in Ubiquitous Geometry (Authentic-UG)

R Nurtantyana, Suprapto, W Y Hwang, U Hariyanti
The Authentic-UG mobile app requires a monitoring system to process the data produced on AR technology so that it can be displayed with interactive data as a method of assessing student learning behavior. The purpose of this study to develop a Learning Monitoring System Dashboard (LMSD), that can record...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Gymnastic Methods and Flexibility on Reducing Body Fat of Arimbi Gymnastics Studio Members in Semarang

Eva Faridah, KS Soegiyanto, Nasuka, Sulaiman
Fats are a group of organic bonds consisting of elements Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O2), which have soluble properties in certain solvents (fat solvents) such as petroleum benzene, ether. Flexibility is the effectiveness of a person in adjusting himself to do all the activities of the body...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Effect of Tennis on the Physical Health of Middle-Aged and Old People in Nanchang City of Jiangxi Province in China

Jianxin Gao
By testing many physiological indexes of middle-aged and old people in Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, this paper studies the fitness effect of tennis on middle-aged and old people, explores the unique fitness effect of tennis on middle-aged and old people, and objectively evaluates it. Therefore, it...
Proceedings Article

Prayer and Self-Improvement After Hajj

The Muslim’s belief in the fulfillment of prayers that were offered in the holy land, the temple, and the great Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad became one of the factors that motivates Muslims to carry out the pilgrimage. This study aims to show the realization of the power of prayer for Muslims after...
Proceedings Article

Learning to Speak English Through Task-Based Approach

Amrullah Amrullah, Sahuddin Sahuddin, Muhammad Fajri, Kurniawan Apgriyanto
Problems in learning and teaching are closely related to teachers and students. In this case part of the learning problem is influenced by the method used by the teachers. The present study aimed at describing the effectiveness of Tasks Based Approach in teaching English speaking. This is an action research...
Proceedings Article

Astronomy Co-Curricular Students Engagement With Primary School Student Using Service-Learning Approach

Othman Zainon
Astronomy is a very interesting knowledge because involving concepts that related to everyday phenomena. Astronomy combines the disciplines of physics, space science, mathematics, optics, jurisprudence, geography and others branch of science discipline. The science of astronomy is often referred to as...
Proceedings Article

Juridical Review on Accountability of Implementing Village Income and Budget Allowance

Agustien Cherly Wereh, Engeli Yuliana Lumaing
This Republic of Indonesia Ministerial Regulation No.113 of 2014 concerning on village fund management Article 40 paragraph (1) and (2) states accountability report on the realization of APBDes as referred to in Articles 37 and 38 in written information to the public and media provided easily accessible...
Proceedings Article

Research on Media Image of Xi’an Construction in the Discourse of “One Belt One Road”

Jun Yu
Regional media image is an important part of regional image, which is related to regional development. Under the background of “One Belt One Road” construction, Xi’an has its unique advantages in terms of geography, policies, and resources. Use mainstream media to construct the media image of Xi’an,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Status and Causes of the Problems of Mobile Network Games in Junior High School Students

Weizhen Zhang
Based on the relevant research on online games, this paper takes junior high school students as the research object, analyzes the status of junior high school students’ mobile online games from four aspects: the time of playing mobile games, the types of mobile games they prefer, the reasons and feelings...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Collaborative Learning in Creating Rhythmic Ensemble Music

Diah Latifah, Henry Virgan
The research examines the advantages of collaborative learning for creating ensemble rhythmic music. The primary objective was to scan the collaborative learning process in the creative process of creating rhythmic ensembles. The research method used is a quasi-experimental, ex post facto study, comparing...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Character of Civic Responsibility Through the Digital Literacy Movement

Alfiah, Triyanto, Moh Muchtarom
Digital citizenship is an issue in citizenship studies, especially on how to educate and instill character in the younger generation so that they become responsible, intelligent, and wise citizens in the face of globalization. One of the important characters in the era of globalization is the character...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Local Income and Remaining Budget Calculations on Opportunistic Behavior of Budget Preparation in Bengkulu Province Year 2013-2017

Nina Yulianasari, Pedi Riswandi
In this study, we have studied the influence of the regional budget component (Regional Income and Excess Budget Calculation) on opportunistic behavior in Bengkulu Province. The important problem with this research is the fact that the level of corruption in Bengkulu Province is relatively high. For...
Proceedings Article

The Interactive Technology of Creative Workshops in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language as a Tool for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness of Students

Pavel Spisyak, Natalia A. Bondarenko
Cross-cultural awareness is one of the key competencies of a student as it forms the foundation for interethnic communication. An effective tool for developing this competence in students is the introduction of the interactive workshop technology in class. The article presents a lesson of Russian as...