Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Environmental Modification of Growing Cabbage Flower (Brassica oleracea. L). in Dryland with Organic Fertilizer and Watering Interval

Lasmini Sri Anjar, Hayati Nur, Tangkesalu Dance, Nasir Burhanuddin, Edy Nur
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) is a vegetable plant from sub-tropical regions. The temperature range for the growth of cabbage is 15 - 24 oC with optimum humidity between 80–90%. The main obstacle in cultivating cabbage flowers in lowland dryland is the lack of water due to low rainfall. Water and soil...
Proceedings Article

Production of Bioethanol from Dragon Fruit Wastes by Using Aspergillus niger and Saccharomycetes cerevisae

Selvia Sarungu, Karnila Willard, Hamriani Ryka, Simon Tampang, Junaesar Tangke Tasik, Bodhi Dharma, Sitompul Afrida
East Kalimantan are able to produce dragon fruit throughout year, while, East Java are only in raining season. This fruit will be produced abundantly when the peak season comes and often becomes waste. To reduce this cellulosic waste from traditional market, we attempt to convert the dragon fruit waste...
Proceedings Article

Disruption to Supply Chain of Red Chili

Case Study in Cirebon District

Harniati Harniati, Thomas Widodo, Arifin Tasrif
Business of red chili was fragile resulting in uncertain and vulnerable supply chain. Once price fluctuation or crop failure, farmers could not buy production’s input, the next production of chili declined. Then, disrupted in chili supply chain occurred. The purpose of this study was to figure out the...
Proceedings Article

Bioinformatic Analysis of Strawberry PGR5 Gene

Xiran Wang, Jiangang He, Haoru Tang
PGR5 has always been known as a key factor of Heat response in plant testa. Recent studies show that PGR5 (proton gradentregulation 5) is a proton gradient regulatory protein, which transfers cycle electronic I encoding thylakoid membrane proteins and optical systems, and helps to induce pH heat dissipation....
Proceedings Article

Lactic Acid Bacteria from Honey Bees Digestive Tract and Their Potential as Probiotics

Nurdjannah Jane Niode, Christina L Salaki, Laurentius J M Rumokoy, Trina Ekawati Tallei
Honey bees (Apis spp.) are social insects that possess unique gut microbiota community. There are three main phyla that dominate the honey bees gut microbiota; Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria in which several species among them belong to the lactic acid bacteria (LAB). In general, some...
Proceedings Article

Application of Chitosan-Aloe vera Gel Based Coating on Postharvest Quality and Storability of Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.)

Yora Faramitha, Fitria Febriyanti, Tiana Fitrilia, Firda Dimawarnita, Siswanto Siswanto
Red chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a high-demand horticultural commodity in Indonesia but is vulnerable to quality deterioration. Postharvest treatment is needed to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of red chilies. One of the promising preservation technologies to prolong the shelf-life...
Proceedings Article

Secondary Metabolites Content of Seaweed (Sargassum sp.) Based on the Different Drying Methods

Agustinus Paga, Ali Agus, Kustantinah Kustantinah, I Gede Suparta Budisatria
Sargassum sp. is a non-consumable and underutilized seaweed that is considered waste, although it has the potential to provide secondary metabolites to ruminants. The purpose of this study was to see how different drying processes affected the secondary metabolite content of the seaweed Sargassum sp...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Steroid Hormones of the Functional System Mother - Fetus on the Leukocyte Differential Count and on the Development of Predisposition to Bronchopneumonia in Calves During Neonatal Period

Elena Kalaeva, Vladislav Kalaev, Anton Chernitskiy, Mohammad Alhamed
The aim of the work was to establish the level of steroid hormones in the blood serum of deep-pregnant cows and calves obtained from them and to establish correlations between hormonal and immunological parameters of the mothers and newborns. It was found that steroid hormones of the mother and the fetus...
Proceedings Article

Community of Psittacidae Family in Aketajawe Lolobata National Park North Maluku

Maya Safira Firdausy, Ida Ayu Gede Lidya Wintari, Jarwadi Budi Hernowo, Ditro Wibisono Wardi Parikesit
Aketajawe Lolobata National Park has a variety of habitat types and diverse bird species. North Maluku is one of the EBA areas (Endemic Bird Area) because it has many endemic bird species. This research aims to describe the type of habitat, identify the species of Psittacidae bird, and utilize vegetation...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation and Relationship Between Diameter Increment and Climatic Elements in a Secondary Forest of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia

Karyati Karyati, Isa B. Ipor, Ismail Jusoh, Mohd. Effendi Wasli
Climatic elements play important roles in the growth of plants. The aims of this study were to determine correlation and relationship between plant growth and climatic elements (rainfall, rainy days, temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation) in a secondary forest of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Valine Supplementation in the Diet on Growth Performance and Giblet Weight of Native Chicken at the Starter Phase

Charles V. Lisnahan, Oktovianus R. Nahak, Lukas Pardosi
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of Valine supplementation in the diet on the growth performance and giblet weight of Native chicken at the starter phase. This experiment was conducted in Kefamenanu, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, from June to July 2022. A total of five...
Proceedings Article

Density and Diversity of Herpetofauna Using a Transect Method Implemented in a Coconut Plantation (Cocos nucifera L.)

Ridwan Syarif, Rijal Satria, Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha, Irma Leilani Eka Putri
Plantation openings are to blame for Indonesia’s highest rates of forest loss. The goal of this study was to use the transect approach in Simbur Naik Village, Muara Sabak Timur District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, “Jambi Province” to determine the diversity and density of herpetofauna in a coconut...
Proceedings Article

Secondary Metabolism Variation of a Marine Fungus Following Treatment with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma and Chemical Mutagens

Yi Zhang, Lixue Wen, Haiyan Bao, Yingying Nie, Yan Feng, Zhilong Xiu
To activate cryptic secondary metabolic genes is a crucial issue in the search for new natural products from microorganisms. For this purpose, in the present study, a marine fungal strain Penicillium chrysogenum WP-1 was treated with dielectric barrier discharge plasma, chemical mutagens, and their combination....
Proceedings Article

Molecular Actions of Marine Bioactive Compound Fucoidan

Xue-lian WANG, Yan ZHAO
Fucoidan is a complex sulfated polysaccharide mainly found in brown seaweed. It has been used in a wide range of applicationsacross different industries such as food additives, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals. Studies have shown that fucoidan has numerous biological activities including anti-cancer,...
Proceedings Article

A Review of the Research on the Measurement Methods of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction for LNG Automotive Applications

Dongxiang CHENG, Fanghua ZHAO, Jing CHEN
With the rapid development of economy in China, the demand of the society to the transportation industry is also increasing [1]. This has produced a large number of car greenhouse gas, causing serious damage to the environment. As a new development of clean energy industry, liquefied natural gas (LNG)...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Phenol Absorption Using Banana Peel (Musa balbisiana Colla) as Biosorbent

Edi Nasra, Retno Sari, Sri Benti Etika, Desy Kurniawati, Trisna Kumala Sari
Pollution of phenol compounds is a serious problem for the environment. Phenols are toxic and hazardous materials because they have high toxicity in water causing disturbance to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Biosorption is a simple and efficient method to solve the problems caused by phenol compounds....
Proceedings Article


Wen-Sheng Zou, Hong Zhang, Shuang Jia, Wu-Fu Zhu, Shan Xu
3-(2-chloro-5-fluoropyrimidin-4-yl)-1-methyl-1H-indole is an important intermediate in many bioactive compounds, such as osimertinib. In this task, a new intermediate is synthesized (a fluorine attached to the pyrimidine ring). The compound is synthesized from commercially available 1H-indole through...
Proceedings Article

Risk Preference of Palm Sugar Craftsman in Lebak Regency, Banten

Andjar Astuti, Ratna Mega Sari, Suherman, Asih Mulyaningsih, Setiawan Sariyoga
The growth of palm sugar production in Lebak Regency as the center of palm sugar in Banten Province continues to show a positive trend so that it is an important source of income for many households in Lebak Regency. The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk of palm sugar craftsman business which...
Proceedings Article

Induction of Plantlet Regeneration on Shallot (Allium cepa var. Aggregatum)

M. Marlin, M. Handajani, Y. Yulian, R. Rustikawati, R. Herawati
Micropropagation is an alternative method for producing pathogenic contamination-free shallots seedlings. The aim of this research was to determine the optimum balance of auxin-cytokinin and sucrose concentration in stimulating the plantlet regeneration on shallot. The research was conducted from March...
Proceedings Article

Increasing of Wet Noodles Quality Using Vegetables Oil Coating

Nurhayati Nurhayati, Maria Belgis, Jay Jayus, Infidzah S. Velianti
Wet noodles are often used as the main ingredient in making chicken noodles, which is one of the favorite foods like Indonesian. The process of making wet noodles without going through the drying stages makes the noodles easily damaged by microbial growth such as bacteria. This study evaluated the effect...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Chemistry in a Local Vessel: An Innovation during The Covid-19 Era

Ihesinachi A. Kalagbor, Henry S. Amadi
During the pandemic, restrictions to the use of science teaching laboratories and the number of students allowed for each practical class had an impact on teaching, education and research. The quality of laboratory practicals and supervision of experiments was effected. COVID - 19 led to a negative impact...
Proceedings Article

Environmental and Socio-economic Impact of Floating Net Cages Aquaculture in Cengklik Reservoir

Fatimah Nurul Mahdiyah Jayatri, Adhy Kurniawan, Susilo Budi Priyono
The existence of Cengklik Reservoir is used by the surrounding community for aquaculture using a floating net cage system. The floating net cage system is often in demand because it reduces the loss of fish when the reservoir volume changes so that it is easier to culture, but this system also has an...
Proceedings Article

Jackfruit Seed Extract Exposure on Zebrafish Embryos as Initial Screening Model for Covid-19 Treatment

Atika Ayu Kusumaningtyas, Bambang Retnoaji
The World Health Organization establishes the coronavirus COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020. The receptor-binding protein in Coronavirus will bind to ACE-2 found in the heart, lungs, kidneys, and digestive tract, facilitating the entry of the virus into cells target to infect its host. High infection...
Proceedings Article

Potential of MSW and COVID-19 Medical Waste as Feedstocks for Gasification Process

Mochamad Syamsiro, Safarudin Gazali Herawan, Muhammad Noviansyah Aridito
The main problem with the Covid-19 pandemic is the emergence of medical waste which has increased drastically, such as from the use of disposable masks, gloves and personal protective equipment (PPE). The covid-19 pandemic has also caused changes in food consumption, which usually eats more at restaurants,...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Remote Sensing Technology (Latest Geospatial) for Agriculture in Indonesia

Rizatus Shofiyati
Remote sensing has several capabilities to be used in agriculture, which plays a significant role in crop classification, crop monitoring and yield assessment. In Indonesia, use of remote sensing divided into 3 eras: non-satellite (1970s - 1981), transition (1982 - 2004), digital satellite (2005 - now)....
Proceedings Article

Molecular Verification of Sex-separated Straw of Simmental Cattle (Bos taurus) by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Aulia Rahman, Asmarani Kusumawati, Agung Budiyanto, Yemi Ulviani, Ilham Fathurrahman, Kurniawan Dwi Prihantoko, Lalu Unsunnidhal
The application of sexing technology to separate X and Y spermatozoa is a strategic step to fulfill the beef demand in Indonesia. Current sexing methods like gradient density percoll, bovine serum albumin, and spectrophotometry did not have 100% accuracy to separate between X and Y spermatozoa. The molecular...
Proceedings Article

Application of Hygiene and Sanitation in The Hairtail Fish Freezing Industry

Ratri Retno Utami, Andi Nur Amalia, M. Ardhias Syam, Rahmad Wahyudi, Rachma Ramadhanty Tabri
Food hygiene is carried out by controlling location, equipment, personnel, and food products factors that can cause health problems. One of the foodstuffs that quickly deteriorate so that it requires strict hygiene control is Hairtail fish. The “X” fish processing industry performs freezing to prevent...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Variation Assessment on Male and Female Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus From Two Fish Farms in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Muhammad Adli Budin, Izzati Adilah Azmir, Nur Ain Aqilah Ibrahim
Tilapia is unique in that it continues to play a significant role in rural aquaculture, helping to improve farmers’ livelihoods. The aim of this study was to calculate the distance between specified morphological characteristics of the Tilapia fish and to determine the inter-population morphometric variability...
Proceedings Article

Digestibility of Calliandra, Indigofera sp. and the Mixture in the Ration as a Substitute for the Concentrate Given to the Tup Garut

Syifa Nurjannah, Rahman, Rantan Krisnan
This research aims at figuring out the digestibility value of the weaning tup Garut with rations Calliandra calothyrsus, Indigofera sp., and mixture as a concentrate substitution (in vivo). Six treatment of experimental rations were tested consisting of P0 (70% P. purpureum cv. Mott + 30% Concentrate),...
Proceedings Article

Study of Kinetic Fermentation of Proteolytic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Colostrum of Dairy Cattle with Inulin Substrate

Iqbal Wahyu Samudra, Zaenal Bachruddin, Widodo Widodo, Yuny Erwanto, Chusnul Hanim
This research aimed to determine the effect of the additional inulin level as a carbohydrates source for the fermentation kinetics of the proteolytic lactic acid bacteria (LAB Pro 4). The fermentation kinetics were observed using growth charts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) or LAB Pro 4 with inulin substrate...
Proceedings Article

Consortium of Endophytic Bacteria Application Improves Grain Yield of Rice

Nur Prihatiningsih, Heru Adi Djatmiko, Puji Lestari
The use of beneficial endophytic bacteria is an attractive strategy to control pathogens, improve plant growth and yield. The objectives this research were to investigate the effect of consortium application of endophytic bacteria on plant growth, grain yield, and to increase plant resistant to pathogens....
Proceedings Article

Mangrove Health Condition Status Based on Canopy Cover in Coastal Ecotourism Areas in Kersik Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and Mangrove Ecotourism in Kampung Baru, Penajam Paser Utara Regency

Novi Oktaviani, Ristiana Eryati, Irma Suryana
Mangroves are plants that can live in areas that have salinity and are influenced by tides. Kersik Village and Kampung Baru are areas that have mangrove ecosystems in them. One of the parameters is knowing the health condition of the mangrove ecosystem by analyzing the mangrove canopy cover. This research...
Proceedings Article

Methods of Extraction of Medicinal Vegetable Raw Materials in Phytosubstances Technology

Irina Kaukhova, Victor Weinstein, Marina Burakova, Mariya Aroyan, Ekaterina Novikova
The article discusses the technology of obtaining phytosubstances using modern methods of extraction of medicinal plant materials: ultrasonic extraction, two-phase extraction. On the example of various types of plant materials, a comparative analysis was carried out and the advantages and disadvantages...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Karst Water Quality Upstream of Junhe River Basin in Shandong Province, China

Mingyi REN, Liyuan YANG, Jiezhong WANG, Chunhua LIU
Seventy nine karst water samples were used to study the quality of groundwater in upstream of Junhe River. The main hydrochemical types were HCO3 type, HCO3⋅SO4 type, HCO3⋅Cl type and Cl type, and the HCO3 type occupied 58% of the total evaluation area. The sample points were grouped in the lower-left...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Sterility and Other Quality Parameters of Sterile Male Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Tri Ramadhani, Upik Kesumawati Hadi, Susi Soviana, Z Irawati
Culex quinquefasciatus is a vector of lymphatic filariasis caused by Whuchereria brancofti in Indonesia. Even though sterile insect technique has not been introduced to Indonesia yet, a strong emphasis is being placed on developing effective measures to suppress this vector and to prevent its transmission...
Proceedings Article

The Community of Ardeidae Family and Distribution of Nest Trees in Pulau Rambut Wildlife Sanctuary, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

Maya Safira Firdausy, Ani Mardiastuti, Yeni Aryati Mulyani
Pulau Rambut is a small island in Jakarta Bay that has been used as a breeding and roosting habitat for various waterbird species, especially the Ardeidae family. The study aimed at estimating Ardeidae family abundance and mapping the distribution of nest trees. The study was conducted in January-February...
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Model of Vegetative Growth of Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) with Different Seed Quality

NA Nurrahmah, AM Zahra, Sri Rahayoe, RE Masithoh, Muhammad Pahlawan, Laila Rahmawati
Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) is a tuber plant used in the industrial production of glucomannan. Porang can be cultivated with bulbil (katak tubers) and spontaneously harvested vegetatively. Under certain harvest and storage conditions, infected bulbils can reduce seed quality, viability, and growth....
Proceedings Article

Correlation between Analgesic Effect of Electroacupuncture "ST36" - "GB34" and DNA Methyltransferase on Sciatica Rats Dnmt3a

Qiu-ling XU, Tao LIU
To observationthe relationship between spinal inhibition of DNA methylation in electroacupuncture (EA) analgesia, and spinal cord Dnmt3amRNA expression. EA and inhibitors of 5-AZA Dnmt can improve CCI animals hyperalgesia state and decreased Dnmt3amRNA expression. DNA methylation is closely related to...
Proceedings Article

Significance of Combined Imaging BI-RADS Assessment in Breast Cancer and Pathology Comparison

Min Liu, Zhi-Hou Zhou, Ying Li, Jing-Zhong Xu, Gang-Ping Wang
Mammography (MG) is the only proven modality to reduce mortality of breast cancer and has been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer, and ultrasonography (US) is a well-known adjunct to screening MG. BI-RADS classification is actually practical and correlation with histopathology on the palpable...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-propylpicolinamide

He-Hua Xiong, Jia Zhi, Yin-Mei Zhuang, Meng-Zi Chen, Yin-Hua Xiong, Qi-Dong Tang
4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-propylpicoliamide 4 is an important intermediate for the synthesis of many biologically active compounds. The compound 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-propylpicolinamide was obtained by three simple steps to synthesis from picolinic acid. In this paper, three novel 3-phenyl-1H-pyrazole derivatives...
Proceedings Article

California Papaya Fruit Maturity Classification Uses Learning Vector Quantization

Romi Wiryadinata, Andy A. Fatmawaty, Muhammad Saepudin, Alimuddin, Oktavia Widia Ningrum, Imamul Muttakin
This research aims to build a system for the classification of papaya maturity level using Learning Vector Quantization. The classification process is done by the colour feature extraction value. Forty-five images consist of 30 images for training data and 15 images for test data were used. The images...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Land Rehabilitation to Reduce Soil Erosion and Surface Runoff by Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) and Jabon (Antocephalus cadamba) Plantation

Sri Sarminah, Karyati, T. Hartono, F. Afandi
Land productivity and stability can be reduced due to damaged watershed systems and increased surface runoff and erosion in soil. Unsustainable land management is one of the factors affecting land degradation, most of the decreased quality of the land is caused by soil erosion. Implementations of land...
Proceedings Article

A Misconception Analysis of Biology Students of Universitas Negeri Padang in the Microbiology Subject Using Certainly of Response Index (CRI)

Ulima Yafi Ilmisa, Dwi Hilda Putri
This study aims at determining students’ misconceptions in the microbiology subject. The object of this study was the biology students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas negeri Padang (UNP) who took the microbiology subject in 2018/2019 school year. The number of students...
Proceedings Article

Confidence Level to Purchase Halal Food Products Via Ordering Online Application

Nainatul Farzuha Nor, Hartini Ahmad, Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned out to be an opportunity for a recent noticeable increase in online purchase in Malaysia. Muslim consumer who concern about halal product were affected by this drastic purchasing trends. Although there is no evidence to support Muslim consumer to explore how they select...
Proceedings Article

Effect of UV-B Radiation Intensity on Hsp70, mtHsc70-1, and cpHsc70-2 Gene Expression in Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Leaf Under Field Conditions

Maria Celinna, Andi Eko Maryanto, Andi Salamah
Increased expression of genes encoding Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) is one of the plant defense responses against UV-B stress. Synedrella nodiflora may be tolerant to relatively high UV-B intensity. The research has been conducted to compare expression levels of genes encoding cytosolic, mitochondrial,...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Distance Analysis of Swamp Buffalo Bubalus bubalis Phenotype in Three Regions in East Java, Indonesia

Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri, Agus Budiarto, Gatot Ciptadi, Rescha Saputra
Swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is one of the potential animal livestock for meat production but is still not popular as meat compared to both cattle and goats. Buffalo farmers, especially in Malang Regency, mostly used buffalo for ploughing the rice fields with traditional care and unprogrammed breeding....
Proceedings Article

Maximum Effective Dose of Shallot Peel in Preventing Cigarette Smoke-Induced Lung Oxidative Stress

Dina Helianti, Rosita Dewi, Ayu Munawaroh, Sheilla Rachmania
Cigarette smoke is a source of free radicals and a trigger for the production of free radicals in the body and has been proven to cause oxidative stress, especially in the lungs. Continuous oxidative stress, causes an inflammatory process and lung tissue damage, the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive...
Proceedings Article

RAPD-PCR-Based Genetic Relationships Among Three Forensically Important Calliphorid Species (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Shubhra Malviya, Sarita Agrawal
Molecular genetic markers have been effectively used to analyze genetic relationships and diversity among different groups of dipterans. The emergence of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) facilitated analysis of molecular markers e.g., Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR),...
Proceedings Article

Factor Affecting the Behaviour of the Households of Food Waste of Vegetables and Fruits in Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Reno Budi Setiawan, Irham Irham, Any Suryantini
Food waste is bad behaviour that is throwing away food that is still fit for consumption. While the world is facing the problem of food safety and malnutrition, on the other hand, the food waste produced is increasing. Does this also happen with vegetables and fruit commodities in Indonesia? This study...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Goat Kefir Utilization on Physicochemical Quality and Sensory Attributes of Ice Cream Probiotic

Muhammad Fajrul Arief, Ria Dewi Andini, Djalal Rosyidi, Lilik Eka Radiati
Sustainable development goal no. 12, to “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”, include a goal to reduce food waste at consumer level and food losses along the production and supply chains. For dairy, commonly referenced reasons are related to misunderstanding of spoilage before consuming...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Selection of Propionic Acid Bacteria Promising for Biotechnological Production

Oksana Khaeva, Boris Tsugkiev, Larisa Ikoeva
Bacteria of the genus Propionibacteruim are the microorganisms with great biotechnological potential. The article deals with studies of biological properties of new propionic acid bacteria strains isolated from raw milk in different regions of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. According to morphological...
Proceedings Article

The Start-Up of Continuous Hydrogen Production Process by Anaerobic Fermentation of Food Waste and Glucose

Weijuan ZHU, Xinyuan LIU, Yan GUO, Jingkun CUI, Qi ZHANG
Continuous biohydrogen production process by anaerobic fermentation of glucose was successfully started-up and the average hydrogen yield of 68.6 ml/g-carbohydrateremoved was obtained. When the feedstock converted into the mixture of food waste and glucose, the highest hydrogen yield of 77.4 ml-H2/g-VSremoved...
Proceedings Article

Future Uncertainty of Sustainable Paddy Fields in Bengkulu Indonesia

Muhammad Faiz Barchia, Satria Putra Utama, Ridha Rizki Novanda, Andi Ishak
Main constraint of rice cultivation for staple food supply and national food security as sustainable agriculture indicator in Indonesia is reduced productive paddy’s fields because of land use changes for other agricultural commodities and non-agriculture land use. Aim of this paper to review some causative...
Proceedings Article

Study on Nutrient Composition and Fermentation Quality of Caragana korshinskii Kom. Anaerobic Fermentation with Different Additives under Low Moisture Conditions

Chunze Guo, Yi Xiong, Xuekai Wang, Fuyu Yang
The purpose of this experiment is to explore the effects of different additives on the anaerobic fermentation of Caragana korshinskii Kom. with low moisture. The research of adding additives to the anaerobic fermentation test of C. korshinskii Kom results show that, adding cellulase alone significantly...
Proceedings Article

Species Test of Morus alba and Morus cathayana in Indonesia

Nanang Sasmita, Liris Lis Komara
Mulberry plants have been cultivated for a long time ago. It is being grown for the supply of silkworms. Mulberry cultivation as a silkworms feeds in Indonesia increases because mulberry plants have many benefits, including leaves and fruit as animal feed, tea production, and pharmaceuticals. This study...
Proceedings Article

Hematological Analysis of Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias sp. Cultivated in Integrated Fish Farming

Dian Fita Lestari, Fatimatuzzahra
The demand for cultivated fish for public consumption has increased. One of the fish farming methods was a fish pond that is integrated with poultry, especially the types of fish that are easy to cultivate such as tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and catfish (Clarias sp.). The aim of this research was...
Proceedings Article

Accumulation of Experimental Data for the Introduction of Smart Plant Protection Systems

Cases of Transboundary and High-risk Diseases

Takashi Fujikawa
Smart agriculture will be essential for sustainable food production. Above all, the implementation of smart plant protection is highly expected as a way to protect crops from pests. However, for this purpose, it is necessary to collect a lot of experimental data, link it with various information, and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Dietary Bromelain Enzyme on Broiler Chicken (Gallus gallus) Growth Performance

Ni’matul Laili Nur Mahfudhoh, Sajidan, Agung Budiharjo
Many studies have reported that the addition of bromelain enzyme and pineapple extract can increase the growth performance of broiler chickens. However, when the bromelain enzyme was applied to meat, it can digest proteins that cause cell damage. In this study, the addition of the bromelain enzyme with...
Proceedings Article

Primers and Probes Design of Multiplex qPCR For Food Authentication Detection

Moralita Chatri, Dwi Hilda Putri, Dezi Handayani, Afifatul Achyar
Indonesia continues to confront difficulties and barriers in obtaining halal certification because some unresponsible individuals continue to adulterate halal food by combining it with pork or fanged animals in order to increase their profits. Therefore, it is necessary for Halal Examining Institutions...
Proceedings Article

The Activity of Chinese Jatropha Stem Extract (Jatropha multifida L.) Against Mortality and Fitness of FAW (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) Larvae in Corn Plants (Zea mays L.)

Moh. Hibban Toana, Ni Komang Gariani
The activity of Chinese jatropha stem extract (J. multifida L.) was tested on S. frugiperda larvae to determine the percentage of mortality and fitness. The research was carried out in the pest and disease laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University from January to May 2020. The research...
Proceedings Article

Minocycline Attenuates Kidney Injury in a Rat Model Of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy

Hongping Yuan, Dongxu Zhao, Boyin Zhang
The effects of minocycline on the development of diabetic nephropathy (DN) in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats were evaluated in this study. The diabetes rats with diabetic nephropathy (DN) were induced by STZ (55 mg/kg) injection. The experiment included 5 groups 1) normal, 2) normal plus...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of 4-(pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl)benzaldehyde

Bin-Liang Zhang, Lu-Jie Cao, Shan Xu, Ping Wang
4-(pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl)benzaldehyde (1) as a water-soluble aldehyde is an important intermediate for small molecule anticancer drugs. A rapid and high yield synthetic method for 4-(pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl)benzaldehyde (1) was established in this work. The target compound was synthesized from the commercially...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Grass Growth Pennisetum purpereum Cv. Mott Uses Cattle Manure

Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Natsir Sandiah, La Ode Muh. Munadi, Muhammad Ulaasa
The study aims to determine the effect of cow manure feeding at different levels on the growth of grass Pennisetum purpereum cv. Mott as fodder. The study used a randomized group design method (GDM) with 4 treatments and 5 replays which were then maintained for 60 days. The treatment applied, namely...
Proceedings Article

Geometric Characteristics of Sandbars Case Study of Progo River

Agus Maryono, Alifia Darmayanti, Azmina Syahida Basyarudin, Pratama Tirza Surya Sembada
Sandbar is one of river structures that functions to decrease river flow velocity and increase diversification of flow distribution leading to river channel stability. Sandbars have roles in sediment transport mechanism, reducing pollutants due to denitrification mechanism, and as a host for aquatic...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Chronic Skin Ulcer Model Based on Clinical Features of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

Ming-san MIAO, Xiao-li YAN, Ming BAI, Yan-yan MIAO
Objective: Analysis anastomosis of the commonly used animal models and clinical features of chronic skin ulcer disease, put forward to recommendations for model refinement. Method: Summarize the characteristics of existing chronic skin ulcer model and molding method, according to traditional Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Biological Education: Keeping up with the Times and Prospects of Development

Elena Khorolskaya, Tatyana Pogrebnyak, Irina Sagalaeva, Marina Komarova
Building a unified educational space allows students to choose and build their own career. In connection with the adoption of the Bologna system there was a modernization of the education system in Russian Universities. The article highlights the features of the development, formation and construction...
Proceedings Article

Identification and Prediction of Potential Drug-like Compounds From Ruku-Ruku Leaves (Ocimum tenuiflorum Linnen) in West Sumatera

Hesty Parbuntari, Sri Benti Etika, M. Mulia
Ruku-ruku leaves are one of the natural resources in West Sumatra. However, the use of ruku-ruku leaves nowadays has only been used to enrich the taste of cuisine such as fish curry dishes. The distinctive odor of the ruku-ruku leaves can eliminate the fishy odor in the fish. This distinctive odor comes...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Magnetic Fields Supply and Hygromycin Concentration to the Optimization of Folate Gene Putative Transformant Selection in Rice (cv. Fatmawati)

Susiyanti, Winda Wati, Nurmayulis Nurmayulis, Sulastri Isminingsih, Sjaifuddin Sjaifuddin
The research was aimed to determine the influence of magnetic fields supply and hygromycin concentration on the optimization of folate gene putative transformant selection in rice (cv. Fatmawati). The Genetic transformation of rice used A. tumefaciens strain LBA4404 as a vector that contained plasmid...
Proceedings Article

Strategic Design for Sustainable Tourism Management on Pangempang Beach

Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Sam Johan Emil, Erwiantono Erwiantono, Rochadi Kristiningrum, Yosep Ruslim
Strategic Design for Sustainable Tourism Management in Pangempang Beach. Pangempang Beach is an object and tourist attraction which is included in the category of developing areas and most of them have not been developed and managed professionally. The purpose of this study was to analyze land suitability,...
Proceedings Article

The Potency of Leptin Gene as a Selection Marker of Economic Traits for Madura Cattle: Preliminary Study

Tristianto Nugroho, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi, Dyah Maharani
The Leptin gene, also known as ‘obese’, was an important regulator of growth traits which is the principal economic value of beef cattle. This paper aimed to investigate the potency of the Leptin gene as a selection marker of economic traits for Madura cattle. This study was performed by literature review...
Proceedings Article

Supplementary Feeding With Concentrated Protein Sources In Ettawa Crossbreed Does

Risna Nur Khoirunnisa, Diah Tri Widayati, Fajar Ajimukti Atmojo, Kustantinah Kustantinah
The main constraint of the Ettawa Crossbreed does management at the farmer level is that the forages as the only feed given because farmers are unable to provide another feed, which causes the failure to reach optimum productivity. In this study, the supplementary feed was added as a protein source concentrate...
Proceedings Article

Optimized Digital Webcam with Hungry Roach Infestation Optimization to Monitor the Drying Process of Cassava Chips

Yusuf Hendrawan, La Choviya Hawa, Retno Damayanti, Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, Sandra Malin Sutan
This study utilizes Logitec HD webcam C270 as a computer vison-based precision monitoring system to optimize the performance of cassava chips drying machines. Cassava chips processed from optimal drying is later utilized as raw material for quality modified cassava flour (MOCAF). The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of Heritability and Genetic Advance for Morphological and Physiological Traits in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Under Heat Stress

Prita Sari Dewi, Ida Widiyawati, Wilis Cahyani, Kartika Ferrawati
The efficiency of plant breeding programs can be improved by determining genetic variability, heritability, and genetic advance. The experiment was carried out to study the genetic variability, broad-sense heritability, and genetic advance for some morphological and physiological traits in rice influenced...
Proceedings Article

Photocatalyst with Various Ratios and Concentrations of TiO2-Fe3O4 to Remove Humic Acid Pollutants

Mariyatul Kibtiah, Fahrizal Adnan, Muhammad Busyairi, Searphin Nugroho
Humic acid is naturally generated from aerobic decomposition of organic matter by organisms. Treatment of humic acid by photocatalyst have some advantages, such as no saturation point, inexpensive, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Photocatalyst is a photochemical process which involved catalyst...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Biota Species Sensitivity Distributions to Nonylphenol in China and the United States

Liangmao ZHANG, Caidi WEI, Mingwei SONG
Based on the acute toxicity data for aquatic organisms from China and the United States, species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) were developed to derive to HC5 (the Hazardous Concentration for 5% of the species). Sensitivity to NP in taxa of vertebrates, invertebrates and plants were compared separately...
Proceedings Article

Clinical and Radiological Study of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in Salivary gland, Sinonasal Tract and Nasopharyngeal

Bo-Hong Shi, Yong-Mei Huang, Tao Qin
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is one of the most common primary malignancies of the major and minor salivary glands. ACC is an uncommon neoplasm that most frequently arises in salivary glands and related tissue in the head and neck region. Unlike head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, ACC is characterized...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Characterization and Evaluation of Hevea brasiliensis for Genetic Diversity and Latex Quality Attributes

J. N. Korieocha, O. N. Nwabueze, S. N. Anokwuru
Experiment on morphological characterization of natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) genotypes was carried out during the 2021 cropping season. The experiment was set up at clonal garden of Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria (RRIN) Iyanomo, Benin City. The objective of the study was to characterize...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Native and Nanoencapsulated Cephalosporin Antibiotics

Violetta Klyueva, Alexandr Sirotin, Elisaveta Rypalenko, Khristina Ozarko, Khristina Degtyareva
The analysis of the inhibiting effect of antibiotic from the cephalosporin series, nanoencapsulated gellan and xanthan gum in comparison with native antibiotics was performed. Differences in the effect of drugs depending on concentration were studied as well as positive effect of prolongation of activity...
Proceedings Article


Wen-Sheng Zou, Li-Wen Jiang, Shuang Jia, Wu-Fu Zhu
(E) -3- (dimethylamino) -1- (1H-indol-3-yl) prop-2-en-1-one (4) is an important intermediate in many biologically active compounds such as osimertinib. In this work, compound (4) was synthesized through three steps, using 1H-indole as starting material. The synthetic method of 4 was optimized and can...
Proceedings Article

Addition of Coconut Water and Banana Extract on MS Media to Stimulate PLB (Protocorm Like Bodies) Regeneration of Dendrobiumgatton sunray

R. Herawati, D. W. Ganefianti, A. Romeida, Marlin, Rustikawati, Habibi
Organic material is widely used for propagation of orchids, namely coconut water, extracts of tomatoes, bananas, bean sprouts and potatoes which can be added to certain media as a provider of nutrients, amino acid minerals, and growth regulators. This study aims to determine the effect of the concentration...
Proceedings Article

Predictive Mapping for Soil pH and Phosphate based on Kriging Interpolation

M. Edi Armanto, Elisa Wildayana
Spatial variability can be the main cause of uneven plant growth, but this has not received much attention in the field. Spatial variability in soil chemical properties (soil pH, P) can be calculated using a geostatistics approach. The main objective of this research was to make a predictive mapping...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer on the Growth of Red Algae Gracillaria verrucosa under controlled conditions

Zakirah Raihani Ya’la, Wahyuni Mule, Dwi Sulistiawati, Eka Rosyida, Rukavina Baksh
The use of pesticides in agriculture has a negative effect on environment. Thus, environment-friendly fertilizers are needed to minimize the use of pesticides. The present study used seaweed liquid fertilizer (SLF) extracted from Sargassum sp., Gelidum sp., and Padina sp. to support the coastal agricultural...
Proceedings Article

Removal of Chromium by Modified Nano Zero Valent Iron Supported on Carbon Fiber

Shuo LI, Shengwen CHEN, Changwen MA
Using carbon fiber (CF) as carriers and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as modifiers, nano zero valent iron (nZVI) was prepared and characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The effects of the different materials, the initial solution pH, and so on, were investigated....
Proceedings Article

Study and Susceptibility Status of Bedbug Cimex hemipterus (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in IPB Darmaga Campus Area and Its Surrounding

Susi Soviana, Upik Kesumawati Hadi, E Septiane
Bed bugs infestation in the 1970s was considered disappeared, but since 2000s, re-emergence of bed bugs were reported from all over the world. The study of bed bugs infestation was carried in campus area of IPB University, Darmaga and its surrounding from October 2014 to February 2015. The study was...
Proceedings Article

Difference in F2 Isoprotane Levels in Male Model Mice (Mus musculus L.) in Maximum Physical Exercise Without Supplementation

Elsa Yuniarti, M Des, Pudia M. Indika
Vigorous physical exercise that exceeds the limit of fatigue can increase the formation of free radicals that lead to oxidative stress. One of the biomarkers used to determine the presence of oxidative stress is the level of F2-isoprostane. This study aims to determine the differences in levels of F2-isoprostan...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Green Campaign Towards Consumer Purchase Intention

A Study of “X” Coffee Shop in Jakarta

Patricia Josephine, Robert La Are
Green Campaigns are used to expose any environmental issues to the societies and at the same time to give knowledge about the awareness of green behavior on the environment and will later lead to the intention of purchasing green products. However, as a report stated, 86% percent of the adult population...
Proceedings Article

Agricultural Land Carrying Capacity in West Sleman Regency 2014-2020

Hayyun Nadia, Rika Harini
The reduced area of agricultural land in West Sleman will affect the availability of food in the region. The decreasing availability of food will have an impact on the condition of the carrying capacity of the land, whether it will get better or worse. Based on these problems, a study was conducted to...
Proceedings Article

Physical Quality of Laying Hen Eggs Given Manihot esculenta Leaf Extract

Deki Zulkarnain, Andi Murlina Tasse, Ali Bain, Nur Hasnawati, Nur Santy Asminaya, La Ode Muh. Munadi
The research aims to find out the physical quality of laying hen eggs given Manihot esculenta extract using ingredients consisting of laying hens numbering 32 heads with the age of 1 year and for 5 weeks. The study used a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) of 4 treatments and 4 replays with observed parameters...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Symptoms and Distribution Pattern Detection of Ring Spot Disease (Leptosphaeria sp.) on Sugarcane Plants Using Aerial Images

A. D. Indrawan, H. Nirwanto, W. Windriyanti, W. W. Jati
Productivity of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is influenced by various factors, one of which is ring spot disease caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria sacchari. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to suppress plant damage through Integrated Plant Disease Control so that proper monitoring information...
Proceedings Article

The Feasibility Study of Green Microalgae Assisted Coal Mine Effluent Desalination

Shweta Rawat, Sanjay Kumar
Carbon-neutral sustainable approaches are highly demanding in the coal energy sector. Coal mine effluent disposal is a severe challenge with crucial concern issues of salinity hazard and heavy metal contamination due to long-duration water and coal interaction. The medium to the high salinity of coal...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Factors Causing Learning Difficulties of Biology Students in the Microbiology Subject, Universitas Negeri Padang

Lasmi Lestari, Dwi Hilda Putri
This research was motivated by the learning difficulties experienced by students in the Microbiology Subject that caused their learning competence to be relatively low. This research aims at describing the factors that caused learning difficulties experienced by UNP biology students in the Microbiology...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Fossil Wood from Samarinda, East Borneo

Nani Husien, Sri Wahyuni, Erwin, Agus Sulistyo Budi
This study aims to identify the anatomical structure of petrified wood discovered in Samarinda, East Borneo. The material consists of a single piece of petrified wood, grey, and white—the ground thin-section technique prepared three-dimensional sections (transverse, tangential, and radial). Microscopic...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Characterization of Vanda Orchid Homeobox Gene from Vanda tricolor var. Suavis Lindl. form Merapi

Viantius Ruben, Muhammad Dylan Lawrie, Endang Semiarti
Vanda tricolor var. Suavis Lindl. form Merapi is one of the crucial Indonesian orchid species. Due to natural disasters or deforestation of their natural habitat, the population of this orchid continues to decline and is threatened to be extinct. Therefore, a strategy for mass propagation of this plant...
Proceedings Article

Green Governance: A Path to Sustainable Development

B. Prathima
The International mandate for sustainable development has brought green governance to the forefront as a transformative approach to address environmental challenges through bio-based policies. This paper explores the critical gap in effective policy frameworks that support both ecological integrity and...
Proceedings Article

Agronomy Value of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) With STU Organic Fertilizer for Dairy Cattle Feed in Mentawai Islands

Evitayani Evitayani, Lili Warly, James Hellyward, Ivan Moharya Kasim
This study aims to determine the effect of Sarana Tani Utama (STU) fertilizer on the growth and production of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Taiwan is grown on a dairy farm in Sipora Jaya, Mentawai Islands. The study used a randomized block design with 5 treatments P0 = 100% fertilizer N,...
Proceedings Article

ITS andTrnl-F Sequences Analysis of Pulsatilla Chinensis (Bge.) Regel

Shao-xuan ZHANG, Guang-zhu LIN, Tian-tian WANG, Ya-rong LI
To provide scientific data of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and trnL-F sequences for the authentication of Pulsatilla chinesis(Bge.) Regel., we extracted the genome DNA from the leaves of Pulsatilla chinesis(Bge.) Regel., collected in Jilin Province, amplified the ITS and trnL-F region using...
Proceedings Article

Vermicompost Biochemical Content of Different Types of Worms and Waste Feed Material

Dewi Hastuti, Sri Ritawati, Eltis Panca Ningsih, Rida Oktorida Kastini
Plant resistance can be induced with various secondary metabolites from vermicompost. Vermicompost has been known to have many advantages including containing a variety of secondary metabolites produced by earthworms. Polyphenols are a group of secondary metabolites needed by plants to form resistance...
Proceedings Article

Amylase Production by Rhizopus oryzae Using Solid State Fermentation with Cassava Solid Waste as Substrate

Merry Meryam Martgrita, Roga Florida Kembaren, Herti Novalia Hutapea, Ivana Sitepu, Evy Enjelina Simanjuntak
Amylase is an enzyme that is used in various industries such as food, paper, and textile industries. Amylase can be produced by microorganisms through fermentation. Rhizopus oryzae is one of microorganisms that can produce amylase through fermentation. Tapioca solid waste has a good potential as a carbon...
Proceedings Article

Audit of the Production of Sterile Medicines for Compliance with the Requirements of the Draft EU GMP Annex 1 with Risk Analysis

Artemii Kodash, Anna Basevich, Tatiana Bitkina, Elena Smirnova, Irina Kaukhova
The role of the PIC/S organization in the pharmaceutical industry was noted, the main aspects and place of inspection activities in the production of medicines were determined, the general classification of incompliances, as well as the main methods and tools for risk assessment were considered. An object...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of Diethyl 2-(2-chloronicotinoyl)malonate

He-Hua Xiong, Yong-Li Duan, Shuang Jia, Ding-Ling Shi, Zhi-Min Li, Qi-Dong Tang
Diethyl 2-(2-chloronicotinoyl)malonate 3 is a nitrogen-containing water-soluble carboxylic acid as an important intermediates of small molecule anticancer drugs. In this study, this paper explored a faster and celerity method to synthesize compound 3. By using 2-chloronicotinic acid as a kind of easily...