Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2023)

448 authors
Zhang, Longtai
The Divergent Attitudes towards Euro Adoption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia amidst European Integration: Historical, Political, Economic, and Civic Perspectives
Zhang, Mengxi
Social responsibility of media in the communication of public issues in the Internet era
Zhang, Nan
Mature Model of Safety Hierarchy Management Capabilities in the College Chemistry Laboratory
Zhang, Qianai
Research on the Influencing Factors of English Teaching in Compulsory Education in China
Zhang, Qifeng
Developing Indicator Systems for Evaluating Biosafety in BSL-2 Laboratories
Zhang, Qin
The Influence of Family Factors and Teacher Expectations on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement Motivation: A Multiple Linear Regression Analysis based on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 Database of Four Provinces in China
Zhang, Tian
Research on Factors Influencing Health Information Sharing Behavior among Elderly Users in Mobile UGC Communities
Zhang, Xinsheng
Data Asset Pricing Model for Power Grid Corporations
Zhang, Yifeng
An Investigation and Analysis on Constitution Identification for Elderly Population over 65 Years Old
Zhang, Ying
How to Apply Cross-linguistic Semasiological Differences in Chinese Teaching: a Study on Repetitive Particles
Zhang, Zhen
Reform and Practice of Business English Letter Writing Project-Based Teaching under the Guidance of Production-Oriented Approach
Zhang, Zhihao
Evaluation of Approach Runway Capacity under Medium Heavy Aircraft Combination
Zhang, Zitong
Study on Entertainment of Serious Topics in the Context of Developing Network Media – Taking COVID-19 as an Example
Zhang, Ziyao
Pricing Decision for Fresh Food Produce in Dual-Channel Supply Chain Considering Corporate Social Responsibility and Preservation Effort
Zhao, Danyang
Research on the Menstrual Culture in Canada from the Symbolism and Feminism Perspectives
Zhao, Mengan
Research and Exploration of a new Model of Physical Dance Teaching Based on the Background of Big Data
Zhao, Weimin
Research and Exploration of a new Model of Physical Dance Teaching Based on the Background of Big Data
Zhao, Xi
Exploring the Empowering Leadership under Different Organizational Contexts: Based on Multi-case Study of Chinese Hi-Tech Enterprises
Zhao, Yitian
Evaluation of urban and rural planning teaching outcomes based on structural equation modeling
Zhao, ZiZhang
The Impact of ChatGPT on Human Society
Zheng, Fang
Cultural Memory and Interpretation of Meaning: Mongolian Dance in the Perspective of the Chinese Nation Community
Zheng, Haorong
Research on English Reading and Writing Teaching in Senior High School Based on the “Reading-Thinking-Expressing” Model: An Empirical Study of a Laibin, Guangxi Case
Zheng, JunYuan
How to Improve the Interest of Hefei High School Students in Chinese Historical Relics
Zheng, Xiaoge
A study on the factors influencing residents’ willingness to participate in smart community governance
Zhong, Wei
An effective way to improve the ideological and political ability of young teachers in Higher Education Institutions
Zhou, Liyan
Exploration on building and sharing experimental teaching demonstration center under the background of integration of industry and education
Zhou, Meiduo
Research on Child-Friendly Expenditure in China
Zhou, NanJun
Research and Practice of Integrating Ideological and Political Elements into Embedded C Language Course
Zhou, Ping
The design of “Internet +” teaching platform in colleges and universities based on teaching big data
Zhou, Qiancheng
Research on the Evaluation of the Emergency Response Capacity of Highway Maintenance Squad
Zhou, Ruohui
The Influence of Farmers’ Perception of Interests and Fairness on their Willingness to Cooperate in the Exercise of Collective Ownership of Homestead
Zhou, Shiyu
Formal, Nonformal, and Informal Education in China
Zhou, Xiaoyao
The Divergent Attitudes towards Euro Adoption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia amidst European Integration: Historical, Political, Economic, and Civic Perspectives
Zhou, Yang
Comparison of Chinese Education and the U.S Education
Zhou, YiChen
Bank competition and monetary policy in regulating economic leverage
Zhou, Yuxin
The Enlightenment of the Education of the Jia Family in the Dream of the Red Chamber to Modern Education Based on the Satir Iceberg Model
Zhou, Zhiqian
Differences in the Education System between China and the United States
Zhu, Fei
Developing Indicator Systems for Evaluating Biosafety in BSL-2 Laboratories
Zhu, Lingjiao
The Environmental Impact on the L2 Motivational System in the Chinese Context
Zhu, ShiJing
Body Rights and Autonomy: Gender equality and women’s reproductive decision-making
Zhu, Siwei
Study on Translation Strategies of Ancient Poetry Quoted in Chinese Political Documents
Zhu, Tong
Impacts of the Spanish Flu and COVID-19 on Higher Education
Zhu, Yongmei
An effective way to improve the ideological and political ability of young teachers in Higher Education Institutions
Zhu, Yue
Consideration and Practice of Building Code First-class Undergraduate Curriculum Construction
Zhuo, Ma La Zong
Impact of the Covid-19 on Global Health Policy
Gender and Family Violence Impacts in LGBTIQ Communities
Zuo, Jie
Bank competition and monetary policy in regulating economic leverage
li, Qian
Research status and hot Issues of Re-employment of the Elderly in China