Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation (ISCCCA 2013)
633 authors
- Qu, Bo
- Design of Embedded System-Based CAPTCHA in C
- Qu, Bo
- Design of Web Based Secure Embedded System in C
- Qu, Bo
- Design of Mini Multi-Process Micro-Kernel Embedded OS on ARM
- Qu, De-xin
- Analysis of Microstrip Circuit by Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method
- Qu, Xinbo
- A New Derivation of TGR with Naked Antenna in Lossy Medium
- Qu, Xinbo
- The Analysis of Transient Grounding Resistance of Portable Horizontal Grid Earth Electrodes
- Rong, Jing
- Researchment and Realization Based on Android Database Application Technology
- Shang, Chun
- Application of the CNC system based on PMAC in Laser Forming Machine
- Shang, Fengjun
- A Localization Model based on Irregular Quadrilateral for Wireless Sensor networks
- Shao, Lei
- Research on Intelligent Borehole-Surface Electrical Method Multi-Parameters Detection System
- Shen, Juqin
- The Model Building for the Influence of the Water Environment on Urban Tourism Ecological Capacity
- Shen, Tao
- The Application of Fuzzy Reasoning in Cement Particle Size Soft Sensor
- Shen, Yun
- Database Design of three Dimensional Simulation and Optimization System for Mine Ventilation Network
- Shi, Hui
- The Design and Implementation of Database on Library Management Information System
- Shi, Hui
- The Design and Implementation of Florist’s Shop Online System Based on J2EE
- Shi, Jianhui
- Application of a Dynamic Collaborative Learning Oriented Knowledge Model
- Shi, Ruiyang
- The Liquid and Plastic Limit Data Treated System Based on VC++
- Shi, Wei
- A New Derivation of TGR with Naked Antenna in Lossy Medium
- Song, G.
- Time-varying LQG control for vibration of coupled vehicle-bridge system
- Song, Hai-yu
- The Study of Stage Assessment Scheme of Programming Courses Based on Experiment
- Song, Jianhao
- Research on Property and Model Optimization of Multiclass SVM for NIDS
- Song, Jianhua
- Research for Model Based on Petri Nets about Maintenance and Support of Military Aviation Equipment
- Song, Jun-yuan
- CDMA VPDN-based Wireless Data Communication System for Mobile Pipeline Patrol
- Song, Junyi
- Research on Property and Model Optimization of Multiclass SVM for NIDS
- Song, Limin
- Research on the Thermal Effect of Long Pulse Laser Irradiation BK7 Glass
- Song, Yu-kun
- Design and implementation of a large points FFT acceleration unit in multi-processor system based on FPGA
- Su, Huayou
- Scalable Parallel Motion Estimation on Muti-GPU system
- Su, Yali
- Design Network Teaching Evaluation System Based on MVC
- Su, Yidan
- Application of Using Simulated Annealing to Combine Clustering with Collaborative Filtering for Item Recommendation
- Sun, Fei
- Performance Evaluation of Finite-Resolution IR-UWB Signal Detection
- Sun, Fei
- CDMA VPDN-based Wireless Data Communication System for Mobile Pipeline Patrol
- Sun, Guangyu
- Template-based Delta Compression of Large Scale Web Pages
- Sun, Haitao
- Research on Command&Control Simulation System Architecture
- Sun, Haitao
- Security Analysis of Cryptographical Module for FPGA
- Sun, Meng
- Challenges On Coordination For Cyber-Physical Systems
- Sun, Shiyu
- Optimal Boundary SVM Incremental Learning Algorithm
- Sun, Wang-hu
- SEA Based Multi-dimensional Space Description Model of Equipment Support Capability
- Sun, Weifeng
- Design and Implementation of LAN-sensitive Information Interception and Analysis System
- Sun, Yanchao
- A Compact Ultra-wideband Monopole Antenna with Dual Bandstop Characteristics
- Sun, Yangyang
- Research of Computed Tomography Inversion Algorithm for Coal Face Based on Ground Penetrating Radar
- Sun, Yonghai
- Study on the Intelligent Recognition Method for the Maturity Grade of Fresh Corn Ear based on Computer Vision
- Sun, Yu
- Emotional Interaction Agents in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Sun, Yuanyuan
- Research on the Thermal Effect of Long Pulse Laser Irradiation BK7 Glass
- Sun, Zhilei
- The Improvement Scheme Based on SIPT
- Suo, Ji
- Multi-parameters Measurement Based on STM32 ARM of Dual-excited Electromagnetic Flow Meter in Partially Filled Pipes
- Tan, Cong-e
- Pixel-level Image Fusion Based on Programmable GPU
- Tan, Fang
- Feature Selection Algorithm for Palm Bio-impedance Spectroscopy based on Immune Clone
- Tang, Gao-Feng
- Pixel-level Image Fusion Based on Programmable GPU
- Tang, Guangming
- Adaptive semi-fragile watermarking based on complete quantization and image contents
- Tang, Guohua
- The Design and Implemention of Subjective Questions Automatic Scoring Algorithm in Intelligent Turtoring System
- Tang, Guohua
- The Research and Design of Intelligent tutoring System in Intelligent Turtoring System based on Campus Grid
- Tang, Guohua
- The Design and Implementaion of PTZ Control in Intelligent Video Surveillance
- Tang, Youxi
- Timing Acquisition with Cooperation of Two Distributed Receive Antennas over Flat-Fading Channels
- Tang, Youxi
- Design of Unsymmetrical Doherty Power Amplifier for 460MHz LTE-Advanced Applications
- Tao, Wujin
- Multipath ring Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Tao, Xueheng
- Study on the Intelligent Recognition Method for the Maturity Grade of Fresh Corn Ear based on Computer Vision
- Tian, Xiaoxuan
- Multicast Address Allocation Based on Interest Constraints
- Wan, Han
- A Fault Injection System Based on QEMU Simulator and Designed for BIT Software Testing
- Wan, Zheng
- A New Derivation of TGR with Naked Antenna in Lossy Medium
- Wan, Zuyong
- The Model Building for the Influence of the Water Environment on Urban Tourism Ecological Capacity
- Wang, Bin
- A Wavelet Neural Network Forecasting Model Based On ARIMA
- Wang, Bin-qiang
- Detecting App-DDoS Attacks Based on Marking Access and d-SVDD
- Wang, Chao
- Research and Design on the System of Wave energy of Seawater Desalination with Negative Pressure
- Wang, Chun Mei
- Second-order IIR Notch Filter Design and implementation of digital signal processing system
- Wang, Chunlei
- A Novel Network Survivability Analysis and Evaluation Model
- Wang, Dan
- The analysis of marine magnetic field detection influenced by the platform migration
- Wang, Dongxia
- A Novel Network Survivability Analysis and Evaluation Model
- Wang, Duo
- Research on Signal "Batch-increasing" Phenomenon of Superheterodyne Reconnaissance Receiver
- Wang, Feng
- High Performance Data Processing Pipeline Of Chinese Solar Radio Heliograph
- Wang, Haitao
- A Probabilistic based Redundancy Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
- Wang, Hong
- Hospital Information System: Closed-loop Application Based on Radio Frequency Identification
- Wang, Hongyu
- Edge-Magic Total Labellings of Some Network Models
- Wang, Hua
- A Double Semantic Network for Intelligent Search
- Wang, Hua
- Design and Implementation of LAN-sensitive Information Interception and Analysis System
- Wang, Hui
- Research on Signal "Batch-increasing" Phenomenon of Superheterodyne Reconnaissance Receiver
- Wang, Huihui
- Study on the Intelligent Recognition Method for the Maturity Grade of Fresh Corn Ear based on Computer Vision
- Wang, Jiamin
- Analysis of MMSE-based anti-interference performance for MIMO-UWB systems
- Wang, Jianhua
- Reserch on Intelligent Tutoring System Model Based on Multi-AGENT In Mobile Environment
- Wang, Jianmin
- Performance of Pulsating High-Frequency Current Injection Based Sensorless Control of PMSM
- Wang, Jinru
- Wavelet Linear Estimation for Different Distributed Random Variables
- Wang, Jinwei
- Applications and Prospects of Sensor in the field of Sports
- Wang, Junjun
- A Compact Ultra-wideband Monopole Antenna with Dual Bandstop Characteristics
- Wang, LeLe
- An improved algorithm based on LEACH protocol
- Wang, Lei
- Research and Design of Beamforming Device of SLC- LSCMA Algorithm Based on FPGA
- Wang, Lingling
- A New Multivariate-based Ring Signature Scheme
- Wang, Lixuan
- Scalable Parallel Motion Estimation on Muti-GPU system
- Wang, Lixuan
- A Secured Distributed and Data Fragmentation Model for Cloud Storage
- Wang, Meng
- Wavelet Linear Estimation for Different Distributed Random Variables
- Wang, Qingjun
- Research on a Scheme for Improving the Chord Routing Algorithm
- Wang, Qingjun
- Study on Personalized Recommendation Technology of Digital TV Programs
- Wang, Rui
- The design of water supply automatic control system of ship based on PLC
- Wang, Sheng
- Reliability analysis of Structured P2P System
- Wang, Shiliu
- Ontology based Domain Resource Semantic Retrieval Model
- Wang, Tao
- Self-healing research of ZigBee network based on coordinator node isolated
- Wang, Wei
- High Performance Data Processing Pipeline Of Chinese Solar Radio Heliograph
- Wang, Wei
- Application of Multimedia and Network English Teaching In Multiple Intelligence Development
- Wang, Weifeng
- Design and Implementation of Network Devices Monitoring System Based on SNMP
- Wang, Weiping
- Webpage Tamper-resistant Strategy Based on File System Filter Driver and Event-triggered
- Wang, Xiaobin
- Research on a Scheme for Improving the Chord Routing Algorithm
- Wang, Xiaobin
- Study on Personalized Recommendation Technology of Digital TV Programs