Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy 2024 (INCOGITE 2024)
175 authors
- Nasution, Hanny N.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Noor, Laili Fitria
- Exploring the Potential of Social Enterprise-Based Development for Rural Tourism Destinations: A Strategic Approach in Desa Cibubuan, Sumedang
- Nurdayadi
- The Role of Perceived Organisational Support, Work Motivation, and Organizational Learning Toward Employee Performance
- Nurdayadi
- The Effect of Economic Value, Social Value, and Environmental Value on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Image in Indonesian Heavy Equipment Distributor Company
- Nurdayadi, Nurdayadi
- Effectivity of Farmer’s Digital Capability and Perception of Brand Equity in the Relationship between Perception of E-Marketing Mix and Farmer’s Satisfaction to Agrochemical Industry in Indonesia
- Nurhayati, Nurhayati
- G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
- Nurjannah, Uliya
- G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
- Oenica, Erica
- The Impact of Brand Authenticity towards Indonesian Millennials’ Brand Loyalty Through Perceived Value, Brand Love, and Brand Trust in the Skincare Industry
- Oka, Ida Ayu Gede Anindya
- The Influence of Photo Quality on Purchase Decision Mediated by Social Media Engagement: A Case Study of Bali Café Visit Review Content on Tiktok
- Pancaningrum, Erminati
- How Can Home Industry Survive after the Pandemic?
- Paramu, Hadi
- The Stock Market Reaction of Energy Sector to The Regulations Approval and The Carbon Exchange Publishing in Indonesia
- Paramu, Hadi
- G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
- Patara, Solideo Saripah
- The Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Salesperson Skills, and Training Effectiveness Toward Salesperson Performance in Mining Heavy Equipment Companies
- Perangin-Angin, Loina Lalolo Krina
- Managing Fact-checking Organizations to Combat Hoaxes in Southeast Asia
- Permatasary, Shiva Rachma
- The Effect of People Agility, Organization Agility Support, Agility Process, and Working Experience to Enhance Perceived Successfulness of Agile Execution on Digital Transformation (Case Study: Astra Group of Heavy Equipment Mining, Construction & Energy)
- Pradana, Agustinus Jati
- Analysis Of The Effect Of Leadership Style And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance With Job Satisfaction As An Intervening Variable In Companies Providing Labor Services In The Heavy Equipment Sector
- Pradana, Gede Yoga Kharisma
- The Involvement of Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali
- Prajitiasari, Ema Desia
- Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
- Pramono, Aurora Dinda
- Can We Help Young Adult Men From Depressive Disorder With Social Marketing Mix?
- Prawira, Delvira Anindya
- The Impact Of Customer-Based Brand Equity And Health Motivation Towards Purchase Decision: A Case Study Of Lemonilo
- Purnama, James
- Oristingray: A Web Application to Validate Authenticity of Stingray Leathercraft
- Purnama, James
- Enhancing Security and Land Protection Department at PT XYZ Through A Digitalized Reporting System
- Purwanegara, Mustika Sufiati
- The Role of Intergenerational Influence to Indonesian Movie Ticket Purchase Among Indonesian Gen Z: A Conceptual Framework
- Putra, Anugrah Victa
- Analysis Of Heavy Equipment Sales & Service Improvement Strategy Implementation PT. United Tractors (UT) Padang Branch Towards Coal Mining Sector in West Sumatera
- Putri, Ni Luh Putu Diva Arya
- Analysis and Design Geographic Information System (GIS) Based Platform For Property Marketplace
- Putri, Prameswari Jovita Astuti
- The Effect of Income Diversification and Moderating Role of Health Crisis on the Profitability Performance and Financing Risk of Islamic Banks in MENA and SEA Region
- Rahardianto, Aswin
- Predicting the Potential Effect of Artificial Intelligence’s Passenger Application Service to Words of Mouth Mediated by Passenger Satisfaction
- Rizkianto, Adhytya Bagus
- The Stock Market Reaction of Energy Sector to The Regulations Approval and The Carbon Exchange Publishing in Indonesia
- Rokiyanto, Rhenaldi Johanes
- Analysis of The Basel Iii Liquidity and Minimum Capital Requirements Towards Bank Performance: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia
- Romadan, Gilang Fajar
- Effective Communication Strategies for Enhancing Brand Reputation: Insight from “XYZ” an Indonesian University with Global Orientation
- Salem, Sumini
- Analysis of Digital Accounting Practices in Auditing for Internal Auditors
- Sanjaya, I Wayan Kiki
- The Involvement of Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali
- Santoso, Vaness Christopher
- Impact of Social Media Marketing Campaigns and Preview Analysis On Ticket Purchasing Decision: The Mediating Role of E-Wom Towards Indonesian Movie Industry
- Santyaputri, Lala Palupi
- Exploring Indonesian Traditional Dance Through Indonesian Movie: A Perspective for Tourism Promotion
- Saraswati, Muninggar Sri
- The Economy of Public Interest Journalism
- Sari, Wiwik Nirmala
- Traditional Cake and Beverage Museum Planning: The Documentation of Potential Traditional Cake and Beverage as Indonesian Gastronomy to Preserve and Promote Indonesian Culture
- Satriawan, Rizky
- The Effect of Economic Value, Social Value, and Environmental Value on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Image in Indonesian Heavy Equipment Distributor Company
- Satriya, Yudhistira Jati
- Analysis of Dividend Policy, Corporate Governance, Macroeconomic and Firm Value: Evidence From Indonesian Public Company
- Siahaan, Antonius
- The Influence of Digital Financial Literacy and The Use of Financial Technology Towards Financial Satisfaction Through Financial Behavior
- Siahaan, Antonius
- Analysis of The Basel Iii Liquidity and Minimum Capital Requirements Towards Bank Performance: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia
- Siahaan, Antonius
- Impact of Social Media Marketing Campaigns and Preview Analysis On Ticket Purchasing Decision: The Mediating Role of E-Wom Towards Indonesian Movie Industry
- Sihombing, Sabrina O.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Singgih, Marmono
- Asia-Pacific Stock Market Reactions To Silicon Valley Bank's Bankruptcy
- Singgih, Marmono
- Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
- Soejoedi, Alvin Parama Putra
- Oristingray: A Web Application to Validate Authenticity of Stingray Leathercraft
- Sudjana, Made
- The Involvement of Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali
- Suhadi, Jason Jo
- Analysis of Digital Accounting Practices in Auditing for Internal Auditors
- Sumule, Hermon
- Predicting the Potential Effect of Artificial Intelligence’s Passenger Application Service to Words of Mouth Mediated by Passenger Satisfaction
- Suryaningsih, Widyanova
- Conceptual Exploration: The Roles of Brand Equity Towards Firm Competitive Advantage in Commodity Chemical Industry
- Susanto, Arnis Budi
- Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
- Susanto, Arnis Budi
- The Stock Market Reaction of Energy Sector to The Regulations Approval and The Carbon Exchange Publishing in Indonesia
- Susanto, Arnis Budi
- G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
- Sutanto, Cindy
- The Effect of Customer Satisfaction, Switching Barriers Mediated by Customer Loyalty to Customer Retention in ISP Industry
- Sutowijoyo, Danang
- Effectivity of Farmer’s Digital Capability and Perception of Brand Equity in the Relationship between Perception of E-Marketing Mix and Farmer’s Satisfaction to Agrochemical Industry in Indonesia
- Tanziz, Muhammad Tanwirrot
- The Role of Psychological Ownership and Organizational Justice Regarding Knowledge-Sharing Behavior with Perception of Organizational Support as Moderation Role (Case Study in United Tractors Group)
- Tarigan, Rutmalem Atania
- Managing Fact-checking Organizations to Combat Hoaxes in Southeast Asia
- Thezo, Anddrew Richmond
- Unlocking Market Opportunities: Analyzing Generation Z’s Intention to Use Riliv for Overcoming Mental Health Issues Caused by Parent-Child Relations Problems Through Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
- Thomson, Brainard Maraya
- Enhancing Security and Land Protection Department at PT XYZ Through A Digitalized Reporting System
- Tondo, Anthon Stevanus
- Healthy Drink Marketing and Consumer Decisions: A Study of REJUVE
- Tondo, Anthon Stevanus
- Analyzing the Impact of Perceived Playfulness and Price On Brand Loyalty In a Football Game Product: A Case Study Of EA Sports FC Mobile Indonesia
- Tumibay, Gilbert M.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Viari, Ngurah Candradika
- Healthy Drink Marketing and Consumer Decisions: A Study of REJUVE
- Viverita, V.
- The Influence of Banking Regulation and Board Remuneration on Cost Efficiency of Indonesian Banks
- Viverita, V.
- The Effect of Financial Soundness on Bank Financial Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Bank Size
- Viverita, V.
- The Effect of Income Diversification and Moderating Role of Health Crisis on the Profitability Performance and Financing Risk of Islamic Banks in MENA and SEA Region
- Wardayati, Siti Maria
- Analysis of Total Productivity Maintenance to Increase Batching Plant Machine Productivity at Moving Plant PT Adhi Persada Beton in Yogyakarta
- Wati, Ni Luh Devi Kusuma
- Development of Online Cooperative Model: A Case Study of Wadah Titian Harapan Consumer Cooperative
- Wibowo, Muhammad Andryogo
- The Role of Digital Leadership, Digital Capability, and Organizational Capability toward Digital Transformation Competencies and Competitive Advantage
- Widodo, Roni
- Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
- Wilantari, Regina Niken
- Analysis of Total Productivity Maintenance to Increase Batching Plant Machine Productivity at Moving Plant PT Adhi Persada Beton in Yogyakarta
- Winarno, Winarno
- Development of Online Cooperative Model: A Case Study of Wadah Titian Harapan Consumer Cooperative
- Yaristyan, Rafif Syafa
- Predicting the Potential Effect of Artificial Intelligence’s Passenger Application Service to Words of Mouth Mediated by Passenger Satisfaction
- Zainal, Munawaroh
- Unlocking Market Opportunities: Analyzing Generation Z’s Intention to Use Riliv for Overcoming Mental Health Issues Caused by Parent-Child Relations Problems Through Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
- Zainal, Munawaroh
- The Impact Of Customer-Based Brand Equity And Health Motivation Towards Purchase Decision: A Case Study Of Lemonilo
- Zainal, Munawaroh
- Influence of Modern Retail, Digital Marketing, and Technological Infrastructure Toward Traditional Retail in Indonesia