Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy 2024 (INCOGITE 2024)

175 authors
Nasution, Hanny N.
Peer-Review Statements
Noor, Laili Fitria
Exploring the Potential of Social Enterprise-Based Development for Rural Tourism Destinations: A Strategic Approach in Desa Cibubuan, Sumedang
The Role of Perceived Organisational Support, Work Motivation, and Organizational Learning Toward Employee Performance
The Effect of Economic Value, Social Value, and Environmental Value on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Image in Indonesian Heavy Equipment Distributor Company
Nurdayadi, Nurdayadi
Effectivity of Farmer’s Digital Capability and Perception of Brand Equity in the Relationship between Perception of E-Marketing Mix and Farmer’s Satisfaction to Agrochemical Industry in Indonesia
Nurhayati, Nurhayati
G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
Nurjannah, Uliya
G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
Oenica, Erica
The Impact of Brand Authenticity towards Indonesian Millennials’ Brand Loyalty Through Perceived Value, Brand Love, and Brand Trust in the Skincare Industry
Oka, Ida Ayu Gede Anindya
The Influence of Photo Quality on Purchase Decision Mediated by Social Media Engagement: A Case Study of Bali Café Visit Review Content on Tiktok
Pancaningrum, Erminati
How Can Home Industry Survive after the Pandemic?
Paramu, Hadi
The Stock Market Reaction of Energy Sector to The Regulations Approval and The Carbon Exchange Publishing in Indonesia
Paramu, Hadi
G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
Patara, Solideo Saripah
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Salesperson Skills, and Training Effectiveness Toward Salesperson Performance in Mining Heavy Equipment Companies
Perangin-Angin, Loina Lalolo Krina
Managing Fact-checking Organizations to Combat Hoaxes in Southeast Asia
Permatasary, Shiva Rachma
The Effect of People Agility, Organization Agility Support, Agility Process, and Working Experience to Enhance Perceived Successfulness of Agile Execution on Digital Transformation (Case Study: Astra Group of Heavy Equipment Mining, Construction & Energy)
Pradana, Agustinus Jati
Analysis Of The Effect Of Leadership Style And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance With Job Satisfaction As An Intervening Variable In Companies Providing Labor Services In The Heavy Equipment Sector
Pradana, Gede Yoga Kharisma
The Involvement of Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali
Prajitiasari, Ema Desia
Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
Pramono, Aurora Dinda
Can We Help Young Adult Men From Depressive Disorder With Social Marketing Mix?
Prawira, Delvira Anindya
The Impact Of Customer-Based Brand Equity And Health Motivation Towards Purchase Decision: A Case Study Of Lemonilo
Purnama, James
Oristingray: A Web Application to Validate Authenticity of Stingray Leathercraft
Purnama, James
Enhancing Security and Land Protection Department at PT XYZ Through A Digitalized Reporting System
Purwanegara, Mustika Sufiati
The Role of Intergenerational Influence to Indonesian Movie Ticket Purchase Among Indonesian Gen Z: A Conceptual Framework
Putra, Anugrah Victa
Analysis Of Heavy Equipment Sales & Service Improvement Strategy Implementation PT. United Tractors (UT) Padang Branch Towards Coal Mining Sector in West Sumatera
Putri, Ni Luh Putu Diva Arya
Analysis and Design Geographic Information System (GIS) Based Platform For Property Marketplace
Putri, Prameswari Jovita Astuti
The Effect of Income Diversification and Moderating Role of Health Crisis on the Profitability Performance and Financing Risk of Islamic Banks in MENA and SEA Region
Rahardianto, Aswin
Predicting the Potential Effect of Artificial Intelligence’s Passenger Application Service to Words of Mouth Mediated by Passenger Satisfaction
Rizkianto, Adhytya Bagus
The Stock Market Reaction of Energy Sector to The Regulations Approval and The Carbon Exchange Publishing in Indonesia
Rokiyanto, Rhenaldi Johanes
Analysis of The Basel Iii Liquidity and Minimum Capital Requirements Towards Bank Performance: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia
Romadan, Gilang Fajar
Effective Communication Strategies for Enhancing Brand Reputation: Insight from “XYZ” an Indonesian University with Global Orientation
Salem, Sumini
Analysis of Digital Accounting Practices in Auditing for Internal Auditors
Sanjaya, I Wayan Kiki
The Involvement of Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali
Santoso, Vaness Christopher
Impact of Social Media Marketing Campaigns and Preview Analysis On Ticket Purchasing Decision: The Mediating Role of E-Wom Towards Indonesian Movie Industry
Santyaputri, Lala Palupi
Exploring Indonesian Traditional Dance Through Indonesian Movie: A Perspective for Tourism Promotion
Saraswati, Muninggar Sri
The Economy of Public Interest Journalism
Sari, Wiwik Nirmala
Traditional Cake and Beverage Museum Planning: The Documentation of Potential Traditional Cake and Beverage as Indonesian Gastronomy to Preserve and Promote Indonesian Culture
Satriawan, Rizky
The Effect of Economic Value, Social Value, and Environmental Value on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Image in Indonesian Heavy Equipment Distributor Company
Satriya, Yudhistira Jati
Analysis of Dividend Policy, Corporate Governance, Macroeconomic and Firm Value: Evidence From Indonesian Public Company
Siahaan, Antonius
The Influence of Digital Financial Literacy and The Use of Financial Technology Towards Financial Satisfaction Through Financial Behavior
Siahaan, Antonius
Analysis of The Basel Iii Liquidity and Minimum Capital Requirements Towards Bank Performance: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia
Siahaan, Antonius
Impact of Social Media Marketing Campaigns and Preview Analysis On Ticket Purchasing Decision: The Mediating Role of E-Wom Towards Indonesian Movie Industry
Sihombing, Sabrina O.
Peer-Review Statements
Singgih, Marmono
Asia-Pacific Stock Market Reactions To Silicon Valley Bank's Bankruptcy
Singgih, Marmono
Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
Soejoedi, Alvin Parama Putra
Oristingray: A Web Application to Validate Authenticity of Stingray Leathercraft
Sudjana, Made
The Involvement of Timpag People in the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali
Suhadi, Jason Jo
Analysis of Digital Accounting Practices in Auditing for Internal Auditors
Sumule, Hermon
Predicting the Potential Effect of Artificial Intelligence’s Passenger Application Service to Words of Mouth Mediated by Passenger Satisfaction
Suryaningsih, Widyanova
Conceptual Exploration: The Roles of Brand Equity Towards Firm Competitive Advantage in Commodity Chemical Industry
Susanto, Arnis Budi
Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
Susanto, Arnis Budi
The Stock Market Reaction of Energy Sector to The Regulations Approval and The Carbon Exchange Publishing in Indonesia
Susanto, Arnis Budi
G20 Stock Market Reaction to the G20 New Delhi Summit, 2023
Sutanto, Cindy
The Effect of Customer Satisfaction, Switching Barriers Mediated by Customer Loyalty to Customer Retention in ISP Industry
Sutowijoyo, Danang
Effectivity of Farmer’s Digital Capability and Perception of Brand Equity in the Relationship between Perception of E-Marketing Mix and Farmer’s Satisfaction to Agrochemical Industry in Indonesia
Tanziz, Muhammad Tanwirrot
The Role of Psychological Ownership and Organizational Justice Regarding Knowledge-Sharing Behavior with Perception of Organizational Support as Moderation Role (Case Study in United Tractors Group)
Tarigan, Rutmalem Atania
Managing Fact-checking Organizations to Combat Hoaxes in Southeast Asia
Thezo, Anddrew Richmond
Unlocking Market Opportunities: Analyzing Generation Z’s Intention to Use Riliv for Overcoming Mental Health Issues Caused by Parent-Child Relations Problems Through Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Thomson, Brainard Maraya
Enhancing Security and Land Protection Department at PT XYZ Through A Digitalized Reporting System
Tondo, Anthon Stevanus
Healthy Drink Marketing and Consumer Decisions: A Study of REJUVE
Tondo, Anthon Stevanus
Analyzing the Impact of Perceived Playfulness and Price On Brand Loyalty In a Football Game Product: A Case Study Of EA Sports FC Mobile Indonesia
Tumibay, Gilbert M.
Peer-Review Statements
Viari, Ngurah Candradika
Healthy Drink Marketing and Consumer Decisions: A Study of REJUVE
Viverita, V.
The Influence of Banking Regulation and Board Remuneration on Cost Efficiency of Indonesian Banks
Viverita, V.
The Effect of Financial Soundness on Bank Financial Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Bank Size
Viverita, V.
The Effect of Income Diversification and Moderating Role of Health Crisis on the Profitability Performance and Financing Risk of Islamic Banks in MENA and SEA Region
Wardayati, Siti Maria
Analysis of Total Productivity Maintenance to Increase Batching Plant Machine Productivity at Moving Plant PT Adhi Persada Beton in Yogyakarta
Wati, Ni Luh Devi Kusuma
Development of Online Cooperative Model: A Case Study of Wadah Titian Harapan Consumer Cooperative
Wibowo, Muhammad Andryogo
The Role of Digital Leadership, Digital Capability, and Organizational Capability toward Digital Transformation Competencies and Competitive Advantage
Widodo, Roni
Financial Metrics for Distress Prediction in Indonesia’s Property and Real Estate Sector
Wilantari, Regina Niken
Analysis of Total Productivity Maintenance to Increase Batching Plant Machine Productivity at Moving Plant PT Adhi Persada Beton in Yogyakarta
Winarno, Winarno
Development of Online Cooperative Model: A Case Study of Wadah Titian Harapan Consumer Cooperative
Yaristyan, Rafif Syafa
Predicting the Potential Effect of Artificial Intelligence’s Passenger Application Service to Words of Mouth Mediated by Passenger Satisfaction
Zainal, Munawaroh
Unlocking Market Opportunities: Analyzing Generation Z’s Intention to Use Riliv for Overcoming Mental Health Issues Caused by Parent-Child Relations Problems Through Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Zainal, Munawaroh
The Impact Of Customer-Based Brand Equity And Health Motivation Towards Purchase Decision: A Case Study Of Lemonilo
Zainal, Munawaroh
Influence of Modern Retail, Digital Marketing, and Technological Infrastructure Toward Traditional Retail in Indonesia