Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering 2021 (IJCSE 2021)

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136 articles
Proceedings Article

Designing and Fabrication of Integrated Soybean Machine (3 in 1 Process) to Optimize Tempe Producers Productivity

Yunus, Made Arsana, Novi Sukma Drastiawati, Erlinda Ningsih
This study aims to optimize the productivity of Tempe producers. Optimization is carried out through engineering research of the soybean machine 3 IN 1 process production capacity of 250 kg/hour to solve the problem of low productivity of stripping, solving, and separating the soybean husk. To guarantee...
Proceedings Article

Development of OBE-Based Learning Evaluation Model in Mechanical Engineering Education Program

Ika Nurjannah, Mochamad Cholik, Muhaji, Theodorus Wiyanto, Diastian Vinaya Wijanarko, I Made Arsana
This study aims to determine the appropriate OBE-based learning evaluation model to be applied to Mechanical Engineering Education undergraduate at State University of Surabaya (S1 PTM Unesa). The research was carried out qualitatively using a development model based on a 4D model consisting of Define,...
Proceedings Article

Dietary Pattern, Sedentary Lifestyle and Awareness on Breast Cancer Among Adolescents

Ni Ketut Alit Armini, Rahayu Dwi Pangestuti, Lingga Curnia Dewi
Breast cancer is a threat to women’s health. Female adolescents need to be vigilant. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between dietary patterns, sedentary lifestyles, and breast cancer awareness among female adolescents. A cross-sectional approach with stratified random sampling was used....
Proceedings Article

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 to Where We Go

Made pramono
This article seeks to tell the challenges and opportunities of the industrial revolution 4.0 by restoring the social aspects of humanity from the core points of Society 5.0, especially in education. A successful higher education organization must be able to predict change so that it can deal with environmental...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teaching Materials, Implementation, Evaluation, and Problems on Student Motivation in Online Learning During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Gede Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana, Heri Suryaman
Education is one aspect of life that is greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning that was originally done in the classroom directly turned into online learning. Online learning is a problem for all, including students, because most of them do it online in their respective areas. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Brem Production Process Through the Application of Brem Press Machine at Madiun Brem SMES

Any Sutiadiningsih, Yunus, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan
Brem is one of the typical souvenirs of Madiun, made from fermented sticky rice essence and then molded into rectangular pieces. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by the team proposing this activity with partner SMEs groups, data was obtained that the problem that needed to...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Milk on Physico-Chemical and Functional of Herbal Jelly Drink

Asrul Bahar, Samik, Maria Monica Sianita Basukiwardojo, Nita Kusumawati, Supari Muslim, AR. Sella Auliya
The COVID-19 outbreak has been declared a pandemic, several modern medical drugs of excellent quality, especially immunostimulants, are being and continue to be developed from secondary metabolites of herbal commodities. World Health Organization (W.H.O.) reports the dependence of 80% of the world’s...
Proceedings Article

Making Instant Spiced Coffee Drink to Prevent Covid-19

Niken Purwidiani, Dwi Kristiastuti, Sri Handajani, Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni, Choirul Anna Nur Afifah, Any Sutiadiningsih
Spicy drinks are derived from types of spices such as turmeric, ginger, kunci, kencur, temulawak, galangal, and so on have been widely known by the Indonesian people as herbs and fresh drinks. However, there are still many who do not like this type of drink because of the distinctive and sharp aroma...
Proceedings Article

Cypirus Rotundus L: Formulation and Evaluation Antiseptic Soap

Sri Dwiyanti, Siti Sulandjari, Titik Winanti, IGP. Asto, Lilik Anifah
Soap is a product that is one of the people’s needs, used as a body cleansing agent, which is available in many forms and perfume that can be selected according to your needs. Natural soap products are rarely used in the market. Today’s soap products use a lot of artificial ingredients as their active...
Proceedings Article

Build Students’ Digital Literacy Through the Stages of Making Infographics

Dodik Arwin Dermawan, Dini Widiasih, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Martadi, Salamun Rohman
The COVID-19 pandemic, which is not known for sure when it will end, has caused digital transformation to occur faster in the world of education. One of the forms of digital transformation is the implementation of learning activities that were previously carried out with direct interaction between teachers...
Proceedings Article

A Prototype of Digital Sharia Business Incubator to Develop Rural Economy

Vira O. Rezqy, A’rasy Fahrullah
Several studies state that the development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in rural areas can reduce poverty. The existence of MSME development can provide access to the poor in rural areas so that they can be involved in productive business activities and promote entrepreneurship, especially...
Proceedings Article

Development of Research and Community Service Information Systems (SIRIP) Based on Website

Nurhayati Nurhayati, Sari Edy Cahyaningrum, Warju, Zulaikhah Abdullah, Supriadi, Alfi Qonitatin Wafiyah
Information systems can be a tool for humans to store, process, and organize data. The sophistication of the information system will speed up the data processing process so that the time required by the user will be reduced compared to the manual method. The problem in this study is how to optimize research...
Proceedings Article

Isokinetics Strength and Power of Female Field Hockey Players

Nining W Kusnanik, Fransisca JM Wijaya, Fifit Y Wulandari, Stephen P Bird
Many performances in sports including hockey players need strength and power. The purpose of this study was to investigate the strength and power of female field hockey players. Subjects were 11 female sub-elite field hockey players. Data was obtained from isokinetic strength and power test using a Cybex...
Proceedings Article

Validation of Developed Hazmat Suit as Personal Protective Equipment for Medical Workers

Tri Rijanto, Joko, Irma Russanti
In regard to the existing COVID-19 pandemic, adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) is required, one of which is a hazmat suit. This study aimed to produce a validated hazmat suit for medical personnel. This research and development (R&D) used Thiagarajan’s theory consisting of four stages...
Proceedings Article

Design and Verification of Arduino Uno-Based Analog and Digital Trainers as Student Worksheets on Microprocessor and Microcontroller Programming Technique

Edy Sulistiyo, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Ni Rury Heranda Meduril, Anderson Ngelambong
Logic and programming are the primary issues that students face when learning to program microprocessors and microcontrollers. Students must have systematic practical instruction in order to comprehend the lesson. The goal of this study was to create and validate a student worksheet to ascertain the...
Proceedings Article

Development of Little Cakes Application Based on Android as Lunch Box Cake Sales

Yuli S. Nugroho, Setya C. Wibawa, Windy D. Oktavia, Farid Baskoro
Information technology and the internet today, which continues to develop, have a considerable influence on the sales of a product. It also affects the sales of cakes, including the Lunch Box Cake. Cake sellers are now starting to switch to marketing their products through online media to increase sales....
Proceedings Article

Development of Android-Based Tote Bag Business Application

Ferly Abdi, Setya Wibawa, Rizeta Alfianto, Moch. Khafid, Heru Arizal, Ali Ramadani, Auliana Wilujeng, Elisa Sulistyorini
Tote bags made of calico cloth are starting to be known and favored by the community so that many are interested in making them a business field, this makes Zeta Tote Bag businesses have to create competitiveness through the use of technology, namely by creating Android-based applications to make it...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of The “BUKAOLSHOP” Application as a Sales Media MOCHICECREAM

Novi Sukma Drastiawati, Lutfiyyah Nur Rasyidah, Setya Candra Wibawa
At this time the role of technology is very important as a supporter of activities in various fields, one of which is in the industrial sector, especially in buying and selling activities. MochIcecream is a home-based business that requires advanced technology at this time. Therefore, MochIcecream utilizes...
Proceedings Article

Development of Android Bouquet Snack Olshop Application

Warju Warju, Setya Candra Wibawa, Arini Dalila, Martadi, Abdul Hafidz, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto
One of the activities carried out by every human being in fulfilling needs is by shopping. Shopping is commonplace in everyday life. However, for people who have very busy activities, shopping becomes a troublesome and time-consuming activity. The objectives of this study are (1) identifying media that...
Proceedings Article

Utilization Development of Glide “Daily Nutrition” Application Based on Android

Mauren Gita Miranti, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Nia Lestari, Didit Yantony, Rima Melyana Anjelita
Today’s technology is increasingly sophisticated, one example is the development of android-based applications that have had an impact in various fields, one of which is the health sector. Android is an operating system that allows developers to develop their applications that can then be used by a wide...
Proceedings Article

Article Android-Based Application (Body Fat Calculate) as Information Media for Obesity Prevention

Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal, Faridha Nurhayati, Kolektus Oky Ristanto, Beatrich Laila Siregar
The impact of excess nutrition will have an impact on weight gain and the accumulation of excess fat in the body which will lead to obesity. Based on the results of the 2018 Riskesdas, it shows that as many as 21.8 percent of the Indonesian population are obese. Rapid technological developments can be...
Proceedings Article

Application of Android-Based Mobile E-Commerce Applications in Ornamental Plants

Suprapto, Alfania Lailatul Rizky, Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Setya Chendro Wibawa
During the pandemic, various cities in Indonesia experienced an increasing trend of growing ornamental plants in various circles, and not a few were using ornamental plants to increase their income, but difficulties in reaching market segmentation caused the ornamental plant business to develop a little...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing Social Media and Applications to Stay Productive for Photographers in Pandemic Times

I Made Arsana, Achmad Muktafi Akbar, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Handini Novita Sari
During the current pandemic, a lot of work is affected. Including photographers. This phenomenon causes many photographers to be unable to earn income outside the home because activities outside the home are always limited and cannot be free. However, many photographers continue to carry out their hobbies...
Proceedings Article

Diversity of Cellulolytic Fungi Isolated in Fermetodege: Fermented Feed Mixed Water Hyacinth, Rice Bran, and Corn Cob

Isnawati, Lisa Lisdiana, Mahanani Tri Asri, Guntur Trimulyono, Roni Afif Hidayat
Fermetodege is an innovation of fermented feed with a mixture of water hyacinth, corn cobs, and rice bran which was developed in the manufacture of ruminant feed by utilizing the role of microbes. Fungal communities in the feed fermentation process have a role as microbes that can degrade materials containing...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis And Characterization of Nanosilver Fluoride Hydroxyapatite

Sari Edi Cahyaningrum, Titik Taufikurohmah, Dina Kartika Maharani, Jonathan Angelo Ranamanggala, Achmad Fitriadi Akbar, Fitriari Izzatunnisa Muhaimin
This research aimed to study the characterization of Nanosilver fluoride added with hydroxyapatite solution. This material was developed as an antibacterial agent and remineralizing agent in teeth, by using the properties of nanosilver, fluoride, and hydroxyapatite to overcome problems that commonly...
Proceedings Article

Nutritional Analysis of Non-Dairy Milk Almond-Tempeh as a Multivitamin Supplement for the Elderly

Tukiran, Mauren Gita Miranti, Mauren Gita Miranti, Idah Dianah Wati, Idah Dianah Wati
Increasing age in the elderly causes a decrease in physiological function and body resistance due to the degenerative process (aging). The elderly are susceptible to various diseases, both non-communicable diseases, and infectious diseases. Intake of highly nutritious food and beverages is needed to...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant Activity from The Combination Ethanol Extract Secang Wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) And Red Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.)

Dinda Koeswantika Putri, Tukiran, Suyatno, Fauzia Indah Sabila
The antioxidant activity test combination of the ethanol extract secang wood (Caesalpinia sappan L) and red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) was carried out using the DPPH method. Where the principle of the DPPH method is a decrease in the intensity of the absorbance value of the DPPH solution...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of QuizWhizzer Educational Game Applications as Learning Evaluation Media

Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Rr. Dyah Woroharsi P., Lutfi Saksono, Suwarno Imam Samsul
To support and facilitate online learning and evaluation activities in distance learning activities during this pandemic, relevant media are needed. Therefore educators must be ready to use educational and innovative learning media. Along with the rapid development of technology, many website-based applications...
Proceedings Article

Development of the Omron CP1E PLC to Support PLC Practicum Activities in the Control System Engineering Laboratory

Gitut Sudarto, Minar Titis Santoso, Nusriningyati
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) is a microprocessor used for automation in industrial processes such as control and supervision. For this reason, PLC courses are important to be given to students as a preparation for entering the industrial world. PLC subject must be supported by a trainer who can represent...
Proceedings Article

Innovation of Milk Fish Sausage with the Addition of Moringa Leaf Puree as a Healthy Food

Silmi Kaaffah Nurul Hasanah, Niken Purwidiani, Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni, Dwi Kristiastuti, Ila Huda Puspitasari, Any Sutiadiningsih
Eating healthy food is a routine that everyone must do to avoid the Covid-19 virus. Antioxidants are substances that can prevent cell damage from free radicals. One food ingredient that has a high antioxidant content in Moringa leaves. Moringa leaves are a local food source that has been widely used...
Proceedings Article

Marginal Community Empowerment in Kampung 1001Night by Using Hydroponic Interactive Video

Oktaviani Tri Saprika, Lukman Hadi Wibowo, Adinda Nur Qomariyah, Dinda Ayu Febrika Widayustira, Nugraheni Nur Awalia Pratiwi, Prima Vidya Asteria
This research aims to empower marginalized communities in Kampung 1001 Malam as a creative and innovative village with a hydroponic spinach center program with inorganic waste media through interactive videos. The research model used is an adaptation of the ADDIE model. Developing videos with formats...
Proceedings Article

The Using Web-based Animated-tutors to Improve Word Recognition for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Taryadi Taryadi, Sattriedi W. Binabar, Era Yunianto
A variety of different technologies are used to intervene in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) increasingly every year as more and more children are diagnosed with ASD. One of the technologies used is the use of images, multimedia, and animation with the help of computer technology to provide...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge and Perception of Paser Local Community in East Kalimantan on Critically Endangered River Biuku/Beluku (Batagur borneoensis) Conservation

Dwi A. Rahayu, Reni Ambarwati, Ulfi Faizah, Firas Khaleyla, Endik D. Nugroho, Hartono, Agung Kurniawan
Kendilo watersheds in Paser district is the largest of wild Biuku/Beluku (Batagur borneoensis) habitat and distribution. However, lack of knowledge among the local communities based on morphological characteristics, perception and human habit and activities may accelerate population decline in its habitat....
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Equilibrium: The Conception of a Prospective Chemistry Teacher

Dian Novita, Suyono Suyono, Lenny Yuanita
In this study, prospective teachers were given two videos to observe and identify the changes that occurred. From the video, it can be seen how the prospective teacher’s understanding of the analogous concept of dynamic equilibrium is. This study used a five-tier multiple-choice (FTMC) instrument, which...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning Models: Perspectives’ in Higher Education

Anagrolia Faustino, Inderpreet Kaur
The utilization of blended learning models in the 21st century at university is essential, like watering the garden in the desert area. The application of teaching, especially in higher education, improves learning outcomes. Blended learning models include rotation models (station, lab, individual, flipped...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Journal Assignment Towards Student’s Learning Outcome in Basic Nursing Subject

Ita A. Jariyah, Nailil Inayah
Learning Journal is one of communication tool for students in learning, in order that lecturer was being able to identify the student’s learning outcome so far. Besides, it was able to enhance student’s understanding which was expected to enhance the learning outcome. The student’s understanding was...
Proceedings Article

Development of Virtual Laboratory Based on Augmented Reality on Electrolysis Material for Class XII High School Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Cynthia Eka, Munzil Munzil
Practicum is an activity carried out so that students understand the material. One of the high school chemistry materials that require practicum to increase students’ understanding is electrolysis. This material is often considered difficult because students have difficulty understanding the reactions...
Proceedings Article

Critical Thinking Analysis of Rigid Body Equilibrium During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Soraya D. Novidya, Munasir Munasir, Wahono Widodo, Lazuardi Mulyanto
These skills are ways of thinking that help you make the decisions necessary to live in the 21st century. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of critical thinking on rigid body equilibrium during this pandemic, student learning outcomes, student responses, student activities, and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effectiveness Simulation-based Visual Media in Learning Physics on Students Skills and Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Moch. Alif Mahfudin, Titin Sunarti, Budi Jatmiko
The Covid-19 pandemic has occurred all over the world, one of which is Indonesia. This affects all fields, including education. Learning activities are carried out online with the help of media, not face to face. This study aims to analyses the effectiveness of using simulation-based visual learning...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Variations of Meretrix sp. from Bancaran, Madura, Indonesia

Reni Ambarwati, Tarzan Purnomo, Herlina Fitrihidajati, Fida Rachmadiarti, Dwi A. Rahayu, Ulfi Faizah
Meretrix sp. or well known as asiatic hard clam has a significant ecological role in the estuary ecosystem. Besides, they are also traded and consumed by people. Further studies are needed to analyze their morphological and ecological aspects to support the potency analysis of this clam. This study aimed...
Proceedings Article

Manifestation A Meaningful and Sustainable Value of Research Skills: Study of Biodiversity Learning

Ulfi Faizah, Nuryani Y. Rustaman, Yayan Sanjaya, Ana R. Wulan, Reni Ambarwati, Dwi A. Rahayu
Research skills are skills of conducting scientific research to seek scientific truth by applying the scientific method based on proven scientific reasons. Generally, lecturers at various universities have equipped their students with research skills with meaningful and sustainable values in studying...
Proceedings Article

Visual Thinking Profile of Deaf Students in Calculation

The purpose of this study was to obtain a visual thinking profile of deaf students in counting. The research method used is qualitative research. The research subjects were students of SLBN Karangrejo Wungu Madiun. Data were collected through a task-based interviews in a semi-structured manner. Time...
Proceedings Article

REACT Strategy Aided by Cabri 3D to Improve Students’ Mathematical Connection Ability

Husnul Khatimah, Fatmah
The ability of mathematical connection is very important to be developed in a mathematics learning process. This study aims to describe the process and outcomes of the development for REACT strategy aided by Cabri 3D to improve mathematic connection ability in good quality, to describe the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Macro and Micronutrient Content in Protein-Multivitamin Beverage Supplement for the Elderly

Mauren Gita Miranti, Tukiran Tukiran, Indah D. Wati, Fauzia I. Sabila
The elderly is susceptible to various diseases due to decreased immunity and physical changes, such as gastrointestinal (GI) disorders that cause and deficiency the nutrients. The elderly need to consume supplements as nutritional intake additional. This study aims to analyze the macro and micro nutrition...
Proceedings Article

Project-Based Learning: Enhancing the Psychomotor Domain of Vocational School Students Reviewed Collaboration Skills

Deni A. Sucahya, Muhaji Muhaji, Euis Ismayati, Tri Rijanto, Muhammad Y. Pratama
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the learning model and collaboration skills on the psychomotor domain achievement. This research is a quasi-experimental study with 68 students using the experimental group (PjBL) and the control group (DI) as the samples. The method used in the data analysis...
Proceedings Article

Validity of Kimi Kimo Adventure Game Based on Android as Learning Media in Chemical Bonds

Rivaldi Dwi Kurniawan, Rusly Hidayah
The purpose of this study is to determine the validity of the Kimi Kimo Adventure game based on android as learning media in Chemical Bonds material at SMK Negeri 1 Driyorejo Gresik. This study discusses the validity of android-based Kimi Kimo Adventure game as learning media in Chemical Bonds material...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Surrounding Materials to Support Basic Chemistry Learning in the Covid19 Pandemic Era

Mitarlis Mitarlis, Harun Nasrudin, Rusmini Rusmini, Dian Novita
The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for over a year. This condition affects various aspects of people’s lives and habits, including education and learning aspects. This article aims to: 1) describe the needs analysis for practicum Basic Chemistry learning in Covid19 pandemic era; 2) describe the...
Proceedings Article

Improving Scientific Creativity of Teacher Prospective Students: Learning Studies Using a Moodle-Based Learning Management System During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Agus Ramdani, Gunawan, Agus A. Purwoko, Muhammad Yustiqvar
Scientific creativity is a part of higher order thinking skills which is the main goal of 21st century education. It is important to equip students with these skills to face increasingly fierce global competition by utilizing the development of information technology. One of the innovations that can...
Proceedings Article

Cataract Detection in Retinal Fundus Image Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and K-Nearest Neighbor

Nahya Nur, Sugiarto Cokrowibowo, Rosalina Konde
Cataract is one of the visual impairments that can lead to blindness if not detected and treated early. Cataract detection still takes a long time and is very objective based on the decision of the ophthalmologist. This is one of the reasons for conducting an automatic screening process based on fundus...
Proceedings Article

Mathematical HIV/AIDS Model with Multi-Interaction Between Infected and Educated Subpopulations and Its Local Stability

Ummu Habibah, Trisilowati M. H. Muzaqi, Tiara R. Tania, Labib U. AlFaruq
The mathematical formula of HIV/AIDS is governed by the ordinary differential equation with seven variables. S and E are susceptible/un-educated and educated individuals respectively, I1 and I2 are HIV-positive individuals consuming and not consuming ARV respectively; A and T are AIDS individuals not...
Proceedings Article

Development of AR-based Interactive Teaching Materials Equipped with the IBL-STEM Model to Improve the Scientific Literacy of JHS Students on the Topic of the Human Circulatory System

Maulidya L. Yusufa, Parno Parno, Isnanik J. Fitriyah
The purpose of this research was to develop interactive teaching materials equipped with the IBL-STEM model to boost students’ scientific literacy on the material of the human circulatory system. The research model used is the 4D model which contains 4 steps: (1) Define; (2) Design; (3) Develop; (4)...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Virtual Laboratory-based STEM Approach Equipped Feedback to Improve Critical Thinking Skills on Acid-Base Concept

Dewi R. Trisnaningsih, Parno Parno, Agung M. Setiawan
The purpose of this research is to produce development products of virtual laboratory media with a STEM approach and equipped with appropriate feedback to be applied in learning and the opportunity to improve critical thinking skills on acid-base concepts. This research consisted of (1) analysis (needs...
Proceedings Article

Synergism Effect of Antibiotics and Silver Nanoparticles to Control Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria: A Mini Review

Mega F. Warsito, Lies A. Lestari
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to global public health. It causes the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases become more difficult, costly, and sometimes require toxic alternatives. One of the strategies to address this crisis is by developing new drugs formulation using...
Proceedings Article

Scratch Programming Learning Model Through Team Based Project to Train Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Computational Thinking Skill

Novi R. Dewi, Prasetyo Listiaji, Arka Yanitama, Risa D. Hardianti, Isa Akhlis, Ismail O. Kurniawan
Computational thinking skills (CTS) are needed for pre-service science teachers as a provision in organizing 21st-century learning. This research focused on developing a Scratch programming learning model by means of a team-based project to train science teacher candidate CTS. Development was carried...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Simulation Based Formative Assessment on Student Problem Solving Skill in Learning Newton Law

Hellmy N. P. A. Putri, Siti F. Wadilkh, Sentot Kusairi, Arif Hidayat
Simulation based formative assessment is one method for measuring comprehensive problem solving. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of simulation based formative assessment on student problem solving skills. Fifty high school students participated in this quantitative study with explanatory...
Proceedings Article

Article Diagnostic Difficulties and Misconceptions of Light Refraction: A Need Analysis Learning Abstract Concepts Using PhET Simulation

Muhammad Nasir, Cari Cari, Widha Sunarno, Fitria Rahmawati
This study aims to diagnose difficulties and misconceptions of light refraction. This research was conducted by qualitative design. The sample consists of 84 students who were taken from the second semester of physics education at 5 universities in Indonesia. Trend data on understanding the concept of...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: A Proposed Framework

Intan B. Kusumawati, Achmad D. Fachrudin, Ratu I. I. Putri, Zulkardi Zulkardi, Ahmad W. Kohar, Muhammad K. Mubarok
Islamic financial literacy (IFL) has become ever more significant for Indonesian pupils related to the development of Islamic economics or known as Sharia economics, in Indonesia. Based on the mathematics curriculum, there is an area to integrate IFL in mathematics education, especially in social arithmetic....
Proceedings Article

Practicality of Digital Classroom on Mathematics Learning for Elementary School Students

Yullys Helsa, Darhim, Dadang Juandi, Turmudi
This research is motivated by the development of a digital classroom model in mathematics learning, and it is necessary to know the practicality of the digital classroom model. The purpose of this study was to determine the practicality of the digital classroom model in mathematics learning from the...
Proceedings Article

Coffee Farming Vulnerability: Environmental Dimension Approach in Way Besai Sub-Watersheds

Fitriani Fitriani, Didik Kuswadi
The purpose of this research was to identify the attribute determinants of environmental dimensions that support sustainable production in coffee farming, especially surrounding the watershed area. The research location was a coffee production center surrounding protection forest upstream of Way Besai...
Proceedings Article

On the Development of Learning Designs for the Inclusion of Indigenous Science in the Context of Chemistry Education to Foster Education for Sustainable Development

Robby Zidny, Ingo Eilks
This paper reports a three year research and development project on the design of a lesson plan based on an educational research framework for the inclusion of a local indigenous cultural context into chemistry education. The research was intended to foster education for sustainable development (ESD)...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Fermented Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) on Palatability, Performance and Spermatozoa Quality on Male Sheep (Ovis aries)

Isnawati Isnawati, Ni’matuzahroh Ni’matuzahroh, Tini Surtiningsih, Firas Khaleyla
This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of fermented water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on palatability, performance and spermatozoa quality on male sheep. Fermented water hyacinth was mixed with the basal ration at various levels according to the following dietary treatments: (R1: 0% fermented...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Screening, Total Flavonoid Content, and Total Phenolic Content of Ethanol Extract of the Indonesian Fern Selaginella Plana

Suyatno Sutoyo, Amaria, I G. M. Sanjaya, Rusly Hidayah, Devy Puspita Sari, Nurrulhidayah A. Fadzlillah
Selaginella plana (Cakar ayam) is one of the ferns that grow widely in Indonesia and has been used by the community as food, ornamental plants and traditional medicines to treat wounds, respiratory infections, liver disorders, urinary tract infections, fractures, rheumatism, cancer and increase the body...
Proceedings Article

Bibliometric Analysis of Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) in Physics (2019-2020)

Arika Arika, Suliyanah Suliyanah, Setyo Admoko, Nadi Suprapto, Utama Alan Deta
Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) is a controversial topic that arises from advances in science and technology (IPTEK). In implementing Socio scientific issue as a learning context, it is necessary to study literature for investigating the selection of social-scientific issues. The aim of this research was...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Maxwell’s Equation Using Z Transforms Method to Analyze Soliton Waves on Tin Oxide

Asnawi Asnawi, Madlazim Madlazim, Tjipto Prastowo, Mita Anggaryani, Rohim A. Firdaus, Muhimatul Khoiro
This research aims to model electromagnetic waves propagation in SnO2 materials related to their dispersive and nonlinear properties. The FDTD method was used to describe electromagnetic waves from Maxwell’s equations. The signal that formed electromagnetic waves was analyzed using time, position, and...
Proceedings Article

Nano-Encapsulation of Black Rice Yeast Extract with Poloxamer Supporting Matrix

Rudiana Agustini, Nur A. Amyliana, Nuniek Herdiyastuti, I G. M. Sanjaya
Black rice yeast extract is rich in bioactive compounds that have the potential to be applied in the therapeutic field. Research on nano-encapsulation has a better storage period and protects against damage to bioactive components. Research on nano-encapsulation of black rice yeast extract with a poloxamer...
Proceedings Article

Development of Critical Thinking Skills and Argumentation Skills Assessment Instruments Towards 21st-Century Skills Based on Non-Routine Problems

Rusmini Rusmini, Suyono Suyono, Rudiana Agustini
This is development research that aims to produce a set of instruments for assessing student teachers’ critical thinking and argumentation skills on chemistry. The instruments were developed through the stages of conceptualization, development of tests, and trials. Results indicate that the instrument...
Proceedings Article

Mental Model Students on Thermodynamics in the Application of Guided Inquiry

Tutut Nurita, An N. M. Fauziah, Dyah Astriani, Erman Erman, Enny Susiyawati
Inquiry learning is a model that facilitates the construction of students’ scientific knowledge, which can also improve students’ mental models. By considering the student learning process, the guided inquiry learning was chosen. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of the guided...
Proceedings Article

Research Trend on Physics Studies in The Qur’an Through Bibliometric Analysis During 2016-2020

Alisa Arrizkiyah, Selsy F. Alfany, Nadi Suprapto, Utama A. Deta
The purpose of this study is to analyse research trends regarding the topic of physics studies in the Qur’an during the period from 2016 to 2020 through bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database. The results showed that the number of publications in 2016-2019 increased dramatically. However, after...
Proceedings Article

Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Design on Hypothetical Learning Trajectory

Shofan Fiangga, Evangelista L. W. Palupi, Ahmad W. Kohar, Rooselyna Ekawati, Rini Setianingsih
Inviting the students to actively be involved in developing knowledge is the main issue in mathematics education. The ability to deliver a good opportunity-to-learn task becomes important for mathematics teachers. Developing a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) has become the way for activating students’...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Mathematical Modeling on PISA Quantity Problems of Formulation Category: Explicit Model Vs Implicit Model

Abdul H. Rosyidi, Laili F. Fadhilah, Sugi Hartono
The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ mathematical modeling on PISA quantity problems which concerns formulating contextual situations mathematically. A total of 310 eighth grade students of a state secondary school in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, were involved in a task-based questionnaire whose...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Brass Based Catalytic Converter to Reduce Exhaust Gas Emissions from Four-stroke Motorcycle Engines

Warju Warju, Sudirman R. Ariyanto, Ata S. Nugraha, Muhammad Y. Pratama
The development of automotive technology to reduce exhaust emissions from vehicles with spark-ignition engines uses catalytic converter technology. This experiment aims to determine the effectiveness of using brass as a catalyst in the spark-ignition engine. For carbon monoxide (CO) measurements on the...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity, Phenolic and Vitamin C Content of Effect Drying Temperature in Black Garlic Kating Type

Nuniek Herdyastuti, Prima R. Wikandari, Dina K. Maharani, Mirwa A. Prahara, Amalia P. Purnamasari
Fermented garlic or also referred to as black garlic goes through heating process so that it has antioxidants activity both in vivo and in vitro. Antioxidant activity of black garlic may be affected by the processing method. Black garlic has a dark brown color and fresh sweetness, different from aroma,...
Proceedings Article

A Microstrip Triple-band Antenna with T-strip and Dumbbell Defected Ground Structure for Wireless Applications

Muhimmatul Khoiro, Rohim A. Firdaus
A microstrip triple-band antenna with “T”-shaped strip and dumbbell DGS has been proposed for wireless communication. The antenna was designed and simulated using Simulation Technology (CST) Studio Suite 2014. Characteristics of the proposed antenna were improved by parameters design modification. The...
Proceedings Article

Some Notes on Generalized Young Inequality for n Numbers

Manuharawati Manuharawati, Muhammad Jakfar, Dian Savitri
In this note, we obtain a generalized of Young’s inequality for n numbers. From the inequality, we also get generalized of Hölder’s Inequality and Minkowski’s inequality for n terms. Furthermore result, some improvements of the generalized Young’s inequality for n numbers are discussed.
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Mobile Learning to Increase Collaborative Ability and Science Process Skills of Students

Dwikoranto Dwikoranto, Rahayu Setiani, Sri Tresnaningsih
The mobile learning model designed to enhance collaborative ability and sciences process skills of students. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of mobile learning model to improve sciences process skills and collaborative ability who were students programming statistics subject. One-group...
Proceedings Article

Item Analysis of Multiple Choice: Tool for Assessing Knowledge of Potato and Pasta Dishes in Vocational Schools

Niki Fadilla, Emi Susilowati, Sri Handajani, Ekohariadi, Savira U. Hasanah, Muhammad Y. Pratama
Multiple-choice test is one of the most widely and popularly used tools to evaluate students’ competence and knowledge. This type of test mainly used at various levels considering its efficiency, reliability, and the easiness in the standardization process when compared to other types of tests. But unfortunately,...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Postgraduate Students’ Scientific Literacy Based on the Ability to Solve the Environmental Problems

Eko Hariyono, Titin Sunarti, Toru Doi
This study aims to measure students’ scientific literacy in their ability to solve environmental problems based on the COVID-19 issue. The main problem in this research is “How to improve students’ scientific literacy in their ability to solve environmental problems based on the COVID 19 issue?” Based...
Proceedings Article

Four-Tier Diagnostic Test on Chemical Kinetics Concepts for Undergraduate Students

Bertha Yonata, Suyono, Utiya azizah
This study aims to produce a four-tier diagnostic test instrument on concepts in Chemical Kinetics where students experience misconceptions through the four-tier misconception diagnostic test. The test was developed based on several concepts: reaction rate, activated complex, reaction rate law, reaction...
Proceedings Article

Production and Quality Test Nganjuk Shallot Extract as a Basis of Aromatherapy Products

Mirwa A. Anggarani, Aris Rudi Purnomo, Lailatul Wakidah
Shallot (Allium cepa L.) is a common root used as both a spices for cooking and a traditional ingredient. This plant is known to have medicinal properties, especially medications for breathing and inflammation. This research was conducted to know the quality of shallot extract is reviewed from specific...
Proceedings Article

Bibliometric Analysis of Research Developments in the Field of Augmented Reality in Physics Education (2012-2021*)

Irda S. Dewi, Abib H. Mashurin, Naba O. Anidhea, Mukhayyarotin N. R. Jauhariyah, Binar K. Prahani, Nur S. Safitri, Husni Mubarok
Augmented Reality (AR) is efficient in improving the quality of education, training and academics. There have been many studies discussing Augmented Reality, but not yet research on the development of Augmented Reality implementation using bibliometric analysis that maps (a) research developments, (b)...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Student-cantered Learning Model Textbook to Teach Mathematics: A Preliminary Research

Pradnyo Wijayanti, Nina R. Prihartiwi, Mega T. Budiarto, Ismail, Ika Kurniasari
This research is exploring the need of development of student-cantered learning model textbook to teach mathematics through Innovative Learning II course. This course is compulsory course for students of mathematics education study program. The paper focuses on the preliminary research of the three main...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria Related to Plant Nutrient Level in Coal Mining Site from East Kalimantan Indonesia

Yuni S. Rahayu, Yuliani, M. T. Asri
East Kalimantan has a very wide area for coal mining. However, not all coal mining companies carry out land reclamation before coal mine was abandoned. This marginal land is very potential to be utilized as productive land, although efforts must be done to minimize the main limiting factor in coal mining...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Immunotherapy Treatment on Leukaemia Growth Dynamic Model

Dimas A. Maulana, Yusuf Fuad, Ayunin Sofro, Hery T. Sutanto, Evitia N. Septy
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally, claiming ten million lives in 2020. Leukaemia, also known as blood cancer, is a condition in which the growth of white blood cells occurs uncontrollably. This study aims to simulate the mathematical model for the dynamics of leukaemia growth. The...
Proceedings Article

Helium-Neon Laser Exposure to Extracts of Seven Variations of Bananas Through Fiber-Optic to Determine the Potassium Content in Bananas

Mohammad Budiyanto, Elok Sudibyo, Wahyu B. Sabtiawan, Tutut Nurita
The purpose of this study was to obtain instruments and methods developed to obtain more accurate measurement results of potassium concentration in bananas, so an instrument that has high sensitivity is needed. One of these instruments utilizes the principle of electromagnetic wave phenomena which is...
Proceedings Article

Bibliometric Profile of Science Education Research on Argumentation and the Contribution of Indonesia

Setyo Admoko, Mukhayyarotin N. R. J., Eko Hariyono, Madlazim
This study aims to describe the profile of argumentation research in science education and reveal the contributions of researchers from Indonesia based on the Scopus database education. It is used bibliometric analysis. Based on the visualization analysis of the research profile, “science education argumentation”...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Virtual Classroom Critical Thinking in High School Physics Classes

Tri Lestari, Zainul A. I. Supardi, Budi Jatmiko
This study aims to measure the effectiveness of the Virtual Classroom Critical Thinking (VC2T) Model in improving students’ critical thinking skills. There are six steps in the VC2T model, namely: problem orientation, formulation, group discussion, analysis, result discussion, and reflection. This study...
Proceedings Article

Design and Verification Application Let’s SeGar Based on Android as the Ideal Physics Guard

Setya C. Wibawa, Budi Sujatmiko, Gerarda L. Yuwanti, Amirah Z. H. Putri, Edy Sulistiyo, Fendi Achmad, Utama A. Deta, Bambang Yulianto, Suprapto, Agus Hariyanto, Nurhasan, Sujarwanto
In order to maximize performance during physical exercise, we need to choose foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and eat them at the right time. The purpose of this research is to develop the application “Let’s SeGar” which has the function of adding insight into the ideal height and...
Proceedings Article

The Dynamics of Modified Leslie-Gower the Pest-Predator System with Additional Food and Fear Effect

Dian Savitri, Abadi, Manuharawati, Muhammad Jakfar
We have studied a dynamic analysis of the prey-predator model that describes the interaction between pests and predators as natural enemies. The model is considering a Modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with the nature of fear of the growth of pests and additional food to predator. The predation...
Proceedings Article

Naturally Inhibited Yacon Tubers Prebiotic Syrup Increases Humoral and Cellular Immunity

Leny Yuanita, Prima R. Wikandari, Dewi Prastiwi, Raymond I. Avandi, Wahyu B. Sabtiawan, Erlix R. Purnama
The aim of the study: to obtain yacon prebiotic syrup that can increase cellular and humoral immunity. Sixty of Rattus norvegicus aged about 40 days and weighing about 100-150 grams divided into 4 groups. Commercial FOS supplement group, non-inhibited yacon syrup, inhibited yacon syrup (FOS content ±...
Proceedings Article

Classroom Discourse Interaction in Science Classroom: Analysing the Use of Meta-Discourse for Pre-Service Science Teachers

Beni Setiawan, Ricky Setiawan, Chiang Chia-Ling, Binar K. Prahani
This study aims to analyse pre-service science teachers’ use of meta-discourse to construct students’ scientific knowledge. Data were collected from classroom observation, video recording, and review article. Results indicated ten major categories of meta-discourse (move/interactions pattern, types of...
Proceedings Article

Teachers’ Understanding of Blended Learning in Science Classroom

Enny Susiyawati, Erman, Martini, Ahmad Qosyim, Dyah P. Sari
The adoption of blended learning in this digital era is pervasive. The learning approach is considered as a solution to overcome the disadvantages of fully face-to-face and only learning. However, do science teachers have a sufficient level of understanding of blended learning in science classrooms?...
Proceedings Article

Development of Guided Inquiry and Mind Mapping-Based Worksheet to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skills

Luky Biyan Susanti, Sri Poedjiastoeti, Titik Taufikurohmah
The aim of this research was to develop a proper student activity sheet to improve students’ creative thinking skill on the stoichiometric material. The properness of worksheet was assessed based on validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The development of worksheet used Research and Development...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Engagement Through Flipped Classroom Using Geogebra Task in Multivariable Calculus Class

Dayat Hidayat, Siti Khabibah, Rudianto Artiono
Flipped Classroom is widely used as an alternative learning strategy in both secondary school level and tertiary level. This article investigated students’ experience and students’ engagement through flipped classroom using geogebra task in multivariable calculus class. Participants of this study were...
Proceedings Article

Markov Chain for Analysis of the Daily Number of New Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Patients in East Java

Yuliani P. Astuti, Gita D. Safitri
COVID-19 is a new disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that first discovered at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China. Furthermore, this virus spread to various countries and was first determined to enter Indonesia on March 2nd, 2020. Markov chain is a method that used to model variables randomly. This research...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Research Trend on Creativity in Physics Learning

Mukhayyarotin N. R. Jauhariyah, Titin Sunarti, Wasis, Woro Setyarsih, Abu Zainuddin, Siti Fatimah, Khaerus Syahidi, Nur S. Safitri
This paper aims to describe the scientific research trend on creativity in physics learning. Bibliometric analysis was used in this study to explore more about creativity in physics learning in the Scopus database (2011-2020). The total sample is 179 documents—no more research on creativity in physics...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students Science Literacy Competencies Based on Coastal Wisdom Use Moodle’s -Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic

Anis Shofatun, Rudiana Agustini, Yuni S. Rahayu
The distance learning system during the Covid-19 pandemic brought students closer to exploring scientific knowledge information around them, such as local wisdom in coastal areas. This study aims to determine the level of scientific literacy competence of students towards coastal wisdom based on three...
Proceedings Article

Identification of the Activated Fault Plane of the 16 June 2021 Earthquake (Mw=5.9) in the Banda Sea

Muhammad N. Fahmi, Madlazim, Dyah P. Sari
On 16 June 2021, a moderate earthquake with Mw 5.9 occurred in the Banda Sea, precisely at the top of the Banda Arc. The fault plane mechanism in this area is still not well identified, and this problem can be solved by determining the activated fault plane. In this research, the activated fault plane...
Proceedings Article

The Voices of Students About Climate Change: A Preliminary Research

Mardiyanti Hartati, Madlazim, Eko Hariyono
Hydrometeorological disasters have recently been connected with the phenomenon of climate change. The phenomenon of climate change cannot be avoided and able to be an educational challenge in the future. Mastering the student’s concept of climate change is very important for educators to know in preparing...
Proceedings Article

Arthritis Assay on Combination of Red Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) and Secang Wood (Caesalpinia Sappan) Extract Towards Rat Oedema Induced by Complete Freund’s Adjuvant

Rizka Amalia, Tukiran, Suyatno Suyatno, Fauzia Sabila
Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic chronic autoimmune disease associated with multiple inflammatory mediators leading to joint destruction, synovial and cartilage inflammation. Treatment often used for rheumatoid arthritis is DMARD which causes dangerous effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea,...
Proceedings Article

Discourse Analysis in Socio-Scientific Debates: In Support of an Ecojustice Science Education

Donne J. P. Sodusta, Riris M. Tamba
This qualitative paper applies Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as a tool to analyze a transcript of a socio-scientific debate in a senior high school science class in the Philippines. Drawing from insights and implications generated from the analysis, this paper also endorses this framework and tool...