Proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Science, Humanity, and Public Health (ICOSHIP 2020)
180 authors
- Nurmawati, Ida
- Design of Nutritional Status System for Stunting Early Prevention
- Oktava, Huda
- Analysis of Upper Arm Circumference Using Statistical Approach as a Risk Factor of Stunting Cases
- Pairin, Udjang
- The Tension Between the Digital and the Actual in the Phenomenon of Dr. Tirta in
- Pamungkasari, Eti Poncorini
- Online Traditional Dance Community and Children’s Mental Health: Lesson Learned During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Perwiraningrum, Dhyani Ayu
- Need Assessment of Stunted Children During Pandemic Covid-19 to Develop Nutrition Intervention Program in Jember District, East Java, Indonesia
- Phoa, Victor
- Cold Plasma Generator Using Economical High-Frequency High Voltage Flyback Transformer With Straight and L-Shaped Needles
- Prakoso, Bakhtiyar Hadi
- Prototype Design of Disaster Management Application Based on Android
- Pranata, Satriya
- New Normal at Islamic Boarding School During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumbawa Island
- Pratama, Mudafiq Riyan
- Web-Based Patient Registration System Design Based on National Standards of Hospital Accreditation at Balung Hospital Jember in Indonesia
- Pratiwi, Berlina Yudha
- Conceptualization of Agribusiness / Agro-Industry Potential Study in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency
- Probandari, Ari Natalia
- Online Traditional Dance Community and Children’s Mental Health: Lesson Learned During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Purwanti, Endang
- The Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Medical Recorders and Health Information During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Purwoko, D
- Institutional Dimension Levering Factor on Halal Tourism Sustainability in Banyuwangi
- Purwoko, D
- Design of Program Objective Structure in Marine Ecotourism Development
- Puspitasari, Trismayanti Dwi
- Application of Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Method for Diagnosis Yellow Fever
- Putra, Dony Setiawan Hendyca
- Information System for Doctor Practice Scheduling at Hospitals in Jember District
- Putra, Rediyanto
- Production and Calculation of Economic Value of the Coffee Skin Waste Products
- Putri, Fitriana
- Utilization of Big Data Analysis as a Supporting System of Therapy Treatment for URI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) Patients
- Rachmawati, Ervina
- Design of Nutritional Status System for Stunting Early Prevention
- Rahmawati, Oktarina Ayu
- The Analysis of Misfiling Causes in Bhakti Husada General Hospital of PT. Rolas Nusantara Medika Krikilan Banyuwangi
- Rakhmad, Hariyono
- Cold Plasma Generator Using Economical High-Frequency High Voltage Flyback Transformer With Straight and L-Shaped Needles
- Ramadhani, Amesta K.
- Analysis of Decision, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Ramadhani, Amesta K.
- COVID-19 in Indonesia: An Analysis of DKI Jakarta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Its Governance During the New Normal Period
- Ramadhani, Amesta K.
- Policy Analysis of West Java’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response
- Ramadhanty, Jazil
- Application of Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Method for Diagnosis Yellow Fever
- Rinda, Renata Kenanga
- The Implementation of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Through YouTube Vlogging to Boost Students’ Speaking Performance
- Rosyidie, Arief
- Analysis of Decision, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Rosyidie, Arief
- COVID-19 in Indonesia: An Analysis of DKI Jakarta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Its Governance During the New Normal Period
- Rosyidie, Arief
- Policy Analysis of West Java’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response
- Roziqin, Mochammad Choirur
- Information System for Doctor Practice Scheduling at Hospitals in Jember District
- Safii, Moh.
- Video-Based Android Application Development as an Educational Facility for E-Journal Users at the Library of Universitas Negeri Malang
- Sagala, Saut
- Analysis of Decision, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Sagala, Saut
- COVID-19 in Indonesia: An Analysis of DKI Jakarta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Its Governance During the New Normal Period
- Sagala, Saut
- Policy Analysis of West Java’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response
- Sakdiyah, S L
- Design of Program Objective Structure in Marine Ecotourism Development
- Samsudin, Asep
- The Relevance of Dacum Chart to the Updated Semester Learning Plan of Food Industry Technology Study Program Politeknik Negeri Jember in the Academic Year of 2020
- Santi, Maya Weka
- Designing Electronic Health Record (EHRs) in a Jember Family Healthy Home Clinic
- Sayekti, Ide Redika
- The Design of Discharge Summary for Patients of Continuous Care
- Setiarini, Rimbi Budi
- Students’ Experiences of Online English Language Learning by Using YouTube
- Setiarini, Rimbi Budi
- The Use of H5P in Teaching English
- Soge, Markus Marselinus
- Digital Supervision of Assimilated Inmates in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Sudikan, Setya Yuwana
- The Tension Between the Digital and the Actual in the Phenomenon of Dr. Tirta in
- Sudra, Rano Indradi
- Medicolegal Bioethics Study Regarding Refusal of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Stated in the Do-Not-Resuscitate Form
- Sugiartono, Endro
- Conceptualization of Agribusiness / Agro-Industry Potential Study in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency
- Suharsono, Degita Danur
- Course Design of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers in Vocational Education
- Suhartono
- The Tension Between the Digital and the Actual in the Phenomenon of Dr. Tirta in
- Sulistyono, Nantil Bambang Eko
- The Development Strategy of Agro-Industrial Tourism on New Normal Life in Bondowoso Regency, East Java
- Sumadi
- Production and Calculation of Economic Value of the Coffee Skin Waste Products
- Sundari, Sri
- Institutional Dimension Levering Factor on Halal Tourism Sustainability in Banyuwangi
- Sundari, Sri
- The Influence of Penta Helix Model on Organizational Innovativeness and Product Innovation Performance at Creative Economy Supporting Jember District Tourism Destination
- Surateno
- The Implementation of Big Data Technology in Virtual Machines for Mapping 2019-nCoV Pandemic on the Students of Information Technology
- Susanto, Dedy
- Exploratory Analysis of Micro-Small Industries in Village Levels in Papua Province
- Swari, Selvia Juwita
- Web-Based Patient Registration System Design Based on National Standards of Hospital Accreditation at Balung Hospital Jember in Indonesia
- Swari, Selvia Juwita
- Analysis of Performance Factors in Managing Medical Records in Pujer Bondowoso Health Center
- Swari, Selvia Juwita
- The Analysis of Misfiling Causes in Bhakti Husada General Hospital of PT. Rolas Nusantara Medika Krikilan Banyuwangi
- Swari, Selvia Juwita
- Modisco With Moringa Leaf for Improving Childhood’s Nutritional Status
- Taufan, Gullit Tornado
- Course Design of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers in Vocational Education
- Tupas, Ruanni
- Translingual Dispositions, Multilingual P-Pop and the Fight for Philippine Languages Online
- Utami, Destya Putri Zakiah
- Designing and Building Electronic Medical Record (EMR) on Web-Based in Primary Health Services
- Vestine, Veronika
- Modisco With Moringa Leaf for Improving Childhood’s Nutritional Status
- Vicr, Rufaida N.
- Policy Analysis of West Java’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response
- Vicri, Rufaida N.
- Analysis of Decision, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Vicri, Rufaida N.
- COVID-19 in Indonesia: An Analysis of DKI Jakarta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Its Governance During the New Normal Period
- Werdiharini, Agustina Endah
- Need Assessment of Stunted Children During Pandemic Covid-19 to Develop Nutrition Intervention Program in Jember District, East Java, Indonesia
- Wicaksno, Andri Permana
- Early Detection of Hepatitis by Using Certainty Factor
- Wicaksono, Julien Arief
- Course Design of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers in Vocational Education
- Wicaksono, Julien Arief
- Students’ Experiences of Online English Language Learning by Using YouTube
- Wicaksono, Julien Arief
- The Use of H5P in Teaching English
- Widyaningsih, Vitri
- Online Traditional Dance Community and Children’s Mental Health: Lesson Learned During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wijaya, Ketut Anom
- The Dynamics of Coffee Bean Exports Between Indonesia’s Provinces
- Wijayanti, Fitri
- Blended Learning: Revealing Its Transformative Potential and Practice During the Covid-19 Era
- Wijayanti, Rossalina Adi
- Utilization of Big Data Analysis as a Supporting System of Therapy Treatment for URI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) Patients
- Wijayanti, Rossalina Adi
- Analysis of Performance Factors in Managing Medical Records in Pujer Bondowoso Health Center
- Wijayanti, Rossalina Adi
- The Analysis of Misfiling Causes in Bhakti Husada General Hospital of PT. Rolas Nusantara Medika Krikilan Banyuwangi
- Wiryawan, I Gede
- Analysis of Upper Arm Circumference Using Statistical Approach as a Risk Factor of Stunting Cases
- Wiyono, Luluk Cahyo
- Conceptualization of Agribusiness / Agro-Industry Potential Study in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency
- Wulandari, Herlinda
- New Normal at Islamic Boarding School During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumbawa Island
- Yunus, Muhammad
- Designing Electronic Health Record (EHRs) in a Jember Family Healthy Home Clinic
- Yusuf, Cholyubi
- The Influence of Penta Helix Model on Organizational Innovativeness and Product Innovation Performance at Creative Economy Supporting Jember District Tourism Destination
- Zainuddin, Muhammad Johar
- New Normal at Islamic Boarding School During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumbawa Island