Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE 2019)
83 articles
Proceedings Article
Optimism in the Youth Mental Health Online Counselling Environment
Andi Thahir, Anisa Mawarni, Sulastri
Optimism is part of positive mental health that is very important for achieving prosperity. Teenagers who have high optimism have a tendency to believe in expecting the best in their lives. But in the social development of adolescents is still questionable. The purpose of this study is to try to find...
Proceedings Article
The Treffinger Learning Model with RME Principles on Mathematics Learning Outcome by Considering Numerical Ability
S Ndiung
Teacher’s cleverness strongly determines the maximum achievement of learning outcomes in applying suitable learning models and approaches that relevant to the concept is being learned. This study aims to assess the effect of the Treffinger learning model using the principles of RME on mathematics learning...
Proceedings Article
Primary School Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of CourseLab 2.4 and Its Attributes as a Free E-Learning Content Creation Software
Theresia Yunia Setyawan
This research was qualitative survey research aiming at elaborating the primary school pre-service teachers’ perceptions of CourseLab 2.4 and its attributes a free e-learning content creation software. During the research, a questionnaire sheet containing five questions related to CourseLab 2.4 was distributed...
Proceedings Article
Pedagogic Competence Development Model: Pedagogic Knowledge and Reflective Ability
Ratnawati Susanto, Yuli Azmi Rozali, Noni Agustina
The effectiveness of the pattern of relationships between teachers and students is possible to develop in the context of teachers’ understanding of the characteristics and potential of students. This ability becomes urgent and fundamental for teachers to have and needs to be prepared from the start and...
Proceedings Article
The Development of HOTS Problems on Algebra for Junior High School
Risnawati Putri, Somakim, Darmawijoyo, Ning Eliyati
This study aimed at producing valid and practical HOTS questions and investigating the potential effects on the student’s score. This study was design research with the type of development studies consisting of two stages, the preliminary and the formative evaluation. This research was conducted on class...
Proceedings Article
The Development of HOTS Problems on Geometry and Measurement for Junior High School
Iftitah Primasanti, Somakim, Darmawijoyo, Ning Eliyati
This study aims to produce HOTS material geometry and valid, practical, and potential effects. The research method used in this study is the method of design research type development study. This research was conducted on eighth-grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. Data collection techniques include...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Mathematics HOTS Problems on Trigonometric for Senior High School
Jeki Gusdinata, Somakim
The study aims to describe the development steps of the Higher-order Thinking Skill (HOTS) for the subject of trigonometric and their validation processes. Trigonometric is a subject that is considered difficult for learners due to the use of the mathematical concepts that are not real (abstract). While,...
Proceedings Article
Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung
Prima Roza, Epin Saepudin, Nia Kurniasih, Ayi Rohayati, Ranti Rachmawanti
Nowadays, social media has not only become a lifestyle but has transformed into a necessity of life. Social media provides easy access to information for the public, but, on the other hand, it encourages the emergence of social, cultural, and legal issues in society. The emergence of the term cyber conflict...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Learning Journal in Botany Phanerogamae Course
Wisnu Juli Wiono
Objective assessment tests are not able to describe students’ abilities comprehensively, so alternative forms of assessment are needed. This study aims to reveal the contribution of alternative assessment forms of learning journals in the study of Botany Phanerogamae courses. This type of research is...
Proceedings Article
Student Worksheet on Mathematical Learning Based on Modeling to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students
Fahmasari, Darmawijoyo
This study aims to produce valid, practical, and effective student worksheets on mathematical learning based on modeling to develop higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) of class XI high school students in semester 2. This development research uses a design research type of development study. The trial...
Proceedings Article
The Blended Learning for Student’s Character Building
Tien Yulianti, Ari Sulistiyawati
The research aims to find that the Blended learning model is effective in developing student character through the application of Blended Model as an effort to answer the challenge of education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era and it can help students to form a pattern of attitudes and behavior in...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Physics Learning Based on Teacher Competency
Nurmayani J. Said, K. Arafah, M. Arsyad
This study aimed to describe the role of Physics teachers in planning, to implement, and to assess learning at Senior High Schools in Makassar based on their competencies. A survey has been conducted in several senior high schools in Makassar. The subjects of this study were Physics teachers who had...
Proceedings Article
The Emotional Intelligence of Elementary School Students in Curriculum 2013
Atsani Rohmatun Nisa, Asrowi, Tri Murwaningsih
The purpose of this study was to (1) Analyze the success of the 2013 Curriculum implementation of emotional intelligence in fifth-grade students of SDN Adipala 01 Cilacap (2) Describe the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in emotional intelligence (3) Identify success factors of Curriculum 2013 in developing...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Implementation of Problem-Based Physics Learning to Improve the Students’ Creativity
Usmeldi, Anggreini, Risda Amini
The competence of Senior High School students in mastering the physics lessons was still low, caused by several things, namely physics learning has not been fun, not yet interesting, and has not been challenging for students. There are still many students who have not been actively involved. Lesson plan,...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Cognitive Ability Students in Application of Newton’s Law About Motion Topic
Zahida Aliatul Zain, Abdul Haris, Khaeruddin
This study is survey research that aims to describe the cognitive abilities of students in grade X MIPA MAN 2 Makassar. The domain of cognitive abilities studied included the ability of knowledge (C1), comprehension (C2), application (C3), analysis (C4), synthesis (C5), and evaluation (C6). The variables...
Proceedings Article
Developing 21st Century Skills for Elementary School Students Grade 1 by Implementing Indonesian Traditional Games in Mathematic Learning
Christiyanti Aprinastuti
Nowadays, people are required to have 21st-century skills. The development of these skills can be carried out in all disciplines. One of them is mathematics learning. These skills can be cultivated through various traditional games in Indonesia. This study is a descriptive study to analyze 21st-century...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Module on Subject of Simple Media and Digital Printing at Baturaja University
Nora Agustina, Leni Pebriantika, Arief Qosim
The purpose of this study was to develop a learning module on simple media and digital printing subjects at the Educational Technology Department of Baturaja University. This was a Research and Development (R&D) study. Data collection techniques gained using questionnaires. From the results of the trial,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Electronic Modules on Student Learning Outcomes in Education Innovation Course
Johan Eka Wijaya, Ade Vidianti
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of Interactive electronic modules on learning outcomes in educational innovation courses. This type of research is quantitative research with experimental methods and pre-experimental design, with the form of one-group treatment, pre-test-post-test....
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Learning Management System Moodle, Edmodo and Jejak Bali
Harry Dhika, Fitriana Destiawati, Michael Sonny, Surajiyo, Musa Jaya
E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency tests, student activity, learning process graphs, or value recapitulation. In this study, analyzing the LMS in the comparison of Moodle, Edmodo, and Jejak Bali so that users can compare and distinguish LMS and...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Underpass Learning Techniques Volleyball for Junior High School
Destriana, Destriani, Herri Yusfi, Muslimin
This study aims to look at the implementation of the development of underpass learning techniques volleyball in class VII students. This study uses the classroom action research method (CAR). This study uses respondents in class VII of Junior high School Number 1 Palembang in 2018/2019 total of 32 students....
Proceedings Article
Android-Based Mobile Learning: Its Effect on Students’ Learning Achievement
Sulia Ningsih, Anita Adesti
Android-based mobile learning in learning strategy courses is a product that has been developed. Previously this media had gone through a testing process and tested it valid and practical. And as a sequel, in this study researchers will explore information about the effect of Android-based mobile learning...
Proceedings Article
Civic Education Teacher Efforts to Improve Learning Through the Internet Media
Roy Kembar Habibi, Eny Kusdarini
Education is a manifestation of improving science. Citizenship education is an education that teaches learning about national governance and Indonesian citizenship. Citizenship education has an important role in strengthening national identity for students in Indonesia. Citizenship Education Teachers...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Mind Mapping and Learning Style on Concepts Mastery and Students’ Representation Skills
Dewi Lengkana, Arwin Surbakti, D. Amala
This study aims to explore the effect of 1) students’ mind mapping towards concepts mastery; 2) students’ learning styles towards concepts mastery; 3) interaction between mind mapping and learning styles towards concepts mastery and 4) students’ mind mapping towards students’ representation skills on...
Proceedings Article
Improving Writing Skill of Research Proposal Through Mind Mapping of Economics Faculty Students of Tridinanti University Palembang
Doni Samaya, Edi Suryadi
This study aims to improve the ability of Economics Faculty students, Accounting Study Program at Tridinanti University Palembang, in writing research proposal through mind mapping model. Twenty-five students of the Faculty of Economics of Accounting Study Program in the second semester of 2018/2019...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Junior High School
Desi Ratna Sari, Caswita
This study aims to analyze the students’ critical thinking skills in triangular and quadrilateral material. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach with the sample research involved 104 students, grade VII students of state junior high school 30 Bandar Lampung. The data collection...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills in Terms of Gender
Siti Fauziah, Caswita
This study aims to analyze the students’ mathematical critical thinking skills in the circle material. The method used in this study is descriptive. The technique of collecting data through a test of critical thinking skills consisting of 2 items of the essay. The research subjects were the VIII grade...
Proceedings Article
Character Education, Student Mental Revolution, and Industry 4.0: The Case of State Islamic Senior High Schools in Indonesia
AR Muhammad, Suhaimi, Jabaliah, Sulaiman, Zulkifli, Ilham Zulfahmi
This present study aims to investigate the strategy of character education in the teaching and learning process at state Islamic senior high schools (hereafter madrasah Aliyahs) in Indonesia in the Industry 4.0 era, the implication of character education towards mental revolution of madrasah aliyah students,...
Proceedings Article
Interactive Physics E-Book Design of Energy Resources to Optimize Self-Directed Learning and Critical Thinking Skill
Levi Prihata, Agus Suyatna, Undang Rosidin, I Wayan Distrik
This study is aimed to assess student’s and subject teacher’s needs in the learning process, to develop an interactive electronic physics source material in energy resources, and to grow critical thinking skills for the 12th grader of Senior High School. This study consists of four procedural steps:...
Proceedings Article
Cloud Collaborative Reflective Strategy and Its Effect Toward English Pronunciation of Pre-Service Teachers in Their Teaching Practice Program
Dedi Kurniawan, Lingga Agustina Suganda, Zuraida
The study aims at finding out the effect of the Cloud Collaborative Reflective Strategy (CCRS) on English Pronunciation. It was an experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design, and the forty samples of which were randomly taken from the population of seventy-nine pre-service teachers...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Mathematical Communication Skills of Junior High School Students Reviewed from Gender and School Origin
Puji Hayati, Sugeng Sutiarso, Syarifuddin Dahlan
This study aims to analyze and describe the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students reviewed from gender and school origin. This reaserch is a qualitative descriptive study, with the subject of the study being the eighth grade students of Pasir Sakti State 2 Junior High School,...
Proceedings Article
Class Assessment, Problems in Learning Physics in Senior High School
Novi Haryanti, Undang Rosidin, I Wayan Distrik
The ability to conduct classroom assessment is one of the competencies that must be possessed by the teacher. The implementation of class assessment should be able to record students’ activities during the learning process. Nevertheless, The implementation of the class assessment is applied at the end...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Front Cone Hops Exercise on Limb Muscle Power in Basketball Extracurricular
Silvi Aryanti, Hartati
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was the effect of front cone hops exercise on the limb muscle power of male students of Palembang State High School 1 extracurricular basketball. This research is experimental. The population in this study were all male basketball extracurricular...
Proceedings Article
The Role of School Culture in Teacher Professionalism Improvement
M. Rijal Muhsin, Setyabudi Indartono, Siti Irine Astuti
Increasing the professionalism of teachers will continue to be a fundamental and actual discussion. Along with the development of the age, the quality of competence and professionalism of teachers must always be improved. There are various channels for teachers to continue to improve their professionalism,...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation of Career Adaptation and Career Preparation Behavior: The Mediating Role of Career Decision Self-Efficacy
Nur Pratiwi Noviati, Thobagus Mohammad Nu’man
Career preparation is important for students. Therefore, it is important to consider the factors that influence it, namely career adaptation and career decision self-efficacy. The online data on demographics, career preparation behavior, career adaptation, and career decision self-efficacy were collected...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Religious Education Module Understanding Antiradicalism and Terrorism: Practicality
Syahrizal, Febrina Riska Putri, Weni Yulastri
Islamic Religious Education (IRE) courses are compulsory courses in tertiary institutions. IRE courses in tertiary institutions need to be prepared, delivered, and practiced practically and efficiently to prevent the development of students’ thinking and behavior, leading to acts of radicalism and terrorism....
Proceedings Article
The Development of Qur’ani Students Worksheet (LKPD) on the Atom Structure Materials in MAN 1 Cirebon City and MAN 1 Plered Cirebon Regency for the Student’s Science-Religious Character Building
Dewiantika Azizah, Banu Kisworo
Chemical Write Students Worksheet (LKPD Chemical) has been applied in MAN 1 Cirebon City and MAN 1 Plered Cirebon Regency. It still not contribute to the student’s science-religious character. The LKPD Chemical On the Material Structure of the Atom developed based on the values of the Quran are expected...
Proceedings Article
Development of Physical Test Applications Basketball Sports Model in Regional Student Education and Training Center
Hartati, Silvi Aryanti, Ahmad Richard Victorian
This study aims to develop an application model for physical testing of basketball athletes conducted using Visual Basic 6.0 applications for athletes at the education and training center for students in the Musi Banyuasin district. This research uses research and development methods. Based on the validity...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Implementation of Assessment for Learning and Assessment
Haditya Aprita Lora, Undang Rosidin, I Wayan Distrik
This study aimed at analyzing the implementation of assessment for learning and assessment as learning in Physics learning. The method used was the survey with questionnaires as the data collecting instruments. The respondents were 71 Physics teachers in Lampung. The results of data analysis showed that...
Proceedings Article
Choral Speaking and Students’ Character Building in Indonesia
Lingga Agustina Suganda, Zuraida, Dedi Kurniawan
Choral speaking is generally defined as a learning strategy in the classroom by reciting a text by a group. This case study aims to investigate the effect of using choral speaking for building students’ positive characters. It was conducted in a speaking class in the English Education Department at one...
Proceedings Article
Visual Perception of Elementary School Teacher Education Students on “Batik Cap” Aesthetic
Probosiwi, Fery Setyaningrum, Febritesna Nuraini
The research based on determinate the visual perception of primary school teacher education students on “batik cap” representation, including the fabrics, motifs, manufacturing techniques, and stamp devices. The research focus is on students’ basic understanding of the essence and visualization of “batik...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Competencies of English Teachers and Students of Public Senior High Schools in Palembang City Using Information and Communication Technology
Bambang A. Loeneto, S. Nurma, Nurma S. MArdianto
The study aimed to evaluate the competency of English teachers and students of public senior high schools in Palembang City in using ICT in their teaching and learning in the classroom. The study used a survey method by distributing questionnaires and conducting some interviews. The population comprised...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Value-Based Democratic Education Textbook at Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program FKIP UNSRI
Puspa Dianti, Sri Artati Waluyati, Husnul Fatihah
This study was aimed at developing a valid and practical value-based democratic education textbook at Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. Through this development, it was hoped that the previously-developed materials would...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Learning Process Based on Students’ Scientific Literacy in Senior High School in Surakarta
Tiarasita Summa Dewi, Sarwanto, Sukarmin
This study aimed to assess students’ participation qualitatively during the process of physics learning based on students’ scientific literacy. Lack of students’ participation leads to students only know and memorize physics as learning objectives without being able to apply physics in a contextual way....
Proceedings Article
The Attitude of Junior High School Students Toward Solving Mathematical Problems in Learning with a Jigsaw Cooperative Model
Cecil Hiltrimartin, Yusuf Hartono, Indaryanti
Problem-solving has an important role in mathematics education; therefore this study aims to explore the attitudes of students according to gender towards mathematical problem solving and the ability to solve problems in learning with a Jigsaw cooperative model. The attitude instrument and problem-solving...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Level of Academic Integrity on High School Students in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Sunawan, Anwar Sutoyo, Imam Setyo Nugroho, Susilawati
Academic integrity is an important part of the education process, which is a commitment and moral code in the academic world based on the fundamental values of honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, respect, responsibility. The rapid development of information and communication technology gives students...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy of Improving Student Learning Interest Through the Use of Video as Learning Media in Civic Education Learning
Rini Triastuti, Winarno, Wijayanti
This paper intends to describe: student interest in civic education subjects and student attitudes towards video as a learning medium for civic education. Methods: qualitative approaches, instruments: questionnaires, interviews, observation, and literature. Location: SMP 16 Surakarta, sample class VII...
Proceedings Article
School-Based Management in Indonesia: Decision-Making, Problems, and Problem-Solving Strategy
Riswanti Rini, Ismu Sukamto, Ridwan Ridwan, Hasan Hariri
This paper seeks to answer the questions 1) What decision making is practiced in School Based Management (SBM) in Indonesia ?, 2) What problems are faced in implementing SBM in Indonesia?, 3) What strategies do practitioners do in dealing with problems? SBM can facilitate practitioners in terms of school...
Proceedings Article
The Inhibiting Factors of 2013 Curriculum Implementation in Vocational High Schools (Case Study of Public and Private Vocational High Schools, Surakarta, Indonesia)
Surya Jatmika, Esti Pramita, Lia Setyawati, Sabar Narimo
Based on several previous studies that examined the 2013 curriculum implementation in vocational high schools in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, most of them solely focused on its implementation in public schools but not on the inhibiting factors for its implementation in private schools. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Association of Herbaceous Species on the Sand Dunes of Parangtritis Yogyakarta as Biology Learning Resource
Trikinasih Handayani, Hendro Kusumo Eko Prasetyo Moro, Listiatie Budi Utami
Sand dunes as an ecosystem have exceptional characteristics, such as those of the sand dunes of the Kretek Sub-District of Bantul Regency in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The uniqueness of sand dunes is not only reflected by the conditions of the habitat but also by their unusual vegetation species,...
Proceedings Article
The Ability of Students in Understanding Minimal Pair
Novarita, Erwanto, Lasmiatun, M. Rama Sanjaya
The main objective of this study was to describe how the student’s ability in understanding minimal pair and what the factors that influenced the students’ ability in understanding minimal pair at the all semester students of English Department at Universitas Baturaja.The descriptive method was used...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Mathematical Teaching Books-Based Realistic Approach to Increase Creative Thinking Ability in 5th Grade Elementary School
Maranantia Sukotjo, Alben Ambarita, Irawan Suntoro, Caswita
This type of research is development research that refers to the theory of Borg and Gall. The population of this study was all fifth grade students in SD Negeri Gugus I, Rajabasa Subdistrict and a sample of 51 students obtained by purpose sampling technique were students of class V B of SDN 1 Rajabasa...
Proceedings Article
The Value of “Silih Asah, Silih Asih, Silih Asuh” in Conflict Resolution Education at Elementary Schools
Sinta Maria Dewi, Bunyamin Maftuh
This paper aims to discuss the value of Sundanese culture in conflict resolution education at elementary schools. Conflict resolution education contributes to developing students skills to better understand conflict, be able to control emotions, and have constructive skills to solve conflicts. These...
Proceedings Article
Reptile Socialization in Efforts to Grow Community Trust in the Coconut Village of Bogor About Snakes
Erwan Baharudin, Ernawati
Reptiles are the most numerous animals having creepy stories in the world community. In Indonesia, the number of reptiles is very much because it has a tropical climate, so that Indonesia become one of the countries that have the most widely spread reptile in the world. The highest number of reptile...
Proceedings Article
Lecture Design for Strengthening Concepts Understanding of School Mathematics for Prospective Teachers
Zainal Abidin, Kurnia Noviartati
This study aims to produce lecture design for school mathematics courses. The impact of this research is strengthening to understanding of concepts for prospective teacher. The true concept is absolutely necessary so that it isn’t wrong to solve the problems. If there is a conceptual error, the following...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis for Designing ESP Course of Mechanical Engineering Study Program at Tridinanti University
Farnia Sari, H. Setiawan, G. Tridinanti
The growing demand for the specialized English for mechanical engineering has been increased. The mechanical engineers have been required to perform their professional activities such as presentation, meetings, briefings, participation in the international conferences and business arena. The university...
Proceedings Article
The Strengthening of Literation and Character Building Through Drawing Stories
Rona Romadhianti
The objectives of this study were: to analyze the character building requirements of elementary schools, to develop teaching materials through illustrated stories, and to design character building models. The focus of this research on the development of teaching materials with research subjects is second...
Proceedings Article
The Needs Analysis of Multimedia Learning as a Solution to Strengthen Character Education
Giri Prasetyo, Furqon Hidayatullah, M. Akhyar, Wiranto
The development of learning multimedia is a concrete solution to strengthen the character education (PPK) of students. This multimedia development combines the use of information technology with the inculcation of the noble character of the nation's heritage, which is undeniably true. The research method...
Proceedings Article
The Practicality of Atlas Media Based on Constructivist-Oriented in the Subject of Plant Anatomy for Lecture in Collage
Mulyati, Lince Meriko, Yeni Erita
Based on the results of interviews with students at Biology Education STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat on plant anatomy, almost all chapter is difficult to understand for students. The reason for difficulty plant anatomical chapter is understand because this material cannot be imagine in the real picture so...
Proceedings Article
Internalizing Social Care Characters Through Tadabbur Al-Qur’an in Elementary School
Minsih, Annisa Rachmawati, Imam Mujahid
The general objective of this research is to explain social characterization through the Qur’anic tadabbur letter al Balad which was applied at the MI Muhammadiyah Gonilan Kartasura. This type of research is qualitative research using a case study research design. Data collection techniques used were...
Proceedings Article
Role of Self-Concept and Conformity on Bullies
Naomi Soetikno, Deffany Arimurti
Bullying is a negative action in the form of hurting, hitting, neglecting, and aggressiveness that is done repeatedly by individuals or groups towards weaker individuals or groups (Rigby, 2013). Bullying can be physical or non-physical. Negative self-concepts give rise to insecurity and are prone to...
Proceedings Article
Assertive Behavior of the Batak Cultural Background
Asni, Nurul Fajri
Assertive behavior is the ability of individuals to express everything that is felt explicitly, clearly, specifically, and does not contain multiple interpretations while maintaining and upholding the rights of others. therefore assertive behavior needs to be developed in adolescents because at this...
Proceedings Article
Problem-Based Civic Education Textbook
Camellia, Kurnisar, Novemy Dhita S Aulia
This study was aimed at developing the valid and practical civic education textbook with problem-based approach of civic education course at Sriwijaya University and at finding out the potential effect of the textbook use with problem-based approach towards students’ problem solving skill. Thus, that...
Proceedings Article
Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for the 21st Century Education: A Comparative Study of Two Teacher Education Programs
Hartono, Sofendi, Soni Mirizon, Abdelrahim A. Salim, Ebrahim M Abdelgani, Yasser B. Elsyed
This comparative study aimed at exploring teacher education programs held by two different state universities in Palembang, Indonesia and Khartoum, Sudan in preparing pre-service teachers for the 21st century education. Kereluik’s et al. (2014) framework of 21st century education was used as the framework...
Proceedings Article
Developing HOTS-Based Computer Assisted Instruction Media for Linear Program Learning Material in Senior High School
A. Najla, N Aisyah, Meryansumayeka
The existing curriculum emphasizes learning process on higher order thinking skills and to use ICT in learning. Therefore, it is necessary to develop CAI media HOTS-based in learning. This study is kind of development research that aims to produce a valid and practical CAI media based on Higher Order...
Proceedings Article
Developing of Student Worksheets HOTS-Based for System of Two Variables Linear Equation Learning Topic in Junior High School
M. Agustarina, N. Aisyah, E. Kurniadi
The revised 2013 curiculllum in Indonesia emphasizes HOTS-based learning and HOTS is highly related to problem solving abillity in mathematics. Therefore, it is necessary to develop student worksheets HOTS-based in mathematics learning. This type of research is development method of ADDIE models. The...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of the Internet Uses to Student Morale: Study in High School
Dony Darma Sagita, Lira Erwinda, Yuda Syahputra
The trend of using the Internet as an information center continues to develop in this era. Various pros and cons regarding the use of the Internet are also still one topic that continue to be debated. We designed this study measured the contribution of the Internet use to moral behavior. This study involved...
Proceedings Article
Curriculum Design of Early Childhood Life Skill Based on Indonesian Local Culture
Yuliani Nurani, Niken Pratiwi
Life skills introduced at an early years will help children become to be responsibility, independent and disciplined for the future. The provision of stimulation of life skills must be adapted to the local wisdom of the region in order to become a nation’s strength in shaping the identity and character...
Proceedings Article
Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills Problem on Statistics Senior High School
Yastri Nopalia, Somakim
This study aims the development of valid and practical HOTS questions for senior high school and investigating the potential effects. The method is to design research type development studies. This research was conducted on eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 OKU, which include walkthrough, documentation,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Value Clarification Technique Learning Models-Based Role-Playing Game to Increase Internalization of Student Character Values
Badeni, Yeni Meylani, Puspa Juwita
The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 has an impact on the young generation, especially on attitudes and character changes. In this case, we felt that the implementation of education about values, attitudes, and character in the educational institutions, either formal and non-formal education, especially...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Character of Students of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University as an Effort to Shape Independent Citizens in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Era
Sri Artati Waluyati, Umi Chotimah, Kurnisar
The objective of this study was to analyze the entrepreneurial character of students of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University as an effort to shape independent citizens in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Era. The students of the Pancasila and Civic Education...
Proceedings Article
Character Value-Based Textbook of Constitutional Law Course
Kurnisar, Camellia, Puspa Dianti
The goal of this research was to develop a valid and practical character value-based constitutional law textbook at Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) Study Program and to find out the potential effect of the textbook in developing the students’ character. Their character can then be used in daily...
Proceedings Article
Homosexual and Transgender Tendencies in Terms of Gender: A Rasch Perspective
Rahmiwati Marsinun, Lira Erwinda, Yuda Syahputra, Asni
Problems about homosexuality and transgender are still being discussed and researched by beginners and experts. Some studies of homosexuals suggest that we obtain a higher sensation of sexual pleasure with a homosexual partner than heterosexual couples. This research uses a quantitative approach with...
Proceedings Article
Descriptive Study of Ogan Language Reduplication in Ogan Komering Ulu District
Samsul Anam, Darningwati
The purpose of this study was to describe the shape and meaning of Ogan language reduplication in the village of Gunung Kuripan. The method used in this study was the intralingual equivalent method. The data collection techniques used were observation, skillful listening techniques, notes, interviews,...
Proceedings Article
Synthesis of Chitosan from Crab’s Shell Waste (Portunus pelagicus) in Mertasinga-Cirebon
Nurwanti Fatnah, Dewiantika Azizah, Mutiara Dwi Cahyani
The crab shell waste contains many chitins. When it processed in several chemical processes, it can produce chitosan, which has many benefits and economic value. Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide that consists of N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucosamine monomers. This study aims to determine the optimum...
Proceedings Article
Is there a Relationship Between Classmarker Application and Social Science Learning Outcomes?
Pranowo Narjosoeripto, T. Harsan, P.M. Purbosari
This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of the Classmarker on social studies learning outcomes at Public Elementary School Munggung 03, Klaten. The method used in this study was a quantitative study. In the preparation of data collection instruments or tools, the variable as the main...
Proceedings Article
Development of an Advanced Organizer Model Based on Open-Ended to Increase Student Punishment in Elementary Schools
Joko Sulianto, Anitah W Sri, Sunardi, Gunarhadi
This study aims to develop an advanced organizer learning model based on an open-ended approach to improve student reasoning in elementary schools. The focus of this research is the needs analysis phase of learning that takes place in primary schools to improve student reasoning and the stage of developing...
Proceedings Article
Inside-Outside: Model of Memorizing Hadith at Elementary Islamic School
Nurul Malikah, Furqon Hidayatullah, Asrowi, Sri Anitah
The purpose of the research carried out in is to find out the concept of memorization learning that is applied in the field by various countries of educational institutions, and to develop a memorizing learning pattern that is faster and more enjoyable. The method used is a qualitative description analysis...
Proceedings Article
Spirituality in Education: Perception of Teachers of Middle School Teachers in Sukoharjo District
Bashir, M. Furqon Hidayatullah, Joko Nurkamto, Asrowi
The purpose of this article is to examine teachers’ perceptions about the meaning of spirituality of students in high schools in Sukoharjo district. The study used a qualitative approach by collecting data through an open-ended questionnaire in response to 30 teachers of various subjects and teaching...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Virtual Fairy Tale Based on the Values of Wulang Reh Script in Elementary School
Septiana Agustin, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Sunardi, Gunarhadi
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of virtual fairy tales based on the values of Wulang Reh script in elementary school learning. The research method used was an experiment with Research and Development adapted from Borg and Gall. The data collection technique used as the questionnaire distributed...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Undergraduate Students as Prospective Science Teachers in terms of Science Literacy
Tulus Junanto, Muhammad Akhyar, Budiyono, Nunuk Suryani
This study aims to describe the profile of the scientific literacy skills of undergraduate students at Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. The research method used is a descriptive method to describe the initial ability of scientific literacy of undergraduate students as prospective science teachers,...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Students’ Creative Thinking Ability in Terms of Understanding the Concepts of Direct Current Electricity
Mawi Prasetyadi, Nonoh Siti Aminah, Agus Supriyanto
The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ creative thinking abilities on the subject of direct current electricity. Given the ability to think creatively is very necessary for the learning process, because it allows humans to be more flexible, open, and easy to adapt to various situations and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Students Inquiry Skills in Senior High School Though Learning Based on the Hierarchy of Inquiry Model
Evi Elisanti, Ratu Betta Rudibyani, Sajidan, Baskoro Adi Prayitno, Ryzal Perdana, K. F. Nuri Wulandari
The study aims to analyze students inquiry skills in senior high school through the learning based-on the Hierarchy of Inquiry Model. The research with purposive sampling technique. Participants in this study sample were grade XI students of the 2016-2017 Academic Year State High School. The subjects...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Students’ Concept on Space Geometry Subject Viewed from Cognitive Style of the 8th Grade Students at State Middle School 1 of Bima in the Academic Year of 2016/2017
Muhammad Khusnan Khanif, Imam Sujadi, Sri Subanti
This research aims to: (1) describe the concept understanding of the 8th grade students at State Middle School 1 of Bima on geometry subject that has independent field cognitive style, (2) Describe the concept understanding of the 8th grade students at State Middle School 1 of Bima on geometry subject...