Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)
298 authors
- Iskandar, Denny
- Interaction Patterns in Word of Mouth (WOM) at Shopee as a Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness of Fashion Products
- Isnaeni, Mukhammad
- Animal Mythology in Lampung Folklore
- Istianingrum, Rika
- Revitalization of Besesombau Oral Literature in Sekijang Village
- Istiqomah, Ilmi Adha
- Analyzing the Transition of Teiuka in Japanese Daily Conversation
- Jayana, Dewi
- An Educator’s Perspective on the Presence of Literary Education in Indonesia’s Kurikulum Merdeka (Independent Curriculum)
- Jerusalem, Mohammad Iqbal
- The Application of Text-to-Speech Technology in Language Learning
- Johan, Shavira Amelia
- Quizlet as an Electronic Flashcard to Assist Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning
- Juangsih, Juju
- Analysis of Assumption Adverbs in Japanese
- Juangsih, Juju
- Japanese Language Education Students’ Perception and Participation in Entrepreneurship Training
- Juangsih, Juju
- The Effect of YouTube Video Learning Media on the Students’ Basic Japanese Listening Ability
- Juliana, Tri Wahyu
- Relevance of Evaluation in Rancagé Diajar Basa Sunda Textbook for Sixth Graders with Operational Verbs in the Revised 2013 Curriculum
- Junaidi
- Revitalization of Besesombau Oral Literature in Sekijang Village
- Kakerissa, Wenda Marlin
- Students’ Needs Analysis in Learning General English
- Karima, Festi Himatu
- Women’s Narration in Woman’s Author in Bourdieu’s Perspective
- Karkono
- The Representation of Pasuruan Community in The Singgasana Raja yang Bergoyang
- Karlina, Yenny
- A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the Words of Aku and Saya in Indonesian Children Essays
- Kastri, Evi Maha
- Animal Mythology in Lampung Folklore
- Khalid, Shofa Musthofa
- Arabic Language Learning for Non-Native Speaker Beginner Learners in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
- Khalid, Shofa Musthofa
- Translating Heritage Book
- Khalid, Shofa Musthofa
- The Use of Scrabble as A Learning Media in Arabic Learning
- Koswara, Dedi
- Structure and Motifs in Sundanese Pantun Lutung Kasarung
- Kurniawan, Eri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawan, Khaerudin
- An Educator’s Perspective on the Presence of Literary Education in Indonesia’s Kurikulum Merdeka (Independent Curriculum)
- Kusrini, Dewi
- Self-Learning of Intonation for Declarative Sentences and Interrogative Sentences in Japanese
- Kuswarini, Prasuri
- Developing Literary Tourism in South Sulawesi by Involving Folklore and Ideological Translation
- Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri
- Students’ Needs Analysis in Learning General English
- Lubis, Adlan Fauzi
- Knowledge Sharing in Groups to Improve Learning Outcomes and Social Skills of Elementary School Students
- Lubis, Arif Husein
- Quizlet as an Electronic Flashcard to Assist Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning
- Macaryus, Sudartomo
- Revitalizing the Art of Gandrung Banyuwangi Through Bequeathing and Local-based Creative Industry
- Manshur, Fadlil Munawwar
- Epic of Ramayana in Kuntowijoyo’s Novels
- Markhamah
- Public Ideologies
- Marsya, Fhira
- A Systematic Review on the Utilization of Augmented Reality in Language Learning
- Martina
- Tracing the Meaning of Self-Existence Through the Use of Pontianak Malay Language on Social Media
- Maryam, Siti
- Developing Folklore Learning Media Based on Digital Comics Sasakala Ngaran Cianjur
- Masdiana
- Developing Literary Tourism in South Sulawesi by Involving Folklore and Ideological Translation
- Maulani, Hikmah
- Arabic Language Learning for Non-Native Speaker Beginner Learners in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
- Maulani, Hikmah
- Translating Heritage Book
- Maulani, Hikmah
- The Use of Scrabble as A Learning Media in Arabic Learning
- Maulani, Hikmah
- Stylistic Analysis of Surat Al-Hujurat: Its Meaning and Truth Values
- Maulidina, Ahsani
- The Representation of Pasuruan Community in The Singgasana Raja yang Bergoyang
- Ma’ruf, Amir
- A Comparative Move Analysis of Religious Sermons by Influential Female and Male Islamic Scholars
- Melati, Felisitas Viktoria
- Local Wisdom in the Oral Tradition of the Kanayatn Dayak Community as Values of Local Culture
- Merlina, Nina
- Women in Utilizing Free Time and Body Practices
- Moriyama
- The Development of Indonesian-Japanese Folklore Enrichment Book as A Cross-Cultural Understanding for BIPA Students
- Mujiningsih, Erlis Nur
- Technology, Literature, and the Digital World on Novel Reading Applications
- Mulyanti, Sri
- Developing Folklore Learning Media Based on Digital Comics Sasakala Ngaran Cianjur
- Mulyati, Yeti
- Incubation Learning Model to Improve Procedure Text Writing Ability
- Mulyati, Yeti
- The Effect of the Comic-Assisted Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach on the Fifth Graders’ Ability to Read Statistics
- Mulyono
- Exploring Language Variations in Text-Based Language Learning
- Musfeptial
- Tracing the Meaning of Self-Existence Through the Use of Pontianak Malay Language on Social Media
- Mutiara, Diah
- Knowledge Sharing in Groups to Improve Learning Outcomes and Social Skills of Elementary School Students
- Muzdalipah, Ipah
- Transformation of Folklore Texts into Interactive Multimedia Digital Forms as Blended Learning Teaching Material
- Nadhifah, Thurfatun
- Analysis of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing of Indonesian Japanese Learners
- Nafisah, Nia
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nawari, Ahmad
- Revitalization of Besesombau Oral Literature in Sekijang Village
- Ningsih, D. Nurfajrin
- Developing Folklore Learning Media Based on Digital Comics Sasakala Ngaran Cianjur
- Nugraha, Haris Santosa
- Practice Rehearsal Pairs Strategy in Learning Reading News
- Nugraha, Moch. Yoga Agung
- The Creativity and Innovation of Sundanese Harmonian Kawih Kacapi by Ubun Kubarsah
- Nuralia, Lia
- Rituals of Paddy Sustainability in Karawang Regency
- Nurbayan, Yayan
- Improving Students’ Scientific Writing Skills Through Article Coaching Clinic Program
- Nurhani, Nuki
- The Use of Word “Ganz” in German Language Textbooks Netzwerk A1, A2, and B1
- Nurjanah, Nunuy
- Revitalization of Regional Language Education
- Nurmahanani, Indah
- The Effect of the Comic-Assisted Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach on the Fifth Graders’ Ability to Read Statistics
- Nurmala, Mia
- Arabic Learning for Military Purposes in Indonesia
- Nurmala, Mia
- Translating Heritage Book
- Nurmala, Mia
- Web-based Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Learning to Improve Arabic Students’ Language Skills
- Nurpiansari, Ai Sylvia
- Practice Rehearsal Pairs Strategy in Learning Reading News
- Nursyamsiah, Nunung
- Stylistic Analysis of Surat Al-Hujurat: Its Meaning and Truth Values
- Okitasari, Indah
- A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the Words of Aku and Saya in Indonesian Children Essays
- Oktavianto, Dwi Bhakti
- Critical Thinking Abilities and Korean Reading Skills: To what extent do they correlate?
- Pammu, Abidin
- Gender Relations in O’Pioneers! Novel by Willa Cather
- Parmini, Ni Putu
- Form and Function of Cecimpedan as a Traditional Balinese Riddle
- Pattu, M. Amir
- Gender Relations in O’Pioneers! Novel by Willa Cather
- Pebrianti, Fasa Imani
- An Educator’s Perspective on the Presence of Literary Education in Indonesia’s Kurikulum Merdeka (Independent Curriculum)
- Permana, Pepen
- Investigating German Language Students’ Perception towards Online Learning in German Classroom
- Permata, Nadya Devina
- A Systematic Review on the Utilization of Augmented Reality in Language Learning
- Permatasari, Agata Krismonita
- The Importance of Integrating Ecolinguistics Dimensions in Indonesian Language Textbooks in Higher Education
- Permatawati, Irma
- Investigating German Language Students’ Perception towards Online Learning in German Classroom
- Prastio, Bambang
- The Representation of Pasuruan Community in The Singgasana Raja yang Bergoyang
- Prayogi, Ari
- Incubation Learning Model to Improve Procedure Text Writing Ability
- Pujiharto
- Colonialism Inferences on Negeri 5 Menara from Contrapuntal Reading Perspective
- Purnami, Wening Handri
- The Language Use in TikTok Social Media as A Means of Entertainment for the Community
- Purwaningsih
- Activating Minority Languages in Sulawesi Through Revitalization
- Puspita, Nesa Wara
- Structure and Motifs in Sundanese Pantun Lutung Kasarung
- Puspitasari, Devi Ambarwati
- A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the Words of Aku and Saya in Indonesian Children Essays
- Putra, Ida Bagus Rai
- Form and Function of Cecimpedan as a Traditional Balinese Riddle
- Putri, Dias Eka
- Korean Terms of Address in Drama Hospital Playlist 2
- Qanita, Afiana
- How Do the Japanese Criticize?
- Rachman, Andika Kurnia
- Web-based Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Learning to Improve Arabic Students’ Language Skills
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- Local Wisdom in the Oral Tradition of the Kanayatn Dayak Community as Values of Local Culture
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- Revealing the Determining Roles of Cybertext Contexts in Socio-Semiotic Multimodal Perspective
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- Tendencies of Argumentative Claim Types of Indonesian Academic Writers
- Rahardi, Remigius Kunjana
- The Importance of Integrating Ecolinguistics Dimensions in Indonesian Language Textbooks in Higher Education
- Rahayu, Ratih
- Proverbs as Media for Learning Local Wisdom
- Rahmah, Siti
- Think-Pair-Share (T-P-S)
- Rahman
- Practice Rehearsal Pairs Strategy in Learning Reading News
- Rahman, Fathu
- Gender Relations in O’Pioneers! Novel by Willa Cather
- Rahman, Ihsan Noor Fauzanie
- Analyzing the Issues of Using Problem-Based Learning in an Online Platform from a Private Lecturer’s Perspectives
- Rahmatika, Laily
- Public Ideologies
- Rahmawati
- Indonesian Pronunciation Skills of Korean Speakers as Indonesian Language Program for Foreign Speakers Learning Materials