Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)
102 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Nuria Haristiani, Yulianeta, Yanty Wirza, Wawan Gunawan, Ari Arifin Danuwijaya, Eri Kurniawan, Dante Darmawangsa, Suharno, Nia Nafisah, Ernie Dyah Imperiani
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICOLLITE 2022 on August 3rd, 2022 in Bandung, West Java Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the publication team members of ICOLLITE and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document...
Proceedings Article
Gender Relations in O’Pioneers! Novel by Willa Cather
A Genetic Structuralism Approach
Abbas Abbas, M. Amir Pattu, Fathu Rahman, Abidin Pammu
This paper is a study of gender in literature which elucidates traditional American women’s notion on gender relations which are absorbed from Victorian values. It is documented in one of the novels written by Willa Cather in 1913, namely O’Pioneers! The fictional characters who reflect the traditional...
Proceedings Article
Interaction Patterns in Word of Mouth (WOM) at Shopee as a Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness of Fashion Products
Afi Fadlilah, Denny Iskandar, Windy Fitra Hardianti
With the widespread use of virtual store applications such as Shopee, it is imperative to increase the awareness of potential buyers to choose trusted products and stores. Store reviews are one of the essential bases on which buyers determine whether or not they will buy the products. Buyers can see...
Proceedings Article
How Do the Japanese Criticize?
The Analysis of Criticizing Speech Act Based on Uchi-Soto Concept
Afiana Qanita, Nuria Haristiani
This study aims to analyze how criticism based on sociocultural value of Uchi-Soto. The data come from the anime and manga called 3-gatsu no Lion, which depicted the protagonist’s complex relationship with people around him and how the sociocultural relationship could influence the features of criticism...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Integrating Ecolinguistics Dimensions in Indonesian Language Textbooks in Higher Education
An Ecolinguistics Study
Agata Krismonita Permatasari, Remigius Kunjana Rahardi
The integration of ecolinguistics within Indonesian courses in higher education needs to be pursued and linguistic diversity and biodiversity in certain environments can be the material for academic writing activities as well as efforts to preserve local languages and Indonesian. This study aimed to...
Proceedings Article
The Tantri Relief at The Gunung Kawi Bebitre and Pura Dalem Tampuagan Sites in Comparison
Agustijanto Indradjaja
The Gunung Kawi Bebitra and the Dalem Tampuagan Temple sites in Bali are known to have a number of reliefs, some of which can be linked to the tantri story. Although both depict the same story, they both have differences in the depiction and selection of the story scenes depicted. It is certainly interesting...
Proceedings Article
The Representation of Pasuruan Community in The Singgasana Raja yang Bergoyang
A New Historicism Study
Ahsani Maulidina, Taufik Dermawan, Karkono, Bambang Prastio
Literary works such as folklore found in a society can represent the life of the community itself. One theory that can be used in analyzing literary works is New Historicism. Qualitative research by using new historicism theory attempts to analyze the life of people in Pasuruan Jawa Timur – Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Practice Rehearsal Pairs Strategy in Learning Reading News
Ai Sylvia Nurpiansari, Rahman, Haris Santosa Nugraha
Practicing news anchor using reading aloud skill is important to increase student’s ability in understanding the contents of the news and how they deliver information to the audience. This research was done in the teaching and learning of the Sundanese news items through 4 aspects in news anchor: understanding...
Proceedings Article
Women in Utilizing Free Time and Body Practices
Ani Rostiyati, Lina Herlinawati, Nina Merlina
This article discusses how women, especially young women, utilize their free time. There are some interesting things related to the body practices carried out by girls to reconstruct their subjectivity. Body practices are studied and used as part of feminist bodywork in the context of girls’ recreational...
Proceedings Article
Error Analysis of Compound Sentence Particles that Express Contradictions in Intermediate Japanese Language Learners
Annis Wahidatul Hasanah, Herniwati Herniwati
In the second language acquisition process, there are always some language errors from learners. This study aims to analyze errors in the use of compound sentence particles that express contradictions or known as gyakusetsu no setsuzokujoshi such as nagara, noni, temo, and kuseni toward Japanese language...
Proceedings Article
Incubation Learning Model to Improve Procedure Text Writing Ability
Ari Prayogi, Yeti Mulyati, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Vismaia Sabariah Damayanti
Writing is an activity of expressing ideas or ideas through the painting of graphic symbols that are not only understood by the author but can also be understood by others as a form of indirect communication. A procedure text is a text that contains explanations or instructions about the steps or stages...
Proceedings Article
Quizlet as an Electronic Flashcard to Assist Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning
A Systematic Literature Review (2016–2021)
Arif Husein Lubis, Shavira Amelia Johan, Raihan Vito Alessandro
The ubiquity and advancement of technology have given a positive impact on the elevation of education quality, including Foreign Language (FL) vocabulary learning. Among all types of educational technology, the literature has highlighted the merits of using Quizlet to assist the process of teaching and...
Proceedings Article
Kinesis Message of Yusuf AS. Story in Al-Qur’an
An Analysis Based on Riffaterre’s Semiotic Perspectives
Asep Sopian
Kinesis messages in the Quran are used in many variations. The message variation is not something coincidental and yet carries particular meanings. Therefore, not only is heuristics reading required, but retroactive reading is also a necessity. The purpose of this article is to reveal the findings of...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Text-to-Speech Technology in Language Learning
A Systematic Review
Ashanti Widyana, Mohammad Iqbal Jerusalem, Budi Yumechas
Technology has improved temporarily from time to time. There are a lot of technologies that had been developed to enhance language learning, and one of them is text-to-speech technology. Text-to-speech technology is a form of system that can convert phoneme to audio. It has provided an impact in language...
Proceedings Article
Korean Terms of Address in Drama Hospital Playlist 2
A Sociolinguistic Study
Asma Azizah, Dias Eka Putri, Savina Putri Aryana, Velayeti Nurfitriana Ansas
This study aims to describe the types of terms of address used by Korean people in daily conversation. This study uses a qualitative method with a sociolinguistic approach. The data are the terms of address used by the drama players of Hospital Playlist 2. The data were collected by listening and noting...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Assumption Adverbs in Japanese
Tabun, Osoraku, Moshikashitara, and Hyottoshite
Azila Dinda Amalia, Juju Juangsih
This study departs from one of the phenomena of foreign language learning. It is regarded as critical, particularly in this modern age to have a foreign language proficiency, and understanding a wide range of new vocabularies in the language being studied is undeniably one of the most fundamental aspects...
Proceedings Article
Consumption of Cultural Values of Social Media
Burhanuddin Arafah, Muhammad Hasyim
Social media as a gateway to information provides a wide variety of media users with the ability to read a text message and understand the meaning of a social media. With the flow of information through social media lasting for 24 hours, media users can bring up the cultural consumption of information....
Proceedings Article
Think-Pair-Share (T-P-S)
Improving the Achievement of Students’ Learning and Cooperation
Busahdiar, Siti Rahmah, Okta Rosfiani, Abdul Basith, Ayuhan, Mukti Ali, Mahmudin Sudin
Think-Pair-Share (T-P-S) is intended to give students time and structure to think and work on the topic to be studied, which is done in pairs with peers to discuss the topic, and finally, during the third step, students synthesize and share ideas with a group or class. The purpose of this study was to...
Proceedings Article
Developing Folklore Learning Media Based on Digital Comics Sasakala Ngaran Cianjur
D. Nurfajrin Ningsih, Sri Mulyanti, Siti Maryam, Deni Sanusi
The Covid-19 pandemic has inclusively changed people’s lives. Various activities carried out in public spaces have turned into virtual activities that are increasingly massive and entrenched in the community. One of the sectors affected is the education sector. Everyone is required to learn adaptively...
Proceedings Article
A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the Words of Aku and Saya in Indonesian Children Essays
Devi Ambarwati Puspitasari, Hernina, Indah Okitasari, Yenny Karlina
In writing essays, children often have difficulty putting together words to express their thoughts, even for simple themes such as self-introduction and school. A hundred children aged 6 -10 years from various cities in Indonesia have filled out a questionnaire and composed four short essays with the...
Proceedings Article
An Interlanguage Pragmatics Analysis
A Study of Apology Speech Act by Beginner and Intermediate Japanese Learners
Devy Christinawati, Nuria Haristiani, Sudjianto
Apologies play an important part in maintaining a human relationship. The realization of the apology speech act is often culturally specific and challenging for most foreign or second language learners to master. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the apology speech act strategy used by Japanese...
Proceedings Article
Animal Mythology in Lampung Folklore
Diah Meutia Harum, Mukhammad Isnaeni, Evi Maha Kastri, Roveneldo
Myth as a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin, is related to religion and practice and is believed to be something that exists. As part of world culture, Lampung has a lot of folklore. Lampung folklore contains values that reflect the richness of the soul, philosophy, character, and civilizational...
Proceedings Article
The Positive Politeness Strategy on Ordering and Requesting Speech Acts in Japanese Companies
Dina Dwi Astartia, Susi Widianti
Politeness is a rule of behavior that is determined and mutually agreed upon by a certain community so that politeness is also a prerequisite for social behavior. This study aimed to determine politeness strategy in Japanese communication, especially the use of positive politeness strategy in Japanese...
Proceedings Article
A Study of Javanese Krama Speech to the Young Generation of Java in Magelang
Sociolinguistic Studies
Dwi Atmawati
Indonesia has many islands inhabited by people consisting of various tribes. Javanese people have Javanese as their mother tongue and Indonesian as their second language. In its development, some Javanese people, especially the younger generation, are less able to speak Javanese properly. The Javanese...
Proceedings Article
Pulau Sawah: The Oldest Ancient Shrine from Hindu Buddha Period in Upstream Batanghari River West Sumatera
Eka Asih Putrina Taim
Pulau Sawah (Sawah Island) is located in the Batang Hari Upstream River Si Junjung District, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera Province. At this site archaeological remains were found in the form of 11 earthen mounds (Munggu) containing brick structures of various sizes. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article
Colonialism Inferences on Negeri 5 Menara from Contrapuntal Reading Perspective
Elisa Dwi Wardani, Pujiharto
Ahmad Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara is a novel that keeps being reprinted until now and remains on the top ten netizen-based Indonesian best novels of GoodReads list. In addition, it also has its place among recommended novels for student literary appreciation as announced by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan....
Proceedings Article
Revitalization of Besesombau Oral Literature in Sekijang Village
Fatmahwati Adnan, Ahmad Nawari, Rika Istianingrum, Eka Suryatin, Junaidi
Besesombau is less practiced in Sekijang and the oral literature is almost extinct. Seeing such conditions, traditional figures and people in there are motivated to revitalize it. Revitalization efforts are carried out with inheritance activities through regular training for the younger generation. This...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom in the Oral Tradition of the Kanayatn Dayak Community as Values of Local Culture
An Anthropolinguistic Study
Felisitas Viktoria Melati, R. Kunjana Rahardi
Local wisdom values are values that are mutually agreed upon by community members and passed down from generation to generation. These values are manifested in a culture called oral tradition. Oral tradition is one form of culture that comes from the continuity of cultural works. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article
Women’s Narration in Woman’s Author in Bourdieu’s Perspective
Festi Himatu Karima, Wening Udasmoro, Cahyaningrum Dewojati
This research explores how men portray women differently and make some problems related to the way women want to be presented in the public sphere. The novel Perempuan Berkalung Turban (PBS) by Abidah El Khaileqy was analyzed using a descriptive-analytical method and a practical theory developed by Bourdieu....
Proceedings Article
Promoting Students’ Intercultural Awareness Through Digital Storytelling in EFL Challenging Interactions
Voices from Digital Native Teachers in Secondary School Contexts
Fitri Agustin, Fazri Nur Yusuf, Sri Setyarini
Digital literacy has been an emerging and increasing topic in ELT, with numerous studies conducted to explore how digital-mediated tasks promote students’ critical awareness of cultural realities. This study explores how digital native secondary school teachers implement digital storytelling in EFL challenging...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of CERDIK and Short Story Videos on Students’ Learning Motivation in Indonesian Prose Fiction Appreciation
H. Halimah, S. Sumiyadi, Y. Yulianeta, Sri Ulina Br Sembiring
Short story appreciation is a literary appreciation taught early from elementary schools to universities. Short stories contain various lessons, including moral, religious, nationalism, and other didactic values. The current digital era encourages the use of technology to facilitate short story learning....
Proceedings Article
The Use of Word “Ganz” in German Language Textbooks Netzwerk A1, A2, and B1
Hafdarani, Nuki Nurhani, Rifqi Fakhri Santoso
The word “ganz” in German can be categorized into three types of word classes, namely adjectives, adverbs and particles. One adjective can function attribute (as substantive attribute), it can also be predictive (as a complement to the predicate). The word “ganz” as an attributive functioning adjective...
Proceedings Article
Politeness Strategies Used by Japanese Learners in Language-learning Mobile App HelloTalk
Hani Sarila, Nuria Haristiani
This study aims to analyze Japanese as second language learners’ use of politeness strategies when asking Japanese native speaker to do the language exchange in the mobile app HelloTalk based on Brown and Levinson’s (1987) classifications of politeness strategies. The research was conducted using descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Acoustics Analysis of Japanese Geminate Consonant Pronounced by Indonesian Japanese Learners
Heni Hernawati
In Japanese there is one of basic concepts in pronunciation called sokuon or geminate consonants. Geminate consonant in Japanese is represented with a small “tsu” letter, for example: ippo, sakka, kappu, and so on. The Japanese geminate consonants must be pronounced correctly because the pronunciation...
Proceedings Article
Arabic Language Learning for Non-Native Speaker Beginner Learners in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Hikmah Maulani, Salma Nur Fauziah, Nalahuddin Saleh, Shofa Musthofa Khalid
This study discusses learning Arabic language proficiency at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as a category of non-speakers and beginner level, namely the integration of istima (listening), kalam (reading), qiraah (speaking), and kitabah (writing) skills. As for learning Arabic, it cannot be equated with learning...
Proceedings Article
Form and Function of Cecimpedan as a Traditional Balinese Riddle
Ida Bagus Rai Putra, Ni Putu Parmini, Ida Ayu Putu Aridawati, I Wayan Tama, I Made Sudiana, Ni Luh Komang Candrawati, I Wayan Sudiartha
This study aims to describe the form/variety and function of cecimpedan as a traditional Balinese riddle. This qualitative research was performed using descriptive analysis, supported by note taking and interview recording in collecting the data through interview and field observation. The underlying...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing the Issues of Using Problem-Based Learning in an Online Platform from a Private Lecturer’s Perspectives
Ihsan Noor Fauzanie Rahman, Rojab Siti Rodliyah
The covid-19 disease has reduced direct engagement between professors and undergraduates in physical meetings. The alternative way to cover the missing part is by using the technologies as a tool to keep communicating, such as Zoom, Google Meet, and WhatsApp. This study intends to discover the difficulties...
Proceedings Article
Rituals of Paddy Sustainability in Karawang Regency
Iim Imadudin, Lia Nuralia
Karawang Regency is known as the “paddy granary” of West Java, contributing to national rice self-sufficiency. The existence of Karawang Regency as a “paddy granary” was threatened by the development of the industrial sector and the growth of settlements, which led to the conversion of paddy fields....
Proceedings Article
Analyzing the Transition of Teiuka in Japanese Daily Conversation
A corpus-based research
Ilmi Adha Istiqomah, Nuria Haristiani
Teiuka, the word that is frequently brought up as one of Japanese wonders, is a word that has various roles in Japanese spoken language. Teiuka was mainly used to rephrase things in the middle of utterances. However, nowadays teiuka could also be used at the beginning and at the end of an utterance....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Comic-Assisted Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach on the Fifth Graders’ Ability to Read Statistics
Indah Nurmahanani, Kikit Wiriyanti, Yeti Mulyati
The ability to read is a necessary skill for students to possess since it has numerous benefits when studying various fields of study. One of the abilities required of upper elementary school children is reading comprehension, which is acquired through information absorption and refers to the ability...
Proceedings Article
Epic of Ramayana in Kuntowijoyo’s Novels
Aesthetic Response Analysis
Inung Setyami, Faruk, Fadlil Munawwar Manshur
This article aims to describe and reveal the meaning of the Ramayana Epic in Kuntowijoyo’s novel in terms of Wolfgang Iser’s Aesthetic Response theory. The data under examination are the novel Wasripin dan Satinah/WdS (2003) and Mantra Pejinak Ular/MPU (2013). Under a qualitative descriptive study, the...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Development of Multimodality-Based Contextual Morphology Textbooks for Student
Jasmine Belinda Budijanto, Yuliana Setyaningsih
Multimodal contextual morphology textbooks have not been found in the field. This research is intended to respond to that scarcity. The purpose of this research was to describe the urgency of developing a multimodal contextual morphology textbook. The approach used in this research is a mixed-method...
Proceedings Article
Japanese Language Education Students’ Perception and Participation in Entrepreneurship Training
Juju Juangsih, Via Luviana Dewanty, Noviyanti Aneros
In order to carry out community service, the Japanese Language Education Study Program held an entrepreneurship webinar. This activity aims to provide insight and motivation for students in starting new businesses after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. This activity was held online with the help of Zoom and...
Proceedings Article
An Educator’s Perspective on the Presence of Literary Education in Indonesia’s Kurikulum Merdeka (Independent Curriculum)
Khaerudin Kurniawan, Fasa Imani Pebrianti, Dewi Jayana, Reza Khaidar Achmad
Literature learning in school is known to be full of challenges, such as the low interest of students, low quality of teachers, and obstacles from the curriculum. Meanwhile, the newly created Merdeka Belajar–Kampus Merdeka Curriculum is claimed to have several advantages like being simpler, more freedom...
Proceedings Article
Portraits of Women in Exile and Colonization in the Novel De Liefde
Laila Nabilal Huda
This study aims to reveal exile experiences and exile spirits encountered by women in the novel De Liefde by Afifah Afra. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to obtain an itemized and detailed description of the exile experience and the exiled spirit that emerges in women. Mastery of language...
Proceedings Article
Public Ideologies
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexual Violence Regulation in Indonesian Universities on Online News Sites
Laily Rahmatika, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila
In recent times, the government’s news regulation toward sexual violence in the university has got attraction among different parties. This issue has triggered biased responses on various online platforms. Such every person who responds brings ideologies that have been their own belief in determining...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Digital Media in Language Learning for Blind Students at Junior High School
Mahiratun Fadlilah
This study aims to investigate the application of digital media to help blind students adjusting their learning. Using a case study that involved students and language teachers at a special school for the blind students in Yogyakarta, the study specifically examines the role of digital media in learning...
Proceedings Article
Kindergarten Teachers’ Ability in Applying Islamic Teaching Methods
Maman Abdurrahman, Syihabuddin, Ahmad Faqih
Islamic teaching techniques have been extensively discussed in studies based on both literary and empirical studies. However, there hasn’t been any research that directly addresses how well teachers are able to use Islamic teaching techniques. This article seeks to conduct a study on the abilities of...
Proceedings Article
Arabic Learning for Military Purposes in Indonesia
Mia Nurmala, Rinaldi Supriadi
In this era, foreign language skills are needed in various fields. Including Arabic in the military. From this issue, Arabic language learning is conducted by military soldiers. This study attempts to investigate the implementation of Arabic language learning for military soldiers and the achievement...
Proceedings Article
The Creativity and Innovation of Sundanese Harmonian Kawih Kacapi by Ubun Kubarsah
Moch. Yoga Agung Nugraha
Kawih is generally construed as one of the popular Sundanese art. One form of Sundanese kawih is kawih Kacapian. As time progresses, the creativity of art practitioners also works according to the times. Ubun Kubarsah, one of the practitioners in the field of Sundanese kawih arts, creates innovations...
Proceedings Article
Translating Heritage Book
A Study on the Quality of Translation by Teachers in Islamic Boarding Schools
Mohamad Zaka Al Farisi, Anwar Sanusi, Yusuf Ali Tantowi, Rinaldi Supriadi, Hikmah Maulani, Shofa Musthofa Khalid, Mia Nurmala
This study aims to determine the quality of the translation of the heritage book by teachers in Islamic boarding schools. The heritage book is one of the classic books that contain Islamic religious lessons taught at Islamic boarding schools, ranging from Fiqh, aqidah, and morals to Arabic grammar. This...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for the Translation of the Verses of Qur’an that are Related to Sexual Intercourse
Mohamad Zaka Farisi, Yusuf Ali Tantowi
Sexual intercourse is considered as a taboo which is usually mentioned in non-literal speech acts. This also applies to some of the verses of Qur’an, where sexual intercourse is cited in non-literal speech acts in kināyah stylistics, hence the absence of the impression of taboo. Kināyah presents denotative...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Intercultural Profile Development
Three Case Studies of English Language Teachers in Indonesian Universities
Muhammad Aulia
Intercultural communicative competence appears to be inevitable for languages education nowadays. Due to the interconnectedness of the world, the nature of languages education has changed particularly in linguistic and cultural diversity in English as a Foreign Language Teaching (EFLT). The change has...
Proceedings Article
Narrativity and Multimodal Communication in The New Media Age
Muhammad Hasyim, Burhanuddin Arafah
The internet era has changed the rules of social communication. In today’s digital age, communication mediums have provided the widest possible access to internet users. The hallmark of digital media is social semiotics that uses complex multimodalities (a combination of verbal and nonverbal signs, such...
Proceedings Article
Investigating German Language Students’ Perception towards Online Learning in German Classroom
Muhammad Isya Rubyansyah, Pepen Permana, Irma Permatawati
The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed how learning and teaching delivered in every educational setting. Students are forced to do remote learning online at home. However, online learning is still seen as problematic. On the one hand, the learning must go on, but some students are still negatively...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Scrabble as A Learning Media in Arabic Learning
Nalahuddin Saleh, Salma Nur Fauziah, Hikmah Maulani, Shofa Musthofa Khalid, Yusuf Ali Tantowi
Learning media has an important role as a learning tool and one of the components of the learning process. Scrabble is a learning media used to make learning Arabic more innovative, interactive, and fun. This study aims to explain the urgency of using Scrabble as learning media in Arabic learning. This...
Proceedings Article
Structure and Motifs in Sundanese Pantun Lutung Kasarung
Nesa Wara Puspita, Ruhaliah, Dedi Koswara
The background of this study is the decreasing research about pantun, and Lutung Kasarung pantun as a story that is considered sacred and filled with philosophical thoughts and beliefs by Sundanese people. The ancient Sundanese considered pantun as mythology or history. Most of the pantun talk about...
Proceedings Article
Revitalizing the Art of Gandrung Banyuwangi Through Bequeathing and Local-based Creative Industry
Novi Anoegrajekti, Endang Caturwati, Sudartomo Macaryus
Gandrung, a traditional Banyumas dance, is in a contested space between the state, market, and religion and has no bargaining power to maintain quality through innovation, creation, and improvement of performance aesthetic literacy, economy, technology, and law. The focus of the research is to revitalize...
Proceedings Article
Digital Multimodal Composing Usage in EFL Secondary Classroom
A Study of In-Service EFL Teachers’ Perception
Novia Trisanti, Didi Sukyadi, Didi Suherdi
Nowadays, EFL teachers continually strive to improve their efforts to provide learners with multimodal resources in the classroom due to the rapid development of the digital era in the language learning environment. Digital Multimodal Composing (DMC) has been proposed to be an engaging tool in language...
Proceedings Article
Stylistic Analysis of Surat Al-Hujurat: Its Meaning and Truth Values
Nunung Nursyamsiah, Tatang, Hikmah Maulani
Although information is unequivocally a necessity in life, too much of it may lead to problems in daily life, especially in discriminating between false and true information. The Qur'an, as the guidebook for Muslims, offers ways of obtaining information and digesting it so that the truth becomes...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Pronunciation Skills of Korean Speakers as Indonesian Language Program for Foreign Speakers Learning Materials
Nunung Sitaresmi, Lilis Siti Sulistyaningsih, Rahmawati, Rohima Auliya Sukmawaty
This study aims to describe Korean YouTubers' Indonesian pronunciation skills and the results are expected to be used as learning materials for the Indonesian Language Program for Foreign Speakers (BIPA). Data were in the forms of the transcriptions of YouTuber’s speech taken from the YouTube channels...
Proceedings Article
Revitalization of Regional Language Education
An Effort in Maintaining the Existence of Sundanese Culture
Nunuy Nurjanah, Dingding Haerudin
This paper was written based on the restlessness of my mind and the anxiety of my heart, in seeing the reality of Sundanese culture which is increasingly being reduced due to the enormity of globalization which has had a significant impact on multidimensional life, especially in the dimension of Sundanese...
Proceedings Article
Understanding German Cross-Cultural Communication to Enhance BIPA Teacher Competence
Nuny Sulistiany Idris, Vietcia Ratu Meiruly Annisa
The incompetence of BIPA teachers to understand the culture of their students is one of the causes of the failure in BIPA teaching and learning process. Therefore, intracultural competence is a substantial component to the teaching competence of BIPA teachers. Germany is a country with a great number...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Counselling Guidance on the Changes in Student Behaviors
Okta Rosfiani, Umu Salamah, Busahdiar, Sa’diyah, Mahmudin Sudin, Romlah
Counselling guidance has been extensively researched for educational purposes to develop the students’ knowledge, affective, and skills. Counsellors or counselling guidance teachers train students in achieving these three domains through teaching or training. The purpose of this study is to link counselling...
Proceedings Article
Developing 21st Century Skills and Literacy Skills for Elementary School Students Through Constructivist-Based Planning and Assessment of Critical Engagement Models
Okta Rosfiani, Cecep Maman Hermawan, Astri Sutisnawati
Students' 21st-century skills are acquired through literacy. Teachers can train students to read, write, and solve problems using a mix of teaching strategies, and ePortfolios. However, in reality, the teaching carried out by teachers has not been able to develop students' 21st-century skills,...
Proceedings Article
Violation of Politeness Maxims in Japanese and Indonesian Irony Utterances
Oktari Hendayanti, Nuria Haristiani, Susi Widianti
This study aimed to describe the similarities and differences in the utterances of irony in Japanese and Indonesian in terms of maxim violations of Leech's (1983) politeness principle. The data in this study were taken from characters’ dialogue in 8 Japanese and 9 Indonesian films. The data were...
Proceedings Article
English as A Medium of Instruction at Vocational High School in Indonesia
A Multimodality-Based Instruction
Oti Rofiawati, Yanty Wirza
Teaching English as a foreign language is always difficult. Teaching and learning become considerably more necessary and time-consuming in regions where English serves a very limited purpose especially for vocational high school teachers in the 21st century. This paper aims to investigate how Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Developing Literary Tourism in South Sulawesi by Involving Folklore and Ideological Translation
A Conceptual Analysis
Prasuri Kuswarini, Masdiana, Fierenziana G Junus, Muhammad Hasyim
Indonesian tourism suffered a heavy blow when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. One of the recovery strategies issued by the Indonesian government in 2021 is storynomic tourism, which puts forward narratives, creative content, and cultural strengths. Folklore, as part of the nation's cultural wealth, can...
Proceedings Article
Self-Learning of Intonation for Declarative Sentences and Interrogative Sentences in Japanese
Puti Nur Sya’bani, Nurul Zia Aida, Aep Saeful Bachri, Neneng Sutjiati, Dewi Kusrini
This study aims to identify the independent learning processes used by Japanese language learners to enhance sentence intonation. However, different intonations are required to express different intentions, such as declarative and interrogative sentences. The experiment of pronouncing sentences in conversational...
Proceedings Article
Revealing the Determining Roles of Cybertext Contexts in Socio-Semiotic Multimodal Perspective
R. Kunjana Rahardi
The issue of context in language studies has long been the subject of debates by scientists. Internet technology that is developing very rapidly around linguistics has proven to have major impacts on changing the identity of contexts with unimodal dimensions to cybertext contexts. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of YouTube Video Learning Media on the Students’ Basic Japanese Listening Ability
Rahayu Siwi Winarni, Linna Meilia Rasiban, Juju Juangsih
The background of this study is the lack of learning media and inappropriate learning methods (still using the lecture method) in learning basic Japanese in one of the public high schools in the East Bandung area. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using YouTube videos on students'...
Proceedings Article
Proverbs as Media for Learning Local Wisdom
Cognitive Semantic Study
Ratih Rahayu, Tri Wahyuni
Proverbs are one of evidence of human existence framed in culture. It contains many admonitions, exhortations, criticisms, and even implicit prohibitions. This requires cognitive ability to understand and receive messages well. This qualitative descriptive article aims to investigate the meanings of...
Proceedings Article
Foreign Media Focusing on Indonesia’s New Capital Relocation
An Attitude Analysis Using Appraisal Approach
Retno Hendrastuti
Today the Indonesia’s new capital relocation got a big attention not only from Indonesian media but also from foreign media. This descriptive study aims at describing the attitude of foreign media discussing Indonesia’s new capital relocation. The data of the study were linguistic features such as attitudinal...
Proceedings Article
Macro and Micro Strategies to Praise and Respond on Facebook
Ridha Mashudi Wibowo, Suhandano, Tofan Dwi Hardjanto
This article aims to photograph how people use language on Facebook (FB) social media, especially when they give praise or respond to praise for a post/status. When the status is found to be good, interesting, or commendable, comments and responses containing praise are often found. The data for praising...
Proceedings Article
Web-based Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Learning to Improve Arabic Students’ Language Skills
Rinaldi Supriadi, Mia Nurmala, Andika Kurnia Rachman
This study examines the role of web-based learning in Indonesian for foreign speakers (BIPA) learning as an effort to increase the language skills of Arabic Language Education students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The research departs from the description of the problem observed by the researchers...
Proceedings Article
Critical Thinking Abilities and Korean Reading Skills: To what extent do they correlate?
Risa Triarisanti, Dwi Bhakti Oktavianto, Didi Sukyadi
According to the PISA published in 2018, Indonesia ranks third lowest in terms of reading skills, indicating that reading skills among Indonesian learners are still quite inadequate. This is perhaps due to the fact that critical thinking abilities are still lacking in Indonesia as well. Previous literature...
Proceedings Article
Variant and Usage Meaning of -tte as an End of Sentences Particle in Japanese Informal Conversations
A Semantic Study
Risma Rismelati
The purpose of this study is to examine thoroughly the meaning of -tte particle that used in Japanese informal conversations. -tte is a contraction form commonly used in informal conversational discourse in order to express hearsay (denbun) and quotation (inyou), which also known as sou da and to iu....
Proceedings Article
Subjectification as a Marker of Masculine Character in Memoir of “Di Bawah Langit Tak Berbintang” By Utuy Tatang Sontani
Rudi Ekasiswanto
Di Bawah Langit Tak Berbintang (DBLTB) by Utuy Tatang Sontani is a travel writer with which the author does subjectification, that is, emphasizing the logic of identity and difference to reveal the author’s masculinity. With Lisle and Bassnett’s travel writing theory and Connell’s masculinity theory,...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Language Variations in Text-Based Language Learning
Rusdhianti Wuryaningrum, Mulyono
Sentence variants are discourse incarnations. Language education must be exploring how the social, cultural, and even societal contexts become a formula that is no longer absurd in discourse learning. This article examines students' perceptions of language variety in the main text types: narration,...
Proceedings Article
Aesthetic Analysis and Public Perceptions of Popular Artworks in NFT Opensea Marketplace
Ruth Ardianti, Ely Andra Widharta
This research is descriptive research to find out the symptoms or effects of aesthetics and public perception of the popular artworks of the NFT (non-fungible token) Marketplace. The NFT marketplace has begun to gain popularity among Indonesians since the virality of Ghozali who managed to sell his artwork...
Proceedings Article
Activating Minority Languages in Sulawesi Through Revitalization
Santy Yulianti, Purwaningsih, Siti Fatina, Satwiko Budiono
The paper reports language revitalization efforts conducted in Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi. The languages that were attempted to be revitalized are Tolitoli language of Central Sulawesi and Konjo Language of South Sulawesi. The two languages are decreasing in their use in the everyday use domain....
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Sharing in Groups to Improve Learning Outcomes and Social Skills of Elementary School Students
Siti Rohmah, Rusyiah, Cecep Maman Hermawan, Diah Mutiara, Adlan Fauzi Lubis, Siti Shofiyah, Okta Rosfiani
Cooperative learning is a learner-centered learning process, where students share knowledge in groups. Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) is a type of cooperative learning that is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills. This study aims to describe the use of the STAD type...
Proceedings Article
The Sense of “Being There” in Higher Indonesian Distance Learning
Students’ Perspectives
Suharno Suharno, Didi Suherdi, Wawan Gunawan
As distance learning has emerged as the imperative new mode of teaching and learning following the abrupt closure of schools and universities, the research on this area has significantly thrived. And in the case of Indonesia, numerous research on online learning has been documented since then. However,...
Proceedings Article
Dissecting Students' Distance Learning Experiences with Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework
The Case of EFL Classroom
Suharno Suharno, Didi Suherdi, Wawan Gunawan
Extended pandemic has mounted concern about the quality of instruction as engagement among course participants, teacher and content remains a problem albeit the use of technology. Disruption in education characterized by techno-mediated instruction has changed the paradigm on evaluating the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
Love-Themed Story Relief on Javanese Temples
A Phylo-Archeological Studies
Sukawati Susetyo
Story reliefs are one of the media that artists use to relay a message to society. It mainly has stories with religious, heroic, to affection values written implicitly in the story reliefs. These messages can be understood well by us if the relief is sculptured in a communicative way, and vice versa,...
Proceedings Article
Technology, Literature, and the Digital World on Novel Reading Applications
Suryami, Erlis Nur Mujiningsih
This study attempts to investigate readers' ability in understanding digital literature. The study was conducted by using a qualitative descriptive method and used novel reading applications and users’ feedback as source of data. The data were collected through questionnaire. The findings shows...
Proceedings Article
Digital Funeral as Solution for Revitalizing Batak's Funeral Rites Mangokal Holi
Suzen HR Lumban Tobing
Tradition for the Toba Batak is a tool to construct and express identity. One of the main traditions related to the construction of Batak Toba ethnic identity is the Mangokal Holi ritual – the excavation of ancestral bones from the tomb to be put together in a mass clan grave on Samosir Island. The continuity...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing of Indonesian Japanese Learners
Thurfatun Nadhifah, Nuria Haristiani, Herniwati
This research aims to analyze the code-switching and code-mixing between Japanese and Indonesian languages used by the basic and intermediate level of Japanese language learners. It also examines the causes of code-switching and code-mixing they made. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data...
Proceedings Article
Transformation of Folklore Texts into Interactive Multimedia Digital Forms as Blended Learning Teaching Material
Titin Setiartin Ruslan, Eka Wahyu Hidayat, Ipah Muzdalipah, Agi Ahmad Ginanjar
Generation Z students spend more time accessing digital devices, exploring information on the internet, communicating, and interacting on social media. This generation is more pragmatic and analytical in thinking. They will be challenged to find information through digital devices and be able to learn...
Proceedings Article
Trigatra Bahasa Model in Central-West Java Border Area
Teachers Assessment
Tri Indri Hardini, Dadang Sunendar, Yulianeta
This report is a part of a larger research in the effort to optimize the strategies in planning, developing, fostering, and protecting languages, all of which lead to inter-ethnic harmony. This strategy is very important and fundamental because the issue of language is closely related to the maintenance...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka to Early Literacy
A Program Evaluation
Tri Indri Hardini, Yulianeta, Dingding Haerudin, Yanty Wirza
MBKM or Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Independent Learning, Independent Campus) offers a variety of programs to diversify students’ learning experiences outside traditional college learning. This study examines the implementation of the Kampus Mengajar Program in the year 2021 and reports on program...
Proceedings Article
A Comparative Move Analysis of Religious Sermons by Influential Female and Male Islamic Scholars
Tri Rina Budiwati, Amir Ma’ruf, Tofan Dwi Hardjanto
As complete professional texts, sermons could be analyzed based on Swales’ framework of move analysis to reveal their conventional schematic structure. Thus, the current study aims at analyzing and comparing the rhetorical moves in English non-Friday sermons by female and male most influential Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Relevance of Evaluation in Rancagé Diajar Basa Sunda Textbook for Sixth Graders with Operational Verbs in the Revised 2013 Curriculum
Tri Wahyu Juliana
This research was motivated by the importance of the textbooks' role in the learning process. The conformity between the textbook's evaluation and curriculum is crucial. Numerous studies on textbooks evaluation have been previousy conducted, but few studies focused on the evaluation of textbooks...
Proceedings Article
A Systematic Review on the Utilization of Augmented Reality in Language Learning
Velayeti Nurfitriana Ansas, Nadya Devina Permata, Fhira Marsya
The purpose of this article is to review the utilization of Augmented Reality (AR) in foreign language learning. This article particularly reports on the results of review of several journal articles related to AR as a medium for learning foreign languages at all levels. The reviewed articles were published...
Proceedings Article
Functions of Using Emoji in Japanese Sentences in Twitter
Via Luviana Dewanty, Ghaida Farisya
Emoji comes from a Japanese word, literally meaning "image letter", which is a small digital image or pictorial symbol that represents something, feeling, or concept used in text messages and other electronic communications. This study aims to describe the role and function of emojis used by...
Proceedings Article
Tracing the Meaning of Self-Existence Through the Use of Pontianak Malay Language on Social Media
Wahyu Damayanti, Martina, Syamsurizal, Musfeptial, Binar Kurniasari Febrianti
This study aims to analyse the use of Pontianak Malay showing meaning of self-existence on social media. The study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and has employed ethnolinguistic theory as proposed by Crystal (1995). The data were collected from the posts and comments in social media accounts...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Needs Analysis in Learning General English
A Case at A German Education Study Program
Wenda Marlin Kakerissa, Nenden Sri Lengkanawati
It is a fact that general English material is mostly dominated by materials such as daily conversation, tenses or grammar, vocabulary, and some of language expressions, like asking permission, apologizing, asking direction, and giving suggestion. Nevertheless, some questions may arise regarding the needs...
Proceedings Article
The Language Use in TikTok Social Media as A Means of Entertainment for the Community
Wening Handri Purnami
Social media has served many purposes, such as entertaining and expressing creativity like TikTok. Using a structural linguistic theory, this study aims to investigate the language use and language form in TikTok social media. The study used qualitative approach and employed a document analysis on TikTok...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Indonesian-Japanese Folklore Enrichment Book as A Cross-Cultural Understanding for BIPA Students
Y. Yulianeta, H. Halimah, Moriyama, Dewi P. Amandangi, Fani Fajrini Darma Dalel
Indonesian for foreign speakers, or BIPA, uses folklore content from the place of origin of BIPA students as an effort of cross-cultural understanding and to minimize cultural shock. Using the concept of comparative literature, several Indonesian-Japanese folklore texts were compiled into an enrichment...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Scientific Writing Skills Through Article Coaching Clinic Program
Yayan Nurbayan, Anwar Sanusi, Mohamad Zaka Farisi, Ripaldi Sabarno
One of the causes of the low number of students in scientific publications is the fact that they do not have sufficient skills or experience in compiling journal articles. The Department of Arabic Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has organized an intensive coaching clinic program for journal...