Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019)
497 authors
- Riatma, Darmawan Lahru
- Development of Learning Media for Force and Work for Junior High Schools with AR and VR Technology
- Rintayati, Peduk
- The Urgency of Science Comic Based on Local Culture in Forming Elementary School Character of Environmental Care and Awareness
- Rintayati, Peduk
- Preservice Elementary School Teachers’ Need for Interactive Multimedia Based on Augmented Reality in Science Learning
- Riyadi
- Analysis of Written Mathematical Communication Skills of Elementary School Students
- Riyadi
- Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Abilities in Primary Schools
- Riyadi, Iswan
- The Implementation of Thematic–Scientific Learning to Build High-Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
- Rizal, Yenni
- Calibration and Standardization of Happiness Measurement Through Rasch Models Based on Multiethnic Teenagers in Indonesia
- Rochmah, Elfi Yuliani
- Perceptions and Expectations of Students Toward Academic Tutoring Services
- Rochmawati, Dyah
- Recounting as Realization of Brown and Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies in Instructional Interactions
- Rodliyah, Iesyah
- The Development of Education Game Learning Training Module Based on Information Technology in Industrial Revolution 4.0 for Teachers in MI Al Asy’ari Jombang
- Roemintoyo
- Implementing Management Vocational School of Building Relate Inclusive Concept with Approach of Diversities Program and Universal Design Learning
- Roemintoyo
- Teaching Strategies as a Powerful Hidden Curriculum: A Review Study
- Rohmalina
- Effect of Father’s Involvement in Early Childhood Education
- Rohman, Arif
- Intervention of “Religious Activities” Instilling the Character of the Responsibility in Early Childhood to Welcome Revolution 4.0
- Rohman, Arif
- A Self-Government School with the Freedom to Determinate their Own Ideal Concept of Liberal School in Sanggar Anak Alam
- Rokhmaniyah
- Error Analysis of Learning Management in the Preliminary Classroom Activities of Lower Grade Elementary School Teachers in the District of Buluspesantren Kebumen, Indonesia
- Rokhmaniyah
- Mathematical Basic Ability Test in the Third Grade of Elementary School (a Case Study in Kebumen)
- Rosli, Siti Nur Wahida
- Sign Language Skills of Teachers in the Subject of Islamic Education
- Rosliyah, Yuyun
- Internalization of Character Values Through Project-Based Learning, Specifically Children’s Song Translation
- Rosmaladewi, Okke
- Agrotechnology Study Program Revitalization Through Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School on Indonesian National Qualification Framework-Based for Quality Improvement
- Rukayah
- Conceptual Biotechnology Measured by Using a Two-Tier Multiple Test
- Rukayah
- Teaching Strategies as a Powerful Hidden Curriculum: A Review Study
- Rusdyaningtyas, Eva Tri
- Teacher’s Policy Using Dangdut Music to Support Classroom Learning
- Rusnaini
- Interactive Multimedia Based on “Sumpah Pemuda” Values: An Innovation for Civic Education
- Rusnaini
- Increasing the Society’s Engagement Role Through Interfaith Dialogue
- Rusnaini
- Perception Students Collage About Global Citizenship to Aware with Global Issue
- Rustan, Nurul Azmy
- Analysis of Science Process Skill on Science Learning in Primary School
- Salabiyati, Icuk
- The Teacher’s Perspectives About Challenges of Teaching English for Young Learners: A Case Study at English Course for Young Learners
- Salasiah
- Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
- Saleh, Mursid
- School Literacy Improvement Efforts in a State Junior High School
- Sani, Amirul Wisnu
- Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency
- Santoso, Gunawan Budi
- Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency
- Saputra, Dudu Suhandi
- The Development of Android-Based Learning Media in Multiplication Concept for the Fourth Grade of Primary School
- Saputra, Dudu Suhandi
- The Development of Android-Based Mobile Learning in Learning Sundanese Script for Elementary School Students
- Saputra, Edy Cahya
- Sociodrama Techniques in Group Guidance to Improve Vocational High School Student’s Confidence to Face the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Saputra, Ikrimah
- Civic Literacy Reinforcement to Cope with the Age of Free Flow of Information: Lesson Learned from Students in Boarding School Environment
- Saputro, Dewi Retno Sari
- Contribution of Learning Independence and Think Talk Writing Learning Model Toward Student Mathematical Communication Skill
- Saputro, Sulistyo
- Profile of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning
- Sari, Ama Farida
- Increasing the Society’s Engagement Role Through Interfaith Dialogue
- Sari, Dewi Ika
- The Concept of Human Literacy as Civics Education Strategy to Reinforce Students’ Character in the Era of Disruption
- Sari, Eka Fitri Novita
- The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games
- Sarifah, Iva
- Developing Geometry Students Worksheet Based on Realistic Mathematics for Learning in Elementary School
- Sariningtias, Rizki
- The Van Hiele Geometry Thinking Level of Autism Students
- Sarwanto
- The Effect of Gender on Student Learning Style in Class IV, SD N Mangkuyudan
- Sarwanto
- Enhancement of Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Problem-Based Learning Multimedia
- Satari, Noratiqah
- Malaysian Early Childhood Educators’ Perceptions Regarding Children’s Social–Emotional Development
- Satrio, I Putu Bayu Ardhya
- Tendency for Learning Plateau: Literature Study in Grade Five at Bandung Regency Primary School
- Seftia, Niken
- Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
- Septiani, An-nisa Nur Sholihah Indah
- Interactive Multimedia Based on “Sumpah Pemuda” Values: An Innovation for Civic Education
- Setiawan, Arif Ady
- The Role of “Info Cegatan Klaten,”, a Social Community, on Strengthening Youth Civic Engagement
- Setyadi, Dwi Bambang Putut
- Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency
- Sholikhah, Atik Mar’atus
- Transformational Leadership of Inclusion Principals in SD Negeri Giwangan, Yogyakarta
- Siregar, Nani Restati
- Teachers’ Understanding About Executive Function Toward Mathematics
- Siswanto, Budi
- Implementing Management Vocational School of Building Relate Inclusive Concept with Approach of Diversities Program and Universal Design Learning
- Slamet
- Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in Improving the State Primary School Culture
- Slamet, Isnandar
- Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Terms of Emotional Intelligence with TGT and TAI Models
- Slamet, Isnandar
- How the Effects of the 21st-Century Learning Model on Higher Level Thinking Ability and Mathematical Learning Creativity Viewed from Student Mathematical Disposition
- Slamet, St. Y.
- Curriculum Management in Education Era 4.0 at International Islamic Elementary School Al-Abidin Surakarta (SDII Al-Abidin)
- Slamet, St. Y.
- Utilization of Information and Communication Technology for Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools
- Soeparmi
- Analysis of the Preliminary Ability of Scientific Literacy on Temperature and Heat
- Sonny, Michael
- Ease Evaluation Using the Best Moodle Learning Management System with Data Mining Concepts
- Soraya, Irani
- The Effect of Curriculum Peculiarities on Psychological Well-Being Possessed by Students and Alumni of SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School
- Sriwardiningsih, Enggal
- How Could Website, Motivation, Internet Literacy, and Satisfaction Influence Student’s Education Behavior
- Sriyanto, Muhammad Ismail
- The Effectiveness of the Use of Digital-Based Educational Comic Media in Improving Reading Interest in Elementary School Students
- Sriyono, Heru
- How is the Influence of Critical Thinking on Education Revolution Era 4.0?: A Pilot Study
- Subarkah, Affif Firdaus
- Curriculum Management in Education Era 4.0 at International Islamic Elementary School Al-Abidin Surakarta (SDII Al-Abidin)
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- The Urgency of Science Comic Based on Local Culture in Forming Elementary School Character of Environmental Care and Awareness
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Fulfillment of the Right to Social Guidance for Children in Elementary School
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Creative Thinking Skills in Science Lessons in Elementary Schools
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Preservice Elementary School Teachers’ Need for Interactive Multimedia Based on Augmented Reality in Science Learning
- Suciningrum, Rohmah
- Utilization of Information and Communication Technology for Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools
- Sudiyanto
- Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency
- Sudiyanto
- Analysis on Mathematics Learning Misconceptions of the Second-Grade Students of Elementary School in Addition and Subtraction Integer Topics
- Sudiyanto
- The Role of Teachers’ in Developing Students’ Cooperative Attitudes
- Sugiyono
- Madrasah Education Management Ibtidaiyah Ma’arif Saman Bantul
- Sugiyono
- Implementation of Inclusive Education in Yogyakarta Private Primary School
- Suhari
- Recounting as Realization of Brown and Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies in Instructional Interactions
- Suharno
- The Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Based on Creative Industry to Improve Competency of Entrepreneurship of Vocational High School Students
- Suharno
- Thematic Learning in Elementary School: Problems and Possibilities
- Sujarwo
- The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games
- Sujarwo, Markus
- Analysis on Mathematics Learning Misconceptions of the Second-Grade Students of Elementary School in Addition and Subtraction Integer Topics
- Sukarno
- The Impact of Reading Activity Before Lesson on Creative Thinking Skill
- Sukarno
- Strengthening of School-Based Character Education (Case Study of Full-Day School at Cemara Dua Elementary School, Surakarta)
- Sukarno
- The Effect of Means Ends Analysis Model on Reasoning Skills of Planes
- Sukarno
- Problems Faced by Participants Online Continuing Professional Development for Principals and Strategies to Solve
- Sukiri
- The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games
- Sukoco, Pamuji
- Implementation of Motivation Physical Education Learning in Elementary Schools
- Sukri, Akhmad
- Student Perspectives in the Implementation of Learning Based on Lesson Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Mataram
- Sulistiyarini, Ambar
- The Impact of Reading Activity Before Lesson on Creative Thinking Skill
- Sulisworo, Dwi
- The Utilization of Mobile Learning in Junior High School Physics Science Learning in Rural Area of Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
- Sumartias, Suwandi
- The Importance of Local Wisdom in Building National Character in the Industrial Age 4.0
- Sumarwati
- Problems Faced by Participants Online Continuing Professional Development for Principals and Strategies to Solve
- Sumarwati
- Learning of Local Wisdom About Food Security in Rural Primary School: Identification of Materials and Learning Strategies
- Sumiati, Tati
- Indigenous Wisdom and Technology-Enabled Learning: Efforts to Prepare LPTK Graduates for the 21st Century
- Sunardi
- Thematic Learning in Elementary School: Problems and Possibilities
- Sunardi
- Preschool Teachers’ Attitude Toward Inclusive Education in Central Java, Indonesia
- Sunardi, Yulius
- Teachers’ Understanding About Executive Function Toward Mathematics
- Sunarno, Widha
- Profile of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High Schools in Surakarta
- Sunarno, Widha
- Analysis of the Preliminary Ability of Scientific Literacy on Temperature and Heat
- Surahman, Endang
- POE2WE Model as an Alternative for Learning Physics in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era