Proceedings of the 1st International Integrative Conference on Health, Life and Social Sciences (ICHLaS 2017)
50 articles
Proceedings Article
[WITHDRAWN]Perinatal Al-Quran Sound Affects Novel Object Recognition Memory and Hippocampal Formation Cell Count
Tryando Bhatara, Achadiyani Achadiyani, Uni Gamayani
Brain development is influenced by many factors including sensory stimulation. Al-Quran sound as a form of auditory stimulation may influence nervous systems related to learning and memory. We investigated the effect of Al-Quran auditory stimulation to NOR (Novel Object Recognition) memory and amount...
Proceedings Article
Burn Healing with Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) Leaves Extract as A Topical and Systemic Treatments
A.F. Hapsari, D.A.W. Setyaningrum, R.P. Wardhani, A. Alfina, W.A. Dzakiy, R.B. Ginting, M.F. Fajriansyah
Burn is still an important problem in health facility worldwide. Burns management from ancients ago until now is quite varied either giving topical therapy alone or combination with systemic drug along with various clinical considerations. Research on the healing of burns with phytoextract has been done...
Proceedings Article
Mitotic Index In Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Nst (IDC-Nst) of Breast and Its Relation With Tumor Size and Regional Lymph Nodes Status
Dyah Ayu Woro Setyaningrum, N.C. Siregar, H. Tjahjadi
Until nowadays, breast cancer is still the highest malignancy in women in both the developing and developed countries. The main causes of death in breast cancer is metastasis. Patients who have experienced distant metastases have a poor prognosis. Proliferation is a biological process that is important...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Learning Family Medicine in Community in Preclinical Students of Medical Faculty of University of Riau
Elda Nazriati, Adi Heru Husodo, Ova Emilia, Tri Nur Kristina
WHO recommends for training students in family settings, but its implementation is still challenging. This study was aimed to evaluate learning in family setting with home visit model. One hundred and ten preclinical students of sixth semester were participated in this study. A post-test only control...
Proceedings Article
Genetic pattern of CYP1A1*2A (T>C) gene in patients with colorectal cancer in South Jakarta – Indonesia
Chris Adhiyanto, Witri Ardini, Hoirun Nisa, Zeti Harriyati, Suryani, Dina A. Amu, Kemal A.L. Fajar, Taslim Poniman, Rofi Saunar, W. Aditomo
The information of relationship between genetics and cancer in Indonesia, especially colon cancer, is still limited. This study aimed to determine the genetic pattern of colon cancer allele in Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta -Indonesia. We conducted a case-control study of 40 colorectal cancer patients and...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluations of Bleach as Decontaminant Solution to Promote The Positivity Rate of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Culture for Sputum Specimen
Erike Anggraini Suwarsono, Agus Sjahrurachman, Anis Karuniawati
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is still worldwide health problems. Sputum is contaminated by normal flora, that make its should be decontaminated prior to culture. Bleach known as a potent disinfectant, easy to access because it is commercially available, could be the alternative solution as decontaminant...
Proceedings Article
Designing An Ideal Model For Skill Laboratory Teaching And Learning In Developing Country, Lesson Learnt From Indonesian Medical School
Erike Anggraini S., Dyah Ayu W. Setyaningrum, Riva Auda
Skill laboratory teaching and learning is a part of medical school curriculum. The learning involves many things such as knowledge as well as affective and psychomotor capability, tutor role, and faculty financial support. In developing country, there is not only financial burden to support skill laboratory...
Proceedings Article
Association Between 25(OH)D Serum Levels with Calcaneus Bone Mass Density in Elderly at Rural Public Health Care Clinics of Jakarta Islamic State University in 2017
Achmad Zaki, Nurhayati Adnan, Sudarto Ronoatmodojo, Fika Ekayanti, Flori R. Sari, Amalina Fitrasari, Ning Indah P
Osteoporosis is systemic bone disease marked by decline of bone mass density (BMD) and deterioration of bone microarchitecture so that bones become brittle and break easily. With the increasing of life expectancy, number of elderly in Indonesia will increase simultaneously. Estimated 10% of Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome caused by treatment with traditional herbal medicine, a case report
Hari Hendarto
Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome is caused by the administration of exogenous glucocorticoids. The use of exogenous glucocorticoids has been found as an adulterant in many traditional, alternative medicines. In this case report, we describe a patient with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome due to chronic use...
Proceedings Article
Prolactinoma with galactorrhea and dysfunction erectile in man, a case report
Hari Hendarto
Prolactinoma, is the most common type of pituitary adenoma. Signs and symptoms are due to either the effect of excess hormone secretion or local compression. Here we report a male patient with prolactinoma presented with high prolactin level, severe headache, diffuse arthralgias, visual field impairment,...
Proceedings Article
The Wet Cupping Therapy Stimulates Inflammatory Responses
Wahyudi Widada
Body has a great immune system among others of lymphocytes population. The biggest parts are T (timus) cell, B (bone) cell and Natural Killer cell (NK). T CD8+ cell is destroying cell infected by virus and tumor cell, while NK cell is natural killer cell in mechanism of inflammatory responses. Cupping...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Addition of Skim Milk in Tea To The Activity of Antioxidant Tea
Kristina Simanjuntak, A.Z. An'umillah, Lasma Nurhayati
Tea drinks are often used daily, and good for health because they contain antioxidants. This drink is often mixed with milk, and tastes so delicious, but the levels of tea antioxidants are reduced. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of additional skim milk on tea antioxidant activity....
Proceedings Article
Portfolio Assessment Implementation in Clinical Year of Community Medicine Module: Students Perspective
Fika Ekayanti, Risahmawati Risahmawati, Marita Fadhilah
Portfolio has been used as summative assessment in many fields of study. Since 2010, clinical community medicine module has used portfolio to assess students. Nine portfolios were assigned to students within 5 weeks length module. This study aimed to identify the correlation of students' perspective...
Proceedings Article
Sharia Based Marketing Analysis Communication and Education Affiliates to Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty on Inpatient Services Unit Jakarta Islamic Hospital 2016
Andriyani Asmuni, Nurmaini Hasibuan
In this era of globalization business competition becomes very sharp, both in the domestic market (national) and international market (global). The era of globalization characterized by the revolution in communication technology and information technology has resulted in tremendous changes. To win the...
Proceedings Article
Dengue Virus Serotypes of Children Diagnosed with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever at Syarif Hidayatullah and Fatmawati General Hospital Jakarta
Riva Auda, Debbie Latupeirissa
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is an infectious disease caused by dengue virus has become one of the most important viral disease worldwide. DHF is re-emerging arboviral disease of great public heath importance, and it has spread to all tropical countries in the world. Pattern of dengue virus are serotypes...
Proceedings Article
Indoor Air Quality And Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Infection In Children Under Five In Marunda Public Flats North Jakarta
Sonia Nur Anggraeni, Dewi Utami Iriani
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an environment-based disease caused by poor air quality. According to WHO, 1.9 million children die from ARI each year. Indonesia is the fifth country with the highest ARI occurrence in the world. One of the factors that influence the symptom of ARI in infants is...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALAD) Gene Polymorphism in Students of Elementary School in Kalideres, Jakarta
Annisa Firdausi, Rini Puspitaningrum, Chris Adhiyanto, Nurmasari Sartono, Afifah izzati Afifah izzati
Polymorphism in ALAD genes is form of adaptation mechanism environment changes due to pollutants Pb (Lead) and have an impact on the health risks. Accumulation of Pb in the lowest air pollutants may be a risk to children's health. Children with height range between 100 – 140 cm (6 to 9 years old) may...
Proceedings Article
Do Medical Students Have Sufficient Opportunity to Implement Their Clinical Skill in Primary Care Setting?
Marita Fadhilah, Fika Ekayanti, Risahmawati Risahmawati
Universal health coverage requires tiered referral system that makes majority basic health service is conducted in primary care setting. To support it, on 2012 Indonesia Medical Council has assigned Indonesia medical doctor standard competency (SKDI). Medical faculty should teach medical students with...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALAD) Gene Polymorphism and Its Association with Anemia in Medical Study Programs and Doctor Profession 2012-2014 Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
Moch Rizki Ramadhan, Chris Adhiyanto, Zeti Harriyati
Delta-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) is an enzyme that catalyzes the condensation of two mollecules Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to form Monopyrrole phorpobilinogen (PBG) in the pathway for heme synthesis. ALAD gene polymorphism is important for Lead (Pb) metabolism in blood. Recent studies indicated...
Proceedings Article
Correlation between Implementation of Inter Professional Education (IPE) and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) among Medical Student of Muhammadiyah Malang University
Gita S Prihanti, Krida A Yulia
Inter professional teamwork in healthcare is needed to improve patient outcome treatments. It's introduced in medical education curriculum with Inter Professional Education (IPE) methods. Patient's health care needs Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) that's can be find in literature and reference such as...
Proceedings Article
The Description of Polymorphism of CYP1A1*2A rs4646903 (T>C) Gene as Colorectal Cancer Risk Factor In Medical Study Programs and Doctor Profession 2012-2014 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Nurul Fathimah, Chris Adhiyanto, Hari Hendarto
Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of death from all cancer cases in Indonesia. From previous research it is known that there is a relationship between genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 (CYP) with the incidence of colorectal cancer. Therefore, research team of FKIK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Individual Counseling Toward Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Pregnant Woman about The Ante Natal Care in East Ciputat Public Health Center Year 2016
Wahyu A. Haryoso, Mustika Anggiane Putri, Marita Fadhilah, Taufik Zain, Risahmawati Risahmawati
The rate of maternal and infant mortality are still high in Indonesia, one of the causes is the high rate of low birth weight. There are many etiology of low birth weight, and most of them are preventable if pregnant women do antenatal care (ANC) during pregnancy. Aim of this research is to determine...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Robusta (Coffea canephora var. Robusta) Coffee Brew on Pulmonary Histopathological Changes in Male Wistar Strain White Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Dian Y. Lestaria, Meddy Setiawanb, Lukman Baihaqic
The acrylamide content in coffee is formed during roasting process. Acrylamide is a carcinogenic substance which allows the occurrence of lung tumors in mice. Acrylamide causes mutations of EGFR and KRAS proto-oncogenes that increase the risk of lung tumors. Objective: This study aimed to prove the effect...
Proceedings Article
Predicting Factors of Maternal Depression During the First Three Months After Delivery Among Low- Income Family in Indonesia
Irma Nurbaeti, Wannee Deoisres, Pornpat Hengudomsub
Maternal depression is recognized as a significant mental health problem in postpartum circumstances, particularly, prevalence may be considerably higher among low-income. The purpose of study was to identify average maternal postpartum depression and its predicting factors among low-income family during...
Proceedings Article
The type of microorganisms in early-onset neonatal sepsis in the infant care unit
Yanti Susianti, Arum Gunarsih
Background. Based on health research in 2007 found that infections were the cause of death of newborn number 3 (12%). Diagnosis Early-Onset neonatal sepsis (EO) was not easy to get prove of kind of microorganism, if only based on clinical symtomps due to systemic respons. Objective. Knowing the type...
Proceedings Article
Nutrition Services in the Integrated Health Service Point: Qualitative Study in Rajeg, Banten.
Francisca. A. Tjakradidjaja, A. Febrianti,, W Ardini,, N Hiedayati,, I Amalia,, A Firnas,, Erfira Erfira
The participation and community involvement in solving health problems is needed. One of the health problems facing is malnutrition. In Indonesia, Posyandu is an Integrated Health Service Point that are organized from, by, and for the community. Posyandu activities run by cadre, the trained community...
Proceedings Article
Case Study: Exploration of Medical Student Self- Directed Learning (SDL) Process
Francisca A Tjakradidjaja, Yayi S Prabandari, Titi S Prihatiningsih, Harsono Harsono
Self-directed learning (SDL) emphasized the students to be responsible in their learning process. SDL capabilities need to be owned by physicians, so physicians will be able to face the continuous scientific changes and they can develop the lifelong learning capabilities. This study aimed to explore...
Proceedings Article
Improving Knowledge on The Prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Among Elementary School Students in Jakarta, Indonesia: A Quasi Experimental Study
Narila M Nasir, Baequni Baequni
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) remains as one of major public health problems in Indonesia. During the years, Jakarta has become the province with high number of DHF cases. To reduce the cases, DHF prevention initiative can be done through health education. The objective of this study was to assess the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Olive (Olea europea L.) Leaves on BALB/c Mice
Nurul Hiedayati, Nurlaely M. Rachmawati, Riva Auda, M. Iqbal Dzaki, Nihayatul Kamila, Aris Purnomo
Olives has been mentioned in holly books, Quran and Bible, as medicinal and good nutritional food. People using it as a herbal medicine for centuries. However, we concern about its toxicity to some organs tissues. In this study, we observed histopathological changes on stomach, liver and kidney tissues...
Proceedings Article
Safety and Health Promotion Program Implementation of PT Varley Indonesia
Rizqi Suryaramadhanty, Siti Rahmah H Lubis
Every work place has its specific risk of accident which can be the main problem for some companies. One of the solution to minimize those outcome is by implementing the safety and health promotion program. These program can control the unsafe act of the worker and the unsafe condition of the work place...
Proceedings Article
Overview of the Application of Risk Assessment on the Finishing Unit in PT. X 2017
Muhammad Aqila, Siti Rahmah H Lubis
Risk assessment is one of the activities conducted by PT X to apply Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the company. Risk assessment in PT X aims to identify potential hazard factors present in the workplace, assess hazard risk from hazard factors, determine control measures against existing hazards,...
Proceedings Article
Association Between Quality of Antenatal Care Services by Midwife and Maternal Satisfaction in Ciputat Timur Public Health Center
Desty P Marlisman, Fajar Ariyanti
During antenatal care services in Ciputat Timur Health Center, midwives have difficulties of time management services especially for conducting counseling and pregnant women often could not get laboratory test. The impact of that, the pregnant women could not get the antenatal care services according...
Proceedings Article
Description of Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Program in PT. X 2017
Nanda Paramita Putri, Siti Rahmah H Lubis
Occupational Safety and Health Promotion is an attempt that created by PT. X to apply Occupational Safety and Health in the company. Implementation is mandatory to provide information related to occupational safety and health and work facilities to be conducive to safety and health in work. Occupational...
Proceedings Article
Free radical scavenger offers protection against oxidative stress in diabetic kidney
Flori R. Sari, Vivian Soetikno, A. Rajarajan, Thandavarayan Thandavarayan, Wawaimuli Arozal, Somasundaram Arumugam, Rizkiani Juleshodia, Citra Humairah, Kenichi Watanabe
Oxidative stress plays pivotal roles in heightening the pathology of diabetic nephropathy. Widely known free radical scavenger, edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazoline-5-one), has been proven to give benefits in cardiovascular and brain diseases by attenuating oxidative stress. Additionally, whether...
Proceedings Article
[WITHDRAWN]Cooling Vests With Protein-Based Fiber for Athletes' Comfort
Johansyah Lubis, Dewi Suliyanthini
Recovery process is strongly believed to be significant in improving athletes' performance during and after training. One of the recovery process is physiotherapeutic. It uses cooling vests. The existing cooling vests around are made of materials such as anti-bacterial treatment, 50% nylon jersey, 50%...
Proceedings Article
The Pattern of Intragroup Conflict and Group Performance during Interprofessional Teamwork Process among Students of Medical and Health Professionals
Dwi Tyastuti, Devy Ariany, Alfiah
Teamwork and collaborative practice are necessary tools in handling health problems and the importance of interprofessional teamwork is becoming increasingly recognized. The process of team development is a series of multilevel, overlapping responsibilities, which are intertwined with each other, and...
Proceedings Article
A Study to Investigate the Perception of First Year Pharmacy Student of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Towards the Pharmacy Profession
Nelly Suryani, Yardi Yardi
The focus of pharmacy education has shifted from product oriented to patient centre care. In the case of patient oriented, Pharmacist plays an important role in assuring the efficacy of drug to patient and preventing patient from the adverse drug event. In doing this responsibility, a pharmacist should...
Proceedings Article
Hemoglobin E Allele Screening in Adolescent Girls at Kepanjen and Gondanglegi Districts, Malang Regency, East Java-Indonesia
Nadira R Batubara, Chris Adhiyanto, Umi Fahmida, Hans-Joachim Freisleben
Woman in reproductive age have higher risk of iron deficiency anemia. However, there are other factors than iron deficiency that can cause anemia, such as genetic blood disorders or hemoglobinopathies. Hemoglobin E (HbE) is one of common blood disorders in Indonesia. HbE carriers have higher risk to...
Proceedings Article
Screening of ß-Globin Gene Mutations in Adolescent Schoolgirls in Rural Malang and Sukabumi City, Java Province, Indonesia
Chris Adhiyanto, Yanti Susianti, Nurlaely M Rahmawati, Fase Badriah, Zeti Harriati, Raisha Raisha, Ajeng RS Putri, Asry Nurvitasari, Umi Fahmida, Annasari Mustafa
Anemia is one of the major health problems in Indonesia. In general, the condition occurs because of iron deficiency. Another major factor that causes anemia in Indonesia is thalassemia. Usually, the thalassemia patient comes with severe anemia for treatment. Since thalassemia is a genetic disorder,...
Proceedings Article
Type 1 Cardio-Renal Syndrome: A Case Report
Annisa Maloveny
The Cardio-Renal Syndrome (CRS) has been de-fined by Ronco et al. as a pathophysiologic disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the other. A 55-year old woman was brought to the emergency room presented with acute...
Proceedings Article
The Perception of Fourth Year Pharmacy Student of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Towards the Pharmacy Profession
Yardi Yardi, Nelly Suryani
Pharmacy profession (pharmacist) is one of the health profession which has high responsibility for the patient health and safety. In doing this responsibility, a pharmacist should serve their patient directly. Anybody who choose the profession should aware and run it with all their heart and sincerely....
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Mahkota Dewa Fruit Extract ((Phaleria Macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl)) With Various Concentration of Methanol Solutions on Aedes Aegypti Larva Mortality
Farindira Vesti Rahmasari, Aferita Sari
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that is commonly found in Indonesia.The method to control Aedes aegypti is mostly done by using a chemical insecticide, despite its have some side effects. Recent studies have shown that larvacides from plant extracts are safe for the environment. This research's...
Proceedings Article
Behaviour Analysis on Woman's KB Acceptor of Using Intra Uterine Device (IUD) in Keranggan Public Health Center, Setu Sub-district, Tangerang Selatan City in 2016
Lilis Suryani, Siti Riftifah T Handari
Family Planning Program (Keluarga Berencana/KB) is one of the the government efforts as a solutions for the problem of overcrowding, infant mortality and maternal mortality. Family planning allows individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between Age and Food Intake Containing Purine Toward The Incidence of Hyperuricemia in Fishermen in Batukaras Village, Cijulang District, Pangandaran 2016
Slamet Sudi Santoso, Andre Bastiazeno
Enhancement of uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) can cause disturbances in the human body as feeling weary in the joints and is often accompanied by the onset of extreme pain for the sufferer. In social charity programme research conducted by Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Muhammadiyah...
Proceedings Article
Iron Deficiency is The Main Cause of Anemia in Female Students of Senior High Schools in Sukoharjo Regency with No Polymorphism of Transferrin Receptor 1
Dwi Rahayu, Dono Indarto, Budiyanti Wiboworini, Ratih Dewi Yudhani, Ratna Kusumawati
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in reproductive females remains a public health problem in Indonesia. Transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) is one of important proteins, which are involved in regulation of the iron metabolism in the human body. Mutation of A210G TfR1 gene increases soluble TfR levels in some patients...
Proceedings Article
Association between Transaminase Serum Levels and Severity of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever among Hospitalized Adult Patients in South Tangerang Regional General Hospital
Femmy N Akbar, Silvia Dewi, Mery Nitalia, Meizi F Ahmad, Ahmad Sisjufri
Liver dysfunction is one of complication in dengue infection. Manifestation could be enlargement of liver and mild to moderate increase of transaminase enzyme (SGOT & SGPT) level. Transaminase level tend to be increase along with the severity of disease. This study aim to know characteristic of transaminase...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Duration Tuberculosis Treatment on Depression Symptoms Level of Tuberculosis Patients in Karang Bahagia Primary Health Care Bekasi
Risky Akaputra, Sabrina Qurrotaa'yun
Tuberculosis (TB) is an inflammatory pulmonary parenchymal disease caused by a bacterial infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which requires a long period of treatment so that it can affect the onset of depression in patients with pulmonary TB. To find out whether there is a correlation between duration...
Proceedings Article
Functional and Behavioral Adaptation After Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia Induction in Sprague-Dawley Rats Brain
Fanny S. Farhan, Mohamad Sadikin, Sri WA. Jusman, Wawan Mulyawan
Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) is believed to have neuroprotective effect. IHH induces changes in gene expression and intracellular signaling pathways that lead to the emergence of intracellular adaptation through HIF-1 alpha gene activity. IHH induction decreased brain cortical tissue damage,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Tangkil Flakers Changes Against Hand Pain in Emping Industry Workers in Banten
Maria E Putri
The position of work and tools that are not appropriate can cause a pain. In emping workers, many complained about musculoskeletal disorders in the form of hand pain. A very simple hammer tool was still used in emping maker. This study aims to examine the effect of tangkil flakers changes on hand pain....
Proceedings Article
Factors That Affect The K4 In Indonesia
Kirana Anggraini, Krisnawati Bantas, Sandra Fikawati, Raditya Wratsangka
K4 coverage targets for according to health programs in Indonesia namely of 95% is still difficult to achieve. From various provinces in Indonesia, only 3 provinces that managed to hit the target, namely the provinces of Jakarta, West Java and Riau. The low coverage of K4 in various provinces in Indonesia...