Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2023 (ICEBM 2023)

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24 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Keni Keni, Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari, Teoh Ai Ping
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 12th ICEBM Untar 2023 during November 16th, 2023 in Surakarta, Indonesia These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a...
Proceedings Article

Examining the Interplay between Destination Image, Destination Brand Attachment, Subjective Norm and Attitude on Visit Intention

Keni Keni, Nicholas Wilson, Lydiawati Soelaiman
This research was undertaken to investigate how four critical factors - specifically, destination image, destination brand attachment, subjective norm and attitude - impact individuals’ intention to visit Riau Island. The study adopted a survey-based approach, employing questionnaires as the primary...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Religiosity on Students’ Entrepreneurship in Indonesia

Dahlia Ibsal, Junaidi Junaidi, Rahmawati Rahmawati
This study explores how student religiosity effects self-efficacy and motivation to become entrepreneurs. The sample is 510 students in three Indonesia districts, namely, Sulawesi Selatan, Yogyakarta, dan Kalimantan Barat. Structural equation modelling was used to confirm research hypotheses. The result...
Proceedings Article

The Antecedent Intention to Purchase Eco-Friendly Motorcycles

Tanti Handriana, Praptini Yulianti, Aloysius Alvin Susetyo
The aims of this study to analyze the factors that influence consumer intentions to buy eco-friendly motorcycles. The data are collected through an online survey. This research involved 190 respondents. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square software used as analysis technique...
Proceedings Article

Do Personality Traits Predict Online Adolescent Consumers’ Impulsive Fashion Buying Behavior?

Bonar Hutapea, Valencia Christabel
Several previous studies have found that Indonesians adolescents tend to purchase clothes impulsively, but it is still rare to focus on personality. This study uncovered the effect of personality traits on impulsive buying in the online fashion segment, particularly fashion products. 386 teenagers’ responses...
Proceedings Article

Case Study of the Grade A Construction Company on Operational Difficulties in Taiwan

Tung-Fa Chen, Te-Tsai Lu
The construction industry plays a crucial role in the national economic development. Despite the Taiwan government investment substantial in various infrastructure, the operational challenges faced by the construction industry still severe, especially for “Grade A” construction companies. The study encompasses...
Proceedings Article

Assessing the Influence of Green Finance on the Financial Sustainability Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Comparative Analysis of Malaysia and Indonesia

Ali Zainal Abidin, Sonia Lohana, Kenny Pradipta Montoya Putra Pratama
In response to global environmental concerns and the growing emphasis on sustainability, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have emerged as significant players in promoting environmentally responsible practices. This paper investigates the impact of green finance on the financial sustainability...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Microcredit Effectiveness for Surakarta MSMEs Post-Pandemic

Ali Zainal Abidin, Kenny Pradipta Montoya Putra Pratama, Onis Sofina Herawati
This research aims to unveil the effectiveness of microcredit, a form of financial service for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Surakarta. The reason for conducting this research is the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the MSME sector, putting them in dire need of capital...
Proceedings Article

Cash Basis Accounting Implementation: An Evidence from Indonesian Village Government

Andy Dwi Bayu Bawono, Heppy Purbasari, Banu Witono
The study investigates the application of cash basis accounting within the accounting practices of Indonesian village governments. In many developing nations, including Indonesia, the revolution from traditional bookkeeping practices to IPSAS cash basis accounting system has been a challenging and significant...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Geopolitical Conflict on Global Financial Markets

Ryan Dwi Prayoga, Muhammad Randhy Kurniawan, Ali Zainal Abidin, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati
This study examines the global market reaction triggered by the Israeli- Palestinian geopolitical conflict on October 7, 2023. This study uses the event study method. Research data for commodities such as gold, Brent oil, and crude oil was taken from Meanwhile, for the global market, several...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Vocational High Schools in Fostering Students’ Intentions in Sustainable Entrepreneurship

M. N. Nuryasman, Kartika Nuringsih, Rini Tri Hastuti
This study confirms previous studies on sustainable entrepreneurial intentions (SEI) in the learning context of vocational high schools at Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The research model places three independent variables, namely entrepreneurial education (EDU), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and social...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Transactional Leadership on Work Engagement with Organizational Commitment and Work Motivation

Andreas Wijaya, Sophia Reni Susilo, Lelly Christin, Willy Dozen, Silvani Silvani
The success of an organization is of course supported by the roles of its members, from the leader to the members of the team below. Interestingly, currently many of the workforce available are millennials, especially the challenges they face are varied in managing millennial human resources, starting...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Tourist Loyalty: Investigating Novelty, Authenticity, and Tourist Satisfaction as Mediation

Miharni Tjokrosaputro, Sanny Ekawati, Keni Keni, Ida Puspitowati
The tourism sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. Indonesia’s cultural and historical richness can drive its tourism industry. This research investigates the roles of destination authenticity and novelty in shaping tourist loyalty, with tourist satisfaction as an intervening variable....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty on Intention to Purchase Erigo Products

Erwina Aryani Wijaya, Lilis Susilawaty, Ika Pratiwi Simbolon, Rachel Tan, Natasya Deswinta Puteri
Clothing is a primary need for every individual in the world. The development of fashion in Indonesia currently experiencing rapid growth with the support of young designers’ creativity and innovation. Brand is one of the factors that make people interested in buying a product. One local product that...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Leverage, Profitability and Liquidity on Value with Corporate Governance as a Moderation in Food and Beverages Companies Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange

Ida Ayu Ratih Manuari, I Gede Cahyadi Putra
The high price of a company’s shares is a reflection of a company’s performance, so this becomes an attraction for investors in investing in that company. This research aims to test and obtain empirical evidence of the influence of leverage, profitability and liquidity on company value with corporate...
Proceedings Article

Cointegration of Interest Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rate, and Economic Growth in Indonesia

Margarita Ekadjaja, Halim Putera Siswanto, Rorlen Rorlen, Christiandinata Tjandra Bravo, Wilson Wijaya
The economy is the most important thing for a country and plays a big role for the people in that country. The economy of a country that continues to experience consistent growth can make that country undergo a transformation in a better direction so that it can compete with the economies of other countries...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Dividend Policy on Stock Prices with Debt Policy as a Moderating Variable

M. Doni Permana Putra, Ni Luh Nyoman Sherina Devi, Luh Pande Eka Setiawati, Yura Karlinda Wiasa Putri
This research aims to investigate the effect of dividend policy on stock prices with debt policy as a moderating variable in the property and real estate sector. Historical data on property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2017-2022 period is used as a sample....
Proceedings Article

Operational Efficiency and Non-Performing Loans: The Mediating Role of Net Interest Margin

I Kadek Bagiana, I Gede Cahyadi Putra, Kadek Indah Kusuma Dewi, Luh Putri Mas Mirayani, R. R. Maria Yulia Dwi Rengganis
This study investigates the relationship between the level of bank operational efficiency ratio (OER) and Non-Performing Loans (NPL) while considering Net Interest Margin (NIM) as a mediating variable. The research findings reveal that OER has a positive influence on NPL, indicating that high bank operational...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Price Segmentation and Quality Perceptions on School Selection Decisions Moderated by Digital Marketing

Intan Anjali Putri, Agus Kusnawan, Raffly Pratama Kusnawan, Virgin Nella
This research was conducted to prove whether there is an influence of price segmentation and perceived quality on school selection decisions which is moderated by digital marketing. the research utilizes a quantitative causal methodology based on a deductive-inductive approach for hypothesis testing,...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Job Satisfaction as A Mediator of Financial Compensation and Turnover Intention

I Komang Oka Permadi, J. S. I Putu Wahyu Dwinata, Ni Made Indah Mentari, Ida Ayu Komang Tiara Pratistha Sari
In a competitive business arena, companies often face challenges in keeping qualified and potential employees with them. Many companies face situations where employees have the desire or intention to leave the company, one of the reasons is dissatisfaction with the financial compensation they receive....
Proceedings Article

Influencing Gen-Z Consumer Perception of Online Course Participation: The Impact of Freebies, Social Proof, and Authority Bias in Social Media Promotion Captions

Agung Stefanus Kembau, Arihta Tarigan, Christian Haposan Pangaribuan
Unravelling the appeal of promotional advertising remains a marketing puzzle even in the age of digitalization. Behavioural economics exposes consumer irrationalities, notably the paradox of information abundance fostering confusion and decision complexity. Surprisingly, as choices multiply, consumers...
Proceedings Article

Agricultural Companies’ Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility as Viewed by Influential Factors

Sagung Oka Pradnyawati, I Gede Cahyadi Putra
The existence of agricultural companies in Indonesia makes a big contribution to food security and the production of various plantation products which not only become raw materials for various sectors but also play a role in the world of exports, however, the increase in the number of nature-oriented...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Enterprise Networks, Innovation, and Propensity to Take Risks on the Success of SMEs in the Food and Beverage Sector in West Jakarta

Winna Meiliana, Lydiawati Soelaiman
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have made significant contributions to the Indonesian economy, especially in the fast-growing food and beverage sector. This study aims to investigate the influence of enterprise networks, innovation, and propensity to take risks on the success of SMEs in the...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Factors Forming Resilience in the Tourism Industry in Indonesia

Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari, Andriew Lim, Halim Putera Siswanto, Chiara Rizka Yukianti, Salsabilla Ayundha Martsha Buana
The tourism industry has an important role in the Indonesian economy, especially in super-priority destinations. However, this industry is vulnerable to various risks and challenges, including natural disasters, climate change, and global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this research...