Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biological Science (ICBS 2021)
91 articles
Proceedings Article
Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus Associated with Yellow Mosaic Disease of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in Bengkulu, Indonesia
Mimi Sutrawati, Sipriyadi Sipriyadi, Yuni Kristina Serlyani Sihotang, Cindy Margareth Hutasoit, Parwito Parwito, Ewa Aulia
Cucumber mosaic virus, Papaya ringspot virus, Squash mosaic virus, Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus, Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus Tobacco mosaic virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl New Delhi virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus were among the viruses that infected cucumbers in Java, according to...
Proceedings Article
The Application of a New Drying Method on the Quality of Voucher Specimen
Mohd Amril Ramzi Bin Mohd Rahimi, Furzani Pa’ee
Drying the specimens is one of the crucial steps in plant preservation and the process of making Herbarium voucher specimens. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of the drying method on specimens in the laboratory using the standard method (oven) and drying in the field using a novel...
Proceedings Article
From Invasive to Creative: Transforming Salvinia molesta in Taman Botani Sri Medan into Cosmeceutical Solid Soap
Nurul Syamimi Muzaini, Furzani Pa’ee
Salvinia molesta is invasive species and is also known as the worst weed that invaded Malaysia’s native wide range of aquatic ecosystem. This study was conducted to identify the potential metabolites Salvinia molesta invasive plant species from family Salviniaceae in Taman Botani Sri Medan, Batu Pahat,...
Proceedings Article
Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Agarwood Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. Leaves Extract Using DPPH, FRAP and ABTS Assays
Aprilliani Prissilla Halim, Nastiti Wijayanti, Lisna Hidayati, Tri Rini Nuringtyas
Indonesia has been known to have large forest areas and rich in biodiversity, which could be the source of primary and secondary metabolites. Along with the technological development and research in medicine, agarwood, which was initially used only for topical body treatments, room fragrances, and religious...
Proceedings Article
Hematology Profile of Female Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)) with Diet Variations
Naila Nabila Rahmani, Ayu Aziza Ar Rachid, Laksmindra Fitria
Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)) is a rodent other than rats and mice that are commonly used in biomedical research because of its physiological similarity to humans. To meet the requirement as a standard laboratory animal, the care management of GP needs to be controlled, one of which...
Proceedings Article
The Genetic Diversity of Moringa Oleifera on Poteran Island-Madura Based on Petiole Colors Using ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) Method
Wirdhatul Muslihatin, Triono Bagus Saputro, Nur Isma Latifah, Chusnul Eka Safitri Himayani
Moringa oleifera, which is endemic of Pulau Poteran, Madura, is one of a genetic variation of Moringa. It is native Indonesian germplasm, which must be preserved to maintain the genetic biodiversity of Moringa. Known locally as kelor, the plant has four different color of petiole: red, white, purple,...
Proceedings Article
Hematology Profile of Guinea Pigs [Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)] Based on Sex and Age
Laksmindra Fitria, Sri Lestari, Asti Nur Istiqomah, Novita Paradhita Wulandari, Anggadia Shinta Wardani
Guinea pigs or Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758) is small herbivorous rodent from South America. Guinea pigs (GP) are commonly used as experimental animals, pets, food, and animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Based on these benefits, the health of GP must be considered. Blood is essential biological sample...
Proceedings Article
Molecular Comparison between Two Similar Asteraceae Species (Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. and Eleutheranthera ruderalis (Swartz) Sch._Bip) by the Use of trnL(UAA) - trnF(GAA) Intergenic Spacer
Murni Dwiati, Indrawati Indrawati, Agus Hery Susanto
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn and Eleutheranthera ruderalis (Swartz) Sch.-Bip. are two Asteraceae species showing very similar morphological appearances. Both are broad-leaf weed species in some crops throughout many tropical areas. Nevertheless, the individual species can be potentially utilized...
Proceedings Article
The Potential of Production and Characteristic of Oleoresin Tapped from Dipterocarpus verrucosus as Natural Ingredient for Multi Purposes
Andrian Fernandes, Rizki Maharani
Keruing (Dipterocarpus) is one of the Dipterocarpaceae family which produces oleoresin. Dipterocarpus species diversities will give the difference in oleoresin obtained from tapping, and its physical and chemical properties. This research aimed to determined the distribution of tapped oleoresin of D...
Proceedings Article
Metabolite Profiling of Davallia in The Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Mildawati Mildawati, Sobir Sobir, Sulistijorini Sulistijorini, Tatik Chikmawati
This study revealed the metabolite compounds of the Davallia species in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, through metabolite profiling. This study aimed to determine the chemical compounds in the leaves of the Davallia species. Leaf samples of three species, D. denticulata (Burm. f.) Kuhn var. denticulata,...
Proceedings Article
In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Limonia acidissima, L. Leaves Aqueous Extract on Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803)
Muh. Andhi Hardianto, Slamet Widiyanto
Mortality, loss of production, slowed growth, poor weight gain, and even death are all common economic losses caused by haemonchosis. Due to the emergence of anthelmintic resistance and the expensive expense of chemical anthelmintic treatments, medicinal plants have been investigated as potential anthelmintics....
Proceedings Article
Developing RAPD-derived SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) Marker for Flowering Time in Chili Pepper
Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Bunga Rizky Elfa Agustina, Joni Kusnadi
The selection step of plant breeding is a crucial stage in the process of developing new varieties which usually take a considerable long time in a conventional breeding. The development of molecular markers for selection has been carried out to reduce the time required. A Sequence Characterized Amplified...
Proceedings Article
UV Protectant Ability of Attacus atlas L. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Sericin Extract to Increase Nucleopolyhedrovirus Effectiveness against Beet Army Worm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Hana Widiawati, Sukirno Sukirno, Siti Sumarmi, Hari Purwanto, R.C. Hidayat Soesilohadi, Ignatius Sudaryadi
Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is the common pest known for attacking shallot crop. Baculovirus (Nucleopolyhedrovirus: NPV) is a biological agent that is widely used as the pest control agent. However, the activity of NPV is deteriorated when applied in the field due to the influence of ultraviolet...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of UV Radiation and Fruit Feedings (Banana and Guava) on the Survival Rate and Morphological Changes of Reproductive Organ of Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830)
Hipny Alwandri, Nafisa Kusumawati, Ignatius Sudaryadi
The increasing ozone concentration in the upper stratosphere was not significant enough to be able to protect from the detrimental effect that ultraviolet (UV) light radiates. One solution to counter this problem is by using antioxidants as protectants, such as those contained in fruits. In order to...
Proceedings Article
Diversity of Macroalgae in the Intertidal Zone of Gili Ketapang Beach, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Natasya Meri Auliadani, Faradilla Faradilla, Abdul Razaq Chasani
Indonesia is a country that has high potential in biodiversity, especially in the marine areas. As the primary producer of marine ecosystems, macroalgae provide food for many species. Macroalgae have very varied structures but are generally divided into three groups based on their color of thallus i.e....
Proceedings Article
Diversity of Insect Based on Growth Stages of Rice (Oryza sativa L. ‘IR 64’) at High Altitude in Kepurun Village, Manisrenggo Sub-district, Klaten District, Central Java
Aryo Seto Pandu Wiranto, Nindita Sabila Ningtyas, Regina Diah Rachmawati, Rahmatullah Rahmatullah, Sukirno Sukirno
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the biggest commodities in Indonesia. Rice is cultivated in monoculture, so it affects the diversity of insects present in rice fields. The purpose of this research is to study the diversity of insect present at different ‘IR 64’ rice growth stages including seedling...
Proceedings Article
Application of Rhizobacteria and NPK for Growth and Productivity of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.)
M. Shovitri, S.K. Sugianto, N.D. Kuswytasari, N.H Alami, E. Zulaika
Soil fertility is one of the limiting factors for sweet corn crops. To overcome it, the wise use of fertilizer is a must to maintain long soil sustainability. Our previous study showed that a rhizobacteria consortium had a significant positive effect on crop growth and productivity; even the chemical...
Proceedings Article
Antibacterial Activity and Toxicity Study of Selected Piper Leave Extracts Against the Fish Pathogen (Aeromonas hydrophila)
Norashikin Anjur, Siti Fatimah Sabran, Hassan Md Daud, Nor Zalina Othman
The extensive use of antibiotics in aquaculture has resulted in the emergence of bacterial resistance strains. The medicinal importance of the herb such as Piper betle, Piper sarmentosum, and Piper nigrum evidently proved as one of the most promising commercial botanicals with earlier reported to possess...
Proceedings Article
Numerical Taxonomy of Marine Macroalgae Gracilariaceae from Southern Coast of Gunungkidul Based on Morpho-Anatomical and Phytochemical Characters
Adinda Nur Anisa, Abdul Razaq Chasani
Gracilariaceae is a macroalgal family of Rhodophyta which can be found abundantly in tropical waters, including in Southern Coasts of Gunungkidul D.I.Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Coral and sand dominate the substrate of Southern Coasts of Gunungkidul, so it is an ideal habitat for Gracilariaceae. Along with...
Proceedings Article
A Year of COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia #2: Variant Development Based on Spike (S) Mutations
Nicholas Gerry Andreanto, Dwita Novitasari, Delia Wahyu Pangesti, Rizqi Layli Khusufi, Annasa Sabatia, Irwansyah Nur Oktafian, Nur Alfi Maghfirotus Sa’adah, Reni Krisdayana, Salsabila Kasta Hygiea Iswara, Dwi Listyorini
SARS-CoV-2 has infected millions of people in Indonesia and taken thousands of lives by bonding Spike (S) protein and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) human cell receptor. Spike gene has a higher mutation rate compared to other genes, which suggested to increase its virulence, transmission and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of UV Radiation and Treatment to Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) Fruit Feeding on the Survival Rate and Colony Sex-ratio of Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830)
Ignatius Sudaryadi, Yulia Maulita Janah, Nafisa Kusumawati
Ultraviolet (UV) is a form of physical stress that forces living organisms to respond to the challenge of DNA alteration. UV light causes oxidative stress by causing the creation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidants are substances that can interfere with the production of reactive oxygen species...
Proceedings Article
Diversity and Origin of Mammal Collection in Mini Zoo in Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region
Dea Evani Amelia, Bambang Agus Suripto
The mini zoo that became a local tourist spot manifests the ex-situ conservation of mammal species. Animal welfare principles play an important role in long-term sustainability during the animal care and management period. Mini zoos in Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region were assumed that their diversity...
Proceedings Article
Carbon Sequestration of Tree Community in Urban Green Spaces of Bekasi City, Indonesia
Kristian Briantama, Adi Basukriadi
Bekasi City is experiencing climate problems, one of which is a decrease in rainy days. The existence of the Patriot Bina Bangsa City Forest and Bekasi City Park is expected to reduce the impact of climate change through the role of the tree communities in it as a carbon sink. The problem faced is the...
Proceedings Article
Histological Observation, Identification, and Secondary Metabolites Content in Endophytic Fungi of Mahogany Tree (Swietenia mahagoni Jacq)
Utami Sri Hastuti, Sulisetijono Sulisetijono, Chomisatut Thoyibah, Siti Hartina Pratiwi, Khusnul Khotimah
The mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni Jacq.) tree is a sort of medicinal plant. The phytochemical analysis by previous research has proved that the mahogany bark methanol extract is contained i.e alkaloid, tannin, saponin, phenol hydroquinone, and flavonoid. Some medicinal plant that has mutualism symbiotic...
Proceedings Article
Species Diversity of Insects on Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. ‘Bligon’ and ‘Grompol’) Plantation in Sokorini Village, Muntilan, Magelang, Central Java
Aryo Seto Pandu Wiranto, Siti Sumarmi
Tobacco is an agricultural export commodity important for Indonesia. Therefore, tobacco farming, especially in optimizing production, is an attractive point for research. The challenges in optimizing tobacco production are insect pests causing loss on tobacco production. This study aimed to identify...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Altitude on Odonata Biodiversity in the Paddy Field of Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Nariswari Salsabiela, Amanda Novitasari, Agustina Citra Windianingsih, Reza Bagus Alfian, Anggun Setyaningrum, Besta Eins Yudharta, Okti Alfiyatus Safa’ah, Sukirno Sukirno
Odonata acts as a natural enemy in the paddy field ecosystem. The Odonata diversity is highly related to habitat condition. This research analyzed the effect of altitude on the diversity of Odonata in paddy field ecosystems in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
The Activity of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Sapera, Saanen, and Ettawa Crossbred Goats in the Different Physiological Statuses
Sarmin Sarmin, Irkham Widiyono, Devita Anggraeni
The enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate is called lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), essential in producing energy present in cells for various tissues, including the liver, heart, and skeletal muscle. Although the increased LDH activity is due to vascular thrombosis, bleeding, and...
Proceedings Article
Computational Study of Natural Compounds in Melon Fruit (Cucumis melo L. ‘GMP’) as Inhibitor of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein
Wiko Arif Wibowo, Teuku Nanda Saifullah Sulaiman, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Budi Setiadi Daryono
‘GMP’ melon is a breeding cultivar that has a bitter taste and fragrant aroma. The bitter taste character indicates the presence of potential natural compounds that can be used as anti-cancer. This study aims to reveal the natural compounds of ‘GMP’ melon and its use as an anti-cancer computationally....
Proceedings Article
Occurrence of Pest, the Management of Zoological Museum Specimens Collection and Climate Change
Arney Sapaat, Siti Fatimah Sabran, Maryati Mohamed
This study aims to assess the occurrence of pests of zoological specimen collections at natural history museums, management of the specimens with climate change patterns in Malaysia. The objective of this study was to determine the causes that damaged zoological specimens and the effectiveness of the...
Proceedings Article
Morphological Characters and Plant Pigments Content of Three Varieties of Chrysanthemum Induced by Paclobutrazol Treatments
Intani Quarta Lailaty, Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho
Chrysanthemum is one of the favorite ornamental plants as a potted flower. Consumers currently prefer potted flowers with short stems, lush leaves, also uniform and compact flowers. It is necessary to form the potted flowers by applying paclobutrazol (PBZ). This research aimed to determine the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
The Potency of Red Betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav.) Methanolic Extract as α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase Inhibitor
Yustina Sri Hartini, Dewi Setyaningsih
Methanol is an effective menstruum for attracting compounds with various pharmacological activities from Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav. Several studies reported that laboratory tests for reducing blood sugar content of red betel extract such as aqueous, ethanolic, and ethyl acetate extracts. This study...
Proceedings Article
Application of Deep (Machine) Learning for Phytoplankton Identification Using Microscopy Images
Arief Rachman, Aulia Salsabella Suwarno, Susanna Nurdjaman
As a hot spot of marine diversity, between 150 – 400 phytoplankton species have been reported in various Indonesian marine ecosystems. However, phytoplankton identification in Indonesia is mainly made manually by a human expert, which is a time-consuming process with many limitations. Thus, this study...
Proceedings Article
Molecular Docking of Anthocyanin Compound as Anti-Hyperlipidemia Against PPARα, HMG-CoA Reductase and ACAT Proteins
Noor Nailis Sa’adah, Elshinta Riantica, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati, Nova Maulidina Ashuri, Dewi Hidayati
Hyperlipidemia can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease (CHD), the number one cause of death worldwide each year. Therefore, needed efforts to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, one of which is parijoto fruit (Medinilla speciosa), which has a high...
Proceedings Article
Application of Chitosan-Aloe vera Gel Based Coating on Postharvest Quality and Storability of Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.)
Yora Faramitha, Fitria Febriyanti, Tiana Fitrilia, Firda Dimawarnita, Siswanto Siswanto
Red chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a high-demand horticultural commodity in Indonesia but is vulnerable to quality deterioration. Postharvest treatment is needed to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of red chilies. One of the promising preservation technologies to prolong the shelf-life...
Proceedings Article
Effect of UV-B Radiation Intensity on Hsp70, mtHsc70-1, and cpHsc70-2 Gene Expression in Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Leaf Under Field Conditions
Maria Celinna, Andi Eko Maryanto, Andi Salamah
Increased expression of genes encoding Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) is one of the plant defense responses against UV-B stress. Synedrella nodiflora may be tolerant to relatively high UV-B intensity. The research has been conducted to compare expression levels of genes encoding cytosolic, mitochondrial,...
Proceedings Article
Isolation and Characterization of Vanda Orchid Homeobox Gene from Vanda tricolor var. Suavis Lindl. form Merapi
Viantius Ruben, Muhammad Dylan Lawrie, Endang Semiarti
Vanda tricolor var. Suavis Lindl. form Merapi is one of the crucial Indonesian orchid species. Due to natural disasters or deforestation of their natural habitat, the population of this orchid continues to decline and is threatened to be extinct. Therefore, a strategy for mass propagation of this plant...
Proceedings Article
Genetic Variations and Phenetic Relationships of Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta L.) Accession in Java based on Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat
Tania Agnesa, Purnomo Purnomo, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Cardamine hirsuta from the Family Brassicaceae is a potential plant that can be used as an object of comparative study with Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Plant comparative studies involving closely related species with similar traits are used to investigate the genetic pathways underlying morphological...
Proceedings Article
Molecular Docking Simulation of Trisindolina 1 Compound Against Pi3k Protein in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Evira Nadila Oktyasti, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati
The increased cancer burden globally, from 12.7 million new cases in 2008 to a predicted 22.2 million in 2030, makes cancer a critical global problem with high unmet medical needs. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide, and HCC is the third leading cause...
Proceedings Article
Determination of Lectin Genes in Superior Mutant of Rodent Tuber Bogor Accession (Typhonium flagelliforme) Based on PCR Amplification
Nesti Fronika Sianipar, Reflinur Reflinur, Muhammad Dzulkifly Ashan, Khoirunnisa Assidqi, Dwityantari Widyaningrum, Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih
Rodent tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme) is one of the Indonesian herbs that has not yet been developed as an anticancer drug. The local name rodent tuber plant has produced superior mutant strains with higher levels and bioactive compounds. Compared to the mother plant, GCMS analysis detected four new...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of N-Hexane and Ethanol Extract of Giant Calotrope (Calotropis gigantea L.) Leaves as Insecticide Against Shallot Pest Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)
Elvian Indah Nilamsari, L. Hartanto Nugroho, Sukirno Sukirno
Shallot (Allium ascalonicum) is one of the high-value plants. However, shallot productivity has been decreased due to some disturbing organisms. Spodoptera exigua is one of the pests on shallot farming and causes a yield reduction of up to 70%. Farmers use excessive synthetic pesticides to overcome the...
Proceedings Article
Mutation Analysis of PRD-domain of ROR2 and Ig-domain of FLNA in Breast Cancer Development: A Case Study in Malang
Rizqi Layli Khusufi, Delia Wahyu Pangesti, Dwita Novitasari, Vina Rizkiana, Reni Krisdayana, Salsabila Kasta Hygiea Iswara, Dwi Listyorini
ROR2 is a WNT receptor involved in non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways. PRD and IgFLNA domains are functional domains for binding to downstream proteins that lead to cancer development. This study aimed to analyze mutations in the PRD-IgFLNA-ROR2 domain also the role of the WNT5A-ROR2 pathway involved...
Proceedings Article
LC50 and Effect of Sublethal Concentration of K2Cr2O7 on Different Developmental Stages of Osteochilus vittatus
Gratiana E. Wijayanti, Sharon Hillary, Ani Septiani, Anisa Aulia, Anastasia E. Sintanora
Chromium in form of hexavalent had been reported to be genotoxic and carcinogenic, affects some physiological, and reproductive features. The ability of aquatic animals including fish to tolerate chromium may vary according to different developmental stages. Therefore, this research was conducted to...
Proceedings Article
Phenotypic Characters Stability of Melon (Cucumis melo L. ‘Kinaya’)
Amir Muhammadi, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Melon is an important commodity in Indonesia and still dominated by imported melons such as Action 434 and Sun Lady. The ‘Kinaya’ cultivar is a crossbreed between ‘Kinanti’ and ‘Sonya’ cultivars. The development of ‘Kinaya’ cultivar as indonesian superior local melon is needed to improve the quality...
Proceedings Article
Computational Model of Trisindoline 1 Conjugate to Protein P53 and P53R2: Targets For Breast Cancer Therapy
Shabrina Syifa Ghaissani, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati, Vencka Azzahra Putri
In 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer with average, 7 percent to 11 percent of women with early breast cancer experience a local recurrence during this time. Resistance mechanisms in breast cancer include DNA repair mechanisms that protect cancer cells from endogenous or...
Proceedings Article
Sexual Dimorphism of Leptocorisa oratorius Fabricius (Hemiptera: Alydidae) from Special Region of Yogyakarta
Fanuel Triaswanto, Erik Lawijaya, Ananto Puradi Nainggolan, IGM Raka Alpin Aditya, RCH Soesilohadi
Sexual dimorphism (SD) is a common phenomenon in animals, especially in invertebrates and poikilothermic vertebrates, which can cause body size differences of males and females in a species. Rice ear bugs [Leptocorisa oratorius Fabricius (Hemiptera: Alydidae)] are a significant rice pest in Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article
The Potency of Inulin to Increase Curcumin Aqueous Solubility as a Co-Processing Material with Curcuma longa in Solid Dispersion Approach
Dewi Setyaningsih, Elizabeth Vianita Kurniawan, Yustina Sri Hartini
Curcumin, an identical compound of Curcuma longa extract, shows limited bioavailability due to its lipophilicity. Inulin of degree of polymerization (DP) of 11 is a carbohydrate member that can potentially increase aqueous solubility and dissolve lipophilic compounds. This study aimed to investigate...
Proceedings Article
CO2 Mitochondrial Gene Identification of Nisaetus cirrhatus as a Part of Indonesian Elang Brontok Genetic Conservation
Reni Krisdayana, Rizqi Layli Khusufi, Dwita Novitasari, Annasa Sabatia, Delia Wahyu Pangesti, Salsabila Kasta Hygiea Iswara, Dwi Listyorini
The Elang Brontok, scientifically named as Nisaetus cirrhatus is included in the least Concern in appendix II. The use of the COI gene for taxonomic in our previous study put our samples in a complex species taxonomical position. Further research needs to be done using other mitochondrial genes such...
Proceedings Article
Pollen Diversity and Propolis’s Bioactive Compounds of Stingless Bees (Tetragonula laeviceps, Smith 1857) From Kedungpoh Meliponiculture, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.
Fiola Oktaweni, Sutikno Sutikno, Ignatius Sudaryadi
The progression of many diseases due to viruses and bacteria makes for an increase in natural alternative medicine. One source of natural medicine is honey and propolis of stingless bees. Efficacy physical and chemical properties of honey are influenced by the type of pollen and the environment, while...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Water Availability on Physiological Factors of Cayenne Pepper Plant Capsicum frutescens L.
Fiana Lathifah, Dwi Umi Siswanti
Chili pepper is a vegetable plant that is consumed by many people and has high economic value. Chili peppers contain secondary metabolite compounds, capsaicin which is synthesized in the epidermis cells. Capsaicin acts as a spicy taste in chili peppers, so chili peppers are favored by the public. Environmental...
Proceedings Article
Miocene Giraffids (Giraffidae; Mammalia) from the Lower Siwalik of Pakistan
Kiran Aftab, Muhammad Akbar Khan, Sumera Afsheen, Mubashar Hussain, Areej Arif
New dental material of Giraffidae is recorded from the Lower Siwalik, Punjab, Pakistan. The specimens are assigned to two genera, Giraffokeryx and Giraffa. The new material comprises isolated teeth, maxilla, and mandible fragments. The material was recovered from Lower Siwalik localities, Chabbar Sayadan...
Proceedings Article
Application of Growth Regulatory Substances CPPU and GA3 on the Growth of Porang Plants from Bulbil
Tutik Nurhidayati, Kristanti Indah Purwani, Zulfan Febriawan, Firda Fortuna Nasich
Porang is known as an alternative food source. The main obstacle for porang production is the long harvest period with growth time needed ranging between 4-5 months and 7-8 months of dormancy. The application of plant growth regulators (PGR) such as CPPU and GA3 could be used to break porang’s dormancy....
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Purification and Activity Analysis of the Purified Product of Thrombolytic Protease from Bacillus sp. HSFI-12– A Review
Nurul Islamiyah, Stalis Norma Ethica, Muhammad Ardi Afriansyah, Ana Hidayati Mukaromah, Dewi Seswita Zilda
Mortality and morbidity of Cardio-vascular diseases (CVDs) have been the major issue in the group of non-communicable diseases worldwide. However, the existing antithrombotic drugs to combat CVD still have many shortcomings in terms of price and safety. Bacillus sp. HSFI-12 had been previously reported...
Proceedings Article
Introduction to Plant Metabolism, Secondary Metabolites Biosynthetic Pathway, and In-Silico Molecular Docking for Determination of Plant Medicinal Compounds: An Overview
Risanti Dhaniaputri, Hadi Suwono, Mohamad Amin, Betty Lukiati
Natural ingredient produced by plants are widely used for therapeutic treatment, because they are believed to have fewer side effects and are cheaper than synthetic drugs. Plants used as treatment media contain natural secondary metabolites compounds derived from primary and secondary metabolism. Primary...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Bio-catharanthine on Peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) Lurik Cultivar
Dwi Indahning Rohmah, Melza Mulyani, Laras Nur Janah, Adi Pancoro, Miftahudin Miftahudin, Anjar Tri Wibowo, Budi Setiadi Daryono
The productivity of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) in Indonesia from 2017 until 2021 is estimated to have average production growth minus 11,82% per year and cannot meet the domestic need of the peanut. According to that statistic, Indonesia is the world’s second largest importer of peanuts. Looking for...
Proceedings Article
Detection of Terpenoid and Flavonoid of Five Species of Mistletoes at Stelechocarpus burahol (Bl.) Hook.f. & Th and Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. by using Thin Layer Chromatography Method
Djoko Santosa, SM. Widyastuti, Ummi Rosyidah, Betha Silmia
Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that is well known for causing significant damage to forestry plants; nevertheless, its value in traditional medicine has yet to be proven. This study aims to investigate terpenoid and flavonoid compounds of Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh, Scurrula atropurpurea...
Proceedings Article
Prospective In Vivo Assays on the Antithrombotic Potential of Protease Extracted from Bacillus sp. HSFI-12
Okta Yosiana Dewi, Stalis Norma Ethica, Andri Sukeksi, Maya Dian Rakhmawatie, Sri Darmawati
CVD (cardiovascular disease) is a group of non-communicable diseases and a global cause of cardiovascular death. The search for gents inhibiting blood clot formation (thrombus) and enhancing antithrombotic activity are important for the prevention and treatment of CVD. Previous study reported that bacteria...
Proceedings Article
Prospective Purification and Assay of Thrombolytic Protease from Bacillus sp. HSFI-10 Isolated from Sand Sea Cucumber for Antithrombotic Agent Development
Bio Putri Ayanti, Stalis Norma Ethica, Ayu Rahmawati Sulisytaningtyas, Sri Sinto Dewi, Dewi Seswita Zilda
Thrombosis is a cardiovascular disorder due to the formation of a blood clot (thrombus), which can cause a blockage in a blood vessel. Such abnormality is responsible for more than millions of deaths per year in the world. In addition to cardiovascular disease, thrombosis can also occur in patients with...
Proceedings Article
A Literature Review on the Potential of the Biodiversity of Thrombolytic Protease-Producing Bacteria Isolated from Brown Seaweeds Chnoospora sp.
Nurhilaliyah Nurhilaliyah, Stalis Norma Ethica, Wikanastri Hersoelistyorini, Aditya Rahman Ernanto, Wijanarka Wijanarka
Bacterial proteases with antithrombotic activities can be used to treat cardiovascular disease (CVD), one of the leading causes of death in the world. Indonesia is known for its high marine biodiversity, including its brown seaweed varieties and their symbiotic bacteria. The high biodiversity of proteolytic...
Proceedings Article
Potential of Dendrobium spp. Secondary Metabolites as Medicinal Source for SARS-CoV-2
Muhamad Rafli, Tri Rohmiati, Anggiresti Kinasih, Alim El Hakim, Endang Semiarti
Coronaviruses have long been a severe issue due to their capacity to mutate and infect the respiratory tract. Dendrobium orchids are the most diverse orchid species in Indonesia. Polysaccharides, bibenzyl, phenanthrene, coumarin, sesquiterpenoids, alkaloids, and steroids were among the phytochemical...
Proceedings Article
Behavior and Food of Reintroduced Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at Feeding Site and Forest Area in Lamandau Wildlife Sanctuary
Yulia Raudhatul Balaqis Zahro, Ani Mardiastuti, Dede Aulia Rahman
The Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygameus wurmbii) is a Critically Endangered large Asian primate. Reintroduction had been implemented to recover their population in the wild. The research was conducted in February-April 2021 at Lamandau Wildlife Sanctuary, aimed to identify behavior differences at the feeding...
Proceedings Article
Lipolytic and Proteolytic Activities of Fibrolytic Bacteria from Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Rumen
Siti Lusi Arum Sari, Triyanto Triyanto, Zuprizal Zuprizal, Irfan Dwidya Prijambada
The use of plant-based feed ingredients in aquaculture is expected to reduce feed costs. However, plant ingredients generally have a low protein content and are difficult to be digested by monogastric animals. The fermentation process is proven to increase the digestibility and nutritional value of plant...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of the 12S rRNA and COI Regions of Mitochondrial DNA for eDNA Detection of Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula)
Patricia Agustin, Andi Eko Maryanto, Noviar Andayani
Alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) has been introduced to many places outside its native range. The fish is considered as an invasive alien species that needs to be eradicated upon encounter in Indonesia due to its aggressive behavior. Despite existing regulations in Indonesia, the fish is still bred...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of the Diversity of Nepenthaceae, Orchidaceae and Zingiberaceae in Disturbed and Undisturbed Forests in Johor, Malaysia
Vinod Kumar Sivarajah, Alona Cuevas Linatoc
This study was carried out to compare the diversity of Nepenthaceae, Orchidaceae, and Zingiberaceae families in central Johor. The chosen locations are the Belumut Forest-Eco Park, Mo’akil Permanent Forest Reserve, and Soga-Perdana Permanent Forest Reserve, which have forest types categorized as, undisturbed...
Proceedings Article
Effects Leaf Ethanol Extract of Graptophyllum pictum L. Griff. to Inhibit Vaginal Atrophy of Menopausal Mouse
Listijani Suhargo, Sri Puji Astuti W., Alfiah Hayati
Menopausal condition with low estrogen level caused vaginal atrophy that it is a condition where vaginal lining become dryer and thinner and it would be easier to get inflammation. So, it was important to find out the treatment to inhibit it. This research was aimed to determine the effects of Graptophyllum...
Proceedings Article
Construction, Cloning, and Overexpression of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Gene Synthetic (SEBsyn) in pET-28a(+): Pre-development Bacterial-Toxin Therapy for Cancer
Achmad Rodiansyah, Marselina Irasonia Tan, Husna Nugrahapraja
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) from Staphylococcus aureus could be considered as a therapeutic agent to eliminate cancer cells. SEB can activate immune response, which furthermore could induce apoptosis of various cancer cells. This study was proposed to design a SEBsyn coding sequence suitable for...
Proceedings Article
Antibacterial Effectiveness of Synthesized Copper Nanoparticles by Ultrasonication Assisted Method
Ainul Fitria Mahmudah, Yuni Kusumastuti, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Yekti Asih Purwestri
Antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria has become a problem in the medical community. Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) have become one method of combating antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The antibacterial activity of Synthesized Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) from sigma 774103-5G against various...
Proceedings Article
Weight Growth of the Hybrid Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus, Linnaeus 1758) Crossing Result of Female Pelung with Male F3 Golden Kamper
Salma Dewi Pratita, Nareta Defiani, Afifah Nur Hidayah, Nurul Hidayah, Putri Shafira Setyowati, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Backcross is a cross between an offspring and its parents, or an individual that is genetically similar to its parents, to minimize the genetic variation of the resulting offspring. A female Pelung cross with a male F3 Golden Kamper is a type of backcross. Golden Kamper chicken is a breed of chicken...
Proceedings Article
The Immunostimulant Effects of Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica) Roots Extract on BALB/c Male Mice (Mus musculus)
Rosnizar Rosnizar, Fajar Muliani, Iskandar Muda Ramli, Kartini Eriani
Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L.) is an annual rhizomatous grass and traditionally well known for its therapeutic values, especially in treating fever, muscle soreness, nosebleed and respiratory asphyxia. It has been reported to contain different classes of secondary metabolites and attracted scientists’...
Proceedings Article
Study of Digestive Tract Diseases in Cats
Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, Yanuartono Yanuartono, Alfarisa Nururrozi, Slamet Raharjo, Hary Purnamaningsih, Irkham Widiyono, Sri Hartati, Juni Claudia Dami, Luh Putu Eka Damayanti
The cat’s digestive tract is one of the vital systems that often facing the deadly diseases. This study aims to identify digestive system disorders/diseases in cats. A total of 100 cats of various breeds and ages with one or more symptoms of digestive disorders was used in this study. All cats were physically...
Proceedings Article
Pyridinoline and Deoxypyridinoline in Oral Fluids of Menopause Women as Predictor Alveolar Bone Resorption
Agustin Wulan Suci Dharmayanti, Hendy Hendarto
Menopause presents menstrual cessation that occurs physiologically and is associated with osteoporosis and periodontitis. Osteoporosis and periodontitis are silent diseases that present clinically in the late stage, which alveolar bone resorption causing tooth loss represents both of these disorders....
Proceedings Article
Growth and Productivity of Lurik Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L. var. Lurikensis) after Biofertilizer-Sludge Biogas Application
Dwi Umi Siswanti, Nur Hidayah Pangestuti, Niken Wulansari
One of the most important crop commodities in Indonesia is peanut. Ipeanutse peanut production can be done in various ways, including plant breeding, and improving land quality through organic fertilization. The effect of the use of biofertilizer combined with sludge on crop productivity of peanuts,...
Proceedings Article
Potential High Conservation Value of Mount Ungaran as a Step-stone for Essential Ecosystem Area Plan
Margareta Rahayuningsih, Nana Kariada Tri Martuti, Dyah Kartikasari, Lutfian Nazar
High conservation value (HCV) helps stakeholders conduct sustainable forest management by considering social and environmental aspects. It requires a high level of protection to ensure the high conservation value of an area persists in the long term. Mount Ungaran is one of the essential areas in Central...
Proceedings Article
A Meta-Analysis Study on Spodoptera exigua and Spodoptera litura Control: Biopesticides vs. Synthetic Pesticides
Nadya Sofia Siti Sa’adah, Hipny Alwandri, Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho, Sukirno Sukirno, Tri Rini Nuringtyas
Polyphagous lepidopterans like Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and S. litura (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are well-known economic importance insect pests that defoliate a variety of economically important crops. Currently, the most widely used control for both is the use of insecticides. Applying large amounts...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Bio-Catharantin Induction to Increase Red Spinach (Alternanthera amoena Voss.) Production
Nabila Shafura, Laras Nur Janah, Muhammad Syafi’atol Huda, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Red spinach (Alternanthera amoena Voss.) is a plant with high nutritional value and contains anthocyanin compounds that act as antioxidant compounds to prevent the formation of free radicals in the body, besides that anthocyanin can also treat anemia. The increase in demand for red spinach in the market...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of High-Fat Diet and CCl4 Administration on Liver Function and Lipid Profile in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Rat Model
Marwan Rosada, Widya Wasityastuti, Yanasta Yudo Pratama, Ken Siwi, Dewiyani Indah Widasari, Tutik Sri Wahyuni
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is often encountered in the field of hepatology. The disease has a broad spectrum ranging from non-inflammatory fat-accumulating macrovesicles (simple steatosis) and develops to fibrous and cirrhosis. The rate of NAFLD is 15-30% in western countries and around...
Proceedings Article
Reproductive Aspect and Embryonic Development of Wader pari Fish (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker 1854) from Malang East Java
Hilyatuz Zahro, Khoirudin Anshori, Sandi Fransisco, Amalia Audina Rosa, Bambang Retnoaji
Indonesia is well known for its high freshwater fish diversity. Wader pari (Rasbora lateristriata) is one of the endemic fish, which is very popular, but experienced massive exploitation in wild, due to high market demand. High demand and high economic value of this fish in the market induced a massive...
Proceedings Article
Cytological Analysis of Aerides odorata Lour. from Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Kireida Asta Nugraheni, Febri Yuda Kurniawan, Anindita Della Rosa Riyadi, Anggiresti Kinasih, Hadyan Pratama Lutfi Ilmam, Endang Semiarti
Aerides odorata is a species that belongs to the Orchidaceae family and lives as epiphytic orchids. This orchid is distributed across Southeast Asia, India, and China. This orchid occupies one type of habitat. Morphological characters of flowers in this species vary, depending on the habitat occupied....
Proceedings Article
Reproductive Aspect and Embryonic Development of Wader Fish (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker, 1854) from Purworejo, Central Java
Inayah Rizkia Lailiati, Devi Annisa Suci, Amalia Audina Rosa, Veronica Aurelia Fernanda, Bambang Retnoaji
Indonesian native fish “Wader pari” (Rasbora lateristriata) from Purworejo is one of the fish has high economic value, which is related to the community enthusiasts and high requests for the fish stock. The demand for fish availability and supply is increasing drastically, which caused fish population...
Proceedings Article
In Vitro Selection and Total Phenol Analysis of Moon Orchid [Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl.] Results of Induced With Fusaric Acid
Endang Nurcahyani, Risma Rasmani, Hardoko Insan Qudus
Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl. is an orchid that is included in the list of endangered plant species. The Fusarium wilt disease on P. amabilivirala vital disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum, which of one constraint and up to now days is not well yet managed. Disease control that does not cause negative...
Proceedings Article
Anti-Infective Properties of a Sea Cucumber Associated Actinobacteria Kocuria sp. HL 55
Joko Tri Wibowo
“Antibiotics golden era” can end when resistant strains spread immensely. To find new anti-infective agents, we examined sea cucumber associated bacteria isolated from the intestinal part of the echinoderm Holothuria leucospilota. Partial identification using 16S rRNA gene Sanger sequencing revealed...
Proceedings Article
Study of N, P, K, and C on Degradation of Indigosol Batik Dye Effluent by Aspergillus sp. GPN
Ratna Stia Dewi, Mardiyah Kurniasih
Indigosol dye batik effluent is toxic since it excesses contain decreasing agent sodium hydrosulfite that is oxidized to alkali and alkaline earth metal sulfate (SO42-), sulfite (SO32-), and thiosulfate (S2O32-) that very corrosive. Therefore, the role of environmental biotechnology in the technology...
Proceedings Article
Availability and Information Needs of Traditional Medicine in Urban Community, Surabaya, Indonesia
Oeke Yunita, Fernanda Rizky Putri Heriwana, Erlin Theterissa, Jimmy Jimmy
Indonesian traditional medicine has been widely used in the urban community to treat several symptoms and prevent diseases before accessing the hospital for professional help. Information is critical in modern culture, since it aids in the development of people’s health knowledge. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Bokashi and Rabbit Urine Addition on The Tubber of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.)
Muh. Alwi Husen, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto, Esna Dilli Novianto
Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) have been cultivated intensively in Indonesia for a long time. These horticultural crops have high potential and economic value. However, the domestic production itself is not able to meet national demands. Continuous use of chemical agents will negatively impact the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Variations in Sugar Types and Fermentation Time on Enzyme Activity and Total Titrated Acid on Eco-Enzyme Results of Fermentation
Imam Abu Hanifah, Ni Putu Vidya Primarista, Sasangka Prasetyawan, Anna Safitri, Tri Adyati, Arie Srihadyastutie
Eco-enzyme (EE) production is an alternative for reducing organic waste such as fruit peels and vegetables. EE is widely used as natural organic fertilizer, purification of contaminated groundwater, pesticides, herbicides, and natural insecticides. EE is made through a fermentation process for 3 months...
Proceedings Article
Ethnobotanical Study of Hindu Society in Tabanan Bali and The Conservation Efforts
Putri Sri Andila, Tri Warseno, Winda Syafitri, I Gede Tirta
Balinese have traditionally preserved plants for the ethnobotany used hereditary, such as the utilization of plants for traditional medicine and Hindu ceremonies. Most of the Tabanan people are still live in the villages traditionally. They have used plants for the traditional purpose for hundreds of...
Proceedings Article
Diversity and Estimated Above Ground Biomass of Shade Trees in Some Coffee-based Agroforestries, Banyuwangi Regency
Jehan Ramdani Hariyati, Dian Siswanto, Endang Arisoesilaningsih, Luchman Hakim
This study was aimed to assess the diversity and estimate the above-ground biomass (AGB) of the shade tree in several coffee-based agroforestries in Banyuwangi, East Java. The data was collected from three villages, i.e. Gombengsari, Papring, and Kopendukuh. Vegetation analysis and biomass measurement...
Proceedings Article
Initial Survey of Tadpole Species Richness on the Upstream of Pelus River, Limpakuwus, Sumbang, Banyumas
I Gusti Agung Ayu Ratna Puspitasari, Hafizh Aulia Khairy Rakananda, Nugroho Dwi Septianto, Meyta Pratiwi, Eko Setio Wibowo
The southern slopes of Mount Slamet are the upstream areas of many rivers, which become the breeding habitat of Anuran. Anuran tadpole species richness can indicate the diversity of Anuran in the area and should be considered as important as the adult Anuran species richness. Moreover, the sampling of...
Proceedings Article
Dhole’s Ecology and Legal Status: Conservation and Management Implication in Human-Dominated Landscape of Java, Indonesia
Sandy Nurvianto, Muhammad Ali Imron, Sven Herzog
The success of conservation and management of endangered species is highly dependent on the manager’s understanding on the biology and ecology of the target species. However, most wildlife management and conservation activities in developing countries are not based on scientific data, but more on the...
Proceedings Article
Case Report: Therapy of Streptococcal Pneumonia in a Cat
Riskha Nurmi Nataria, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, Yanuartono, Alfarisa Nururrozi, Slamet Raharjo, Hary Purnamaningsih, Heldiar Soedarmanto, Puveanthan Nagappan Govendan
Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused by bacteria, including Streptococcus sp. Identification of the cause of pneumonia in cats is very necessary so that diagnosis and therapy will be more precise. This study reports on the diagnosis and therapy of streptococcal pneumonia on a cat. A 10-month-old...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Cycle Threshold Value of The Orf 1 ab SARS-CoV-2 Gene from Three Different PCR Reagents
Anita L. Susanti, Fusvita Merdekawati, Rohayati Rohayati
The availability of PCR reagents is an obstacle that still needs to be resolved in the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. During the early days of the pandemics, identical PCR reagents supply in the laboratory could not be guaranteed. The laboratory needs to investigate the reliability of the different...
Proceedings Article
Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Content, and Chemical Composition of Liquid Smoke Derived from Wood Sawdust
Ria Suryani, Rafelinta Daradwinta, Syahida Az-Zahra, Syifa’ Aulia Rahmah, Wahyu Anggo Rizal, Tri Hadi Jatmiko, Wuri Apriyana, Yekti Asih Purwestri
Liquid smokes result from the process of pyrolysis of biomass as a raw material which generally contains high content of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. The phenolic compounds, acid compounds, and carbonyl compounds are the main components in liquid smoke and show antioxidant activity. One of the...