Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics (ICAME-7 2022)
183 authors
- Nirmala
- Analysis of the Effect of Non-cash Payment Transactions, Inflation, Interest Rate on the Money Supply in Indonesia During the Pandemic Covid-19
- Nohong, Mursalim
- The Antecedents of Employee Performance in Public Service Quality: Case Study in Local Government of Tangerang City
- Nohong, Mursalim
- Period of Pentahelix Collaborative Participation
- Nohong, Mursalim
- The Influence of Leadership Style, Competence of the Employee, and the Application of E-Government on the Performance of the Employee in the Tangerang City Government
- Nohong, Mursalim
- The Influence of Discipline, Motivation, and Leadership Style on the Performance of Employees of Perumda Tirta Benteng Tangerang City
- Nohong, Mursalim
- Asset Sustainability as Determinant of State-Owned Enterprise Financial Sustainability
- Nohong, Mursalim
- Influence of Income, Business Expenses, and Business Capital on Net Profit of Business
- Nohong, Mursalim
- The Relationship of Leadership Style to Employee Performance: A Schematic Literature Review
- Noor, Aris Setia
- Influence of Income, Business Expenses, and Business Capital on Net Profit of Business
- Nugraha, Rakhmat Prima
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nurqamar, Insany Fitri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nurqamar, Insany Fitri
- Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
- Nursaid
- Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
- Nursini
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Income of Songkok Recca Business SME’S in Bone Regency
- Paddu, Abdul Hamid
- Foreign Investment Intervention on Economic Growth in Indonesia
- Pagalung, Gagaring
- Employee Satisfaction: Service Profit Chain Approach in Tourism Destination
- Pahlevi, Cepi
- Analysis of Firm Value Through Intellectual Capital, Capital Structure, and Competitive Advantage Intervenin in Companies Coal Mining in Indonesia
- Parawansa, Dian As
- Role of Marketing Orientation and Marketing Assets in Improving Sustainable Business Performance of Private Colleges in Maluku
- Patigai, Hema Maline
- Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
- Patiiha, Muzayanah
- Comparison of Inventory Control Using the Periodic Method in PT. Rajawali Nusindo Branch of Sorong City, West Papua
- Payangan, Otto Randa
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Company Performance
- Pono, Maat
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Company Performance
- Pono, Maat
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies
- Pono, Maat
- Analysis of Green Marketing and Performance of Environmentally Friendly Based SMEs in South Sulawesi
- Prihatini, Dewi
- Description of Local Wisdom Culture “Waja Sampai Kaputing” in Palm Oil Companies in Banjarmasin
- Qomariah, Nurul
- Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
- Rahayu, Duwi
- Analysis of Publishing Information and Popular Topics of Tax Accounting Periodical Issues in Indonesia
- Rahim, Fauzi R.
- Financial Literacy as a Supporting Factor for Sustainability MSMEs in Samarinda City
- Rahmadi, Saiful
- The Effect of State Openness and Institutional Economy on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model
- Rakhmawan, Ato
- The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization, Financial Performance and Human Development Index on Economic Growth in Makassar City for the 2011–2021 Period
- Ramadhani, Rezky
- Correlation Analysis Between Accounting Information and Daily Twitter’s Happiness Sentiment on Stock Return
- Reni, Andi
- Are Lecturers Agile?: Analysis the Agility of Lecturers’ Teaching Role as Human Resources in Private Universities
- Reni, Andi
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies
- Reviane, Indraswati Tri Abdi
- Patterns of International Capital Flows in Indonesia
- Ridolloh, R. Rizal
- Implementation of Integrated District Administrative Services (Patent) Policy in the Order of Improving the Quality of Public Services in Cipondoh District, Tangerang City
- Rohaeti, Yeti
- Analysis of E-Government Implementation on Organizational Performance
- Rosnawintang
- The Effect of State Openness and Institutional Economy on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model
- Ryketeng, Masdar
- Implementation of Management Accounting Practices in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
- Sabir
- The Effect of Regional Original Income, Special Allocation Funds and General Allocation Funds on Economic Growth in Makassar City for the 2010–2021 Period
- Saffrudin, Moch
- The Relationship of Leadership Style to Employee Performance: A Schematic Literature Review
- Salenussa, Stenly
- Role of Marketing Orientation and Marketing Assets in Improving Sustainable Business Performance of Private Colleges in Maluku
- Sampepajung, Daniella Cynthia
- Peer-Review Statements
- Samsidar
- Factors Affecting Fisherman’s Income in Bone Regency
- Sanosra, Abadi
- Analysis of the Effect of Influencer and Social Media Engagement on Sales Level with Brand Image as Intervening Variable(Study on the Coffee Industry in Banyuwangi)
- Sanusi, Abdullah
- Efficiency of the Intermediation Function of Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia
- Sarniati
- Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
- Sidarman
- The Relations of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction with Employee Performance Capabilities in the Pakuan Jaya Market Area Company, Bogor City
- Sobarsyah, Muhammad
- Asset Sustainability as Determinant of State-Owned Enterprise Financial Sustainability
- Sobarsyah, Muhammad
- Efficiency of the Intermediation Function of Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia
- Sobarsyah, Muhammad
- Influence of Income, Business Expenses, and Business Capital on Net Profit of Business
- Soniawan, Tubagus Sani
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Pentahelix Model as a Way Out to Save Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) During Covid 19 in Tangerang City
- Sophian, Tihar
- Strategy for Optimizing Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology: Optimization Strategy for Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology
- Sudirman, Indrianty
- Role of Marketing Orientation and Marketing Assets in Improving Sustainable Business Performance of Private Colleges in Maluku
- Suhaely, Achmad
- The Antecedents of Employee Performance in Public Service Quality: Case Study in Local Government of Tangerang City
- Sultan, Nurul Fahmi
- Analysis the Effect of Internal Control and Whistleblowing System in Fraud Prevention with Ethical Climate as Moderator
- Sumardi
- Employee Performance Improvement Based on Talent Management
- Sundari, Sri
- Analysis of Z Generations Toward Stock Investment Intention: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior
- Supriyatno
- Strategy for Optimizing Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology: Optimization Strategy for Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology
- Susanti, Dwi
- Analysis of the Effect of Influencer and Social Media Engagement on Sales Level with Brand Image as Intervening Variable(Study on the Coffee Industry in Banyuwangi)
- Syahzaeni, Taufik
- The Architectural Migration of Investment Sectors – Case Study Tangerang City; Airport City
- Syamsuddin
- The Effect of Financial Distress and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Management with Quality of Audit as a Moderator
- Taba, Muhammad Idrus
- The Effect of Internal Communication on the Performance of Lecturers at Doctoral University Husni Ingratubun (Uningrat) Tual
- Thamrin, Muhammad
- Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
- Thamrin, Muhammad
- The Effect of Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership on Innovative Behavior
- Tikson, Shinta Dewi Sugiharti
- Analysis of University Culture Using the OCAI Instrument
- Toaha, Muhammad
- Are Lecturers Agile?: Analysis the Agility of Lecturers’ Teaching Role as Human Resources in Private Universities
- Touwely, Godprit Haris
- Employee Performance Improvement Based on Talent Management
- Ulfa, Sri
- Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
- Umar, Fauziah
- How Leadership Style, Commitment, Work Climate, and Work Motivation Affect on Satisfaction and Performance
- Wahda
- Employee Performance Improvement Based on Talent Management
- Waly, Nur Aeni
- Comparison of Inventory Control Using the Periodic Method in PT. Rajawali Nusindo Branch of Sorong City, West Papua
- Wardhany, Mugiya
- The Participation and Budget Clarity Effect on Government Agencies Accountability Performance with Culture and Work Commitment as Moderating Variables
- Wawo, Andi
- The Effect of Financial Distress and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Management with Quality of Audit as a Moderator
- Wibhawa, Kiki
- Analysis of Calculation of Regional Taxes (PBB-P2 and BPHTB) on Increasing Native Regional Income
- Wibowo, Agus
- Optimization Strategy of Transportation System Development in Improving City Competitiveness
- Wibowo, Harry Adi
- Effective Leadership’s Role in Facilitating Change in Organizations Through Improvement and Innovation
- Widodo, Heri
- Analysis of Publishing Information and Popular Topics of Tax Accounting Periodical Issues in Indonesia
- Wiguna, Putu Kartika Saraswati
- Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
- Wismansyah, Arief Rahadiono
- Assessing the Success of the E-Government System in Terms of the Quality of Public Services: A Case Study in the Regional Government of the City of Tangerang
- Yasir, Alamsyah
- Efficiency of the Intermediation Function of Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia
- Yusuf, Nurhaya
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies
- Zaenal, M.
- Identification of MSMEs Digital Economy Accessibility as Competitiveness Before and After Covid-19 in Gowa Regency
- Zuriantomy, Busmart
- Analysis of Risk Management and Performance of SOEs in Infrastructure Services During COVID-19