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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Annuity Planning and Consumption-Investment Choices in Retirement Planning

Zhisheng Li, Aparna Gupta
Annuities can be effective tools in managing longevity risk in retirement planning. This paper develops a framework that merges annuity purchase decisions with consumption-investment selections in retirement planning. After introducing a pricing model and a benefit payment model for an annuity, we construct...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation on Auto Test Set of an Airborne Radar

Fulu Jin, Yunpeng Li, Hongrui Wang
To automatic test the function and performance of an airborne radar, changeable test adapter is adopted to implement the hardware and software design of the automatic test set of the antenna, transceiver and indicator of the radar based on AT89C52. Problems such as t the different types of interfaces,...
Proceedings Article

Think about the Young People Network Crime in the New Era

Chunlin Wang
In China, the Young People Network Crime is more and more serious with the development of computer technology and the popularity of the Internet. Network crime body is young and professional, criminal means are concealment of the high diversity of forms of crime and criminal consequences of serious social...
Proceedings Article

Roles of China’s Government in Addressing Global Warming

Fang Yuan
Global warming has seriously affected the survival of mankind and the sustainable development of society. All countries in the world have taken measures to deal with the problem, and formed a series of effective international cooperation mechanism. China’s government actively respond to global warming,...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Research and Practical Application on Information System Professional Auditing

Yong Mu, Yansheng Zhang, Ying Zhao, Jinjing Niu
In order to solve some common problems of many information systems in use, such as the system workflows not match actual business process, data not standard, system not meet the technical document, ect, the paper innovatively put forward the concept of “Information System Professional Auditing”, defines...
Proceedings Article

Study on dielectric property of BST of gradient thick films

Maoyan Fan, Lifang Zhang
The multilayer BST thick film with composition gradient is becoming the important alternative material for the infrared detector and microwave modulator due to its good comprehensive dielectric properties such as moderate dielectric constant and high dielectric-temperature coefficient, etc. The Mn-doped...
Proceedings Article

Functional Cardiovascular System State of Males in Yakutia Depending on Age

Alla Guryeva, Vilyuya Alekseeva, Anastasia Beloborodova, Victoria Pryadeznikova, Victoria Zakharova
The purpose of the research was to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system of men in Yakutia of 22–60 years old (depending on the age group). A morphofunctional survey included 295 men of the first mature age (21–35 years old) and 502 men of the second mature age (36–60 years old). An...

Research on the Suitability of the Emergency Shelter in Tianjin

Xuefang Wang
Emergency shelter is an important part of the urban public safety system, which plays an important role in coping with emergencies. The research on the suitability of the completed emergency shelter is helpful to understand its shortcomings and optimize the city's emergency shelter capability. Based...

Developing students' competences in project management in Poland – a case study of IPMA-Student Certification

Joanna Rzempala
This article presents experiences and early conclusions from the Polish certification dedicated to students in the field of project management. First of all, it describes the IPMA - Student Competence Model. Secondly, it presents the results of student certification, the level of competence in particular...

Implementation of Game-Based Learning in Elementary School: A Content-Analysis Study

Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini, Sa’dun Akbar, Nafi Isbadria
This study aims to describe the game models that are used in learning and the effects of learning in elementary school in various bachelor degree theses of elementary school major in State University of Malang. This study uses a qualitative research approach with content-analysis based literature reviews....

Current Trends in the Development of Professional Discourse Terminology of Logistics

E. E. Bylina, L.V. Sludneva, T. A. Skopintseva, E. A. Yurkovskaya
The article focuses on the study of logistics professional discourse terminology. The study revealed the tendency towards simplification of the morphological and syntactic structure of logistics terms, discovered new productive patterns for abbreviating logistics terms, found out that the existing problem...

Improving Methodologies of Assessing the Efficiency of Agricultural Land Use

Irina Artamonova, Irina Baturina, Oksana Mikhajluk, Elena Poverinova
The article is devoted to the problem of the search and generalization of the values, which allow making an objective assessment of the efficiency of agricultural land use. For the whole period of the existence of humankind land resources have been the basic condition of its survival and further evolution,...

The Problem of Leadership in Modern Education

Valentina Dianova, Ludmila Artamoshkina, Nikita Nogovitsyn
The article deals with the problem of leadership as the ability to influence people and groups in the organization to achieve their goals. The best-known theories of leadership and concepts of modern leadership are considered, leadership is interpreted as helping other people in their development and...

Guidance and Counseling to Improve Healthy Sexual Behavior of Adolescents in West Java

Ipah Saripah, Nadia Aulia Nadhirah
Recently, the sexual behavior among adolescents has shown a general tendency toward urgency and is becoming a specific concern for several groups. Based on guidance and counseling’s perspective, the healthy sexual behavior an individual’s personal ability to reach their physical, psychological, and social...

The Effect of Net Return on Investment Income in Jamkrida Jabar’s Company

S. Sugiyanto, M. Kustiawan
This research aimed to determine how much of the influence ROI (return on investment) to net income at PT Jamkrida Jabar. The research method used is descriptive method with quantitative approach. The technique used are the data collection observations, interviews, and literature study. The analysis...

Psychological Characteristics of Leadership as a Component of the Elitism of Personality

Nataliya B. Karabuschenko, Maria V. Petrovskaya
Modern trends in society dictate the need for continuous development, initiative, responsibility for decisions. In the overwhelming majority, the acceptance of responsibility by society is ready to transfer to the leader. Despite the fact, that domestic and foreign theories of leadership failed to identify...
Proceedings Article

Political Constraint on Financing Child Marriage Prevention: A Case Study in Wiralaga, Mesuji

Arief Priyo Nugroho, Diyan Ermawan Effendi, Choirum Latifah, Iswari Hariastuti, Lestari Handayani
The Government has formulated a series of policies to reduce child marriage as an effort to promote adolescent (sexual and) reproductive health. One of them is the Child Protection Act No: 35, 2014. The high prevalence of child marriage demonstrates that the system did not work as expected. One of the...

Empowerment of Cassava Farmers Through Processing of Local Potential Based on Home Industry

Alhamuddin Alhamuddin, Rabiatul Adwiyah, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani, Shindu Irwansyah
Women’s involvement in the productive business sector will cause social change. The inclusion of women in the labor market or productive work affects household economic activity, resulting in changes in family economic structure. Empowering mothers can be done through processing food that can be used...

Arbitration as an Alternative to Non-Litigation Settlement in Medical Cases

Errawan R. Wiradisuria, Dwi Heri Susatya, Andjar Bhawono
Medical disputes stem from the patient’s dissatisfaction with the actions of the doctor in carrying out his medical practice and extends to the hospital level which is then resolved through mediation. The purpose of the mediation is to find a win-win solution. However, there are weaknesses of the mediation,...

The Flexibility of Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking in Solving Mathematical Problems

M D Saputri, I Pramudya, I Slamet
The ability to think creatively is needed to live in the era of the 21st industrial revolution and the work field, but learning that is oriented towards creative thinking skills is still lack. This ability can be given to students through mathematics learning so that the characteristics of mathematical...

The Influence of Employee Integrity on Employee Satisfaction in the Community Health Center in Padang

Fani Ratny Pasaribu, Syamsir
The problem that occurs at the Padang City Public Health Center is that there are still employees who are not committed to their goals as employees. Because there are still employees who are not friendly in providing services to patients. And there are still employees who are not honest in their work....

The Position of Defendant’s Statement in the Proof of Adultery Case (The Analysis of Syar’iyah Court Verdict Banda Aceh)

Nouvan Moulia
In Article 37 Paragraph (1) Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 on Jinayat Law mentioned that the moslems who confess of doing zina then their confession is considered as the request to be sentenced with zina punishment. However in its practice, the researcher finds out that some verdicts decided by Sharia Court...

Curriculum Analysis of Nationalism and Islamism Education in Islamic School of Indonesia

Mukodi, Sugiyono, M Fashihullisan
This research aims to: (a) analyze the nationalism and Islamism education curriculum in Indonesian Islamic schools; (b) create a model of nationalism and Islamism education curriculum in Indonesian Islamic schools. To find the accurate result, the researchers use a qualitative approach with a case study...

The Analysis of Malay Song in West Kalimantan: Generasi Penerus Arrangement Reza Zulianda

Septiani Kumalasari, Rita Milyartini
Malay song is traditional music that until now is still less popular and interested in both teenagers, high school and higher education. It is because the Malay song is identical with the rhyme so that it becomes bored to sing. This article explores the structure of the song, ornamentation, and meaning...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Response of Takka Plant (Tacca leontopetaloides L.) as Traditional Medicine for Drought Stress

Sartika Syafi, Venty Suryanti, Bambang Pujiasmanto, Edi Purwanto
Contains a brief description of research Abstract: Alternative medicine using herbs has been very popular in Indonesia in the last few decades. Takka plants contain secondary metabolite compounds that can be used as medicinal materials, it is necessary to administer drought stress. The purpose of this...

The Cultural Values of Ronggeng Tayub Kaleran in Mekarsari, Ciamis

Aep Saefurrohman, Dede Kosasih, Dian Hendrayana
The purpose of this study is to find out the history and the development of Ronggeng Tayub Kaleran; Ronggeng Tayub Kaleran performance process; and the cultural values contained in Ronggeng Tayub Kaleran. This study uses a qualitative descriptive-analytical method. The techniques used in this study are...

Response of Soybean Growth (Glycine max (L.) Merril) on the Treatment of Refugia Plant and Nanosilica Fertilizer

Tety Suciaty, Wijaya Wijaya, Dukat Dukat
This study aims to analyse the growth response of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) to the treatment of refugia plants and Nano silica fertilizer. The research was conducted at the Unit of Palawija Seed Development and Paddy, Agriculture Office of West Java Province, Plumbon, Cirebon Regency, from December...

Indonesian Language Acquisition by Children in Melayu Riau: A Study of Systematic Errors

Maya Indah Wahyuni, Dedi Sutedi
This study aims to determine the process of acquiring a second language for children, by describing the gains made by children in the linguistic, and complete stages of competence. This study used descriptive-analytical methods. Data obtained directly and indirectly. Children sampled were children who...

The Effect of Integration of Islamic Values in Quantum Learning on Student Learning Outcomes and Attitudes

Muflihah, Eka Normawati, Iis Intan Widiyoawati
This study aimed to determine the effect of integration of Islamic values in quantum learning model on student learning outcomes on the subject of reduction and oxidation reactions. This research was conducted at senior high school namely Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Nabil Husein Samarinda, East Kalimantan...
Case Study

The Curious Case of a Missing Coeliac Trunk: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Erin Cihat Saricilar, Ashley Peter Heyworth, Animesh Singla
Pages: 121 - 124
Introduction: The anatomy of the coelic trunk is highly variable. An understanding of the variations is important in general and vascular surgery due to the implications of disruption and consequent visceral ischaemia. Case Description: A case is described of a 69-year-old woman presenting with undifferentiable...

Binding of Fiduciary at Product Named Pegadaian Kredit Angsuran Fidusia at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Post-Applicability of Finance Minister Regulation Number 130/PMK.010/2012

Holilur Rohman
PT PEGADAIAN (Persero) is running its operations from one based lending fiduciary, has issued a product named Pegadaian Kredit Angsuran Fidusia (KREASI) with the mechanism set out in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) established by the Board of Directors. In preparing the SOP produtcs with based...

The State and Challenges of Technology Enhanced Learning in Cameroon’s English Subsystem of Education: Case Study of Colleges

Patterson Nji Mbakwa
Technology enhanced learning refers to the support of teaching and learning through the use of technology and can be used synonymously with e-learning. The thesis of this paper is that technology enhanced learning is still at its premature stage in Cameroon and that despite the rapid paradigm shift of...

Islamic University Accountability Model: In Islamic Values Perspective

Ari Dewi Cahyati, Nurma Risa, Nizarul Alim, Prasetyono Prasetyono
The purpose of this study is to formulate the accountability model of Islamic Universities especially 45 Islamic University (Unisma) in Bekasi. This research is a continuation of previous research which has formulated draft model of 45 Islamic University accountability in the Islamic perspective. The...

Risk-Based Approach to the Audits of Employers and Leading Automated Occupational Safety Management Systems

Tatiana Freze, Artem Freze, Larisa Gorina
With the introduction of a risk-based approach by the Russian Federal service for labour and employment in 2018, it is assumed that the more often a company violates labour law, the more often state inspectors will come to it. And the higher the risk category of the organization, the more often checks...

Digital Hardware Spiking Neuronal Network with STDP for Real-time Pattern Recognition

Yang Xia, Timothée Levi, Takashi Kohno
Pages: 121 - 124
By mimicking or being inspired by the nervous system, neuromorphic systems are designed to realize robust and power-efficient information processing by highly parallel architecture. Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) is a common learning method for Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). Here, we present...
Proceedings Article

Concentration of Total Suspended Particulate on X Coal Mining in Kutai Kartanegara District

Hansen, Ratna Yuliawati, Deddy Alif Utama
The quality of inhaled air is determined by the amount of pollutant gases and by particulates in the air. Particulate especially total suspended particulate (TSP) contains heavy metal elements that can have serious health effects. Among all the processes that produce particulates, the coal mining process...

Jaranan Krido Budoyo as the Preservation of Javanese Traditional Arts in Riau Malay Land

Wahyuning Tiyas, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Riau has been commonly recognized as a Malay region, but some of its areas are occupied by migrants, especially from Java, such as Sialang Sakti village. These village dwellers strive to preserve Javanese art and culture even though they live in the Malay region of Riau. The effort was channeled by establishing...

The Language and Social Issues in Early Childhood (Observations at TK-IT Ar-Rahmah Padang)

Dessy Amelia
Language and social is a very important thing to learn to add to the knowledge gained, then a study of the symptoms of language and social studies are held for some analysis of the weaknesses in speaking (speaking) vocabulary, slow language developing in speaking, often talking irregularly, not concentrating...

Enhancing Cultural Identity Through Speaking Class Using Mind Mapping Board to Face Industrial Revolution 4.0

Olyvia Revalita Candraloka, Aliva Rosdiana
Kudus is identified as Kota Santri due to its identity through its Islamic culture. Cultural awareness must be possessed people surroundings. Teachers can foster it in the classroom activity by approaching students’ background knowledge as target culture. Speaking is one way to activate students’ ideas,...

Effect of Taekwondo Poomsae Training on Weight Loss of Obese Children

Qianfeng Lin
This study takes obese children as the research objects to explore the influence of Taekwondo Poomsae training on obese children. The objects were 24 male students who did not exercise regularly in grade 4-6 of a primary school in a city of China, and whose body mass index were more than 25kg/m2. They...

The Role of Parents in Developing Naturalistic Intelligence in Early Childhood

Faizatul Faridy, Aulia Rohendi
Population growth and economic development have the potential to increase damage on earth over time. A large number of falling trees and changes in land use for development, the increase in millions of tons of waste, the increase in industry and vehicles also contribute to the threat to the environment....

The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching English Based on 2013 Curriculum at SMAN 1 2x11 Kayutanam

Rigasyahyana Gani, Havid Ardi
The research was to find out the implementation in using scientific approach in teaching English. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 2x11 Kayutanam, Padang Pariaman. The research used descriptive method. The data were taken from observation.The observation was used to find out the teaching learning...

Development of Civics Literacy Teaching Materials in Primary Schools

Reinita, Zuardi, Indah Budianti, Ridwan Efendi
Elementary school teachers are less successful to teach civics learning perfectly, is seen from the tendency to teach cognitive materials. As a result, the coaching of attitude based on the values of Pancasila is becoming neglected. Whereas the civics learning is one of value oriented learning. The following...

K-Means Clustering Optimization Using the Elbow Method and Early Centroid Determination Based on Mean and Median Formula

Edy Umargono, Jatmiko Endro Suseno, S.K Vincensius Gunawan
The most widely used algorithm in the cluster partitioning method is the K-Means algorithm, K-Means is an iteration algorithm with the user determining the number of clusters that need to be grouped and determining the centroid for each cluster so that the level of similarity between members in one group...

Directors’ Responsibilities in a Corporate Bankruptcy

Meiske M. W. Lasut, Engeli Yuliana Lumaing
The Board of Directors is a limited liability company organ (PT) has an important role in managing the company and conducting activities to represent the company, both inside and outside the court. The Board of Directors is fully responsible for the management of PT. In conducting authorities, directors...

Game Theoretic Strategies for Supplier Capability Assessment and Manufacturing Order Allocation

Cheng-Kuang Wu, Yu-Min Chuang
Pages: 121 - 129
An effective method is required to determine the amount and priority for the deployment of suppliers for multiple manufacturing processes, particularly when the available budget for each manufacturing process is limited. In this study, we propose an integrated approach for supplier assessment that consists...

The Model of Yoga Training for Women Adolescents

Widyastuti, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Andi Fitri Wahyuni
Separately living with parents causes adolescent girls who live in orphanages to have lower levels of positive affect. This study aimed to determine the effect of yoga training to increase positive affect adolescent girls in several orphanage in city of Makassar. The subject of the study (N = 10, age...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Menstrual Pattern, Nutritional Status and Level of Knowledge With the Incidence of Anemia on Teenage Girls

Salma Nabilah, Hartati Eko Wardani, Rara Warih Gayatri
Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells, or hemoglobin concentration is below. The prevalence of anemia is mostly due to iron deficiency. About 50% of anemia in women worldwide is caused by iron deficiency (WHO, 2012). This study aims to determine the correlation of menstrual patterns...
Proceedings Article

Stochastic Method for Skeleton Based Human Action Diagnostics

Yury Egorov, Irina Zakharova, Andrew Filitsin, Alexandr Gasanov
In recent years, modeling of human actions and activity patterns for recognition or detection of the special situation has attracted a significant research interest. We present our approach for abnormal human action recognition as a sequence of intermediate states. We propose to decompose each action...