Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Competence of Vocational Teachers in the Use of Technology in the New Normal Era

Nizwardi Jalinus, Sukardi, Syahril, Syaiful Haq, Rizky Ema Wulansari
The Covid-19 pandemic presents new challenges to education, especially vocational education. Learning activity could not be done face-to-face, but online learning is an alternative. The regulations governing online learning are of common concern because in vocational education there is not only theoretical...
Proceedings Article

Practical Study on Project Teaching Methods in College Practical Writing Teaching

Hongying Zhang
Project teaching method is able to change traditional teaching manner, and is crucial for raising teaching quality in writing classes, as well as students’ practical writing. In this article, the writer summarizes practices in teaching, and discusses about the application of project teaching method in...
Proceedings Article

The Result Analysis of Drug Susceptibility Test in Vitro of Mycoplasma in Urogenital Tract

Yan Zhu, Jiao Feng, Qingyang Liu
Purposes: To discuss the infected status and drug resistance of mycoplasma in urogenital. Methods: Five hundred and seventy-nine genitourinary samples were detected for the presence of mycoplasma with identification and 10 drug sensibilities by Mycoplasma Susceptibility Test Kit. Results: Two hundred...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Transformational Leadership, Work Culture, Self Learning And Work Commitment Towards Teacher's Performance

Lisa Gracia Kailola
Teacher's performance plays a crucial role in achieving quality of education and good character of students. Low teacher's performance will decrease quality of graduates itself. Based on data in Depok City, West Java, teacher's performance is in the priority programs of government, and still need to...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Teaching Concept Formation of Double-position Teachers

Junxia Chen
At present, China is accelerating application-oriented university construction. “double-position” teachers become important teaching resources. This paper describes daily teaching behavior of a “double-position” teacher from the perspective of educational narrative, explores the formation reasons and...
Proceedings Article

Identity, Language and Social Cohesion: Car Plate Number Preference Among Indonesian Diaspora

Ahmad Bukhori Muslim
Social identification and cohesion are deemed important, particularly among group-oriented ethnic minorities like Indonesians overseas. This identification can be, in some other ways, expressed by car license numbers, to show their social belonging and affiliation. This qualitative study explores how...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the test results and the effect of autonomous learning in College English Network Course

Hongji Li
The establishment of any system has its principles, and the establishment of the training system of College Students' English autonomous learning ability must have the principle of the design. In the process of establishment of College Students' English autonomous learning ability cultivation system,...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Micro-credit

Deng-lu He
Micro-credit pushed by the rural financial institutions play a significant role in supporting the economic development and solving the three issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers. Pointing at the outstanding issues current micro-credit confront such as the inability to meet the strong...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Business English Professional with the Combination of Training Mode

Li Xuejing, Liu Yunman
The Business English majors are starting to exist as an independent discipline, it develops business English training model to meet the requirements of social development that is very important. Based on the needs, the analysis of business English talent Xingtai research and training objectives for the...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Real Option Method for Investment Decision of Real Estate Project

Zhen Wang
With accelerated marketization process of the real estate, its effect in stimulating and stabilizing the market economy becomes more and more large. Because market development of the real estate is less well-developed, investment manias of real estate prick up the risk of investment. Therefore, the use...
Proceedings Article

A Synchronization Concept of Vocational Education in Indonesia

Agung Premono, Tuti Iriani, Riyadi Riyadi, Daryanto Daryanto
Vocational education in Indonesia has been implemented in three different levels of education: higher education, secondary education, and non-formal education. However, vocational education implementation of these levels seems not related to each other. This study is carried out to create a synchronization...
Proceedings Article

Transformation from Academic Majors to the Application-Oriented Ones in Key Universities

Dongchuan Lin, Jing Gao, Yongbing Li, Shanxiang Liang
In recent years the government has made efforts to reform education and issued a series of policy documents about the transformation of colleges and universities. In the process of educational reform, a key university should take the initiative to play the comprehensive advantages of disciplines and...
Proceedings Article

The significance of network literature in China and its value bearing

BinYing Wu, JingHui Wu
With the development of the times, the development of the society is obviously accelerated. Network literature has also been influenced, which is more unique, showing a more innovative development trend. At the same time, the network literature also presents some development problems, this paper makes...
Proceedings Article

The Content Classification via Bayesian Model in Meteorological Teaching

Guanlei Xu, Limin Shao, Yonglu Liu, Fengwang Lang
In meteorological teaching, in order to improve the teaching efficiency, the content classification is of much signification. After content classification, the teachers can give the detailed and better teaching plans to the students. On the other hand, these classified content can be employed for the...
Proceedings Article

The Mixing Degree of Mixed Ownership Enterprises and the Innovation of Corporate Governance

Ying Chen
This article selected 1000 mixed ownership enterprises as samples from Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Market in 2015. To the mixed ownership of the enterprise mixed degree as the standard, classification of the nature of the first major shareholders of the 1000 listing Corporation. The governance problems...
Proceedings Article

Feminism Analysis on Dewi Ria Utari’s “Topeng Nalar” Short Story

Andhika Dyah Puspitasari, Else Liliani
This research aims to describe the text dimension, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice in Dewi Ria Utari’s short story “Topeng Nalar”. Feminism theory is applied along with qualitative descriptive method with Fairclough’s model. The results show that: (1) text dimension, the short story “Topeng...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Ludo Media to Improve Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students

Vera Erviana, Fajar Pambudi
The purpose of this research was to determine the steps of the development, also to determine the feasibility of Ludo learning media for 5th-grade Social Studies learning the material. This research was Research and Development. The subjects of the testing were the 5th grade students as many as 28 students...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Response on Collaborative Translation Model

Rudi Hartono
Translation is a complicated activity for students to do individually. They face many linguistic and cultural problems alone, so their products of translation are poor grammatically, lexically, and mechanically. Through this research I surveyed their response and described how their opinions on the application...
Proceedings Article

Ornament Art on Traditional Boat: Creative Expression of Fishermen Community in Jepara Coast

Triyanto Triyanto, Mujiyono Mujiyono, Eko Sugiarto, Ratih Ayu Pratiwinindya
Human as the part of culture has the desire to decorate equipment that they possess to look prettier and aesthetic. The desire to realize pretty look is human natural desire including the fisherman in Jepara coast. The fishermen need to express visual form that is comfortable and harmonic to be seen....
Proceedings Article

Traditions: Radical or Peace-Building

Dian Eka Indriani, M. Sahid, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Umi Anugrah Izzati
Indonesia is a nationality and multicultural state surrounded by different ethnic, linguistic, religious and ideological backgrounds and geographical areas among its regions as it is separated by tens of thousands of islands. The risk of conflict among communities is considerable. A number of these each...
Proceedings Article

Jiaozhou-Jinan Railway and Demographic Change

Man Xia
As a symbol for the modern industrial civilization, Jiao-Ji Railway (shorted for Jiaozhou-Jinan Railway) is the first railway of Shandong Province, and exerts an influence on the demographic change. The influence manifests in migration craze, demographic change and distribution, and people’s identity,...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Concept For Developing STEM-Based Integrated Science Teaching Materials Themed "Blood".

Arya Dwi Susetyadi, Anna Permanasari, R. Riandi
Innovations in learning science is needed to answer the needs of the paradigm in 21st century. Innovation in learning science can be achieved with STEM education because STEM education can accomodate STEM literacy and 21st century skills learning. Teaching and Learning involves three important components,...
Proceedings Article

Critical Thinking as a Trigger of the Creativity of Teaching Music

Diah Latifah, Henry Virgan, JL Hestyono Moeradi
This study examines the power of critical thinking to produce music creative teaching performance. The study participants were twenty music teachers who had participated in teaching music training, based on twenty-first century learning practices, with the desired peak of achievement targeted at improving...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Islamic Culture in English for Islamic Studies (EIS) Classroom

Naf’an Tarihoran, Rahimah
The aim of this study is to explore the Islamic culture in English for Islamic Studies (EIS) classroom. In the course of EIS, the priority should not only be given to increase international understanding by enabling the students to speak another language but also understanding the cultural values. The...
Proceedings Article

Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques

Muhamad Imam Pamungkas, Dewi Mulyani, Dinar Nur Inten
Al-Quran literacy in early childhood is introduced through learning and experiences related to the child's world and according to its development. Good and pleasant experiences will have a positive impact on children's development. Playing is the main thing for early childhood learning. This study uses...
Proceedings Article

Dialect Attitude, Dialect Environment and Dialect Degradation: Evidence from Hukou Dialect in China

Jinfeng Li
This paper investigates dialect attitude and “dialect mingled by Mandarin” phenomenon of 782 family residents in Hukou County, Jiangxi Province, China. OLS model was established to analyze the relationship between dialect attitude and dialect degradation. Results showed that: first, the distribution...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Program Linus Bahasa Inggeris 2.0

Abu Bakar Bin Yusuf, Nik Mohd Zaki Bin Nik Mohamed, Zaini Bin Abdullah, Nur Adibah Binti Abdul Latif, Ikhsan Bin Othman
The study aims to identify the implementation processs of English 2.0 Linus Programme using Stufflebeam Model (CIPP). The study is carried out in all primary school in the district of Lipis, Pahang involving Year 3 English teachers. The research methodology uses quantitative method with support from...
Proceedings Article

Digital Literacy in the Use of Technology-based Information System

Ade Romi Rosmia, Melly Suziani
Digital literacy is an urgent need for society today, because technological advances that are not balanced by intelligence in using modern technology tools will have a negative impact on human civilization. Surveys conducted by the Indonesian Internet Network Organizing Association (APJII), for example,...
Proceedings Article

Authentic Assessment Model in Problem Solving Learning for Kindergarten

Rini Agustiningsih, Amir Syamsudin
This study aims to produce an authentic assessment model in problem-solving learning for children aged 5-6 years. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to find out: 1) the feasibility of the authentic assessment model, and 2) the results of the students' ability assessment in problem solving learning...
Proceedings Article

On the Positive Interaction Between Modern Self-media and College English Teaching

Min Deng
In the era of self-media, information is transmitted to people or specific individuals through modern electronic information technology. Yi class or Easy Class is an efficient and convenient network virtual community, which is closely related to the college students ' life. How to make full use of the...
Proceedings Article

Study of Political Preferences and Type 2 Errors in the Traditional Correlation Approach

M. Basimov
The complex nature of the subject of research was shown using the example of the study political preferences of young people, and the problem of "significant" correlations. An approach to errors that completely change the researcher's worldview was considered. The specific results were shown demonstrating...
Proceedings Article

Applying Data Mining in order to Motivate Inclusive Finance

Che-Chang Chang, Fang-Tzu Chen
Without doubt, administering inclusive financial assistance to relieve the poor of poverty has been put under spot light recently. This present study itry to apply data mining, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and financial technologies to promote the project of inclusive finance in rural areas...
Proceedings Article

eKTP Services Policy in Bandung

Ika Widiastuti
EKTP is an important element in the population administration, whose creation is the government of basic services to the people. In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 52 of 1997 that every resident aged 17 years or never marry must have identity cards. The purpose of this study are: (1) to assess...
Proceedings Article

The Innovation of Human Resource Management in Education to Improve School Quality

Nurochim Nurochim
Human Resource Management education is any effort in the form of policies, activities, considerations intended for human resources in this case educators and school personnel can afford and prosper in working optimally to achieve educational goals. The purpose of this research is to know the human resource...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation and Empirical Analysis of Local Financial Risk

Peizhe Li, Shanshan Pei
The objective evaluation of local financial risks is of great practical significance to the prevention of local financial risks. Through the selection of financial risk index, design of local financial risk evaluation index system, build evaluation model based on the local financial risk by factor analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Impact, Trend and Corporate Strategy of the FinTech Industry

Lei Xu
This paper explores the impact FinTech is exerting on financial business, its future trend, and suitable strategies of market players based on a dataset of 892 global representative entrepreneurial firms and interviews to some of them. We find that FinTech will profoundly influence six business sections...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Social Definition for the Village Development Planning Process of the RKPDES Drafting Team towards the Document Quality in Bumiaji, Batu Indonesia

Aditya Prasaja
RKPDES is a yearly Village Development Work-Plan in Indonesia. It is also part of the whole Indonesian development planning schemes. The quality of development planning document reflects the ability of the team in interpreting the legal guidelines. If the document quality is good, it will correlate to...
Proceedings Article

Literacy Movement Read Al-Quran through Habits of Reading Fifteen Minutes every day

The content of multicultural education in curricula in Elementary School or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is an integral part of strengthening character education, one of which is religious attitudes which are part of the superiority of religiously labeled Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. One of the excellent programs offered...
Proceedings Article

Personality Digitalization as a Quantum Discord of Social Reality

Nenad Yanich, Valentina Maykova, Eduard Molchan, Pavel Tihvinskiy, Andrey Maykov
The paper studies personality development trends in the digitalization era and determines moral and spiritual dimension of social systems. Socio-philosophical analysis of pressing challenges of objective reality was used as a research methodology. Close attention is drawn to the fact that educational...
Proceedings Article

The Issue of Zoomorphic Ornaments in the History of Studies of Gunch (Stucco) Carving in 9th to 12th Century Central Asia

Guzel Zagirova
The article examines the issue of what is termed "hidden" zoomorphic images in the architectural ornament of early Islamic Central Asia. For many years, zoomorphic motifs were considered intentionally concealed in floral ornament in order to circumvent the Islamic prohibition of depicting living creatures....
Proceedings Article

On the Qing dynasty Tongzhi Daoguang Xuantong period of anti-smoking policy

Yu Zhou
The anti-smoking policy in the Tongguang Xuan period of the qing dynasty was mainly represented by the "ten articles of anti-smoking regulations" issued in the Guangxu period in 1906, which was introduced nearly half a century after the legalization of opium trade in China in 1858, reflecting the final...
Proceedings Article

Inquiry into the Permeation of Moral Education in Primary English Teaching

Qiutan Yu
Moral education in English teaching refers to the moral education infusing in the process of the instruction of English language knowledge, the cultivation of English language and communicative ability in the way of permeation; it also refers that English teachers interpret and expound English teaching...
Proceedings Article

Self Alienation of Adolescents with Visual Impairments

Rika Vira Zwagery, Mr Akbar
Psychologically, the social characteristics of a special need person have differences with normal individuals. Special need person having low self-esteem due to physical limitations tend to avoid social interaction with others. This study aims to identify the self-alienation of an adolescent with visual...
Proceedings Article

Perception Comparisons on Packaging Design Elements toward Purchasing Decisions between People with Art Sensibility and Those without Art Sensibility

Khwanrat Chinda
Perception on product appearance could enhance customers’ credentials for product quality and increase the purchasing potential. In this study a testing by using a set of 3D simulated pictures as stimuli is designed to evaluate how consumers perceived product necessity of cognitive and affective perceptions...
Proceedings Article

Study of Architectural Graduate Education Based on Changes in the Thinking and Organizing of Graduate Programs

Wang Yan-song, Xiao Shu-yu, Bao Fan
This essay is based on the author’s long time teaching practice in architectural graduate education, and aims to look through some obvious problems in today’s architectural graduate programs in university. For these problems, the essay offers some thinking about the aspects of education, such as the...
Proceedings Article

Using Authentic Material to Develop Students’ Critical Reading Ability

Lidia Vera Bessu, Angrayni Dian Novia Nasution, Ashadi Ashadi
Having a critical reading ability is crucial for students to survive the modern societies. Especially now with the massive development of technologies and internet, we can easily access information produced elsewhere in the world. However, it makes us faced with a new challenge. The information we found...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Lubuk Larangan Environmental Knowledge for the Topic of River Ecosystem of Community and Students in Pdang Lawas Utara Regency

Berliani Ritonga, Syarifuddin, Tumiur Gultom
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lubuk larangan on community’s and students’ environmental knowledge based on: (1) school location; (2) gender perspective; and (3) the level of education for the topic of river ecosystem in Padang Lawas Utara Regency. The study was a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Students Economic Empowerment through the Public Sphere

Enok Risdayah, Asep Iwan Setiawan, Krisna Somantri, Dedi Suyandi
This research was conducted at Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, where currently, there are more than twenty-four thousand students there. Through observations, the researchers found that some of the students used public space such as the mosque yard and the class yard for economic...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of Vocational Competence Learning to the Creativity in Apparel Making among Vocational School Students

Sitti Aisyah, Djoko Kustono, Syamsul Hadi
Creativity is very fundamental in apparel making and can be developed through appropriate learning processes. The question that needs to be addressed is how to develop students’ creative potentials through learning processes, especially in the vocational school for fashion design. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article

Research of Computer Network Crimes Investigation and Legal Supervision Measures

Shijie Zhu
In recent years, the rapid development of computer networks has become an indispensable part of human life, and now, more and more people use mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices online, and mobile phones and other electronic mobile devices are constantly updated and developed in. The...
Proceedings Article

The Networked Individualism Approach for Understanding The Importance of ICT In Mainland China

Zhengke Fu, Mengsi Yan
At present, most of the researches on relationship between ICT and social impact are focused on specific communication technology. This paper discusses the impact of ICT on social life with the perspective of networked individualism. In order to answer the problem efficiently, we present the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary exploration on subsequent construction of excellent course

Yue Tan
It's a long-term, complex and detailed work for subsequent construction of excellent course. This essay starts with summarizing the necessity of subsequent construction of excellent course and specifying the core content of the subsequent construction. Using the Fujian Province excellent course Fundamentals...
Proceedings Article

Impact of due dates for complex product engineering change based on capability constraints

HuaiGuo Zhang, Xiang Su, ZhiYing Wang
It is difficult to establish the delivery date during complex product engineering change, a model of the effect of delivery date based on capacity constraints was proposed. Firstly, capacity requirements plannings were set up according to the critical process of change parts manufacturing and the corresponding...
Proceedings Article

Folk Sports Development under the Context of Ceramic Culture

Jin Ying
Since the reform and opening up, the western sports culture has become popular, many characteristics of the local folk sports culture is disappearing. As China's economic strength become strong, it is very important to protect and develop the traditional folk culture with traditional culture characteristics....
Proceedings Article

Urgency of Character Education Based on Multiculturalism

Ahsani Taqwiem
In the last few days we have seen many actions of certain groups in society who want to undermine the harmony of Indonesian nation. Religious and racial issues are sensitive issues that can lead to disintegration. The solution to avoid disintegration is to strengthen unity. Strong unity comes in a long...
Proceedings Article

Developing Scientific Thinking Through Inquiry Learning

Ika Andrini Farida, Dewi Retno Suminar, Nur Ainy Fardhana Nawangsari
Scientific thinking is defined as knowledge seeking. For knowledge to be acquired, students need to master inquiry skills, or the capability to design experiments and to obtain evidence. Inquiry learning facilitates students to develop scientific thinking. The researchers have different views of how...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Gratitude and Perceived Social Support in Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability

Alfina Dewi Hermansyah, Umniyah Saleh, Nirwana Permatasari
The present study aimed to explore the relationship between gratitude and perceived social support in parents of children with intellectual disability at Makassar. There were 40 participants selected using purposive random sampling. The criteria of selecting participants are parents of children with...
Proceedings Article

Developing a causal model of game addiction and stealing behavior among undergraduate students

Thitiwat Numkhan, Waiphot Kulachai
The objectives of this study were to examine game addiction and stealing behavior, factors affecting game addiction, and factors affecting stealing behavior among undergraduate students. The samples of this study were 340 undergraduate students from 3 universities, Burapha University, Rajamangala University...
Proceedings Article

The Implications of Local Government Spending Efficiency on the Regional Economic Performance

Muhammad Heru Akhmadi, Imam Sumardjoko
Fiscal decentralization is an opportunity as well as a challenge for local government to improve the welfare of society through better economic manifestation. Regional economic performance is still a proud note during the implementation of fiscal decentralization. During 2011-2014, economic growth slowed...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Of Public Facilities And Disability Treatments: A Comparison Between Indonesia And Malaysia

Fairuz Sabiq Fairuz, Meliana Damayanti Meliana
The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison between two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, as Moslem communities, how they treat the diversity and disability inclusion in their societies. The gaps are real between both of them, Indonesia and Malaysia. Such as in part of policy, society, law, education...
Proceedings Article

Students' Perspectives on Implementing Pedagogical Tasks in English Classroom

Erwin Pohan
The outcome of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in the classroom is the learners' ability to practice the target language or use language in their real life. The ability can be prepared and seen from their success of using target language (TL) in pedagogical tasks classroom. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

Hermione Granger’s Act of Equality in Harry Potter Saga Movies

Aprinus Salam, Ninies Aini Fitria Dewi
The present research tries to describe the distribution of the sensible based on Jacques Ranciere’s perspectives in Harry Potter Saga. The term distribution of the sensible is firsly proposed by Ranciere which gives attention to how the subject is placed in a certain position of the social structure....
Proceedings Article

Parenting as Character Education Model

Eko Sumargo, Soedjarwo, Erny Roesminingsih
This research aims to develop a model parenting conceptual as a framework partnership relationship between school with the parents of students in order to develop and apply a character education program at an elementary school. This study was conducted in two stages at the preparatory stage and the implementation....
Proceedings Article

Employability Skills: Perspectives Between Pre-Vocational Programme Teachers and Employers in Brunei Darussalam

Andree Asmara, Rohani, Jainatul Halida
Globally, the main goals of education and training of students with disabilities are to prepare them for independence and employment. Hence, it is important for students with disabilities to be equipped with employability skills in order to adapt to changing environmental demands. Hence, a study with...
Proceedings Article

Combining Problem-Solving Therapy with Other Treatments to Improve Well-Being of Society

Intan Novantin Citra Ady, Wa Ode Nursanaa
This article provides information about how problem-solving therapy can reduce depressive symptoms in terms of reducing depression when combined with other interventions that have the same purpose of decreasing depressive symptoms. This article analyzes how each intervention, combined with problem-solving...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Curriculum at State Vocational School (SMKN) 2 Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta

Fairuz Chrisvianova, Haryanto
The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of curriculum especially at the field of musical art at SMK N 2 Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. The data was collected by using observation, interviews and, documentation for 2 months. The...
Proceedings Article

Instruction of Women Goalkeepers’ in Indonesian Futsal Nusantara League 2019

Desrio Windoro, Agus Kristiyanto, Slamet Riyadi
This article is intended to determine the instructions of women goalkeeper’s profiles in the Indonesian Futsal League 2019. The method that is used is observational by doing observations directly in the Indonesian Futsal Nusantara League. This event was held at Sasana Krida Building at Purwokerto Central...
Proceedings Article

The Existence of Distinction Principle in Preventing Victims of Armed Conflicts Based on the International Humanitarian Law

Parties involved in armed conflict are forbidden to commit murder, torture, rape, and punishment outside the legal method. However, in various armed conflicts, many people, who are not involved in the conflict, became the victims, wounded, sick, killed, and lost their property. This circumstance is because...
Proceedings Article

Switching Points of Authentic Assessment for Teachers Era 4.0

Elsina Sihombing
Indonesia curriculum is always revised periodically for the purpose of its accomplishment regarding national learners’ needs in Indonesia. The recent newest curriculum is named K-‘13 since it was launched in 2013. Authentic assessment is a distinguisher segment of K-’13 against the former curriculum,...
Proceedings Article

Cheerful Crowd: The Representation of KPU Tagline in West Java Regional-Head Election

Afri Wita, Apip Apip, Lina Marliana
Pasanggiri Longser is an event chosen by General Election Commission (KPU) of West Java Province to socialize about governor election on regional-head elections. This study reveals how the tagline of KPU of West Java Province in 2018 simultaneous Pilkada, “Pilgub Jabar SEMARAK, Pilkada Serentak GEMBIRA”...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between CSR Quality with Corporate Reputation PT Indonesia Power UP Semarang

Agus Naryoso
PT Indonesia Power UP Semarang has organized various activities as a social responsibility for the community. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of the company are already established so that it produces a positive impact on the people who receive it. PT Indonesia Power UP Semarang...
Proceedings Article

Error Analysis of Sokuon and Choon Used by Japanese Learners

Maya Indah Wahyuni, Dedi Sutedi
The research aimed to describe the errors and factors affecting errors made by learners in writing hiragana letters involving the elements of the word sokuon and choon. It also described the way to resolve errors made by the teacher and learners. This study was qualitative descriptive research, which...
Proceedings Article

Professional Development Strategies of College English Teachers from the Perspective of Educational Knowledge Management

Ge Liu
Educational knowledge management has been one of the research hotspots in educational technology. The applications of knowledge management and its interaction with educational technology are of great significance to the development of educational technology. Knowledge is the core of teachers’ professional...
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Teaching Process Design and Research Based on TOPCARES-CDIO

Chong Zhang, Baocai Zhong
A new curriculum teaching process design method with competence training as the core is proposed based on the international advanced TOPCARES-CDIO engineering education idea. Taking the curriculum Web Application Development as an example, this paper describes the whole process from the determination...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Problems in Writing Exposition Texts: Structure, Function, and Effectiveness

Anisia Kemala, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Yeti Mulyati
Writing skill is one of the core competencies for students to succeed in academic. However, students often face many difficulties when conveying their ideas through writing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify students’ problems in writing exposition texts based on three indicators; 1)...
Proceedings Article

Opportunities of Digital Educational Technologies in the Practice of University Education

O.E. Kadeeva, T.N. Shurukhina, N.V. Repsh, A.N. Belov
The article is devoted to the inclusion of Russian universities in the practice of digital education. This article considers specifics of various digital educational technologies in distance learning and identifies the main directions of their use in the educational process of the university. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Leading Dominants of the Subjective Well-Being: A Case Study of the Tyumen Region

Liudmila Kiseleva
This paper analyses the subjective well-being of the population of the Tyumen region using its leading dominants. The analysis is based on the results of an own questionnaire. The research goal was to define dominants of subjective well-being of the Russians based upon a dataset for the Tyumen region. This...
Proceedings Article

Interpretation of the Film the Godfather From Sound Effect, Movie Frame, Filming Technique and Narrative

Juncong Lu
The Godfather tells a romantic gangster epic in a sober, brooding style. It is one of the greatest gangster movies in the history. This paper attempts to interpret the Godfather from sound effect, movie Frame, shooting techniques and movie narrative, which would be helpful for today’s film shooting and...
Proceedings Article

Some Problems of Teaching Russian Literature to Foreign Students

Ekaterina A. Artemeva, Elena G. Tonkova, Alevtina G. Lavrentieva
The article considers problems of teaching and interpreting authentic literary texts in the history of Russian literature classes for non-native Russian speakers from the Central Asia region. The study describes criteria for selecting literary texts, including the culturological dimension. It is concluded...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Curriculum Implementation Effectiveness and Influencing Factors Under Inter-School Study Mode

Qin Yue, Zihao Shao
As a new model of “Internet + Education”, inter-university study has played a huge role in sharing university resources and providing personalized learning. However, inter-school study is still in the development stage, and there are still factors in the model that affect the improvement of teaching...
Proceedings Article

Managing Knowledge in Creating Archive Access in an Indonesian Records Center

Rizkiana Karmelia Shaura, Ike Iswary Lawanda
This paper investigates the construction of knowledge and knowledge management in the creation of record access in the records center of the Directorate General of Elementary and Secondary Education in the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. Record officers in this organization have...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of Death and Recommendations for Suicide Prevention Policies: A Case Study of Suicide Case in Gunung Kidul

Muhammad Abdul Hadi, Rahmatika Kurnia Romadhani
Death is perceived differently among people from different cultures. These differences in perception stem from the variety of natural and physical context in humans’ surroundings. Based on the existing theories, death is perceived as a matter that is difficult to accept. However, there has been an intriguing...
Proceedings Article

Ethnic Entities in Political Messages to Voters Behavior

Abrar Adhani, Akhyar Anshori
Medan City is a city inhabited by various ethnic groups, both native Indonesian tribes and ethnic groups from other nations. Even though Medan City is Identical with Malay tribe, currently Malay tribes in Medan City are not the dominant tribes. Ethnic diversity contained in the city of Medan, has its...
Proceedings Article

Legal Certainty Implementation of Arbitration Decisions in Indonesia

Hendri Jayadi
The establishment of an arbitration institution as an institution or forum for resolving disputes outside the court is not a result of people’s distrust of the current judiciary. In its development, the Arbitration Institution is not only a national issue, but it is seen from its historical development...
Proceedings Article

Students Perception about Entrepreneurship Course Using Quantum Learning Model

Adevia Indah Kusuma, Diana Pramesti
Learning model are useful for helping students to learn and to provide an environment for interactive students experiences. Therefore, learning model has a strategic role especially for the achievement of entrepreneurial character building in students. Furthermore, the challenges that occur in the internalization...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Islamic Work Ethic on Attitudes Towards Changing Organization With Organization Commitment as Mediator

Ade Rusman, Haryadi, Eko Suyono
This study is projected to investigate the Islamic organization, namely Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP). The objective of the study is to analyze the impact of Islamic work ethic toward organizational commitment and attitude on organizational change; to obtain the impact of organizational commitment...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Optimal Retention With Quantile and Expectile Risk Measure

Novi Permata Indah, Arif Fadilla
The form of claim severity from the reinsurance contracts is skewed to the right and heavy tail. The aims of this research are to determine the optimal risk measure on a reinsurance contracts. This risk measure is the coverage limit between an insurance company and a reinsurance company called optimal...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics

Andi Harpeni Dewantara, Fitriani Nur, Munawarah, Rahmadani, Lisnasari Andi Mattoliang, Ahmad Farham Majid
This study aims to: (1) find out the student’s mathematical connection ability who use the direct learning model with the problem-posing approach and the STAD cooperative learning model with the problem-posing approach, (2) find out the difference in students mathematical connection ability who use the...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Career Planning and Major Identity of Preschool Education Major Undergraduates–Based on Investigation in H University

Wanyan Sun
Career planning and major identity of preschool education major undergraduates play an indispensable role in the development of national preschool education system. This study explores the relationship between career planning and major identity. A sample of 105 preschool education major undergraduates...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Chinese International Students’ Acculturative Strategies in Western Universities

Ying Chen, Haoran Wu
The acculturation of immigrants has contributed to the cultural diversity of a society or even a country. It is a complex process since it involves about two cultures or even more than two cultures. This work aims to review the process of acculturation of Chinese international students during their studies...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Indonesian Values in the Culture of Indonesian Student Education in Makkah

H Sriyanto, A Masrukhin, M N Willyarto
This research was motivated by the efforts to discover Indonesian values in the culture of Indonesian schools in Makkah. Research problems included multicultural values, Indonesian culture, and Indonesian nationalism in the education culture of Indonesian students. The purpose of this research was to...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Characteristics of Chu Teh-chun’s Abstract Painting

Feng Liu
This article studies the unique modeling style characteristics of Chu Teh-chun’s Abstract paintings, and summarizes them into three points: rich and changeable calligraphic style of “points, lines, and surfaces”, gentle and solemn unique modeling symbols, and a stable and harmonious modeling relationship...
Proceedings Article

Organization of Parental Gender Education in the Military Conflict Zone in Ukraine

Iryna Trubavina, Liudmyla Tsybulko, Natalia Mohylyova, Olha Radziyevska, Yulia Medvid
The article is based on experience of a tuition project on gender issues for parents in the region of military conflict in Eastern Ukraine, as well as results of experimental works during its system elaboration. 119 teachers and 145 parents took part in the experiment. The following research methods...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Opinion Leader in Disaster Communication

Case Study: Merapi Disaster in Umbulharjo Sleman Yogyakarta 2018

Adhianty Nurjanah, Iswanto, Dyah Mutiarin
Mount Merapi is one of the active volcanoes in the world located in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Mount Merapi erupts periodically. Potential hazards that can occur are the release of hot material when an eruption occurs along with volcanic ash, hot clouds and cold lava. The potential for large natural...
Proceedings Article

Business Model Innovation of Bicycle Sharing From Perspective of Sustainable Economic Development

Yunqi Wang, Liang Li, Daiqingwen Luo
As the typical representative of sharing economy, bicycle sharing is not only the result of technological innovation, but also the innovation of product designing and business model. From the massive influx of bicycle sharing brands into the market in 2016 to the subsequent rapid withdrawal, and then...
Proceedings Article

Using Multimedia Interactive in Online Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dariyono, Mukhidin
The Covid-19 outbreak has changed learning patterns that have been carried out by face-to-face methods with online learning. The purpose of this study was to find alternative learning methods implemented during the pandemic. The method used was a literature review. Online learning with computer-based...
Proceedings Article

Leadership and Administrative Skills:

A Panacea for Administrative Challenges in Schools

Peter Lameck Mduwile, Aan Komariah
This paper examined leadership and administrative skills and it emphasized on the meaning of leadership, leadership skills, the concept of efficiency, and administration for improving leadership and management in educational institutions. The topic under discussion suggests the need for leadership and...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom in Banjar Cultural Perspective

Local wisdom belongs to the local community. This local wisdom is lived, practiced, taught, and passed down from one generation to another which at the same time forms patterns of daily human behavior, both towards fellow human beings and towards nature. Local wisdom is noble values that are believed...
Proceedings Article

Expressionist Motives in the Work of Yuri Mamleev

Ella Radaeva
This article discusses the elements of expressionist poetics in the works of Yuri Mamleev, a Russian writer of the 20th century. The author mainly considers the novel “Rogue bears” as well as several short stories from the 1960s and 1980s. The author of the article holds the idea that expressionism,...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning With an Integrated Model in Learning and Teaching

The Hung Phan
In digital education, there are several challenges for schools and teachers to apply the concept of Education 4.0: (1) curriculum and teaching methodology, (2) no flipped classes, individualized learning, mostly synchronous, not asynchronous activities based on their syllabus or learning programs, (3)...