Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Trust to Users To Use Go-Pay And Grab-Pay As Payment Method

Andi Nurul Istiyana, Dien Triana
Nowadays, online transportation has become a viable option for taking people to where they want to go. The various conveniences you get from online transportation, as well as ease of payment, compared to conventional modes of transport. One payment method offered is with the use of a mobile application,...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila Clinic Development In The Village Community

Mr. Masrukhi, Margi Wahono, Mr. Tijan, AT Sugeng Priyanto
Rural communities are people who are vulnerable to the effects of globalization. Their limited access to information from the outside community often results in shock over the values order among them. In turn, understanding, appreciation, and implementation of Pancasila in their daily lives can gradually...
Proceedings Article

The Ecosytem Thematic Teaching Using Problem Based Learning Model to Enhance Student’s Critical Thinking Skill

Anik Twiningsih, Sajidan, Riyadi
The ecosystem is a lesson that studies the interrelationships between the living and the environment both biotic components and abiotic interplay. Students are required to understand the interaction between living things and life form a unity, order and material characteristics of a complex ecosystem,...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Value of Yogyakarta Batik Character and Its Implementation in Learning Batik in Vocational School

Retnowati. Dedy, Dedy Sartono, Trie Hartiti Retnowati.
Identify the study of character values in the meaning of Yogyakarta batik motifs and describe the implementation of character values through the Yogyakarta batik vocational school. This type of research is qualitative research and Research and Development (R and D). The subject of the product trial was...
Proceedings Article

The Ketupat Eating Tradition on Lebaran Ketupat Day in Java

M. Ma'ruf Misbah
This article discusses an anthropological study of the cultural power contained in the ketupat eating tradition (ketupat is a food name) among many Javanese Muslim families on the Lebaran Ketupat day, held annually at 8 Shawwal, the tenth month in the Hijri calendar. This study aims to identify the cultural...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Lecturers’ personality and Students’ Motivation in Learning Reading Courses at English Language Universitas Negeri Padang

Leni Marlina, Delvi Wahyuni, Fitrawati Fitrawati
This paper discusses the results of research on empirical descriptions related to three points in Reading courses at English Department Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). The three points studied consist of (1) the personality of the lecturer in the learning process of Reading courses based on the student's...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Trends Of Flipped Classroom Research In Education

Mahmud Mustafa, Ummiati Rahmah, Hasdar Hanafi, Nina Ikhwati Wahidah
The current learning system requires education to change the learning approach that is centered on educators into a learner-centered learning approach. One of the students-oriented approaches is Flipped classroom. Flipped classroom is a new pedagogical approach in which students develop a basic understanding...
Proceedings Article

Social Practices of Mobilizing Population Initiatives: Prospects for Hybrid Methodology

Evgeny Golovatsky, Elena Kranzeeva, Anna Orlova, Anna Burmakina
In modern conditions of transformation of the social and political interaction forms between the population and the authorities, as well as due to the growing influence of new network practices of social communication in society, the innovative projects growth, it is necessary to turn researcher view...
Proceedings Article

Living a Shared Soul Mate (Perceiving love and sense of belonging in a polygamous household based on “Antara Ibuku dan Ibuku” by Desni Intan Suri)

Chairina Nasir, Bukhari Daud, Maya Maulina
Polygamy is a sensitive issue for women around the globe; Indonesian women are no exception. The issue of polygamy has influenced the Indonesian literature including fiction. Antara Ibuku dan Ibuku novel by Desni Intan Suri is one of Indonesian fictions stressing on polygamy. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article

Domestic Violence in Garut District

Rostiena Pasciana
Domestic violence cases always target the women as its victims. Based on obtained data, reported domestic violence cases in women and children protection (PPA) unit, Garut District Police, Garut regent reached up to 17 cases in 2015 and increased to 19 cases in 2016. The increasing cases become a challenge...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of Social Support Perception on Drug Abuser in RSKO Jakarta by Type of Rehabilitation Program and Drug Type

Malta Maresa, Arie Suciyana Sriyanto
Social support is important to drug abusers so they could finish their rehabilitation program, recover successfully and continue their life forward. The problem occurs when the drug users who join rehabilitation program does not perceived they have sufficient social support provided by the environment....
Proceedings Article

A Study on Amalgamation Insufficiency and Countermeasures in the Research Teaching Practice

Yu Zhang, Yunyu Fan
Research teaching is one of the important teaching methods to cultivate innovative talents in colleges and universities. It has already achieved initial results in teaching practice. But it also shows amalgamation insufficiency problems in the research teaching practice, such as specialty cultivation...
Proceedings Article

The Effort of KPID West Java in Supporting Environment Sustainability through Tote Bag

Lucy Pujasari Supratman, Nofha Rina, Freddy Yusanto, Rah Utami Nugarahani
Plastic has become worldwide issues due to the discarded debris and several environmental problems. Anti-plastic campaigns have been carried out in various countries. Such campaign has also been promoted in several cities in Indonesia. Among Indonesia cities, Bandung has been implementing the Regional...
Proceedings Article

Assassin and Ninja:Several dimensions of cultural comparison between China and Japan

Mingyang Liu
Chinese culture is an important part of world culture and plays an active role in promoting the development and progress of world civilization. In Asia, most of the national culture are based on Chinese culture and extend in accordance with their own national conditions, Japan is a good example. Japanese...
Proceedings Article

Research on Enterprise Economic Management Mode from the Perspective of Marketing

Yining Qu
This paper focuses on the problems existing in the enterprise economic management and discusses the innovation of the enterprise economic management model under the marketing angle from four aspects, such as strengthening the management of human resources training mechanism, perfecting the economic management...
Proceedings Article

Socio-Economic Study of Food Stuff and Herbal Medicine for Free-range Chicken as Efforts to Increase Food Reliability and Edibility

Adi Sutanto, Wahyu Widodo, Achmad Mauriza, Apriliana Devi Anggraini, Imbang Dwi Rahayu
This study examined the strategic roles in aspects of the food reliability and edibility, which purpose is to: 1) Find out the potential availability of organic food stuff and traditional herbal medicines used for free-range chickens. 2) Find out the determinants of the availability of organic food stuff...
Proceedings Article

A Practical Study of Smart Education in College English Teaching

Jie Xiao, Weimin Qi, Qun Hou
The study is aimed to apply the smart education concept to college English teaching. In the specific operation, the author recommends to students the use of online open classes, micro-classes, mobile APPs and other software tools to integrate online and offline teaching curriculum resources. By relying...
Proceedings Article

Developing Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Weblog Materials

Annida Asni, Suwarsih Madya
This study aims to develop cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) weblogs materials for the second-grade students of MAN 1 Yogyakarta. The materials were developed through ADDIE stages. The qualitative data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis while the quantitative data were analyzed...
Proceedings Article

English-Medium Instruction for the B&R Students in Chinese Universities: A Nation Branding Perspective

Zhijun Yan, Jun Wen, Yongjian Zong
Nation branding has remained both a heated topic and an international tendency over years. As an endeavor to promote the international image and reputation of a country, nation branding is a multifaceted cause involving a host of domestic stakeholders, among which the higher education institutions play...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Tax Payer Compliance to Fulfill the Obligation to Pay Tax in Samarinda Municipality

Ahyar Muhammad Diah, Hasiara La Ode
The aims of the research are to find out and test the effectiveness of tax collection on taxpayer compliance; to know and test the knowledge of taxpayer on taxpayer compliance; to know and test the justice of tax payment regulation on taxpayer compliance; to know and test the taxpayer's comprehension...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Model Based on Blended Learning in Sports School

Sapto Adi, Abi Fajar Fathoni
The Sports School is a school that facilitates student athletes to focus on practicing sports and achieve achievements in sports but also get formal education at the School. So that students will undergo many activities and must also be good at managing the time between exercise and learning education...
Proceedings Article

Work Family Balance and Optimism as a Predictor of Women Worker' Subjective Well-Being

Nina Situmorang, Mujidin Mujidin, Hapsari Pratiwi, Arlinda Wahyuni, Lely Wahyuniar
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the subjective well-being of women worker is predicted by work-family balance and optimism. The sample of this study consisted of 84 women worker in Indonesia. Data were collected by the Work-Family Balance Scale, Optimism Scale, and the Subjective Well-Being...
Proceedings Article

The Validation of Instrument Models for Blended Learning Assessment to Accommodate Instructional Domains

Alwen Bentri, Ulfia Rahmi
This paper describes the validation of an instrument model for blended learning assessment that accommodates three learning domains. This model is urgently developed because of the extent of the blended learning application in universities. The validation of the instrument of blended learning assessment...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of the new management mode of "Student's organization and Party branch" party building by college and university students

Yu-xin Xia, Xiao-yue Wu
The student party branch is an important battle fort of the development of the party's Party-building work.With the increase of the student party members, how can the Party branch fully play the leading role and create more effective and sound party building management mode in this era when the traditional...
Proceedings Article

Campus Culture Construction in Transition of Application-oriented Undergraduate Education

Min Zhang, Jian-Guo Luo
Campus culture construction is an important content in transition of application-oriented undergraduate education. In this paper, the connotation of campus culture construction is defined and the significance is discussed. Lacking of attention and professional characteristics are widespread problems....
Proceedings Article

Ex-Prisoners, Correctional System, and National Resilience

Rili Windiasih, Hariyadi Hariyadi
The article discusses how ex-prisoners socialized in correctional facility under correctional system could integrate harmoniously into society, and the relevance of ex-prisoners’ socialization under correctional system to national resilience. The objective of the research is to find the way to optimize...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of Educational Activity: Social and Philosophic Aspects

Valentina Maykova, Eduard Molchan, Vladimir Falko
The study deals with educational activity as the basis for solving the problems of contemporary education in the context of globalisation. Our research methodology is a social and philosophical analysis of educational activity problems. We attract attention to the existing contradictions between rationality...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using I-CHAT Medium on Deaf Students Ability to Arrange Sentence Structures

Mr Utomo, Ganis Sukohanayu
On the initial problem of this study, it was found that the deaf students made mistakes in composing a correct sentence structure. Meanwhile, lecturers require these students to master the correct sentence structure. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of I-CHAT as a learning medium on...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Engklek (Computer-Based Games) on The Ability of Recognizing The Emotion’s Expression of Children In Kindergarten

Pupung Puspa Ardini, Dessy Puspita Manuel
This research aims to examine the influence of Computer-based game of engklek on the ability to recognize the emotions of children in the TK Tirioi II Bolaang Mongondow. The research method used in this research is experimental with Pre-experimental design (one group pre-test post-test design)by having...
Proceedings Article

Intellectualization of the Learning Process Based on Digital Technology

Sergey Neustroev, Irena Robert, Mikhail Goncharov
The influence of digital technologies on the development of national education is described. The possibilities of digital technologies in conditions of high-tech education are identified and described. The conditions for the intellectualization of the learning process in connection with the use of digital...
Proceedings Article

Biopolitical Production of Human Security and Inclusion/Exclusion of State Security, Human Rights, and Human Development

Rizma Azhiim, Laila Nurchayani
This article examines human security as a discourse which existed from structural inclusion/exclusion of state security, human rights, and human development. Drawing from the work of Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, and other thinkers that stressed in developing concept of biopolitics, the article argues...
Proceedings Article

Reduction of LDL Cholesterol through MICT and HIIT in Rats

Yanuar Dhuma Ardhiyanto, Mr Widiyanto, Samsul Mu'arif
The reduction of obesity is possible through the use of exercise. It can also be used as a treatment in improving health status. Obese people have higher levels of Low-density lipoprotein/LDL cholesterol, which has the probability of leading to risk of degenerative diseases such as hypertension, stroke...
Proceedings Article

Advance Competition Strategy and Consumer Behavior Analysis

Peiqin Li
This paper analyzes the rules and conditions of advance and spot competition equilibrium. Then it focuses on how consumer’s behavior effects the optimal decisions in the mix competition equilibrium. Further, it finds out that how different type of consumer behavior choose in different situations, such...
Proceedings Article

Why Do Students Make Errors when Solving Problem in Semiotic Representation?

Christine W. Suryaningrum, Purwanto Purwanto, Subanji Subanji, Hery Susanto
Error in learning mathematics means an inappropriateness of someone in determining the solution of a problem, either in the concepts or its completion procedures. Semiotics means signs or symbols. The use of symbols is the concept of one's thinking in using symbols and representing certain meaning. Problem-solving...
Proceedings Article

Prototype of the Arab School in the Kingdom of Sambas of West Borneo in the Early 20th Century

Erwin Mahrus
In West Borneo, of the fourteen sultanates that one existed, Sambas was the most dynamic Malay kingdom in its intellectual history. Sambas was once known as the "Terrace of Mecca" in West Kalimantan. It was due to the fact that this area has many scholars who once lived and studied for years in the Holy...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Strategy Development Model of Increasing Sales Volume of Dangke Cracker: Enrekang Regency Food Specialty

Muhammad Siri Dangnga, Mr Arman, Mr Buhaerah, St. Maryam
The Dangke product is a milk product like cheese, processed by people of Enrekang Regency. The producthas started since 2009 and developed the Dangke products of crackers which are crunchy and tasty. The marketing area of Dangke’s cracker is still limited to local consumption and to a number of exports,...
Proceedings Article

Doctor-Patient of Communication Activities and Models in Free Consultation of Orthopedic Hospital Prof. DR. R. Soeharso Surakarta

Dewi K. Soedarsono, Ihsani Afifah Wardhani
The study of entitled “Doctor-Patient of Communication Activities and Model in Free Consultation of Orthopedic Hospital Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta” aims to find out how the effectiveness of doctor-patient communication by digging information in the implementation of free consultation on activities...
Proceedings Article

The process of stigmatization as a desocializing factor

Turkulets Svetlana, Turkuletc Aleksei, Listopadova Evgenia, Bazhenov Ruslan, Dimitrova Svetlana, Anikeeva Nina
Based on the analysis of the theory of symbolic interactionism and publications of modern scientists, representing various scientific directions of social and humanitarian knowledge, the article actualizes the point of view according to which the processes of social stigmatization are desocializing....
Proceedings Article

State and the Protection of the Minority Rights in Indonesia: The Case of the Ahmadi Group

Dani Muhtada
This paper focus to answer the question about why the central government and some governments at provincial and municipal levels produce policies that discriminate against the Ahmadi people, despite the fact that freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution and the fact that Indonesia is currently...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Legal Regulation of Computer Network Attack

Min Zhang, SHuangxi Zhong
Since the 20th century, network technology continues to progress, and is widely used in various fields of society. To the 21st century, network technology has entered all aspects of human life and human beings have entered the information age of the network. But the high-end technology since it can bring...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Traditional Games, Self-Confidence, and Learning Style on Mathematical Logic Intelligence

Anik Lestariningrum
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of traditional game, self-confidence and learning style to logical mathematical intelligence of children aged 5-6 years Kindergarten in Grogol District, Kediri Regency East Java Province. The method used in this research is experiment with 2 x 2 x...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Education Policy at Baduy Society, Lebak District - Banten Province

Harits Hijrah Wicaksana, Asep Sumaryana
The main issue in this research is evaluation of education policyin Baduy Society, Lebak District - Banten Province. The research aimed at explaining empirical facts, understanding the process, and describing the problems and causal factors of unimplemented education policy in Lebak District.Qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural & Diversity: Experience from Muslim Society in Kaohsiung Taiwan

Ardian Rivai Ardian Bakhtiar
Taiwan is not the Muslim country, the tolerance from native Taiwan to Muslim migrant in Kaohsiung city could be inspired to other non-Muslim country for multicultural and diversity. Author have fieldwork on eight months at Kaohsiung mosque to interpreted that the interaction from various nations, languages,...
Proceedings Article

Survey of Physical Fitness Level for Elementary and Junior High School Student in Palembang

This study aims to determine the physical fitness level of elementary and junior high school students in Palembang. This study was a descriptive study; the method used is survey method with test and measurement techniques. The samples are 46 elementary school students from grades 5 and 6 aged 10-12 years...
Proceedings Article

Does Corporate Governance Moderate the Effect of Earnings Management on Tax Aggressiveness

Dewi Prastiwi
Taxes are important for a State and company. Both have a common interest in taxes. For the State tax is a source of State income, so there is an effort to maximize tax revenue. For the company, the tax is a net income deduction. Therefore, companies frequently use earnings management to control the reporting...
Proceedings Article

Problems in the Reform of Physical Education Teaching in Colleges and Universities and Countermeasure Study

Teng Ma, Yongjun Zhao
In China’s higher education system, physical education has always been an indispensable part, with the continuous deepening and improvement of education reform, college physical education teaching must also adapt to the modern education trend and change the traditional teaching mode. In the contemporary...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Speaking Using Sainstagram: Its Implementation to Collegian

Samsul Arifin, Dwi Rosita Sari
This research aims at describing the implementation, advantages, and disadvantages of Sainstagram in teaching speaking for university students. Sainstagram is a blended-learning model combining scientific approach and instagram as its learning tools. The research is conducted in a descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

State of Religious Beliefs and Observance of Five Pillars of Islam Among the Muslim School Heads of the Department of Education (DepEd)

Ali K. Dilangalen, Emraida K. Dilangalen
Generally, the study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge of internalizing the Muslim school heads on the six articles of faith and the state of religious observance on the five pillars of Islam. It explored the influence of the socio-demographic and economic profiles and selected factors...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of a Project-Based Learning Model to Guide Students to Make Blouses in Improving Students’ Learning Outcome

Musdalifah, Hanny Erlani
The outcome of blouse making in SMK Tarunatama is not optimum since the teaching still uses the classical conventional learning method. The researchers propose a project-based learning model to teach students how to make blouses, specifically for the XI grade students in SMK Tarunatama. The population...
Proceedings Article

Problematic Education Physical Students in the Wetlands

Herita Warni, Syamsul Arifin, Ramadhan Arifin
Learning of Physical Education in schools is often faced with the availability of facilities that are not adequate. From the observation of some schools, the majority of schools do not have adequate facilities and space to be able to do with a good physical education. This causes physical education process...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Art Education Through the Learning of Traditional Dance in Elementary School

Agna Novia Rahmawati, Slamet Subiyantoro, Endang Widiyastuti
Traditional dance is one of the cultural heritages which has values and norms in it. Through learning traditional dance, elementary school students gain a variety of aesthetic experiences. The aesthetics experience indirectly increases the power of appreciation and shapes the character of students. In...
Proceedings Article

Dayak Deah Culture Preservation Management in Tabalong District, South Kalimantan

Mudiyono, Susilo, Mursalim
The research aims to determine the management of Dayak Deah cultural preservation, with qualitative methods, grounded theory. Data collection through observation, interviews and study documents. Preserved culture: clothes made of wood bark, wood carvings, sentokong music; dance, rites of birth, marriage...
Proceedings Article

Research on Theory and Practice of Automation Specialty Construction for New Engineering Course

Jingde Huang, Xiaomin Li
To train the application-oriented talents of automation major who are satisfied by enterprises, based on the two-stage group training mode of ‘college training and enterprise practice’, this paper explores the methods of professional education reform and professional teachers’ dual qualification certification....
Proceedings Article

Research on Online Course Quality Evaluation System Based on the Perspective of Users Comments

Fang GAO, Yusi WEI
Nowadays students have a wider range of choice for knowledge acquisition benefit from the prevalence of online course construction in China. However, in the face of numerous online courses on various platforms that are dazzling and intermingled, how to guide students to make high-quality choice has become...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Intellectual Intelligence Level With High School Basketball Shooting Ability

Hasriwandi Nur, Freno Celvin Pradana
The problem in this research is the lack of free-throw shooting capability of high school students at the Laboratory Development at Padang State University, which is allegedly due to the lack of students’ intellectual intelligence. The purpose of this study is to look at the relationship of the level...
Proceedings Article

Local Community Perception of China Ritual Attraction as the Icon of Tourism Cultural Heritage: The Case in China Village, Manado

Benny Irwan Towoliu, Dimas Ero Permana, Fonny Sangari
Manado is the capital of North Sulawesi province, a city with a predominantly Christian community. As an area that emphasizes the spirit of kinship with its regional philosophy “we are brethren” (torang samua basudara), has had an impact on the recognition of this area as a high tolerance area of religion....
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teaching Materials for Micro Teaching Assisted by Learning Videos to Improve Students’ Teaching Practice Abilities

Suib Awrus, Yusron Wikarya, Wisdiarman, Syafei
This study aims to develop teaching material for micro teaching assisted by learning video that is feasible, practical and effective which is used in lecture on micro teaching in the Fine Arts department. This research was a development study with a 4-D development model, namely define, design, develop...
Proceedings Article

EFL Students’ Problems in Writing Argumentative Essays

Agustinus Bambang Balinga Saputra, Jumariati, Emma Rosana Febriyanti
Writing in a foreign language is not easy because students have to consider not only the content but also the vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. This study aimed to investigate the problems that English students have in writing argumentative essays. The subjects of this research were 55 students who...
Proceedings Article

Communication Strategy of Aceh History Care Community (MAPESA)in Raising Community Concernon the History of Aceh

This study aims to identify MAPESA’s communication strategy in raising public concern for Aceh history. This research focuses on the strategies used by the MAPESA Community (Acehnese Care Society) in introducing Aceh’s history to the community. The purpose of this research is to find out strategies used...
Proceedings Article

Economic Contribution of Fruit Bats (Family Pteropodidae) Through Durian Fruit Production in the Agroecosystem in Java Island

Bambang Suripto
The Farmers in agroecosystems generally do not know that the existence of fruit bats in agroecosystems is very important because of their function as pollinators for various types of horticultural crops with high economic value, such as durian and other plants that are chiropterophilic. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Teacher Talk Through Online Teaching and Learning Process in EFL Classroom During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nadia Izzati, Hamzah
Teacher talk is crucial to teaching and learning process because almost all activities use the talk from teachers. Besides, teachers are the person who has power over students to control everything in the teaching and learning process. Consequently, teacher talk will affect how students act or their...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Difficulties and Characteristics of Item Test of on Biology National Standard School Examination

Aditya Nugraha Surya Saputra, Heri Retnawati, Eri Yusron
This research aims to describe the characteristics of biology test items in the test instrument of USBN (National Standard School Examination) through test items analysis to check of reliability estimation, difficulty level, and item discrimination, as well as to identify items that have a high level...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Tokopedia Advertising #DirumahAjaDulu and Its Correlativity to Tokopedia Branding Position in Pandemic Era

Edo Tirtadarma, Budi Darmo
In this pandemic era caused by covid-19, people have to change their purchasing habits. They have to go online instead of doing offline shopping. Tokopedia, as a local marketplace in Indonesia, provides a solution for it. Tokopedia guarantees that everything people need available in their marketplace,...
Proceedings Article

Sources of Acculturative Stress and Coping Strategies Among Asian International Students in China

Flemmings F. Ngwira, Victor Chikoti, Wellman Kondowe, Wulan P. Saroinsong
This study aimed to identify sources of acculturative stress and the coping strategies among Asian international students in Hubei, China. A total sample of 162 students from China’s neighboring countries was recruited to complete the study’s online questionnaire. A 36-item questionnaire called the Acculturative...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Religious and Belief Rights in Surabaya for Creating the Collectability in Religious Life

Deslaz Rannu Handicha
The existence of the right to religious freedom in Indonesia requires protection of the right to freedom of religion and belief from a conflict between religious communities, as many cases occur including blasphemy, physical and non-physical violence committed by the majority, especially conflicts between...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Hard and Soft Technology in Learning Arabic During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Study at MTs Sunan Kalijogo Kranding Mojo Kediri

Ahmad Nurcholis, Budi Harianto, Umi Machmudah
There are some problems raised in learning Arabic by various educational institutions that encourage the teacher to modify the teaching and learning methods. It can be done by designing the development of hard and soft technology in learning Arabic. This research examines the design of Arabic learning...
Proceedings Article

Slavic Paroemiology as a Linguistic Science: Traditional and Contemporary Trends

Natalia Sharmanova, Oksana Chaika, Natalia Berezovska-Savchuk, Vasyl Denysiuk
The present paper aims at revisiting the Slavic paroemiology as a linguistic science, from the perspective of new trends, generally accepted scientific and linguistic methods, and approaches to its interpretation in the language structure via the descriptive way of theoretical approaches. The challenges...
Proceedings Article

Sociocultural Factors Influencing the Quality of Distance Learning

Yulia Nadtochiy
Distance learning, e-learning in particular, started to gain growing popularity even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous training courses and training events have been designed and conducted both remotely and online. Since distance learning has become such a necessity, research that focuses on public...
Proceedings Article

Hyperreality in Dance Education and Challenges in Teaching Dance Education at Schools

Whether art teachers are required to make use of existing materials without the need to develop their works using their own ideas is questionable. If the purpose is teaching crafts, we can find so many teachers who never create any work. However, in terms of art education, teaching dance only to pursue...
Proceedings Article

The Measurement Instrument Adaptation (Structural Validity Test) of Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire - Anhedonic Depression Scale in Indonesian Language

Debora Basaria, Riana Sahrani
It is known that depression constitutes the main cause of suicidal behavior and is the 6th leading cause of death in developed countries. Depression can occur in anyone, from children to elderly. This study aims at determining the results of the structural / internal validity test for the Mood and Anxiety...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Learning Styles Among Clinical and Normal, Nonclinical Participants: An Experimental Study

Zhi Lin
This study aimed to identify Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) learning styles of clinical and nonclinical samples, to check the relationship between VAK learning styles and clinical factors, demographic variables. Two central questions were addressed: 1) Could there be a variation in learning...
Proceedings Article

Building Students’ Character in an ICT-based Learning; Does it matter? ICT, Character Education, and Listening Instruction

Ana Maghfiroh, Margana, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, Erna Andriyanti
The need to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and character education (CE) is widely issued in education, especially in the Indonesian curriculum. However, a challenge to integrate both ICT and CE simultaneously in language education has not much been explored. The present study...
Proceedings Article

Debate Emergency Law to Handle Covid-19 Pandemic: How States Regulate in Time of Crisis

Rizkisyabana Yulistyaputri, Mery Christian Putri, Luthfi Widagdo Eddyono
Each country has specific policies formulated to handle and deal with the impact of the spread of Covid-19 in both social, economic, and cultural aspects. In Indonesia, the government has issued the Covid-19 Law in Lieu which has been agreed by the Parliament as an umbrella law for policies, especially...
Proceedings Article

Recreation And Commodification Of The Palang Pintu Tradition In The Betawi Cultural Heritage Of Rawa Belong

Analysis Of Sanggar Gaya Bang Bens

Diaz Ramadhansyah, Nuning Yanti Damayanti
Jakarta as the center of government and economy of Indonesia is a multicultural city, which was formed by the combination of various ethnic groups who inhabited the Jakarta area. Hence, Betawi ethnicity which is known as the original inhabitants of the city of Jakarta, is actually an ethnic group formed...
Proceedings Article

The History of Sriwedari Park as a Public Sphere

Jürgen Habermas’s Public Sphere Approach

Rudy Wicaksono Herlambang, Andrik Purwasito, Warto Warto, Rahmanu Widayat
Sriwedari is a cultural heritage which is full of historical value as the King’s garden in the Pakubuwana X era. Since its inception, Sriwedari Park has been designed as a place of reflection and an amusement park for the royal family, until it was finally opened to the public. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

How Function of Financial Management to Maximizing LQ45’s Company Value Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Dewi Nari Ratih Permada
Financial management helps managers in managing company finances with various existing theories combined with the conditions and needs of the company in achieving the goals and targets set. This study aims to make people aware of the role of financial management in making important decisions, namely...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Ways to Improve the Overseas Communication of Chinese Symphony Against the Background of “the Belt and Road Initiative”

Genghua Qiu
Since “the Belt and Road Initiative” was first put forward, people mostly observed and thought about it from the perspective of economic development and political cooperation. However, with the continuous deepening of “the Belt and Road Initiative” in recent years, cultural exchanges continue to integrate...
Proceedings Article

Developing Android Based Beksan Application and Containing HOTS Elementary School Dance Arts Materials

Eka Rahmawati, Wahdan Najib Habiby
This study aims to examine the directive speech acts and moral value education discovered in the dialogue of the Rentang Kisah novel by employing a descriptive qualitative method. The novel serves as the subject of study, while the objects are the directive speech acts and the moral value education contained...
Proceedings Article

The Optimization Production of Small Enterprise Based on Ergonomics Perspective

Anang Fery Ramadhan Pratama, Kukuh Lukiyanto
The application of ergonomics has been proven to be able to increase productivity in micro and medium enterprises. This can be seen in several studies that discuss the implementation of ergonomics in micro and medium industries. However, the implementation of ergonomics has not been maximized on a micro-business...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Family Resilience in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Aghnia Farrassyania Azhar, Euis Kurniati
During the Covid-19 pandemic, studies on Family Resilience are significant because every family has its own challenges in dealing with the pandemic and is required to be able to adapt, overcome, and rise from the various difficulties and challenges. Especially in families with early- age children, family...
Proceedings Article

Post-Pandemic Digital Tourism Strategy

(Case Study: Borobudur Temple, Indonesia)

Theresia Emi Rahayu, I Nengah Doni Adhitama
The economy of developing country is highly dependent on tourism sector. Indonesia is one of the developing countries in Southeast Asia that is suffering from the impact of Covid-19. This study aimed to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and social influence on the respondent’s...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Junior High School Students’ Thinking in Solving TIMSS Mathematical Problem in Bengkulu

Agus Susanta, Edi Susanto, Syafdi Maizora
The purpose of this study is to describe the thinking level of junior high school students in Bengkulu in solving TIMSS mathematics problems based on the Bengkulu context. The thinking level is focused on three levels, namely: (1) knowing, (2) applying, and (3) reasoning. The research is a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Development of Individual Counseling Guidelines with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Nomophobia

Nuni Nurajizah, Dian Ari Widyastuti, Wahid Aditiono, Diana Septi Purnama
The study utilized Research and Development (R&D) design. The purpose of the study was to develop and to determine the feasibility of products in the form of individual counseling guidelines for reframing techniques to reduce nomophobia in students. The model used in this research process was the...
Proceedings Article

Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective

J. Siahaya, M. Patora, H. Soegijono, H. L. Setiawan, D. Pujarsono
The Indonesian society is pluralistic in determining the differences related to ideologies, doctrines, religions, and cultures, which are a great wealth capable of disintegrating the nation. According to preliminary studies, identity politics shook the fundamentals of the nation and state life years...
Proceedings Article

Consumer Involvement, Consumer Brand Engagement and Self Brand Connection Users of Food and Beverage Delivery Service Applications

Latifah Putranti, Pradita Nindya Aryandha, Hapsari Dyah Herdiany, Priskia Ayu Wulandari
Consumers are consciously involved in a relationship with a food and beverage delivery service application, then actively contribute cognitively, affectively, and activate the application, which in turn makes consumers make the food and beverage delivery service application part of their identity. This...
Proceedings Article

Medical Cannabis Regulation and Good Governance: Ensuring Safe and Responsible Use

Singgih Tomi Gumilang, Hartiwiningsih Hartiwiningsih, Pujiyono Suwadi, Jatmiko Anom Husodo, Aulia Rachmat Sungkar
The regulation of medical cannabis is closely tied to good governance principles, which include transparency, accountability, public involvement, and responsiveness. These principles ensure that cannabis is used solely for medical purposes while also addressing potential risks like addiction and public...
Proceedings Article

Factor Causing Poverty: A Case of the Fishermen in Kalupapi Village Bangkurung District Banggai Laut Regency

Aksan, A. Muis
This study aims at analyzing the factors causing poverty, forms of poverty, and poverty alleviation programs for traditional fishermen in Kalupapi Village. The method used in this research is descriptive method, using primary data and secondary data. The results show: 1) The poverty in traditional fishermen...
Proceedings Article

Meaning Making in Science Classrooms: Orchestrating Multiple Modes of Representations

Joonhyeong Park
Students improve their understanding of science through mean making in science classrooms. Considering the multimodality of science and the cognitive benefits of the use of multimodal communication, science educators commonly use multiple representations for teaching and learning science. In this article,...
Proceedings Article

Mulang Tarima: The Gratitude Concept in Sundanese Interpretation

Aisyah Septiana Sukmadewi, Ahmad Nurrohim, Yeti Dahliana, Alfiatul Azizah
During the COVID-19 pandemic, apart from physical health problems, mental health disorders increased significantly. Various efforts have been made to maintain mental health, including using a positive emotional approach, such as gratitude. The study of gratitude has been widely discussed from various...
Proceedings Article

On the Computer Modeling for Musical Thinking

Sergei Filatov-Beckmann
Methods of mathematical modeling for musical thinking are one of the current problems of modern musical science. A number of works by Professor S. Skrebkov, to whom the problem statement belongs, are under analysis. The reasons for exceptional complexity of the problem are considered, and approaches...
Proceedings Article

Research of Teaching Reformation Based on PBL and Resources Sharing in Digital Signal Processing

Xia Wang, Baozhu Wang, Cuixiang Liu, Cheng Zeng
Aim at reducing the contradiction between teaching time limitation and course contents in Digital Signal Processing course, this paper researched new teaching method based on resources sharing network platform, Problem-Based Learning(PBL) teaching mode and its application, and adopted several methods...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Nongovernmental Economy Development on Chinese Urbanization Process

Jun Wang, Yuzhen Wu
Nongovernmental economy has necessary connection with urbanization. The development of nongovernmental economy is the most basic impetus of urbanization development. Nongovernmental economy continuously promotes urbanization process through technology, capital and institutional factor. This article puts...
Proceedings Article

The New Approach to the Detection of the Abrupt Change of Fast Fluctuating Random Processes in the Conditions of Parametric Prior Uncertainty

Oleg V. Chernoyarov, Boris I. Shakhtarin, Alexander P. Ermakov, Dmitry K. Proskurin
In this study work we introduce a technically simple way of the detection of an abrupt change in parameters of fast fluctuating Gaussian processes in the conditions of parametric prior uncertainty. For this purpose, we suggest new approximations of solving statistics under various hypotheses. As an example...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Data Mining Course Teaching Based on Flipped Classroom

Tong Wang, Wenan Tan, Jianxin Xue
The development of information technology in education has made a significant impact on course teaching reform in colleges, also makes college teachers faced with severe challenges. Start from the analysis of data mining course teaching present situation and the concept of the flipped classroom, how...
Proceedings Article

Research on Self-portrait Artistic Creation

Hanying Jiang, Xianfei Liang, Guoying Chen
Self-portrait is the mirror image of the mind, it is the artist's exploration of the inner self and it is the self-portrait portrait for artist. The artist understands himself through this way. The development of self-portrait art actually reflects the development process of the western art history....
Proceedings Article

Conceptual-Taxonomical Analysis of Time in the English Language

Olga Bronnikova
In this paper, we state that conceptual-taxonomical analysis allows to carry out a profound time analysis. Three levels of categorization are examined: 1. Base level that is the starting point of the analysis, level of prototypes: lexical, grammatical, linguocognitive and conceptual; 2. Upper superordinate...
Proceedings Article

Jingdezhen’s Ceramic Civilization: the Past and Today

Ganlin Zhang, Zhou Cheng, Qingli Wang
As the main host city, Jingdezhen, celebrated China’s ninth “Cultural Heritage Day” on June 14, 2014. After several thousand years’ inheritance and development, Jingdezhen now has unique and unmatched ceramic culture nationwide and even worldwide. It has many precious cultural heritage and immovable...
Proceedings Article

Research on Development of Rural Cooperative Organization

Li Liu
Though the background research of rural cooperative organization development, the paper points out the necessity of its generation and introduces several types existing in current rural cooperative organizations and finally, it proposes a list of points needed to be notice specially to better develop...
Proceedings Article

Research on Applications of the Communicative Principle in Russian Teaching

Binbin Chen
The communicative principle is the principle of learning a foreign language through a large number of language dialogues. As the principle of communication attaches much importance to the use of the foreign language, it effectively helps the language learner. This paper analyzes the application of the...
Proceedings Article

Building World Class Talent in Oil Refining Industries. The Path to Excellence

Gusman Adiwardhana
Building an operations capabilities can unleash tremendous efficiencies and performances improvements that link directly to company' s profitability. Scale and apathy often combine to make it seems difficult to change how these ongoing development activities are carried out to reap the maximum potential...