Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research
26469 articles
Proceedings Article
Research on Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching System of Integrated Medicine Based on IPE Concept
Xiaodong Cui, Xinghui Cui, Jianming Liu, Min Cheng, Xiaoyun Zhang
At present, most medical colleges and universities in China follow the traditional curriculum-centered teaching mode. This kind of education mode cuts off the connection between disciplines, and is not conducive to the cultivation of students’ overall medical concept, as well as the cultivation of compound...
Proceedings Article
Research on Tax Planning of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises from the Perspective of Management
Sheng Shujun
Enterprises have their operation characteristics in different development stages, and the management of small and medium-sized enterprises needs to reasonably choose different tax planning schemes in different periods to promote the stable development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper...
Proceedings Article
Size and Value Factors in China
An Empirical Test of a Revised Fama-French Three-factor Model with Chinese Characteristics
Fangzhou Gong, Jingchi Guo, Kuangtian Sun
This paper evaluates the validity of a newly proposed three-factor model with Chinese characteristics in the recent Chinese stock market. For comparison purposes, we also conduct a test of the applicability of the classic Fama-French three-factor model (FF-3) and of the CAPM to the Chinese market. Our...
Proceedings Article
Poverty in Indonesia
This type of qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach, while the results show that the poverty rate continues to increase every month and every year, this indicates that the problem of poverty is a very important problem to find a solution, the impact of poverty has an impact on all social,...
Proceedings Article
Technology Acceptance Model Approach to Analysing the Use of Fintech in MSME Transactions in Buleleng
I Putu Julianto, Nyoman Suadnyana Pasek, I Gd. Nandra Hary Wiguna
The use of technology should be a strategy for MSME to run their business. Supported by various regulations and facilities by the government and the private sector, MSME actors should be able to make the best use of technology according to their business needs. Fintech is a financial service that can...
Proceedings Article
Towards Economic Innovation in New Normal Era: Triangle Perspective of Technology, Knowledge, and Artificial Intelligent
Khin Sandar Kyaw, Wittawat Didyasarin Sattayaraksa, Tharnpas Sattayaraksa, Praman Tepsongkroh, Chanwut Thongkamkaew
In the era of Covid pandemic, the big revolution of economic has emerged where the role of creation is viewed as the significant factor to survive and stand for all various types of business. As a consequence of emerging challenge in innovation-based economics, perspective of technology knowledge, and...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Interest Rate, Inflation, and Exchange Rate on Stock Price Return of Companies Listed in the KOMPAS 100 Index
Anak Agung Alit Tri Putra, I Ketut Darma, I Gusti Lanang Putu Tantra
This research was conducted based on the fluctuation of the KOMPAS100 index from 2015 to 2021. The research was done to know the influence of interest rate, inflation, and the Indonesian Rupiah exchange rate against the US Dollar on the stock price return of companies listed in the KOMPAS100 index within...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Non-performing Loans at PT BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen
Tenny Sitepu, Isfenti Sadalia, Iskandar Muda
PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Pijer Podi Kekelengen serves the community through the banking intermediation function. This bank receives funds from the public in form of deposits and re-disburses them in the form of credit. Credit given to the public has a risk in returning installments to the bank. Banks...
Proceedings Article
Financial Distress, Fraud Reasons, and Fraudulent Financial Reporting Indication
Arja Sadjiarto, Enrico Jonathan, Peter Joseph Santoso
The aim of this research is to observe the financial distress and fraud reasons towards the indication of fraudulent financial reporting during the 2018–2020 period, that is before and during the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fraud reasons consist of pressure, opportunity, rationalization, competence...
Proceedings Article
The Causality Relationship Between Financial Constructs with State Space Model
Rialdi Azhar, Sri Suningsih, Widya Rizki Eka Putri, Ahmad Efendi Business
One solution of the state-space model is to see the causal relationship between one and more variables. This model can be used as a statistical basis for modeling movements, for example, carbon variables and other variables that may be related in the form of financial construction. Research looking for...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance through the Gender Diversity on Firm Performance
Novi Dwi Riyanti, Werner R. Murhadi, Mudji Utami
The objective of this study is to look at how board size, board gender diversity, independent commissioners, leverage, and firm size affect firm performance in manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Philippines Stock Exchange. This study used a quantitative approach with two least...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Green Accounting on Financial Performance with Environmental Performance as a Mediation Variable
Wulan Rezky Amalya, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Alphasyah Lazuardy Sidarta
The objective of the study is to examine the mediation of environmental performance on the relationship between green accounting and financial performance. The population in this study is 3 selected industrial sectors which are basic and chemical industries, various garment textile industries, and pharmaceutical...
Proceedings Article
Optibank - Slot Booking App for Offline Services
Suvarna Vani Koneru, Dhanus Datta Kolli, Sai Sruthi Namala
The current banking system regularly causes problems for customers, including lengthy wait times, a lack of service options, and sluggish procedures. While there are many mobile applications available for online services, there are none for offline services. This project presents a mobile application...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Transformational Leadership and Information Technology to the Climate of Innovation and Innovative Work Behavior
Heru Susilo, Novie Marhaeni, Bunga Ramadina
This study aims to investigate the impact of two main factors, namely Transformational Leadership (X1) and Information Technology (X2), on the Innovation Climate (Y1) and Innovative Work Behavior (Y2) in the organizational environment. Quantitative methods were used in this study, with the Partial Least...
Proceedings Article
Rupiah and Foreign Investment: Analysis of Impact on the Number of Foreign Tourists in Indonesia 2005-2023
Jannes Maharaja, Muhammad Syafii, Daniel Ebenezer Silaban
This research aims to evaluate the impact of fluctuations in the Rupiah exchange rate and foreign direct investment (FDI) on the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia during the 2005-2023 period. Using a quantitative approach, this research adopts the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation...
Proceedings Article
Theoretical Analysis on the Relationship between Corporate Public Welfare and Financial Capacity
Yiwei Li, Zhongke Wang
Enterprise charity is to show the enterprise is not only responsible to the shareholders' interests but also pay more attention to ecological environment, charity and more of the social public welfare of stakeholders, which has become the inevitable trend of enterprise development and the effective ways...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Transmission in the ELT Classroom
Ming-Ming Che
Although an integral part of language, culture, a necessary dimension of teaching, has been largely ignored in the ELT profession in China. This paper firstly expounds the omnipresent cultural elements involved in the ELT classrooms, and then it points to the assertion that cultural transmission should...
Proceedings Article
Research on Influencing of New Generation Employee's Future Work Self Salience on Work Engagement
Zilong Cui, Lixin Chen
Drawing upon self-determination perspective, the current study examined the relations of future work self salience, work engagement, occupational self-efficiency and person -vocation fit. Result from 475 new generation employee's valid data showed that future work self salience positively correlated...
Proceedings Article
The Interactions of State and Business Structures on Formation of Competitive Educational Environment in Russia
Elena Lylova, Marina Ignatskaya
The proposed article updates modern critical perspectives on relationships, interactions, feedback loops and the formation of interactions within the triad of "state - society - business structures" in terms of governing the subject-object optimization effects. While the focus is put on the whole system...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Influencing Factors of Reverse Innovation of Non - core Enterprises
Guifeng Song, Dongping Yu, Xiangxue Lu
Innovation is the key to maintain core competitiveness for enterprises. In addition, innovation can make non-core enterprise become core enterprise, so it is vital for non-core enterprises and core enterprises. With the development of economic globalization and the deepening of reverse innovation, it...
Proceedings Article
Innovation of Legal Education for College Students from the Cultural Perspective
Jue Wang
In order to resolve the realistic predicament of unbalanced content, non-interactive method of teaching and weakened consciousness in legal education of Chinese university students at present, with the analytical thinking that the culture is the carrier and the legal system is for application, this paper...
Proceedings Article
Economics as a Humanitarian Science "Economic Rhetoric" of McCloskey as a Case Study
Andrey Orekhov, Fakhraddin Akhmedov
This article is devoted to the understanding of an economic science known as "humanity". In an economic science, a problem of economic interpretation is rather significant: it investigates the importance of economic concepts and statements. The American economist D. McCloskey has criticized the modern...
Proceedings Article
Meassuring of Teacher Asset Value
Asep Sunandar, Djum-Djum Noor Benti, R. Bambang Sumarsono
School asset management is effort to maximizing function of schools asset based effective and efficient principle. Teacher is one of the school's assets, whose value is likely to increase or even decrease. This study aims to describe assets management pro
Proceedings Article
The Vietnamese Labour on the Border of China and Vietnam—The Situation Investigation of Vietnamese Labour Entry Work through Maguan County; of Yunnan Province
Hongbo Ma, Fei Wang
This paper uses Maguan County, which is located at the border of China and Vietnam in Yunnan province as the case to do the research about the local people work oversea and Vietnam illegal labour entry to China. It will analyze the characters, reasons and effect of this situation, try to give some suggestions...
Proceedings Article
Practice and Thinking on Interactive Communication of “Mobile Radio” in New Media
Yuan Zhou
In recent years, the popularization of 4G, the reduction of network fees, the upgrading of hardware technology of intelligent devices, the popularization of mobile Internet and the development of vehicle networking have created complete conditions for the rise of network radio. Starting with the background...
Proceedings Article
Sticking Innovation and Features: A New Exploration of the Transformation of University Journals Editor in the Age of Big Data
Jing Cao
In the age of Big data, journal editors must strengthen the sense of data thinking, establish the concept of big data analysis, improve the ability of data analysis, not only adhere to the academic standard, adhere to the function of journal Education, adhere to humanistic care, adhere to the spirit...
Proceedings Article
Unfair rivalry between traditional and corporate insurers in the Russian insurance market
A. Panteleeva, S. Petrov
In the time of globalization of the World
community, one of the most important directions of
development of the modern state is humanism, the main idea of
which is the exceptional value of human life. Due to this, the
primary task of the functioning of any civilized country is to
take care of its citizens,...
Proceedings Article
Research on Tourist’s Propagation Effect of Online Word of Mouth Communication Under Tourism Destination Context
Xiaoyan Liu
The potency, intensity and quality of information on the online word-of-mouth communication of tourism destinations will positively affect the willingness of word-of-mouth recipients to re-transmit. However, in terms of purchase intention, the potency of information will adversely affect the willingness...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Equity Pledge on Investment from the Perspective of Financing Constraints
Jing Zhang
Taking the GEM listed companies in 2014-2018 as the research object; the investment of such enterprises is generally limited by internal cash flow. Then analyzing equity pledge of controlling shareholders in enterprises with financing constraints, there is a positive relationship between the degree of...
Proceedings Article
Research Hotspots Analysis of Electronic Health
Wen-Tao WANG, Kun ZHANG, Jing LI, Yun-Zhi WANG, Shuai ZHANG, Xiao XIE, Yang-Qun XIE
[Purpose/significance] Aims to summarize the current hotspots of international electronic health research and provide some reference for the future development of electronic health. [Method/process] By using the methods of co-word analysis, cluster analysis and content analysis, to summarize the research...
Proceedings Article
Identifying Key Success Factors of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions for Chinese State-owned Enterprises
Yuming Tian, Shiqi Tang, Zhuoer Kong
In recent years, China has vigorously promoted domestic enterprises to conduct direct foreign investment and promote the internationalization of Chinese enterprises. State-owned enterprises in China are the main exporters of China's foreign direct investment. Research on the factors of success or failure...
Proceedings Article
Slovenian Alternative Energy Sector: Problems, Prospects and Economic Aspects
Andrey A. Оgryzov, Elizaveta S. Sokolova, Elnur T. Mekhdiev, Natalya V. Toropova
Slovenia is one of the leading countries in the sphere of alternative energy production in the EU. Consequently, developing this sector is one of the best tracks for economy development of the country. There are several issues in the process of alternative energy transformation in Slovenia, mainly connected...
Proceedings Article
Applying "willingness to pay" approach for evaluation of economic impact from the world's biggest sporting events
Elena Gureeva, Ilya Solntsev, Nikita Osokin, Tatiana Skryl
This article analyses the approaches for evaluating the economic impact from the world's top sporting events, with the focus on the "willingness to pay" technique. The variations of this model and basic assumptions are also assessed. Authors developed their own social research study dedicated to measuring...
Proceedings Article
Strategies of Receivables Management in Multi-entity Organizations
Grzegorz Zimon
Receivables management is the most important area of financial management. Their level and a management policy have a decisive impact on the financial safety of enterprises. Receivables are the basic component of current assets. In general, short-term receivables (current receivables), i.e. receivables...
Proceedings Article
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Eurasian Economic Union
Rudakova Elena, Dmitrieva Olga, Morkovkin Dmitry, Kuleshova Lidiya, Kosolapov Yury
The article deals with various aspects of the enforcement of intellectual property in the territory of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union. The systematization of areas of cooperation in which the member States implement law enforcement measures to ensure effective protection and protection...
Proceedings Article
Regulation to Mining’s Labors
H. Abustan, Teuku Saiful Bahri Johan, Otom Mustomi, Siti Miskiah
The role of law in the context of employment is something that can protect and as a form of government responsibility in protecting citizens (State responsibility to protect), provide security, peace and orderly to achieve prosperity and justice of each person. In the context of this study, it is not...
Proceedings Article
On Pedagogical Strategies to Develop Undergraduates' Chinese-English Pragmatic Translation Competence
Jun Chen, Yuhong Huang
Based on PACTE's translation competence model, this paper presents the five components of C-E pragmatic translation competence. It argues that bilingual communication sub-competence is the kernel of Chinese-English pragmatic translation, while translation knowledge sub-competence, strategic sub-competence,...
Proceedings Article
A Study on Applicability of Sound Art as Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients
Kamal Sabran, Norfadilah Kamaruddin, Ismail Lasa, Norfarizah Mohd Bakhir
As Alzheimer's disease increases around the world with still no absolute medication to solve the problem, art has become the alternative treatment. Nevertheless, with sound art exploring public spaces to exhibit, and seen as not too distant from conventional art approach such as music therapy, the use...
Proceedings Article
Team leading challenges in software development projects
Filip Jovanović
Scrum and agile approach in software development eases the way teams are handled and managed. With the right application of this approach into software development projects, Scrum can influence team cohesion, improved efficiency and better control of the final product. Thus, team management in the phase...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Tourists on Mojito Based on Arak Bali in Kuta Bali
Setyowati Ayu Widuri
Mojito is one of the popular cocktail drinks and is very popular with domestic and foreign tourists visiting Bali because it has a refreshing taste and aroma. Mojito are generally made from Light Rum for alcohol. Rum is a fermented and distilled alcoholic beverage from molasses (sugarcane drops) or sugar...
Proceedings Article
Correlation of "Emotional Burnout" and Various Forms of Empathy Manifestations for Teachers of Technical Higher Education Institutions
I.A. Sergeeva, V.V. Kustova, K.V. Varykhanova
The article describes the results of a study of emotional burnout among teachers of technical universities. It is proved that the empathy values of the teacher towards students impede the de-velopment of burnout syndrome.
Proceedings Article
Spatial Organization of the University Network: a European Case-Study
E.V. Bolgova, S.A. Bolgov, M.V. Kurnikova
The spatial strategy of the Russian Federation implies the university network development in compliance with the new conditions of economic development, geographic concentration of labour, scientific and technological, innovative activities. For a long time, a geographic aspect has not been addressed...
Proceedings Article
Customer’s Emotional Bond Effects of Customer Loyalty on Cross Industry
Agus, Rahayu, A.K.H Jaelani, M. Arief
Nowadays, the rapid development of business world makes the competitions more increasing and challenging for each competitive company in running the business activities. Emotional bonds strategy which is done by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk is development strategy by combining two or more goods or...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Research Fronts of Fintech: A Scientometric Analysis
Zhichao Xu, Han-Teng Liao, Chung-Lien Pan, Wenjun Mo
Financial technology (fintech), or digital innovations in the financial sector, is expected to enhance access to financial services and promote innovations for more inclusive and sustainable futures. To provide an up-to-date discussion on FinTech, the paper aims to map out the main countries, publications,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Independence, Integrity, Professionalism, and Professional Skepticism on the Accuracy of Giving Audit Opinion (The Case of Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia)
Krishna Kamil, Nadya Fathonah
The purpose of the research was to explore the influence of Independence, Integrity, Professionalism and Professional Scepticism on the Accuracy of Giving Audit Opinion by Government auditors, in this case the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK-RI). The research seeks to broaden empirical...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Organizational Culture Organization of Commitment Impact on Performance and Service Department of Education District Cirebon
Ade Solahudin, Rohyan Abdul Azis
This study aims to determine the organizational culture on organizational commitment and its impact on the performance of services in Cirebon District Education Office. The population in this study were employees of Education Office of Cirebon. The sampling technique in this study is simple random sampling...
Proceedings Article
Smart Technologies in Housing and Communal Services
Irina G. Sergeeva, Olga E. Medvedeva, Victor L. Vasilenok
This article considers the main aspects of the application of innovative information technologies in the field of housing and communal services. The current state is considered and the main problems of informatization of housing and communal services are highlighted. Forecasted values and efficiency...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Models for Evaluating the Effectiveness of State Support for the Dairy Industry
Mikhail K. Chernyakov, Maria M. Chernyakova, Irina A. Chernyakova, Saidmukhtor S. Mokhtarzada
The digitalization of agro-industrial complex in Russia is at an extremely low level due to the insufficient level of their state support. The aim of this research is to offer an original concept for the effective regulation of the agricultural sector. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic...
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Firms: The Effects of Planning Flexibility and Entrepreneurship with Business Environment as a Moderating Variable
Muhammad Wadud, Risqo M. Wahid, RM Rum Hendarmin, Sulastri, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti
This study aims to investigate the effects of planning flexibility and entrepreneurship moderated by the business environment on sustainable competitive advantage in manufacturing firms. Data were collected through questionnaires spread through manufacturing firms in South Sumatera, Indonesia and the...
Proceedings Article
Study of Envy-Friendly Small-Medium Industries in Green Industry Context in the Manufacturing Industry Sector in Bangka Belitung Island Province
Angga Sucitra, Christianingrum Christianingrum, Yusuf Yusuf, Anggraeni Yunita
The purpose of this study is to identify the manufacturing industries sector in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands that has met the criteria for environmentally friendly Small and Medium Industries, identify the constraints faced by the manufacturing industries sector in the Province of Bangka Belitung...
Proceedings Article
Analysis on CAPM and Sharpe Ratio in Market Investment
Zhou Yang
Market investment is always a popular method to make a profit. With different investment means, there are tens of thousands of portfolios in the market for investors to choose and combine. In order to maximize profit and minimize risk, some evaluation must be done to those portfolios. Many capital asset...
Proceedings Article
Offshoring of Business Services as a Modern Business Model for Hotel Companies Operating in a Knowledge-Based Economy
Małgorzata Sztorc
The aim of this paper is to identify categories and forms of offshoring of business services (OBS) as well as factors influencing the choice of business model (BM) determining the way of running hotel chains from the perspective of knowledge-based economy. Due to the specific purpose, a survey was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Digital Transformation of the Russian Banking Sector in Terms of Pandemic
Natalya Bykanova, Daria Gordya, Tatiana Ten
The article discusses the issues of development and implementation of digital technologies in the banking sector in the context of a pandemic. The concepts of “digitalization” and “digital transformation”, which underlie the transformation processes of banking activity, are defined. The authors have...
Proceedings Article
Impulsive Buying, Post-purchase Regret, and Credit Card
L. Verina Halim Secapramana, Gracia Jason Magdalena, Listyo Yuwanto
Impulsive buying is an unplanned purchase and is coloured by a strong urge that is difficult to resist buying suddenly. It is usually triggered by external conditions when dealing with products, accompanied by the arising of pleasant and passionate feelings with the consequences of anxiety, regret, and...
Proceedings Article
Bibliometric Analysis on the Concept of Managing and Integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Sector
Muhammad Bahit, Monika Handayani, Rudy Haryanto
This study presents a Bibliometric Analysis study on the concept of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) management and integration in the MSMEs (Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises) sector and aims to analyze how ERP implementation in managing transactions and business planning is integrated in real time,...
Proceedings Article
Price Asymmetric Evaluation on the Cocoa Market as an Effort to Increase Economic and Bargaining Position of Cocoa Farmers in Pidie, Aceh
Zakiah Zakiah, Monalisa Monalisa, Ahmad Humam Hamid, Fauzan Fauzan, Ade Ratna Juniar
The price transmission process on agricultural commodities especially at the smallholder level generally occurs imperfectly as price asymmetric. This study aims to evaluate and identify the occurrence of price asymmetric in the cocoa commodity market in the Pidie Regency. This study also aims to look...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Integrated Marketing Communication in the Corporate Rebranding Process
Qixin Zhang
Faced with the constant adjustment of the internal ownership and structure of the organization and the frequent changes of the external market environment, the rebranding strategy has been paid more attention by enterprises, and then derived a variety of new marketing strategies, but few people pay attention...
Proceedings Article
Discussion on the Cost Accounting Work under New Financial System for Colleges and Universities
Linhong Gong
Cost accounting helps colleges and universities to improve their management and efficiency and it is also the priority of educational reform among those high institutions. "Financial System for colleges and universities" issued by Ministry of Finance in 2013 plays a leading role in guiding the cost accounting...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Effect of Organizational Justice on Human Resource Management
Chunlei Zhao
This paper systematically introduces the meaning of organizational fairness research and the meaning, structure and function of organizational justice, and analyzes in detail the reaction of organizational justice to organizational fair and objective situation and the three factors of organizational...
Proceedings Article
Bureaucracy in Criminal Justice A Study of Criminogen Factors in Law Enforcement on Narcotics Crime Settlement
Agus Raharjo, Yusuf Saefudin
The criminal justice system is conducted through bureaucracy, with hope that law enforcement can proceed smoothly, efficiently and responsibly. However, this does not apply in the settlement of narcotics cases. The research method used to solve the problem is the approach toward law as law in action....
Proceedings Article
Multidimensional Transformation of Cyberspace Field Education Management
Dong Wang
Due to the rise of online education, cyberspace has become an important field of education management. Because of virtual property, openness, interaction and other features of cyberspace field, the cyberspace education management is different from the traditional fields. Specifically, it has realized...
Proceedings Article
Tows Analysis To Improve Competitivenes At West Java Batik Industry
Nur Hayati, Dede Suryana
The main objective of this study is to make an analysis of the two (2) tools that can be used in order to increase the competitiveness of industry in West Java batik is batik industry examples taken from Tasikmalaya District. This study analysis the tourism industry through the TOWS matrix analysis and...
Proceedings Article
Aspects of Selected Process Management Approaches and their Implementation in Enterprises of the Slovak Republic
Ľubica Simanová
The aim of this paper is to present the theoretical basis of domestic and foreign sources focusing on process management and use of selected concepts and approaches of process management. On the theoretical knowledge of the field of follow-up analysis of the results of research that illustrate the use...
Proceedings Article
Multi-Criteria Mechanism for Selecting Projects by Fintech Accelerators
T.G. Bondarenko, O.A. Zhdanova, N. Klimova
The fintech industry is currently actively gaining its positions. Fintech accelerators are a new infrastructure institution for the Russian market of the fintech ecosystem, which is currently in the stage of its active formation. As the specialized accelerators and as the element of the infrastructure...
Proceedings Article
Transformation of labour rationing: realities of the digital economy
D.N. Yadransky, R.T. Latypov, E.V. Chumak
Article deals with the modern management problem associated with improving the accuracy of the ration of managerial work. Emphasis is on the need to move from the rationing of the working day to the rationing of individual labor functions (operations). The subject of the article is contradictions arising...
Proceedings Article
Modelling of Client Policy Elements of the Regional Commercial Banks on the Basis of Digital Methods of Data Processing
Natalia Kunitsyna, Yuriy Metel, Svetlana Prishchepchuk
concept of the research is based on the assumption that the improvements in the customer policy of a commercial bank should be focused on the development of methodological tools of assessment and modeling of its elements as well as on the implementation of arrangements contributing to higher quality...
Proceedings Article
The Employment of Graduates by the Profession: Factors of Effectiveness
A. Borisova
Regular monitoring is needed for a thorough study of factors determining the imbalances in the conditions of the youth labor market. Means used for measuring do not fully satisfy the criteria of resource intensity; moreover, they make use of excessively overloaded set of indicators. As a rule, the choice...
Proceedings Article
A Brief Analysis of the Tourism Development and Application of Traditional Sports Culture Resources of Ethnic Minorities
Lei Li
sports tourism is a branch of tourism. In recent years, people has paid more and more attention to sports tourism. Traditional sports of ethnic minorities are also an important content in the development and utilization of tourism resources. It conforms to the concept of "returning to nature" in China's...
Proceedings Article
Economic Empowerment Model of People with Disability in the Creative Industries
Agung Pujianto, Endro Tjahjono
4.0 industrial revolution era has changed the character of the work, creating new jobs, and grow the creative industries. One problem faced by people with disabilities is the limited employment opportunities due to some limitations. Although the government has issued a regulation on equal rights, but...
Proceedings Article
Revealing Internal Control Practices in SME Capital Maintenance
Erna Lovita, Gatot Prabantoro
Research aims to find the practice of internal control of capital maintenance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Theoretically the results of this study can enrich the concept of capital maintenance that is appropriate for SMEs so it can be useful to encourage its growth. This research uses ethnomethodology...
Proceedings Article
Temporal and Spatial Difference Analysis of Income in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2016
Xiangping Bao
Taking Inner Mongolia as research unit, this paper analyzes the temporal and spatial difference of per capital income in rural area and urban area from 2000 to 2016 through mathematical statistics and ArcGIS spatial analysis. The results show that: (1) The per capita net income of rural and pastoral...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurship Sorghum towards Industry 4.0
Endang Noerhartati, Pratiwi Dwi Karyati, Soepriyono Soepriyono, Bambang Yunarko
The purpose of this research is to develop entrepreneurship based on sorghum by exploring all potential sorghum as raw materials for entrepreneurship towards industry 4.0 that must have creative and innovative ideas in developing entrepreneurship. Observations cover various aspects of the superiority...
Proceedings Article
Recommendation of Quality Control Policies and Procedures for Audit Engagement at PAF X (Medium-Sized Public Accounting Firm)
Veridiana Veridiana
This research aims to understand the impact of leadership responsibilities for quality within a firm with other elements of the international standard on quality control (ISQC) 1 and give recommendations to improve the compliance of quality control standard of public accounting firm X (PAF X) to ISQC...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Government’s Comprehensive Governance of the Financial Market in the Internet Age
Jiayi Yang
With the continuous deepening of China’s reform and opening up process and the continuous advancement of market economic system, China’s financial market and capital market have both obtained good development opportunities. Meanwhile the development of economic globalization has facilitated financial...
Proceedings Article
The globalization trends of the agrarian sector development
Iuliia Samoilyk, Mykola Zos-Kior, Valerii Illin, Olena Illina
The article has been devoted to the agrarian sector development’s problems in the world. Agricultural production trends have been identified. The idea of the research has been to apply a cluster analysis technique for identifying these trends. It has been confirmed regularity that the share of agriculture...
Proceedings Article
Business: Innovation: Implementation Digital Transformation and Digital Leadership in Era Industrial Revolution 4.0
Some time later, the world economy experienced changes. The economic growth of the United States is estimated to remain strong. During the monetary crisis in 1998, the current state of the global economy had no effect on Cooperatives and SMEs. The reason is because at that time almost no SMEs borrowed...
Proceedings Article
Regional Sustainable Management Problems on Networks
Movlatkhan Agieva, Guennady Ougolnitsky
This paper is dedicated to the models of regional sustainable management on networks. The main objective of the paper is to propose a synthesis of the network models of influence and control with the models of sustainable management for the solution of the problems of regional sustainable management...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Energy Potential of the National Economy in the Context of Geopolitical Challenges
Liliana Horal, Nadiia Pysar, Viktor Oliinyk, Galyna Bodnar
The article concentrates on the study of ways to address the issues of development and utilization of the energy potential of the national economy in the context of geopolitical challenges for Ukraine. It presents a theoretical view of the scientific category “energy potential” of the national economy,...
Proceedings Article
An Indication of Window Dressing to Increase Stock Prices in Commercial Banking Companies in Indonesia
Namira Ufrida Rahmi, Arie Pratania Putri, Mesrawati
This study aims to analyze an indication of window dressing performed by commercial banking companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange from 2016 to 2018 as an effort to increase the company’s stock price. Window dressing practices have become common in stock investments and mutual funds. LRRR,...
Proceedings Article
Coaching of Student Cooperation To Be “Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin”
Abdul Bashith, Saiful Amin
Focus of the problem of this study's presentation emphasizes how the development of entrepreneurship development of "Padang Bulan" student cooperations in the Maualana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang, the presentations on the exemplary study in that became important and interesting to...
Proceedings Article
Application of Government Accounting Standards, Financial Statements Reporting, and Accessibility of Regional Finance Against Accountability for Regional Financial Management (Survey of All SKPDs of Kulon Progo Regency Government)
Bambang Jatmiko, Nano Prawoto, Rini Puji Astuti, Ristandi Nuhnita Sari, Kholifah Fil Ardhi
The objectives of this study are: (1). To test and prove the influence of the application of government accounting standards (SAP), financial reposting, and financial accessibility on accountability in regional financial management. The research method was conducted using surveys, with the subjects in...
Proceedings Article
Regional trade agreements as factor of expansion of foreign trade relations of Russia
Yulia Leonidovna Esina, Natalia Mikhailovna Stepanenkova, Elena Evgenievna Agafonova
The role of the WTO extenuation in regulation of international trade relations and prolonged stagnation of the world trade market compel individual states to conclude the alternative regional arrangements. Using of various kinds of preferences in the framework of these agreements and elimination of trade...
Proceedings Article
The studying of the risk and trends of China's investment in the background of the Belt and Road in Burma
Ruitao Gu, Aiqing Kou, Jin Chen
In The Belt and Road background, whether it is China or Southeast Asian countries on mutual cooperation and development in the future, reasonable and avoid the risk of investment are very important to both sides, in the process of cooperation, there may be policy, civil war and other factors, so it is...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of SOEs’ Bankruptcy Reorganization: A Case Study of Nuclear Titanium Dioxide Company
Yi Jia
This paper focus on the risks and benefits of implementing bankruptcy reorganization of the state-owned enterprises (SOE). By using the nuclear dioxide company as an example, this paper will discuss the bankruptcy reorganization's impact on different parties involved in this company including the creditor,...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Interactive Teaching Mode in the Ideological and Political Theory Course in Colleges and Universities
Yajuan Li
The ideological and political theory course of the university undertakes the task of systematic Marxist theoretical education for college students, and it is an important way to help and guide students to establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values, which embodies the essence of...
Proceedings Article
A Review of Government Interventions Promoting Smallholder Development in Indonesia
Zahari Zen, Tapi Rondang Nibulan
Oil palm against a background of widespread poverty in the outer islands, where a large, very poor rural population that was not technically conversant with high input agriculture lived side by side with a prosperous commercial estate plantation sector. While many smallholders in these regions cultivated...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Distribution of Bazis Scholarship Funds on the Improvement of Student Achievement
Roikhan Mochamad Aziz
This research aims to analysis the effect of distribution scholarship funds at BAZIS toward increasing of student achievement in East Jakarta. The data used in this research are primary data. Population of this research is scholarship receiver from BAZIS of East Jakarta in period 2014 until 2015. Technique...
Proceedings Article
On Shanghai’s Service and Participation in the Sustainable Development of “One Belt and One Road” Construction
Yu Zhou, Shengwei Huang
China’s “One Belt And One Road” initiative has entered the stage of fine brushwork from freehand brushwork, and also endowed Shanghai with a new historical mission for its development, placing higher expectations on the future of Shanghai. All the way to Shanghai area, Shanghai import expo as an opportunity,...
Proceedings Article
Recommendations About Improvement of Application of Customs Procedure of Customs Transit in the Russian Federation When Transporting Goods by the Motor Transport
Olga A. Dmitrieva, Elena N. Rudakova, Dmitry E. Morkovkin, Alexey V. Gubin, Alla V. Pavlova, Anton E. Polyakov
In the conditions of the development of a market economy, customs regulation is a state instrument for carrying out foreign economic activity, on whose work depends the development of priority areas of the economy and entrepreneurship, including small and medium-sized businesses. Transport service represents...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Information Technology in Handicraft and Entrepreneurship Subjects on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
Muhammad Yasin Nasrulloh, Yeffry Handoko Putra
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of information technology on student learning practices in understanding the importance of entrepreneurship by applying social media as a learning medium and online sales as a practical tool in Handicraft and entrepreneurship subjects. The results...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Inclusive Leadership on Employees’ Adaptive Performance
Yuli Yu
In the actual work environment, employee’s performance behaviors are affected by various factors, and adaptive performance as a team member’s performance on adaptability is getting more and more attention from enterprises. Inclusive leadership, as a type of leadership that can embrace different cultural...
Proceedings Article
Investor Behavioral Bias Based on Demographic Characteristics
J. Elizabeth, W.R. Murhadi, B.S. Sutejo
This study aims to examine the effect of demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income, and occupation on investor behavioral biases such as overconfidence bias, disposition effect, and herding bias. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents who are 151 stock...
Proceedings Article
The Product, Promotion, and Place @BreadTalkIndo
Arissetyanto Nugroho, Janfry Sihite
The business sector is expanding and increasing the competition in the consumption sector such as the food and the beverage industry. Bread store is one of the growing and competitive industry. There are Holland Bakery, Breadtalk, Breadlife and much other bread stores in Indonesia. Johnny Andrean open...
Proceedings Article
Non-Liberal Democracy Societies as the Sources of Resentment
N Isachenko
In the socio-philosophical discourse, there was an opinion that ressentiment is formed in totalitarian societies, which are characterized by total control over their citizens, the formation of the image of the enemy, the use of methods of intimidation, violence, and terror. Such methods create conditions...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Investments in Human Capital in the Process of Innovation in Production
Fedor Mikhailov, Dmitrii Miasnikov
Modern researches of dynamic processes in the sphere of economy show that in the conditions of globalization noticeable acceleration of diffusion of innovation is observed. This is due to the fact that ensuring the economic sustainability of organizations is largely associated with the effective introduction...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Firm’s Characteristics on the Level of Intellectual Capital Disclosure of Indonesian Islamic Banking
Ihyaul Ulum, Ahmad Waluya Jati, Mia Indri Audina, Adi Prasetyo
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of firm size, profitability, leverage, firm age, ownership of the company, and the type of Islamic banking for the intellectual capital disclosure. This research used 34 annual reports of Islamic Bank (IB) and Sharia Business Unit (SBU) registered...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Factors Affecting Intention to Use Mobile Payment Among Young Professionals in Malaysia
Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin, Khor Teik Lim
This paper is to investigate the factors that influence intention to use of mobile payment among young professionals in Malaysia. Theory acceptance model and Theory of planned behavior had been integrated to investigate this phenomenon. Five factors (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude,...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Contract in Improving Human Resources Strategy With Organizational Culture as Mediating Variable
Sry Rosita, Edward Edward, Fitri Widiastuti
The minimum criteria regarding the qualifications and competencies of lecturers in conducting education require psychological contracts, organizational culture and the strategy of Human Resources (HR) that are used as the basis for work relationships. The main objective of this research is to examine...
Proceedings Article
Supplier Selection Criteria and Methods in Supply Chain (A Statistical Approach)
Nandini Das
In today’s competitive environment, vendor selection is considered as a strategic issue in the effective management of a supply chain. Keeping in view the strategic importance of the supplier’s role in the functioning of supply chains the researchers have developed number of criteria, methods and models...
Proceedings Article
The Gender Effect on Banking Performance in Indonesia
Suwinto Johan, Claudia Gita Hapsari
This paper aims to study the determinants of banking performance from human equality perspective. Banking is a service industry which heavily depends on the human resources. Therefore, the research will focus on the diversity of employees and board member in determining the financial performance. We...