Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Seed Micromorphology of Orthosiphon spp. and Its Relatives (Lamiaceae)

The genus Orthosiphon in the Lamiaceae or Mint family is closely related to Ocimum and is economically important for medicinal and ornamental plants. Even though the leaf and flower morphology look different, but the characteristics of the seeds (nutlets) are almost the same. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Seventy Years of Rice Crop Cultivation in Tidal Swampland: Potential, Constraints, and Limitations

Nukhak Nufita Sari, Riza Adrianoor Saputra, Muhammad Noor
The reclamation of tidal rice fields has a long history, from the beginning to seventy years of independence. Around 3.4 million ha of swamp land have been utilized, including 2.8 million ha to produce rice. An available area of 15.75 million ha has not been reclaimed from 20.10 million ha. The gap is...
Proceedings Article

Allometric Equations to Estimate the Aboveground Biomass of Seedling and Sapling Plants in 10 and 20 Years Old of Secondary Forests in Sarawak, Malaysia

Karyati, Isa B. Ipor, Ismail Jusoh, Mohd. Effendi Wasli
The seedlings and saplings plant stage determines the successional stages in the secondary forest establishment process. The estimation on aboveground biomass (AGB) of seedling and sapling plants is needed to describe undergrowth’s contribution in the secondary forest. This study’s objective was to develop...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Additional Leavening Agent on Physical and Sensorial Qualities of Fried Beef Meatballs

E Triyannanto, R O Sujarwanta, Jamhari Jamhari, Rusman Rusman, R F Indrajaya, E Suryanto
This study aims to determine the effect of the leavening agent on the physical and sensorial qualities of fried beef meatballs. The leavening agent used in this research was baking powder (NaHCO3+C4H4O6) as T1, baking soda (NaHCO3) as T2, and SAPP or sodium acid pyrophosphate (Na2H2P2O7) as T3 and control...
Proceedings Article

Paved Surface Fine Crack Study with 2017 MDP Method

Syamsul Arifin, Mashuri, Sukiman Nurdin, Rahmatang Rahman, Taslim Bahar
Fine cracks have a gap width of ≤ 3 MM, the distribution properties can be local or road surface area. Some of the main causes of fine cracks are pavement material is not good, surface weathering, and sub-surface soil or layer is less stable. Fine cracks will develop into larger cracks if left unchecked...
Proceedings Article

The Preparation and Research of Small Molecular Group Water

Pei Jiang, Qingshan Li, Mingyang Lian
The qualities of water are closely related with human health. Small molecular group water which contains 5-6 water molecules plays an important role to human body health. This paper reviewed the pure water was treated by the micro-nano powder of the Guhai rock to prepare a kind of small molecular group...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activities of Polyphenol Extract of Peanut Skins

Wen-xu XIA, Ping ZHAO, Jia-bin WANG, Zhan-juan LI, Nanju Alice LEE
In this study, the cardinal and purple peanut testa were used as the raw materials for extracting polyphenol substances with ultrasonic and freeze-drying. Then the bacteriostasis and antifungal activities of the extracts were investigated by the methods of disc diffussion and equivalent against the Benzylpenicillin...
Proceedings Article

eLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Plastic Products to Support the Sustainable Develepment Goals/SDGS in Indonesia: Literature Review

Nugraheni Setiastuti, Iwan Guntoro, Abdul Rahman, Ramos Hutapea
The low-carbon and circular economy are part of the green economy development in the redesign strategy of Indonesia's economic transformation towards an advanced Indonesia. The concept of life cycle thinking in creating sustainable products is needed to prevent pollution that impacts the environment....
Proceedings Article

Performance of Local Lambs Fed Total Mixed Rations Based on Forages with Different Sorghum Cultivars

Teguh Wahyono, Dewi Apri Astuti, Anuraga Jayanegara, Komang Gede Wiryawan, Irawan Sugoro, Widhi Kurniawan, Wijaya Murti Indriatama
Total mixed rations (TMR) containing conventional forage sorghum (Pahat), brown mid rib (BMR) forage sorghum (G5), or green midrib (GMR) forage sorghum (G8) were fed to local lambs to determine the effect on digestibility, performance and ruminal fermentation. Fifteen ewe lambs (aged < 1 year) with...
Proceedings Article

The Allelopathic Effect of Marigold Infusion on the Mustard Seeds Swelling

Tatyana Glubsheva, Elena Dumacheva, Vladimir Cherniavskih, Svetlana Grigorenko
The results of the experiments connected with the study of the allelopathic effect of marigolds daily water infusion on the mustard seeds swelling in combination with the different concentrations of infusion, different temperatures and acidity of the medium are presented. The complex dependence of water...
Proceedings Article

Cooking Fumes and Relative Diseases

Chunyan WANG, Lifang LIU, Guoping HE
Cooking fumes are mixture of various toxic components such as aldehydes, heterocyclic amines (HCAs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), fat aerosols and particulate matters (PM), which are mainly produced during or after cooking. Due to the toxic contents of CFs, CFs might cause lung toxicity,...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Recycle the Tofu Waste Through Learning Project Based Entrepreneurship

Sa’diatul Fuadiyah, Ristiono Ristiono, Astuti Muh Amin, Romi Adiansyah, Adi Maladona, Dina Rahmawati
Our research to apply learning project based entrepreneurship to high school students. The research method is weak experiment. The sample used in this study were 1 class taken using cluster random sampling. The instrument used in this study was the assessment of student performance. The results of the...
Proceedings Article

Productivity of Different Types of Grass That is Produced on Ex Coal Mining Land

Harmini Harmini, Sajimin Sajimin, Achmad Fanindi
This study aims to determine the productivity of cut and carry grass in ex-coal mining land. Samples of soils for analysis at the Soil Research Institute were taken at three points. The design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with plant varieties as treatment, namely Brachiaria brizantha cv....
Proceedings Article

Decision Analysis of Farmers for Local Corn in Madura (Case Study of Local Corn Farmers in Sumenep Regency)

Heri Susanto, Teguh Soedarto, Hamidah Hendrarini
Madura has excellent potential for corn cultivation because it has land reserves based on agroecosystem potential. The problem is the trend of corn production in Madura in the last five years is fluctuating and tends to decrease; this is because in local corn farming in Madura, especially in Sumenep...
Proceedings Article

Profiles of Oligosaccharides Synthesized from Under-Explored Tuber Starches Using Aspergillus oryzae Amylase

Achmad Dinoto, Rini Handayani, Sulistiani, Ninu Setianingrum, Mulyadi, Heddy Julistiono
Oligosaccharides are beneficial compounds for human health that are widely used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Our knowledge on the synthesis of oligosaccharides from tropical plant sources using amylases of indigenous microorganisms are still limited. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Environmental Policy and Green Governance: A Pathway to Sustainable Development and Social Equity

V. Ramesh Krishna, B. Subbaiah, J. Ravi
Environmental policy and green governance represent vital frameworks established to confront the urgent issues associated with environmental degradation and climate change. This abstract investigates the confluence of policy formulation and sustainable governance, accentuating the imperative for comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Molecular Confirmation of Forensic Important Flies Collected in Palembang, South Sumatra

Ahmad Ghiffari, Chairil Anwar, Dalilah, Mansuri, Elfinchia Tiara Switha
The identification of insect species is an important key in forensic entomology. Molecular examination of the nucleotide sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene has been widely performed before the morphology identification. We analyzed the partial conserved COII nucleotide sequence...
Proceedings Article

Water-Saving Methods in Irrigated Rice Fields in Chanthaburi, Thailand

Bancha Wiangsamut, Manoch Koolpluksee, Chaiwat Makornpas, Maria Evangeline L. Wiangsamut
Khao Hawm Mae Paya Tong Dam (KHMPTD) is healthy traditional rice and an attractive rice variety grown in Chanthaburi, Thailand. Due to the increasing water scarcity for rice, there is a need to develop alternative irrigation systems using less water in producing high grain yield. The study aimed to assess...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Pediococcus halophillus FNCC-0032 and Pediococcus acidilactici F-11 to Suppress the Population of Salmonella – Shigella and Enterobacteriaceae in Jambal Roti (Fermented Fish)

M Karyantina, S Anggrahini, T Utami, E S Rahayu
Jambal roti is a fermented product from Manyung fish, which is quite famous in Java. The term ‘jambal roti’ refers to the salting and drying of fish. Manyung fish are easily damaged so that they need to be preserved by salting. The use of 30% salt in traditional production makes the product too salty....
Proceedings Article

Formulation of Powdered Beverage Combination of Ginger, Lemongrass and Vegetable Creamers using Foam Mat Drying Technique

Andi Eko Wiyono, Suci Widyasari, Nidya Shara Mahardika, Nita Kuswardhani, I Gede Surya Dwipangga
A spice drink is made from natural ingredients that contain many benefits for the health of the body. Ginger, lemon grass, and vegetable creamer can be used as raw materials in spice powder drinks. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the ratio of ginger, lemongrass, and vegetable...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Ozonation Technology on Microbiological Quality of Milk: Study of Differences Fat and Protein Percentages Against Pathogenic Bacterial Resistance

Gita Zulfie Ramadhani, Kartika Budi Utami, Djalal Rosyidi, Ria Dewi Andriani, Lilik Eka Radiati
The high level of pathogenic microbial contamination in milk can reduce milk quality. Milk as a source of animal protein is produced by dairy cattle with complete nutritional content. The complete nutritional content causes milk to be an ideal medium for bacterial growth. The bacteria that are found...
Proceedings Article

Mass and Energy Balance Analysis of The Animal Feed Industry in Sidenreng Rappang Regency (Case Study: CV Cahaya Mario Feed Mill)

Yanna Yahya, Mahmud Achmad, Iqbal
Livestock has an important role in supporting the availability of animal protein in the community. CV. Cahaya Mario as one of the livestock businesses has also established an animal feed factory to meet the internal needs of animal feed. This study aims to analyze the mass and energy balance of the CV...
Proceedings Article

Mutual Influence of Biologically Active Compounds in Medical Plants Composition

Elena Gudkova, Ngan Le Ngok, Maria Ustinova
The article deals with studies of the mutual influence of the components of herbs. The research in this area is too difficult because of the lack of an accurate data about chemical composition of natural raw materials. Therefore, the aim of the research was: to study the aspects of chemical composition...
Proceedings Article

Degradation, Characterization, Ferrous Ion Chelating Ability and Repair Effect of Sulfated Polysaccharides of Six Kinds of Seaweed Polysaccharides

Xin-Yuan Sun, Da Guo, Jian-Min Wang, Jian-Ming Ouyang
Six kinds of seaweed polysaccharides (SPSs) extracted from Laminaria japonica, Porphyra yezoensis, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Sargassum fusiforme, Eucheuma gelatinae and Undaria pinnatifida were degraded and characterized. The sulfate group (-OSO3H) content of these polysaccharides were 21.7, 17.9, 13.3,...
Proceedings Article

Defining Indonesian and African Small-Holder Farmers’ Climate Change Adaptive Capacity and Practices: A Brief Argument

Kurniawati, Nia Kania, Luvhengo, Usapfa
The aim of this paper is to review literature on smallholder farmer’s adaptive capacity and practices in the African continent and Indonesia. Climate change has been the centre of attention across all sectors worldwide. African and Indonesian agriculture is dominated by majority of smallholder farmers...
Proceedings Article

Lichens Diversity of Kabawetan District Kepahyang, Regency Bengkulu Province

Rochmah Supriati, Helmiyetti
Organisms formed as a mutualism symbiotic between fungi as mycobiont and algae as photobiont, Lichens, recently has been world-wide explored due to its uniq characteristcs and its highly beneficial especially in using this creatures as herbal medicine, environmental bioindicator. About 100.000 Lichens...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Sex and Slaughter Ages on the Chemical Composition, Physical and Sensory Qualities of Merawang Chicken

Edi Suryanto, Jamhari Jamhari, Rusman Rusman, Nanung Danar Dono, Endy Triyannanto, Rio Olympias Sujarwanta, Mochammad Fahmi Habibi, Yuli Dwi Irma Suryani, Amilia Nur Fadhila, Gustya Amalia Rizqy
The purpose of the experiment is to evaluate the effect of sex and slaughter ages on the chemical composition, physical, and sensory qualities of Merawang chicken meat. The materials used in this research were 20 Merawang chickens aged 10 and 20 weeks, consisting of 10 male and 10 female chickens. The...
Proceedings Article

Fertilizer placement in circle weeding vs. in interrow: which one is better for oil palm?

Iput Pradiko, Eko N. Ginting, Sumaryanto, Arsyad D. Koedadiri, Nuzul H. Darlan, Rizki D. P. Pane, Fadilla Sapalina
Oil palm fertilizers are located in circle weeding because it is usually “cleaner” than interrow. However, many planters assumed that this method is inadequate. This is because the density of feeding roots, which play an essential role in nutrient absorption, continues to decrease due to intensive fertilizer...
Proceedings Article

Economic Valuation of Agricultural Land Resources

The Multifunctional Benefit Value Approach of Agricultural Land in the Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark Area

Rika Harini, Bowo Susilo, Evita Hanie Pangaribowo, Rina Dwi Ariani
The strategic role of agricultural land faces serious challenges, including the conversion of agricultural land. Agricultural land conversion is related to people’s understanding of multifunctional value concept of agricultural land including economic and environmental value. Agricultural land is considered...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Tonifying Kidney and Spleen, Detoxification of Throat Method to TNF-α, IL-6 of IgA Nephropathy Model Rat

Di Zou, Yinping Wang, Dongmei Zhang, Shoulin Zhang
Purpose: To study the effect and function mechanism of Tonifying Kidney and Spleen, Detoxification of Throat method on IgA nephropathy. Methods: the 72 Wistar rats were randomly divided into blank group, model group, Lotensin group, Tonifying kidney and spleen, detoxification of throat high, medium and...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Protein-Protein Interactions Model by Deep Neural Networks

Yuanmiao Gui, Rujing Wang, Yuanyuan Wei, Xue Wang
In order to improve the effectiveness of the network prediction result of protein-protein interaction, the network prediction model of protein-protein interaction based on deep neural network has been proposed. Here, we present here a novel DPPI model with deep neural network and conjoint triad (CT)...
Proceedings Article

The Prevalence of Gastro-Intestinal Nematode Parasite and Egg-Count in Cattle with Different Skin Colors

Riyan Ferdian, Lian Varis Riandi, Muhammad Hambal, Muttaqien, Henni Vanda, Wahyu Eka Sari, Rusli, Amiruddin, Irfan Mahyidin
This study was aimed to find out burden of nematode infection in aceh cattle with different skin colors. The samples were 105 cattle consisting of adult male and female. Each of skin color consisted of 15 males and 20 females obtained from Aceh Besar District. The samples were examined in the laboratory...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Addition Lempahong (Baccaurea lanceolata) Fruit Extract on pH, Organoleptic, and Antioxidants of the Making Yoghurt

Arif Ismanto, Lulu Khizanatusani, Muh. Ichsan Haris, Khoiru Indana, Ari Wibowo
Yogurt is a dairy product made through a bacterial fermentation process. The addition of lempahong fruit (Baccaurea lanceolata) which contains antioxidant compounds, is expected to add the unique taste of lempahong fruit and as a source of antioxidants as a functional processed animal product. This research...
Proceedings Article

Economic Valuation of Mangrove Forest in Muara Village, Indonesia

I P Sari, M P Patria
Mangrove forest is an essential part of the coast area in Muara Village, Teluknaga District, Tangerang City. Research of economic valuation in mangrove forest around Muara Village has been conducted. The aim of this research were to calculate and analyze the economic value of the advantage from mangrove...
Proceedings Article

True Shallot Seed Efficiency on the Production and Income of Shallot Farmers

Muhammad Ivan Fadzil, Muhammad Firdaus, Netti Tinaprilla
Shallot is included in volatile food groups in Indonesia. Any fluctuation in shallot production will influence the inflation level. One of the main problems that reduce local shallot production capacity is high production cost. Local shallot is mainly produced from bulb seeds that consume roughly about...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Ecoenzyme Addition on Vitamin C Levels of Spinach (Amaranthus Sp.) Cultivate Hydroponically

Resti Fevria, Vauzia Vauzia, Siska Alicia Farma, Edwin Edwin
One of the vitamins that the body needs is vitamin C since it plays a crucial role as an antioxidant that can shield the molecules that the body needs. Vegetables that are green, like spinach, contain vitamin C. Both hydroponically and non-hydroponically, spinach can be grown. According to a study, spinach...
Proceedings Article

Profiles of Steroid Hormones on Follicular and Luteal Phase in Saanen Etawah Crossbred (SAPERA) Does

Seraphina Kumala, Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi, Yuni Suranindyah, Diah Tri Widayati
Reproductive rate may be a major issue conducive to the potency of animal production such as milk and meat. Determining estrogen, progesterone also cortisol during the phase of estrus in goats is supervised one of the most necessary parameters used to examine reproductive status. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Allozyme Diversity Inforensically Important Indian Species Chrysomya Megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Sarita Agrawal, Shubhra Malviya
The application of electrophoretic technique to study allozyme enzymatic variation has been extensively used to explore hidden genetic variability in natural population and laboratory colonies of many calliphorid flies. Genetic variation at three enzyme loci viz., Alkaline phosphatase (APH), Xanthin...
Proceedings Article

Activity Enhancement of Antioxidant Contained in Sugar Palm Fruit (Arenga pinnata Merr) Through Solid State Fermentation by Aspergillus oryzae

Merry Meryam Martgrita, Roga Florida Kembaren, Adelina Manurung, Herti Novalia Hutapea, Theodora Mega Putri Lumbangaol
It has been widely known that sugar palm fruit (Arenga pinnata Merr) contains galactomannan that has antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are compounds that can inhibit free radical formation during oxidation reactions in the body that can cause disease. Antioxidant compounds are commonly found in natural...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Tween 80 on Degradation of Benzo[ƒ]pyrene in Soils Growing Sudan Grass

Sheng-wang PAN, Zhi-hua LEI, Yun-xiao WU, Mao-ping HE
Phytoremediation is becoming a cost-effective technology for the in-situ clean up of sites polluted with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). The major factors limiting phytoremediation are the mass transfer, rate of plant uptake, and microbial biodegradation of HOCs. To evaluate the potential of...
Proceedings Article

The Status of Edible Mushrooms Resource Development and Nutrition Evaluation in Sichuan Province, China

Qian-Qian Tang, Yu-Xian You, Yi-Wen Li, Si-Qi Zeng, Di Chen, Zhao Su, Ai-Ping Liu, Hong Chen, Chao-Hui Feng, Yao-Wen Liu, Cheng Li, Yun-Tao Liu
With the development of our agriculture, the utilization of edible mushrooms is more and more widely recognized. The resources of them are abundant in our country, especially in Sichuan. They contain not only rich nutrients, but also active substances such as polysaccharides, which with the biological...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention Technology based on AHP-FCE

Linan SHAO, Guoqiang CHEN
AHP-FCE model was introduced to carry out evaluation of heavy metal pollution prevention technology. AHP was used to determine the weights of various evaluation indices, and FCE was used to evaluate heavy metal pollution prevention technology. The paper took HDS technology. as an example, to introduce...
Proceedings Article

Molecular Docking of Anthocyanin Compound as Anti-Hyperlipidemia Against PPARα, HMG-CoA Reductase and ACAT Proteins

Noor Nailis Sa’adah, Elshinta Riantica, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati, Nova Maulidina Ashuri, Dewi Hidayati
Hyperlipidemia can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease (CHD), the number one cause of death worldwide each year. Therefore, needed efforts to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, one of which is parijoto fruit (Medinilla speciosa), which has a high...
Proceedings Article

Farmer Decision on Cocoa Farm in North Lombok, Indonesia

Taslim Sjah, Ridwan, Ibrahim, Sri Supartiningsih, Padusung
Agricultural land in North Lombok, Indonesia, provides farmers with several choices of crops to be grown, among others is cocoa. However, farmer reasons for growing this crop is not completely documented. This paper explores farmer reasons for growing the crop and models their decisions. This paper used...
Proceedings Article

Leguminous Tree Bauhinia purpurea L. Leaf as Feed Alternative on Sheep Performance

Andi Murlina Tasse, Aminuddin Parakkasi
Sheep needs nutrient supply to optimize their performance. Ration nutrients especially energy and protein are the major factors affecting the productivity of sheep. One of the plants that has the potential to be used as a protein source for sheep is Bauhinia purpurea L. Previous study showed 15% (BpLM)...
Proceedings Article

Agronomic Characteristics of Gogo Rice Lines As a Result of Mass Selection

Sakka Samudin, Maemunah Maemunah, Usman Made, Andi Ete, Fina Fina
The study aims to determine the agronomic characteristics of local upland rice lines resulting from a mass selection. The study was conducted in Petimbe Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, at an altitude of 500 above sea level, from February to June 2022. The study was...
Proceedings Article

Cattle Manure Compost Properties with the Addition of Dead Broiler Carcass as Nitrogen Sources

Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, Muhammad Kemal Bengawan, Ragil Adi Prasetyo, Zaenal Bachruddin, Yuny Erwanto
During production periods, abundant by-products of the dead bird in broiler industries require an adequate alternative treatment to prevent harmful effects from direct disposal in the open environment. This study evaluates compost’s efficiency and physicochemical properties produced from coped dead broiler...
Proceedings Article

Monitoring Lymphatic Filariasis Interventions Through Adult Mosquito PCR Sampling in South Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Ahmad Ghiffari, Rini Pratiwi, Chairil Anwar, Dalilah
Monitoring and evaluation are essential to the successful implementation of mass drug administration programs for lymphatic filariasis elimination. PCR-based methods are preferred over classical dissections with the protocol of one L3 Brugia malayi larva in a pool of mosquitoes. We analysed the partial...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Candlenut as Mixed Ingredients on the Palm Sugar Quality in the Penyolongan Village of Sangkulirang Districts East Kutai

Liris Lis Komara
Palm tree (Arenga pinnata Merr) is a non-wood forest product with a big potency to be developed. Palm tree main product resulting from tapping male flower sap can be made to be sugar. This study aims to determine the effect of candlenut as a mixture of ingredients of the palm sugar quality in the Penyolongan...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Suspension Extract of Agro-industrial Plant Waste and the Compost Type on the Change of Soil Chemical Properties and the Yields of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.)

Dermiyati, T. Hananto, IS. Banuwa, A. Niswati, SB. Yuwono
Shallot cultivation has constraints in regarding less fertile soil and lacking of soil nutrients. This study aimed to determine the effect of suspension extracts of the agro-industrial plant wastes (banana weevil, pineapple rhizome, and oil palm empty fruit bunches) and the type of compost (solid and...
Proceedings Article

Cloning and Expression of cry9Ea10 Gene from Bacillus Thuringiensis Strain GZ2 Isolated from Infected Hyphantria Cunea Larvae

Kunli Zhao, Wei Guo, Dan Zhao, Yakun Zhang, Xiaoping Yan, Yujie Gao
A novelBacillus thuringiensis(Bt) strain GZ2, was isolated from infected Hyphantria cunealarvae. The bioassay results showed that GZ2 had insecticidal activity to H.cunea larvae. The genotypes ofGZ2 were identified by PCR-RFLP method. GZ2 was identified to harbor cry9Ea10 gene and the full length of...
Proceedings Article

Microbial Community of Biogas Plant Feeding with Complex Substrate: Archaea/Bacteria Ratio Dynamics by the Stages of Fermentation

Viktoriia Iatsenko, Anastasiya Nechayeva, Konstantin Boyarshin, Violetta Klyueva, Dmitriy Ohrimchuk, Vladimir Bredihin, Irina Batlutskaya
The technology of anaerobic fermentation of organic substrates and especially of organic wastes with rich microbiota needs effective method to observe the microbial community on the different stages of substrate transformation, including its digestion, fermentation and conversion of its products to methane....
Proceedings Article

Ethnoecology of Mentawai on Utilization of Plants in Conservation Biodiversity in Siberut, West Sumatra

Fatimah Fatimah, Nisyawati
Mentawai archipelago separated from Sumatra milions years ago. The utilization and management of landscape units of the Mentawai community in siberut, is strategies to maintain their survival. A large sea barrier promotes biodiversity differ from other areas include flora and fauna endemic. The observation...
Proceedings Article

Examining the Arrangement of Community Food Barns in Term of Realizing Food Security in Banten Province According to Law Development Theory Perspective

Rena Yulia, Aliyth Prakarsa, Aan Asphianto
In realizing food sovereignty, food independence, and food security, the government establishes national food reserves consisting of government food reserves, regional government food reserves and community food reserves. The development of national food reserves is intended to anticipate shortages of...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activity and Secondary Metabolite Content of Polyploid Mutant of Artemisia cina Berg ex Poljakov

S Kasmiyati, EBE Kristiani, MM Herawati
Artemisia cina is one of the members of Compositae family that have been identified to display antimicrobial activity. This study aims to examine the ability of wild-type A. cina (KJT genotype) and its polyploid mutant (J genotype) in inhibiting the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Peranakan Etawah Goat Breed Production Efficiency in North Samarinda Sub-District

Surya Nur Rahmatullah, Rudi Saputro, Muhammad Erwan Suriaatmaja
The sustainability of meat supply has to support by animal production efficiency, understanding the technical efficiency of the Peranakan Etawah goat farming is essential. The current study assessed the technical efficiency of Peranakan Etawah goat production in the North Samarinda Sub-District. A purposive...
Proceedings Article

Cropwat 8.0 Application to Investigate Water Availability for Crops in Nawungan Agricultural Land, Imogiri

Umi Mar Atus Sholihah, Nur Ainun H. J. Pulungan, Fathi Alfinur Rizqi
The evaluation of water availability is crucial in planning and managing irrigation system. Rainfall is a climatic element having a very important role to provide crop water requirement. However, the amount of rainfall also depends on other climatic factors such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed,...
Proceedings Article

A Comparison of the Oxygen Release from Roots of Thalia and Pontederia in Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Systems

Chan DONG, Yinghao HUANG
To investigate the ability of oxygen release from roots of different vegetation, and explain the mechanism. This paper tested the variation of oxygen release rate from roots of Thalia and Pontederia using a titanium ( ) citrate buffer. The results shows that oxygen release rates with the same condition...
Proceedings Article

Water Maze for Behavior Control of Aquatic Animal Robot

Yong Peng, Xiao-Xiao Han, Yang Liu, Ting-Ting Wang, Yan-Hong Yan, Pei-Hua Su, Li-Jiao Wang, Jia-Ning Liu, Yang Zhao, Ya-Wei Cheng, Ai-Di Wang, Luo-Nan Yang
To solve the problem of observing and testing the movement behavior control ability of aquatic animal robot, we have developed a double-layer multi-channel water maze device. The device is a rectangular parallelepiped structure composed of a square bottom, four rectangular side walls .The channel on...
Proceedings Article

Phenetic Relationship of Lichens Grown on Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) in Tangsi Baru Village, Kabawetan Subdistrict, Kepahiang District

Rochmah Supriati, Dwi Agustian, RR Sri Astuti, Riandini Evelyne, Fatimatuzzahra
Lichen is a mutualism symbiotic organism between fungi (mycobiont) and photosynthetic symbiont in the form of algae (photobiont). Lichen can be found from the lowlands to the highlands, growing epiphytes in soil, rocks, weathered wood, and on tree bark, such as on the surface of tea plants (Camellia...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Lactation Period Between Colostrum Production and Colostrum Fat on Friesian Holstein Crossbred

Puguh Surjowardojo, Tri Eko Susilorini, Hanum Muarifah, Rifai Rifai
The aim of this study was to determine relationship of lactation period with colostrum production and colostrum fat in Friesian Holstein crossbred in rural area of KPSP Setia Kawan, Nongkojajar, Pasuruan. A total of 37 dairy cow pasca partus consisting of different lactation period (1–4) were observed...
Proceedings Article

Kinetics of Changes in the Quality Parameters of Fresh Snake Fruit (Salacca edulis Rainw) During Storage

Satria Bhirawa Anoraga, Nursigit Bintoro
The effects of storage at different room RH-themperature treatment and packaging method conditions on Snake Fruit (Salacca Edulis cv. ‘Pondoh’) quality parameters, such as moisture content, brix (%), and fruits stress, were investigated. Packaging and storage method had impact significantly on the quality...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Mycorrhizal Provision and Watering Frequency on the Nutrient and Prussic Acid Content of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Yustus Serani No Mbeong, Nafiatul Umami, Chusnul Hanim, Andriyani Astuti, Muhlisin, Eka Rizky Vury Rahayu
Sorghum is a cereal plant that has the potential to be developed as animal feed due to its resistance to drought stress and regrowth ability after harvest. This study aimed to determine the response of sorghum plants given mycorrhizae with different watering frequencies to the nutrient and prussic acid...
Proceedings Article

Quality and Rumen Fermentation Profile of Indigenous Forage on Karst Mountain

Doso Sarwanto, Caribu Hadi Prayitno, Nur Hidayat, Harwanto Harwanto
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality and rumen fermentation kinetics of indigenous forages that were common to fed the goats by farmers. The method used was a survey by identifying the forages for the goat fed by the farmers surrounding South Gombong, Central Java, karst hills. The soil...
Proceedings Article

Processing Sky Rocket Melon into Jam with Various Acidifiers and Sugar Concentrations

Nur Aini, Retno Setyawati, Muti Alyani, Budi Sustriawan, Ruly Eko Kusuma Kurniawan
The high production of melons in Indonesia is affected by non-optimal post-harvest handling and the accelerated loss of quality due to its abundant water content, which reduce its economic value. The Sky Rocket variety is Indonesia’s most widely grown type of melon. The post-harvest handling of melon...
Proceedings Article

Eco-Friendly Photodegradation and Anti-bacterial Treatment of Dye Effluents with special reference to Malachite Green using SrFe12O19/TiO2/ZnO Ternary Nanocomposites

Ch. Ramya Kumari, K. Jyothi Priya, M. Suneetha, N. Sridevi Chandrakala, T. Bulli Babu, M. Padma, S. Paul Douglas
A novel ternary metal oxide nanocomposite (SrFe12O19/TiO2/ZnO) was synthesized using the sol-gel method for malachite green dye degradation. The absorption maximum was determined by ultraviolet-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), revealing a bandgap of 2.29 eV. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy...
Proceedings Article

A Control Strategy of a Haptic Display Using Honeycomb

Ryota Ishibashi
This paper proposes a kind of tactile display using composite materials. Proposed display consists of a core honeycomb structure and a bi-elastic material. The system has both the endoskeltal and the exoskeltal properties. Then, it can realize an elastic display strategy for rendering softness based...
Proceedings Article

Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance of House Dust Mites on Settlement Region in Bogor

Upik Kesumawati Hadi, Susi Soviana, N Qamariah
The house dust mite (HDM) is a major allergen source and a significant cause of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. HDM is commonly found in dust originating from human resident and are mainly found in seats (chairs, sofas, benches), carpets, floors and beds (mattresses, pillows, sheets). This study...
Proceedings Article

Effect of additional balance of temulawak extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) on organoleptic characteristics and antioxidant content, of clove (Eugenia aromaticum), and Cinnamon (Cinanomum burmanni) extracts as functional drinks

Hari Hariadi, Diang Sagita, Asri, Hidayat, Laila Rahmawati, RCecep E A, Saepurahman
Temulawak has tremendous potential for its benefits to be developed, in fact, the temulawak plant has advantages equivalent to Korean ginseng so that many people consider temulawak as "Indonesian ginseng". Besides being used as traditional medicine, ginger can be used as a drink, Health drinks...
Proceedings Article

Diversity of Amphibians Using a Transect Method Implemented in Three Different Habitat

Mira Idora, Rijal Satria, Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha
This study was conducted in three different habitat types consisting of (1) forest, (2) rivers, and (3) paddy fields. We used transect lines with a length of 50 m with a distance of 1 m right and left. The number of transects in each habitat was 10. We found 148 individuals with 13 species belonging...
Proceedings Article

Mapping the Status of Environmental Carrying Capacity for Food Provision Based on Ecosystem Services in Palu

Muhd Nur Sangadji, Nursalam, Nur Edy, Abdul Rahman, Mauludin Kurniawan, Muhammad Musbah
The increase in population and development activities impacts reducing resources or decreasing environmental quantity and quality. Palu city landscape is located in the ecotone area, which will influence environmental sensitivity and vulnerability due to population and development pressure. Ecotone area...
Proceedings Article

Metabolomics Reveals Deregulation of Lipid and Amino Acid Metabolisms in the Lungs of Rats Post-K. pneumoniae Infection

Nur Syauqina Najihah Mohd Rozali, Muhd Hanis Md Idris, Mohd Ikhwan Ismail, Nik Fatini Nik Azmin, Mohd Izwan Mohamad Yusof
The host’s metabolic response towards pathogenic infection was investigated using a Klebsiella pneumoniae infected rat model via metabolomics approaches. The lungs of rats serve as control and post-K. pnaumoniae infections were subjected to metabolomics analysis to assess the sensitivity of metabolomics...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Adventitious Buds Regeneration From Three Kinds of Explants in Jatropha Curcas

Jianian Tang, Guoxuan Liu, Fuguang Yang, Chuanteng Huang, Kaiyuan Zhou, Sufang Niu, Shaoxia Yang, Yali Yang, Ying Liu
An efficient method has been established to induce adventitious buds regeneration from 3 kinds of explants (hypocotyl, cotyledon leaf and leaf) of Jatropha curcas L. All the explants were treated by high concentrations (5??"120 mg/L) of TDZ solution for different soak period (5??"80 min) with the regeneration...
Proceedings Article

Research of the Main Components of Risk Management in Pharmacy

Olena Ievtushenko, Irina Zhirova, Irina Spichak
A market economy characterized by existing of uncertainty and the possibility of choosing one or more development directions for the pharmaceutical market subjects causes risk situations. The reasons for their occurrence are usually the company affiliation, its size, form of ownership, legal status,...
Proceedings Article

An Identification of Students’ Responses Towards the Implementation of Biological Learning to Answer the Challenges of Educators in The Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

Indah Dewi Sartika, Linda Advinda
Changes in the world are now entering the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) where information technology has become the basis in human life. Based on the initial evaluation, Indonesia is estimated as a country with high potential in facing IR 4.0. Nevertheless, education 4.0 is a response to...
Proceedings Article

Livestock Weighing System Using the Internet of Things (Iot) for Caribi Marketplace

Andri Ulus Rahayu, Linda Faridah, Nurul Hiron, Firmansyah M. S. Nursuwars
The livestock investment system, or Maro, is one form of investment in great demand. Maro is a livestock-rearing system in which owners entrust their livestock maintenance to others for profit sharing. However, many potential investors have difficulty finding breeders willing to cooperate. This research...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Kefir Grains as an Anaerobic Method for Removal of β-Lactam Antibiotic Residue on Cows Milk

Ahmad Khoirul Umam, Lilik Eka Radiati, Ria Dewi Andriani, Citra Nurma Yunita, Millenia Wahyu Ramadhaniarti, Rizky Ramadhan
After mastitis therapy, using the right technology, it was necessary to break down the antibiotics in waste milk. Due to microbial activity, the microbiology approach as an anaerobic treatment presumably successfully removes antibiotic residues in milk. This study attempted to Eliminate Antibiotic Residue...
Proceedings Article

Aqueous Two-Phase System Combined with Ultrasound for the Extraction Of Polysaccharide from Hawthorn (Crataeguspinnatifida) Leaves

Ri-li HAO, Juan-juan MA, Kun LI, Chuan-he ZHU, Xiao-cun ZHANG
Aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) combined with ultrasonic technology was employed to extract polysaccharide from hawthorn leaves in this study. The partition behaviors in different ATPS were investigated first, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 11.5% and (NH4)2SO4 14% were selected as the optimum solvent for...
Proceedings Article

Soil Respiration and Photosynthesis of Leaves in Greenhouse Cultivation Cherry Tomato

Yinli LIANG, Tianli BAO, Lan MU
To explore the optimum growth condition of cherry tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum), the cherry tomato was used to study the soil respiration and photosynthesis of leaves under greenhouse and outdoor condition with Lou soil and loessial soil during fruiting period in the year 2013 and 2014.The results...
Proceedings Article

Early Report on Fungal Rhizosphere of Rice Variety Kewal Bulu Putih of Banten Origin

Nani Maryani, Iing Dwi Lestari, Susiyanti, Nurmayulis
Fungal rhizosphere plays a very important role for soil fertility. Its compositions effects plant growth and resistance to diseases. This study aims to explore and to identify the diversity of fungi from rice rhizosphere of Banten origins. In this report, we describe the diversity of fungi from paddy...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Agroforestry to Total Farmers’ Revenue in Long Beluah Village, North Kalimantan Province - Indonesia

Marlan Usmani Putra, Rujehan, Mustofa Agung Sardjono, Paulus Matius, Ahyauddin
Agroforestry in Long Beluah Village can be developed to support welfare and maintain community economic stability. Agroforestry is one of the land management systems that can be offered to solve problems arising from food problems and at the same time provide socio-economic benefits to farmers. This...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Ponorogo Coffee Agro-industry Supply Chain

Devi Urianty Miftahul Rohmah, Arief Rahmawan, Mohammad Fuad
Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. The important role of coffee in Indonesia’s economic activities are as a source of foreign exchange earnings, as a provider of employment, and as a source of income for coffee planters and other...
Proceedings Article

Electroelution of 31 kDa Immunogenic Protein Fraction from the Salivary Gland of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Ilma Zakiyyah, Linda Dwi Santika, Syubbanul Wathon, Kartika Senjarini, Rike Oktarianti
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease generated by dengue virus infection. The dengue virus is transmitted to the host by mosquito vectors. The main and secondary vectors are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue virus transmission is mediated by salivary gland proteins that facilitate the...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Daidzein and Daidzein Metabolites on Lifespan and Stress Resistance in Caenorhabditis Elegans

Ye Wang, Xiaolei Li, Conghui Zhang, Xiuling Wang
Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) was used as an animal model to study the influence of isoflavone daidzein and daidzein metabolites, including dihydrodaidzein (DHD), O-desmethylangolensin (O-Dma) and equol, on lifespan in C. elegans at the concentration of 0.1 mmol/L. The results showed that equol...
Proceedings Article

The Antioxidant Activity of Royal Jelly Water Soluble Proteins Hydrolysate from Xinjiang Black Bee

Jian-Hui Jiang, Jian-Bo Zhao, Hui-Ping Ding, Wen-Bo Xin, Long Chen
In this paper, pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin were used to hydrolyze royal jelly water soluble proteins from Xinjiang Black Bee, and peptides with the molecular weight of more than 10kD, 3-10kD as well as less than 3 kD were obtained by using ultrafiltration. Through the determination of total antioxidant...
Proceedings Article

Ratio Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein using Local Feed on in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Ongole Crossbreed

Gita Nofriantika, Andriyani Astuti, Ali Agus, Cuk Tri Noviandi, Dimas Hand Vidya Paradhipta, Dennis Poppi, Ahmad Sofyan
The present study investigated the ratio effects of dietary energy and protein on in situ rumen degradation kinetics of Ongole Crossbreed. Local feed consisting of dried cassava as energy source and palm kernel as protein source were used in the present study. Two dietary ratios of dried cassava and...
Proceedings Article

A Review on Some Gymnospermous Fructifications from the Triassic of Nidpur, Madhya Pradesh, India

Shabnam Parveen
The Nidpur bed was discovered near Nidpur village, Sidhi District, Madhya Pradesh, India. The carbonized fossils of Nidpur beds comprise plant remains assignable to different groups of the plant kingdom like algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms. The gymnospermous remains often occur as detached...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Pre-Slaughter and Slaughter Procedure on Animal Welfare and Behavior Changes in Cattle at Local Abattoir in Samarinda-Indonesia

Ari Wibowo, Fikri Ardhani, Apdila Safitri, Suhardi Suhardi, Via Inestika, Dinar Anindyasari, Khoiru Indana
The aim of this research was to address the impact of pre-slaughter handling and slaughtering process on animal welfare and changes of cattle behavior at local abattoir in Samarinda-Indonesia. To investigate the influence of pre-slaughter and slaughter procedures on stress levels and cattle behavioral...
Proceedings Article

Kinetics Physical Properties of Coconut Sugar Solution, During Processing Palm Sugar Using Pan Evaporator and Rotating Crystallizer

Destia Catur Rini, Sri Rahayoe, Arifin Dwi Saputro, Joko Nugroho Wahyu K
Palm sugar is sugar from coconut sap in the form of crystals. The producers of palm sugar are mostly home industries that process sugar in a conventional way, using wood-fired stoves for thickening sap and the crystallization process is done manually. Improvements to the conventional method carried out...
Proceedings Article

Physical Characteristic Analysis of Shells Coconut Briquette

Ansar, Diah Ajeng Setiawati, Murad, Baiq Sulasi Muliani
Briquettes can be used as an alternative fuel to replace fuel oil. The method of making briquettes can be done in several ways, one of which is using the hydraulic system compression force method. The physical characteristics resulting from this method have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Chinese Ecological and Environmental Philosophy

Shaoyao HE, Duo LI, Ouyang DUO
Chinese traditional culture contains rich ecological philosophy thought. This paper focuses on the analysis of the ecological and environmental philosophy of "harmony between man and nature" in Chinese ancient Confucianism and Taoism. It is believed that the thought has important practical guiding function...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of C-Cinnamal Calix[4] Resorcinarene as Adsorbent for Rhodamin B and Methanil Yellow

Sri Benti Etika, Edi Nasra, Abdul Hafids, T K Sari
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum conditions i.e. pH and concentration of Rhodamin B and methanyl yellow using CCCR absorbent which is the result of synthesis by using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The method used was the adsorption method (Batch). Absorption of rhodamine B and methanyl...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Probiotic to Increase Growth, Body Composition, and Feed Efficiency on Catfish (Clarias sp.)

Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra, Mustahal, Mas Bayu Syamsunarno, Dodi Hermawan, Muh. Herjayanto
For 45 days, research was conducted to evaluate the administration of probiotic Bacillus NP5 to increase growth, body composition, and feed efficiency on catfish (Clarias sp.). This research was carried out with 3 different treatment of Bacillus NP5 probiotic doses (0, 0.5 and 1% probiotic) and 3 replications....
Proceedings Article

Zinc Amendment Decreased Nutrient Contents of Liquid Organic Fertilizer

F. Fahrurrozi, Z. Muktamar, S. Sudjatmiko, N. Setyowati, M. Chozin, D. N. Sari, E. R. Togatorop, U. Salamah
The use liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) has been found to be effective as complimentary nutrients for solid organic fertilizer in organic vegetable production. The amendment of zinc (Zn) increased the activities of decomposing microbes to decompose solid organic fertilizer which eventually increased...
Proceedings Article

Xylanase Purification of Indigenous Aspergillus tamari TKM-24 Isolated from Environmental Soil in Borneo Island

S Margino, Y Mallisa, W Asmara
Utilizing of chlorine-based chemicals in pulp bleaching process causes environmental problem. Utilization of biological agents, such as enzymes for bleaching process is a wise measure to reduce the problem. One of the enzymes that play an important role in pulp bleaching process is xylanase. The previous...
Proceedings Article

Diversity of Forage Species in Oil Palm Plantation Area in Kolaka Regency

Natsir Sandiah, Syamsuddin, Rahim Aka, La Ode Muh. Munadi
The diversity of greenery species in oil palm plantations is a source of animal feed. The research aims to identify the type of forage as a source of animal feed in the area of oil palm plantations in Watubangga Subdistrict Kolaka Regency, conducted in April to June 2021 using survey methods and direct...
Proceedings Article

Physical and Microbial Quality of Broiler Chicken Meat Soaked in Syzygium polyanthum Infusion with Different Storage Time

Edi Suryanto, Jamhari Jamhari, Ulil Afidah, Nresnandira Aulia Utami
Chicken meat is highly nutritious but also easily damaged. The aim of this study was to evaluate the soaking chicken meat effect in bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum) infusion. Total of 30 chicken meat samples were soaked with infused bay leaf (0% and 15%) for 30 minutes and different storage times (0, 2,...
Proceedings Article

Screening of Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolics, and Flavonoid on Selected Northern Thailand Medicinal Rhizomes

Fahmi Ilman Fahrudin, Pilairuk Intipunya, Suphat Phongthai, Tri Indrarini Wirjantoro
The study aimed to determine the freeze-dried chemical and physical properties of northern Thailand medicinal rhizomes for potential use in food and pharmaceutical products. Those are Kaempferia parviflora, Alpinia galanga and Boesenbergia rotunda. Freeze-drying was chosen as an efficient method to preserve...
Proceedings Article

Consensus as the Local Spatial Strategy: Understanding Stakeholders Dynamics and Pattern of Water Utilization at Kelingi Tugumulyo Irrigation Area

Firma Rizki, Doddy Aditya Iskandar
Common practice of irrigation water in Indonesia often lead to the utilization of different approaches and strategies resulted in the conflicts’ creation and resolution. Our take on irrigation water as common-pool resources brought us to the notion where conflicts could be mediated, and resolution would...
Proceedings Article

Engkerebai Kayoh (Psychotria malayana) Among Dye Plants of Dayak Iban People in Sungai Utik Village of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Wahdina, Dede Setiadi, Y Purwanto, Ibnul Qayim
Kalimantan is one of the largest islands in Indonesia, rich in useful plants. People’s local knowledge in managing useful plants is valuable. Sungai Utik Village was one of the villages in Kalimantan where Dayak Iban people living near the forest and was one of the ecotourism destinations in Kapuas Hulu,...