Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies and Environmental Issues (ICOSSEI 2019)
198 authors
- Nasihuddin, Ahmad
- Malang’s K-Pop Fans Hyperreality
- Na’fiah, Ulfatun
- Reconstruction of Socioeconomic Life Cave Habitation of Mesolithic in Karts Area “Bukit Bangkai”, Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan: Archaeological Study of Mesolithic Industry and Kitchenmidden
- Niken, Arista
- Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
- Nimpuna, Dayinta Dwi
- Using Geographic Information System to Analyze Dryland Pattern in Wringin Subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency
- Ningrum, Elia Vetty K
- Study of Environmental Carrying Capacity in the Development of Kayangan Api Tourism Object, Bojonegoro Regency
- Nova
- Problem-Based Learning with the Gamification Approach in Ecopedagogy for Children Aged 4–7 Years: A Case Study of Kampung Kramat Malang, Indonesia
- Pamungkas, Dhimas Aryo
- Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Parji
- Analysis Potency of Character Education Values in “Kebo Ketan” Ceremony as a Source of Social Studies Learning
- Pratama, Andhika
- Characteristics, Work Motivation, and How to Work as Tea Picker in PTPN XII Sirah Kencong
- Pratama, Riki
- Historical Learning with Outdoor Learning: Utilization of the General Sudirman Monument Historical Site in Nawangan Pacitan as a Learning Resource
- Pratiwi, Sulistya Rini
- Willingness to Pay for Critical Land
- Prijanto, Jossapat Hendra
- Learning Models Development Based on Biblical Christianity Worldview in World History Courses
- Purnomo, Agus
- Encouraging Experiential Skill Through Self-Learning Approach: A Case Study of Fieldwork Program
- Purnomo, Agus
- Redesign Presentation Technique: Challenges to Encourage Learning Motivation
- Purnomo, Agus
- Essential Role of Community to Supporting Sustainable Tourism in Baluran National Park
- Purnomo, Agus
- The Enthusiasm of Citizens to Get Involved in Bersih Desa Tradition
- Purnomo, Agus
- Using Geographic Information System to Analyze Dryland Pattern in Wringin Subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency
- Purnomo, Agus
- Community Participation to Develop Rural Tourism in Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul Village
- Purnomo, Erry
- Willingness to Pay for Critical Land
- Purra, Egi Baskara
- Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
- Purwasih, Joan Hesti Gita
- Indication of Radicalism: Students’ Perceptions on Pancasila in the Digital Era
- Puspasari, Wiga Kurnia
- Characteristics, Work Motivation, and How to Work as Tea Picker in PTPN XII Sirah Kencong
- Putri, Theola Zevana
- Female Homeworkers Alienation Under Putting Out System
- Qowim, Mohammad R.F
- Phenomenon of Social Climbing in the Younger Generation in Malang City Hotels
- Qurbayni, Siti Hartinah
- The Implementation of Sanitation Behavior Through Introducing and Training on Establishing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management in Malang
- Rachmah, Huriah
- Functions and Role of Social Studies Teachers in the Disruption and Abundance Era
- Rachman, Nabila Yanaira
- Malang’s K-Pop Fans Hyperreality
- Rahma, Amelia Firda
- Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media
- Rahmawati, Mufida
- Community Participation to Develop Rural Tourism in Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul Village
- Ramadan, Takdilla Adi
- The Enthusiasm of Citizens to Get Involved in Bersih Desa Tradition
- Ramadhani, Syam
- Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Renalia, Hawiki
- Visitor Flow and Spatial Collection of Learning Museum, Universitas Negeri Malang
- Revilda, Ervi
- Malang’s K-Pop Fans Hyperreality
- Ridhoi, Ronal
- Encouraging Economic Development Through Local Community Participation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia
- Ridhoi, Ronal
- The Development of Sendang Biru Beach in Malang Regency Through Marine Edutourism
- Rosyida, Fatiya
- Increasing Dedication Awareness in Disadvantaged Areas for Geography Education Students Through PBL (Project Based Learning)
- Rusydi, Alfi Nur
- Understanding the Conservation Activities in Sumberpitu Water Springs Using Causal Loop Diagrams
- Saadah, Kholifatus
- Industrialization: The Transition of the Community of Agrarists Toward the Gresik Wringinanom Industry
- Sapto, Ari
- Visitor Flow and Spatial Collection of Learning Museum, Universitas Negeri Malang
- Saputra, Mochamad D.A
- Changes in Behavior Patterns of the Indomaret Customers (Indomaret Case Study on Terusan Surabaya Street of Malang City)
- Sayono, Joko
- Visitor Flow and Spatial Collection of Learning Museum, Universitas Negeri Malang
- Sembada, Ema Zuliani
- Literacy Development Through Discussion of Literature for the Book Community in Semarang
- Setiawan, Kristina Untari
- Pancasila and Indonesia in the Disruptive Era
- Setyaningsih, Endang
- Adapting Elementary School Learning Innovation in Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Setyawan, Dendy Eka
- Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Sinaga, Cristy Dayanti
- Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Soelistyowati, Rr Dinar
- Digihoax: An Evolution of the Noise in the Indonesian Modern Communication Culture
- Suaib, Eka
- Mining in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi: Shadow Economy and Environmental Damage Regional Autonomy Era in Indonesia
- Subagiyo, Lambang
- The Literacy of Tropical Community and the Needs for Tropical Environment-Based Learning
- Subekti, Arief
- Reconstruction of Socioeconomic Life Cave Habitation of Mesolithic in Karts Area “Bukit Bangkai”, Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan: Archaeological Study of Mesolithic Industry and Kitchenmidden
- Sudarman
- The Literacy of Tropical Community and the Needs for Tropical Environment-Based Learning
- Sudirman
- Institutional Approach as a Learning Innovation in Social Praxis Learning
- Sulasmi, Eko Sri
- Empowerment of Community Economic Independence Through Utilization of Local Potential
- Sulisetijono
- Empowerment of Community Economic Independence Through Utilization of Local Potential
- Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
- Historical Learning with Outdoor Learning: Utilization of the General Sudirman Monument Historical Site in Nawangan Pacitan as a Learning Resource
- Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
- The Utilization of Colonial Government Buildings in Malang as the Learning Sources
- Sumarmi
- The Management of Mina Salt Ponds, Tradition, and Economy’s Rhythm of the Community in Madura Island
- Suparman
- The Identification of Post-Earthquake Trauma Symptoms in SDK and SMPK ALT in Ampenan Lombok City and Its Effects in the Teaching Learning Process
- Suprapta, Blasius
- Reconstruction of Socioeconomic Life Cave Habitation of Mesolithic in Karts Area “Bukit Bangkai”, Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan: Archaeological Study of Mesolithic Industry and Kitchenmidden
- Suprapta, Blasius
- Visitor Flow and Spatial Collection of Learning Museum, Universitas Negeri Malang
- Susanti, A. E.
- Learning Model Development Based on Biblical Christian Worldview in Financial Principles Course in Disruption Era
- Syafitri, Dyah Rina
- Study of Environmental Carrying Capacity in the Development of Kayangan Api Tourism Object, Bojonegoro Regency
- Syafi’udin, Habib
- Problem-Based Learning with the Gamification Approach in Ecopedagogy for Children Aged 4–7 Years: A Case Study of Kampung Kramat Malang, Indonesia
- Syarifudin, Muhammad Bahtiar
- SWOT Analysis in the Development Tourism of Kampung Topeng Malangan
- Tarigan, Azhari Akmal
- Social Capital and Economic Development: Learning From Kasih Sayang Village
- Tarigan, Musa Sinar
- Strengthening the Life Value in the Family to Overcome Student’s Vandalism Behavior in the Disruption Era
- Teguh, Monika
- The Role of BKKBN Bali on Promoting New Concept High Quality Family
- Tirza, Juliana
- Development of Service-Learning Integrated in Civics Education for a Better Earth—A Contribution of Social Study
- Towaf, Siti Malikhah
- Gender-Based Women’s History Learning as an Effort to Answer the 21st-Century Challenge
- Tresnayanti, Amelia Firda
- Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media
- Trianjaya, Arlinda
- Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
- Ulfa, Saida
- Millennial Leaner Scaffolding Needs: A Comparative Study at STKIP Saint Paul Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
- Ulfah, Mastika Marisahani
- The Implementation of Sanitation Behavior Through Introducing and Training on Establishing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management in Malang
- Umi, Aimanah
- Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Usman, Said
- Willingness to Pay for Critical Land
- Utami, Christina Whidya
- The Role of BKKBN Bali on Promoting New Concept High Quality Family
- Wahdaniah, Ika
- Malang’s K-Pop Fans Hyperreality
- Wahyuningtyas, Neni
- Revitalization of Social Studies Education: A Developmental Study Based on Dick and Carey Instructional Design
- Wardani, Irine Kusuma
- Changes in Community Behavior Patterns in Choosing Public Transportation Modes
- Wardhani, Ganesha S.A
- Community Participation to Develop Rural Tourism in Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul Village
- Wibawanta, Budi
- Learning Models Development Based on Biblical Christianity Worldview in World History Courses
- Widianto, Ahmad Arif
- Indication of Radicalism: Students’ Perceptions on Pancasila in the Digital Era
- Widianto, Ahmad Arif
- Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
- Winarno, Agung
- Encouraging Economic Development Through Local Community Participation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia
- Wiradimadja, Agung
- Parenting Education: Building Characters and Holding in Millennial Mental Problems
- Wiradimadja, Agung
- Characteristics, Work Motivation, and How to Work as Tea Picker in PTPN XII Sirah Kencong
- Wiradimadja, Agung
- Industrialization: The Transition of the Community of Agrarists Toward the Gresik Wringinanom Industry
- Wono, Hilda Yunita
- The Role of BKKBN Bali on Promoting New Concept High Quality Family
- Wulansari, Agustin Putri
- Changes in Behavior Patterns of the Indomaret Customers (Indomaret Case Study on Terusan Surabaya Street of Malang City)
- Yafiz, Muhammad
- Social Capital and Economic Development: Learning From Kasih Sayang Village
- Yuaniar, Maria Carolina
- The Implementation of Sanitation Behavior Through Introducing and Training on Establishing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management in Malang
- Yuliati
- Gender-Based Women’s History Learning as an Effort to Answer the 21st-Century Challenge
- Yulistyorini, Anie
- The Implementation of Sanitation Behavior Through Introducing and Training on Establishing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management in Malang
- Yuniar, Ananda Dwitha
- Teacher Professionalism Training Program as a Solution for Teacher Problems
- Yuniar, Ananda Dwitha
- Communicative Action in Public Sphere “Solo Mengajar” Community
- Yuniar, Ananda Dwitha
- Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media
- Zuada, La Husen
- Mining in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi: Shadow Economy and Environmental Damage Regional Autonomy Era in Indonesia
- Zulaikha, Siti N.
- Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media