Proceedings of the 2015 3rd International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Information Technology Applications
1058 authors
- Li, Lingjuan
- A Scheme of Implementing PCA Alogrithm on Storm Platform
- Li, Mengxin
- Target Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot based on Kinect
- Li, Min-quan
- A Novel Coplanar Waveguide Fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna With Dual Band-notched Characteristics
- Li, Minrui
- The research on the fluorescence image of the hydraulic leakage acquisition and analysis
- Li, Na
- The Research on Software of SOA Evolution
- Li, Peng
- Microgrid Economic Operation Research Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
- Li, Peng
- Economic and environmental optimal operation of isolated multi-element complementary microgrid based on PSO with adaptive mutation
- Li, Peng
- Research on the Resonance Analysis of Clustered Grid-connected Distributed Photovoltaic System based on the Wavelet Decomposition
- Li, Qian
- Satellite Cloud Image Retrieval With Grid Based Inscribed Circle Method
- Li, Qingying
- Numerical Simulation and Experiment of the Piezoelectric De-Icing System
- Li, Qirui
- Modeling and Simulation of the Silicon Micro-machined Gyroscope Mode-Coupling System
- Li, Qiuying
- Theory and Technology Research on Software Health Based on HDFS
- Li, Rui
- Simulation research of university library recommended system based on big data and data mining
- Li, Si
- Effect of Al on the cycling behavior of the AB5-type La-Ni-Co-Mn alloy electrodes
- Li, Tao
- A study of rumors spreading model with on scale-free network
- Li, Tianqi
- On the Security and Stability of Large-scale Wind Power Grid-connected System in Fuxin Grid
- Li, Tianwei
- Research on free flying of high speed aircraft without control
- Li, Tianwei
- The open loop response analysis of duck wing with trust resistance balance and constant elasticity
- Li, Tingting
- Information collection system of agricultural traceability based on things
- Li, Tingting
- LabVIEW Application to Heat Balance Calculation of Thermal Treatment for Large Spherical Tank
- Li, Wei
- Research on New Models of Network Travel
- Li, Wei
- Analysis of Two-way Time Synchronization Error Caused by Satellite Motion
- Li, Weimin
- FFT-based Fast-Response Quasi-Open Tracking Loop for GPS Receiver
- Li, Wenkui
- The research on open loop actuator response of high speed vehicle based on constant speed and constant elasticity
- Li, Wenmin
- Research on Characteristics Analysis and Classification of Microblog Users
- Li, Wenshi
- Conductive Path Formation by Aggregated Oxygen Ions in Titanium Dioxide: First-Principles Analyses
- Li, Xian-Zhu
- An Improved TLS handshake protocol
- Li, Xiangbo
- Self-healing performance of water triggered smart coating characterized by local electrochemical techniques
- Li, Xiangbo
- The structure and electrochemical properties of BDD deposited on the Ti-substrate with Ta buffer layer
- Li, Xiangxin
- Self-learning dynamic adjustment scheduling algorithm based on Hadoop
- Li, Xiangxin
- A recovery mechanism of MapReduce model based on transferring dependency
- Li, Xiaojun
- State Distinction Based Identification Method for a Thermal Process
- Li, Xiaoming
- Decentralized Coordinated Fuzzy Stabilization Control of Power System: An LMI Approach
- Li, Xiaoquan
- A Reliability Evaluation for Distribution Network Under V2G Mode Considering Random Behavior Of Electric Vehicles Charge and Discharge
- Li, Xiaotong
- Electron Transport Properties of Graphene Device with Au Electrodes: A First-principles Investigation
- Li, Xin-liang
- Numerical Simulation of Waveform Adjustment in high G Accelerometer Calibration System Using Hopkinson Bar
- Li, Xuefei
- An Improved Heuristic Minimal Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Condition Information Entropy
- Li, Xuejiao
- Design of a High Voltage Power Supply for Electrocurtain
- Li, Yafang
- A Permutation-substitution Based Image Encryption Scheme with Bit-plane Exchanging Strategy
- Li, Yajing
- Analysis of Taxi Supply and Demand Matching Degree Based on BP Neural Network
- Li, Yajing
- Numerical Computation Method in Specific Harmonic Elimination Technology of Step Wave
- Li, Yang
- Study of Intelligent Optical Network Technology in Power Communication Network
- Li, Yang
- Multi-sensor Target Tracking Using the Bernoulli Filter
- Li, Yanling
- A Group Decision Matrix Construction Method Based On OWA Operator
- Li, Yilin
- Study on the influence of vehicle flow and location on the concentration of air particulate matter
- Li, Ying
- GIS-based Integrated Management Platform for Electricity Payment Channels
- Li, Yongjie
- An improved commutative replicated data type for peer to peer collaborative editing
- Li, Yunfei
- Operation and Maintenance of Diversified Electricity Production Mobile Terminal Technology
- Li, Yunjun
- The Mobile Terminal Security Access System Based on IPSec VPN
- Li, Yuyun
- Effects of Installation Methods on the Operating Environment of Outdoor Units on the Existing Platform
- Li, Zheng
- Threat Evaluation of Early Warning Detection Based on Incomplete Attribute Information TODIM Method
- Li, Zhimin
- Analysis of Electricity Stealing and Research of Anti-stealing Measures
- Li, Zhuyu
- Self-learning dynamic adjustment scheduling algorithm based on Hadoop
- Li, Zhuyu
- A recovery mechanism of MapReduce model based on transferring dependency
- Li, Zi-peng
- Asymmetry cascade multilevel modulation strategy research and its simulation
- Li, Zongtao
- Research on Improvement of TiAlN Coating on Tribological properties of Miniature Inner Grooved Copper Tubes Drawing Mold Materials
- Liang, Guoqiang
- Research on free flying of high speed aircraft without control
- Liang, Guoqiang
- Research on constant attack angle flying of hypersonic aircraft
- Liang, Guoqiang
- The open loop response analysis of duck wing with trust resistance balance and constant elasticity
- Liang, Guoqiang
- The research of open loop characteristics of lifting wing based on constant speed constant elastic cases
- Liang, Wang
- Research on the Impedance Control of Human-robot Cooperative Manipulator Based on Human-friendly Technology
- Liao, Fan
- Scheduling Methods for Resource Management in the Cloud computing environment
- Liao, Min
- Cepstrum Analysis and Fault Diagnosis of Combine Harvester Transaxle
- Liao, Peng
- Simulation Research on Dynamic Matrix Control of Middle Speed Mill
- Lin, Guiyu
- Study on Design Method for Linkage Mechanism Size Parameters of Crawler Crane Superlift Mechanism Based on Genetic Algorithm
- Lin, Haiyun
- Design and Realization of Intelligent Website Traffic Monitoring System
- Lin, Ling
- Determination of Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg in Coal Gangue and Fly Ash Product with Microwave Digestion and Atom Absorption Spectrometry
- Lin, Meidong
- Research on Self-biased PLL Technique for High Speed SERDES Chips
- Lin, Xiaoli
- Protein 3D Features and surface modeling research
- Lin, Zhongwei
- Generalized Predictive Fuzzy Control of Coordinated Control System of Thermal Power Plant
- Lin, Zhongwei
- Simulation Research on Dynamic Matrix Control of Middle Speed Mill
- Lin, Zhongwei
- Research on Thermal Multivariable System Identification Based on Living Operating Data
- Ling, Ping
- Personalized Facet Recommendation based on Conditional Random Fields
- Ling, Tianbai
- Analysis and Research on Development Trend of High-end CNC Grinding Machine
- Ling, Zhangwei
- The Design and Development of Virtual Elevator Assistant Training System
- Liu, Bin
- Research on Improvement of TiAlN Coating on Tribological properties of Miniature Inner Grooved Copper Tubes Drawing Mold Materials
- Liu, Bo
- A New Power System Phase Identification Method based on Difference Value
- Liu, Chao
- Trojan Behavior Analysis Based on FAHP Improved Algorithms
- Liu, Cheng
- A Decision Support Model about Medical Community Based on CBR
- Liu, Chongchong
- Fault Diagnosis for Power Grid Systems Based on Rough Set and Bayesian Network
- Liu, Chuandang
- A Connected-Components-Based Multi-scale Wavelet Approach for Wideband Spectrum Sensing
- Liu, Di
- The research of open loop characteristics of lifting wing based on constant speed constant elastic cases
- Liu, Dong
- A Format Reverse Method for Binary Protocol From Communication Data
- Liu, Feng
- The structure and electrochemical properties of BDD deposited on the Ti-substrate with Ta buffer layer
- Liu, Hejin
- Research of Information Model for Power Distribution Equipment Status Management and Control
- Liu, Hongjun
- Effect of Pretreatment on Crushing Process of Waste Phone's Circuit Boards by Mechanical–physical Method
- Liu, Hongliang
- Trojan Behavior Analysis Based on FAHP Improved Algorithms
- Liu, Jian-dong
- RFID Bi-directional Authentication Protocol Based on Random Number and Hash Function
- Liu, Jianfeng
- A Reliability Evaluation for Distribution Network Under V2G Mode Considering Random Behavior Of Electric Vehicles Charge and Discharge
- Liu, Jin
- A Novel Accurate Localization Method of Vehicle-logo
- Liu, Jing
- The Use of Line Matching Discriminant Power Line Extraction In Aerial Images
- Liu, Jingliang
- Parameter Optimization of Optical Sensor Calibration in Optical Coordinate Measuring System
- Liu, Jun
- An Improved TLS handshake protocol
- Liu, Junhong
- Identification of intelligent substation multi-source data based on extended SCD panoramic model
- Liu, Kegao
- Preparation and Characterization of ZnSe Film Synthesized by Chemical Co-reduction
- Liu, Kegao
- Study on Energy Band-gap Calculation of CuGaS2
- Liu, Kegao
- Effects of Reaction Temperatures and Time on Preparation of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films
- Liu, Mingyuan
- On the Comprehensive Reactive Power Compensation System of Large-scale Grid-connected Wind Power
- Liu, PeiZhi
- Adaptive robust control of unmanned helicopter angular rate
- Liu, Pengfei
- The Study of Architecture on Vehicle Information System