Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2018)

182 authors
Abdullah, Ridha
Improvement of Mathematical Lateral Thinking Skills and Student Character through Challenge-Based Learning
Abdurrohman, Mumu
Window Shopping Learning Model on Islamic Education and Creative-Collaborative Skill Improvement
Affandi, Idrus
Education Values in Local Wisdom Awik-awik to Enviromental Conservation in Lombok Indonesia
Agung, Winantu Kurnianingtyas Sri
Case Study: The Optimization of the Functions of Islamic Religious Education in Ponorogo
Agustina, Tri Wahyu
Plant Physiology with Mathematic and Art Religion Engineering Science and Technology Approach
Ainissyifa, Hilda
Character Education through the Obligation to Wear Santri’s Dress
Aisah, Siti
Efforts to Increase Students’ Participation in Islamic Early Childhood Education Research at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Aisyah, Ade
Accreditation-Based Education Quality of Madrasah Diniyah in the Regional Autonomy Era
Ali, Zakiyulfikri
Spiritual Leadership Values and Practices: An Analysis in Islamic Higher Education
Ananda, Azwar
Development of Inquiry Learning Model in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Subject in Elementary School
Anwar, Cecep
Accreditation-Based Education Quality of Madrasah Diniyah in the Regional Autonomy Era
Ardiansyah, Ryan
Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept
Ariany, Riva Lesta
Al-Khawarizmi : Algebra Factory Method
Aridhayandi, M. Rendi
Spiritual Leadership Values and Practices: An Analysis in Islamic Higher Education
Asril, Zainal
Microteaching Program Based on Islamic Values
Badrudin, Badrudin
Investigating Tamyiz Method for Learning Kitab Kuning within 100 Hours: An Educational Management Perspective
Basri, Hasan
Educational Values of Madrasah PUI
Berlian, Eri
Microteaching Program Based on Islamic Values
Bunai, Bunai
The Classical Book Teaching and Learning Model for Children Boarding House
Burhanudin, Undang
Islamic Teacher Competency in Madrasah
Carlian, Yayan
Curriculum Model of Excellence Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Indonesia
Carlian, Yayan
The Implementation of Religious Humanistic Pedagogy to Building Student Character
Chusni, Muhammad Minan
Assessment Instruments Development of Islamic Values in Experiment with Natural Pectin as a Corrosion Inhibitor
Darussamin, Zikri
The Potential of the Senses in Al-Quran as the Basic Elements of the Human Physic and Its Application in Learning
Dedih, Ujang
Curriculum Model of Excellence Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Indonesia
Dedih, Ujang
Optimizing the Instructional Implementation of Islamic Education and Characters Based on the 2013-National Curriculum
Dedih, Ujang
The Hadith Perspective on Educational Funding
Dirgantara, Yudi
Using Case-Based Reasoning To Solve Water Purification Problems
Efendi, Z. Mawardi
Microteaching Program Based on Islamic Values
Effendi, Z.Mawardi
Development of Inquiry Learning Model in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Subject in Elementary School
Erihadiana, Erihadiana
Developmental Psychological Analysis of the Hadith of Prayers for Children
Erihadiana, Mohamad
Development Model Islamic Education of Basic and Intermediete Level Pesantren Based (Islamic Boarding School)
Farhan, Farhan
Investigating Tamyiz Method for Learning Kitab Kuning within 100 Hours: An Educational Management Perspective
Farida, Ida
Using Case-Based Reasoning To Solve Water Purification Problems
Farlina, Ehda
Confidence, Flexibility and Student’s Appreciation in Solving Mathematic Problems through Resource-Based Learning
Fauziah, Resy
Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept
Gaffar, Abdul
The Model of National Character Education in Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School of Banyuanyar, Pamekasan Madura
Gistituati, Nurhizrah
Development of Inquiry Learning Model in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Subject in Elementary School
Gustini, Neng
The Implementation of Religious Humanistic Pedagogy to Building Student Character
Hamka, Shabrur Rijal
Analysis of the Components of Knowledge Management on the Postgraduate IAIN Kendari
Haq, Dadan Nurul
Prophetic Bases of Islamic Moderation of State Islamic Higher Education (PTKIN)
Hartati, Sri
The Importance of Exclusive Breast Milk and Complementary Foods in the Perspective of Islam
Hasanah, Aan
Model of Islamic Education Curriculum Development to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking
Hasanah, Aan
Inheritance Model-Based Character Values of Local Wisdom
Hasanah, Aan
The Development of Madrasah Laboratory in Islamic Higher Institution: A Case Study in Indonesia and New Zealand
Hasbiyallah, Hasbiyallah
Prophetic Bases of Islamic Moderation of State Islamic Higher Education (PTKIN)
Hayati, Tuti
Higher Order Thinking Skills at Moral Learning
Helsy, Imelda
Polyculture Strategy: Integration of Islamic Values, National Character, and Local Wisdom in Science Learning
Hermawan, A. Heris
Polyculture Strategy: Integration of Islamic Values, National Character, and Local Wisdom in Science Learning
Herwaman, Heris
The Face of Al-Quran on Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia
Heryati, Yeti
Model of Islamic Education Curriculum Development to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking
Hidayat, Ara
Environmental Management of the Islamic Perspective
Hidayat, Heri
Efforts to Increase Students’ Participation in Islamic Early Childhood Education Research at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Hitami, Munzir
The Potential of the Senses in Al-Quran as the Basic Elements of the Human Physic and Its Application in Learning
Ibrahim, Tatang
Building Academic and Pedagogic Cultures: A Case Study at Departement of Social Studies Islamic University in Indonesia
Ilyas, Asnelly
Development of Inquiry Learning Model in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Subject in Elementary School
Irrubai, Mohamad Liwa
Building Academic and Pedagogic Cultures: A Case Study at Departement of Social Studies Islamic University in Indonesia
Irrubai, Mohamad Liwa
Education Values in Local Wisdom Awik-awik to Enviromental Conservation in Lombok Indonesia
Jahari, Jaja
Educational Values of Madrasah PUI
Jahari, Jaja
Development Model Islamic Education of Basic and Intermediete Level Pesantren Based (Islamic Boarding School)
Jama, Jalius
Microteaching Program Based on Islamic Values
Jamaluddin, Dindin
The Development of Madrasah Laboratory in Islamic Higher Institution: A Case Study in Indonesia and New Zealand
Jamaludin, Jamaludin
Islamic Teacher Competency in Madrasah
Jihad, Asep
Students’ Capabilities in Designing A Mathematics Lesson Plan (RPP) Based on Islamic Values
Juariah, Juariah
Confidence, Flexibility and Student’s Appreciation in Solving Mathematic Problems through Resource-Based Learning
Ju’subaidi, Ju’subaidi
Case Study: The Optimization of the Functions of Islamic Religious Education in Ponorogo
Kardinah, N
Comparative Analysis from Experimental Psychology: Application of Behavior Modification Methods for Children with Down Syndrome Based on Islamic Value
Kariadinata, Rahayu
Confidence, Flexibility and Student’s Appreciation in Solving Mathematic Problems through Resource-Based Learning
Khairi, Zuriatul
Development of Madrasah Teacher Professionalism by Strengthening the Khalifah Concept and Islamic Psychosocial Perspective
Khoiruddin, Heri
The Face of Al-Quran on Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia
Komarudin, Acep
Developmental Psychological Analysis of the Hadith of Prayers for Children
Kosim, Nanang
Optimizing the Instructional Implementation of Islamic Education and Characters Based on the 2013-National Curriculum
Kurnia, Aam
Efforts to Increase Students’ Participation in Islamic Early Childhood Education Research at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Kurniati, Imas
Window Shopping Learning Model on Islamic Education and Creative-Collaborative Skill Improvement
Kurniati, Tuti
Training and Maintenance of Use of Kefir Milk for Healing Degenerative Disease Symptoms of Tanjungsari Elderly Muslim
Kurniawan, Dede Trie
The Importance of Exclusive Breast Milk and Complementary Foods in the Perspective of Islam
Latifah, Aeni
Digital Transformation Prospects in Islamic Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Its Impacts
Lestari, Ambar Sri
Analysis of the Components of Knowledge Management on the Postgraduate IAIN Kendari
Listiawati, Milla
Training and Maintenance of Use of Kefir Milk for Healing Degenerative Disease Symptoms of Tanjungsari Elderly Muslim
M, Amril
Development of Madrasah Teacher Professionalism by Strengthening the Khalifah Concept and Islamic Psychosocial Perspective
Mahen, Ea Cahya Septia
Accreditation-Based Education Quality of Madrasah Diniyah in the Regional Autonomy Era
Mahmud, Mahmud
Assessment Instruments Development of Islamic Values in Experiment with Natural Pectin as a Corrosion Inhibitor
Mahrus, Erwin
Prototype of the Arab School in the Kingdom of Sambas of West Borneo in the Early 20th Century
Malik, Adam
Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept
Mangkuwibawa, Hilman
Islam, Local Knowledge and Preservation of Land (A Case Study in Cijambu Village, Tanjungsari-Sumedang)
Mangkuwibawa, Hilman
The Implementation of Religious Humanistic Pedagogy to Building Student Character
Maryani, Novy
Evaluation of Teacher Performance to Quality Learning in Madrasah Aliyah (A Comparative Study between Madrasah Aliyah Model and Non-Model Madrasah Aliyah in West Java)
Maryanti, Sri
The Importance of Exclusive Breast Milk and Complementary Foods in the Perspective of Islam
Maryono, Iyon
Improvement of Mathematical Lateral Thinking Skills and Student Character through Challenge-Based Learning
Maslani, Maslani
The Hadith Perspective on Educational Funding
Maspupah, Meti
The Importance of Exclusive Breast Milk and Complementary Foods in the Perspective of Islam
Mas’ud, Asrianty
The Importance of Exclusive Breast Milk and Complementary Foods in the Perspective of Islam
Mazaya, Muhammad Sulthan
Character Education through the Obligation to Wear Santri’s Dress
Meiza, Asti
Comparative Analysis from Experimental Psychology: Application of Behavior Modification Methods for Children with Down Syndrome Based on Islamic Value
Mujahidin, Anwar
Integrative Education Paradigm Based on Local Culture (Analysis of Contextual Interpretation of Qur'anic Verses on the Purpose of Human Creation)
Mulhayatiah, Diah
Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept
Munadi, Muhammad
The Development of Hadith Expert Comparison Of Science Curriculum Of Hadith Ma’had Aly And PTKIN
Muntaha, Payiz Zawahir
Inheritance Model-Based Character Values of Local Wisdom
Nandang, Ade
The Face of Al-Quran on Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia
Nasrudin, Dindin
Polyculture Strategy: Integration of Islamic Values, National Character, and Local Wisdom in Science Learning