Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2018)
182 authors
- Nasrudin, Dindin
- Window Shopping Learning Model on Islamic Education and Creative-Collaborative Skill Improvement
- Nugraha, Mulyawan Safwandy
- Digital Transformation Prospects in Islamic Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Its Impacts
- Nuraeni Muhtar, Siti
- Spiritual Leadership Values and Practices: An Analysis in Islamic Higher Education
- Nuraida, Ida
- Students’ Capabilities in Designing A Mathematics Lesson Plan (RPP) Based on Islamic Values
- Nurhamzah, Nurhamzah
- Islamic Teacher Competency in Madrasah
- Nurhamzah, Nurhamzah
- Inheritance Model-Based Character Values of Local Wisdom
- Nurhamzah, Nurhamzah
- Training and Maintenance of Use of Kefir Milk for Healing Degenerative Disease Symptoms of Tanjungsari Elderly Muslim
- Nursobah, Asep
- Higher Order Thinking Skills at Moral Learning
- Nursobah, Asep
- Educational Values of Madrasah PUI
- Otaya, Lian G.
- The Assumption Testing and Compatibility Model of Final Examination in Islamic Religious Education by Item Response Theory
- Priatna, Hary
- Environmental Management of the Islamic Perspective
- Priatna, Tedi
- Inheritance Model-Based Character Values of Local Wisdom
- Priatna, Tedi
- The Development of Madrasah Laboratory in Islamic Higher Institution: A Case Study in Indonesia and New Zealand
- Purwianingsih, Widi
- Plant Physiology with Mathematic and Art Religion Engineering Science and Technology Approach
- Puspasari, Diah
- Comparative Analysis from Experimental Psychology: Application of Behavior Modification Methods for Children with Down Syndrome Based on Islamic Value
- Qolbi, Asri Nuansa
- Assessment Instruments Development of Islamic Values in Experiment with Natural Pectin as a Corrosion Inhibitor
- Rachmawati, Tika Kalina
- Al-Khawarizmi : Algebra Factory Method
- Rachmawati, Tika Karlina
- Analysis of Ability Profile of Mathematic of Chemical Education Students’ on Chemical Question Solving
- Rahayu, Yayu Nurhayati
- Students’ Capabilities in Designing A Mathematics Lesson Plan (RPP) Based on Islamic Values
- Rahman, Asep Andi
- Developmental Psychological Analysis of the Hadith of Prayers for Children
- Rahmatullah, Saepudin
- Islamic Teacher Competency in Madrasah
- Rahmatullah, Saepudin
- Using Case-Based Reasoning To Solve Water Purification Problems
- Ramdhan, Dadan F
- Optimizing the Instructional Implementation of Islamic Education and Characters Based on the 2013-National Curriculum
- Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali
- Analysis of Ability Profile of Mathematic of Chemical Education Students’ on Chemical Question Solving
- Rasyid, A. Mujahid
- Developmental Psychological Analysis of the Hadith of Prayers for Children
- Ratnasih, Teti
- Developmental Psychological Analysis of the Hadith of Prayers for Children
- Riandi, Riandi
- Plant Physiology with Mathematic and Art Religion Engineering Science and Technology Approach
- Rini, Rini
- Design of Arabic Learning Media Based on Compact Disc for Madrasah Tsanawiyah
- Rochman, Chaerul
- Polyculture Strategy: Integration of Islamic Values, National Character, and Local Wisdom in Science Learning
- Rohaniawati, Dede
- Building Academic and Pedagogic Cultures: A Case Study at Departement of Social Studies Islamic University in Indonesia
- Rohaniawati, Dede
- Education Values in Local Wisdom Awik-awik to Enviromental Conservation in Lombok Indonesia
- Rohaniawati, Dede
- The Implementation of Religious Humanistic Pedagogy to Building Student Character
- Rosyidah, Ida
- Accreditation-Based Education Quality of Madrasah Diniyah in the Regional Autonomy Era
- Rusmawan, Rusmawan
- Building Academic and Pedagogic Cultures: A Case Study at Departement of Social Studies Islamic University in Indonesia
- Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
- Plant Physiology with Mathematic and Art Religion Engineering Science and Technology Approach
- Ruswandi, Uus
- Higher Order Thinking Skills at Moral Learning
- Saefudin, Asis
- Islam, Local Knowledge and Preservation of Land (A Case Study in Cijambu Village, Tanjungsari-Sumedang)
- Saepurrohman, Aep
- Window Shopping Learning Model on Islamic Education and Creative-Collaborative Skill Improvement
- Safitri, Nita Andriani
- Using Case-Based Reasoning To Solve Water Purification Problems
- Sahroni, Dadang
- Digital Transformation Prospects in Islamic Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Its Impacts
- Sainab, Sainab
- The Potential of the Senses in Al-Quran as the Basic Elements of the Human Physic and Its Application in Learning
- Salahudin, Anas
- Curriculum Model of Excellence Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Indonesia
- Salahudin, Anas
- The Implementation of Religious Humanistic Pedagogy to Building Student Character
- Salman, Abdul Matin bin
- The Development of Hadith Expert Comparison Of Science Curriculum Of Hadith Ma’had Aly And PTKIN
- Sari, S
- Strengthen Students’ Character through Inquiry Based Termochemical I Experiment
- Sari, Sari
- Analysis of Ability Profile of Mathematic of Chemical Education Students’ on Chemical Question Solving
- Sawaluddin, Sawaluddin
- The Potential of the Senses in Al-Quran as the Basic Elements of the Human Physic and Its Application in Learning
- Setiawan, Wawan
- Accreditation-Based Education Quality of Madrasah Diniyah in the Regional Autonomy Era
- Siregar, Hariman Surya
- Curriculum Model of Excellence Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Indonesia
- Siregar, Hariman Surya
- Islam, Local Knowledge and Preservation of Land (A Case Study in Cijambu Village, Tanjungsari-Sumedang)
- Siregar, Khairil Ikhsan
- Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani's Approach Assessing the Transmitter Shia Qualifies the Tsiqah in the Book Tahdzib Al-Tahdzib
- Siswanto, Siswanto
- The Classical Book Teaching and Learning Model for Children Boarding House
- Sobandi, O
- Strengthen Students’ Character through Inquiry Based Termochemical I Experiment
- Subarkah, Cucu Zenab
- Assessment Instruments Development of Islamic Values in Experiment with Natural Pectin as a Corrosion Inhibitor
- Suhada, Idad
- Polyculture Strategy: Integration of Islamic Values, National Character, and Local Wisdom in Science Learning
- Suhartini, Andewi
- Higher Order Thinking Skills at Moral Learning
- Suhartini, Andewi
- Educational Values of Madrasah PUI
- Suhendar, Dadang
- Evaluation of Teacher Performance to Quality Learning in Madrasah Aliyah (A Comparative Study between Madrasah Aliyah Model and Non-Model Madrasah Aliyah in West Java)
- Suhendi, Herni Yuniarti
- Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept
- Sukenti, Desi
- Development of Madrasah Teacher Professionalism by Strengthening the Khalifah Concept and Islamic Psychosocial Perspective
- Sukmawardhani, Yulia
- Training and Maintenance of Use of Kefir Milk for Healing Degenerative Disease Symptoms of Tanjungsari Elderly Muslim
- Sulhan, Moh.
- Prophetic Bases of Islamic Moderation of State Islamic Higher Education (PTKIN)
- Suntiah, Ratu
- The Hadith Perspective on Educational Funding
- Supiana, Supiana
- Investigating Tamyiz Method for Learning Kitab Kuning within 100 Hours: An Educational Management Perspective
- Supriatna, Nana
- Education Values in Local Wisdom Awik-awik to Enviromental Conservation in Lombok Indonesia
- Surya Siregar, Hariman
- Spiritual Leadership Values and Practices: An Analysis in Islamic Higher Education
- Susilawati, Intan
- Confidence, Flexibility and Student’s Appreciation in Solving Mathematic Problems through Resource-Based Learning
- Susilawati, Wati
- Improvement of Mathematical Lateral Thinking Skills and Student Character through Challenge-Based Learning
- Syaf, Agus Hikmat
- Al-Khawarizmi : Algebra Factory Method
- Syarif, Zainuddin
- The Model of National Character Education in Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School of Banyuanyar, Pamekasan Madura
- Tambak, Syahraini
- Development of Madrasah Teacher Professionalism by Strengthening the Khalifah Concept and Islamic Psychosocial Perspective
- Ulfiah, Ulfiah
- Effectiveness of Dzikir Therapy in Improving Religious Commitment
- Widana, Agus
- Islam, Local Knowledge and Preservation of Land (A Case Study in Cijambu Village, Tanjungsari-Sumedang)
- Widiastuti, Tutut
- Improvement of Mathematical Lateral Thinking Skills and Student Character through Challenge-Based Learning
- Windayani, Neneng
- Training and Maintenance of Use of Kefir Milk for Healing Degenerative Disease Symptoms of Tanjungsari Elderly Muslim
- Yasniwarti, Yasniwarti
- The Hadith Perspective on Educational Funding
- Yulianingsih, Yuyun
- Efforts to Increase Students’ Participation in Islamic Early Childhood Education Research at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
- Yuliati Zaqiah, Qiqi
- Model of Islamic Education Curriculum Development to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking
- Yuningsih, Endah Kurnia
- Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept
- Zaqiah, Qiqi Yuliati
- Evaluation of Teacher Performance to Quality Learning in Madrasah Aliyah (A Comparative Study between Madrasah Aliyah Model and Non-Model Madrasah Aliyah in West Java)
- Zein, Irfan Ahmad
- Window Shopping Learning Model on Islamic Education and Creative-Collaborative Skill Improvement
- Zubaedi, Zubaedi
- Holistics Paradigm in the Development of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)