Proceedings of the 2015 3rd International Conference on Education, Management, Arts, Economics and Social Science
523 authors
- Liu, Xiaoyan
- Research on Chinese national music based on the perspective of Musical Anthropology
- Liu, Xin
- Research on System of Teaching Evaluation of the Maritime Teachers Based on AHP
- Liu, XinYing
- An empirical study on the function of e-commerce to China’s restructuring of foreign trade
- Liu, Xinyan
- Carbon efficiency estimation of residential products
- Liu, XiuLing
- Study of English Intervening Bilingual Teaching Model in Early Childhood Education
- Liu, Xiujuan
- A preliminary study on the course system of flight principle numerical experiment
- Liu, Yan
- Intercultural Communicative Competence Cultivation in English and American Literature Teaching
- Liu, YancHun
- Research Status and Significance of Emergency Disposal Decision-making for Urban Water Supply Pipe Network
- Liu, Yang
- Introducing 3D Model Search into Case Study Library Management for Engineering Education
- Liu, Yang
- Research on System of Teaching Evaluation of the Maritime Teachers Based on AHP
- Liu, YiHua
- Research-driven Practice teaching Reform of Automation Professional of Engineering Colleges
- Liu, Yile
- i-Class: A knowledge sharing peer-education platform
- Liu, Yiqun
- On Semiotic Features of Post-modernistic Visual Poetry in Advertisement
- Liu, ZhongHua
- Research on Higher Mathematics Teaching Based on Computer
- Long, Zhuhan
- Analysis of Influence Factors of Large-scale Wind Power Consumption Benefit during Market Transition Period
- Lou, Jing
- Clothing Enterprise Marketing Channel Research Based on the Angle of Internet Marketing
- Lu, Dianjun
- Promoting Students’ intent of APT by online college English courses
- Lu, Ling
- Survey of big data management and analysis in anti-terrorist moral education
- Lu, Shan
- Study on the Adjustments of Birth Control Policy on Population
- Lu, XueLian
- The Psychological Development Features and Health Maintainance for Middle School Students
- Luo, Haiyan
- Construction of Network Behavior Analysis System of Mobile User Based on Big Data Technology
- Luo, Juan
- Evaluation on Carrying Capacity of Economic, Resources and Environmental Based on the Improved Entropy Method
- Luo, Ning
- International Logistics Development under Economic Background of New Silk Road
- Luo, Tianwen
- Adjustment and Optimization for College Discipline Structure and Analysis on Issues of Discipline Management System Innovation
- Lv, Yipin
- The Reconstruction of Economic Law System Based on the Network Game Theory
- Ma, Kaijun
- Study on the relations between bloodstain age on the Cotton fabric with color and color difference
- Ma, Peijie
- Empirical Exploration of the time interval distribution of terrorism events in several Asia countries
- Ma, Sumin
- Research on the Application of New Media in the Design of English Writing Program
- Ma, Tao
- Analysis on Problems of Textile and Garment Trade between China and ASEAN
- Ma, XiuHuan
- Application of Mobile learning in College English Teaching
- Ma, YongzHe
- Requirement Analysis of Security CT Center After-sales Service System
- Ma, YongzHe
- Security CT After-sales Service System Design Based on SSI Framework
- Meng, Jia
- Thinking and Exploration in Photographic Practical Teaching
- Meng, Pinchao
- The matching of supply and demand Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Miao, Mingsan
- The relationship between Righteousness and Disease
- Min, Jie
- Research on human resource outsourcing decision model of small and medium sized enterprises
- Mu, Huajie
- Research on the problems of the development of cross-border E-business under the new situation
- Mu, Zhaonan
- Effective Way and Method of Education through University-Enterprise Cooperation Based on University-Enterprise Benefit Community
- Ning, Lei
- Investigation of the Collaborative Innovation on E-commerce Logistics
- Niu, Dongxiao
- Investment Risk Assessment of Co-generation Based on AHP-FCM
- Pei, Yilei
- Discussion on Customer Experience Model of B2C E-commerce Logistics Enterprises Based on TAM Model
- Pei, Yilei
- Research on Evaluation of Customer Experience of B2C E-commerce Logistics Enterprises
- Peng, Min
- Non-Linear Analysis: Music and Human Emotions
- Peng, Ruomu
- Complex Cultural Heritage Tourism Product Development
- Qi, ShuHui
- Study on Problems in Internal Control of Chinese Accounting Firms and Corresponding Countermeasures
- Qi, Shuhan
- Problems and Suggestions of Food Safety Law
- Qin, Hui
- Innovation research of internet financial model
- Qiu, Jinpeng
- Investment Risk Assessment of Co-generation Based on AHP-FCM
- Qu, QingLing
- Changing Ideas and Promoting the Transformational Development of Local Undergraduate Colleges and Universities
- Qu, Qinghong
- A Study on Constructing Internal Teaching Quality Monitoring and Security System in Colleges and Universities
- Ran, Haoran
- The Investigation And Analysis On The Life-span Of Residential Buildings
- Rao, Hao
- Implementation of English-Chinese Translation Based on Android OCR
- Ren, AiHua
- COCOMO II Based Project Cost Estimation and Control
- Ren, GuangXu
- A preliminary study on the course system of flight principle numerical experiment
- Ren, Jiantong
- Study on Continuing Education Mode of Judicial Police Colleges and Universities from Perspective of Learning Society
- Ren, ShuHui
- Promoting Local Economy Development with Integration of Culture and Tourism
- Ren, Yanting
- Research on the Consumer Market of College Students in Hebei Province
- Ren, YongChang
- Manifestation of Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Communication
- Ren, YongChang
- Requirement Analysis of Security CT Center After-sales Service System
- Ren, YongChang
- Security CT After-sales Service System Design Based on SSI Framework
- Sang, YueHua
- English Teaching Method Based on Interest
- Sedivy, Josef
- Theory and Practice of Modeling and Simulations in Programs for engeneering Education
- Shan, Li
- Revolution of the new environment of the teachers’ professional development under the background of the intelligent learning
- Shan, Nannan
- Status Quo Analysis and Countermeasure Research on the Civil Servants'Job Burnout in Hebei Province
- Shao, HuanHuan
- Investigation research on the new rural cooperative medical care security system
- Shao, Huanxia
- Analyze Innovation of Food Machinery Technology
- Shen, ChenShu
- Investment Risk Assessment of Co-generation Based on AHP-FCM
- Shen, HouHua
- Related Concepts and Basic Theory on Government Micro Blog Management
- Shen, HouHua
- Database Design on Teaching Management System Based on SQL Server
- Shen, ShuangSheng
- Research on Coupling of Financial Innovation and Technology Innovation in Hebei Province
- Shen, YangYang
- Research on the evaluation model of industrialization and information fusion based on D-FCE method -- Taking Xining Development Zone as an example
- Shi, Chunyan
- Environmental Art Professional Teaching Reform of Landscape Design
- Shi, Jianxin
- Review on middle managers’ performance appraisal
- Shi, Jinglei
- Review and Analysis on Foreign and Domestic Standards on Building External Envelope Overall Air Tightness
- Shi, Jinlei
- Comparative analysis of residential building 75% energy efficiency design standards of Shandong Province and Germany building energy efficiency standards
- Si, Yong
- Technical Risk Evaluation on Equipment Development Based on Risk Conduction
- Song, Zilong
- Development and Influence of Chinese Copper Shang Culture on Copper Instrument
- Su, Jun
- The Feasibility of Infiltration and Method of Chinese National Music in Piano Teaching
- Su, Liya
- Study on Continuing Education Mode of Judicial Police Colleges and Universities from Perspective of Learning Society
- Su, Yong
- Discussion on Customer Experience Model of B2C E-commerce Logistics Enterprises Based on TAM Model
- Su, Yong
- Research on Evaluation of Customer Experience of B2C E-commerce Logistics Enterprises
- Sui, Xiuping
- Research on System of Teaching Evaluation of the Maritime Teachers Based on AHP
- Sun, Baozhong
- Study on the relations between bloodstain age on the Cotton fabric with color and color difference
- Sun, CHunLin
- Study on Participation Service of Cost Consulting Enterprises Based on Principal Agent Theory
- Sun, Haitao
- Research on Quality Monitoring System of Practical Teaching for Middle Vocational Undergraduate
- Sun, Jianzhong
- The relationship between Righteousness and Disease
- Sun, Lidong
- Research on the Issue of Education of ideality and Faith for Contemporary College Students
- Sun, Mingui
- Influence of social exposure on eating-related heart rate changes
- Sun, Yan
- Second Language Acquisition Feature Exploration based on Affordance Theory
- Suo, Hong
- Study on New Rural Ecological Environment Construction and Sustainable Economic Development in Hainan
- Tan, HaiFeng
- Adjustment and Optimization for College Discipline Structure and Analysis on Issues of Discipline Management System Innovation
- Tan, QiuHeng
- Research on Influence Factors of Enterprise M&A Payment Mode Selection
- Tang, Fei
- Study on architectural space art Design Based on Emotional Needs
- Tang, XiaoLing
- Exploration of BIM Technology Diffusion organizational model based on the transaction cost theory
- Tao, Ying
- Online Customer View: Positive Effect of Consumer Complaint in Domestic Appliance Purchase
- Tian, Haijuan
- A Research On Improving The Competiveness of Grain and Cooking Oil Processing Enterprises
- Tian, Liping
- An analysis of Gentlemen and Fighter of British and American Literature in the Literary Works
- Tian, Xinxin
- Application of one kind of training equipment in maintenance teaching
- Tong, Beilei
- Empirical Exploration of the time interval distribution of terrorism events in several Asia countries
- Tong, Fuchao
- Education as Foundation, Moral Education First---- Several Trials in Moral Education in Ideological and Political Education Teaching