Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education for All (ICEDUALL 2023)

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30 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Harun Joko Prayitno, Yasir Sidiq, Naufal Ishartono
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [International on Education for All] during [on 19 August 2023] in [Malaysia]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committee] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document...
Proceedings Article

Dimensions of Character Education in Short Films Dialogue Ilocution Speech Acts

Harun Joko Prayitno, Zahroh Nisa’ Anwar Salsabila, Miftakhul Huda, Laili Etika Rahmawati, Norazmie Yusof, Hafizhatu Nadia, Sugeng Riyanto, Rita Rahmaniati
Character education is an important pillar in the development of a nation’s human resources. One reference for the use of character education is literary works. This study aims to describe illocutionary speech acts in the discourse of the short film Di Penghujung Hari Minggu. Sumber data penelitian ini...
Proceedings Article

Persuasive Directive Speech Acts in Nusantara Culture Banner and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning

Khaafidhatul Kalaamiyah, Berlianing Megarizkiand, Marista Bela Octaviana, Harun Joko Prayitno, Duwi Saputro, Tenny Murtiningsih, Fathul Zannah, Nani Solihati, Abdul Halim Ali
One of the information received by students is culture. Introduction to culture can be conveyed through banners with the theme of Indonesian culture. A poster or banner certainly has an implied meaning in a sentence on the poster or banner. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative....
Proceedings Article

Expressive Speech Acts in the Instagram Comment Column and Their Relevance to the Formation of Student Moral Values in the Era of Globalization

Umi Fadillah, Harun Joko Prayitno, Miftah Al Farhan, Anam Sutopo, Ady Ferdian Noor, Rofi Anwar Syaputra
The aims of this research are (1) to describe the forms of expressive speech acts in the Instagram comments column; (2) describe the relationship between expressive speech acts in the Instagram comments column and the formation of students’ moral values. This study used descriptive qualitative method....
Proceedings Article

Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019

Dani Anwar Hadi, Harun Joko Prayitno, Bambang Sumardjoko, Noor Aida Afiahah, Nurul Hikmah Kartini, Noorliza Jamaluddin
This research criticizes the phenomenon of language xenomania in relation to the implementation of Presidential Decree number 63 of 2019. The aim of this research is to describe the phenomenon of language xenomania in writing national competition pamphlets and describe the relationship of language xenomania...
Proceedings Article

Ecoliteracy as Deep Learning Innovation Realizing the Primary School Literacy Movement in the Freedom of Learning Era

Minsih Minsih, Ratnasari D. Utami, Desti Rahayu, Maryam Nurlaila, Ummi Tadzkiroh, Aliifah Raisia
The aim of this research was to describe the role of student ecoliteracy in realizing the literacy movement. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological design with teacher informants, school principals and teachers. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, observation...
Proceedings Article

Differentiated Learning: A Pre-School Student’s Perspective

Sudarti Sudarti, Bambang Sumardjoko, Harsono Harsono, Sabar Narimo
The purpose of this study; (1) to analyze the understanding of PAUD teachers in Surakarta about differentiated learning: (2) to analyze the implementation of learning in PAUD Surakarta. The method of this research used in this study is descriptive with qualitative approach. In this study the subject...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating Integrated International Community Services in Malaysia: The Benefits and Possible Improvements

Dias Tiara Putri Utomo, Abdul Rokhman, Finaty Ahsanah
In light of the importance of understanding real situation in the community, it is imperative that higher education institutions provide students opportunities with activities off the campus. In 2022, the Association of Educational Institution of Muhammadiyah- Aisyiyah Universities (ALPTKPTM) launched...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Academic Records Management and Service Effectiveness to Improve Guidance Studio Teacher Performance

Dhea Ariesta Putri, Putri Rahim, Nur Inda Sari, Hindun Rahim, Detak Prapanca
School-Based Management is the government’s concern for what the community is doing to improve the quality of education. Garden Path Tutoring Studio has a very complicated matter of academic archive and performance improvement services. Efforts to improve the quality of education through (School-Based...
Proceedings Article

Identification of the Affixation Process for Advertisements as a Medium for Learning Indonesian for Class IV SD/MI

Maulana Maulana, Fachrul Ramadhan, Tajuz Zahwa Asmar Khan
The existence of billboards as a medium of communication and promotion in various businesses has become an inseparable part of people’s lives. Billboards that are often found on corners or roads, of course, have benefits and become the main attraction for the community, students are no exception. If...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Civility in News Texts Regarding Indonesia’s Rejection of Israel Participating in the World Cup as Teaching Material for Discussion Texts

Fani Devikasari, Laras Kinasih, Devi Yolanda
News texts can be used as study material to make discussion text teaching materials. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data source for this research is news text about Indonesia’s rejection of Israel’s participation in the World Cup. This study aims to examine the relevance of news...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Advertising in Public Spaces as Material Teach Persuasion Text Material for Class XI Students

Raindini Citra Handayani, Safitri Anasari, Fitri Anisa, Duwi Saputro, Harun Joko Prayitno
XXI century learning innovation is growing more rapidly. Teaching materials are one of the important components in learning success. Teaching materials are not always in the form of books but teaching materials can be developed into various media. Likewise with learning Indonesian persuasion text material...
Proceedings Article

Rules of Persuasive Text in Banners and Posters Implemented in Learning Indonesian Class VIII Junior High School

Munika Nendriyani, Rifa Dwi Hamidah, Isnaini Nurjanah
This study aims to a) Know the data that contains polite persuasive words, b) Know the arrangement of polite persuasive text patterns, and c) Know the implementation of persuasive text on banners and posters in class VIII Indonesian language learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Illocutionary Speech Acts in Advertisements in Public Spaces and Their Integration in Learning Advertising Texts in Junior High School

Ananda Nur Aprilia Ika Widyaningsih, Fayza Swandari, Nisa Alfiya, Duwi Saputro, Harun Joko Prayitno, Ahmad Kailani
This research was conducted with the aim of determining the illocutionary speech acts contained in advertisements in public spaces which were then integrated into Indonesian learning by referring to the Learning Outcomes of phase D Indonesian subjects in the Independent Curriculum. This research was...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Standard Word Errors in Political Information News Newspapers as Teaching Material for Learning Indonesian

Rohadatul Aisy Agung Fauziah, Arinda Oktaviyana Sari, Fahesta Sonia Adistiyani
The aim of this research is to describe errors in standard language in Political Information in Newspaper News as Teaching Material for Indonesian Language Learning. This study employs content analysis method. Data sources for this research can be newspapers, advertisements, magazines, and other media....
Proceedings Article

Implication Analysis on News Headlines in Electronic Media

Rosyadi Nur Rahmawati, Ardina Rosanatan Jelitasani, Anggrayni Dita Prabaswari
This research aims to examine (1) the forms of implicature in newspaper; (2) the functions of implicature in newspaper. The research utilizes a qualitative approach applying descriptive methods. The data source for this study is social, cultural, and educational news in electronic...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of News Structure on Kompas.Com Online Media As Teaching Materials For News Texts In Junior High School

Aliffia Khoirinnisa, Ath Thaariq Rahma Stahrita, Fachrunnisa Asshidiq
There are three objectives in this study, (1) to describe the structure in news texts found on Online Media. (2) Knowing the relevance of the news text on the media page as teaching material for junior high school students’ news text material. This study uses a qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Speech Act Advertising in Educational Posters as a Teaching Media for Persuasive Text

Alriana Saras Sri Baharizky, Wigati Hidayana Fajri, Dini Pancawati Permatasari
This study aims to find out about speech acts in poster advertisements and their relation as a medium for teaching persuasive texts. As well as to find out how the implementation of persuasive language in advertisements that grow in the midst of people’s lives today. In this study, the method used for...
Proceedings Article

The meaning of implications on banners and billboards in learning Class XII Ad Text

Ajeng Lintang Lutfiah, Yunita Yunita, Okky Putri Rahmawati
Studying ad text is an indispensable requirement. In order to achieve the learning objectives, one of which is the need for teaching materials that are in accordance with the understanding and development of students. With the large selection of advertising text teaching materials, an educator must be...
Proceedings Article

Directive Speech Actions on Ads/Banners in Public Space and Its Relevance as Teaching Material for Advertising Text for Grade VIII Junior High School Students

Dwi Nurfitasari, Helma Riana, Nurlita Cahyani
This study aims to identify and describe the directive utterances contained in economic, political, and social banners to be used as teaching materials for advertising texts, slogans, and posters for class VII SMP. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data analysis in this study used...
Proceedings Article

Imperative Speech Acts on Billboards and Banners and Their Relevance to Teaching Materials in Junior High School

Melani Regita Putri, Desy Praditasari, Lanjar Widyaningsih
This study aims to 1) describe the forms of imperative speech acts found on banners and billboards, and 2) identify their relevance as junior high school teaching materials. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data source used comes from banners and...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening and Improving Cultural Literacy through Children’s Motor with Children’s Skills

Almani Almani, Tazkiah Annafas, Mita Adi Pratiwi
KKN/KI (real work lecture / international partnership) batch 6 is a program held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia where the participants of KKN/KI were students from various PTMA in Indonesia, especially Muhammadiyah University throughout Indonesia. The participants of this KKN/KI amounted to 38 students from...
Proceedings Article

Circural School: As a Model for Integrating 21st Century Environmental Care Character Education in Elementary Schools

Harun Joko Prayitno, Shafira Dyah Utami, Nur Amalia, Ratnasari Dyah Utami, Eko Purnomo, Muhammad Nizaar
Education is the most important factor and priority for all parties. Character education is an attempt to educate children to behave and participate in good social contributions. Therefore, it is necessary to instill character education from an early age, especially at the elementary school level. This...
Proceedings Article

Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Findings from a Medical School in Central Java, Indonesia

Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, Ratih Pramuningtyas, Farhan Dhio Yanuarsyah, Astrida Fesky Febrianty, Ghina Shabrina Awanis, Harun Joko Prayitno, Friny Napasti
There have been few studies in Indonesia on medical students’ perceptions of the application of interprofessional education (IPE). The purpose of this study was to describe medical students’ perceptions of the implementation of IPE at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This cross-sectional...
Proceedings Article

Building Student Disciplinary Character through the Atomic Habits Method at ICC Pahang

Asep Hermawan, Danang Dwi Gusti Fajar Yanto, Muhammad Awalun Nur Rahmat, Beni Suhendra Winarso, Rafika Rabba Farah
This article discusses community service initiatives conducted at ICC Pahang, a learning center for Indonesian immigrant children in Malaysia, with the aim of developing discipline and character through the application of the Atomic habits method. The initiative is targeted at 20 students and involves...
Proceedings Article

Nutrition and Fun: It’s Time for Children to “Talk to Friends” (Wisely How to Choose Snacks Properly)

Ike Fitrah Atul Chabibah, Irne Wida Desiyanti
Child growth and development is an indicator of the quality and ability of a nation in terms of welfare. Where children who become the next generation of a nation must be considered from an early age in providing nutrition including adequate and balanced nutrition. The negative impact of snacks consumed...
Proceedings Article

Education on Understanding and Stunting Prevention Actions through Ayu Ting Ting’s Snake and Ladder Game (Overcome Let’s Stunting, It’s Important) to Create a Superior Generation

Herda Ariyani, Zahrah Saad, Zamawi Chaniago, Risma Ika Putri Armiani, Khilda Nur Hurriyah, Sri Angeraini, Muhammad Anshari, Dewi Nurhanifah, Rahmatya Nurmeidina, Tenny Murtiningsih
The “Overcome Yuk Stunting, That’s Important” program is an initiative that aims to overcome the problem of stunting which is a serious threat to the health of the younger generation. The background to this program involves the fact that stunting can have long-term impacts on the physical and cognitive...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Engagement in Reading Through Literature Circle

Azaria Nur Azizah, Miftah Al Farhan, Hafizhatu Nadia, Tenny Murtiningsih
This qualitative study explores the implementation of literature circles on student engagement in reading. Literature circles are collaborative learning approaches where students read the same book and participate in group discussions to share their understanding and opinions about the literary work....
Proceedings Article

K.H Ahmad Dahlan’s Vision on The Rights of Child in Education

Nurhidayat Nurhidayat, Harun Joko Prayitno, Koesoemo Ratih, Sutama Sutama, Anam Sutopo, Sofyan Anif, Puspa Dewi, Yansyah, Tazkiyatunnafs Elhawwa, Rohmadi Rohmadi, Giyoto Giyoto
This study specifically discusses the view of K.H Ahmad Dahlan on the rights of child in education according to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. There are two objectives of this paper, namely: 1) Analyzing and elaborating the educational values promoted by K.H Ahmad Dahlan. 2)...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Reorientation of Traditional Goyor Woven Sarong Using ATBM in Home Industry Beautiful World

Harsono Harsono, Sutama Sutama, Yolanda Reggi Nurlita Sari, Listi Septiana
This research is based on the marketing of traditional goyor sarong weaving products that are fading and increasingly abandoned by consumers, especially the people of Java, Indonesia. The purpose of the study is to describe how the market reorientation of traditional goyor woven sarong products uses...