Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Technology in Education (IC-CITE 2018)

145 authors
Sari, Nina Permata
The Study of the Concept of Child-Friendly Schools Programs in the Riverbank Areas of North Banjarmasin
Sari, Raihanah
The Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Social Theme Using Group Investigation and Mind Mapping Models for Students in SDN 3 Alalak Selatan Banjarmasin
Setiawan, Muhammad Andri
The Relevance of Job Selection of Guidance and Counseling Department Graduates of Lambung Mangkurat University
Setiti, Sri
Identification of Economic Learning Resources Based on Ecopedagogy
Sofiawati, Nurina
Problem Solving Learning, Think Pair and Share (TPS) based on Audio Visual Media Improving Oral Activities
Suci, Indah Sari
Evaluation of Adiwiyata Program Implementation in SMAN 1 Martapura
The Development of Diagnostic Test Instrument Based Online Multimedia to Describe Students Difficulties in Integer and Fraction Operation
Sudarma, I Komang
The Power of Group Investigation Model on Student Critical Thinking, Attitude, and Character in Learning Physics
Sugianto, Akhmad
Evaluation Program Planning Individual Learning Plans for Education in SMP Negeri 1 Barabai: Discrepancy Model
The Management of Character Education Curriculum at Vocational High School 2 Kandangan
Sukani, Mohamed Ayob
Competency Teaching and Learning 21st Century Education: Preschool Teacher
Sukmawati, R. Ati
The Relationship Between Mathematical Ability and Programming Ability of Computer Science Education Students
Sukmawati, R. Ati
The Implementation of Flipped Classroom Assisted by Learning Management System for Numerical Method Courses
Sulistiyana, Ms.
The Effectiveness Guidance on Group Career Self-Efficacy Student Media Tree With Career
Suriansyah, Ahmad
The Factors Influencing Quality Work Culture in Education in Indonesia: A Case Study at Graduate Program of Educational Management, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
The Implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), Explicit Instruction, and Crossword Puzzle Models for Increasing the Indonesian Language Student Outcomes
The Effect of E-learning Based Schoology on the Learning Outcomes and Problem Solving Skills in Chemistry
Tahir, Lokman
The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
Talib, Rohaya
The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
Tanau, Meydiisa Utami
Perception of Freshmen Students on Statistical Subject in Psychology Study Program
Taqwiem, Ahsani
The Character of Love to the Country in the Novel '5 cm'
Thaibah, Hayatun
Intelligence Search with WISC Test Equipment For Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Tiara, Ratna
Efforts to Increase Mathematical Learning Activity Material of Space Building Using Problem Posing Model Combination of Group Investigation and 3D Media
Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Student Responsibilities Through Collaborative Based Science Learning (CBSL) Model
Tripuspitaningrum, Galuh
Improving Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation Model Combined with Think Pair Share and Course Review Horay
Umagapi, Juniar Laraswanda
Early Childhood Education and the Reforming of Universal Program: Radicalism Movement in Indonesia
Utami, Nurul Hidayati
The Identification of Scientific Attitude on Biology Education Department in Plant Botany I
A Strategy of Preparing Character Social Science Teachers
Wahyudi, Mohammad Dani
Developing Skill of Art Using the Explicit Instruction Model with Finger Painting Media in Kindergarten
Wahyudi, Mohammad Dani
Improving Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation Model Combined with Think Pair Share and Course Review Horay
Warpala, I Wayan Sukra
The Power of Group Investigation Model on Student Critical Thinking, Attitude, and Character in Learning Physics
Wati, Mustika
Developing Cognitive Instruments Based on Science Literacy on Sound Materials
Widianti, Aritya
The Exploration of Empathy of the Inclusive Elementary School Teacher in Denpasar
Yasin, Mohd Hanafi Mohd
Electronic Information Resources Usage of Afghan International University Students in Malaysia
Yuanita, Leny
Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Scientific Critical Thinking Model
Yudhistira, Irene
Teachers and Parents’ Perception toward English as a Local Content Subject at Elementary School in Banjarmasin
Yurika, Purnama Sari
Evaluation of Adiwiyata Program Implementation in SMAN 1 Martapura
Yusof, Sanitah Mohd
The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
Yusuf, Ode Yahyu Herliany
Evaluation Learning Program "You And Me" At The Kindergartens Built by PKBI In Central Java
Yuwono, Imam
Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation and Curriculum Modifications in Inclusive Schools
Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Through Inquiry-Based Learning
Developing a Teaching Material Oriented to Science and Technology and Local Wisdom in Wetland Environment
Zannah, Fathul
Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Through Inquiry-Based Learning
Zulkarnain, Iskandar
The Relationship Between Mathematical Ability and Programming Ability of Computer Science Education Students
Zulkifli, Mr.
Teacher's Role in the Implementation of Character Education on Students