Proceedings of the E-Learning and Smart Engineering Systems (ELSES 2023)
176 authors
- Kharim, Abderrahman El
- Use educational data mining to enhance student achievement and performance of physical subjects
- Kheraz, Smail
- Effectiveness of E-learning strategies in Morocco during the COVID19: Highlights from statistical association and categorical fuzzy k-modes clustering
- Khoulji, Samira
- Gamification in mobile language learning applications: A case study examining a mobile learning tool in a Moroccan university context
- Kibbou, Elmehdi
- IoT Implementation for Development of Remote Laboratory (Case Study on PV Solar System)
- Lahcen, Ayoub Ait
- Effectiveness of E-learning strategies in Morocco during the COVID19: Highlights from statistical association and categorical fuzzy k-modes clustering
- Lahiassi, Jalal
- Using Semantic Networks for Text Classification in Education: “Generating Tailored Questions for Students”
- Lahiassi, Jalal
- Exploring the Use of NLP Techniques for Building Learner Models: A Study on Text Mining for Personalized Learning
- Laila, Ayaichi
- Exploring the possibilities of augmented reality in physics education
- Lamarti, Mohammed Sefian
- The implementation of adaptation methods and techniques to build an individualized course
- Lamrabti, Omar
- URL_trigger: Real time solution for Detection Malicious URL using Deep Learning
- Lamya, Anoir
- Personalization of learning through pedagogical scenarios in adaptive e-Learning
- Lamya, Anoir
- Using Pedagogical Activities in the Scenario for More Comprehensive and Interactive Pedagogical Videos
- Maha, Khaldi
- Personalization of learning through pedagogical scenarios in adaptive e-Learning
- Maha, Khaldi
- KNN Classification of Kolb Learning Styles: A Comparative Study on Balanced and Unbalanced Datasets
- Mehdi, Kaddouri
- Contribution of mind map design software in improving the creative potential of CRMEF trainees
- Merouani, Mohamed El
- Supply chain optimization using reverse logistics and information systems
- MezriOui, Abdellatif
- URL_trigger: Real time solution for Detection Malicious URL using Deep Learning
- Mgarbi, Hanae
- Data Visualization of Moroccan Recruitment Offers
- Miara, Lamyae
- Monitoring and evaluation of faculty’s experience in E-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic - Case of SMBAU
- Mohamed, Erradi
- Using Pedagogical Activities in the Scenario for More Comprehensive and Interactive Pedagogical Videos
- Mohamed, Erradi
- The choice of communication and collaboration tools for the implementation of a collaborative activity in an LMS platform
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- KNN Classification of Kolb Learning Styles: A Comparative Study on Balanced and Unbalanced Datasets
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- Towards the process of adapting the concrete and the abstract through learning activities according to Kolb’s styles in online teaching
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- Using Pedagogical Activities in the Scenario for More Comprehensive and Interactive Pedagogical Videos
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- The choice of communication and collaboration tools for the implementation of a collaborative activity in an LMS platform
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- Design of scripting tools for a learning activity adapted for blended learning
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- Study of the existing and requirements for the development of an e-commerce management system
- Mohamed, Khaldi
- Communication tools between learning activities and e-learning
- Mohammed, Lamarti Sefian
- KNN Classification of Kolb Learning Styles: A Comparative Study on Balanced and Unbalanced Datasets
- Mohammed, Ouzzif
- Adaptable and non-adaptable gamified e-learning model using chatbots
- Mohammed, Zine El Abidine
- Design of scripting tools for a learning activity adapted for blended learning
- Mouradi, Abderrahman
- Use educational data mining to enhance student achievement and performance of physical subjects
- Mustafa, El Alaoui
- Using simulation technology in the professional coaching of novice’s midwives in rural maternity in northern of Morocco
- Najat, Boucetta
- Using simulation technology in the professional coaching of novice’s midwives in rural maternity in northern of Morocco
- Nassira, Houat
- Factors and strategies influencing online course design decisions: A study of ENCGO students’ perception of the online course design
- Nassiri, Boujemaa
- IoT Implementation for Development of Remote Laboratory (Case Study on PV Solar System)
- Nihal, Bouras
- Exploring the possibilities of augmented reality in physics education
- Oubella, M. ’hand
- IoT Implementation for Development of Remote Laboratory (Case Study on PV Solar System)
- Oudghiri, Ayah
- Skills framework for a future teacher of French as a foreign language
- Oumaima, Boudefla
- Contribution of mind map design software in improving the creative potential of CRMEF trainees
- Outman, Haddani
- Developments in Artificial Intelligence: what’s at stake for education?
- Outman, Haddani
- An approach system detection intrusion for an IOT-based learning system
- Rachdy, Azzedine
- IoT Implementation for Development of Remote Laboratory (Case Study on PV Solar System)
- Radid, Ali
- A Next-Generation Deep Learning-Powered Security Operations Center (SOC) for Online Learning Platforms
- Rharbi, Nassime El
- A Comparative Study of the Recent Blockchain Consensus Algorithms
- Rharbi, Nassime El
- A Survey On Community Identification in Dynamic Network
- Said, Boudra
- KNN Classification of Kolb Learning Styles: A Comparative Study on Balanced and Unbalanced Datasets
- Salgar, Vaishali
- Case Study-Based Learning Pedagogy to Teach Advances in Programming Languages
- Sara, Mouali
- The didactic transposition of probabilistic metric space concept
- Sefian, Mohammed Lamarti
- The didactic transposition of probabilistic metric space concept
- Smail, Admeur
- Developments in Artificial Intelligence: what’s at stake for education?
- Smail, Admeur
- An approach system detection intrusion for an IOT-based learning system
- Souad, Alaoui
- Developments in Artificial Intelligence: what’s at stake for education?
- Souad, Alaoui
- An approach system detection intrusion for an IOT-based learning system
- Souad, Amjad
- Developments in Artificial Intelligence: what’s at stake for education?
- Souad, Amjad
- An approach system detection intrusion for an IOT-based learning system
- Soufiane, Ouariach
- Design of scripting tools for a learning activity adapted for blended learning
- Taam, Abdelkarim
- Effectiveness of E-learning strategies in Morocco during the COVID19: Highlights from statistical association and categorical fuzzy k-modes clustering
- Tagdimi, Zakaria
- Personalizing the Learning Experience: An Adaptive Algorithm Model Based on K-NN
- Tagdimi, Zakaria
- Personalizing Learning Experiences with Q-Learning in Adaptive Educational Systems
- Tagdimi, Zakaria
- Improving Personalization in Education: An Approach to Automatically Tagging Resources with Tag Recommender Systems
- Tahiri, Abderrahim
- Data Visualization of Moroccan Recruitment Offers
- Tahiri, Ismail
- The didactic transposition of probabilistic metric space concept
- Talbi, Mohammed
- The potential of the metaverse in hybrid language training: towards an innovative, interactive and social device
- Talbi, Mohammed
- How E-Learning Can Enhance Student Learning and Engagement: Case study faculty of sciences Ben M’sick, Casablanca
- Touis, Badr
- Using Semantic Networks for Text Classification in Education: “Generating Tailored Questions for Students”
- Touis, Badr
- Exploring the Use of NLP Techniques for Building Learner Models: A Study on Text Mining for Personalized Learning
- Waladi, Chaimae
- From The Cooperative Approach To The Collaborative Approach: The Choice Of Technological Tools For A Learning Task
- Warraki, Oussama EL
- Using Semantic Networks for Text Classification in Education: “Generating Tailored Questions for Students”
- Warraki, Oussama EL
- Exploring the Use of NLP Techniques for Building Learner Models: A Study on Text Mining for Personalized Learning
- Younes, Ali
- A Comparative Study of the Recent Blockchain Consensus Algorithms
- Younes, Ali
- A Survey On Community Identification in Dynamic Network
- Yousra, Bajjou
- Supply chain optimization using reverse logistics and information systems
- Youssef, Bailloul
- Study of the existing and requirements for the development of an e-commerce management system
- Zahra, Ouariach Fatima
- Communication tools between learning activities and e-learning
- Zaz, Youssef
- A Survey On Community Identification in Dynamic Network