Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)
490 authors
- Abdul Hamid, K.
- The Development of Instructional Video in Drawing Illustration at Fine Arts
- Adetya, Ayumi
- The Development of Under the Volley Passing Material Learning Models in Elementary School Students in Medan City
- Adisahputra, Abdurrahman
- Development of Character-Based Thematic Student Worksheets
- Adisaputera, Abdurahman
- Development of Interactive Multimedia in Learning to Read Genre Text with Local Wisdom for Students Junior High School Silangkitang
- Adisaputera, Abdurrahman
- The Development of Teaching Materials Explanatory Text Based on Interactive Multimedia of Students Class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal
- Ahmad, Imran
- The Differences of The Influence of Teaching Method and Self-Reliance on The Students’ Learning Outcomes of Long Jump Ortodock Style at SMA Negeri 1 Stabat in the Academic Year2018/2019
- Akhmad, Imran
- Development of Passing Technique Training Model in Private Junior High School Extracurricular Athletes in Medan
- Akhmad, Imran
- The Difference Of Learning And Trusting Models On The Results Of Learning Bullet Styles Ortodoks Junior High School Students
- Akhmad, Imran
- Different Effects Between Cooperative and Sociometric Learning on Lower Passing Learning Outcomes in Volleyball Games of Grade VIII Students at SMP Negeri 14 Medan
- Akhmad, Imran
- Development of Petanque Training Pointing and Sport Shooting
- Ambarita, Biner
- Education Model Based on Life Skill (a Meta-Synthesis)
- Ambarita, Biner
- The Development of Teaching Materials Explanatory Text Based on Interactive Multimedia of Students Class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal
- Ambarita, Biner
- Values of Character Education and Internal Conflict of Main Figures in Sinar Novel by Aguk Irawan Mizan as Literature Reading Material
- Amiruddin
- The Development of Web-Based Learning Media on Economic Subject in SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh
- Amrizal, Dedi
- Political Education Through the Application of the Abstentions Countermeasure Model by KPUD (Regional Election Commission) Deli Serdang
- Anggraini, Elisa
- Development of Environmental Love Theme Materials Learning in Description Text Learning for Seven Junior High School
- Anggreini, Tria
- Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student
- Anisa, Hainur
- Development of Poetry Writing Learning Module Assisted by Religious Songs for Junior High School UNIVA Medan
- Annas, Azwar
- The Differences of The Influence of Teaching Method and Self-Reliance on The Students’ Learning Outcomes of Long Jump Ortodock Style at SMA Negeri 1 Stabat in the Academic Year2018/2019
- Ansari, Khairil
- Values of Character Education and Internal Conflict of Main Figures in Sinar Novel by Aguk Irawan Mizan as Literature Reading Material
- Ansari, Khairil
- Development of Poetry Writing Learning Module Assisted by Religious Songs for Junior High School UNIVA Medan
- Arfa, Muhammad
- Different Effects Between Cooperative and Sociometric Learning on Lower Passing Learning Outcomes in Volleyball Games of Grade VIII Students at SMP Negeri 14 Medan
- Arima, Putra
- The Values of Achievement at the Gayo Traditional Horse Racing Sports in Bener Meriah
- Armanto, Dian
- Development of Mathematical Learning Tools to Improve Representation Ability Based on Think Pair Share Models Assisted Virtual Manipulative
- Ashadi
- The Impact of Journal Writing Training on Self Efficacy and Attitude of Postgraduate Program Students in Writing Scientific Publication Articles
- Asmin
- Analysis of Childhood Social Development to Single Parents
- Asmin
- Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Through Geogebra-Aided Problem Based Learning To Improve Solving Capability Mathematical Problems of High School Students
- Asmin
- The Increasing of Student’s Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Through Problem Based Learning
- Aziz, Azhar
- Establishment of Character Through Boarding School Education in Students in Pondok Pesantren
- Bafaqih, Faradilla
- Development of Mathematical Learning Tools to Improve Representation Ability Based on Think Pair Share Models Assisted Virtual Manipulative
- Bancin, Aswin
- Education Model Based on Life Skill (a Meta-Synthesis)
- Bancin, Budi Syawal
- Improving Teachers’ Classroom Action Research Proposal Preparation through Academic Supervision FGD Technique
- Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis
- Development of Petanque Training Pointing and Sport Shooting
- Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis
- Comparison of the Effect of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Phyisical Education Student
- Bukit, Nurdin
- The Effect Of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Student’s Science Process Skills and Cognitive Ability About Water Cycle in Elementary School
- Bukit, Nurdin
- Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in Collaboration Skills and Communication Skills of Students
- Bunawan, Wawan
- Development of Two-tier Multiple Choice Instrument to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Bunawan, Wawan
- Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student
- Bunawan, Wawan
- High-Level Comprehension Skill by using Competencies PISA in Indonesia's Education System
- Butar-Butar, Pangihutan
- The Difference Of Learning And Trusting Models On The Results Of Learning Bullet Styles Ortodoks Junior High School Students
- Chandra
- The Influence of Principal Managerial Competencies and Interpersonal Communication on Teachers Performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School
- Dalimunthe, Maharani
- Gender Differences in Teaching Learning Process Based on Inquiry Model
- Damanik, Elvina Natalika
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning and Learning Motivation on Mathematical Learning Outcomes
- Darwin
- Improving Teachers’ Classroom Action Research Proposal Preparation through Academic Supervision FGD Technique
- Darwin
- Implementation of Character-Based Industrial Work Practices in SMK Arina Sidikalang
- Darwin
- Effects of Principal Leadership, School Climate and Teacher Achievement Motivation to Teachers Work Commitment
- Darwin
- Needs Analysis on Training Management Model Development
- Darwin, Restu
- Implementation of Private Teacher Protection Policies
- Daryanto, Eka
- Policy Analysis of Lecturer Performance in Participation in the Field of Research and Scientific Publications (Study case at D-III and D-IV in Midwifery Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan)
- Daryanto, Eka
- Policy Analysis of Internal Quality Assurance System (Case study at Midwifery Major of Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
- Daryanto, Eka
- Policy Analysis of the Free Education Program Implementation (Case study in Medan 1 Public School)
- Daryanto, Eka
- Evaluation of Policy for Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education Institutions in Medan City
- Daryanto, Eka
- The Supervision Model of Principal in Improving Teachers Performance (Case Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi)
- Daryanto, Eka
- Impelementation of Teaching Factory on Training Management Model Development of Diploma III Students in Mechanical Engineering Departement, State University Medan
- Daryanto, Eka
- The Effect of Participative Leadership , Team Work, Stress Management on Teacher’s Affective Commitment at Senior High School
- Daulay, Naimatussyifa
- Development of Research Based Book on Mendel Genetics In Biology Major Universitas Negeri Medan
- Depari, Siska Evriani
- The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students Science Process Skills
- Derlina
- Development of Moodle E-Learning Media in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
- Dewi, Izwita
- Analysis of The Difficulties of the Mathematical Creative Thinking Process in Problem Based Learning
- Dewi, Rahma
- The Difference Of Learning And Trusting Models On The Results Of Learning Bullet Styles Ortodoks Junior High School Students
- Dewi, Rahma
- Development of Table Tennis Game Rules Through Modification of Game Rules Model Ams32 in Class VIII Middle School Students
- Dewi, Rahma
- Android Based Speed Light Implementation of Saq (Speed, Agility and Quickness) Improvementson Futsal Atlet U-16 League Aafiregional Medan
- Dewi, Rosmala
- Development of Science Teaching Books Based on Fun Experiments for Early Childhood (5-6 year-olds) in the Kindergarten of Kutalimbaru Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency
- Dewi, Ucia Mahya
- Development of Biochemical Practicum Guides Integrated Discovery Learning
- Dimyati
- The Impact of Journal Writing Training on Self Efficacy and Attitude of Postgraduate Program Students in Writing Scientific Publication Articles
- Diregeyasa, I WY
- Developing Reading Materials Through Local Based Needs at SDN 100107 Lobulayan South Tapanuli North Sumatera
- Djulia, Ely
- Competency Analysis of Science / Biology Junior High School Teachers that Have Passed Certification in Aceh Tamiang Regency
- Djulia, Ely
- The Effect of Guided Discovery and STAD Learning Models on Students’ Critical Thinking and Scientific Process Skills on Environmental Pollution Topic in MAPN 4 Medan
- Djulia, Ely
- The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model and Group Investigation Learning Model on Students’ Cognitive Skill and Critical Thinking Skill in the Ecosystem Topic at SMA Bhayangkari 1 Medan
- Djulia, Ely
- The Effect Of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Student’s Science Process Skills and Cognitive Ability About Water Cycle in Elementary School
- Edi, Syahmi
- Relationship between Biology Teacher Teaching Style with Students Learning Outcome
- Edi, Syahmi
- Competency Analysis of Science / Biology Junior High School Teachers that Have Passed Certification in Aceh Tamiang Regency
- Edi, Syahmi
- The Effect of Guided Discovery and STAD Learning Models on Students’ Critical Thinking and Scientific Process Skills on Environmental Pollution Topic in MAPN 4 Medan
- Edi, Syahmi
- Developing the Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test Based on Content, Construct and Language Feasibility in Identifying Students’ High-Order Thinking Skills
- Edi, Syahmi
- An Analysis of Students’ Knowledge on the Structure and Function of Plant Tissues in Senior High Schools of Medan
- Efrida, Efni
- The Supervision Model of Principal in Improving Teachers Performance (Case Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi)
- Ekadaryanto
- Analysis Policy Implementation of New Student AdmissionsZone System (Case studi In SMA N 1 Sunggal Deli Regency Serdang, 2018/2019)
- Eliawati, Titim
- Classroom Action Research: Measuring Integration of Character Education in Language Learning
- Elissa, Rizki Aulia
- Development of Student Worksheets-PBL Improve Students Critical Thinking Ability
- Fahmi, Iskandar
- Computer Based Exam Development on PJOK Course Knowledge Aspect Curriculum 2013 at SMA Swasta Sinar Husni Helvetia
- Fahrian, Muhammad Andri
- Learning of Silc Pencak Silat Learning with Game for Muhammadiyah Tanjung Sari Elementary School Students in Medan City
- Fakhrurrozi, Muhammad Hasril
- Types of Language Style Used by Teachers in Classroom Interaction
- Farahdiba
- The Use of Project Based Learning in Teaching French
- Fauza, Adrina
- The Enhancement Difference of Eight Grade Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability
- Fauzi, Ahmad
- The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model and Group Investigation Learning Model on Students’ Cognitive Skill and Critical Thinking Skill in the Ecosystem Topic at SMA Bhayangkari 1 Medan
- Fauzi, Amin
- Development of Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Communication and Self-Efficacy Skills Students at Integrated Islamic Middle School Nurul 'Azizi Medan
- Fazal, Syahril
- The Development of Process Skill Based Interactive Multimedia in Science
- Fitri, Rahmadhani
- Improving Teaching Skills of Pre-teacher Students With Modified Jigsaw on Biology Instructional Methodology Course
- Fitriyanti, Devi
- Development of Colored Shuttlecocks as a Badminton Learning Media
- Ginting, Eva Marlina
- Development of Instruments for Creative Thinking Skills Tests on Momentum and Impulse for High School Students
- Ginting, Meta Br.
- The Effect Of Brain Gym On The Memory Of Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6 Years In Maitreyawira School
- Ginting, Siti Aisyah
- Ideational Grammatical Metaphor in English Political Text at Newspaper
- Ginting, Sri Juita Br
- The Development of Instructional Video in Drawing Illustration at Fine Arts
- Girsang, Rifka Annisa
- Development of Two-tier Multiple Choice Instrument to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Gultom, Syawal
- Implementation of School-Based Management (Study case in SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul, Dairi Regency)
- Gultom, Tumiur
- Development of Research Based Book on Mendel Genetics In Biology Major Universitas Negeri Medan
- Gultom, Tumiur
- The Effect of Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning in the Order of Contextual Learning in Microbiology Lectures on the High Order Thinking Skills of Biology Students in FMIPA UNIMED
- Gurning, Busmin
- Speech Acts in ILC (Indonesia Lawyers Club) Talk Show Program
- Hadi, Wisman
- Development of Character-Based Thematic Student Worksheets
- Hadi, Wisman
- Development of Environmental Love Theme Materials Learning in Description Text Learning for Seven Junior High School