Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)
490 authors
- Sibarani, Berlin
- The Acquisition of Syntactical Relation Among Indonesian Children of 1.5-4 Years Old with Different Parents Background Education
- Sibarani, Berlin
- The Development of Morphology Acquisition Among the Children of 1.5 – 3.5 Years Old
- Sibuea, Abdul Muin
- Development of Service Information System in the Use of Practicum Tools and Materials in Physics Department Laboratory of State University of Medan
- Sibuea, Abdul Muin
- The Effect of Instructional Strategies and Social Interaction on Social Science Learning Outcome
- Sibuea, Abdul Muin
- The Effect of Learning Strategy and Locus of Control Toward Learning Outcomes by Controlling Prior Knowledge
- Sibuea, Parulian
- The Effect of Learning Strategy and Locus of Control Toward Learning Outcomes by Controlling Prior Knowledge
- Siburian, Fridawati
- Analysis of Feasibility Level of Practical Guidance Semiriset Based Guided Inquiry on BSNP for Senior High School
- Siburian, Panigoran
- Implementation of Character-Based Industrial Work Practices in SMK Arina Sidikalang
- Siburian, Panigoran
- Development of a Parent Engagement Learning Model Through Suggestion Box and a Corner of Pouring of Students Heart in Public Junior School at Binjai
- Siburian, Paningkat
- Implementation of Character-Based Industrial Work Practices in SMK Arina Sidikalang
- Siburian, Paningkat
- Development of a Parent Engagement Learning Model Through Suggestion Box and a Corner of Pouring of Students Heart in Public Junior School at Binjai
- Siburian, Paningkat
- Training Management Model of Kindergarten Teacher in Medan
- Siburian, Paningkat
- Analysis of Training Needs for Improving the Performance of Forest Management Unit Employees (Study in Riau Province, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra)
- Siburian, Paningkat
- The Effect of Managerial Competence, and Work Motivation on The Principals Performance in the State Elementary School of Medan
- Siburian, Paningkat
- The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability, and Work Motivation on Employees Performance
- Sihombing, Amal Syahril
- Development of Table Tennis Game Rules Through Modification of Game Rules Model Ams32 in Class VIII Middle School Students
- Sihotang, Din Oloan
- Implementation of Character-Based Industrial Work Practices in SMK Arina Sidikalang
- Sihotang, Din Oloan
- Analysis of PDDB Online Implementation Policy (Case study at the Sunggal Branch of the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office)
- Sihotang, Din Oloan
- Policy Analysis Implementation of 2013 Thematic Learning Curriculum (Case Study in Primary School St. Thomas Medan)
- Sihotang, Janri Mahasan
- Development of Ludo Game for Elementary School Students 'Motion Material
- Sihotang, Meytri Laurence
- The Difference of Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self Regulated Learning Taught Contextual and Cooperative Learning Models
- Silaba, Saronom
- The Influence of Practical Guide Based on Inquiry Approach toward Students’ Achievement on pH Scale and Use of Indicator Subjects
- Silaban, Ramlan
- Preparing an ICT Innovation using Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Buffer Solutions for High School
- Silaban, Ramlan
- Preparing an ICT Innovation with Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions for High School Class X
- Silaban, Ramlan
- Development of Chemistry Practical Guide Book Innovative on General Chemistry Integrated Problem Based Learning Models
- Silaban, Ramlan
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model with Crossword Puzzles and Motivation Against Digestive System Learning Outcomes of Students
- Silaban, Saronom
- Development of Multimedia Lectora Inspire Integrated Problem Based Learning on Carbohydrate Topic for Department of Agrotechnology Students
- Silaban, Saronom
- Implementation of Dubido Based on Contextual in Improving Students Achievement on The Topic of Electrochemistry
- Silaban, Saronom
- Discovery Learning Based E-Module on Protein Material Development
- Silalahi, Mery
- The Use of Anti-Language to Improve The Ability of Elementary Students of Grade 5 in Understanding The English Grammar
- Simajuntak, Mariati P.
- Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in Collaboration Skills and Communication Skills of Students
- Simanjuntak, Eva Betty
- ICT-Based English Learning Innovationto Improve Learning Outcomesof PGSD Students
- Simanjuntak, MariatiPurnama
- ICT-Based English Learning Innovationto Improve Learning Outcomesof PGSD Students
- Simanjuntak, Wanti
- The Effect of Managerial Competence, and Work Motivation on The Principals Performance in the State Elementary School of Medan
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- Improving Passing Chest Pass Results Through a Variation Approach to Learning
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- Implementation of Physical Education Learning in Down Syndrome Students at SLB YPAC Medan
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- The Difference Between Certified and Non-certified PE Teachers Performance Based on Range of Service Period
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- Analysis of Difficulties in Learning Physical Education in Children with mild Developmental Disabilities in SLB Binjai City
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- Learning of Silc Pencak Silat Learning with Game for Muhammadiyah Tanjung Sari Elementary School Students in Medan City
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- Development of Colored Shuttlecocks as a Badminton Learning Media
- Simatupang, Nurhayati
- Performance Analysis of Primary School Physical Education Teacher in Sibolga Post Taking Teacher Competence Test 2015
- Simbolon, Hotrimsyah
- An Analysis of Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills in State Senior High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District
- Simbolon, Martina Restuati
- An Analysis of Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills in State Senior High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District
- Simbolon, Naeklan
- The Use of Project Based Learning in Teaching French
- Simbolon, Naeklan
- ICT-Based English Learning Innovationto Improve Learning Outcomesof PGSD Students
- Simbolon, Neklan
- Development of Water Play Activities Model Based on Knowledge to Train Children Smooth Motoric
- Simbolon, Rasmin
- Improving Teacher Competence in Making Class Action Research Through Assignment, Feed Back, and Revision Workshop
- Simorangkir, Murniaty
- Development of Multimedia Lectora Inspire Integrated Problem Based Learning on Carbohydrate Topic for Department of Agrotechnology Students
- Sinaga, Bornok
- Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematical Problems based Learning Styles in Class VIII Middle School Students
- Sinaga, Bornok
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model and Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw type on Creative Thinking Skills Based on Students Learning Motivation
- Sinaga, Bornok
- Difference of Critical Thinking Ability and Ability to Solve Mathematical Problem Students of SMP Negeri 3 Sibabangun using Metacognitive Learning Model and Inquiry
- Sinaga, Bornok
- Qualitative Analysis of Metacognition Ability and Creativity Thinking with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model
- Sinaga, Bornok
- Analysis of The Difficulties of the Mathematical Creative Thinking Process in Problem Based Learning
- Sinaga, Bornok
- Analysis of Metacognition Difficulties and Mathematical Connections of Students using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model
- Sinaga, Bornok
- Difference in Increasing Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Discipline Learning Through Problem Based Learning and Matlab Assisted Think Pair Share
- Sinaga, Lenni Arta FS
- Development of a Parent Engagement Learning Model Through Suggestion Box and a Corner of Pouring of Students Heart in Public Junior School at Binjai
- Sinaga, Nova Yanti
- Differences in Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Given Guided Discovery Learning and Cooperative Learning STAD-Type
- Sinaga, Rosmidar
- The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability, and Work Motivation on Employees Performance
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Computer Based Exam Development on PJOK Course Knowledge Aspect Curriculum 2013 at SMA Swasta Sinar Husni Helvetia
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Development of Ludo Game for Elementary School Students 'Motion Material
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- The Influence of Symbolic Modeling Technique Guidance Service and Group Guidance Service for Achievment Motivation Based in Anxiety Levels in the Physically Challenged Athletes of North Sumatera PPI NPC
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- The Active Role Of Fostering The Regional Indonesian National Sports Committee In Badminton
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- The Difference Between Certified and Non-certified PE Teachers Performance Based on Range of Service Period
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation 2013 Batubara District
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Analysis of Difficulties in Learning Physical Education in Children with mild Developmental Disabilities in SLB Binjai City
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Comparison of the Effect of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Phyisical Education Student
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Learning Model Based Traditional Game to Improve Motoric and Keeping Culture of Traditional Games
- Sinulingga, Albadi
- Performance Analysis of Primary School Physical Education Teacher in Sibolga Post Taking Teacher Competence Test 2015
- Sipahutar, Amii Mardiyah
- Difference of Critical Thinking Ability and Ability to Solve Mathematical Problem Students of SMP Negeri 3 Sibabangun using Metacognitive Learning Model and Inquiry
- Sipahutar, Herbert
- Relationship between Biology Teacher Teaching Style with Students Learning Outcome
- Sipahutar, Herbert
- Developing the Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test Based on Content, Construct and Language Feasibility in Identifying Students’ High-Order Thinking Skills
- Sipayung, Kammer Tuahman
- ELT Descriptive Hypothesis
- Sipayung, Kammer Tuahman
- The Integration of Character Value in English Lesson Planning With Workshop Strategy on Tourism High School
- Siregar, Ahmad Dahlan
- Development of Learning Media Based on Problem based Learning in Prakarya
- Siregar, Astri Novia
- Management Models of Educators and Educational Staff in Improving the Quality of Education (Case Study at SMAN 3 Medan, SMAN 2 Lubuk Pakam, SMA Unggul CT Foundation Deli Serdang, and SMAN 1 Perbaungan)
- Siregar, Farida Hanum
- Establishment of Character Through Boarding School Education in Students in Pondok Pesantren
- Siregar, Hanifan Nursyah Fitri
- Difference in Increasing Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Discipline Learning Through Problem Based Learning and Matlab Assisted Think Pair Share
- Siregar, Nurhapni Handayani Optapia
- Development of Interactive Multimedia in Learning to Read Genre Text with Local Wisdom for Students Junior High School Silangkitang
- Siregar, Siti Aisyah
- Impelementation of Teaching Factory on Training Management Model Development of Diploma III Students in Mechanical Engineering Departement, State University Medan
- Sitanggang, Rianto
- Development of Chemical Practicum Private Vocational School of Senior High School XII Class Based on Projects and Characters
- Sitepu, Hestika Dewi
- Development of Science Teaching Books Based on Fun Experiments for Early Childhood (5-6 year-olds) in the Kindergarten of Kutalimbaru Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency
- Sitompul, Harun
- The Effect of Learning Model Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) with Multimedia and Creative Thinking Abilities on Learning Outcomes of Vocational Learning Design
- Sitopu, Fitriani
- Development of Learning Devices Based on Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills
- Sitorus, Elsa Nopita
- Analysis of The Difficulties of the Mathematical Creative Thinking Process in Problem Based Learning
- Sitorus, Ilyas Suharto
- Policy Analysis of the Free Education Program Implementation (Case study in Medan 1 Public School)
- Sitorus, Marham
- Development of Biochemical Practicum Guides Integrated Discovery Learning
- Situmeang, Mahyudin
- The Influence of Principal Managerial Competencies and Interpersonal Communication on Teachers Performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School
- Situmorang, Benyamin
- Human Resource Management of Contract-Based Teachers and Education Staff to Ensure Quality Education of Senior High Schools in North Sumatera Province
- Situmorang, Benyamin
- Management Models of Educators and Educational Staff in Improving the Quality of Education (Case Study at SMAN 3 Medan, SMAN 2 Lubuk Pakam, SMA Unggul CT Foundation Deli Serdang, and SMAN 1 Perbaungan)
- Situmorang, Benyamin
- The Effect of Managerial Competence, and Work Motivation on The Principals Performance in the State Elementary School of Medan
- Situmorang, Benyamin
- The Supervision Model of Principal in Improving Teachers Performance (Case Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muslimin in Tebing Tinggi)
- Situmorang, Julaga
- Improving Teacher Competence in Making Class Action Research Through Assignment, Feed Back, and Revision Workshop
- Situmorang, Julaga
- The Development of Local Cultural Based Interactive Instructional Media in Learning English
- Situmorang, Mananda
- The Influence of Principal Managerial Competencies and Interpersonal Communication on Teachers Performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School
- Situmorang, Roiman Dolok Tarsisius
- Performance Analysis of Primary School Physical Education Teacher in Sibolga Post Taking Teacher Competence Test 2015
- Solin, Mutsyuhito
- The Impact of Using CTL-Based Comic Media on Learning Outcomes of Third Grade Students
- Solin, Mutsyuhito
- Development of Poetry Writing Learning Module Assisted by Religious Songs for Junior High School UNIVA Medan
- Solin, Mutsyuhito
- Development of Environmental Love Theme Materials Learning in Description Text Learning for Seven Junior High School
- Sriadhi
- The Development of Process Skill Based Interactive Multimedia in Science
- Sudibyo, Mufti
- Development of Field Guide Book to Insect Pollinator of Herbaceous Plants in City and Residential Area in Medan