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188759 articles

Study on the Jingyou Mechanism of Corporate Strategic Behavior

Jongho Kim, Xinan Zhao
Today, the change of industrial environment affects all aspects of enterprise’s development. Relying on only traditional strategic behavior theories, it is difficult to solve the problems in the modern strategic management practice. Jingyou idea is based on the objective law of development of things,...
Proceedings Article

Research on ERP General Part Development Strategy in Intelligent Manufacturing Era

Caixia Li, Jimei Li
China has gradually entered the era of intelligent manufacturing, the application demand of enterprise resource planning (ERP) is increasing. The development of ERP has some difficulties because of its business modules and complex functions. In order to reduce the development complexity of ERP, this...

Development Of Big Book Media To Visualizing The Concept Of Narrative Text Through Shared Reading with Mentally Retarded

Karunia Yulinda Khairiyah, Sri Joeda Andajani, Yuliyati
This study aims to develop a big book media in visualizing the concept of narrative text through reading together on class V mild mentally retarded students. This research and development uses a 4-D development model consisting of four stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination;...

Modern Approaches to Improve the Performance of the Transport System of the City (on Moscow Case)

Ya. V. Majorova, V. V. Glebov, V. V. Shevtsov, V. R. Ahmedzyanov, G. A. Kuliyeva
The article studies the problems of improving the transport service of the urban population in the aspect of improving the work of public passenger transport of the capital city. In the construction of transport facilities, it is proposed to carry out preliminary modeling, which assesses the consequences...

Continuity in the Formation of Design and Research Competence in Bachelor Students of Preschool Education in the Process of Studying Pedagogical and Methodical Disciplines

N G Lavrentyeva, O S Naumova
The article considers the problem of the formation of design and research competence in bachelor students of preschool education. The purpose of the study is to justify the continuity in the formation of design and research competence of bachelors of preschool education in the process of teaching pedagogical...

Research on Foreign Language Talent Cultivation Model of Cross-border E-commerce under the Background of "Internet + Double Innovation"

Zhujian Liu
With the expansion of the scope of the application of Internet information technology in China, the scope of the Internet used by educators in curriculum teaching has become wider and wider. In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the development concept of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation...

An Analysis of the Eight-Grade Test’s Items of the Islamic Junior High School in Yogyakarta

Nurul Aisyah
This study is a survey intended to determine the level of difficulty and power of discrimination of a final test 2018/2019 academic year with the use of multiple choice applied in the subject of Aqidah-Akhlak for the Islamic Junior High School’s Eighth Grade in Yogyakarta. Method of data collection use...

The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Work Commitment of Teachers at School

Fibie Liona Pangaribuan, Leo Sartika Pasaribu, Agus Letwing Manik
This research aims to identify the impact of self efficacy and work commitment towards teachers work discipline among public school teachers in Kerajaan District, Pakpak Bharat. This research uses quantitative research with descriptive approach, which is used to verify the hypothesis. The population...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of School-Based Program of Iron Supplementation in Preventing and Controlling Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Adolescent Girls: Literature Reviews

N. M. Parwati, Pande Januraga, Suarjaya
The iron nutrition supplementation is an intervening strategy in tackling the anaemia deficiency among children and adolescent girls for the realization of a healthy and productive generation. To measure the effect of iron supplementation programs in increasing the concentration of haemoglobin and serum...

The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting Skill

Khurotul Aini, Moch. Asmawi, Ramdan Pelana, Firmansyah Dlis, ME Winarno, James Tangkudung, Achmad Sofyan Hanif
Development of science and technology an important to improving of human resources, especially in the issue of education. The use of media in learning and training activities greatly helps the process of delivering material effectively and efficiently. The use of appropriate media will help encouraging...

Implementation of Welfare State Ideology in the 1945 Constitution Toward the Right to Land for All Citizens

RJ Agung Kusuma Arcaropeboka, Januri
Indonesia’s constitution which makes the understanding of the welfare state (walfare state) currently open. Nothing else is in accordance with the context and reality of the ability of the Indonesian people to prosper every citizen, as the ideals of the founders of this nation. The State’s goal is to...

Software Design Completion of Sudoku Game with Branch and Bound Algorithm

Rustam Effendi, Indra Gunawan, Yasin Efendi
In our life there are many of games. The uniqueness game of numbers makes this game very exciting, and at the same time can be used to train the intelligence. Sudoku is a puzzle game of logic-based numbers. Rules of the game are simple, fill all the matrix to the brim, with notes, for each column, row,...

Research on OFDI Reverse Spillover Effect of “The Belt and Road” Countries

Ziting Wei
This paper selects the panel data of China’s direct investment in 24 countries and regions along “the Belt and Road” from 2007 to 2017, and uses the method of least squares regression to study the reverse spillover of China’s direct investment. To determine the size of the reverse overflow and the factors...

The Factors That are the Reasons of Less Maximum Application of Salam Contract in Sharia Banking (Case Study of BPRS Harta Insan Karimah and Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah)

Rimi Gusliana Mais, Nanik Utari
This study aims to determine the development of the Salam contract, identify the factors that lead to less optimal application of the Salam contract on Islamic Banking, and later the best solution for the Islamic banking industry can be found in developing its Salam contract. This research applies a...

Digital Capability and Communication Skill for Empowering Self-Efficacy in Tourism Industry

Ratih Pratiwi, Sri Hartono, Editya Nurdiana, Dasmadi Dasmadi
The people’s shifting perspective from buying products to buying “experience” has been phenomenon these days. This phenomenon brings positive effects on the tourism service industry which is potential and prospective to be developed. Indonesia has great potentials to develop the tourism industry. However,...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Cow Manure and KCl on Changes in Soil Properties and Growth of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) in Inceptisol Galela

Tri Mulya Hartati, Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Makruf Nurudin
Nutmeg plant is one of the spice commodities that had been known from the ancient world. In an effort to revive the dignity of spice crops, nutmeg also promise encourage to be developed. This study aims to analyze the effect of cow manure and KCl to change soil properties and growth of nutmeg in inceptisol...

Identification of Service and Pricing Factors at a Padang Restaurant

Campus restaurants offer benefits to students who live on campus, live with their parents, or live in boarding houses, and they present opportunities to other businesses in the area. However, running a business as a food-service entrepreneur can be challenging because one needs an understanding of the...

A Summary of Research on Reform Strategy of Business Management Talents Training Mode in Applied Undergraduate Universities

Xiu Liu, Shangxin Chang
The undergraduate is a new product of the popularization of higher education. Applied undergraduate education is the application of talents between the application skills and research. The practical teaching system is an important guarantee for the cultivation of applied talents in colleges and universities....
Journal: eFood
Review Article

Emerging Exotic Fruits: New Functional Foods in the European Market

Laura Cornara, Jianbo Xiao, Antonella Smeriglio, Domenico Trombetta, Bruno Burlando
Pages: 126 - 139
The consumption of exotic fruits is rapidly increasing in European countries. Some of these products have attracted much interest due to their alleged properties of preventing malnutrition, over-nutrition, and disease, maintaining a healthy body. Scientific studies on these fruits are multiplying, including...

Budget Financing of Infrastructure Projects as a Tool for Implementing the Investment Policy of the Regions of the Russian Federation

Liliya S. Nevyantseva, Adil B.D. Dukhkhani
The article discusses the current practice of using budget financing for investment and infrastructure projects in the Russian Federation. The use of budget investments at the level of Federal districts of the Russian Federation is analyzed. It is established that the maximum concentration of Federal...

The Project of a Dictionary of Phonosemes Using Digital Technologies

I.A. Vaulina
The article proposes a project of a psycholinguistic dictionary of phonosemantically marked (sound - symbolic) vocabulary of modern Russian literary language. The dictionary project has an interdisciplinary character and is conducted at the of linguistics and psychology, which allows us to consider the...

Evaluation of Mathematic Communication Ability in the Environment Blended Learning in Algebra

Paridjo, Y.L. Sukestoyarno, Kartono, Rochmad
The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical communication skills of students in the blended learning environment of algebra courses. As a research subject, first semester students in the academic year 2019/2020 mathematics education study program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,...

Investigating the Effect of Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) Technique Towards Students’ Speaking Skill

Tuty Handayani Gusadha, Mukhaiyar, Ratmanida
This study aimed to investigate the effect of Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) Technique towards students’ speaking skill. Type of this research was a quantitative research with quasi-experimental design. 60 students of XI grade at SMA Negeri 9 Padang were choosed as the sample of this research which divided...

Variations of Sentence Structure in 5th Grade Students’ Essays in Padang: Perspective of Basic Sentence Patterns

Siti Ainim Liusti, Ellya Ratna, Zulfikarni
This research is a qualitative descriptive that aims to describe the variation of sentence structure of 5th grade students in Padang (SD Negeri Percobaan, SD IT Adzkia 2, MIN 3, and SD Agnes) based on basic sentence patterns in Indonesian. The data is a sentence that contained in student essays. Before...

The Japanese Experience in Building the System of Human Resource Quality Management in the Organization

Irina Lyskova
The article focuses on the issues of quality management and justifies the importance of developing the approaches to human resource management and the need to establish the human resource quality management system of the organization in the current socio-economic conditions. The objective of the study...

Understanding of Fraction Concepts of Elementary School Students through Problem Solving

Fractions are material numbers that are very important in mathematics and everyday life. However, many students have difficulty understanding the concept of fractions. This study aims to describe the concept understanding among student about fractions through problem-solving assisted by visual representation....

The Intervention of Nudge With the Social Norms

Approach to Increase the Reading Duration

Nurfitriany Fakhri, Lukman, Fahmi Yanuar
The duration of visitors who come to read books in the Library of the Faculty of Psychology is still low. This study aims to improve the reading behaviour of visitors to the Library of the Faculty of Psychology, State University of Makassar. This research used the theory of planned behaviour as a basis...

The Analysis on the Factors That Attract Investors to Form a Successful Case

Jianyao Gao
Thanks to the development of business nowadays, investment becomes quite significant. Indeed, there exists a number of entrepreneurs looking for a chance to make their innovative business idea realized accompany with much competition. Hence, entrepreneurs have to pick up the most valuable investment...
Proceedings Article

Children With Mild Mental Retardation Interest in Sports and Health Activities

Sony Putra Dewantara, Olivia Andiana, Mahmud Yunus
This study aimed to find out how much interest the children with special needs (ABK) mild mental retardation to sports health activities in SDLB Jaya Putra Malang. In research this do researchers a descriptive, form non test instruments shaped questionnaire, then do analysis form technique descriptive...

Women’s Objectification in Tanah Tabu and Cantik Itu Luka

Agnesi Dianti, Yasnur Asri
This research was motivated by the phenomenon of woman objectification in the public life as outlined in a literary work in the form of a novel. This study aims to describe and explain the various forms of objectification experienced by women in the novel Tanah Tabu by Anindita S Thayf and the novel...

Bankruptcy Prediction for Oil and Gas Companies in Indonesia Using Z-Score Method

Aditya Ramadhana Djaja
Global oil price condition for these past few years has been fluctuating and has reached the lowest level. This condition will affect oil and gas companies’ financial health. This thesis aims to predict the bankruptcy probability of Indonesia’s oil and gas companies from 2011 to 2017. The observed companies...

The Role of Technology in Development Policy in the Era of Globalization in South Sulawesi Indonesia

Andi Cudai Nur, Risma Niswaty, Delly Mustafa, Muhammad Guntur, Aslinda
This study tries to further look at how local governments use existing technology to develop regional development by creating a digitalization strategy. Local governments can take advantage of technology in development, by designing a policy digitalization strategy to support development excellence in...

Bi-Hamiltonian Structure of a Three-Component Camassa-Holm Type Equation

Nianhua Li, Q.P. Liu
Pages: 126 - 134
A recently proposed three-component Camassa-Holm equation is considered. It is shown that this system is a bi-Hamiltonian system.
Proceedings Article

Case Series: Handling of Fertilization Program in the Cervical Polyp Case

Ivanna Beru Brahmana
Pregnancy programs are carried out at the Obstetrics & Gynecology clinic with infertility causes in the form of cervical polyp around 10%. Provide a series of four cases of cervical polyps in pregnancy program patients. The first case occured in primary infertile 1.5 years, P0A0 27 yo, with irregular...

The Impact of Formative Assessment on Students’ Academic Achievement

A Case Study of English Students of Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia

Ferdinal, Isramirawati
This study identified the effect of formative assessment on a group of Indonesian students undertaking the class “Introduction to Australian Culture.” The study also attempts to identify the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards applying this type of assessment in the class. This eight-week study...

New Ideas to Handle Employment Issues Under Epidemic Normalization - Based on Profit-Sharing Theory

Jiehui Zhang
The profit-sharing theory used to be an effective way to solve economic stagflation problems in western countries. This article is committed to finding new ideas to deal with employment issues under the current epidemic normalization by analyzing its specific theoretical content to explore a sustainable...

The Implementation of Physical Special Allocation Funds (DAK) at Primary School

Sri Wulansari, Suryadi, Mohammad Fakry Gaffar, Sri Mulyani, Yohamintin
The aim of this study is to explore the information regarding the implementation of the physical special allocation funds in education, included: 1) communication; 2) resources; 3) disposition; and 4) bureaucracy. The qualitative method was conducted by collecting data from participant observation, in...

Accumulative Mortgage System of Housing Provision for Military Personnel in Russia: Problems and Solutions

L.P. Vasilyeva, O.A. Polyanskaya, V.V. Bespalova, E.A. Okomina
In the development of the system of housing mortgage lending (HML), one of the main tasks of the state is to create a modern legislative framework and regulate the ongoing processes at the level of regulatory impact in order to reduce financial risks for its participants. The state acts as a regulator...
Proceedings Article

Developing Teaching Materials of Indonesian Food Subtopic Tengger Ethnic Cuisine by Using Online Platform Model as Implementation of Blended Learning and Potential to Support Tourism Promotion of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Budi Wibowotomo, Soenar Soekopitojo, Titi Mutiara, Nunung Nurjanah
Tengger ethnic cuisine is not yet widely known. To understand the concept of local knowledge and it’s related in local food cultures, it needs to be taught formally in school’s culinary roles and functions in shaping the culture of ethnic Tengger. It also enables to support ecotourism promotion in the...

Wordless Picture Books: A Media to Facilitate Students in Writing Descriptive Text

N Rochania, Y Astutik, V Mandarani
As a productive skill, writing is not easy especially writing in English. However, there are many ways that can be used to train students to write like using various media. One of those media is wordless picture books. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of wordless picture books on...

The Effects of Field Trip Method and Reading Interest Towards Description Text Writing Skills Grade XI ADP SMK Negeri 1 Baso

Lastri Oktalia, Ermanto, Irfani Basri
This research aims to determine the differences between learning results of text description writing skills using field trip method and interest in reading with conventional method in the class XI ADP SMK Negeri 1 Baso. This type of research was quantitative with experimental designs. The population...
Proceedings Article

Wood Macroscopic and Fiber Dimensions of Pasak Bumi Root (Eurycoma longifolia)

Erwin, Elma Yossiana, Sri Wahyuni, Nani Husien, Agus Sulistyo Budi
The purpose of this study was to characterize the macroscopic feature and fiber dimension of root wood of pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia). Macroscopic structures of the root wood were observed using stereoscopic microscope NIKON SMZ645 with magnification of 20-50x. Fiber cells were obtained from the...

Digital Literacy Analysis of Elementary-School Students in Malang

Farida Nur Kumala, Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita, Arnelia Dwi Yasa, Anik Ghufron, Pratiwi Pujiastuti, Chandra Puji Rahayu
This study aims to determine the literacy skills of elementary school students in Malang. The subjects of this study were 10 elementary school students in Malang with a total of 303 samples. Data were collected using a questionnaire instrument. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach....

Religiosity and Experience Encourage Student Intention to Become Entrepreneur

Agung Dwi Nugroho, Faishal Prahatma Ganinda, Kahfi Fikrianoor, Amir Hidayatulloh
The purpose of this research is to study the role of religiosity and experience on the interests of students to become social entrepreneurs. The population in this study were students in Indonesia, while the sample in this study were undergraduate students (S1). The sampling technique of this study used...

Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia:

The Opportunities and Challenges

Onni Meirezaldi
Halal tourism becomes the most promising industry, including Indonesia. Springs up about a decade ago when Muslim travelers were beginning to be identified as a specific segment with particular needs. Muslims tourists are exploring new destinations and unique experiences. Their desire has made Muslim...

(UI) RACANA to Empower the GARAJAS Art Community

Daru Paramayuga, Leonardo Adi Dharma Widya
In recent years GARAJAS has become an independent Art Community, separated from the assistance of the DKI Regional Government. This status makes the need to keep creative feels heavy and not cheap anymore. In the past, permanent domicile and adequate activity allowances became a measure for the community’s...

Unification of Computer Support for Academic Disciplines to Increase the Prestige of the University and to Reduce the Effects of Mass Self-Isolation

Ivan Kharitonov, Ilya Stepanchenko, Oleg Privalov, Elena Krushel, Alexandr Panfilov, Tatyana Ogar
The advisability of a unified computer support system for academic disciplines with high scientific content, included in the study program for specialists in ordinary universities of a technical profile, is discussed. The reasons for the lack of prestige of ordinary universities are analyzed and areas...

1774–1837: A reform analysis of the Lower Canada colony of British Empire

Yulun Liu
As one of the Northern American Colonies in history, lower Canada was the colony where most French Canadians majorly lived in. The social system of this colony was constructed by replicating British society which meanwhile laid an underlaying political crisis. When the 1837-8 rebellion emerged in both...

Proper Beneficiary Selection:

Key Success of Farmers Poverty Alleviation Program

Sri Wahyuni, Herlina Tarigan
Reducing poverty should be started from the agriculture sector, poverty alleviation programs for farmers had been implemented in two-phase, during 1979-2005 and in 2006-2014 with low achievement as 33,3% and 14,6%. In 2018 a program called Bedah Kemiskinan Rakyat Sejahtera (BEKERJA) was implemented,...
Proceedings Article

The Tourism Concept of Emergency Shelter: Strategies for Community Resilience in The Coastal Area of South Lampung

D Hardilla, K H Basuki, F Rusmiati, C Persada
Facing vulnerability of disaster in the coastal area, a disaster risk reduction planning is evolved in Kalianda as the capital of South Lampung regency. These district areas close to Mount Anak Krakatoa which one of the most active volcano in Indonesia and caused the underwater landslide then turn generated...