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194175 articles

Peer-Review Statements

Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo, Ade Gafar Abdullah, S. Sulastri, L. Lisnawati

Peer-Review Statements

Jidong Bi, Wu Qi, Bo Qu, Ziqiang Zeng, Jian Zhang

Utilization of Information Technology for Online Learning Innovation During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Bayu Rianto, Ambiyar, Unung Verawardina, Abdul Muni, Chrismondari, Badewin
The current COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on countless facets of human life, including health, economics, social and cultural aspects, as well as education. Today’s learning is carried out online (on a network); this requires universities to transform learning technology in a short time....

Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali

Surya Dewi Rustariyuni, M. Pudjihardjo, M.Umar Burhan, Dias Satria
One impact of the Covid-19 outbreak has been to freeze economic actors, including cooperative financial institutions. This has prompted researchers to investigate the effects of the pandemic on cooperative financial institutions, the majority of whose members are small and medium sized enterprises, and...
Proceedings Article

Model Sea Levels Prediction With ARIMA for Coastal Area in Semarang

A. Musbikhin, Eko Sediyono, Catur Edi Widodo
Coastal flood is one of the most frequent disasters in coastal cities in Indonesia. Semarang the largest city in Central Java is one of the cities most affected by rising sea levels. The low land surface along the coast and decreasing every year accompanied by rising sea levels makes the city prone to...

The Role of Esprit De Corps as a Variable Moderation Between Workplace Incivility and Turnover Intention

(Study On Military Hospital in Indonesia)

Amos R. Patandung, Margono Setiawan, Mintarti Rahayu, Ananda Sabil
This study aims to determine the role of esprit de corps as a moderating variable for the relationship of incivility at work to the desire to leave voluntary nurses who work at the Gatot Subroto Army Central Hospital, Jakarta. The research sample was 240 voluntary nurses from a total of 606 nurses who...
Proceedings Article

Input Current Harmonic Distortion of Active Power Factor Corrector Based on Vienne-rectifier

Ilyas Abdulkhakov, Yuri Perevalov, Maxim Kudryash, Madina Yermekova, Vyacheslav Parmenov, Artem Melnikov, Qi Zhang
The paper contains the questions of nonlinear input current distortions of the active rectifier based on the Vienna- rectifier with different control methods. The quantitative characteristics of nonlinear input current distortions by the value of the neutral wire current (sum of currents) are given.

Tips on Improving Students Understanding in The Keitaron Course with Problem-Based Learning Method in Japanese Literature

Adrianis Adrianis
This article is an empirical experience of the researcher in the keitairon (morphology) course which was carried out face-to-face and online. The research used a descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of this research is to find out the students’ creativity, how the students solve a problem, how...
Proceedings Article

Photocatalytic and Kinetics Study of Copper Oxide on the Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye

Anung Riapanitra, Kapti Riyani, Tien Setyaningtyas
Methylene blue dyes in is widely used various industries in Indonesia, especially in the textile industry. Methylene blue in waters is toxic and difficult to degrade. One of the methods used is to overcome this problem is photocatalysis under visible light. CuO photocatalyst was prepared using an easy...

Implementation of Instructional Supervision During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dedi Prestiadi, Ahmad Nurabadi, Wildan Zulkarnain
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes, such as the learning process from face-to-face to online learning. Supervision of learning as one of the activities in educational institutions also needs to adapt to the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the...

The Relationship of Achievement Motivation with Teacher Performance in the Implementation Teaching and Learning Process in Senior High Schools

Andi Padalia, Andi Nurochmah
The research aims to determine: 1) Find out the description of teacher achievement motivation, 2) find out teacher performance in the teaching and learning process implementation; 3) Find out the relationship between achievement motivation and teacher performance in the implementation teaching-learning...

Students’ Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability Through the Application of the Discovery Learning Model in SMP Negeri 1 Belitang Mulya

Agil Oshi Putra, Cecil Hiltrimartin
The application of Discovery Learning models has been implemented to determine the mathematical problem-solving ability of students in SMP Negeri 1 Belitang Mulya. This study uses quantitative descriptive research. This study aims to describe the Discovery Learning model towards the mathematical problem-solving...
Proceedings Article

Delayed Diagnosis of Oral Malignancy and Effect to Prognosis; Case Series

Yuli Fatzia Ossa, Citra Feriana Putri
Introduction: Oral cancer is one of most common cancer in the world. Oral cancer can affect any part of oral cavity and oropharyngeal. Etiology of oral cancer is multifactorial. Delay in diagnosis and management of oral cancer can worsen of prognosis and increase case mortality. Here we report 3 cases...

Legal Aspect of Individual Company for Micro and Small Business in Omnibus Law on Job Creation

Nevey Varida Ariani, Maria Lamria, Fuzi Narindrani
The Job Creation Act (UU CK) has legal implications for the content of a large number of laws. Sole proprietorships have expanded the meaning of Limited Liability Companies by presenting the Sole Proprietorship model which has given birth to a number of contradictions in the basic concept of Limited...

The Roles of Cooperatives in Stabilizing Coffee Prices in Disruptive Era

M. Nazaruddin, Abdullah Akhyar Nasution, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, Iromi Ilham, Rizki Yunanda, Richa Meliza
This article examines the involvement of coffee cooperatives in the Gayo highlands in price stabilization in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. In fact, in the last two years coffee cooperatives have played a central role in bringing together supply and demand for Gayo coffee needs at a global level when...

What is the Counsellor’s Role in Overcoming the Zoom Fatigue Phenomenon?

Ach. Sudrajad Nurismawan, Findivia Egga Fahruni, Surya Adhi Nugraha, Ela Nur Fadilah
The increasing use of technology-based learning media such as Zoom and Google Meet during the Covid-19 pandemic can trigger the emergence of mental health problems in students and teachers. One of the problems is the Zoom Fatigue phenomenon which can make the learning process less effective and optimal....
Proceedings Article

Causal Loop Diagram Model Analysis Approach to the Factors That Influence the SIR Epidemic Model

Mathematical models can be used to predict the spread of infection of a disease in the future. We developed the SIR model by adding the application of a healthy lifestyle’s factor (that related to people’s behavior) which is expected can reduce the number of the infected individuals. The analytical approach...

The Implementation of Scientific Approach in English Teaching Practice

Mariska Intan Sari, Tri Wulandari
This study explores the challenges in implementing the scientific approach perceived by the EFL pre-service teachers and investigates the EFL pre-service teachers’ strategies to overcome the challenges. This research applied a descriptive qualitative design with the in-depth interview as the data collection...

Digital Civil Servant Recruitment Model

(Adaptive Policy for Covid-19 Pandemic)

In’amul Mustofa, Suswanta Suswanta, Muchamad Zaenuri
This study aims to find system innovations and procedures for digitally recruiting civil servants during the Covid-19 pandemic. The current recruitment system still uses the Computer Assist Test (CAT) with computer equipment provided by the committee, so that participants use it interchangeably. Simultaneous...

Halal Tourism, Implementation and What is Needed: Indonesia Case

Madziatul Churiyah, Heri Pratikto, Evi Susanti, Filianti, Lili Adi Wibowo, Adam Voak
Halal Tourism is becoming a trend. The increasing number of Muslim tourists in the world spending hundreds of billions of dollars in spending provides opportunities for Halal Tourism destinations. OIC and non-OIC member countries are competing to respond to this opportunity by developing the concept...

The Role of Monetary and Macroprudential Policy Instruments on Macroeconomic Stability in Southeast Asian Countries

Eka Febrianti Utami
The impact and trauma of global financial crisis overshadowed the post-crisis economic recovery in the last two decades. Monetary and macroprudential policies are the two most popular and general policies to maintain macroeconomic stability. Covid-19 has become a storm in the economy, paralyzing the...

Meta-Analysis of SMEs Social Assistance Policies in Bengkulu During the Pandemic

Inggi Miya, Suswanta Suswanta
This study aims to see the effectiveness of the distribution of social assistance in Bengkulu. This is qualitative research, in which the researchers obtained information through the distribution of online questionnaires to the public, interviews, and information from the Ministry of Social Affairs’s...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)

Ainun Lady, Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh, Retno Astuti
Potato chips small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Batu City were formed into 2 clusters (micro and small scale) based on production capacity, sales turnover, number of labor, and length of production operation. SMEs “Agronas Gizi Food” and “Gajah” are representatives from these clusters which have...

Implementing Quality Management System in School

Conflict and Evolution Management

Senghong Loeung, Cepi Safruddin
This research aims to describe the implementation of quality management system (QMS), conflict management of QMS in school, and evolution management of QMS in school. This study also provides two models used like SWOT analysis, standard and quality assurance (SQA) for implementing QMS in school. Using...

Evaluating the Efficiency Between Discounted Cashflow Valuation and Residual Income Valuation

Using Australia and New Zealand Banking Group as an Example

Yingjun Lan
In this paper, we have investigated the efficiency of two valuation models, discounted cashflow method and residual income method respectively. To prove the reliability and accuracy of the result shown in this essay, we will take Australia and New Zealand Banking Group as an example. Through these two...

The Analysis of Insurance Agriculture Performance and the Risk of Risk Farming in Java

Widhi Netraning Pertiwi, Jangkung Mulyo, Any Suryantini, Masyhuri
The aims of this research are; (1) to determine the level of risk production and cost risk in rice farming. And (2) to find out the factors effects of the risk rice farming in Java. The research locations are in three provinces, Central Java, East Java and West Java Provinces. Each province are represented...

Consumer Perspectives on the Implementation of CHSE Certification (Clean, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) at Fast Food Restaurants in Palembang City

Rebeka Ulitama S., Pelliyezer Karo Karo, Rona Meilysa Pasaribu, Popy Vebiola, Netta Nopy
CHSE stands for Clean, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability, which is a certification policy by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Republic of Indonesia, implemented to restore public confidence in the tourism sector and the creative economy in Indonesia, as a catalyst for...

Effect of Ethical Leadership on Employee Performance and Innovation with Internal Motivation as Intervening Variable

(Empirical Study of Small and Medium Industries (IKM) in Klaten Regency)

Rifqi Usada Amirudin, Sidiq Permono Nugroho
Leadership is a mechanism to support or motivate a group of people to work towards a common goal, which can direct employees and workers with strategies to achieve a vision. In a company, in addition to having a leader, of course there are also employees. Employee performance is one indicator that keeps...

Constructing Microlearning Design for Mathematics Learning in School

Agusmanto JB Hutauruk, Adi S Situmorang, Parlindungan Sitorus
Learning at this time should be upgraded according to technological and cultural development. E-learning by utilizing learning technology must also be adapted in mathematics learning. Microlearning as a learning method can be used in mathematics learning in school. Microlearning design must first be...

Analysing Youtube Mid-Rolls Advertising Factors on Watchers’ Purchase Intention of Online Travel Agent During Covid-19 Pandemy

Dani B. Saputro, Janti Gunawan, Bahalwan Apriyansyah, Prahardika Prihananto
The use of mid-roll advertisements on YouTube keeps on increasing, along with the increasing number of YouTube viewers. Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused people to spend more and more time on social media such as YouTube. Online Travel Agent industry has been one of the business...
Proceedings Article

Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus Associated with Yellow Mosaic Disease of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in Bengkulu, Indonesia

Mimi Sutrawati, Sipriyadi Sipriyadi, Yuni Kristina Serlyani Sihotang, Cindy Margareth Hutasoit, Parwito Parwito, Ewa Aulia
Cucumber mosaic virus, Papaya ringspot virus, Squash mosaic virus, Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus, Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus Tobacco mosaic virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl New Delhi virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus were among the viruses that infected cucumbers in Java, according to...

Reflecting Journal Writing and Primary Students’ Writing Fluency

Vu Phi Ho Pham, Thi Niem My My Tran
This research attempted to investigate whether the reflective journal writing had an impact on the primary students in learning vocabulary and writing in Vinschool Central Park, HCM City, Vietnam. Participants in the study were 60 Level 3 primary students aged 8 to 10 years. Those 60 students were divided...

The Effect of Sustainability Behavioral Control on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Among MSMEs in Jakarta and the Greater Area: The Role of Sustainable Intention

Micko Sugianto, Frangky Selamat
This study aimed to reveal the effect of sustainability behavioral control and sustainable intention on sustainable entrepreneurship among MSMEs in Jakarta and the Greater Area. This research is categorized as descriptive research. This study used a non-probability sampling method, which collected data...

The Effects of the Implementation of Auditory, Intellectual, Repetition (AIR) Learning Model in Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

Saharuddin Saharuddin, Ismawati Ismawati, Awi Dassa, Rosidah Rosidah
The research aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Auditory, Intellectually, Repetition (AIR) learning model on students’ mathematical problem-solving ability. The type of research is a quasi-experimental with the form of a nonequivalent control group design. The population in the research...

Research on the Influence of Peers, Family Environment and Internet Use on Juvenile Depression

Yutong Pan
Nowadays, more and more adolescents are diagnosed with depression all around the world. The healthy growth of adolescents is related to the future development of a country, so studying the causes and coping strategies of depression in adolescents has become a hot topic. In this paper, the author analyzed...

Rasch Model Analysis of Indonesian Spiritual Well-Being

R. Rostiana, Zamralita Zamralita, Erik Wijaya
The existing measurement of spiritual well-being are mostly based on a western perspective. Consequently, its not sufficient to describe the spiritual well-being of easterners, including Indonesia. Considering this fact, this study aims to develop a scale of spiritual well-being based on the perspective...

Study of the Function, Meaning, and Shape of Indonesian Batik From Time To Time

Jati Widagdo, Adzrool Idzwan Ismail, Asmidah binti Alwi
Batik is an Indonesian heritage which is recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. As a cultural product that must be read to reveal the deconstruction of functions conceived in accordance with the space and time of the subject, as a logic of deconstruction in understanding the reality...
Conference Abstract


Aleksander Prejbisz
Pages: 1 - 1
It has been documented that absolute aldosterone excess in patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) has been associated with higher risk of heart, vascular and kidney damage independent on blood pressure and resulting in increased total cardiovascular risk. Structural (left ventricular hypertrophy) and...

Factors Influence Blockchain Adoption in Supply Chain Management Among Companies Based in Ho Chi Minh City

Hieu-Ba Nguyen, Luan-Thanh Nguyen
In recent years, the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have threatened supply chain management. Blockchain technology has emerged as the resource that is used to mitigate the challenges caused by the COVID -19 pandemic. This study aims to figure out the effects of the performance expectancy...

Law Reform as the Part of National Resilience: Discovering Hindu and Pancasila Values in Indonesia’s Legal Development Plan

I Gede Yusa, Bagus Hermanto, Ni Ketut Ardani
The Indonesian legal system encountered several challenges due to corruption, inherited colonial compendiums/codifications, ineffective and inefficient arrangements, and a complex bureaucratic structure that occasionally contradicted the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and common legal requirements....

The Similarity of Indonesian and British Women’s Views on Marriage in the Novels Alisjahbana’s Layar Terkembang and Austen’s Pride And Prejudice

Abbas Abbas
This article discusses the views of women related to marriage and household from two different nations, namely Indonesia and Britain. Tuti is an Indonesian woman in the novel Layar Terkembang by Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana and Elizabeth Bennet is a typical British woman in the novel Pride and Prejudice...
Conference Abstract


Agnieszka Bednarek
Pages: 1 - 1
The 24-hour brachial ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) has the unique ability to provide information on 24-hour averaged blood pressure (BP), on nocturnal BP and day–night BP changes, as well as on 24-hour BP variability, which all provide independent prognostic information over that provided...
Proceedings Article

Livestock Integrated Farming in Rural Area of Pakistan

Muhammad Riaz
Agriculture in Pakistan has been realized as indispensable for food security, employment, and poverty alleviation at the rural level. About 70% of the population here in Pakistan depends upon agriculture for their livelihoods. Plants contribute 84% calories and 66% protein consumption of total human...

Peer-Review Statements

Mohammad Zakki Azani, Syamsul Hidayat, Triono Ali Mustofa, Mohamad Ali

Research on Ecology in Modern Landscape Design

Juan You
Modern landscape design develops from germination in the early 20th century to contemporary mature, forms the scientific, artistic and social three aspects which supplement each other. Most landscape designers realize that the landscape no longer means "picturesque", but must match society and science...
Proceedings Article

Plasma-graft anhydride on Carbon Fiber and its Effect on Composite Properties

Ya-Nan Yi, Cai-Qiong Zhang, Jing Long, Lin Zhong, Huan-Xia Zhang
The deposition of coatings on the surface of carbon fiber will be helpful to their applications. However, they are unsuitable to be deposited because of their low surface free energies, poor wettability and poor adhesions. The objective of this work is to modify carbon fibers by different methods of...
Proceedings Article

Cast Aluminum Energy Consumption Model Based on Fuzzy Petri Net

Yong Sun, Peng Jiang, Guangyu Li
An aluminum alloy casting process energy consumption model is created, the model to energy activities as the basic activity unit, description of energy consumption by energy conversion device behavior, to fully reflect the constituent elements of the energy system coordinated through the process energy...