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189328 articles

Accuracy of Five Multiple Imputation Methods in Estimating Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes based on STEPS Surveys

Hamid Heidarian Miri, Jafar Hassanzadeh, Saeedeh Hajebi Khaniki, Rahim Akrami, Ehsan Baradaran Sirjani
Pages: 36 - 41
Background: This study was aimed to evaluate five Multiple Imputation (MI) methods in the context of STEP-wise Approach to Surveillance (STEPS) surveys. Methods: We selected a complete subsample of STEPS survey data set and devised an experimental design consisted of 45 states (3 × 3 × 5), which differed...

Light Weight Proactive Padding Based Crypto Security System in Distributed Cloud Environment

N. Indira, S. Rukmanidevi, A.V. Kalpana
Pages: 36 - 43
The organization maintains various information in cloud which is a loosely coupled environment. However, the nature of cloud encourages the threats in different level. Among them the data security has been a keen issue being identified and challenges the service provider. To improve the data security...

Human Capital as an Accelerator with Synergistic Effect of Scientific and Technological Progress

Aleksey Yakushev, Sergey Filin
The decisive role of human capital in the development of society and the state is undeniable. The degree of change in the qualitative characteristics of human capital under the influence of successive basic technologies is the subject of scientific discussion and depends on the attitude of society towards...

Issues of Drinking Water Supply and Possible Solutions on the Example of Gorkovsky District in Omsk Region

Irina Ushakova, Yulia Korchevskaya, Irina A. Trotsenko, Tatyana Kondrateva
The article considers issues related to the problems of providing drinking quality water to populations of rural settlements of the Omsk region. For a significant number of the population in Omsk region water does not meet the established standards for quality and is not provided in the required quantity....

Young Consumer’s Purchase Intention Toward Environmentally Friendly Products in Indonesia: Expanding the Theory of Planned Behavior

V. Sutikno, Indarini, S. Margaretha
This research aims to examine young consumer’s behavior in Indonesia, about the attitude toward green products, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, environmental concern, environmental knowledge and its influence on their purchase intention. This study was analyzed using Structural Equation...

The Effects of Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, and Management Control Systems on Teacher’s Performance of Junior High School

Armelia Bidari Ketaren, Sukarman Purba
The objective of this study is to obtain information concerning the effect of Transformational Leadership, Management Control Systems, Internal Communication and Teacher’s Performance. The research population of all teachers in the Junior High School in Medan Labuhan District was 164 teachers. Determination...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Self-Tapping to Pain of Dysmenorrhoea

Siti Haniyah, Prasanti Adriani
Pain of Dysmenorrhea is a physiological condition that will generally be experienced by women who are menstruating. Pain is a manifestation of uterine muscle contraction. Self-Tapping is one of Nonpharmacologic therapy that aims to reduce physical pain and fatigue. The purpose of this research is to...
Proceedings Article

Emission Reduction from Transportation Sector Using Carbon Footprint

Christia Meidiana, Deni Agus Setiyono, Noufal Riziqi N Rohman, Adina Khusnudzan Hadid
Sidoarjo urban area is an area with different type of activities, such as settlement, trade, services, government, and also public service such as schools and hospitals. Different type of activities generate high levels of transportation activity resulting in high level of CO2 emissions. The purpose...

Prediction for Progressively Type-II Censored Competing Risks Data from the Half-Logistic Distribution

Essam K. AL-Hussaini, Alaa H. Abdel-Hamid, Atef F. Hashem
Pages: 36 - 48
Point and interval predictions of the s-th order statistic in a future sample are discussed. The informative sample is assumed to be drawn from a general class of distributions which includes, among others, Weibull, compound Weibull, Pareto, Gompertz and half-logistic distributions. The informative and...

An Empirical Study of Independence from Auditors in Padang, Indonesia

Charoline Cheisviyanny, Sany Dwita, Herlina Helmy, Fefri Indra Arza
This research aims to prove the independence among auditors in private and public sector in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The population is all auditors in Padang, consists of auditors in private sector (internal auditors and public accountants) and auditors in public sector (auditors of inspectorate...

Analysis of Cash Holding Factors at Plantation Companies Listed on BEI

Flourien Nurul Ch, Lies Zulfiati
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Net Working Capital, Board Size and Sales Growth on Cash Holding (Empirical Study on Plantation Sub Sector Companies in BEI Period 2014–2016). This study using descriptive study through hypothesis testing by using a causal design. The type of research...

Creative Writing Against the Background of Big Data

Zhenbang Jin, Fan Yang
Big data is the new sixth medium. Its rise has brought new ideas and development space to creative writing. A single concentrated question tends to be more oriented towards the topic. Text single media expression skills are transformed into multimedia composite presentation. The author’s preset structure...

Multimodality in Smartfren Printing Advertisement (Atta Halilintar Version)

Leni Dyah Arlini
Nowadays, advertisements have become part of people’s lives. We can see it everywhere and anytime, especially through the printing media, such as newspapers, magazines, or any other printing displayed on public transportation. Advertising is a text in a multimodal discourse that has complex meanings...

Study of Factors Affecting Domestic Tourism Purchase in SMEs Food and Beverage Based in Manado City

Imelda W. J. Ogi, Joy E. Tulung, Mirah H. Rogi, Christoffel M. O. Mintardjo
Manado City is a city located in Northern Sulawesi Province. With a multicultural background, this area is very rich with a variety culinary delights. Seafood products combined with traditionally prepared archipelago spices are the main culinary offerings of the city of Manado. The grilled fish culinary...

The Effect of Bulb Seed Diameters and KCl Fertilizer Dosage on Growth and Productivity of Bima Varieties of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.)

Amran Jaenudin, Iman Sungkawa, Maryuliana Maryuliana
Shallot is one of valuable horticulture commodities that planted almost in Indonesia. One of the advantages in shallot cultivation is decreasing of shallot productivity although fertilizer was given in shallot cultivation. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of diameter of bulb shallot...

How Organisation, Job, Personal Factors, and Motivation Drive Job Performance and Technology Adoption

Hemalatha Somu, Jignyasu Prafulla Joshi, Aizzat Mohd Nasurdin, Lavinsa Paramasivan, Cheng Ling Tan
In recent years, Industry 4.0 has been introduced as a popular term to describe the trend towards digitization and automation of the manufacturing environment. To sustain in this new era with technology adoption, every engineer in manufacturing companies especially R&D engineers plays an important...
Proceedings Article

Fingerprint Analysis of Adulterant in Traditional Medicine of Orthosiphon aristatus Leaves Using FTIR Method

Anne Yuliantini, Atikah Rizkiya, Fauzan Zei Muttaqin
Orthosiphon aristatus is a medicinal plant that used as traditional medicine raw material. These leaves have similar morphology with Eupatorium riparium so that it is possible to adulterate the raw material of Orthosiphon aristatus. The purpose of this research was to identify the existence of Eupatorium...

Model of Pedagogical Competence Improvement in Lesson Plan

Tri Ani Hastuti, Soegiyanto, R Hari Amirullah, Setya Rahayu
The research aims to develop a model for improving pedagogical competence of teachers in physical education, sport, and health based on teaching materials. This development design generally has four stages namely; define, design, develop, and disseminate. Data source were taken from filling out questionnaire...

The Model Development of Picture Story Books Sumbang Kurenah Through Minangkabau Culture Literacy for Early Childhood Character Building

Fitriani Jambak, Delfi Eliza
This study aims to develop a model picture book “Sumbang Kurenah” through literacy Minangkabau culture to build the character of early childhood especially in Group B. Sumbang kurenah designed in the form of picture books using the Minangkabau language aims to introduce children about the teaching culture,...
Proceedings Article

The Determining Factor of Good Governance on Government Office Tasikmalaya City

Sri Sudiarti, Nanang Rusliana, Yayat Karyana
This research aims to analyze the determining of good governance in Tasikmalaya city government. The type of research method used by the authors is a deskriftif and associative. The method of analysis is asosaiatif which aims to analyze the relationship of two or more variables. Based on the research...

Interventional Effect of “Group Therapy Based on Problem-Solving Therapy” on the Symptoms of Depression in High School Students

Jin Bin
OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of group therapy based on problem-solving therapy for high school students with depression intervention. METHODS: The grade ten students in Chao yang, Beijing were randomly selected for group therapy intervention based on problem-solving therapy. The intervention last...

Mechanism for Human Capital Replenishment in Agricultural Sector of Rural Economy

E.N. Belkina, M.V. Zaytseva, V.V. Kurennaya, A.T. Aydinova
Modern economy constantly faces new challenges of evolution. The most acute economic transformations are reflected in socially significant sectors of economy, where human participates most not only in obtaining results of activities, but also in the reproduction of resources for future development. The...

Towards a New Vision of Quality Early Childhood Education

Ali Formen
In this paper, I demonstrate the insufficiency of developmental knowledge as the framework of early childhood education quality. For this purpose, I analyse two documents that currently govern the practice of Indonesian early childhood education, the early childhood education standard and early childhood...

Employability Skills for Sustainable Development and Supporting Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Study for Polytechnic Curriculum Development

I Made Suarta, I Ketut Suwintana, I G P Fajar Pranadi Sudhana, Ni Kadek Dessy Hariyanti
Polytechnic plays an important role in preparing the workforce to meet the needs of industrial revolution 4.0. The 4.0 industrial revolution is characterized by the increasing role of digital technology and automation in business processes. This condition affects the shifting of the workplace environment...

The Role of Baitul Arqom in Developing Islamic Character Education

W.P Rahmatika Nur Aisyah, Rita Eka Izzaty
The purpose of this study is to describe the role of Baitul Arqom in instilling the foundation of Islamic character at the level of high school students. In this study the problem examined is the role of Baitul Arqom in instilling the Islamic character foundation of Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta High School...

Improvement of Women’s Economy in Maritime Tourism Areas in the Form of Culinary Processed Development

Najmi, Ridho Bayu Yefterson
This research explains about the potential and economic improvement of women in the maritime tourism area in Nagari, Nyalo Mudiak Aie River which is also included as one of the integrated tourist areas of the Mandeh Islands, XI Koto Tarusan District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province. Nagari...

The Influence of Village Fund and Its Allocation on Poverty Levels in Isolated Areas in Batulanteh District

Fitriah P. Cita, Sari Nurhanitah, Fahlia Fahlia, Diah A. Hasri, M.Rafi’I Sanjani
This study was aimed at analyzing the influence of the Village Fund (DD) and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) on the level of poverty of people in isolated areas in Batulanteh District. The data used in this research were the Poverty Rate, Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation, in which the data were...

Modelling the Number of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases in Indonesia using Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression

Rahmadi Yotenka, Alfazrin Banapon
Tuberculosis (TB) is still one of the world’s health problems which continues to be overcome today. Indonesia is a country that accounts for 8% of the number of TB cases in the world in the third highest position after India and China. Tuberculosis is one of the lower respiratory and infectious diseases...

Multi-folded N-Structures with Finite Degree and its Application in BCH- Algebras

Jeong-Gon Lee, Kul Hur, Young Bae Jun
Pages: 36 - 42
The generalization of N-structure is introduced first and then applied to BCH-algebra for research. The concepts of k-folded N-subalgebra, k-folded N-closed ideal and (closed) k-folded N-filter are introduced, and then their relations and several properties are investigated. Conditions for the k-folded...

Information Dilemma and Avoidance of Algorithmic News

JiaQi Zhang
In the era of intelligent media, with the innovation of modern technology equipment, the production and distribution of information become more and more rapid and convenient. New technologies such as big data and algorithmic news have changed the traditional information dissemination mode of centralized...

An Analysis of Speech Acts on Headlines Medan Newspaper

Desri Wiana, Ade Irma Khairani
This research entitled “An Analysis of Speech Acts on Headlines Medan Newspaper”. The object of this research focused on sentences containing speech acts on the headlines of Waspada Newspaper edited from May-July 2020. The purposes of this study were to determine the speech acts types and the pragmatic...
Proceedings Article

Control Design of Automatic Intelligent Car Washing Machine Based on PLC

Dongxu JING
With the vigorous development of China’s auto industry in recent years, car washing has become more and more important. In view of the high cost, low efficiency, low cleanliness, low automation and low water utilization rate of the current car wash industry, this paper designs a fully automatic car washing...
Proceedings Article

Profiling Intercultural Communication as Global Competence for Indonesian University Students

Melati, Nyimas Triyana Safitri, Lilik Ulfiati
The skill of Intercultural Communication is needed in today’s global world. This is due to the development of digital communication and the easy movement of people across the globe that increases the chances of people to meet and interact with others who are coming from different spheres of the world....

What Can Be Done by Overconfidence Bias and Optimism Bias on Investor Decisions?

Suhono, Nugraha
This study aims to analyze the relationship between overconfidence bias and optimism of investment decision bias. One approach of investors is to support investment decisions by integrating excessive trust in reasoning, judgment, cognitive abilities, and emotions. To benefit from investment activities,...

The Transformation of the Dhukutan Oral Tradition into a Dance Film

A Challenge and Opportunity in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

Asep Yudha Wirajaya, Bani Sudardi, Istadiyantha, Bagus Kurniawan
Dhukutan is one of the oral traditions that still exist in the Lawu Highlands. In fact, during the prolonged exposure of the COVID-19 pandemic, this tradition has still survived and been implemented even with restrictions in all things. However, its existence cannot be separated from the life of the...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Cataract and Plant Extracts-Based Natural Products: A Review

Feriyani, Darmawi, Rodiah Rahmawaty Lubis, Ummu Balqis, Hady Maulanza
Cataracts are of concern to the world as one of the diseases that cause blindness. Diabetes mellitus has a relationship with cataracts due to hyperglycemia through polyol pathways that are converted to sorbitol by the aldose reductase enzyme. Polyol pathway has implications for the pathogenesis of the...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Emotional and Eye-Hand Coordination Ability Towards Passing Ability in Volleyball

Tjung Hauw Sin, Imam Prasetia
The problem in this study is the lack of passing ability on volleyball in class X students of Adabiah Padang High School, this study aims to determine the correlation between emotional and eye-hand coordination to the passing ability of volleyball on class X students of Adabiah Padang High School. This...

Blended Learning Methods (Youtube, I-Learn, Zoom Application) in Operation Research Subject

Winny Alna Marlina, Devi Yulia Rahmi, Rizki Antoni
Operations Research is a compulsory subject in Management Department, Faculty of Economics of University Andalas. During Covid-19, the teaching methods migrated online through the used of applications such as Youtube, Zoom and Whatsapp. The aim of this research is to know the best application according...

Time Management During Covid-19 Pandemic

The Effect of Students’ Time Management on Learning Outcomes in Basic Building Construction Course at State Vocational High School 5 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Mila Sari, Ilhamdaniah, Trias Megayanti
Students’ time management was one of the factors contributing to students’ learning outcomes. Time management during a forced-distance-learning was particularly interesting to be studied, since students were practicing it independently at home without teacher’s direct supervision. Therefore, students...

The Nexus Between Dynamic Capability and Islamic Financial Literacy Towards Innovation of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia

Popon Srisusilawati, Muhammad Iqbal Fasa, Sri Nurhayat, R. Berkah Anugrahwanto, Ahmad Wahyu Hidayat, Deddy Sulaimawan, Anggi Fitri, Siti Rahmayuni, Dwi Noviatul Zahra
This research focuses on exploring the determinants of business model innovations and contributing to research related to business model innovations. The novelty of the research model in the innovation business research model is to include the Islamic financial literacy variable. This research emphasizes...

Dynamic Analysis of Language Function from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics

Dawa Pengcuo, Fu Zhang
As a special phenomenon of human society, language is always accompanied with human beings. And it has always been in a dynamic and open ecosystem. It gives us a lot of inspiration. We must observe and discuss the interrelation and mutual influence between language and its surrounding environment as...

Research on Information Channel of Climate Change Risk Perception of Shaanxi People

Si Wen Xue, Qi Zhou
Pages: 36 - 44
We take Shaanxi Province as the research area, aiming at exploring the information channel or path of climate change risk perception of Shaanxi people. It is desirable for us to carry out information channel or path classification of climate change risk perception based on survey data involving 5493...

The Digital Promotion Strategy of Tourism Sector Towards Sustainable Tourism Development

Erna Susanti, Deni Amelia
The development of technology and communication is rapidly increased. It is in line with the increasing number of internet users in the world. This gives opportunities for business people to market their business online, as well as the opportunity for the government to promote its strategic sectors,...
Research Article

Call for Awareness: ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Presentation is Delayed more than What We Expect

Owayed Al Shammeri, Hala El-Saka, Bushra E. Al-Hutahly, Alaa E. Abd Elmoniem
Pages: 36 - 39
Background: ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) therapy in Saudi Arabia may have particular limitations because of geographic limitations, human resource distribution, and lack of an effective first response system. The aim of this study is to investigate the effective age of STEMI in...

The Development of E-Module Biomolecules for Enzyme Integration of Project Based Learning Models in Accordance With the KKNI Curriculum

Vina Rezekyah Hasibuan, Murniaty Simorangkir, Ajat Sudrajat
The Development of electronic learning media needs to be done in accordance with technological developments. The purpose of this study is to obtain the integrated enzyme bio molecular electronic module of project based learning models according to the KKNI curriculum in an effort to increase student...
Proceedings Article

Regulating Electronic Cigarettes: A Content Analysis of Indonesian News Articles

Zahratul Laili, Suci Puspita Ratih, Dien Anshari, Rita Damayanti, Hilal Salim Al Shamsi, Abdullah Ghthaith Almutairi, Sulaiman
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are not harmless as stated by World Health Organization (WHO). Several countries have applied regulations on e-cigarette and some others have banned e-cigarette sell. Indonesia has applied tax on e-liquid but there is no comprehensive regulation on the devices. This...

Influence of Benevolent Sexism on the Stereotype of Women

Take Laundry and Automotive Advertisement as Examples

Ruowei Yu
Gender inequality has become a severe problem with the development of digital media, including advertising. Although women appearing in advertisements now have multi-dimensional characteristics than before, gender sexism still exists in today’s advertisements seriously. This research attempts to discuss...

The Curriculum Setting and Teaching Practice of “Scientific Japanese Literature Reading” in Universities

Feng Li
Under the guidance of the demand for interdisciplinary foreign language talents, many Japanese majors in colleges and universities have also set up the course of scientific Japanese. However, the setting mode of comprehensive knowledge content learning is mostly adopted and there is no separation between...

Proposed PT PLN (Persero) Marketing Capability to Realize Induction Stove as A Preferable Option for LPG Substitution and Electrifying Lifestyle Growth

Rizda Noverita, Dr Jacob Silas Mussry
The Government of Indonesia has been concerned about the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) subsidy burden since the supplies from domestic refineries have become limited in recent years. Meanwhile, it can be freely bought by all segments, instead of only being accessible for the poor. Therefore, the government...

Exploratory Research on the Myth of Batik Gentongan in Tanjung Bumi

Indah Purnama Sari, Zaeni Miftah
Batik Gentongan was an ancient and endangered cultural heritage, only existed in Tanjung Bumi, Madura. This research analyzed the myth behind the making process of batik Gentongan, and how the myth colored people’s life. The data was explored through an exploratory approach and collected by observations,...