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188667 articles

Analysis of Marketing Strategy Based on the Entrepreneurial History of Yunnan Changtai Technology Co., Ltd.

Jingkun Zhao, Mei Xu, Qiangnan Zhan
With the depletion of traditional fossil fuels, solar energy has become one of the most promising alternative energy sources. Solar water heaters are devices that collect solar radiation and convert it into heat. The world's industrial and economic boom has been followed by rising energy consumption....

Research on the Construction and Practice of Educational System of TCSOL Serving to the Belt and Road

Bing Han, Jinhua Zhang
The proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative has higher requirements for the developing international education of Chinese language and cultivating Chinese language teachers. This paper mainly takes the undergraduate students as the research object and discusses the construction of the educational system...
Proceedings Article

Booklet and Support from Husband to Exclusive Breastfeeding

Ditya Fahlevi Safitri, Sari Hastuti, Hesty Widyasih
One of the most influential factors in exclusive breastfeeding is the husband’s support. Giving booklet becomes one way to increase husband’s knowledge, attitude, and support toward breastfeeding. The aims of this study were to identify the effect of giving booklet on husband’s knowledge, attitude, and...

The Effect of Activity, Firm Growth, and Intellectual Capital to Predict Financial Distress (An Empirical Study on Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Malaysia Stock Exchange in 2015-2017)

Ietje Nazaruddin, Ryan Ananda Daulay
This research aimed to determine the effect of activity, sales growth and intellectual capital, to predict financial distress on manufacture company in Indonesia and Malaysia. Samples of the research were manufacture companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and Malaysia Stock Exchange in 2015-2017....

The cross-border Kuzbass: diversification into international trade and sustainable development paths

О Seklecova, O Komarcheva, O Konshina
The presence of reserves of natural resources is an absolute advantage of the development of the region, using which it is important not to be limited only to the export of raw materials. The balance of foreign exchange is necessary to ensure the development of all sectors of the economy. Diversification...

Is it Beneficial Exposing Students to Senior?

Ni Wayan Suriastini, Ragil Safitri, Titis Putra Ambarwati, Nadia Fitriani, Bondan Sikoki
The population of elderly increases significantly, especially in Indonesia. This condition has driven the government to initiate age-friendly city and community. Based on the study on age-friendly city conducted by SurveyMETER and CAS UI (2013), most dimensions of age-friendly city proposed by WHO have...

The Application and Innovation of the New Media in the Management of the University Students and the Party Construction

Yao Ding
in the current life and study of college students, WeChat, Weibo and other new media play an important role in life and learning, improve the dissemination of information, and effectively improve the quality of life and style of students. In the process of running a school, colleges and universities...

Strategy Analysis of Physical Exercise Promoting College Students’ Physical Health under the Background of Healthy China

Zili Niu
This paper, regarding college students’ physical exercise as the research object, studies the effect of physical exercise on college students’ physical health, current status and dilemma of its carrying out in colleges and universities with the method of literature to seek the implementation strategy...

Questionnaire and Analysis of Microwave Technology Course for College Students

Cheng-Guang Sun
Study of teaching effect for microwave technology course is developed in this paper. To receive the learning attitude of this course, a questionnaire is designed and tested for college students major in electronic information science and technology. According to answers of the questionnaire, corresponding...

Non-Traditional Security: Civic Literacy Reinforcement and Community Engagement

Rusnaini Rusnaini, Erna Yuliandari
Indonesia has a problem of non-traditional security threats. Therefore, the state needs human resources that can solve the national and local problems that encompass it. This working paper aims to explain the idea of improving civic literacy of non-traditional security threats in Indonesia. The method...

The Unique Things of Gifted Children Development

Syari Yuliana
Gifted children have an over excitability (superstimulatibility) development in the growing aspect of growth. The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of the development of gifted children from five aspects of development namely: cognitive, motor, social, emotional, language and moral ethics....
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of Illegal Gold Mining Toward The Implementation of Farming Rice Based on The Ecological Dimension in Merangin Regency Jambi Province

Erwan Wahyudi, Firdaus Firdaus
Merangin regency has become one of main areas in Jambi province with rampant illegal gold mining in the Rice Production areas for the last three years, giving a negative impact on the rice farming existing around the mine area. This research study aimed to identify the sustainability of farming rice...
Proceedings Article

Parameter Calibration and Image Reconstruction of CT System

Mingxing Deng, Xiaodong Xie, Binke Xia, Tianhao Li
In this paper, a single target fitting optimization model for parameter calibration of CT system was built based on the least square principle in combination with the attenuation rule of X-ray in media and the related theory of Radon transform. Applying this model to problem A of CUMCM in 2017, based...

An Approach to the Cultivation Pattern for Business English Writing Ability

Guobin Le, Songdan Guo
As an ESP, Business English is strongly characterized by practicality and professionality. In practice, English output ability, namely oral and written expression ability, is the key to the success of business English teaching. By means of the task-based teaching method and guided by the memetics, this...

A Review of China- Pakistan Economic Corridor and Tourism Opportunities

Faiza Manzoor, Longbao Wei
One Belt One Road is China initiative, its aims to create the world’s largest platform for economic cooperation, including policy coordination, trade and financing collaboration, and social and cultural cooperation. OBOR is a modern equivalent, creating a network of railways, roads, pipelines, and utility...

Conflict in Achieving "Victory Stage of Multi-Level Marketing"

Retno Andriati
Multi-level marketing (MLM) business trading model and global business which can penetrate countries border and local culture boundary. The objective of this study is to explore the utilization of different cultural background in MLM business and conflict variation in achieving “victory stage” from economics...

Similarity Measurement Of Segmented Image Using Euclidean Distance Method

Meira Parma Dewi, Silfinia, Dewi Murni
This research aim to measure the similarity of two image. The similarity measurement is used to get the original image of the segmented image. The query image is an image that suspected to get undergone a change. The query image must be segmented first before measuring process. The similarity measurement...
Proceedings Article

Soil Physic and Chemistry Characteristics on Pesticide Application of Soybean Land in Jombang, Lamongan and Probolinggo

Mahanani Tri Asri, Tarzan Purnomo, Yuliani Yuliani, Fida Rachmadiarti, Evie Ratnasari
Applications of pesticides on crop land have been used by soybean land farmer in Jombang, Lamongan and Probolinggo in order to control pest. Pesticide application of soybean land influence physic and chemistry soil, against growth of plant furthermore. This study aimed to identify soil physic and chemistry...

The Health Communication Orientation of Poor Community in Rural Areas on West Bandung District, West Java

Asep Suryana, Tinne Silvana, Dedi Rumawan Erlandia
The long-term goal of this research is to form a health-oriented communication model for the poor people in West Bandung District (Kabupaten Bandung Barat), West Java. The specific purpose is to know about perception of very poor household (Rumah Tangga Sangat Miskin/RTSM) of health problem. In this...

Microteaching Program Based on Islamic Values

Zainal Asril, Z. Mawardi Efendi, Eri Berlian, Jalius Jama
Microteaching is one of training concept that can be applied at various pre-service and in-service stage in the professional development of teacher, and also prepare the teacher to be professional teacher. The purpose of this research is to develop microteaching learning model for Education of Islamic...

Selective synchronization of coupled bifurcating neurons for phase shift of background oscillation

Akihiro Yamaguchi, Yutaka Yamaguti, Masao Kubo
Pages: 79 - 82
Synchronization in coupled bifurcating neurons was studied from the view point of the selective formation of cell assembly. The bifurcating neuron is a simple chaotic neuron that exhibits chaotic inter-spike interval dynamics via the addition of sinusoidal background oscillation. In this research, we...

The Criminal Responsibility on the Under Age Children Exploitation in Indonesia

Aras Firdaus
Crimes that occur in the community consist of various forms that develop according to the times. One of the crimes that often occur around us is the exploitation of children. It is prohibited by legislation in Indonesia. In Article 13 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, it is stated...
Proceedings Article

Research on Global Energy Optimization Allocation Mechanism in the Background of Global Energy Internet

Ming Zeng, Tong Yan, Zhuhan Long, Liying Wang, Chenjun Sun
The Global Energy Internet aims to build a new global energy optimal configuration that focuses on clean energy and electricity. This paper studies the global energy configuration mechanism in the context of the Global Energy Internet. First, qualitatively analyze the Global Energy Internet's contribution...

Copyright Protection of Authors on Indexed Journal

Budi Hermono, Muh Ali Masnun, Indri Fogar Susilowati
Publication of scientific work is a manifestation of the fulfillment of Tridharma college lecturers in universities. Scientific publication is the result of the review of scientific research as well as lecturers in accordance with its competence. Ministry research, technology and higher education are...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Properties of Skin Care Cream Containing Essential Oil of Galangal

I Gusti Made Sanjaya, Ismono Ismono, Titik Taufikurohmah, Andika Pramudya Wardana
A research has been conducted on development and physicochemical characterization of skin care cream containing essential oils of galangal. The skin care cream containing essential oils of galangal developed consists of a red galangal cream that utilizes the essential oil ingredients extracted from red...

Billing System Design of Cloud Services

Benzhi Sui, Qiuquan Li, Jun Wen, Yuanzhe Yao
Cloud computing can provide scalable computing power, storage space, and information services for a variety of applications. It has dynamic scalability, fault-tolerance and availability, which require a large number of nodes to provide support. Providing corresponding compensation mechanisms for the...

Research on the Cultivation of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Ability of Information Management and Information System Major

Biyu Qin
The aim of this study is to strengthen the cultivation of students' independent innovation and practice ability in information management and information system major, improves students' comprehensive quality and promote the development of this major. This paper analyzed the current situation and existing...

Completed Representation of Electronic School Book (ESB) on Physics Subjects at Senior High School

Irfan Yusuf, Sri Widyaningsih, Imelda Mallipa
This study aims to describe the completeness of the Electronic School Book (ESB) on physics subjects at high school. This research was descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted by selecting 21 ESB books available on the website of the central office of the Ministry of Education and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Renewable Energy in Shandong Province

Hongtao Liu, Yingwei Chi, Li Xue, Dengfeng Xu, Jinxiao Li
Shandong is a major province located in eastern China, which has large population, prosperous economy and great energy consumption. For better development, more information should be gathered for politic making or energy planning. In this paper, a large amount of information was searched on bibliographic...

Analysis and strategy research on college students' interpersonal communication barriers

Na Li
Problems of interpersonal communication has become one of the main troubling problems of the college students. How to avoid or eliminate the psychological stress, the psychological crisis and psychological barriers caused by psychological pressure, promote psychosomatic health, adapt to the current social...
Proceedings Article

Determination of potassium content in potassium nitrate used for fireworks and firecrackers based on Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRF

Jun-yi Wu
Methods used for the determination of potassium content in potassium nitrate are mostly based on traditional chemical method, which is lengthy and cumbersome. If inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry or atomic absorption spectrometry are used to determine the potassium with high content, the...

Study on the Transition of Land in the Palih Baru Village

Suprapto Suprapto, Brian L. Djumaty
In this study used a qualitative descriptive method to describe the dynamics that occur when people make buying and selling land. From this research there were some problems encountered such as; 1). Certificates owned by the community do not have a clear boundary location. 2). National land agency does...
Proceedings Article

Experimental study on optimization of water reducer in pumping concrete

Qiansheng Yuan
The different water reducers have different suitability and different influence of performance with concrete mixture. Combined with the engineering practice, 3 kinds of naphthalene-based water reducer (NSR) and 4 kinds of polycarboxylate-based water reducer (PC) were selected as the objects. The saturation...

Acquisition of Single Sentence by Children 4 Years Old through Traditional Games

Yulianti RASYID, Utami Dewi PRAMESTI
The purpose of this paper is to describe the acquisition of singular sentences by child aged 4 years while playing traditional games in Parak Laweh. This research is a case study with qualitative-descriptive method. The data of this study are the clauses and sentences spoken by a child when interacting...

Integrating Disaster Mitigation Education in the Elementary School Curriculum

Dholina Inang Prambudi
The disaster mitigation education aims to impart knowledge and skills in reducing the risk disasters, in other words, it is a preventive measure to reduce the impacts of disasters by building the awareness through education and increasing the capability of facing the disasters with a specific application...

Developing a Religious Based Coaching Model to Address Problems Faced by Prisoners at First Class Detention Center Makassar

Muhammadong, Abdul Hadis, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi
The purpose of this research is to overcome the problems faced by prisoners in Class 1 Makassar Detention Center so that the inmates will not tend to do anarchic actions and devote themselves when in the middle of society. The target of this research to be achieved is the inmates can change their mindset...
Proceedings Article

Improvement Research on Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) Can-Hammering Mechanism Control of Three-Piece Can

Zongtan Zhou, Xu Zhou
Three-piece can is also known as SPTE three-piece can. Due to the whole can being composed of can body, bottom and cap, it is called three-piece can. It is the common metal container used in food, beverage and other industries. Three-piece can making technology has been applied and developed for almost...
Proceedings Article

Facile One-Pot Ultrasound-Assisted Reduction Synthesis of Pd/C Nanocatalyst for Green Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling

Jiazhe Li, Xuefeng Bai
Palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs) supported on active carbon was prepared via ultrasonically treating Pd precursors in ethylene glycol without any protective agents. The Pd/C nanocatalysts were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy...

Deficiency of Material Description in Islamic Manuscripts of Thesaurus of Indonesian Islamic Manuscripts (TIIM)

Alfida Alfida
The increasing of digital surrogates programs for Islamic manuscripts in recent years gives positive things in protecting manuscripts value as both cultural heritage and an academic source. Thesaurus of Indonesian Islamic Manuscripts has long been done the program. The creation of this finding aid allows...

Global Economicand Local Communities In Development (Case Study Of Mbah Priok Graveyard Conflict)

Muhammad Ismail
The development of the global economy has had a positive and negative impact, Indonesia is as part of the developing countries that have experienced global economic process have had the impact. Conflict of seizure for Mbah Priok graveyard in 2010 between Pelindo II is the impact in implementing economic...

Research on the Reform of Education under the Background of Big Data

Jiang Pan
With the innovation of Internet technology, big data begins to spread to various industries and fields, affects people's knowledge system and way of life. In the era of big data, how to stimulate and use the undiscovered value of data and achieve innovation in education, economics, transportation, medical...
Proceedings Article

Brief Discussion on Selection of Flocculant in Sewage Treatment

Feng-li Zhou, Bo Zhang
The sewage treatment system adopts polymerize aluminum chloride (PAC for short) as a flocculant. In the process of selecting flocculant, various factors such as cost, operation, influent water quality, equipment and so on are comprehensively taken into account. A certain sewage treatment work has selected...
Proceedings Article

Protein of Sarcoptes Scabiei var.Caprae Inducing Rabbit's Immune Response and Toll-Like Receptor-2 (TLR-2) as Marker

Nunuk Dyah Retno Lastuti, Fedik Abdul Rantam, Pudji Hastutiek, Dony Chrismanto
This research aims are to detect S.scabiei var.caprae antigenic protein which can induce cellular immune response in rabbit as acquired immunity with TLR-2 as marker. This research was performed in several stages i.e soluble protein S.scabiei var.caprae mites extraction; rabbit immunization by inoculating...

Making An Apple Motif On Painted Hijab Originated From Malang For Female Prisoners

Selena Johanna Putri, Fira Dia Ayu Candra, Nurul Hidayah, Agus Hery Supadmi Irianti
Painted-hijab training which conducted in correctional institution for women in Sukun, Malang, was followed by 30 prisoners. This training aimed to give skill training for prisoner after they are free from punishment. After attending this training, it is possible for the participants to create new job...
Proceedings Article

Characterizing the Impact of DDoS Attack on Inter-domain Routing System: A Case Study of the Dyn Cyberattack

Yujing Liu, Zhilin Wang, Nan Li
The inter-domain routing protocol BGP is sensitive to severe network congestion. In order to study the reliability of BGP under stress, we take the Dyn cyberattack on October 21st, 2016 as a study case to characterize the impact of DDoS attack on inter-domain routing system. We propose several metrics...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Automatic Control System in Mechanical Engineering

Kaihong Xie
With the continuous innovation and development of science and technology in our country, the automation control system has gradually infiltrated into various industries in the society. The automation control system plays a very important role in the modern mechanical engineering. In this paper, the mechanical...

Analysis of Student Errors in Constructing Holistic Rubric Based on SOLO Taxonomy

Rosita Dwi Ferdiani, Nur Farida
The aim of this research is to analyze student errors in constructing a holistic rubric based on SOLO taxonomy. This research employs qualitative research methodology. The subject of this research is students of mathematics education program. The consideration in selecting the subject is based on the...
Proceedings Article

Explicit Spatial-Temporal Simulation of a Rare Disease

Ling Bian, T Whalen, M Cohen, Y. Huang, G. Lee, E. Lim, L. Mao, Y. Yan
This paper reports on the use of possibility theory and agent based explicit spatio-temporal simulation to compare the effects on each of three real communities given the assumption that a rare disease is carried out of a hypothetical high containment biological research laboratory sited in that community....
Proceedings Article

Restricted dissimilarity functions and penalty functions

Humberto Bustince, Javier Fernandez, Radko Mesiar, Anna Pradera, Gleb Beliakov
In this work we introduce the definition of restricted dissimilarity functions and we link it with some other notions, such as metrics. In particular, we also show how restricted dissimilarity functions can be used to build penalty functions.
Proceedings Article

Simulation of Liesegang Pattern Formation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method in three Dimensions

Wei Qiang, Hui Cao
The Liesegang pattern formation in three dimensional reaction-diffusion systems is numerically simulated using a lattice Boltzmann method. The reaction and diffusion processes are characterized using the multicomponent lattice Boltzmann equation with three dimensions and fifteen directions. The precipitation...