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188734 articles
Proceedings Article

To Establish File System in Industrial Storage Management

Huizhong Liu
Aiming at the Nand flash which is widely used in industrial storage management, the embedded file system named "jkffs" is established. In "jkffs", a direct addressing algorithm is described; tnode-tree, variable-tnodelength are used to address most kinds of nand flash; the method of chunk group is mentioned...

The Effect of Six Thinking Hats and Critical Thinking on Speaking Achievement

Ummu Hani, Ismail Petrus, Margaretha Dinar Sitinjak
The Six Thinking Hats (STH) is an interesting strategy, which requires students to think and discuss an issue from different points of view. The objectives of this study were to find out the students' speaking achievement after being taught by the STH, the interaction effect of STH and critical thinking...

Synchronization Between Act of Governance Administration and Act of Administrative Court to Develop Good Governance

Ayu Putriyanti
This paper aimed to analyze Act No 30 The Year 2014 of Governance Administration is the material law to Acts of Administrative Court, as we knew the Acts No 5 Year 1986 of Administrative Court as procedural law . Some articles in Act No 30 Year 2014 are new and as guidance to implement the governance...

Realistic demand and route choice of archives management in Colleges and universities in the information age

Jie Lin
With the advent of the information age, the archives management in Colleges and universities is facing the challenge from the reality. College archives management is the most important part of the daily work in Colleges and universities, and it can measure the management level of colleges and universities....

A Study on the Mechanism and Path of Cultural Creative Industry Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan

Mei Chiao Lai, Xiao Chun Chen, Hong Jun Ou, Shih Ming Ou
Culture creative industry is an important starting point to support and lead the economic structure optimization and upgrading. The purpose of the study is to use focus group interviews to figure out the mechanism and path of cultural creative industry cooperation. The study found that the key successful...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Expression Ways of Core Elements for Scientific Articles

Shuhui Wang, Yanping Niu, Caijuan Shang, Shengfeng Wang, Feifei Shang
Both introduction and conclusion are important links of a scientific article, and their related successful description is a crucial factor in quality of the article. This paper is intended to analyze and summarize the key principles needing to be noticed in writing of introduction and conclusion, and...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Image De-blur Algorithm based on Wavelet Packet Transform Model and Framework

Xinxin Xie, Wenzhun Huang
In this paper, we propose the novel image de-blur algorithm based on the wavelet packet transform model and the framework. Wavelet analysis has the characteristics of the multi-resolution, multi-scale, when it is applied to basic image enhancement, wavelet coefficient on different scales in different...

Integrity of Photography in Visual Communication

Husaini Yaacob, Salinatin Mohamad-Saleh
Integrity is truthful and unaffected quality. Truthful images in visual communication are aligned with an ethical photography code of ethics. Since the long time ago even during World War II, images had been the tools for propaganda to affect the mind of the public and cause behavioral change among the...

The Middle Class is Us: Measuring Indonesian Middle Class

Ketut Krisna, Turro S. Wongkaren
This research has two main objectives, which are: (1) to test the appropriateness of existing measurements in identifying class status and (2) to identify Indonesian middle class using a new approach that combines economic and noneconomic measures. The results show that the size of middle class that...
Proceedings Article

Issues in Microbial Risk Assessment

M. Cohen, T. Taylor, Jr. T. Whalen
Microbial risk assessment is the quantita-tive (or qualitative) characterization of the potential health effects of a particular mi-croorganism on individuals or populations. Practical public health policy/decisions to-day requires rethinking traditional ap-proaches in how microbial risk assessments...
Proceedings Article

Blind Image Separation Based on an Optimized Fast Fixed Point Algorithm

Wei Yuan, Liyi Zhang
An optimized fast fixed point algorithm based on modified Newton iteration method has been proposed. With good performance of the blind image separation, the optimized algorithm can improve the convergence speed greatly. We proposed a new adaptive enhancement parameter to enhance the separated images...
Proceedings Article

Visualization of Vector Data on Global Scale Terrain

Baosong Deng, Dong Xu, Jinxia Zhang, Chiyang Song
Vector represents a major category of data managed by GIS, which is traditionally used for representing geographic entities such as political borders, roads, rivers and cadastral information. In this paper we present a key data structure and associated render-time algorithm for the combined display of...

The Enlightenment of American Unemployment Insurance System to China

Xinxin Zhang, Siye Qiu
Unemployment insurance system has played an irreplaceable role in stabilizing the society since it was established in 1986, rallying the people, creating a good development environment, and promoting institutional reform and economic as well as social development. However, the rapid development of the...

Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Organizational Trust

Xinying Huang, Lihua Guo
Based on the theory of social exchange, this paper explores the effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational citizenship behavior from the perspective of employee perception and studies the impact mechanism, that is, the intermediary role of organizational trust. The statistical analysis...

The Representation of Javanese Culture in the “Knight Kris” Animated Movie: Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Analysis

Arjuna Bangsawan, Anik Juwariyah
Knight Kris is an animated movie released in 2017 in fantasy genre. However, in the setting of the story, the characterization and the theme contain of Javanese cultural elements. The focus in this study is how the signs of Javanese culture were represented in Knight Kris animated movie and what are...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Vulnerability of Natural Disasters in Coastal Cities and Assessment of the Construction of Flexible Cities

Kaiyuan Wang, MaoNing He
With the expansion of urban population and economic development, the hidden dangers of disasters are increasing, and the disaster factors are constantly expanding and intensifying. Especially in coastal cities, because of the interaction between climate and land and sea, coastal cities are both pregnant...

Study on the Challenges of China’s Innovative Country Construction—From the Perspective of National Innovation Capability and Competitiveness

Gou Ling, Li Shiming, Liu Hui, Tang Min, Shen Yan
To make China an Innovative Country is an important target in recent years. Based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) and Global Innovation Index (GII), this paper studies the current situation of China’s innovative country construction. Furthermore, the innovation deviation index (IDI) is constructed,...

The Development of Under the Volley Passing Material Learning Models in Elementary School Students in Medan City

Ayumi Adetya, Amir Supriadi, Tarsyad Nugraha
These studies are developmental studies that aim to produce learning model products. The subjects of the small group trial were 24 students of Public Elementary School 060927 Medan, the subjects of the large group trial consisted of 44 students from the Public Elementary School 060928 Medan. The ultimate...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Mathematics Anxiety in Solving Mathematical Problems of Logarithms Material

Istifada Hayati, Istifada Nurul Hayati, Budiyono Budiyono, Isnandar Slamet
The process of learning mathematics, anxiety is a supporting and inhibiting factor for student learning achievement, especially in learning logarithm material. Difficulties in the form of anxiety are one of the emotional factors of students. Anxiety can also be a useful stimulus because each student...
Research Article

The addition of whole-body vibration to a lifestyle modification on arterial stiffness in overweight and obese women

Asako Miyaki, Seiji Maeda, Youngju Choi, Nobuhiko Akazawa, Yoko Tanabe, Rina So, Kiyoji Tanaka, Ryuichi Ajisaka
Pages: 85 - 91
Background: Increased arterial stiffness is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Arterial stiffness increases in obese individuals as compared to normal weight. While weight loss by calorie-restriction alone decreases arterial stiffness in obesity, it decreases muscle mass. Resistance...
Conference Abstract


Jeannette Goudzwaard, Nahid El Faquir, Nicolas van Mieghem, Marjo de Ronde-Tillmans, Mattie Lenzen, Peter de Jaegere, Francesco Mattace-Raso
Pages: 85 - 85
Background: Both aortic valve stenosis as aortic stiffness are moderators of arterio-ventricular coupling and independent predictors of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Studies on the effect of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) on hemodynamic parameters are limited. We performed a...

Exploring the Path on Cultivating Students’ Innovation Ability in Private Normal University

Haixia Wu
The cultivation elements of innovation ability were analyzed, and the importance of practical teaching to the cultivation of students’ innovative ability in private normal university was determined. Based on practical teaching, the “four levels” and “double strengthening” innovation ability training...

Empowering Women through Batik Training in Dolly's Ex-Localization Area

Aniendya Christianna, Mariana Wibowo, Poppy Firtatwentyna NIlasari
A lot of batik trainings have been done by the Surabaya city government, but batik craftsmen have never received training in the creative process of producing batik motifs. They do not have the confidence to draw their own batik motifs. During this time, they only imitated existing images (from television,...

Building Brand Awareness Through Film Narrative

Irwan Tarmawan
Film becomes one of the commodities that build brand awareness through product placement, films that combines product messages with stories in the film’s narration gives the message value naturally from scenes in the film. The relationship between product placement and storytelling in film narratives...

Marketing Approach on Competitive Advantage of Online-Based Public Transportation

Muhammad Iffan
The aim of this research is to determine the competitive advantage using marketing approach of online-based public transportation. Marketing approach used in this research is a service marketing mix that includes product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence. The method used...

A Hybrid Method for Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Multimodal Deep Learning

Shengdong Du, Tianrui Li, Xun Gong, Shi-Jinn Horng
Pages: 85 - 97
Traffic flow forecasting has been regarded as a key problem of intelligent transport systems. In this work, we propose a hybrid multimodal deep learning method for short-term traffic flow forecasting, which can jointly and adaptively learn the spatial–temporal correlation features and long temporal interdependence...

Using the Complex of Educational and Diagnostic Tasks in the Formation of Parenting Competencies in Future Primary School Teachers in the Process of Vocational Training at the University

E Kochetova, Е Gutsu, N Demeneva, T Mayasova
The effectiveness of the practical implementation of the competency model in the system of higher education largely depends on the selection of methods that ensure that participants (educators, students) are informed about the results of the process of forming competencies. This implies both the selection...

Fraud Pentagon as a Measurement Tool for Detecting Financial Statements Fraud

K. Fuad, A.B. Lestari, R.T. Handayani
Financial statement fraud is a fundamental problem for companies, and it requires various efforts to prove fraud. Companies that are indicated to do financial statement fraud can be one of the reasons for investors to hesitate in investing. Financial statement fraud has a long-term effect that is detrimental...

Effectiveness of Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media with Scaffolding Approach to Improve Students’ Tolerance and Students’ Self-Regulated Learning

Suparno, Erlin Evelin, Sukardiyono, Tri Utami
Research has been conducted which aims to determine the effect of the use (IPMLM) with the scaffolding approach to improve students’ tolerance and students’ self regulated learning in the Bima city and Pontianak city. The study was conducted using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. XI grade students...

On the Design Strategy and Value of Cultivating Integrity Behavior in Characterized Moral Education Games

Yuehua Chen, Qiuhong Fan
This paper mainly discusses the strategy design of the combination of role-playing games and integrity education from three perspectives: role attributes, situation triggers and feedback. Integrating integrity elements with roles and situations, and providing more behavioral stimuli to players by external...

Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Teaching Factory Implementation in Preparing Work Competence in Era 4.0

Marniati, Lutfiyah Hidayati, Peppy Mayasari
Industry 4.0 demands accuracy, speed and minimizes errors in production activities. The Garment Teaching Factory (TEFA) at Vocational School is a part of the activities in the industry where the implementation involves Vocational School, Industry, Teachers and Students. The research model uses quantitative...

Exploration of Design Ideas of Local Cultural and Creative Products Based on Traditional Culture

Wu Ke
In order to further promote traditional culture, the State Council issued a policy to comprehensively revive traditional culture, and triggered the “Opinions on the Implementation of the Project of Inheritance and Development of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture”. Local traditional culture is an...

The Effectiveness of Students’ Critical Thinking in Learning at IAKN

Tianggur Medi Napitupulu
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of students’ critical thinking at Christian Religion Education (PAK) Department of IAKAN Tarutung, who were learning in Semester V in academic year of 2016/2017.This research hypothesis: “There is a positive and significant influence between...

Report on Labour in Human Resources Management System

Liudmyla Lovinska, Yevheniia Kaliuha, Iryna Kryshtopa, Liliia Korytnik, Anna Umerova
Statistical reporting is a source of information support, comprehensive assessment, monitoring of social and labour activity for operational and strategic management of an enterprise, region, industry, state for obtaining reliable and complete information on organization, use of labour, social and labour...

Current Criminal and Legal Policy in Russia with Regard to Penalization and Depenalization: Between Press and Compromise

A.I. Korobeev, R.I. Dremliuga
This study focuses on the current stage of development of the criminal policy in Russia in the context of penalization and depenalization processes. Penalization and depersonalization processes of an overall character have been analyzed in detail, thanks to which repression must be constantly brought...

Research on the Influence of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on the Degree and Speed of Underlying Stock Information Response

Yanliang Zhang, Qingchao Bai, Leya Zhang
In order to study the impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on the degree and speed of underlying stock information response, the information content index and the price adjustment delay of the price calculation based on the stock price synchronization are used as the measure of the degree and speed...

Research on the Practice of College Grade Weekly Meeting Based on the Problem-Oriented

Yuxi Niu
As the characteristic carrier and important way of school ideological and political work, grade weekly meeting plays an active role in college counselors to do a good job in students’ safety and stability, build a harmonious campus and promote students’ all-round development. However, the survey found...

Risk Analysis of Tower a Development in Surabaya “X” Project

Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, Nugroho Priyo Negoro, Aldia Wira Trispantia, Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa, Geodita Woro Bramanti
The construction of Tower A in Surabaya’s “X” Project is one of the largest projects owned by PT X with a construction period of four years. The long period of development will certainly lead to various types of risks that can affect the development of the Surabaya “X” Project. This study aims to identify,...

Research on the Practical Path of “Internet + Social Work” in Spiritual Comfort of Lonely Old People

Yang Qian, Wang Zhen
The increasing number of the elderly population has made the issue of old age a hot spot of social concern. The issues of old age care, employment, daily care and survival are frequently discussed, but the spiritual aspects are often neglected by people, however, due to their weak position, the problem...

Development of Web-Based Disaster Preparedness Knowledge Measurement Instruments Using the Wondershare Quiz Creator Software

Rima Meilita Sari, Ridhwan, Sumarmi
The high risk of natural disasters in Indonesia awakens all parties to the importance of disaster mitigation. One of such efforts is increasing disaster literacy ability. The purpose of this study was to develop a valid, reliable and practical disaster preparedness knowledge test. This research used...

The Analysis of Food Security and Vulnerability in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abdul Bashir, Taufiq Marwa, K. M. Husni Thamrin
This study to investigate food security and vulnerability through ten indicators which are grouped into three dimensions of food security, namely (1) food availability; (2) food access; and (3) utilization (food consumption, health, and nutrition) in South Sumatra. The study sites were perform in three...

The Effects of Multiple Directorship, Tenure, and Age of Board of Directors on Corporate Value

Lusiana Lusiana, Nila Pratiwi, Zefriyenni Zefriyenni, Rio Andhika Putra, Winda Fierza Vironica
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of multiple directorships, tenure, and age of board of directors on corporate value. Multiple directorships, tenure, and age were used as independent variables, and corporate value became the dependent variable. Two variables were used as control,...

Literature Visualization Analysis of Domestic Technology Transfer Research Based on UCINET

Zetao Zhang, Ersi Liu
Based on the bibliometrics software UCINET, a visual analysis was conducted on 898 papers with CSSCI in CNKI journal database from 2000 to 2019 by using the method of social network analysis. It is found that domestic technology transfer mainly focuses on the concept and function, mode and mechanism,...

The Enlightenment of Chinese Innovation Education—STEM

Zi-Liang An, Ning Wang, Wen Wan, Qiang Fu
With the hot topic in the field of “Reform and Innovation of Education under the New Situation of the Belt and Road”, the public awareness of STEM education has increased remarkably. STEM is the organic unification of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and the purpose is to train high-level...
Proceedings Article

Development of Problem Based Learning Module for Natural Science (MIPA) Grade XI in Senior High School (SMAN 3) Kerinci

D Permatasari, A Anhar
Students have difficilty in understanding the topic of respiration and excretion system because the topics are memorized, altough the topics are very close to life, so students need a module that can help them in finding concepts base on problems that are close to life. The modules had used in the school...

What Happens after the COVID-19 Crisis: Managing “Patient Surge” in Academic Breast Imaging Division

Afnan Fahd Almuhanna
Pages: 85 - 86
The first case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was reported in the Eastern Province (Qatif City) on March 2, 2020 (Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health, Since then, a cluster of cases continued to expand and spread throughout...

Measurement and Evaluation of Regional Financial Integration in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao: Based on the Panel Data from 2000 to 2018

Shizhong Xiong, Dongxu Yang, Xiaofang Xiong
Financial integration is the trend and hub of China’s contemporary high-quality economic development and regional financial integration is an important carrier to realize the coordinated and stable development of regional economy and promote financial innovation. Taking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao...

Young Scientist Pioneer 2019: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Program at SMK Wira Penrissen, Sarawak

Amalina Yusup, Asraful Syifaa‘ Ahmad, Rafidah Muhamad, Nabilah Kassim, Fathiah Nabila Mohd Daud, Nurazrin Mohd Esa, Liza Md Salleh, D. Dahyuna Mohd Yunos, Nursyazwani Aznan, Rafidah Abd Rahim, Mohd Iskandar Ishak, Filzah Hazirah Jaffar, Nurlaila Syamsul Bahri, Nurul Diyana Zainal, Muhamad Farhin Harun, Sarah Alia Norazlan
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) is a new subject module to prepare the students with high skills demanded by the industry based on Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025. The purpose of this study is to review and analyses the effectiveness of the program done in SMK Wira Penrissen,...

Exploration on Teaching Reform of Engineering Mechanics Under the Training Mode of Applied Talents

Yu Dong
Taking the problems existing in the theoretical and experimental teaching of engineering mechanics in Shandong Technology and Business University as an example, this paper analyzes and studies the problems existing in the theoretical teaching and experimental teaching of engineering mechanics, which...
Proceedings Article

The Study on the Biology Formula Under All Nutrients Eco-organic Type Soilless Culture System

Lin Na, Du Hang, Xing YingYing, Zong YongGang, Liu ZiHao
With the continuous development of the world’s facilities, the level of control of the environment is increasing. China is the largest vegetable cultivation area, the traditional facilities of vegetable cultivation mainly use the soil within the facility, and in this cultivation mode, inevitably lead...