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188667 articles

Characteristic of Manuscript Salasilah Raja-Raja Minangkabau: A Codicology Study

Nurizzati, W. S. Hasanuddin, Zulfadhli, Novia Juita, M. Ismail Nst, Hanifah Yulia Sari
Minangkabau classic manuscript that contains the recording of the system and pattern of old society has been saved in libraries, museums, and by its own people. Salasilah Raja-raja Minangkabau manuscript used as the object of this research was a private collection. This hundred-years-old hand-written...

RADEC Model in Increasing Student Scientific Literacy Primary School Teacher Education Study Program

Y. Nurhayati, W. Sopandi, Riandi
This research is motivated by the scientific literacy abilities of students in the Primary School/PGSD Teacher Education Study Program which are closely related to the scientific literacy learning process, where the reality in science learning shows that the scientific literacy abilities of PGSD students...

Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities

Eny Winaryati, Zanaton H. Iksan, Rose A. Rauf, Budiono, Iwan Junaedi, Dodi Mulyadi, Eko A. Purnomo, Madya G. Aditama
Collaborative learning in solving problems is a feature of Lesson Study (LS). The purpose of this article is to analyze the teacher as an educator and learning researcher from the phenomenon of Lesson study activities in the Muhammadiyah School Lesson Study Community. The research method used was based...

Frame Work Occupational Accident-Based Labor Law Enforcement in the Protection of Labor Rights

Dwi Iman Muthaqin
Sustainable legal development is one of the goals of the rechtsstaat concept, in line with this the Republic of Indonesia strives to always protect all its citizens, this is the goal of the state and is stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. Legal development is oriented on how to implement...
Proceedings Article

Research on the influence of chain shareholders on auditor behavior-An empirical study based on Logistic and Ols regression analysis

Xiuying He, Xinxin Li
Based on the real situation of China's capital market, this paper takes non-financial listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2007 to 2021 as samples to explore the impact of chain shareholders from the perspective of auditor behavior. Using Stata16 software for data processing, Logistic...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Heavy Equipment Usage for Railway Track Works

M. Adib Kurniawan, Puspita Dewi, Wahyu Tamtomo Adi, A. Subagio
Effective use of heavy equipment is an essential factor in construction work completion. Analysis of heavy equipment usage optimization for excavation work on the detour track construction of the Solo-Semarang Phase I double track project is intended to provide an overview of the number of needs, equipment...

Design and research of automatic carpet laying machine

Jun Zhe Cao, Nan Qin
Under the stimulus and promotion of socialist market economy, various large space architectural forms gradually increase. In such as workshop, workshop, exhibition, hotel and other large space occasions, often need to lay carpet on the ground. Most large space occasions, directly using manual carpet...

Effectiveness of Village Government Performance in Managing Village Finances Through the Village Financial System Progra

Indah Tri Wulandari, Hanantyo Sri Nugroho, Ferri Wicaksono, Ardiyati Ardiyati
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of the performance of the Mireng Village Government, Trucuk District, Klaten Regency in managing village finances. An interesting problem finding for research is maintaining village financial management methods which were previously carried out manually...

Hybridity Lifestyle and Fashion in Allah Jang Palsoe

Lidwina Putu Gratia Ekaristi, Cahyaningrum Dewojati
In a colonized country, a cultural encounter is inevitable. The natives, with their authentic culture and the colonizers carrying their colonial values, get into contact for an extended period. Dutch East Indies, Indonesia’s former official name under the Dutch occupation, had a long colonial history...

Capturing Students’ Self-Efficacy Levels in The Completion of Academic Assignments

Muhammad Arya Seta Alif Akhdan Antar Ariq, Luky Kurniawan, Ruly Ningsih, Nur Sholehah Dian Saputri
The main problem in this research is that some students feel left behind in attending lectures and some students are negligent in doing lecture assignments. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of self-efficacy of students in completing academic assignments. The approach used in the research...

From Peach Blossom Land to Yellow Earth: The Transformation of the “Rural” Context of Chinese Literature from a Postcolonial Perspective

Jie Tao
From Shen Congwen’s Border Town to Wang Zengqi’s The Love Story of a Young Monk to Mo Yan’s Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out and Frog, the image of the Chinese “rural” gradually changed from the idealistic “Peach Blossom Land,” the traditional Chinese spiritual home of harmony and idyll, to the “Yellow...
Proceedings Article

Margarine from RBDPO in Stirred Tanks with Cooling Jacked

Erwana Dewi, Elina Margaretty, Taufiquraahman Taufiquraahman, Zulkifli Zulkifli
The use of RBDPO ingredients for margarine has a positive impact on the increasing value of palm oil, margarine is a promising product to be developed on food industry. It is necessary to have a technology for margarine production process. The purpose of this study using the stirred tanks with cooling...

Vietnamese Legal Framework for Green Credit: A Decade Towards Sustainability

Nguyen The Duc Tam, Pham Thi Nhu Quynh
Green credit is paramount because they address environmental challenges, promote economic growth, and meet evolving societal expectations regarding sustainability. They not only contribute to enhancing our environmental conditions but also drive society towards sustainable development. This paper examines...

Examining the Push-Pull Motivations and Revisit Intention to Langkawi Island as Cultural Heritage Destination

Nor Asmalina Mohd Anuar, Khairul Mohd Azemi, Nurul Fadhlina Mohammad Husni, Muhammad Firdaus Asraf Khalit, Muhammad Amirul Izham Mohd Nawawi
Langkawi Island is one of the popular tourism destinations in Malaysia that presents a diverse range of activities and offerings. In fact, this area has valued the cultural heritage experience and authentically symbolizes the stories and people of the past and present, which include historical, cultural...

The Viability of Employee Engagement Approach During Covid-19 Pandemic Among Academics in Malaysian Private Higher Educational Institutions: A Literature Review

Afandi Yusof, Al-Mansor Abu Said, Mohd Rizal Abdul Razak, Cheah Chew Sze, Cheah Yeh Ying, Yeow Jian Ai, Rudaini Sham Abdullah Jumain
The Covid-19 epidemic has compelled higher education institutions to adapt to numerous quick advances in order to replace conventional face-to-face sessions. Various worries have been expressed by educational institutions all around the world, particularly about the influence of academics in surviving...

The Foundation of Poetry Appreciation in Poetry Recitation Videos by Indonesian Language Subject Teachers

Faruk, I. Dewa Putu Wijana, Anis Mashlihatin
This paper delves into the essence of poetry appreciation, both from the perspective of educators and students, within the context of videos created by teachers participating in the Student Creativity Program of the Doctoral Study Program in Humanities Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Drawing from...
Proceedings Article

Rock Reinforcement Data for Analysis and Design

John Hadjigeorgiou
This paper discusses the challenges of selecting representative ground support data to investigate the influence of reinforcement in design of underground excavations in hard rock. This is presented with reference to a limit equilibrium rigid wedge analysis. The case is made that the use of “typical”...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Impact of Highway Tunnel Blasting Construction on High Voltage Electric Towers

Ying Yang, Chengxing Zheng, Fandi Gao, Lei Chen
The highway is aligned with a 110kV high-voltage power tower. Tunnel excavation and blasting operations may cause certain deformation or affect the use of high-voltage electric towers. Using numerical simulation methods, analyze the possible effects of tunnel excavation on the settlement and tilting...
Proceedings Article

Impact Resistance of Defective Grouted Sleeve Joints Using Ultra-High Strength Grout

Qizhou Liu, Yinchu Li, Chuchu Li, Fan Xiang, Weidong Pang, Xuankun Wu, Mingfa Li, Yuefeng Hu
Assembled buildings need to meet impact resistance requirements during service. Incompact sleeve grouting is extremely common in assembled buildings, which can result in serious grouting defects that can significantly weaken the impact resistance of building nodes, potentially leading to continuous collapse...
Proceedings Article

Investigating the Technologies and Applications of Question-Answering: A Study Focused on ChatGPT

Zihang Deng
This paper embarks on an extensive exploration into the application of OpenAI’s ChatGPT model within Question and Answer (Q&A) systems. With the advancement of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies, a new era of conversational artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged....

Transformational-Digital Leadership of School Principals for Service Acceleration and Digital Literacy: Empirique Study Literature Review

Primardiana Hermilia Wijayati, Ali Imron, Syamsul Hadi, Kamilatun Nisa, Amelia Dwi Lestari
The influence of technological sophistication and the internet has caused various disruptions that are currently global in nature in society, especially in the leadership of school principals who are required to keep up with the times with their relation to the digital world. Elementary schools have...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Recreational Activities and Assessment of Service Range for Urban Comprehensive Parks: A Case Study from the Perspective of Mobile Signaling Data

Cheng Wang, Jingyuan Chen, Yunbin Zhang, Dan Li, Zhiqiang Gan, Meng Zhu
In the current trend of shifting from qualitative to quantitative research on the benefits of park green spaces, employing spatiotemporal big data analysis techniques such as mobile signaling data to investigate the interaction patterns between visitors and parks holds significant importance for gaining...

Research on the Tiles with Patterns of Dunhuang Mogao Cave Art, China

Yifei Chen
Since the Han and Jin dynasties, when Buddhism flourished, people believed in the present life and even more so in the afterlife, and thus there were many prestigious families who built large numbers of burial plots, and a large number of tiles with patterns were a product of the reverence for thick...
Proceedings Article

An improvement of Ad hoc On-demand Vector Routing Protocol with buffer queue metric

Van Vuong Ngo
The ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) is a routing protocol that is usually used in the mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and other wireless ad hoc networks. The AODV is a reactive protocol, so a source node will use control messages to find routes to a destination node whenever there are data packets...

Factors that Affect Technology Acceptance Model Towards E-Wallet in Business Sector: Systematic Literature Review

Nurul Labanihuda Abdull Rahman, Hasyeilla Abd Mutalib, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Nursyamilah Annuar, Sharifah K. Musairah
In recent years, a brand-new alternate payment method called the e-wallet has arisen. In light of the government’s ambition to create a cashless society, mobile payment technology, notably e-wallets, is attracting more attention lately. A thorough examination of these aspects is nevertheless impossible...
Proceedings Article

Behavior of Vehicle Platoon with Limited Output Information Based on Constant Time Heading

Agung Prayitno, Veronica Indrawati, Pyae Pyae Phyo
This paper presents synchronization of vehicle platoon with limited-output information based on constant time heading spacing policy. Two control schemes, namely neighborhood controller neighborhood observer and neighborhood controller local observer designed based on constant time heading will be applied...

Media Design for Learning of 3D Animation Based Hydrocarbon Compounds in Vocational Schools

Dony Novaliendry, Asrul Huda, Fitrah Maulana Adri, Teguh Ikhsani Putra, Resha Trijaya Ardika
The results of this study resulted in the development of hydrocarbon-based 3D learning media products in chemistry subjects that have been validated and explained by validators, teacher practicality, and also effectiveness to students. This study uses the Research and Development method with five stages...

Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure Model in Indonesian Banking Industry 2018-2022

Andwiani Sinarasri, Aik Nur Pratiwi, Dyah N. A. Janie, Alwiyah Alwiyah
This research aims to empirically examine the factors that can influence Indonesian Banking Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure listed on the IDX for the 2018-2022 period. The background of this research is to prove the effectiveness of regulations regarding how companies report their risk management....
Proceedings Article

Detection Model for URL Phishing with Comparison Between Shallow Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models

Nizam Aditya Zuhayr, Girinoto, Nurul Qomariasih, Hermawan Setiawan
In the report on trends in phishing activity released by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), global phishing cases continued to increase throughout 2021 to the first quarter of 2022. This study compares shallow machine learning algorithms that have been used by governments with deep learning in classifying...
Proceedings Article

Transmission Coefficient of Triple Potential Barrier Combination Structure Using Two-Dimensional Schrodinger Equation

Bambang Supriadi, Tamara Pingki, Hana Mardhiana, Nurul Faridah, Elma Tri Istighfarini, Subiki
Electronic devices that are made from semiconductors have made a lot of progress in the size of basic components that are more practical and effective, meaning that the size is getting smaller with greater data storage. The progress of these electronic devices cannot be separated from the tunneling effect...

Board Game Design to Learn about User Persona in Entrepreneurship Programme in Kurikulum Merdeka

Nadia Mahatmi
Persona is a fictional character that represents the target audience so that the design process can be right on target. Knowledge of persona is very important in the world of entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurship Program is one of the programs launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Kurikulum...

Determination of the Business Ecosystem Key Characteristics in the Economic and Legal Space

I. Tkachenko, L. Ramenskaya
There are two key characteristics of ecosystems were identified and described in the article, based on bibliographic analysis: boundaries and stakeholders. Based on the analysis of definitions, the main approaches to defining the boundaries of ecosystems determined: relationships with the leader through...

Counseling for Muna Tribe’s Women of Sulawesi Tenggara

Maria Margaretha Sri Hastuti, Yulia Kristiyanti Wa Ada Mr
This initial study raised local wisdom-based counseling for women from the Muna tribe. Women of the Muna tribe of Southeast Sulawesi are obliged to undergo the Karia tradition, when they are 15-16 years old or enter adulthood. This tradition instills noble values as a provision for life as children,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of harmonic behavior in power grids with induction melting furnaces

Ariunbolor Purvee, Ankhbayar Vandandorj
This research paper investigates the impact of an 800 kW induction furnace on power quality within a connected power grid. The performance and lifespan of induction furnaces can be negatively affected by harmonic voltages and currents. The degree of harmonic distortion in an induction furnace is influenced...

Sentiment Analysis on the Perception of Sharia Fintech in Indonesia

Muhammad Isa, Wiku Suryomurti
This research was conducted to review the perception of sharia fintech in Indonesia within the scope of sharia economics, both in terms of scientific research in the form of published journals and the sentiments of the Indonesian people in responding to the development of sharia fintech. The method used...

The Dichotomy of Curriculum Responsiveness and Graduate Unemployment in South African Higher Education

Princess Thulile Duma, Samson Adeoluwa Adewumi, Phiwayinkosi Richmond Gumede
The direct implication of curriculum as a response to the upsurge in unemployment is still without some doubt, particularly in the context of higher education in South Africa. For the first time in history, the unemployment rate has increased to an all-time high of 32.7%, with young unemployment at 61%....
Conference Abstract


I. Softley, E. Kier, S. Cooke, M. Bowes, L. Watkeys, N. Gale, J. Cockcroft, B. McDonnell
Pages: 146 - 146
Conference Abstract


D. Agnoletti, S. Millasseau, G. Amah, C. Guiti, S. Gagey, J. Peroz, M. Duval, K. Abdennbi
Pages: 146 - 147
Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a measure of vascular organ damage. After a cardiac event, patients can be proposed to follow an educational and exercise program to prevent future events and improve their cardiovascular risk. We hypothesized that the improvement of aerobic performance will depend...
Conference Abstract


F. Dahboul, C. Perrin-Sarrado, K. Maguin Gate, A. Boudier, C. Gaucher-di Stasio, P. Liminana, I. Lartaud, A. Pompella, P. Leroy
Pages: 146 - 147
Conference Abstract


D.S. Picone, R.E.D. Climie, K.D.K. Ahuja, M.A. Keske, J.E. Sharman
Pages: 146 - 146
Objectives: The reference standard for non-invasive central blood pressure (BP) measurement is radial tonometry calibrated using brachial BP. Brachial-to-radial-systolic-BP-amplification (Bra-Rad-SBPAmp) may introduce error into central BP measurement but the magnitude of Bra-Rad-SBPAmp in healthy people...
Conference Abstract


F. Mohand-Kaci, N. Assoul, R. Bosc, E. Allaire, M. Zidi
Pages: 146 - 146
Conference Abstract


C. De Ciuceis, C. Rossini, E. La Boria, S. Duse, F. Semeraro, C. Agabiti Rosei, P. Airò, M. Scarsi, A. Tincani, M.L. Muiesan, A. Paini, M. Salvetti, E. Porteri, E. Agabiti Rosei, D. Rizzoni
Pages: 146 - 146
Conference Abstract


S.N. Nikolic, M.J. Adams, L.M. Edwards, J.E. Sharman
Pages: 146 - 146
Background: A hypertensive response to exercise (HRE) at moderate intensity is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events and mortality, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. This study sought to determine the haemodynamic predictors of exercise blood pressure (BP) and an HRE. Methods:...
Proceedings Article

Application of Load Cell Sensors in Gallon Size Detection for IoT-based Refill Depot Applications

Pitoyo Yuliatmojo, Jusuf Bintoro, Yusuf Syani
The purpose of this study is to apply load cell sensors on gallon size detectors for Internet of Things-based refill depots that can fill water into gallons and record the number of gallons that have been filled into the database which then the records can be accessed through the internet in realtime....